Electron Beam Production and Characterization for the PLEIADES Thomson X-Ray Source W. J. Brown1, F. V. Hartemann1, A. M. Tremaine1, P. T. Springer1, G. P. Le Sage1, C.PJ. Barty1, J. B. Rosenzweig2, J. K. Crane1, R. R. Cross1, D. N. Fittinghoff1, D. J. Gibson3, D.R. Slaughter1, S. Anderson2 ! Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA. 94550 UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy, 405 Hilgard Ave, Los Angeles, CA. 90095 5 UCD Department of Applied Science, 661 Hertz Hall, Livermore, CA, 94550 2 Abstract. We report on the performance of an S-band RF photocathode electron gun and accelerator for operation with the PLEIADES Thomson x-ray source at LLNL. Simulations of beam production, transport, and focus are presented. It is shown that a 1 ps, 500 pC electron bunch with a normalized emittance of less than 5 Tcmm-mrad can be delivered to the interaction point. Initial electron measurements are presented. Calculations of expected x-ray flux are also performed, demonstrating an expected peak spectral brightness of 1020 photons/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1% bandwidth. Effects of RF phase jitter are also presented, and planned phase measurements and control methods are discussed. INTRODUCTION PLEIADES (Picosecond Laser Electron InterAction for Dynamic Evaluation of Structures) is a next generation Thomson scattering x-ray source being developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Ultra-fast ps x-rays (10-200 keV) will be generated by colliding an energetic electron beam (20-100 MeV) with a high intensity, sub-ps, 800 nm laser pulse. Generation of sub-ps pulses of hard x-rays (30 keV) has previously been demonstrated at the LBNL Advanced Light Source injector linac, with x-ray beam fluxes of 105 photons per pulse [1]. The LLNL source is expected to achieve fluxes between 107 - 108 photons for pulse durations of 100 fs to 5 ps using interaction geometries ranging from 90° (side-on collision) to 180° (headon collision). To achieve such a high x-ray flux, a very high brightness electron beam, capable of being focused to a roughly 20 jim spot size at the interaction point, will be required. The PLEIADES beamline has been designed to meet these demands by producing a 1-2 ps, 500 pC bunch with a normalized emittance of less than 5 Timmmrad. CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 830 nteraction Chamber ending Magnet FIGURE FIGURE 1. 1. Interaction Interaction geometry. geometry. EXPERIMENTAL EXPERIMENTAL LAYOUT LAYOUT The The PLEIADES PLEIADES facility facility consists consists of of aa Ti-Sapphire Ti-Sapphire OPCPA OPCPA laser laser system system capable capable of of producing producing bandwidth bandwidth limited limited laser laser pulses pulses of of 50 50 fs fs with with up up to 11 joule of energy at 800 800 nm, nm, an an S-band S-band photo-cathode photo-cathode RF RF gun [2], [2], and a 100 100 MeV MeV linac linac consisting consisting of of 4, 4, 2.5-meter-long 2.5-meter-long accelerator accelerator sections. sections. The The RF RF gun gun is driven by a picosecond, 11 mJ, ml, UV laser laser that that is is synchronized synchronized to to the the interaction interaction drive drive laser. laser. A A schematic schematic of of the the interaction interaction region region is is shown shown in in Figure Figure 1. 1. To To maximize maximize x-ray flux flux while while minimizing minimizing effects effects of of timing timing jitter, jitter, the the laser laser incidence incidence angle angle will will initially initially be be 180 180 degrees degrees with with respect respect to to the the electron beam direction, though aa 90 degree interaction geometry geometry will will also also be be possible. possible. The The focal focal length length between between the the final final focus focus quadrupole quadrupole triplet triplet and and the the interaction interaction region is 10 10 cm cm to to allow allow for for maximum focus strength and minimum minimum electron electron bunch bunch spot spot size. size. A A 30-degree 30-degree bend bend dipole dipole magnet magnet will will be be used used to to bend bend the the electron electron bunch bunch out out of of the the x-ray x-ray beam beam path path following following the the interaction. interaction. An An offoffaxis axis 1.5 1.5 m m focal focal length, length, parabolic parabolic mirror mirror will will be be used used to to focus focus the the laser laser to to aa diffraction-limited diffraction-limited 15 15 µm jim FWHM FWHM spot spot size size at at