Quasi-Optical Collider Concept Michael I. Petelin IAP, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia Omega-P, Inc., New Haven, USA Abstract. Electron (positron) accelerating structures are attractive to be fed with a wave flow converging onto the structure axis. The feeding microwave pulse of RF breakdown- and fatiguesafe duration might be formed with a system of mirrors, part of them being corrugated. MOTIVATION Designing novel electron-positron colliders [1] implies radical enhancement of the accelerating gradient and, as a result, faces dangers of • dark current capture, • RF breakdown, • RF heating fatigue of metallic surfaces. The dark current capture can be avoided by using a sufficiently high carrier frequency [1]. As for the breakdown and fatigue [2-6], the RF produced metal plasma does not appear within the structure if (i) 0 and the RF produced mechanical stress at the metal surface is kept reversible if ]]*dt<K^JF (2) o where j± is the current induced mostly by the RF electric field normal to the metallic surface, j% is the current driven mostly by the tangential RF magnetic field, T is the pulse duration, parameters K L and K^ are defined by characteristics of the metal and the manufacturing technology. As the both dangerous effects are local in space and integral in time, they can be excluded by optimization of the accelerator structure and by using sufficiently short RF pulses. As the distribution of RF energy deposition to the accelerator channel surface is optimum if being uniform, the structure should be irradiated with a wave flow converging to the channel axis so that all accelerating cells would be fed in parallel. Thus we arrive to the configuration [7] shown in Figs. 1 and 2. CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 459 Radial Bragg reflector Radial Channel for Channel 1. microwave microwave energy 1. storage and and storage 2. particle acceleration acceleration 2. FIGURE 1. 1. Quasi-optical Quasi-optical feed feed to to ee++ -- ee" collider FIGURE collider E H. / H. E / H. E / H E FIGURE2. 2. Radial Radial Bragg Bragg reflection reflection cavity cavity irradiated irradiated with with converging converging wave wave flow flow FIGURE 460 SYNTHESIS OF QUASI-OPTICAL ACCELERATING STRUCTURE The quasi-optically fed RF-energy-storage particle-acceleration structure (Figs. 1, 2) is deduced of the following specifications: • the wave-particle coupling must be maximum, • the RF energy must be efficiently accumulated within the accelerating channel during the breakdown- and fatigue- safe period of time, • the channel must provide a distributed out-filtering of spurious modes, • the design must admit the simplest manufacturing technology. Synthesis of Paraxial RF-Energy-Storage & Particle-Accelerating Channel RF Field Within the Channel Inside the RF-energy-storage particle-acceleration channel Figs. (1-3), the RF electric field (3) must have the axial component 0 P FIGURE 3. Disk inner surface profile and radial distribution of RF field. 461 E =e~ (4) synchronous to the accelerated ultra-relativistic particles. Due to the + z symmetry of the structure (Fig. 2), the RF field has the counter-propagating space harmonic e^ of the same amplitude. Presence of other harmonics would reduce the RF field-particle coupling resistance. Thus, the RF field takes the form of transverse-magnetic 1C—mode: Eq = 2cos £, where p = kr £ p = psin £, and £ = kz H^ = /pcos £ (5) are dimensionless radial and axial coordinates, Channel Inner Walls The channel surface being highly conductive, the RF electric field is perpendicular to the surface here Ap and A^ are components of an elementary vector tangent to the surface. Integrated with use of (5), the equation (6) gives relation p2 =p 0 2 -41nsin<;| (7) between longitudinal and radial coordinates of the inner wall surface, P0 is the inner disc radius (Figs. 1-3). The RF Field - Electron Coupling Parameter The RF energy stored within the structure period is 2 w= J _JC 1C 2 2 °° ?(P) 0 0 dV =2jdp27lp J dqp 2 cos 2 <;= l + ln4 + ^ +1 + 2 ^_ 3 (8) As the RF field (5) includes the accelerating space harmonic (4) of the unity amplitude, for the structure elastance (R/Q) [1] we have - 2 R, = 1 (9) Buffer Groove In Figs. 2, the axis-symmetrical groove nearest to the channel axis (in Fig. 3: the region f)l < p < p2 conjugated with the narrow £2 «1 radial gap p > p 2 ) should 462 keep the optimum RF field structure (5) within the paraxial region. The RF electric and magnetic energies accumulated in the cavity 0 < p < p 2 should be equalized, which, with account of (5) and (7), gives a formula for the groove depth (^ (p 2 -Pi)fc«-5 ( 0 ) (pi). Pi dO) If 52 is put equal zero, the closed region p < p 2 resembles a klystron resonator: with maximum longitudinal RF electric field at the axis and maximum azimuthal RF magnetic field at the radial periphery. On the other hand, such a closed cavity can be regarded as the usual "pill-box" [1] profiled to maximize the elastance. The narrow axis-symmetrical opening gap £2 ^ 0 in the "pill-box" wall results in a small reduction of the elastance, but does not enlarge the RF electric or magnetic field (and, so, the RF current) at any point of the metal surface (see Fig. 3). This gap could be substituted with an azimuth-periodic system of metallic rods [8,9]. However, to provide the same azimuth-average RF current, any rod of such a "fence" has to carry a current of relatively high magnitude and, so, seems more vulnerable to the fatigue. Besides, manufacturing the PEG structures [8, 9] for short-wave-driven accelerators does not seem a simple