Status Report on the LACARA Experiment Sergey V. Shchelkunov*, T.C. Marshall*, J.L. Hirshfield*'+, Changbiao Wang*, M.A. LaPointe*'+ ^Department of Applied Physics, Columbia University, New York City, NY 10027 department of Physics, Yale University, P.O. Box 208124 New Haven, CT 06520-81: + Omega-P, Inc., 199 Whitney Ave, Suite200, New Haven, CT 06520 Abstract. LACARA (laser cyclotron auto-resonance accelerator) is an 'advanced concept' vacuum laser accelerator of electrons that is in the design and construction phase at the Accelerator Test Facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory. As a bunch moves along a solenoidal magnetic field (~ 6T), it is to be accelerated from 50MeV to ~100MeV by interacting with a 0.8TW Gaussian-mode optical beam provided by a CO2 10.6um laser system. We present a system design here for the electron as well as the laser optics to accomplish this objective. The laser optics must handle 5J and be capable of forming a Gaussian beam inside the solenoid with a 1.3mm waist and a Rayleigh Range of 50cm, followed by a dump. The electron optics will transport a bunch having input emittance of 0.015mm-mrad and lOOum waist through the magnet. Emittance- filtering may be necessary to yield an accelerated bunch having narrow energy-spread. The design presented shows that a useful test of this concept may be done in a way taking into account the specific features and requirements of the ATF facility. It is expected that the experiment will be assembled by October- November 2002. INTRODUCTION LACARA is a vacuum laser accelerator of electrons, which uses a TW, circularly polarized Carbon Dioxide laser and a solenoidal magnetic field for acceleration. The interaction may be understood as follows. Laser photons will travel in the same direction as the electrons, and therefore the Doppler-shifted laser frequency in the electron rest frame is yo)( 1 - n-(3z), which should be equal to the electron cyclotron frequency Q0 = eB/m so that the laser energy may be transferred to the electrons. If the magnetic field is constant during the motion of the electron, then one can appreciate that an increase of y and an increase of (3Z is compatible with a fixed laser frequency co. The behavior of the index of refraction n (see below) on position (z) will determine the details of the energy gain. Since both (1 - n) and ( 1 - j8z) are «1, it follows that Q/co~ l/2y. CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 349 A useful feature of this device is the utilization of high laser power in the form of a Gaussian beam, which is readily produced by the laser system. Consequently, there is no need to further process the beam cross-section prior to utilization of the laser power. Simple lenses and planar mirror optics can be used, permitting the problem of dealing with high radiation load to be solved through a simple enlargement of apertures. The LACARA does not require a prebunched beam, and all injected electrons can experience nearly the same acceleration history [1,2]. Operated without a tight laser focus, LACARA is able to provide continuous acceleration in vacuum over several Rayleigh lengths. The scheme is not be limited to being a "y - doubler" - the relativistic energy factor can be increased by more than a factor of two in a single stage. LACARA uses an axial static magnetic field to maintain synchronism between electrons and the rotating electromagnetic field of a circularly- polarized laser beam. LACARA is currently being installed at ATF, Brookhaven [3]. The accelerator will utilize 800 GW 10.6- jim CO2 Laser power. The laser spot in the focal plain is chosen to be 1.30 mm, which corresponds to the Rayleigh length of 50 cm. The bunches of electrons, with 200 - 600 pC per bunch, will be accelerated from 50 MeV to 90 MeV in a solenoidal field which has overall length about 1.8m. The energy spread is expected to be as small as 3 %. In this paper we shall concentrate our attention on matters of beam transport and diagnostics through the solenoid, where high precision is needed to extract an accelerated beam with acceptable quality. This project is a collaborative effort of 4 organizations: the Applied Physics Department of