the the interaction interaction point. point. A A beryllium beryllium flat flat mirror mirror placed placed in in the the x-ray x-ray beam beam path path will will serve serve as as the the final final steering steering optic optic for for the laser, while while being being transparent transparent to to the the x-ray x-ray beam. beam. ELECTRON ELECTRON BEAM BEAM PRODUCTION PRODUCTION Initial Initial experiments experiments will will focus focus on on the the generation generation of of 30 30 keV keV x-rays x-rays produced in in aa head on on collision collision using using aa 35 35 MeV MeV electron electron beam. beam. The The beamline has been fully head modeled, modeled, from from the the S-band S-band photo-cathode photo-cathode RF RF gun to the interaction point using the Los Alamos Alamos particle particle dynamics dynamics code, code, PARMELA, PARMELA, and and the the electro-static electro-static and and electromagnetic electromagnetic field field solvers: solvers: POISSON POISSON and and SUPERFISH. SUPERFISH. These These include include simulations simulations of of emittance emittance compensation compensation between between the the RF RF gun gun and and the the first first linac linac section, section, velocity velocity 831 compression compression of of the the bunch bunch through through the the first first linac section, and subsequent acceleration and optimization optimization of of beam beam energy energy spread and emittance during transport through the and subsequent accelerator accelerator sections. sections. subsequent The two two primary primary factors factors that that determine determine the minimum electron bunch spot size The the interaction interaction point point are are beam beam emittance and energy spread. In addition, the x-ray atat the flux will will also also depend depend on on electron electron bunch charge. However, optimizing emittance and flux energy spread spread places places aa practical practical limit limit on the amount of charge in the bunch. After energy finding optimized optimized cases cases for for several several different different bunch bunch charges, 0.5 nC was found to be a finding good compromise compromise between between high high bunch bunch charge and low emittance. good The RF RF gun gun isis designed designed to to accelerate accelerate an electron bunch to an initial energy of 5 The MeV. The The beam beam will will then then be be transported transported to the first first linac section, during which MeV. emittance compensation compensation is is performed performed by by focusing focusing the beam to a waist with a solenoid emittance placed directly directly after after the the RF RF gun. gun. In In the the first first linac section, the beam is injected near the placed zero crossing of the accelerating field in zero crossing of the accelerating field in order to provide an energy chirp to the beam. This results results in in velocity velocity compression compression of the accelerated bunch. The second accelerator This section isis then then used used to to accelerate accelerate the the beam beam from from about 10 MeV to the final beam section energy, about about 35 35 MeV. MeV. The The third third section can then be used to remove a large portion of energy, the energy energy spread spread induced induced by by the the velocity velocity compression process. Throughout the the acceleration process, process, the the linac linac solenoids solenoids are carefully carefully optimized to minimize emittance acceleration growth. growth. 40 tu 7 ' 6 « 6 52 O 5 s»x f\\.•••-••.*, ''' / ^ Bunch Duration —— Bunch Duration (FWHM) (FWHM) dE (%) - - - dE (%) 30 30 - - Energy Energy 25 25 f ^ 20 20 8) 15 15 = ^ 4 i3 35 oo f r/ .\ \ '' 3 2 2 1 : \ ^ 10 10 11 ^'~ ~ "• ; 00 5 5 1 (0 ) Energy (MeV) Duration FWHM (ps), dE (%) 8 o 500 500 * * .. . . - - - - - - - - - • • 1000 1000 z (cm) z (cm) 1 0 0 1500 1500 FIGURE 2A. 2A. PARMELA PARMELA simulation simulation showing showing electron electron bunch bunch parameters parameters (energy, (energy, energy FIGURE energy spread, spread, and and bunch length) length) versus versus longitudinal longitudinal position position in in the the beam beam line. line. The The gun gun cathode cathode position position corresponds bunch corresponds to to zz cm, while while the the interaction interaction region region is is located located at at zz == 1700 1700 cm. cm. ==00cm, 832 6o 55 55 i 44 -^ σx,σy (mm) 4 3 )' ^ CO (πmm-mrad) εn(Timm-mrad 6o — yy emittance emittance — yy rms rms(mm) (mm) — xx emittance) emittance) — -xx rms rms (mm) (mm) - - Magnetic Magnetic Field Field | 33 ^ ^ os 2 V |\\ \' 11 - \ \'1V/ \x^^x ;'" 0n 0 V /•/ !i ^x Y; 500 500 Xx :ii ' v > ' Ii I ! 