Wakefields in Dielectric-Loaded Rectangular Waveguide Accelerating Structures Liling Xiao*, Chunguang Jing*, Wei Gai* and Thomas Wong^ *High Energy Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 Abstract. Employing modal analysis, an accurate formulation to represent the electromagnetic wakefields generated by an electron charge bunch traveling along an off-center axis in a dielectric loaded rectangular waveguide accelerating structure is presented. The resulting xdipole and y-dipole modes are described in detail. Specific analytical results were obtained for the dispersion characteristics, the transverse force, and the longitudinal wakefields. I. INTRODUCTION Following the successful wakefield analysis of center-beam excited dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguides [1], an effort has been made to investigate the case of offcenter excitation. Based on Fourier theorem, the wakefield resulted from traveling electron bunch can be decomposed into an infinite series of normal modes, each satisfying the boundary conditions required by the waveguiding structure [2]. Such a representation is more accurate than the single monopole mode approach, and is a necessity to account for the asymmetry in the total field caused by an off-center charge beam. At the same time, the analysis and computation become inevitably more involved. From a computation standpoint, the summation over the normal modes must be truncated at some point. Under the assumption of a very small off-center displacement for the charge beam, it can be expected that the monopole and the dipole modes should be adequate to provide an accurate account of the wakefields for practical considerations. It is known [3] that the modes in a dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguide can be classified as LSM (longitudinal section magnetic) and LSE (longitudinal section electric) modes that have no H or E components normal to the interface respectively. This corresponds to assuming the transverse direction to the interface normal vector to be the direction of propagation. Applied to our case, when a short bunch moves through dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguide at transverse position (x0, yo) instead of on-axis where the coordinate is (0,0), the modes contributing to the longitudinal CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 542 wake field should consist of monopole modes LSMin plus LSEin [1] and the dipole mode in x-direction, (which we denote as x-dipole) and the dipole mode in y-direction (y-dipole). Here, we neglect the other higher order modes because we assume that the bunch trajectory does not deviate far from the axis, and keeping terms to this order is sufficient to ensure the accuracy of the final results. We have verified this by comparing our analytical results with a numerical simulation using a commercial EM code. The organization of this paper is as follows. In section II, we obtain the analytical expressions for the EM field components of multipole modes through potential functions, and then we calculate R over Q [R/Q], a very important structure parameter, for each related mode. Because R/Q has a very simple relation to the loss factor ki of beam loading [4], we can obtain the longitudinal component of the wakefield amplitude excited by a charged particle traveling beam easily, rather than computation of the wakefield using the Panofsky-Wenzel theorem as [5]. II. EIGENMODES The field components of some special accelerating modes in a dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguide have been analyzed using a mode matching method in our previous work [1]. The cross-section of a dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguide is shown in Figure 1. The general structure considered here is limited to the case of two //-plane slabs placed symmetrically. In [1], we only considered those modes with nonvanishing longitudinal electric components at the central point since any other modes will not couple to an on-axis beam. This implies that the central plane in the yz view is an open plane. Using symmetries, the remaining modes with vanishing longitudinal electric field components on axis can be obtained by considering the central plane in the y-z view as a short plane. Fig.l Dielectric-loaded rectangular guide The transverse equivalent circuit corresponding to open and short planes for this symmetrical H-plane waveguide can be established as shown in Fig.2 (a) and (b) respectively. In this paper, we will use the superscript (open) and (short) to represent these modes with and without the longitudinal electric components nonvanishing at the 543 central point. To clarify our procedure, we summarize all fundamental electromagnetic field physics in this kind of H-plane dielectric slab loaded rectangular waveguide. First of all, we obtain dispersion relations of the open and short central plane cases respectively by using transverse resonance method [6]. From [6], we can deduce the dispersion relations as follows: ZL=0 ZL=0 (0) kymn aa K ymn ZL=0 ZL=°° (a) (b) Fig.2 a) open plane and its equivalent circuit b) short plane and its equivalent circuit (open) - Z <!» cot( *£> a} + Z <1 tan (short) tan( a) + Z <& tan[ k^n (b - a)] = 0 (0) where Z™ = COS (b - a)] = 0 ry (1) > ^ Qmn _ (la) (Ib) l) k (ymn ~ are the values of the characteristic impedances of each mode, and the transverse propagation constants are expressed in terms of the longitudinal propagation constant pmn using the following conditions: _ ft 2 , and W Pimn (2) 544 Here k= 2nf/c is the propagation constant in free space and the notation of superscript (0) or (1) indicates the vacuum or dielectric region of the waveguide respectively. Transcendental equation (1) is a complex function of pmn and f, which gives the field components and dispersion relations of all the eigenmodes for a dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguide. For the inhomogeneous guide considered here, the dispersion relation must be solved at each frequency. An infinite number of discrete solutions exist, but we are interested only in those consisting of monopole and dipole modes. The field components of LSM(open), LSE(open), LSM(short) and LSE(sWt) modes in a dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguide can be derived from the solution of vector potential wave equations as the following formulations [6]. LSM mode: Ve=di i/se(x,y,z) . i ay. = cojue dxdy (3a) 'dy2 . i ay. 7 "- dydz LSE mode: € H dz =- i (OfJ£ O E„ = E, = - — dxdy n •> ^ (3b) H z = -j e dx where \|/e and \|/h must satisfy the scalar wave equations of V2ys (x,y,z) + f}2\// (x,y,z) = 0 q = e,h. (4) Applying the boundary conditions at the perfectly conducting guide walls (x=±w/2, y=b) and the boundary condition at the magnetic or electric wall(y=0), the potential function x|/e for open or short modes are (5a) a<y<b7 i——( w 545 win , w w ( (56) a<y<b 2 In each region, the fields for the LSE(opeQ)mn or LSE(short)mn derive from an magnetictype potential function. Using the boundary conditions at the perfectly conducting guide walls (x=±w/2, y=b) and the boundary condition at the magnetic or electric wall (y=0), the potential function \|/h is , w w (60) 2 cos win w w 0<y<a , a<y<b , _ 0<y<a (6b) , 2 a<y<b The corresponding field components derived from equation (3) are reviewed briefly and listed