Quasi-Optical Microwave Pulse Compressor at 34 GHz A.L.Vikharev*'1, Yu.Yu.Danilov*, A.M.Gorbachev*, S.V.Kuzikov*, Yu.I.Koshurinov*, V.G.Paveliev*, M.I.Petelin*, J.L.Hirshfield1 ^Institute of Applied Physics (Russia) Omega-P, Inc, and Yale University (USA) Abstract. We describe a 34.272 GHz pulse compressor based on a three-mirror traveling-wave resonator, which creates pulse compression using linear frequency modulation of the input pulse, rather than step-wise phase modulation used traditionally. The results of testing the compressor prototype at a low power level under different modulation methods and different widths of the input pulse are discussed. We present also the results of calculations and tests of an electrically controlled diffraction grating, which can serve as the active switch for such a three-mirror resonator. INTRODUCTION Passive pulse compressors which have been created up to now and are currently used at frequencies below 14 GHz, are based on resonators and delay lines that store the microwave energy [1-3]. Compression is achieved as the result of a transition process which arises when the resonator is excited with a microwave pulse having an appropriate phase modulation. Creation of new electron-positron colliders that would provide high-gradient charged particle acceleration (over 150 MV/m) will require, evidently, a transition to higher frequencies. Hence, an important task is to create pulse compressors appropriate for the use in frequency ranges beyond X-band. This paper describes a 34.272 GHz pulse compressor based on a three-mirror travelingwave resonator using linear frequency modulation of the input pulse, instead of the step-wise phase modulation used traditionally. Further it is planned to test this compressor with the magnicon under development by Omega-P. As compared with the X-band frequencies, in the Ka-band the transition to quasi-optical systems is inevitable: under moderate microwave fields in the oversized storing resonator quasioptical systems provide an acceptable level of ohmic losses and acceptable selectivity in terms of spurious oscillations. CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 448 THREE-MIRROR RESONATOR AS A PASSIVE COMPRESSOR The passive compressor that we have developed consists of a high-Q-factor threemirror resonator and an excitation system, as diagramed in Fig.l. The resonator consists of two focusing mirrors that provide a high-Q-factor operating eigenmode of the running-wave type, and the third mirror with fine corrugation on its surface. 1 FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of the pulse compressor with the excitation system: C - resonator, cor - planar corrugated mirror, sf - focusing mirrors, 1- rectangular to circular cross-section transducer, 2 - horn converting Hn mode into Gaussian wavebeam, 3 - feeding mirrors. The corrugation provides coupling of the operating mode with the wave beam formed by the excitation system. The coupling with the resonator is provided by using the -1st diffraction maximum of the grating (see Fig. 2). The required period of the grating is determined by the following expression: , (1) where 9 is angle of wave beam incidence on the grating measured from the normal, and 0.\ is angle corresponding to the -1st diffraction maximum. The corrugation amplitude should be chosen basing on the necessity to provide the required Q-factor of resonator coupling. FIGURE 2. Separation of the beam (1) incident on the diffraction grating (4) into two: mirror beam (2) and the-1st diffraction maximum (3). 449 The resonator does not require an additional 3-dB microwave decoupler, as does the well-known SLED compressor, since it is ring-shaped and the reflection from the resonator is negligibly small. The structure of the field for the operating mode of the resonator was calculated using the method described in [4]. In order to have the highest resistance to rf breakdown, the polarization of the electric field in the resonator is chosen such as to make the component normal to the surfaces of all the mirrors small and tending to zero within the approximation of the infinite mirror apertures. The excitation system includes a horn that converts the main mode of the standard rectangular waveguide into a Gaussian beam, and a pair of matching mirrors. Those mirrors provide a distribution of the field which is close to the transverse distribution of the field of the operating mode (the lowest TEMoon mode) over the corrugated mirror of the resonator. The radiation at the compressor output is focused again into the single-mode waveguide. OPTIMIZATION OF INPUT SIGNAL MODULATION AND COMPRESSOR PARAMETERS For the version of the compressor under consideration we consider a linear frequency modulation of the input pulse, as compared to the step-wise modulation used in SLED and SLED-II, in order to reduce the band-width requirement for the high-power amplifier that