Experimental Observation of Radiation from Cerenkov Wakes in a Magnetized Plasma Noboru Yugami, Takeshi Higashiguchi*, Davoud Dorranian, Hiroaki Ito and Yasushi Nishida Dep. of Energy and Environmental Science, Graduate School of Utsunomiya University 7-1-2 Yoto, Utsunomiya Tochigi, Japan, * Dep. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Miyazaki University, 1-1 Gakuen Kibanadai Nishi, Miyazaki, Miyazaki 889—2192, Japan Abstract A proof-of-principle experiment demonstrates the generation of the radiation from the Cerenkov wake excited by a ultra short and ultra high power pulse laser in a perpendicularly magnetized plasma. The frequency of the radiation is in the millimeter range(up to 200 GHz). The intensity of the radiation is proportional to the magnetic field intensity as the theory expected. Polarization of the emitted radiation is also detected. The difference in the frequency of the emitted radiation between the experiments and theory can be explained by the electron oscillation under the electric field created by ions in the focal regeion. 1 Introduction In the last decade, the phenomena of frequency up-shift of electromagnetic waves and the generation of short pulse radiation have been experimentally [1] and theoretically investigated [2]. Photon acceleration using a relativistic ionization front has been studied by Mori [3]. In this scheme, the ionization front propagating relativistic velocity (~ c) interacts with a counter-propagating electromagnetic wave (probe wave) and the frequency of the probe electromagnetic wave is up-shifted. This phenomenon takes place not only at the overdense ionization front but also at the underdense ionization front. The ionization front generated by laser has successfully interacted with an existing microwave and its frequency increased from 35 GHz to over 170 GHz [4,5]. Mori et al have shown that the frequency upshift occurs by the interaction between a static electric field and an ionization front [6]. This means a direct electromagnetic wave generation from the static electric field. Lai et al have reported this phenomenon using a high-power short-pulse glass laser system and observed emitted radiation in the microwave region [7]. Recently Yoshii et al. have proposed new mechanism in which the short electromagnetic pulse is radiated by the interaction between a laser wake field or short electron bunch and a static magnetic field [8]. In the magnetized plasma, the wake field has both electrostatic and electromagnetic component. Furthermore, the magnetized wake field has nonzero group velocity. This enables the wake to propagate through the plasma and couples radiation into the vacuum. This phenomenon is called Cerenkov wake and the emitted frequency of the radiation is expected to be close to the plasma frequency when the laser is irradiated in the CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 341 underdense plasma. The theory expects the production of GHz to THz radiation at power approaching GW level by using the wake field excited by the current laser system and appropriate magnetic field. In this paper, we report, to our best knowledge, the first proof-of-principle experiment demonstrating the generation of the radiation from the Cerenkov wake excited by an ultra short and ultra high power pulse laser in a perpendicularly magnetized plasma. 2 Theory of Cerenkov wake The geometry of the radiation scheme demonstrated here is simple. A short pulse of ultra high power laser beam propagates in the z direction and a dc magnetic field exists in the y direction. After the propagation of the laser pulse, the wake field is excited behind it and couples with the magnetic field and the radiation is generated. To understand the expected radiation, we consider the dispersion relation diagram of the electromagnetic wave in the magnetized plasma. In the unmagnetized plasma, the dispersion relationship for the electromagnetic wave, a)2 = a)2p + c2k2 can not couple with the disturbance which propagates with the velocity, vg, where cop and vg are the plasma frequency and the group velocity of the laser pulse in the plasma and vg is less than the speed of light c. However, the addition of the applied magnetic field alters the scenario. In the magnetized plasma, two branches(lower and higher of the extraordinary (XO) mode) appear in the dispersion relationship of the electromagnetic wave. The intersection of the lower dispersion curve and the disturbance excited by the laser beam(o> = vgk) shows the excitation of the radiation. In the underdense plasma, vg « c, the intersection appears at aj « cop. Therefore, resultant radiation of frequency of a) « o)p is expected. Here, the group velocity of the radiation is Vg = doj/dk = (o%/afyc, where coc = eBo/mc is the cyclotron frequency of the electron and co^ is the upper hybrid frequency defined as o)2h = o)2p + o%. In this case, according to the Cerenkov condition, the almost of the radiation power is emitted in the forward direction, i.e. z direction. 