Columbia University, Omega-P, Inc., the Beam Physics Laboratory of Yale University, and the Accelerator Test Facility of Brookhaven National Laboratory. FORMULATION The laser power P and the amplitudes for the electric and magnetic fields of the Gaussian circularly polarized laser beam [4,5] are connected -] = 15.5 - I 0 . m W[mm] Bo[T]=5l.l • W[mm] =W.7 [GVtm], =35.6[T], (1) (2) where the computed numbers are appropriate to P = 800 GW, W = 1.3 mm. In the formulae (1-2) W is the waist at the distance Z from the focal plane: w =wo-l+(z/zR) 350 (3) The phase advance for the circularly polarized wave is given by: 2 /2-R-O (4) with (5) R(z)=z The components of field in the direction of propagation are comparatively small [4,5]. Thus the electric and magnetic field can be thought of as approximately transverse. Suppose for a moment that we have a purely transverse linearly polarized electromagnetic field. If there is a charged particle in the field region then the action of electric and magnetic field will eventually force the particle to move in the direction orthogonal to both electric and magnetic components, yielding final energy gain in this direction. However, this acceleration is limited because the field region is localized near the axis of the system and the particles have some nonzero transversal speed, which causes them to leave the place where considerable energy gain can be achieved. The presence of transverse velocity components is an intrinsic property of the bunch described by the final emittance. Thus, one is led to the use of a solenoid, where particles will gyrate along the field lines. The EM-wave with linear polarization in the particle reference frame then must rotate in the laboratory reference frame. Fig. 1 shows schematically the orientation of the laser beam, the particles, and the solenoidal field. Circularly Polarized Laser Light Laser Fields Envelope e-Bean Laser 2 - 3 Rayleigh Lengths FIGURE 1. LACARA schematic. The magnet axis and laser beam centerline coincide. In order to have constant acceleration the wave phase advance along the particle path must obey 351 A dt Y ' (6) a • /? where Qo = ——~ - the nonrelativistic gyrofrequency of electron inside a solenoid, me and y is the customary particle relativistic factor. This can be represented as where the last part follows fromj8r « j8z. The axial and radial refractive indexes are given by: nr = r/R, 1 w2, + M z ? - z 2 ) - r 2 ^ 1 2 " r ^ l -2 ^'-z-R ^ + T2'- Z22-R ~ 1 -^-^ P2 2 z-R (8) W The resonance condition (6) can be maintained along the orbit for an accelerated electron if the magnetic field is tailored in space to track the variation in y. However, one may maintain an "average" resonance through space by keeping the magnetic field unchanged. Thus, one concludes that a simple uniform magnetic field is sufficient; this greatly reduces the cost and complexity of the superconducting magnet, and expands its flexible use. A numerical simulation is essential to fully investigate what can be achieved under such circumstances. A special code, CARA-code, was designed [2]. It has been tested in various simple situations to insure that the numerical noise has negligible impact on the physics investigated. The CARA-code operates on an ensemble of macro particles, tracking each one of them through a solenoidal magnetic field in the presence of a Gaussian wave as described in (1-5). The initial distribution of those particles in both coordinate and velocity spaces is Gaussian, as is also the case with the electron beam at ATF, Brookhaven. The acceleration channels are commonly described in terms of the so-called, Twiss parameters: PT, Y T = (1+ CXxVPx, Or = -(l/2)-3pT/ 3s, where s denotes the coordinate along the beam line [6,7]. Using the usual expressions for the second moments one the works out that the particle distribution in the transverse phase space is: 00) 352 where ex, ey are the non-normalized rms emittances. This integrates the entrance point of LACARA simulated by the CARA-code into a given beam line. The integration of the exit point of LACARA with a channel downstream of the LACARA solenoid is made on the basis of following relationships: <x2> yz nix =-CCTs (11) where one