generates the input signal to the compressor. For effective compression optimization of parameters of frequency modulation and compressor parameters are required. Let us determine compression efficiency as the ratio of the output pulse energy stored in the accelerating section to the pulse energy at the compressor input: tn+T Eout2dt ——— \Ein (2) max where Ein and Eout are complex amplitudes at the input and output of the compressor. +00 T = \\Ejn(t)\ — 00 / dt I Ein\ / / | is duration of the input pulse, tn is time at which max the pulse starts to fill the accelerating structure, ris time of filling of the accelerating section. Let us define also the pulse compression ratio s=- (3) T as the ratio of duration of the input and output pulses. The power amplification ratio is given by following simple formula Po=S7J 450 (4) Conversion of a microwave pulse e(t)=E(t)exp(ico t) with any smooth modulation o in the resonator with input/output decoupling is described by the following equation: dEout(t] dt , I ° dEjf) +\I - 2Q ext .[, '' -0),\Eout(t} = (5) i where Qext is the external Q-factor of the resonator and aJ0 is eigenfrequency of the resonator. Equation (5) is to be integrated for a pulse with linear frequency modulation given by formula: I ^in(0 < t < T) = expuico t + LI tI2}\, f^ § w \ein(t<0,t>T) = 0. where // is parameter that measures the frequency modulation. In this case the 2 efficiency is a function of the following dimensionless parameters: a = ——, "ext Figure 3 shows optimized efficiency and power amplification coefficient as functions of the compression ratio s. Efficiency of compression in the case of linear modulation proves to be about 10% lower as compared to the step-wise modulation. -2.4 FIGURE 3. Characteristics of optimized compressors. Efficiency T| (solid lines) and Pg (dashed lines): the input pulse is frequency-modulated linearly. Optimized parameters that correspond to point A in Fig. 3 (ft = 34.272 GHz, s = 4, 77 = 65.89%, Pg = 2.64) are a = 11.78, >ff = 8.61, y = 2.11. Table 1 lists also dimensional compression parameters. 451 TABLE 1. Optimized parameters corresponding to point A. T , ns 500 100 80 T,ns 125 25 20 Af'0, GHz 0.003 0.014 0.017 Qext 4/,,GHz 25516 5105 4084 0.007 0.037 0.049 Calculations show that the use of quadratic frequency modulation makes it possible to improve the efficiency somewhat. TESTING THE COMPRESSOR AT A LOW POWER LEVEL We used a high-stability (Af/f = 10~5 - 10~6) klystron-type pulse generator as a source of input microwave pulses. The source worked in the regime of generation of rectangular pulses T = 80-120ns. The measured loaded Q-factor of the resonator proved to be slightly lower than the calculated value and was gm=3500-3700, which did not make it possible to achieve the maximum possible compression. The manufactured prototype of the compressor was tested both in the scheme with step-wise frequency modulation, and that with linear frequency modulation. In the first case we used an electrically controlled phase rotator based on a p-i-n diode with its phase switching time T s ~ 1 ns to switch the phase from 0 to 180°. The oscillogram of the compressed pulse obtained in that scheme is shown in Fig. 4. At the length of the input pulse 80 ns, s = 4, and Pg = 3, efficiency of compression was 75%, which corresponds totally to efficiency of the SLED compressor at the same compression coefficient. FIGURE 4. Oscillogram of the output pulse in the case of step-wise phase modulation: T=80 nc, s=4, 77=75%, ^=3. In order to obtain the linear frequency modulation of the microwave pulse we used the sawtooth generator. Samples of the oscillograms of the output pulses obtained in this variant of compressor operation are shown in Fig. 5. 452 TABLE 2. Compression with linear frequency modulation; experimental data. A/g, MHz 120 19.4 3 58 120 28.6 3 71 110 33.2 3.5 62 100 39.3 3.6 65 90 45.4 3.7 65 80 51.0 4 59 a) 1.74 2.13 2.17 2.34 2.41 2.36 b) FIGURE 5. Oscillogram of the output pulse in the case of linear frequency modulation: a - T=100 ns, 4^=39.3 MHz, s=3.6, 7/=65%, ^=2.34, b - T=80 ns, A^=51 MHz, s=4, 7/=59%, Pg=236. In the Fig. 5a the input pulse is 100 ns long, in the Fig. 5b it is 80 ns long. Experimental characteristics of compressed pulses and parameters of compressor operation are listed in Table 2. CALCULATION OF THE DIFFRACTION GRATINGS WITH ELECTRICALLY CONTROLLED PARAMETERS The quasi-optical travelling-wave resonator with a diffraction grating as a coupling device, which has been described in previous sections, can be used as an active microwave pulse compressor. The two regimes of grating operation are depicted in Fig. 6. To achieve this, in the regime of energy storage the grating should provide branching of a small portion of the incident power into the diffraction (-1st) beam, to couple the resonator with the feeding line, as in Fig. 6a. Then, to extract the stored energy, the grating should