3 Experiments Figure 1 shows the experimental setup and measurement system for the observation of the emitted radiation from the Cerenkov wake. The dc magnetic field in the y direction is generated by the permanent magnet and its field strength is varied from 0 to 6 kG. A 10 Hz Ti:Sapphire laser beam at a wavelength of 800 nm, with a maximum energy of 100 mJ and a duration of 100 fs [full width at half maximum(FWHM)], is used for the wake field generation. The laser beam is focused by a f / 5 lens at the region where the static magnetic field is applied. The focal spot diameter is less than 20 //m and its maximum intensity is in the order of 1017 W/cm2. After the vacuum chamber is evacuated by a turbomolecular pump below 10~5 Torr, it is statically filled with nitrogen or argon gas, as a working gas and the maximum pressure was 342 Window Magnet Pairs Ma net Pairs II 9 —P! A-^l" *Laser Laser Pulse Pulse IF7 Lens: Lens: f = 150 150 mm Window Window X_ Grating Grating Radiation 7 Beam Damp z Receiver y Intensity (normalized units) Fig.l : Experimental setup Fig.1 1 0.8 0.6 200 ps 0.4 0.2 0 -2 -1 -1 o0 1 1 2 Time (ns) Fig. 2 :: Typical Waveform of radiation Torr. When When the the high high intensity intensity laser laser beam beam is is focused, focused, the ionization by tunnel ionization 11 Torr. process is is expected expected to occur. process In order order to to measure measure the the emitted emitted radiation, radiation, we we used In used two two methods; methods; one one was was the the combination combination of the waveguide and horn antenna for temporal evolution of radiation waveform, of the waveguide and horn antenna for temporal evolution of radiation waveform, other otherisisthe the spectrum measurement using the grating with 15 0.5 cm grooves and blazed with 30 spectrum measurement using the grating with 15 0.5 cm grooves and blazed with 30 degrees degrees angle. In In the the both both experiments, experiments, the the radiation angle. radiation was was detected detected by by aa crystal crystal detector. detector. The The angle angle between an emitting horn antenna and a receiving one is kept constant while the between an emitting horn antenna and a receiving one is kept constant while the grating grating isis rotated. rotated. Figure 22 shows shows the the typical typical output output signal signal with Figure with the the duration duration of of 200 200 ps(FWHM). ps(FWHM). Here, Here, the the microwave detection system consists of 31.4 GHz waveguide and horn antenna combinamicrowave detection system consists of 31.4 GHz waveguide and horn antenna combination with with the the microwave microwave detector detector of of time-resolution time-resolution of 100 ps tion of 100 ps displayed displayed on on the the oscilloscope oscilloscope (Tektronix type type ;; TDS-694C) TDS-694C) with with the the analog analog frequency (Tektronix frequency band band width width of of 33 GHz. GHz. The The applied applied _1.2 & c 1 S(5 GHz' ' '199 GHz' -i (270 mTorr)M(80 mTorr); i | 0.6 179 GHz (40 mTorr) | & 104 GHz I 0.2 0 r 50 116 GHz °11 -W'A* . . i jflgj . .*u • ?^- ± 1 100 150 200 250 Frequency (GHz) Fig. 3 : Spectrum of radiation magnetic field is 6 kG and gas pressure of nitrogen is 270 mTorr. The radiation duration, r, is estimated by the damping of wake filed, when the damping is strong. In the case of weak damping, however, the duration is defined by the cycles of the wake field in the plasma, N, and the group velocity of the radiation, Vg, in the plasma, i.e., [8] 2nNc -L. c < (1) where Lp is the length of plasma. In our experiments, the plasma is weakly magnetized, 0.01, i.e. a?p , this equation is approximately written as, (2) In our experimental conditions, the time-scale of the damping of the wake field may be estimated in the order of 10 ps and the length of the plasma, Lp will be given by the order of the Rayleigh length ZR [9]. The estimated Rayleigh length by the optical parameters of our experiments is 1.6 mm and the expected pulse duration of the radiation is calculated to be 700 ps. Although the experimental value is in the same order of the theoretical one, precise density measurement is required for our future experiments. Figure 3 shows the frequency spectrum of the radiation measured at nitrogen pressures of 60, 120 and 270 mTorr(denoted by solid circles) and argon pressures of 40 and 80 mTorr(denoted by open circles), leading to center frequencies of 104 and 116 GHz(in the m = 1 order) and 179, 195 and 199 GHz (in the m = 2 order). Intensity is normalized by the maximum value of each gas. The incident wave is s-polarized and the signal is observed in the m = 1 and m = 2 reflection orders of the grating spectrometer. In this experiment, frequencies under 120 GHz are observed in the m = 1 order and frequencies from 120 to 240 344 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 -90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90 Angle (degrees) Fig. 4 : Polarization of Radiation GHz are observed in the m = 2 order. The crystal detector of response in flat under 250 GHz and decays over 250 GHz. We observed radiation signal in higher gas pressure, however, we cannot determine the frequency of the radiation. Higher signal intensity is observed at higher gas pressure. This is expected from ID unmagnetized plasma theory [10] that the excitation of strong longitudinal electric field of the wake filed is expected. Plasma density corresponding to the frequency of 200 GHz is 4.9 x 1014 cm"3. Nitrogen gas is expected to be 5 times ionized by the laser pulse, that is, the plasma density of 4.5 x 1016 cm"3 is expected. Therefore the detected frequency of the radiation to is approximately cop/5. We will explain this discrepancy bellow. The emitted radiation is expected to be polarized in the x direction, i.e. vertical to the dc magnetic field. The