uses the fact that LACARA accelerates a round electron beam The emittance is given by: <o>y>2 (12) where the last term reflects the fact that both transverse motions inside a solenoid are coupled. The formulas (11-12) allow description of the electron beam after LACARA again in terms of the Twiss parameters. If after acceleration one takes a snapshot of the transverse particle positions at one plane (with "exposure time" of one optical cycle), an O-ring or donut-like image (Fig.2.) results. At the beginning of the acceleration the Lorenz force is pointed along the direction perpendicular to the beam centerline, and simply displaces a particle off axis. Usually, the length of an electron bunch is much longer than several optical wavelengths, and consequently particles enter with different relative phases and are displaced transversely into different directions. (One should notice that the emittance given by (12) describes the entire effective donut area.) Another contribution arises from the increase in mass of the accelerated particle. The growing angular momentum pushes the particle away from the magnetic axis inside the solenoid, and this is not compensated for when the particle leaves the solenoid; thus there is further radial shift. The formula (7) can be rewritten as: Y'Zr'C (0 where the last term is the leading contribution up to y ~ 385. At y ~ 385 both terms equal to each other, and the magnetic field achieves its minimum of 2.63 T. The resonance magnetic field goes back to 4.00 T at y ~ 1000, taking ZR constant. Thus, using LACARA for high-energy acceleration seems feasible because it does not require a very strong magnetic field. 3000 3000 2000 2000 Z, microns 1000 1000 o 0 N -1000 -1000 -2000 -2000 -3000 -3000 -3000 -3000 -2000 -2000 -1000 0 0 1000 1000 2000 2000 3000 3000 X, microns microns FIGURE 2.The 2.The "snapshot" “snapshot” of of the the transverse transverse particle positions on FIGURE on aa plane, plane, following following acceleration. acceleration. Particles enter enter into into acceleration acceleration with with different different phases phases relative relative to Particles to an an electromagnetic electromagnetic wave wave (CARA(CARAcodesimulation). simulation). The The laser laser power power equals equals to to 800 800 GW; code GW; the the electron electron beam beam atat the the matching matching point pointisis µm, and roundwith withthe thewaist waistaσxx,, yy==28 28 um, and the the non-normalized non-normalized emittance emittance is round is .0015 .0015 mm-mrad. mm-mrad. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS An electron electron beam beam with with non-normalized non-normalized emittance emittance εex == ε8z == .015 An .015 mm-mrad mm-mrad and and x Z initial energy E=50 MeV is now available at ATF, Brookhaven. The initial energy E=50 MeV is now available at ATF, Brookhaven. The laser laser power power presently isis slightly slightly above above 30 30 GW, GW, however, however, itit is presently is expected expected toto achieve achieve the the 800 800GW GW level soon after laser upgrading. level soon after laser upgrading. Considering acceleration acceleration of of an an electron electron beam Considering beam in in general general one one may may note note that that due to a finite initial diameter of the beam, different particles are accelerated due to a finite initial diameter of the beam, different particles are accelerated inin different ways. This creates an energy spread and transverse emittance growth. If the different ways. This creates an energy spread and transverse emittance growth. If the beam's initial diameter is reduced, then different particles should undergo very beam's initial diameter is reduced, then different particles should undergo very similar motion in the laser field. Thus a reduction of the beam size will lead to a similar motion in the laser field. Thus a reduction of the beam size will lead to a reduction in the energy spread and emittance growth. However, if there is a finite reduction in the energy spread and emittance growth. However, if there is a finite initial emittance, then a reduction of the beam’s initial diameter leads also to a larger initial emittance, then