21-GHz Ceramic RF Power Extractor David Yu, David Newsham, and Alexei Smirnov DULYResearch Inc., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 Abstract. We report progress on the development of a dielectric based rf power source suitable for two-beam acceleration schemes for future linear colliders and compact accelerators. We first derived from basic principles the formulas for rf power generation of a bunched beam through a ceramic tube, and calculated the properties of the power extractor using analytical numerical simulations. In preparation for a proof-of-principle, high power demonstration we designed and constructed a 21-GHz ceramic power extractor and power coupler. INTRODUCTION The dielectric based rf power source promises superior performance and lower cost compared with conventional devices. Novel material and simple design characterize the compact rf power source. In this power extractor, a "train" of high-charge electron bunches travels down the axis of a dielectric lined, circular metallic waveguide. In the wake of the electron bunches, rf Cherenkov radiation is produced in the dielectric layer. This radiation is then extracted from the dielectric for coupling to an output waveguide for subsequent use. High-energy electron/positron linear colliders are needed by the high energy physics community for experimentation and exploration of the fundamental nature of the universe. To reach a center-of-mass energy above 1 TeV, the two beam accelerator (TEA) has been proposed as an efficient acceleration scheme for future linear colliders [1]. If successfully demonstrated, the ceramic device may well be the simplest and the best way to extract rf power in a TEA, surpassing earlier relativistic klystron and free electron laser concepts, and the power extraction and transfer structures presently in use at CERN. The two beam accelerator [1] uses a conventionally accelerated, high-current, relativistic, drive electron beam which is transformed into a high power rf source that drives a high energy, electron or positron linear accelerator. In the TEA scheme, a device must first extract rf power from the kinetic energy of a high-charge, lowvoltage, pulsed electron beam, deliver it to a second, low-current beam, and accelerate it to high energy. Such a voltage transformer can be utilized to efficiently accelerate electron and positrons in future linear colliders. The use of a ceramic tube for power extraction, together with a matched power coupler, provides a simple method to generate and deliver high rf power from the primary electron beam to a linear collider for electron and positron acceleration. A recent version of the TEA [2], now adopted by CERN and being considered by SLAC for future colliders, makes use of a beam bunch stacking scheme to achieve high frequency operation. The concept uses a lowCP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 484 frequency (L or S-band), long pulse length, electron beam, and transforms that energy into a higher-frequency, short pulse length, high rf power by means of electron bunch combiner rings and a power extracting device. High frequency operation is achieved with short bunch spacing, which is obtained by the combiner rings [3]. The electron bunches are then decelerated in a low impedance structure that extracts the beam energy as rf energy at the desired (designed) frequency. In the case of TEA, this power is delivered to a high-impedance structure where it will accelerate a low-current beam to high energies. Alternately, this power could be delivered to any device, similar to the output of any rf power supply. Because of the low-loss propagation of the hybrid electromagnetic (HEM) waves [4] in a dielectric loaded waveguide, the proposed power extractor will efficiently transport the wakefield to an rf coupling device for delivery to the second stage of the accelerator. Unlike classical Cherenkov devices, the ceramic based rf power source has no medium (i.e. gas) filling the beam interaction region or material in contact with the electron beam itself. Thus, the wakefield excitation is a volume waveguide mode rather than a surface wave, and does not decay exponentially with distance from the surface. This