'i 22 \i ' ii - ; -—- -Li —l-^' 1000 1000 zz(cm) (cm) ^ "i 11 - 0n 1500 1500 FIGURE FIGURE 2B. 2B. PARMELA PARMELA simulation simulation showing showing electron electron bunch bunch parameters parameters (emittance, (emittance, and and spot spot size. size, versus versus longitudinal longitudinal position position in in the the beam beam line. line. The The dotted dotted line line shows shows the the solenoid solenoid magnetic magnetic field field strength strength (in the four four linac linac solenoids. (in kG) kG) for for the the gun gun solenoid solenoid and and the solenoids. Figure beam characteristics characteristics Figure 2a 2a and and 2b 2b show show the the evolution evolution of of several several of of the the beam during during the the acceleration acceleration process process determined determined from from PARMELA PARMELA simulations, simulations, including including emittance, emittance, energy energy spread, spread, and and bunch bunch length. length. Velocity Velocity compression compression is is used used to to reduce reduce the bunch length from about 6 ps at the entrance of the accelerator to about 1.7 the bunch length from about 6 ps at the entrance of the accelerator to about 1.7 ps ps at at its its exit. While it is possible to compress further, this bunch length was chosen exit. While it is possible to compress further, this bunch length was chosen to to minimize minimize emittance emittance growth growth resulting resulting from from the the compression compression process, process, while while maximizing maximizing x-ray x-ray yield yield from from the the Thomson Thomson scattering scattering interaction. interaction. By By not not compressing compressing fully, fully, itit is is also possible to remove more of the energy spread in the bunch by accelerating also possible to remove more of the energy spread in the bunch by accelerating off off crest crest in in subsequent subsequent accelerator accelerator sections. sections. This This is is performed performed by by accelerating accelerating the the bunch bunch at the opposite zero crossing (180 degree shift) of the zero crossing used at the opposite zero crossing (180 degree shift) of the zero crossing used in in first first accelerator accelerator section section to to compress compress the the beam. beam. At At the the exit exit of of the the linac, linac, the the bunch bunch energy energy spread spread has has been been reduced reduced to to 0.5 0.5 % % rms, rms, while while the the rms rms normalized normalized emittance emittance is is 3.5 3.5 πmm-mrad. Timm-mrad. Final Final focus focus simulations simulations were were performed performed using using PARMELA PARMELA and and Trace-3D. Trace-SD. The The electrons electrons are are transported transported 33 meters meters from from the the accelerator accelerator exit exit and and focused focused with with aa quadrupole quadrupole triplet. triplet. The The triplet triplet is is about about 50 50 cm cm long, long, and and the the focal focal length length is is about about 10 10 cm. cm. The The maximum maximum field field gradient gradient in in the the quadrupole quadrupole magnets magnets is is 15 15 T/m. T/m. The The rms rms convergence convergence angle angle of of the the focus focus is is about about 33 mrad. mrad. In In the the simulation, simulation, the the beam beam is is initially initially defocused y, leading defocused in in y, leading to to aa larger larger size size in in this this dimension dimension going going into into the the second second quadrupole. quadrupole. This This results results in in more more significant significant chromatic chromatic aberrations aberrations in in the the yy dimension dimension than than in in x, jc, and and is is manifested manifested by by aa slightly slightly larger larger emittance emittance and and spot spot size size in in yy at at the the interaction point, as can be seen in PARMELA simulations of the final focus. Figure interaction point, as can be seen in PARMELA simulations of the final focus. Figure 33 833 shows the transverse profile of the electron bunch at at the focus focus as as determined determined by by PARMELA. The electron beam focus parameters are are summarized summarized in in Table Table 1.1. 