a reduction of the beam's initial diameter leads also to a larger initial velocity spread. Consequently, different particles have different initial initial velocity spread. Consequently, different particles have different initial 354 velocities and again are accelerated in different ways. Thus, if the emittance has some particular value there will be some optimum value for the beam's initial diameter in order to have the final energy spread and emittance minimized. It follows that if one reduces the emittance simultaneously with the beam diameter then one should obtain a reduction in the final energy spread and emittance. The CARA-code simulation for an electron beam with the initial emittance 8 = .015 mm-mrad, and energy of 50 MeV is presented in the Table 1. The electron beam has its waist located at the entrance to the solenoid, and is circular there with minimize the final energy spread. TABLE 1. Laser Required Power, Px=P y at [GW] entrance, [m] 30 0.68 800 0.68 Emittance, final, [mmmrad] .1387 .269 Energy, gam [MeV] 2.16 36.34 Energy spread, final, [%] 6.6 18 PTx=PTy, final, [m] 4.92 5.25 OCTx=OCTy, final -7.75 -8.00 In the Table 2 the simulation results for different laser powers and different initial emittances are shown. The beam waist, -Je- PT =101 jim, at the entrance into the solenoid is kept the same for all cases. TABLE 2. Laser Initial Power, emittance, [GW] [mm-mrad] 30 .015 30 .0015 30 .00015 800 .015 800 .0015 800 .00015 4000 .015 4000 .0015 4000 .00015 Final emittance, [mm-mrad] .139 .080 .080 .269 .184 .182 .432 .361 .358 Energy gain, [MeV] 2.16 2.10 2.11 36.34 40.74 40.80 74.63 91.00 91.00 Energy spread, final, [%] 6.6 5.7 5.7 17.9 10.7 10.4 37.8 28.5 28.7 Final P T ,M 4.906 4.726 4.760 5.379 7.293 7.407 3.030 3.311 3.285 Final Or -7.729 -7.209 -7.262 -8.180 -10.885 -11.036 -4.472 -4.738 -4.706 While the initial emittance is changed by the factor of 10, then again by another factor of 10, the changes in the final energy are minimal; the final emittance changes by 25 - 40 %; the energy spread changes by factor of less then 2. This shows that any reduction in the initial emittance must be accompanied by an appropriate decrement in the beam initial diameter. Such cases are presented in Table 3, where initially^£ - fiT = 46.3 jim for all rows. 355 rows (arbitrary (arbitrary chosen, chosen, -- not not an an optimal optimal value value 46.3 Jim for all all rows µm for ε ⋅ β T == 46.3 TABLE TABLE3.3. Initially Initially Laser Laser Power, Power, [GW] [GW] 30 30 800 800 4000 4000 Initial Initial emittance, emittance, [mm-mrad] [mm-mrad] .0015 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0015 .0015 for for the the emittance emittance == .0015 .0015 mm-mrad) mm-mrad) Final Energy, Energy Energy Energy, Final emittance, gam spread, spread, gain emittance, [mm-mrad] [MeV] final, [%] [MeV] [mm-mrad] final, [%] .0326 1.80 3.0 .0326 1.80 3.0 .092 45.33 3.7 .092 45.33 3.7 .193 108.8 7.9 .193 108.8 7.9 Final Final Pr, [m] β T, [m] 4.685 4.685 12.795 12.795 5.773 5.773 Final Final OrT α -7.218 -7.218 -18.867 -18.867 -7.948 -7.948 § 0.3 6 0.25 5 0.2 4 beta, m emittance, mm-mrad With 800 GW GW the the With the the initial initial emittance emittance of of .0015 .0015 mm-mrad mm-mrad and and laser laser power power of of 800 minimal 28 µm. Jim. minimalenergy energy spread spread of of 2.8 2.8 % is is achieved when Jeε ⋅ fa βT = = 28 The The emittance emittance reduction reduction can can be be made made by by the the means means of a pipe-like emittance filter and and itit will will be be done done in in the the future. future. The The current goal is a proof of the principle experiment, experiment, which which will will be be conducted conducted with with the initial non-normalized emittance, ε8 ≈~ .015 .015mm-mrad. mm-mrad. In In Fig. Fig. 33 isis shown shown the the emittance emittance behavior inside the solenoid during the acceleration. acceleration. Fig. Fig. 44 presents presents the the corresponding corresponding beta-function beta-function behavior. 0.15 3 2 0.1 0.1 0.05 1 •KX^/^/O^ 0 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 0 -1.5 1.5 length,m m length, FIGURE3. 