allows significantly increased electron current and relaxed beam quality requirement. Unlike free-electron-laser (FEL) devices that radiate through selfmodulation and self-oscillation stages, the dielectric power source only uses the waveguide as a radiator for a beam that has been previously bunched. This provides the ability to avoid the excitation of parasitic modes, increases efficiency, and reduces the required interaction length. The pre-bunched electron beam must be produced at a subharmonic of the desired radiation frequency. An additional advantage of the ceramic based power extractor as an rf power source is the possibility of multi-staging by alternating rf power extraction sections with beam energy recovery linac sections along the same electron beam line. This feature is also ideally suited for future linear colliders, and is complementary to the aforementioned TEA version. The most striking feature of the proposed dielectric power source is simplicity of construction. The typical geometry of the cylindrical^ symmetric device is shown in Figure 1. The structure is a simple ceramic tube, of inner radius a, and outer radius b, inserted into a conducting copper sleeve. A power coupling device is attached to the end of the dielectric lined structure to transfer the rf power from the dielectric medium into a circular copper waveguide. Using this bunched-train driven, dielectric-based technology for rf power extraction directly from an intense, relativistic electron beam has significant advantages since the radiation characteristics (frequency, power, bandwidth, etc.) depend on the beam properties (bunch spacing, current, voltage, energy spread), the device geometry, and the material properties of the dielectric. Recent advances in dielectric materials for microwave applications have made very low loss (tanS ~ 10-4) and high Q materials commercially available. In particular, the dielectric Cordierite [5] has a relatively low permittivity (e ~ 4.6) and low losses (Q ~ 5000, tanS ~ 0.0005) that are suitable for the proposed power source. 485 - Dielectric Material 2b Conductor • 2a -cTh- -cTh- >$S$$$^$$^^$^^ FIGURE 1. Dielectric loaded structure. qb is the charge per bunch, cTb is the bunch spacing, L is the structure length, a is the inner radius and b is the outer radius. THEORY The field and power radiated by and electron beam propagating in a closed, high group velocity, ceramic lined waveguide with linear dispersion was calculated in the time-domain for synchronous Cherenkov wakefield modes that are produces. This analysis includes the calculation of the attenuation, field amplitudes, form and loss factors for both a single bunch and multi-bunch train. The main assumptions that are included in the analysis are: 1. The relative group velocity, p g , of the radiated wave can be comparable to the velocity of the particle, P , but that they are not so close that their difference fails to be much greater that the inverse of the Q factor of the cavity. 2. Any tapering of the waveguide and bunch parameters is sufficiently adiabatic to maintain a constant Cherenkov resonant frequency. 3. The transverse motion of the electron beam is slow and there is no transverse current. 4. There are no reflections from transitions and there is no diffusion of the group front. The derivation of the relevant parameters begins with the Fourier transformation of the bunch current r|(z) into the frequency domain. This density is then applied to the generalized fields induced in the waveguide through the interaction integrals with the induced fields in the frequency domain with the eigenmode fields [6]. Finally, integrating over the frequency domain including the residuals performs the inverse Fourier transformation. 