separately as the Appendix of this paper. III. TRANSVERSE WAKEFIELDS The monopole and dipole modes are of greatest interest in determining beam stability. We have shown that the LSM(open)n mode is the lowest luminal mode in our the structures under consideration, and its longitudinal electric field is distributed symmetrically in both x and y. In [1], the general acceleration properties of the LSM^open\i mode had been calculated, such as the ratio of the peak surface electric field to the axial acceleration field ES/E0, the group velocity vg, the attenuation constant a, and R/Q which measures the efficiency of acceleration in term of the given stored energy, etc. We also have analyzed the longitudinal wake fields of monopole modes LSM(open)in+LSE(open)in. Some results are presented and compared with numerical results from the MAFIA code and are found to be in good agreement. In this paper, we will consider the transverse wake fields of dipole modes first by using the same method as used in [1] for the longitudinal wake fields of the monopole modes, then together with result from monopole analysis, we can obtain accurate wake field numerical simulations. 546 The longitudinal electric field components of LSM^U, LSE^U, LSM(short) and LSE^^mn modes have the following form in the vacuum region: (7a) ——si* £*-(* + -^) cos * <«i, y w w 2 (7b) )* <?L sin ^f(* + y) sin * <»1 7 sin ^L(* + f ) sin *<«! y >v Obviously, LSM(open)2n/LSE(open)2n 2 modes are the x-dipole (7c) (7d) modes and We assume a Gaussian longitudinal beam shape (with bunch length az and charge e). The transverse forces can be directly calculated from Ez by using the Panofsky-Wenzel theorem [2] (8) dz For synchronous x-dipole modes (k(0)y=-j(27t/w)), the longitudinal electric field component and transverse forces can be expressed as 2 27T = ^£0/ (% ,0) sin —x cosk^y cosfiz W where E0i(x0, 0) is the off-axis (x0, 0) accelerating/ decelerating gradient of the ith mode. Thus, Qi cos(— For synchronous y-dipole modes (k(0)y=-j(7r/w)), the longitudinal electric field component and transverse forces can be expressed as oi(0,y0)sm -(x + ^)si w 2 n —xsin 547 where E0i(0, yo) is the off-axis (0, yo) accelerating/ decelerating gradient of the ith mode. Then, F(Q,y0,z) = e^=l—— fY £w*<°> cos(*<°Vo)cos #(z-z'; (12) However, since we have already obtained the field distribution, and the normalized shunt impedance R/Q of each mode can be calculated using mode analysis [1], the longitudinal component of the wakefield amplitude excited by a charged particle beam traveling on axis can be easily obtained as follows [2]. 03) where R ( —) = 'Q coP Ez(x0, yo) is the value of the longitudinal electrical field component at point (x0, yo), P is the power flow in cross-section of waveguide /> = i HEtxfftdxdy> an(^ vg *s me grouP velocity. We assume a Gaussian longitudinal beam shape (with bunch length az and charge q). The longitudinal wake Wz(z) at distance z behind the drive electron beam is then 1 given by Wz (z) = , Z oo /2 E j^ u cos z z/ ex A ( ~ ) P( ~ ~^^dz' (14)- Together with the monopole mode [1], the whole wakefield generated by the electron bunch traveling at the off-center position (x0, yo) can be obtained accurately. IV. CALCULATED RESULTS This section we will be concerned with presenting the data by applying the theory we introduced above to a specific case. Here, the dimensions of the X-Band waveguide are a =3 mm, b =5mm and w =23mm, and the dielectric constant =10. Fig.3 shows the dispersion characteristics of x-dipole and y-dipole modes, and we found the corresponding synchronous accelerating parameter for each mode, i.e. the intersection points between the dispersion curve of