3.The The emittance, emittance, eεxx == eεyy,, FIGURE behaviorduring duringacceleration acceleration inside inside the the behavior solenoid. The Theabscissa abscissa zero-point zero-point corresponds corresponds solenoid. themagnet magnetcenter, center,and and the thefocal focal plain plain of of totothe laserlight. light. The Theemittance emittance growth growth is is given given for for laser twodifferent differentlaser laserpowers, powers, 30 30 GW GW -bottom –bottom two curve;800 800 GW curve; GW–- top topcurves. curves. -1 -0.5 -0.50 00.5 0.5 1 length, m J 11.5 1.5 FIGURE 4. An example of beta-function, = Px βTX βTy Tx = y>, behavior in the LACARA magnet With magnetic magnetic field field required required to to maintain maintain the the resonance resonance conditions, conditions, the With the Brillouin Brillouin radius equals equals to to 44 jim at full full current, current, and and 1.2 µm at radius 1.2 µm jim if if the the emittance emittance filter filter isis implemented. When When 800 800 GW GW laser laser power power is is applied, applied, the the minimal minimal electron implemented. electron beam beam 356 waist is 35 jim (28 jim with the emittance filter); thus, the space charge effects can be fully neglected. PRESENT STATUS The LACARA will operate at the ATF experimental floor, second beam line. The detailed layout of the experiment is below (Fig. 5) Electron bunches from the ATF RF linac enter the LACARA experiment via a bending dipole magnet at the left. Between this dipole and the LACARA solenoid three quadrupole magnets (quads) are placed to focus the electron beam to the required transverse sizes. For the present experiment the required beta function at the matching point between the beam line and the solenoid entrance has to be PTO = PI* = Pxy ~ 0.68 m (- 40 % -s+90 %), while 3px/ 9s = 0. The last quad in the focusing series is movable. Together with current adjustment in all three quads, one will be able to change PTO from 0.14 to 1.8 m. In order to keep the dispersion function Dx equal to zero one will need also to adjust slightly the current in the first five quads located before the dipole (not shown in the layout). The behavior of both beta functions are plotted in Fig. 6 The second quads assembly, located after the LACARA solenoid, has the purpose of tightly focusing the accelerated electron beam prior to its passing through the second bending dipole. Both assemblies are mounted on double continuously supported rail tables with adjustable carriages. The design will provide quad alignment along a given line with precision of around 25 jim. Residual alignment errors are eliminated by means of trimmers. The solenoid provides a uniform guiding magnetic field up to 6 T at 77 amps over the length of 1.6 m. The unit's flange-to-flange length is 2343.4 mm. Its windings have operational temperature of 4.2 K°, and are chilled by Sumitomo SRDK-408 cryocooler head through a thermally conductive mount. The total time for cooling down from the room temperature is about two days. This magnet was constructed at the Everson Electric Co., Bethlehem. PA. The magnet axis can be found by means of a stretched wire technique with a precision better than 25|im. However, when the wire position is referred to external fiducials, the precision will be no better than 150|im. Fortunately, there is a way to improve upon that. The center of misalignment of the electron beam plots a quasiperiodic curve with a period of 0.582T in the plane orthogonal to the beam. By gathering this information at several positions of the solenoid, one should be able to position the magnetic axis with a precision of 3-4|im with respect to the electron beam. A special table, positioned precisely with four degrees of freedom, is used to support the magnet. It has been built recently at Yale Physics Department Shop. The accuracies of positioning under appropriate load are: yaw - 2.66 jiirad/ motor step; pitch -1.44 /urad/ motor step; lateral shift -1.56 /urn/ motor step; vertical shift -10 urn, non motorized. 