486 Resonant Wake-Fields in Slow-Wave Structure Single-Bunch Fields We assume here that the waveguide is matched for the resonant frequency. We neglect dispersion of group velocity 8vgrs / dh and velocity spread in the bunch. The bunch velocity v(zq ) = dzq I dt , its transverse position pL(zq), linear charge density ?7(z,z'), group velocity v grj (z) and shunt impedance rs(z) are assumed slowly varying functions of the longitudinal coordinate z in the scale of corresponding wavelength of radiation: — ln{v(z), T/(Z,Z'), rs(z), vgrs(z)]« h's, where hfs=2?r/As is radiation wave number for the waveguide eigenmode s. For infinitely long matched structure having finite length L of radiator we can L represent the current density of the bunch as that having finite lifetime TQ = (dzlv 0 passing through the structure: 7(r,0 = v5^(r ± -p J .)i7(z,z')(n(0-n(/-T 0 )), (1) where II(f) is the Heaviside function, 8 (f± ) = 8 (x)8 ( y) = 8 (r) / 2^r is the 2D delta-function. In the frequency domain we apply a general approach developed by Condon [7], Vainshtein and Solntsev [6]. This approach is based on the field expansion in series of eigen-modes: ,° exp(±/V) dz _ -^ " Q E _S exp(+/V) \dz \dSj,(r,ai)E«a exp(±iA,z) -oo where E±s = J E° s (z,F L )exp(±/A s z) Ns =— \dS\EsxH_s-E_sxHs] 4;r *_ are 1 the forward and backward waves; is normalization factor. For an ideal loss-less waveguide this factor is proportional to the power Ps: 4\PS \ sgn(&>) —^^0 >~NS . Note, the normalization factor Ns is constant in tapered waveguide by this definition h=- [hdz = h' + ih" ,h'>0, ?J (±)= sgn h"s , and hs = hs (co) is the complex wavenumber. The Fourier-transform of the current j(r,t)from (1) is the following: . co + co 487 ,. -(z-z) where Sr > 0, v(z) = z \dz'lv(z'} is the averaged particle velocity, and /(z) is the / o bunch length. We substitute the Fourier-transform jz(r,a>) into the equations of waveguide excitation given above. The inverse Fourier transformation with residuals gives the following expression for electric field of the given mode s: E.<?,t) = -2«R,F,(z./) where F,(z,0 = ®,(^Zi)exp(i(^-vO)[n(/ 1 )-n(/ 1 - *0 )Jl(vf - z)/(v - v ^ ) ; U(x) is symmetric step-function: 11(0) = 1/2; ~hs=h's-ih"vgrs /(v- v^ s ); z-v ,W z-v (z> f z, =————-————;t, =———-———;and l-iV,(z)/v(z) v(z)-v^(z) 1 ^ ~ ~( ^ ^ O (z,zj = - fdz'77(z 1? z')exp - ^ z'^^- is the generalized bunch formfactor. v z 0/d) I ( i)J Let us express the longitudinal field using the standard longitudinal shunt impedance per unit length rs(x9y,z) = E"z(z,r^}2/\dPs Idz\ = QSU2 /coWL (see, e.g., P. Wilson [8]): where Qs is the waveguide Q-factor for the mode s, Wand £7are the power stored and voltage respectively. Important to note, that the fundamental theorem of single bunch beam loading in (2,3) is a natural consequence of the Jordan lemma that results in Ezs(z = vf) = jEzs(z = v/ - 0). This theorem can be read as follows: the decelerating field Ed induced by the bunch and acting on itself is half of the decelerating field Ev acting on the witness bunch following close to the primary bunch. This theorem can be derived also from energy conservation principle: F - \r & w - \r & j ? j - \r ® & r T 2 _ r & _ 9 / 7 v = \~Q~L loss=\Q~L d q=\Q~L~*~Q q = ~Q~2q = d The modal loss factor kqs = Wloss /q2 in tapered waveguide follows directly from (3): To find the power generated by a single bunch Plb = Wloss IT^ =q2 kqs/T1 let us determine the pulse length Tv. From (2) we have: T V — L vgrs (L) - v (L)\. 488 So the average power generated in non-tapered structure by a single bunch during the pulse 7] is: _ q *\b ~ K qs _ ^ 2^_^ ~" # ~7T7" The formfactor can be calculated as <D5 = sin(£// 2/7) /(£/ 72/7) for rectangular bunch shape (length /) and O5 = exp(-(fa?z /ft)2 12) for Gaussian distribution with characteristic length 8Z . The peak power generated by a single bunch in non-tapered structure can be estimated as: Let us calculate the peak power for the TEA experiment done earlier [9]. For the stage I Cherenkov radiator we have a=6mm, b=11.15mm, e=4.6, L=30cm, 8Z I c = IQps, and #=20nC. From GdfidL [10] simulations we found r/<g«6.6kOhm/m and j3gr=Q.23. It gives us Plbpeak = 3.82MJF , whereas the measured peak power is 4 MW. Calculated maximum pulse length is 3ns, and measured effective pulse length is 2.5ns. Note, there is neither singularity at vgr=0 nor at vgr=c in (2,3). In the particular case 1 - Pgrs « 1, y » 1 we deal with a pipe loaded by thin dielectric or small periodic corrugations [11] that both have similar properties [12]. One can see, that the value ( r s / Q s ) / ( l - f t g r s ) remains finite [11] at ftgrs^>\. With the exception the case of perfect (low-loss) structure the resonant wake-field becomes short due to high 'dynamic' attenuation lmhs (see (2,3)). In this specific case non-resonant and resistive wake-fields can be dominant. Multiple Bunch Train To recall the simple formulae for beam-induced fields when the group velocity is substantial we assume {v, O, Tb , q] = const, pL =Q = r±, and a constant impedance waveguide without detuning: Tb =K-27r/a>l, where K is an integer number of beam subharmonic with respect to the resonant frequency. The field amplitude EAs is defined here as: Ez(r,t) = ReEAs(z,t)exp (i(h'sz - coj}} . The field in the transient regime can be obtained using the principle of N-l _ superposition E^ (r , 0 = X ^'t~nTb) applied to (3): «=o A, =-Irs3>s(l-exp((o';(z/v-t)/(l-vgrs/v)))n(t-z/v\ 489 (5) where I = q/Tb t<z/v grs> In v tf the grs>^ is the beam average current, t<Llv + (L-z)l\vgrs,ifvgrs<^. steady-state regime, when t>z/vi grs> t> L/v + (L- z)/\vgrs L // vgrs < 0 expression (3) and superposition principle give exactly the same result known from the standard formulation [8,14]: 1-exp (6) Hence, the average output power generated by the steady-state beam loading at high group velocity satisfies the same formula known from the conventional approach [8,14]: E. P,,= 2 2h"r 1 4a grs h"L 4a i grs •(7) h"L «1 Evidently, the expressions (5-7) and the power (7) are valid only if the drain time I exceeds much the bunch separation IV In the specific case when Tv = Tb we have: [ Ibpeak ' STRUCTURE DESIGN The first and foremost issue regarding the design of the rf power extractor was a careful calculation of the steady state rf power produced by an electron bunch train passing through the device. This power is given in Equation (7), and a complete derivation based on combining the fields produced by a train of individual bunches as discussed in the previous section. In addition to simulations using GdfidL [10], we developed an analytical matched field model in MathCad to calculate the fundamental parameters of the TMoi in the dielectric loaded waveguide, including resonant frequency, g, r/Q, and group velocity. A survey of several sets of parameters was performed to benchmark the analytic model, GdfidL simulation and experimental results [9,13,15] as shown in Table 1. The results are reasonably similar for all but Q. This discrepancy can be attributed to the documented inaccuracy of the Q calculation when GdfidL is run with periodic boundary conditions. 490 TABLE 1. A survey of parameters for a dielectric loaded waveguide as determined from the analytic matched field model, GdfidL numerical calculation (in ()) and experimental measurement (in [] ). /GHz r/Q, k^/m (a, b) mm, 8, tan8*104 0Br Q (3, 4.56), 20, 1 11.47(11.7) 8.866(9.16) 0.055 (0.053) 10860(4775) [11.424] [8.96] [0.057] [9509] (6, 11.15), 4.6, 2 7.801 (7.5) 5.89 (6.6) 0.23 (0.23) 6100 (15000) [6.12] [7.8] [0.25] 7534(11354) (7.0, 9.992), 4.98, 2 11.31(11.395) 5.064 (5.23) 0.271 (0.27) 7261 (10624) (5, 7.38), 4.5, 2 15.01 (15.18) 7.11(7.7) 0.28 (0.277) 0.345 (0.352) (5, 6.42), 4.98, 2 21.04(21.5) 6.28 (6.38) 9242 (8936) 6.234 (6.02) (5, 6.507), 4.5, 2 21.0(21.15) 0.362 (0.367) 9195 (9357 29.93 (30.4) (4, 5), 4.5, 2 7.07 (7.76) 0.41 (0.415) 10360(8530) (10, 10.3585), 20, 2 30.03 (29.983) 0.576 (0.657) 0.7604 (0.788) 50760(10677) (5, 5.85), 4.98, 2 30.01 (30.27) 4.48 (4.53) 0.502 (0.509) 14060 (9015) Table 2 shows the steady state power generated by an electron bunch train using the numbers calculated with both the analytic model and GdfidL. The power calculation depends on r/Q and not Q itself. For these calculations, a dielectric constant of 4.5 was used. TABLE 2. Steady state power generated by a train of Gaussian (rectangular) bunches with 8Z = 1 mm (2 mm), Tb = 0.33 ns in a dielectric pipe with s = 4.5, q = 10 nC and L = 30 cm. f,GHz GdfidL Analytic b, mm a, mm Power Power Tf, 7i ns r/Q r/Q GdfidL Analytic MW MW kQ/m kQ/m 142 (152) 7.68 158 (168) 15.0 15.2 7.38 5 3.57,2.57 7.11 124 (141) 6.02 118(134) 21.0 21.15 6.507 5 2.76,1.7 6.234 30.4 29.93 5 4 2.44,1.44 7.07144(186) 7.7 155 (201) Figure 2 shows design curves for varying the internal radius of the dielectric tube. The process of design and manufacture of the power extractor begins with the dielectric tube. After the material was chosen, a ballpark value of the dielectric constant is known. The material used, Cordierite, has a nominal range of dielectric constants of 4.5-4.9. It is clear from Figure 2 that a smaller tube radius would result in larger produced power while requiring thicker material. To obtain a desired power of over 100 MW, with the beam size limitation in CTF2 where a 21 GHz test is planned, the inner radius was fixed at 5 mm. 491 FIGURE FIGURE 2. 