polarization is measured by rotating the microwave horn antenna around the z axis. The signal is detected by the 31.4 GHz cut-off waveguide and the horn antenna. Figure 4 shows the relationship between the electric field of the emitted microwave and the angle of the antenna. The each data is normalized by the maximum value at 9 = 0 degree. Here, the gas pressure of nitrogen is 270 mTorr and the static magnetic field is 6 kG. The polarization angle of zero degree meets with the x direction. The solid line indicates the electric field distribution cos2 0 which is assumed that the tiny dipole antenna with a current propagates in the z direction. As the electric field of electromagnetic (EM) wave is proportional to cos 0, the observed signal intensity should be proportional to cos2 0, because the crystal detector detects the power of the EM wave. The data is fairy good agreement with the assumption. Therefore, these data mean that the observed radiation is emitted by the Cerenkov wake. The direction of the emitted radiation is also measured(not shown here). The distribution angle of radiation is ±5 degree in the forward direction. Therefore the Cerenkov radiation condition is satisfied. 345 40i i • • • i • • • i ' 30 i Exp. 1,20 °" 10 w 0 2 4 6 8 Magnetic field strength (KG) 10 Fig. 5: Radiation Power vs. Magnetic field The theory gives the output power p of the emitted radiation ^ r2 fe) fr' (3) where Ez and F is the longitudinal electric field of the excited wake field and the damping factor of the radiation at the plasma-vacuum boundary, respectively [8]. The longitudinal wake field can be estimated from the ID unmagnetized plasma theory and its value is calculated to be 2.0 x 105 V/cm. The damping factor F is calculated when a linear plasma density with a ramp length of L is assumed, and is given as F = eaLa)plc, where a is called damping coefficient which is a function of a)cla)p. Figure 5 shows the output power of the radiation as a function of the applied dc magnetic field. The power of vertical axis is in arbitrary unit, because whole of the measurement system is not calibrated to the power of the radiation. The circles with error bars and dotted line indicate the experimental results and the theoretical value given by above model which takes the damping phenomena at the boundary into account. The length L is assumed to be 2 mm in our experiments. The dependence of the output power on the dc magnetic field is in good agreement on the theory. The detail of structures in the data cannot be explained so far. Even if no magnetic field is applied, weak signal is detected. This might be caused by the radiation due to nonlinear current which has been reported by Hamster et al [11]. The theory predicts that the frequency of emitted radiation is equal to the plasma frequency(o> ~ a)p\ however, the frequency of the radiation in the experiments is much lower than that of expected value(o> ~ a)p/5) as stated above. This discrepancy can be explained by the taking the radial oscillation of electrons into account. At the focal region of laser beam, the extreme ponderomotive force on the plasma can expel the plasma electrons and remaining immovable ions create the radial electric field. The electron obeys the equation of motion, 2 ffir A 2w m—2 = -4nn0e —, dt r 346 where w is focal radii of laser beam. In our experimental condition, the skin depth c/a)p is lager than the spot size, therefore, the electric field can influence outside of the plasma column and electrons oscillate by this electric field. The frequency of the electron oscillation can be obtained by the integration of the above equation, where VQSC is the maximum oscillation velocity of electron which is initially accelerated by laser ponderomotive force. Finally, we can obtain the scale equation, ^Kv~Jp y osc. where 2nfp = a)p. This formula indicates the frequency of the oscillation is proportional to the focal size of laser beam. Numerical calculation using our experimental values result that the emitted frequency of radiation is a)p/5 ~ a)p/4. The detail PIC simulation results will be published in anywhere. [12] Further work is required to obtain the plasma density along the laser propagation and the electric field of the longitudinal wake field. In higher density experiments, higher frequency radiation is expected. Therefore, a direct measurement of the radiation electric field will be required for the precise frequency measurement by using such as EO(electro-optical) sampling method. Use of supersonic gas jet valve may be appropriate for the creation of the sharp boundary plasma-vacuum interface and highly efficient extraction of the radiation energy from the plasma to vacuum. We have verified the physical mechanism of generation of radiation from Cerenkov wake field. In the present experiment, the maximum radiation frequency of 200 GHz is detected by varying the gas pressure. The relative power of the signal is measured to scale with the square of the dc magnetic field strength. The results support the potentiality of developing high-power, tunable and short pulse coherent radiation source with the frequency ranging from microwave to THz radiation. Acknowledgments A part of the present work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan. One of the authors (T. H.) is also grateful to the JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists. 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