problem. Synthesis of Accelerating Structure Periphery The peripheral part of the accelerating structure must be asymmetric to provide • coupling with the converging wave flow within the feed sector, • steep fading of the RF field in all radial direction outside the feed sector. The gap between discs being less than half the wavelength, the proper grooving can be synthesized basing on the radial cable mode approach: according to the Maxwell equations in integral form, at junctions between two parallel wall sections the interwall voltage and the wall RF current are continuous: E_A_=E+A+, H_=H + , (11) (12) where A_ and A + are the channel widths at different sides of the junction. Radial Bragg Reflector: Cascade of Mutually Phased Chokes In radial directions outside the feed sector (Fig. 1), the RF field fading can be provided by • up-tapers situated at zeros of the RF magnetic field, • down-tapers situated at zeros of the RF electric field. Under this condition, any combination of an up-taper and a successive down-taper results in M = A + / A _ times reduction of the RF field relative to the unperturbed value. A cascade of such chokes provides an exponential fall of the RF field in the radial direction: the Bragg back-scattering (stop band) effect. 463 Wave Wave Matching Matching Sector Sector As As the the accelerating accelerating structure structure is is assumed assumed to to be be fed fed with with the the RF RF flow flow converging converging from a limited angle sector (Fig. 1), so, reciprocally, this is the sector from a limited angle sector (Fig. 1), so, reciprocally, this is the sector where where the the operating mode must radiate at its free oscillation: in the feed sector operating mode must radiate at its free oscillation: in the feed sector •• the the RF RF field field fading fading should should be be relatively relatively slow, slow, •• all radial channels should have all radial channels should have in-phase in-phase output. output. As As the the RF RF fields fields in in the the inner inner parts parts of of two two neighboring neighboring radial radial channels channels (Fig. (Fig. 2) 2) are are 0 counter-directed, so 1) the phase shifts within the channels must differ by 180 , and counter-directed, so 1) the phase shifts within the channels must differ by 180 , and 2) 2) the the RF RF fields fields at at the the channel channel outputs outputs must must be be equal. equal. The The necessary necessary difference difference in in phase phase shifts shifts within within two two neighboring neighboring channels channels can can be be provided provided by by aa difference difference in in choke choke configurations configurations (Fig. (Fig. 2) 2) under under the the condition condition that that chokes chokes are are deep deep enough: enough: the the parameter parameter ( ) 2 M 2 j .. An M must must exceed exceed 1(l ++ V2 An example example of of analytical analytical synthesis synthesis of of the the phase phase shifter shifter isis presented presented in in Fig. Fig. 4. 4. 1 0 1 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 x 0 FIGURE FIGURE 4. 4. The The 180 180 ° phase phase shifter: shifter: two two neighboring neighboring radial radial channels channels (below) (below) fed fed with with counter-phased counter-phased RF RF fields fields provide provide in-phase in-phase output output (upper (upper curves), curves), M=7.5. M=7.5. Mode Mode Filtration Filtration The The system system of of mutually mutually phased phased chokes chokes is is similar similar to to that that proposed proposed by by T. T. Shintake Shintake [10] [10] to to absorb absorb high high order order modes: modes: the the quasi-optical quasi-optical structure structure (Fig. (Fig. 2) 2) is is produced produced of of that that described described in in [10] [10] ifif the the conductive conductive ceramic ceramic is is substituted substituted with with the the “free "free space” space" which, which, with with account account the the short short pulse pulse operation, operation, would would be be realized realized as as aa reasonably reasonably broad broad surrounding surrounding vacuum vacuum volume volume conjugated conjugated with with the the quasi-optical quasi-optical wave wave feeder. feeder. The The volume volume should should contain contain detectors detectors of of dipole dipole modes modes radiated radiated by by the the accelerated accelerated bunches: bunches: this this signal signal should should be be used used to to align align the the particle particle focusing focusing system. system. 464 Experiment As a primary verification of the theory, theory, an an axis-symmetrical axis-symmetrical radial-Braggradial-Braggreflection cell of of the the quasi-optical quasi-optical structure structure was was reflection cavity (Fig. 5) corresponding to one cell manufactured. was calculated calculated analytically analytically and, and, with with aa manufactured. The corrugated disc profile was minor difference, (modified E E011 mode, dependence dependence difference, numerically. For the operating (modified on) mode, of the Q-factor Q-factor on the gap between the corrugated disc and the of the wall wall proved proved to to be be in in aa reasonable agreement with calculations. reasonable FIGURE 5. 