2. Dependence Dependence of of the the design design parameters on the internal radius of the ceramic tube for a dielectric dielectric constant constant of of 4.5. 4.5. After After manufacture, manufacture, lot lot samples samples of of dielectric dielectric material material from from which which the the ceramic ceramic tubes tubes were were made made were were measured measured to to have have aa dielectric dielectric constant constant of of 4.72 4.72 ± ± 0.03. 0.03. Based Based on on this this value value of of the the dielectric dielectric constant, constant, the the target target outer outer radius radius is is 6.4675 6.4675 mm. mm. Table Table 33 and and Figure Figure 33 show show the the sensitivity sensitivity of of the the power power extractor extractor to to variations variations in in the the outer outer radius radius and and dielectric dielectric constant constant of of the the ceramic ceramic tube. tube. From From the the slopes slopes in in Figure Figure 3, 3, aa ±100 ±100 MHz MHz tolerance tolerance on on the the resonant resonant frequency frequency requires requires aa tolerance tolerance on on the the outer outer diameter diameter of of ±±0.01 0.01 mm, mm, which which is is within within grinding grinding tolerances tolerances of of the the ceramic ceramic material. material. The The measured MHz window window in in measured tolerance tolerance ±± 0.03 0.03 in in the the dielectric dielectric constant constant leads leads to to aa ±55 ±55 MHz frequency. frequency. Table Table 44 gives gives the the final final parameters parameters and and expected expected performance performance of of the the 21 21 GHz GHz structure structure TABLE TABLE 3. 3. Sensitivity Sensitivity of of outer outer radius radius and and resonant resonant frequency frequency to to variations variations in in dielectric dielectric constant. constant. Dielectric radius, b (mm) frequency, f GHz forb=6.471 for for b=6.471 mm for f=20.99 ^20.99 GHz GHz permitivity εs 4.6 6.4891 21.173 4.6 6.4891 21.173 4.7 6 All 4.7 6.471 20.9893 6.4604 20.882 4.76 6.4604 20.882 4.76 6.4534 4.8 4.8 6.4534 20.811 492 Dieieolrfc Constant 4.9 4.6 4,7 Nominal Parameters Inner Radius « 5*0 mm Outer Radius * 6.467 mm Dtetectric Consist« 4,72 20.990 OHz 2175 21.50 8s 8f e.500 H3T 21.2 -1.8 GHz = -10 GHz/mm 6,475 .2 20.75 $.450 1 Q 8e = -.17 mm 20.50 20.25 20.00 8.400 Frequency vs Outer Radius Fresiutrssy v$ Dtefec&te Oonste^it « Oyfer Radius vs C^edrks Coolant 6,425 6.450 8.475 6,500 6,425 6400 6J525 $.580 Outer Radius (b, mm) FIGURE 3. Sensitivities to manufacturing and material variations. TABLE 4. Parameters of the 21 GHz structure and its predicted performance. Frequency/0 (GHz)__________________20.99_______________ Charge per bunch qb (nC) 10 1 RMS Gaussian Bunch length az (mm) Bunch spacing Tb (ps) 333 Structure length L (cm) 27 (36) Inner radius a (mm) 5 Outer radius b (mm) 6.467 4.72 Dielectric constant s 0.0005 Loss tangent tan(8,) 0.35 Group velocity Pg Attenuation of the structure (dB) 0.38 (0.5) 100(176) Power generated (A///0 = .04 ) (MW) Peak deceleration field (MV/m)___ 28.0(37.1) CERAMIC TAPER To reduce reflections and achieve the best power coupling, the ceramic must be tapered. The structure was modeled in 3D using a full trial version of a commercial electromagnetic simulation software CST MicroWave Studio [16]. Figure 4 shows the root-mean-square energy density stored in the electric (left) and magnetic (right) 493 fields. In the dielectric loaded section of the tube, the bulk of the energy is stored in the dielectric as expected. The electric field energy is concentrated at the dielectricvacuum interface while the magnetic field energy is at the dielectric-wall interface. The conversion