357 LACARA at ATF (LAser Cyclotron Auto—Resonance Accelerator) ^ FIGURE 5. LACARA at ATF, second beam line There are three prime locations for beam monitors. Each monitor (BPM) is a retractable OFHC mirror mounted on an actuator stroke. Tilted by the angle of 45° to the beam line it reflects the transition radiation produced by an oncoming electron bunch toward a monitoring CCD (visible spectra). It has been recently shown at ATF that this approach provides the most reliable measurement of beam sizes for waists not exceeding 100 - 200 jim [9]. There are beam splitters inserted into the light paths, separating visible radiation from IR. The CC>2 laser rays, which are also reflected by mirrors, are separated from the visible light by these beam splitters and propagate towards pyroviewers. Thus, both the electron and laser beams are monitored simultaneously at each given location. After each retraction the new position of the beam monitor screen will be referred to a reference axis. To establish the reference axis a HeNe laser located outside of the vacuum is employed. The unit introducing this light into the system is similar in design to the beam monitor. However, instead of using a simple stroke actuator it uses in addition an adjoined kinematic base having reproducibility ~1 jirad. For the light initial space and angular adjustment, the HeNe laser is mounted on the top of an accurately positioned stage having five degrees of freedom. The HeNe laser will be used as the reference axis not only when the experiment is operated, but during equipment installation too. A new magnetic spectrometer will be required to measure the energy difference between the unaccelerated bunch and the accelerated bunch, and is being currently developed. 358 •\ DISTANCES in MM The loe-ta-function before -the solenoid p = 0,14 - 1,8 n is achivable, 0 = 0.14 - 1.8 n is achivable Q1,Q2,Q3 - quadripoles Ql,Q2,Q3-quadrupoles FIGURE 6. The beta function behavior before the LACARA solenoid, - two examples for the different quadrupoles currents and also two different positions of the third quad are shown. The simulation is made by the MAD-code, version 8.51/07. [8] The laser transport system uses a single lens with R = 12m to focus the CC>2 laser light in the middle of the solenoid. The particular waist (31.1 mm) is required at the lens location, and is provided by the means of ATF telescopic system (not shown in Fig. 5). All mirrors are plain and serve only to direct the light. High precision mounts are used to achieve adequate positioning. There is a vacuum-sealed ZnSe coated window that introduces light into the vacuum, and is subjected to more radiation load than other elements. The upper energy threshold is about: Ptot' &t[Joules] = (wwin[mm]/ll.3)2 = 6.72 J (14) where Wwin is the waist at the window location. A laser dump is used at the end of experimental line. The design uses a spherical mirror reflecting light by 90° toward a NaCl window, which separates the vacuum and air-pressurized volumes of the dump. The wave front after reflection is a generalized spherical surface having major radius twice larger than that of the minor. The design has very compact dimensions, yet it has the upper energy threshold around 6.83 J, and dumps more than 95 % of the incident power outside the vacuum chamber. Future plans for this facility include the generation of fsec-duration bunches [2]. 359 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors acknowledge helpful discussion with the ATF staff: Ilan BenZvi, Marcus A. Babzien, Marty Woodle, Igor Pogorelsky, Vitaly Yakimenko, Xijie Wang, and the financial support of the DoE. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hirshfield J.L., and Wang C., Physics Rev. E , vol. 61, pp. 7252-7255 (2000) Marshall T.C., Wang C., and Hirshfield J.L., Physics Rev. Special Topics- Accelerators and Beams, vol. 4, 121301 (2001) E. Esarey., et al, Physics Rev. E, vol. 52,5443 (1995); Hafizi B., et al., Physics Rev. E, vol. 55, 5924 (1997) Verdeyen J.T., Laser Electronics, Prentice-Hall, 1981 edition, Chap. 2. Steffen K., "Basic Course on Accelerator Optics", in CERN Accelerator School Proceedings, edited by P. Bryant, S. Turner, vol.1, Geneva ,September 1985, pp. 25-63 Edwards D.A., and Syphers M.J., An Introduction to the Physics of High Energy Accelerators, John Wiley & Sons, INC., New York, 1993, pp. 57-138. 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