5. One-cell FIGURE One-cell model model of of the the RF-energy-storage RF-energy-storage particle-acceleration particle-accelerationstructure: structure:drawing drawingand and photo. photo. QUASI-OPTICAL FEEDER QUASI-OPTICAL FEEDER TO TO THE THE ACCELERATING ACCELERATING STRUCTURE STRUCTURE As the the RF RF field field intensity As intensity fades fades in in the the radial radial direction direction from from the the accelerating accelerating structure, the RF breakdown and fatigue limitations (1) and (2) allow structure, the RF breakdown and fatigue limitations (1) and (2) allow an an RF RF pulse pulse compression which which would would be compression be especially especially simple simple ifif the the simplest simplest wave wave mode mode -- the the Gaussian beam beam -– were were used used through. Gaussian through. The The primary primary phase phase controlled controlled pulse pulse could could be be compressed by by aa succession succession of compressed of mirrors mirrors (Fig.6), (Fig.6), aa part part of of them them being being corrugated. corrugated. In In particular, an an inverse inverse 33 dB particular, dB wave wave splitter splitter grating grating (the (the quasi-optical quasi-optical magic magic Y) Y) [7] [7]could could be used used as as the the wave wave beam be beam combiner-commutator. combiner-commutator. The The final final chirped chirped pulse pulse compression, with additional power gain near 4, could be performed by a compression, with additional power gain near 4, could be performed by a multi-mirror multi-mirror open resonant resonant cavity cavity (the open (the quasi-optical quasi-optical SLED) SLED) [7]. [7]. The The magic magic Y, Y, with with aa dummy dummy load load in one of elbows, could be used also to isolate the RF amplifiers of reflections in one of elbows, could be used also to isolate the RF amplifiers of reflections from from doubled accelerator accelerator sections. doubled sections. 465 rr~rr~rr~~r— phase-controlled RF RF sources phase-controlled beam combiners-commutators combiners-commutators beam Chirped pulse pulse compressors compressors Chirped «" acceleration sections acceleration FIGURE 6. 6. Feeding Feeding quasi-optical quasi-optical accelerator accelerator with with delay delay line line distribution distribution system. system. FIGURE In Fig. Fig. 66 one one accelerating accelerating section section is is fed, fed, at at aa moment moment of of time, time, through through aa 3-stage 3-stage In DLDS and and QO QO SLED, SLED, with with 88 amplifiers amplifiers feed feed simultaneously. simultaneously. The The total total power power gain gain in in DLDS such aa scheme scheme would would be be near near 30. 30. At At millimeter millimeter waves waves the the whole whole system system might might be be such reasonably compact. compact. reasonably SUMMARY SUMMARY Optimized under under the the RF RF breakdown breakdown and and fatigue fatigue limitations, limitations, the the electron-positron electron-positron Optimized collider turns turns into into aa design design featured featured with with the the wave wave flow flow focusing focusing onto onto the the accelerating accelerating collider channel axis, axis, all all cells cells being being filled filled in in parallel parallel during during aa common common safe safe period period of of time. time. A channel A necessary beam beam luminosity luminosity is is assumed assumed to to be be provided provided with with aa sufficiently sufficiently high necessary high pulse pulse repetition rate. rate. repetition The cell profile is is synthesized synthesized to to maximize maximize the the structure structure elastance elastance (R/Q) (R/Q) and, and, to The cell profile to reduce (at a fixed accelerating gradient) maximums of RF electric and magnetic fields reduce (at a fixed accelerating gradient) maximums of RF electric and magnetic fields at the the metal metal surfaces. surfaces. The The accelerating accelerating structure structure periphery periphery is is synthesized synthesized to at to match match the the structure with the converging wave flow and to out-filter spurious modes; the latter latter structure with the converging wave flow and to out-filter spurious modes; the effect can can be be used used to to align align the the beam beam focusing focusing system. system. effect At the pre-breakdown stage, presence of field-emitted field-emitted and and secondary-emitted secondary-emitted At the pre-breakdown stage, presence of electrons within the quasi-optical accelerator does not change the phase electrons within the quasi-optical accelerator does not change the phase velocity velocity of of the the 466 space harmonic synchronous to the accelerated particles. If the breakdown occurs, the structure operating as a resonant cavity turns mismatched, reflects the incident wave flow and, thus, is self-protected. An important advantage of the quasi-optical accelerating structure is its robust design: the RF field exposed surfaces are not welded or brazed. Feeding the accelerating structure can be provided with a high-filtration quasioptical DLDS. In front of any pair of accelerating sections there is a chirped pulse compressor and an isolator. Any wave combiner-commutator of the DLDS and any isolator represents a specially corrugated mirror (magic Y). The total power gain can amount up to ~30. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The main idea of the research was initiated by discussions with SLAC people: David Whittum, Sami Tantawi, George Caryotakis etc. Some hints by Protvino, CLIC and KEK teams are also compiled into the project. The theoretical and experimental studies are supported by DOE grants. Original results by S. V. Kuzikov, A. D. Yunakovsky, M. L. Tai, A. L. Vikharev, V. G. Pavelyev, Y. L. Bogomolov, Y. Y. Danilov and D. Y. Shegolkov cited in this review will be published in the nearest time. 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