of the electric field into the unloaded pipe mode occurs quite rapidly at the beginning of the taper, whereas the transfer of the magnetic energy is spread out along the taper section. It is clear that in the taper section, magnitude of the electric field increases greatly as the power is transferred from the dielectric loaded structure to the unloaded circular pipe. The length of the taper is 15 mm, which corresponds to a taper half-angle of 5.6°. Figure 5 shows the Sn and 821 parameters for a TMoi mode launched in the ceramic loaded section, as well as the Sn parameter for several taper lengths, indicating that 15 mm is close to the optimal taper length. 494 Electric Electric Field Field Energy Energy Density Density Type Monitor Plane at x Frequency = = = = Electric Energy Density (rms) eden [1,11 0 Z0-99 Magnetic Field Field Energy Energy Density Density Magnetic -7e-005 J/nT3 Type Monitor Plane at x Frequency = = = = M a g n e t i c Energy Density (rms) hden [1,11 0 Z8-99 FIGURE 4. 4. (Top) (Top) Electric FIGURE Electricfield field energy energydensity densityfor forthe the21 21GHz GHzceramic ceramictaper taper showing the quick transfer of energy from the ceramic lining to the showing the quick transfer of energy from the ceramic lining to the circular circular waveguide. (Bottom) (Bottom) magnetic magnetic field field energy waveguide. energy density density showing showing aa slower slower transition transitionof of power. Note that the color scales are different. power. Note that the color scales are different. 495 S-Parameters in dB H Taper:: 18 m j^ Taper = 1 / m f Taper =16 m f Taper-15m Q Taper =14 m ^ Taper = 13 m Taper = 12 rn S-Parameter Magnitude in dB Frequency/GHz the ceramic ceramic taper taper with with varying varying taper FIGURE 5. 5. S 11 for FIGURE Sn for the taper lengths lengths (Top). (Top). S-parameters S-parameters for for aa 21 21 GHz GHz ceramic taper taper section with aa taper ceramic section with taper length length of of 15 15 mm mm (Bottom). (Bottom). 496 POWER COUPLER Power produced in the power extractor must be coupled to the waveguide for delivery to an accelerator or other device. The problem with coupling the power from the extractor to the waveguide is fundamentally the same as the problem of coupling that power back into an accelerating structure. For this reason, CERN has been actively pursuing mode launcher designs for operation at 30 GHz [17]. The 21 GHz coupler is based on a mode launcher. The coupler employs a choke to prevent the TM0i mode from propagating downstream and two identical rectangular waveguides with a step to provide the necessary matching. The coupler has been optimized to provide over 99% transmission efficiency. Based on a 30 GHz 2-port mode launcher developed by Igor Syratchev [17] at CERN, DULY Research designed a copper power coupler for operation at 20.99 GHz. Figure 6 shows the 3D model of the dual-waveguide power coupler along with S-parameters that correspond to the modes of interest in the waveguide. The radius of the input beam pipe was 6.25 mm. This value was chosen to be smaller than the outer radius of the ceramic power extractor. This difference in radii requires a reducing taper that will serve the function of a mechanical stop to the dielectric tube. The two main features of this coupler are the stepped waveguide output ports and a downstream choke. The outer (wider) portion of the output corresponds to a WR42 waveguide, and the section between the WR42 and the beam tube has the same height (b) as WR42, but the width of the waveguide has been reduced. The purpose of the choke is to reflect the rf power at 20.99 GHz, and the dimensions of the choke were optimized to minimize the 841 parameter (with port 1 the input port, ports 2 & 3 are the rectangular waveguide outputs, and port 4 is the downstream beam pipe). A critical distance involved in the coupling of the TMoi mode in the pipe to the rectangular waveguide mode is the distance between the waveguide sections and the choke. The choke effectively sets up a standing wave pattern. The efficiency of the coupling depends on how close the waveguide opening is to a node or an antinode of the standing wave pattern. This is the reason that the Sn curve takes a sharp dip near 20.5 GHz. The data presented was produced using a Vi-model, for which the TEn mode is not supported based on the symmetry of the model. After optimizing, a !