switch fast into the state in which a significant portion of the power is branched into the diffraction beam. As a result, the coupling of the resonator with the feeding line becomes better, and the energy stored in the resonator leaves it in a short time, as in Fig. 6b. 453 FIGURE 6. Scheme of compression basing on the quasi-optic resonator: 1 - diffraction grating/switch; 2 - focusing mirrors; 3 - input pulse; 4 - output pulse; a - resonator in the regime of energy storage; b resonator in the regime of output of the compressed pulse. This can be done by changing the properties of the diffraction grating; specifically, by using gas-discharge plasma to change the distribution of the electromagnetic field on the grating, thus changing its electrodynamic structure. Operation of such gratings was modeled by the FDTD method [5]. To provide electric reliability of the grating, we chose the TE polarization of the electromagnetic waves, in which the vector of the electric field is parallel to the grating grooves. In this case there is no noticeable increase of intensity of the electric field on the periodic structure. The calculations aimed at choosing the type and configuration of the grating that would provide almost total reflection (insignificant branching into the diffraction beam) in the absence of plasma in the switching elements, and at the lowest possible intensity of the electric field at these elements. We considered different types of gratings: those formed by dielectric tubes over a metal plane, by variously shaped metal profiles, by dielectric plates with gaps, etc. For the sake of convenience of calculations and measurements the angles of incidence and diffraction were chosen to be 45° and 17°. The calculations revealed that it is unreasonable to use gratings that incorporate dielectric tubes, since the electric field becomes stronger at their side surfaces; this can result in development of a multipactor discharge and lower electric reliability. The gratings that consist of a relatively thick dielectric plate with channels within (which serve as gas-discharge tubes) seem to be more electrically reliable. The thickness of the plate is chosen such that the boundary between the vacuum and the dielectric is at the minimum of the electric field of the standing wave, as shown in Fig. 7a. As a result, the occurrence of multipactor discharge is not very probable here. The intensity of electric field in the channels is equal approximately to the intensity of the field in the standing wave. The channels in the grating shown in Fig. 7 are placed with a double period and have slightly different dimensions to provide weak branching into the diffraction wave. In this case the "reflection coefficient" (R2), equal to the ratio of intensity of the mirror wave to intensity of the incident wave (see Fig. 2), is close to unity. When plasma is produced, a strong periodic inhomogeneity appears in half of the channels, and a significant portion of the energy is branched into the diffraction wave, as in Fig. 7b. 454 a) b) FIGURE 7. Distributions of the instantaneous electric field (1) and mean-square field (2) during reflection of the plane wave from the diffraction grating made of quartz: (a) - in the regime of energy storage in the resonator (R2 = 0.99); (b) - in the regime of energy extraction from the resonator (R2 = 0.5). In the figures the field within the quartz is shown in a darker colour. The part of quartz with two grating periods is shown as black. The plasma inside the quartz is shown as black also. Technically, manufacture of the quartz grating that has been described is comparatively complicated. That is why in order to check the possibility to create a controlled diffraction grating at a low power level experimentally, we calculated for a grating made of polystyrol, STUDY OF OPERATION OF THE ACTIVE DIFFRACTION GRATING The scheme of the setup for studying controlled diffraction gratings is shown in Fig. 8. The horn (6) sent the radiation produced by the microwave generator (1) towards the grating, which consisted of a plane metal mirror (3) and a periodic structure (2). The voltage produced by the high-voltage pulse generator was fed to the elements of the controlled grid via a set of ballast resistors (5). The level of power in the reflected (9) and diffraction (10) beams was determined by means of horns (6) and detectors (7); the signal from them was registered with a digital oscillograph. These experiments were aimed only at checking the basic possibility to change the ratio of beam intensities by using plasma in the grating, so the simplest conical horns (that did not provide 100% energy transmission) and a relatively low-power generator of highvoltage pulses (voltage 50 kV, current ~100 A, pulse duration -50 ns) were used. The electrically controlled grating used in the experiments at the low power level is 50x25 cm2 and is made of two sheets