0.015 0.01 in 0.010 0.010- y (cm) 0.005 0.0050.000 o.ooo-0.005 -0.005 -0.010 -0.010 -0.015 -O.i -0.015 .D15 -0.010 -0.010 -0.005 -0.005 0.000 0.000 xx(cm) (cm) 0.005 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.015 0.015 FIGURE 3. FIGURE 3. Profile Profile of of the the electron electron beam beam at at focus. focus. TABLE 1. TABLE 1. Electron Electron Beam Beam Parameters Parameters at at Focus. Focus. Parameter Value Parameter Value 3.4 εfxn xn (mm-mrad) 3.4 (mm-mrad) 5.0 ε£yn yn (mm-mrad) 5.0 (mm-mrad) 12 σ 12 C7xX (µm) (urn) 20 σ (µm) y 20 <jy (Jim) 0.74 σ 0.74 &tt (ps) (ps) Bunch Charge 0.5 Bunch Charge (nC) (nC) 0.5 CALCULATION CALCULATION OF OF X-RAY X-RAY PRODUCTION PRODUCTION The expected expected x-ray The x-ray production production was was calculated calculated and and the the effects effects of of RF RF phase phase and and timing jitter were determined by integrating the emission probability per unit timing jitter were determined by integrating the emission probability per unit time, time, dNx/dt, /dt, given given by by dN x dN dN x ( t ) = σc nγ ( x ,t ) ne ( x ,t ) d 3 x, ∫∫∫ dt dt JC / ^ \ _ 834 (1) (1) where density, where NNx x isis the the total total number number of of x-rays x-rays produced, produced, «/x,/) nγ(x,t) is is the the laser laser photon photon density, nnee(x,i) section. The The calculations calculations (x,t) is is the the electron electron density, density, and and a σ is is total total Thomson Thomson cross cross section. were with the the PARMELA PARMELA were performed performed for for aa 300 300 ml, mJ, 300 300 fs fs laser laser pulse pulse in in conjunction conjunction with output profile, (x,t). In In this this case, case, «/x,/) nγ(x,t) was was assumed assumed to to have have aa Gaussian Gaussian profile, output in in place place of of nnee(xj). given given by by t − z / c 2 ηγ 2r 2 -exp (2) , nγ ( r , z , t ) = exp 2 exp − − 2 2 2 1 + ( z / z0 ) ∆t w0 1 + ( z / z0 ) where where zz00 isis the the laser laser Rayleigh Rayleigh length, length, At ∆t is is the the pulse pulse duration, T| ηyγ is the peak photon density, and w is the minimum laser spot size. n (xj) is replaced with a delta-function ee(x,t) density, and w00 is the minimum laser spot representing the position and charge of each PARMELA macro-particle as a function representing the position and charge of of of time. time. Figure Figure 44 shows shows the the calculated calculated x-ray x-ray pulse pulse profile profile in time. The average photon 19 energy energy isis 30 30 kV, kV, and and the the peak peak x-ray x-ray flux flux is about 6 x 10 photons/s with an integrated 88 photon photon yield yield of of about about 10 .. A A 3-D 3-D frequency frequency domain calculation [3] of the x-ray output has has also also been been performed, performed, showing showing the the spectral bandwidth to be about 10%. The peak 20 2 2 spectral photons/s/0.1% bandwidth/mm /mrad .. spectral brightness brightness is is calculated calculated to to be be 1020 photons/s/0.1% Effects Effects of of phase phase jitter jitter were simulated by varying the relative phase of the linac sections sections with with respect respect to to the the RF RF gun gun in in the PARMELA simulations, and using the resulting resulting electron electron beam beam parameters parameters in the calculation of the x-ray production. Figure 55 shows shows the the expected expected x-ray x-ray yield yield versus versus phase phase jitter jitter for the cases where the electron beam beam isis compressed compressed in in the the first first section section (accelerated near the zero crossing), and not compressed compressed (accelerated (accelerated on on crest). crest). Flux (Nxx/s) /s) as as aa function function of time (ps Flux 19 6 .10 6-10 4.8 .10 4.8-10 19 19 3.6 .10 3.6-10 2.4 .10 2.4-10 19 19 1.2 .10 1.2-10 0 3.75 -2.5 2.5 -1.25 1.25 ~55 -3.75 0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5 8 FIGURE4. 4. X-ray X-ray flux flux (photon/s) (photon/s) vs. vs. time time (ps). (ps). The The total total number of photons in the pulse is about 10 FIGURE 108, andthe the average average photon photon energy energy is is 30kV. 30kV. and 835 Integerated X-ray Dose (x107) 25 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -3 - 3 -1 - 1 11 33 5 5 Phase Phase Shift Shift (degrees) (degrees) FIGURE5.5.Simulated Simulatedx-ray x-rayyield yieldversus versusphase phaseshift shift (Solid: (Solid: compressed compressed beam. beam. Dotted: uncompressed). FIGURE seenthat that the the phase phase jitter jitter requirement requirement for for the compressed beam is less than ItItisisseen than one one degree(or (orabout