/2-model was run for comparison, no difference in the values of the S-matrix presented was seen, and the S-parameters associated with the TEn mode were on the order of-150 dB. 497 S1.1 (1.1) 4 sz.i (i,i) S4.1 (1.1) 0_ FIGURE 6. FIGURE 6. 21 21 GHz GHz power power coupler coupler model model (Top) (Top) and and S-parameters S-parameters (Bottom). (Bottom). 498 Figure 7 shows the energy density stored in the electric and magnetic fields. There Figure 7 shows the energy density stored in the electric and magnetic fields. There is a region of large field magnitude between the rectangular waveguides and the is a region of large field magnitude between the rectangular waveguides and the choke, where there is an antinode of the standing wave pattern set up by the choke. choke, where there is an antinode of the standing wave pattern set up by the choke. The region between the choke and the waveguides has a large stored field and may The region between the choke and the waveguides has a large stored field and may require external cooling. require external cooling. Electric ElectricField FieldEnergy Energy Density Density Magnetic Density Magnetic Field Field Energy Energy Density FIGURE FIGURE7.7. (left) (left)Electric Electricfield fieldenergy energydensity density and and (right) (right) magnetic magnetic field field energy energy density density for for the the 2-port 2-port 2121GHz GHzpower powercoupler. coupler. THREE-PORT THREE-PORT POWER POWER COMBINER COMBINER The Theequipment equipment available available for for testing testing the the 21 21 GHz GHz power power extractor extractor includes only a single singlehigh highpower powerload. load. Short Short of of building building an an additional additional high high power power load, this leaves two options: 1) design a new coupler that had only a single waveguide two options: 1) design a new coupler that had only a single waveguide output; or 2) design designaapower powercombiner combinerthat thatwill willdeliver deliverthe the output output from from the the two two waveguides waveguides into the single singleload. load.The Thefirst firstoption optionisis an an acceptable acceptable solution, solution, and and the the design of such a device would would be be useful useful toto reduce reduce the the cost cost of of any any future future testing testing of the ceramic power extractor/generator extractor/generator atat any any frequency, frequency, not not to to mention mention the the simplicity of one extractorone one accelerator-one accelerator-one waveguide waveguide in in aa two two beam beam acceleration acceleration scheme. If the second option optioncan canbe beachieved achievedwith with simplicity simplicity of of both both design design and and construction, it will be an expedient expedient solution solution given given the the time time constraints constraints due due to to the the imminent imminent CTF2 decommissioning decommissioningschedule. schedule. Figure Figure88 shows shows the the model model of of aa 21 21 GHz, GHz, 3-port 3-port combiner combiner and associated S-parameters. This Thismodel model isis scaled scaled from from aa 30 30 GHz GHz variant, variant, which which was produced at S-parameters. CERN and and served served as as the the design design model model for for this this application. application. The The only significant CERN 499 difference differencebetween betweenthis thisdesign design and andthe the CERN CERN design design isis the the size size of of the the waveguide waveguide (and operating operatingfrequency). frequency). S-Parameter Magnitude in dB FIGURE8.8. 