of polystyrole with grooves in one of them, which communicate at one end, to pump the gas into and out of them. At the both ends of the grooves, metal electrodes are glued in. 455 7 1 6 6 9 6 8 7 10 2 4 3 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5 FIGURE8.8. Scheme Scheme of of the the setup setup for for studying studying the the controlled FIGURE controlled diffraction diffraction grating: grating: 11 -- microwave microwave generator;22--diffraction diffraction grating; grating; 33 -- plane plane metal metal mirror; 55 -- set of ballast resistors; 66- -horn; generator; mirror; 44 -- PVG; PVG; set of ballast resistors; horn;7 7 st detector;88--incident incident beam; beam; 99 -- mirror mirror beam; beam; 10 - -detector; 10 -- diffraction diffraction -1 -1stbeam. beam. In order order to to obtain obtain homogeneous homogeneous plasma plasma during In during aa high-voltage high-voltage breakdown breakdown ininthe the experiments performed, the gas pressure was maintained at a low experiments performed, the gas pressure was maintained at a low pressure pressure level level (~1Torr). Torr). After After the the process process of of switching switching in (-1 in such such aa controlled controlled grating grating had had been been analyzed, the following was revealed. In the absence of plasma in the tubes analyzed, the following was revealed. In the absence of plasma in the tubes the the intensity of of the the diffraction diffraction beam beam is is low intensity low and and the the incident incident power power isis reflected reflected into intothe the mirror beam. beam. When When the the plasma plasma appears appears in mirror in the the grating grating channels channels in in aa high-voltage high-voltage breakdown, the the intensity intensity of of the the mirror mirror beam beam decreases breakdown, decreases and, and, atat the the same same time, time, the the intensity of the diffraction beam grows, as seen in Fig. 9. After the high-voltage intensity of the diffraction beam grows, as seen in Fig. 9. After the high-voltagepulse, pulse, overthe the plasma plasma diffuses diffuses and and the the reflection reflection coefficient isisover coefficient becomes becomes close closetotounity unityagain. again. It should be noted that in these experiments the time of switching was about It should be noted that in these experiments the time of switching was about 100 100ns, ns, which is too long to obtain compressed pulses of duration several tens of nanoseconds which is too long to obtain compressed pulses of duration several tens of nanoseconds long. However, the use of a more powerful high-voltage pulse generator and smaller long. However, the use of a more powerful high-voltage pulse generator and smaller dimensions of the grating will make it possible to shorten the switching time. dimensions of the grating will make it possible to shorten the switching time. I, a.u. /, a.u. 1 2 0 200 600 800 ns 600 200time, 400 400 800 time, ns FIGURE 9. Time dependence of intensity in the reflected (1) and diffraction (2) beams when plasma FIGURE Time dependence of intensity in the reflected (1) and diffraction (2) beams when plasma appears in9.the grating. appears in the grating. 456 CONCLUSION A passive quasi-optical compressor with linear frequency modulation on the bases of the three-mirror resonator was demonstrated. The results of the studies show that a developed version of a high-power passive quasi-optical compressor should be able to demonstrate the parameters shown in Table 3. Diffraction gratings as the third mirror of the resonator are promising for creation of electrically controlled wave beam switches. An active grating made of a dielectric with low losses was demonstrated. Preliminary estimates show that a compressor with such an active grating is capable of operating at high pulse powers with parameters as listed in Table 4. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the Division of High Energy Physics, US Department of Energy. TABLE 3. Parameters of passive quasi-optical rf pulse compressor. operating frequency 34.272 GHz distance between mirrors 350mm apertures of mirrors 250x150 mm2 input and output modes TEn inherent Q-factor 70000 coupling Q-factor 3500 duration of the input pulse 100ns duration of the output pulse 25ns compression ratio 4 efficiency, in the case of the rectangular envelope of 66% the input pulse frequency-modulated linearly TABLE 4. Parameters of active quasi-optical rf pulse compressor. operating frequency 34.272 GHz distance between mirrors 350mm apertures of mirrors ~ 20 x 20 cm2 input and output modes Gaussian beam 105 unloaded Q-factor loaded Q-factor (power feed/output) 40,000/3000 duration of input pulse 600ns duration of output pulse 20-30 ns power gain 15-30 ________efficiency________ 50% 457 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 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