about11ps). ps).Thus, Thus, picosecond picosecond phase phase and and timing timing control control will be required to degree maintainstability stabilityof ofthe thex-ray x-ray source source when when velocity velocity compression compression is implemented. maintain ELECTRON BEAM BEAM CHARACTERIZATION CHARACTERIZATION ELECTRON Todate, date,electron electronbunches buncheswith with up up to to 700 700 pC pC of of charge charge have have been been produced with up to To 100µJjoJofofUV UVlaser laser energy energy incident incident on on the the gun gun photo-cathode. photo-cathode. The beam has been 100 been transportedthrough throughthe thelinac linac and and accelerated accelerated up up to to 60 60 MeV. MeV. Emittance Emittance measurements transported havebeen beenperformed performed using using aa quad quad scan. scan. Figure Figure 66 shows shows quad quad scan scan data data for for aa 300 have 300 pC, pC, 60 MeV MeV bunch. bunch. The The measurements measurements were were performed performed with with aa 10 10 cm cm effective effective length 60 length quadrupolemagnet magnet placed placed after after the the final final linac linac section. section. The The beam beam profile profile was was imaged quadrupole imaged withaaYAG YAGscintillator scintillator placed placed 1.42 1.42 meters meters from from the the quadrupole. quadrupole. The with The rms rms normalized normalized emittanceisis14.6 14.6πmm-mrad, Timm-mrad,and andthe the Twiss Twiss parameters parameters are are given given by emittance by aα = = -1.15 -1.15 and and (3 β == 7.84mm/mrad. mm/mrad.Improvements Improvementsin inemittance emittance are are expected expected with with improvements improvements in 7.84 in the the UV UV drivelaser laseruniformity uniformity and andoptimization optimization of of the the electron electron beam beam transport. transport. drive Phase jitter between the drive laser oscillator and the RF phase Phase jitter between the drive laser oscillator and the RF phase in in the the gun gun has has been measured by mixing a 2.8 GHz signal generated by the laser oscillator with aa been measured by mixing a 2.8 GHz signal generated by the laser oscillator with signalproduced produced by by aa probe probe inside inside the the RF RF gun. gun. This This has has shown shown short signal short time time scale scale (< (< 11 minute) phase stability of ± 1 degree. Longer term phase drifts will be eliminated minute) phase stability of ± 1 degree. Longer term phase drifts will be eliminated by by aa computer controlled feed back loop and voltage controlled phase shifter. Plans are computer controlled feed back loop and voltage controlled phase shifter. Plans are also also underwaytoto implement implement aa direct direct measurement measurement of of the the UV UV drive drive laser laser arrival underway arrival phase phase in in theRF RFgun. gun.The Thedirect directphase phase measurement measurement will will employ employ aa 20 20 GHz GHz bandwidth, bandwidth, 800 800 nm nm the opticalfiber fiber switch switchmodulated modulated by by microwaves microwaves sampled sampled from from the the RF RF gun gun to optical to provide provide aa 836 nonlinear correlation between the gun fields and the IR laser pulse used to produce the UV photocathode drive laser. 0.8 _ 0.6 - E. «r 0.4 ' 0.2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 dB/dx (T/m) FIGURE 6. Quad scan measurement of 60 MeV electron beam. en = 14.6 Tcmm-mrad. CONCLUSIONS The PLEIADES Thomson x-ray source facility will provide high brightness (> 107 x-rays/pulse), picosecond pulses for dynamic measurements in matter, including radiography, dynamic diffraction, and spectroscopy. The PLEIADES electron beamline will be capable of producing the high brightness electron beam needed to drive this source. Simulations have shown that a 1 ps, 500 pC bunch with an rms normalized emittance of less than 5 Timm-mrad should be achievable, and will allow for the attainment of a 20-30 jim spot size at the interaction point. Initial electron beam measurements have been performed, and expected performance parameters and planned jitter measurements and control methods have been presented. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract No. W-7405-Eng-48. 837 REFERENCES 1. W. Schoelein, et. al., "Femtosecond x-ray pulses at 0.4 Angstrom generated by 90 degrees Thomson scattering: A tool for probing structural dynamics of materials," Science 274, 236 (1996). 2. S.G. Anderson, J.B. Rosenzweig, G.P. LeSage, J. 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