21 21GHz GHz3-port 3-portpower powercombiner combiner(Top) (Top) and and S-parameters S-parameters (Bottom). (Bottom). FIGURE 500 INTEGRATED EXTRACTOR/COUPLER SIMULATION INTEGRATED EXTRACTOR/COUPLER SIMULATION Figure 9 shows the model and the S-parameters for the integrated Figure 9 shows the model and the S-parameters for the integrated extractor/2-waveguide coupler. The ceramic tube in this model is much shorter than extractor/2-waveguide coupler. The ceramic tube in this model is much shorter than the actual tube, in order to conserve computation time. For manufacturing reasons, the the actual tube, in order to conserve computation time. For manufacturing reasons, the length of each ceramic section that could be reliably constructed is limited to 9 cm length of each ceramic section that could be reliably constructed is limited to 9 cm long. But 100 MW, MW, the the ceramic ceramic tube tube should should be be long longenough enough long. But in in order order to to generate generate over over 100 toto accommodate a sufficient number of electron bunches inside the tube at any given accommodate a sufficient number of electron bunches inside the tube at any given time. Based on these considerations, the length of the active section of the power time. Based on these considerations, the length of the active section of the power extractor As ceramic ceramic pieces pieces are are not not brazed brazedinto intoplace, place, extractor will will be be 36 36 cm cm long long (4 (4 pieces). pieces). As an alternative method to mechanically secure the ceramic pieces inside the copper tube an alternative method to mechanically secure the ceramic pieces inside the copper tube was developed. This method secures the dielectric by reducing the inner radius of the was developed. This method secures the dielectric by reducing the inner radius of the copper tube to less than that of the dielectric; thus preventing the dielectric from copper tube to less than that of the dielectric; thus preventing the dielectric from sliding sleeve holds holds the the dielectric dielectric atatthe theupstream upstreamside. side.InIn sliding past past the the reduction. reduction. A A copper copper sleeve order from the the reduced reduced size size copper copper tube, tube, aa slight slight taper taper was was order to to prevent prevent reflections reflections from introduced. 10 shows shows the the electric electric and and magnetic magnetic field field energy energy densities. densities. The The introduced. Figure Figure 10 slight in place place can can be be seen seen in in Figure Figure10, 10,just justtotothe theright right slight taper taper that that holds holds the the dielectric dielectric in of the taper in the ceramic. of the taper in the ceramic. FIGURE 9. 9. Integrated Integrated 21 21 GHz FIGURE GHz extractor extractor and and coupler couplermodel modeland andS-parameters. S-parameters. 501 Electric ElectricField FieldEnergy EnergyDensity Density Magnetic MagneticField FieldEnergy EnergyDensity Density FIGURE FIGURE10. 10. (left) (left)Electric Electricfield fieldenergy energydensity densityand and(right) (right)magnetic magneticfield fieldenergy energydensity densityfor forthe the2121 GHz GHzintegrated integratedextractor/coupler. extractor/coupler. CONCLUSION CONCLUSION Figure Figure11 11 shows shows aa 3-D 3-D model model ofofthe the ceramic ceramicbased basedpower powerextractor extractornear nearthe thefinal final stages of construction. Figure 12 shows a cut-model of the same device. stages of construction. Figure 12 shows a cut-model of the same device. Once Once completed completed the the structure structure will will be be tested tested on onCTF2 CTF2atatCERN CERNand andisisexpected expectedtotoproduce produce over 100 MW of rf power at 20.99 GHz. over 100 MW of rf power at 20.99 GHz. . 502 FIGURE 11. 3-D model model of of the the 21-GHz 21-GHz ceramic ceramic based based power power extractor. FIGURE 11. 3-D extractor. 503 FIGURE 12. 12. Cut Cut section section of of the the 3-D 3-D model model shown shown in in Figure Figure 11. FIGURE 11. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank W. Gai, W. Liu, R. Konecny, I. Syratchev and L. The authors would like to thank W. Gai, W. Liu, R. Konecny, I. Syratchev and L. Throndahl, for useful discussions, comments and technical assistance. This work is Throndahl, for useful discussions, comments and technical assistance. This work is supported by DOE SBIR Grant No. DE-FG03-01ER83232. supported by DOE SBIR Grant No. DE-FG03-01ER83232. REFERENCES REFERENCES 1. A. 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