each mode and the light speed line. 548 3500 3000 3000 LSM21 LSM11 LSM12 LSM22 3000 LSE22 2500 E2500 LSE23 light 2000 12000 LSE11 Propagation constant(rad/m) LSE21 propagation constant(rad/m) 2500 2500 LSM23 LSE12 T) 2000 E2000 Light = 1500 1500 c 1500 f 1000 1000 a 1000 11000 i i 500 500 500 500 0 5 0 11 15 20 25 25 30 30 35 35 40 40 45 50 9 14 1919 24 24 29 29 34 39 Frequency(GHz) Frequency(GHz) frequency(GHz) frequency(GHz) Fig.3 a) Fig.3 a) dispersion dispersion characteristics characteristics of of x-dipole x-dipole mode mode b) b) dispersion dispersion characteristics characteristics of of y-dipole y-dipole mode mode Table results of x-dipole modes Table (1) (1) shows shows the the calculated calculated results of x-dipole modes synchronous synchronous with with and and (open) (open) , LSE(open) (open) , acting upon an ultra-relativistic electron (β=2πf/c), in which LSM 21 21 acting(open) upon an ultra-relativistic electron (p=27if/c), in which LSM i, LSE 2 2i, (open) (open) (open) r pen) (open) (open) (open) LSM , LSM , LSM , and LSE are considered. 23 24 22 LSM ° 22 , LSM , LSM , and LSE are considered. 22 23 24 22 TABLE TABLE 1. 1. Parameters Parameters of of x-dipole x-dipole synchronous synchronous accelerating accelerating modes modes Mode Freq. βPi(rad/m) i(rad/m) Mode Freq. (GHz) (GHz) (open) 11.95 250.413 LSM (open)21 11.95 250.413 21 LSM (open) (open) 14.77 309.617 LSE 14.77 309.617 21 LSE 21 (open) 33.92 710.998 LSM (open)22 33.92 710.998 22 LSM (open) 38.33 803.381 LSE (op% 38.33 803.381 22 LSE (open) 56.88 1192 (open) LSM 1192 56.88 23 LSM 23 (open) (openJ 80.44 1686 LSM 80.44 1686 24 LSM 24 (R/Q) (R/Q)ii 313.224 313.224 268.956 268.956 171.053 171.053 27.304 27.304 70.91 70.91 32.785 32.785 In Figure Figure 4, In 4, the the transverse transverse wake wake fields fields obtained obtained using using equations equations (10) (10) is is shown. shown. For For this example, a q =1nC bunch with length σ =2mm located at x =1mm and z 0 this example, a q =lnC bunch with length az =2mm located at x0 =lmm and yyo0 =0 =0 is is moving along moving along the the axis axis with with aa speed speed of of light light in in dielectric-loaded dielectric-loaded waveguide. waveguide. The The first first six six x-dipole x-dipole modes modes are are used used in in the the sum sum over over modes; modes; higher higher order order modes modes do do not not contribute contribute significantly. significantly. 549 A A -40 -32 -24 0 zfrtun) Fig. 4. Calculated transverse wakefield Fig. in an X-Band structure of of x-dipole x-dipole mode mode (a=3mm, (a=3mm,b=5mm, b=5mm, Fig. 4. 4. Calculated Calculated transverse transverse wakefield wakefield in in an an X-Band X-Band structure structure of x-dipole mode (a=3mm, b=5mm, w=23mm, w=23mm, =10, and azzz=2 =2 mm, q=lnc) w=23mm, εeεrrr=10, =10, and and σσ =2 mm, mm, q=1nc) q=1nc) The corresponding results results for y-dipole The for y-dipole modes are are shown shown in in table table (2), (2),and The corresponding y-dipole modes (2), and here here only only four modes are considered. four four modes modes are are considered. TABLE 2. Parameters TABLE of y-dipole y-dipole synchronous synchronous accelerating accelerating modes modes TABLE 2. 2. Parameters Parameters of Mode Freq. ββ i(rad/m) Mode Freq. (GHz) (GHz) Pi(rad/m) Mode (rad/m) i (short) (snort) 7.319 153.392 (short) LSM 7.319 LSM 153.392 n LSM(short) 11 11 (shon) 15.44 323.512 (short) LSE 323.512 LSE 15.44 LSE (short)n11 11 27.45 575.244 (short) (short) LSM 575.244 27.45 12 LSM 12 LSM(short) 12 (snort) 38.68 810.657 LSE i2 (short)12 LSE 38.68 810.657 LSE 12 (R/Q) (R/Q)iii (R/Q) 461.556 461.556 227.808 227.808 24.98 24.98 20.542 20.542 The transverse wake The fields obtained using using equations equations (12) (12) are are shown shown in in Figure Figure 5.5. The The The transverse transverse wake wake fields fields obtained bunch is located at x =0 and y =1mm. The first four y-dipole modes are bunch in the the bunch is is located at x000=0 and yo=lmm. y00=1mm. The first four y-dipole modes are used used in in the sum over modes, and and again sum again higher higher order order modes modes do sum over over modes, do not not contribute contribute significantly. significantly. 5 f 1.8 / 0.6 J '\\ \ -0.6 V s^\ -1.8 40 -32 -24 - 1 6 - 8 0 8 16 \l 24 I 32 4 a (mm} Fig. 5. Calculated transverse wakefield in an X-Band structure of y-dipole mode Fig. Fig. 5. 5. Calculated transverse wakefield in an X-Band structure of y-dipole mode 550 In Fig.6, Fig. 6, analytical analytical simulation simulation results results for for the the longitudinal longitudinal wakefields wake fields for for x and ydipole modes obtained by using Eq.14 are shown respectively. It is evidently that the x-dipole has a larger contribution to the bunch wakefield than the y-dipole. 1.5-10* 1J-1D* -40 -32 -1J-1D1 -24 (a) (b) Fig.6 Longitudinal wakefield analysis (a) x-dipole case (b) y-dipole case The modes that we choose to compute the whole wakefield are with respect to the (R/Q)ii for each corresponding mode which includes both monopole contribution of (R/Q) and dipole. The table (3) is the list of mode and their parameters we choose. Fig.7 is final behavior of the wakefield including all contributions from the dipole modes. Modes used used for for calculating wakefield TABLE 3. Modes (GHz) Mode Freq. (GHz) βPi(rad/m) i(rad/m) (mono) (mono) 11.17 LSM 11 11.17 234 n LSM 12(mono) (mono) LSE 11 n(mono) LSM 13(mono) (monoJ LSM 14(mono) di 1 (y-dipole) LSM 111/yp° ^ LSM x(x-dipole) dl ole LSM 221/ - P J LSM LSM 15(mono) LSE 221/x(x-dipole) -dlP°leJ (y-dipole) LSE 111/y-dip°le'> LSE dl ole (x-dipole) ^P ^ LSM 22 22 33.28 13.19 13.19 56.24 79.84 7.319 11.95 11.95 103.9 103.9 14.77 14.77 15.44 15.44 33.92 697 276 1179 1179 1673 1673 153 153 250 2177 310 324 711 551 (R/Q) (R/Q)ii 12610 12610 3743 3009 1334 1334 574 462 313 288 269 228 171 171 3.5-10^ 1.5-10* 2.1-10' « g MO* -7-10* V -IHQ' -40 -32 -24 -16-8 0 8 16 24 32 40 -1.5-10* -40 -32 -24 -16-8 0 iM 8 16 24 32 40 Fig.7 (a)analytical (a)analytical result result of of full full wakefield wakefield (b) Fig.7 (b) contribution contribution of of dipole dipolemodes modestotowakefield wakefield V. CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS V. exact solution solution for for wakefields wakefields generated generated by by aa bunch AAexact bunch traversing traversing aa dielectric dielectricloaded loaded rectangularwaveguide waveguide accelerating accelerating structure structure off rectangular off axis axis is is developed. developed. ItItisisan anextension extensionofof theprevious previousapproach approach for for the the on on axis axis beam beam case. case. The the The idea idea behind behind this this effective effective and and accurate analytical method to solve the complicated problem of wakefields accurate analytical method to solve the complicated problem of wakefields isisbased basedon on thefact factthat thatthere there exists exists an an orthogonal orthogonal EM the EM field field modal modal decomposition decompositionand andthe the dependence of of wakefield wakefield on on the the linear linear combination dependence combination of of accelerating acceleratingstructure structuredimension dimension factors R/Q. factors R/Q. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work is supported by Department of Energy, High Energy Physics Division, This work is supported by Department of Energy, High Energy Physics Division, under the contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38 under the contract No. W-31-109-ENG-38 552 APPENDIX The formulas of EM components for inhomogeneous H-plane dielectric loaded rectangular waveguide are listed here. The z dependence exp(-jpmnz) has been omitted in these expressions for simplicity. LSM(open) ^Lk^ cos ^L(x w w Amn Exmn = mn Bmn B ?)> fl < 7 < b 0 < 7 < a Ln sin -^-(* + —)cos kyn (b - y), ~w 2 a <y <b Amn (~jpmn )*£ sin ^-(jc + y)cos *£ ;,, 0 < y <a B (- JPM )*£i sin ^-(* + y) sin *£ (ft - y\ mn xmn x W sin *2iy (* w ( + 2) k mn H cos mn w *£> o < y <a Amnk]mn sin —— (* + — )sin *£> 7, w 2 Eymn = • Ezmn = • 2L) cos * (o)y, 2 + w = • - B a<y<b' 2 sin —— (jc + — )cos ky(l) (b - y), w 2 H^ = 0 cue Q£ ft (1) a <y <b / . . mn mn . w . . ,m ^ ^ ( y ^ o ) - ^ c o s —— (x + y)sm k^y, 0< y <a H zmn = B mn where AAmn i _ LSE Amn 1 Bmn (9pen) (J®£ Q£r)— — cos —— (x + y)cos k^ (b - y\a < y < b Kt C nsmk^n(b-a) ym erCosk^n(b-a) '"; ^K i^ c o s ^ a sin^>« UJ ' nmmod es: C m n (- jPmn ) cos ^-(^ + ^) cos A:^ ^, 0 < y <a Exmn = Dmn (~ JPmn ) cos ^^(x + ^) sin A: <ii (6 - y\ w 2 E^ = 0 C.^-sin^-U + ^ c o s t ^ j - , Ezmn = ^ mn mn , 0<y<a w, , m ,, Z) mM ——— sm ——— (x + — )sm fr£l (6 - ^), w w 2 * ^ k ^ mn . mn , w. . , ( 0 } jcoju H . w 0 w a <y <b <ar < ^ < 6 2 (3) xmn k(y -) ™ jd)ju 1 Cmn Hymn m "sm w 0 k mn ' jcoju mK w mH cos w 0 W )cos £ ( 1 ) (b 2 (x+ y), (x + W ) cos k(y^n y, 2 a<y<b 0 < y <a = Z) c *«" jcoju Pmn^n ftjt/ Hzmn =• r. £™ cos ^ 0 w (jc+ m n ^ W 2 + )sin k(l) (b W w 0 P mn * ymn coju m;r 0 cos mn w y), a< y < b ^ ^ 0 < ^ < « 2 (^ + W 2 i (1) / i )cos k(;mn (b ^Cma k®,<xxk®,(b-a) "^ C^*> Wh 553 \ y\ L a <y <b C sinO*-«) A. cosO ' M , (1) LSM(short) modes. •- -\1 m n (Q) mn w . m -^L« —— *iJ cos —— (* + —)sin £)J.y, w w 2 m ft r (D mn , w, . , ,. , B mn —— &J^ cos —— O + —) sin k(rn mn (b - y), w w 2 Amnk2cmn sin ^(;t + —)cos k™y, w 2 E^ = \ B.kL sin ^(* + ^) cos *« (b-y), W 2 [ w a <y <b 0 < y <a 2 E'- (-#« )*iii «n ^L(» + |.) sin * <Ji (6 - ,), xm, =• „ -B „ coe Qe B . mn , w, »m^r \ sin —— ( ;c + —) cos k ;^; (6 - y ), w 2 "3- =0 . mn mn , w, ,r(n A mn ( 7 ^ o ) ————— COS ————— (* + —— ) C O S " . -I5T ^ X(jcoe 1 w w 2 a <y <b ^ ^ J, a <y <b 0 < y <a . mn mn , w, ,mx, —— cos —— ( ;c + —) cos A; ^ (b - y), a < y < b w w 2 in a) t £.\ _d „„ _ - C s C (* - «) or Am _ er cos C (ft -—— , (o) ww where Qer) B *2sin*2« LSE(short)mn modes ' 5™ cos*™« C mB (-7^^ )cos ^^(X + —)sin /t<^ y, Exmn = w 2 Dm (~jpm) cos ^^(^ + ^)sin *^ (6 - j-X w 2 E^n 0 < y <a a <y <b =0 _ mn . mn , w . , ^ C.« ——— sin ——— O + —)N sin £ r<°o >,, 0 < y <a _ w w 2 Ezmn ^ mn . mn , WN. ,mx, a <y <b ^.« ——— sin ——— (x + — )sm A:^i (6 - y), w w 2 k Z^_(_ , mn r o( ^) y, ———.) S.m mn ———,(x + w —, )cos ,kymn (:mn —vmn 0 < y <a jcoju o w w 2 Hxmn = • ^ k vmn mn . mn , w, ,mx, £) mn —^^ ———— sin ——— (x + — )cos kJ( ) (b - y\ a <y <b jcoju 0 w w 2 "" ^ ^i» mn i, v 1 w .i °in . Ir, r^ o ^' T f cmn pr»° 0 < y < a C " 7^0 wU + 2)Sm^^' 1 H ymn = D MW ^ cos m" (x+ W)smk%n(b jcoju 0 w 2 cc m« H zmn (5) 0 < y <a - Am (OS Opm sin ^-(x + y) cos fc <!> y, H a <y <b 0 < y <a Am jpm *£ sin H^-(X + ^) sin k™ y, E ™, = ' 0 < y <a = « D ^WH y\ - ^^ ^^r w cos {x + ;cos K(0) y, coju 0 w 2 Pmnkymn coju 0 cos m ft w ^A -i- W 2 j cos A. (1) where C^ _-^co<(fe- fl ) 554 {D a < y <b 0 < y <a y ), a < y <b C w w _sin^>-a) " sin£(0)a ' («\ (7) REFERENCES [1] L. Xiao, Wei Gai and Xiang Sun, Phys. Rev. E, 65, 016505 (2001) [2] Magdy Z.Mohamed and John MJarem, IEEE MTT vol.40., No. 3, Mar. 1992 pp.482-494 [3] Robert E. 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