A Resonant, THz Slab-Symmetric DielectricBased Accelerator R. B. Yoder and J. B. Rosenzweig Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1547 Abstract. Slab-symmetric dielectric-loaded structures, consisting of a vacuum gap between dielectric-lined conducting walls, have become a subject of interest for short-wavelength acceleration due to their simplicity, relatively low power density, and advantageous beam dynamics. Such a structure can be resonantly excited by an external power source and is known to strongly suppress transverse wakefields. Motivated by the prospect of a high-power FIR radiation source, currently under construction at UCLA, we investigate a high-gradient slabsymmetric accelerator powered by up to 100 MW of laser power at 340 um, with a predicted gradient near 100 MeV/m. Three-dimensional simulation studies of the structure fields and wakes are presented and compared with theory, and a future experiment is discussed. BACKGROUND Mechanisms for obtaining charged-particle acceleration using the high power density of lasers can generally be divided into two classes: those in which the accelerating fields are dominated by structures or boundaries with characteristic dimensions on the order of the laser wavelength, termed near-field devices, and those in which fields are derived from the diffraction-dominated propagation of one or more laser beams, or far-field devices. The latter class, which includes "vacuum accelerators" such as crossed-laser beam devices [1,2] as well as inverse Cerenkov accelerators [3], has the obvious advantage that the field strength is minimized near any structures, such as mirrors, that are used to create the field profile; fields are therefore not limited by breakdown. Furthermore, since there is no structure surrounding the particle beam, that beam will not be perturbed or destroyed by its own wakefields. On the other hand, the fields in this class of devices are dominated by large transverse components, in general much greater than those in the longitudinal or accelerating direction. Not only are such accelerators clearly inefficient, since the strongest fields are unused, but they also tend to suffer from a high degree of transverse instability, since small asymmetries in the fields or misalignment of the particle beam can result in severe transverse deflections or in acceleration that depends on transverse position. In comparison, the strengths and weaknesses of near-field devices are complementary. The overriding consideration in the design of a near-field structure must be to avoid field breakdown due to the high power density which will necessarily be located at the field-shaping boundary. Metallic cavities, standard at microwave frequencies, are no longer advantageous at near-optical scales, where the most CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 331 promising materials are dielectrics that can withstand fields of a few GV/m for pulses of a few picoseconds [4]. Notwithstanding this practical limit, near-field structures have the advantage that they can be resonantly excited, giving fields in the structure larger than those of the driving laser, and field symmetry and synchronicity can be enforced in a straightforward way. The other principal difficulty with near-field structures arises from the presence of boundaries very near the particle beam. In a conventional linac with a cylindricallysymmetric structure, transverse wakefields quickly become unacceptably large as the resonant wavelength decreases below a few millimeters. However, if slab symmetry is employed—i.e. if the structure is rectangular, with one transverse dimension much greater than the gap spacing—this effect can be mitigated by accelerating a beam which is spread out in the wide transverse direction until its transverse size is much larger than the structure gap. Not only can a large amount of charge be accelerated in this way without beam loading, but it has been shown [5] that such a beam couples very weakly to the antisymmetric dipole modes of the structure and therefore generates almost no transverse wakefield, independent of its transverse position within the gap. Given these considerations, a slab-symmetric resonant structure consisting of a vacuum gap between two conducting mirrors, lined on the inside by dielectric, was first proposed in 1995 [5]. This device was based on a Fabry-Perot mirror pair and was intended to be driven by a laser incident on the side of the structure and partially transmitted through the mirror boundary. Clearly, in the absence of any intrinsic structural periodicity in the longitudinal (acceleration) direction, the fields produced would be mainly invariant in z, corresponding to the standard Fabry-Perot mode for the structure; such fields cannot produce net acceleration. Periodic modulation of the dielectric constant in the z direction was proposed to enforce the correct field periodicity as well as the desired coupling of the laser power into the accelerating mode. Simulations showed that the efficiency of this coupling was poor, and in later versions of this design [6], the functions of coupling laser power into the structure and enforcing the correct field periodicity were split, with mirror transmissivity being itself modulated in the longitudinal direction while the dielectric constant remained fixed. This design performed well in simulations when excited with a laser wavelength of 10.6 um, with a resonant gap spacing equal to the laser wavelength. However, producing an electron beam with such a small transverse dimension proved unfeasible, and no experiment using this structure was attempted. This paper presents a design for a similar structure, but operated now in the far infrared frequency range, at a wavelength of 340 um. This wavelength choice reflects the potential availability of a high-power THz radiation source in the UCLA Neptune laboratory, to be discussed briefly below. The correspondingly greater gap dimension in the accelerator leads to a much weaker requirement on the beam emittance, and an experimental investigation is planned for the near future. It should be noted that similar slab-symmetric dielectric-loaded structures have recently been proposed for wakefield acceleration [7,8]; in such a device, longitudinal wakefields excited by a drive bunch or bunches are used to accelerate a second or witness bunch following a precise distance after the driver. A theoretical analysis of wakefield acceleration shows that a very large number of structure modes are 332 produced by the initial driving bunch, some of which combine to produce useful accelerating fields behind the bunch. By comparison, the scheme outlined here would use resonant coupling from an external source to drive the structure with a single dominant mode. conductor laser light i y 4 ebeam (a) (b) FIGURE 1. (a) Schematic drawing of the structure geometry. Two layers of dielectric-lined conductor surround a vacuum gap; a very wide electron beam is injected into the gap and travels in the +z direction, while radiation (polarized in z) is coupled in from above through transverse slots in the conductor, (b) A cross-section in x, showing the parameters used in the mathematical analysis. (The dielectric is denoted by cross-hatching.) DESCRIPTION OF THE STRUCTURE The structure geometry under discussion here is shown schematically in Figure 1. It consists of two mirror surfaces, assumed to be infinite in jc and z, displaced from each other in the y direction so as to create a narrow gap. The gap is partially filled by two layers of dielectric material having relative permittivity e. For the analysis below, we take the distance between the conducting boundaries to be 2ft, with the central vacuum gap having dimension 2a, so that the dielectric thickness on each wall is (b - a). The particle beam is traveling in the positive z direction. Laser light (also polarized in the +z direction) impinges on the upper surface as shown, and a series of narrow transverse coupling slots in the conductor allows transmission of light into the structure. The slot spacing must equal the free-space laser wavelength; this enforces a field in the structure which is periodic in z and can therefore accelerate particles synchronously. Coupling slots in the lower surface symmetrize the field and allow the detection of transmitted light as a diagnostic. A mode analysis of the dielectric-loaded slab-symmetric structure has been presented by Tremaine et al. [9], in the usual approximation of perfectly conducting boundaries and in the infinite-width limit; that paper also considers the effect of a slow field variation in jc, corresponding to a large but non-infinite jc-dimension. Recent calculations of the modes present in a slab structure with conducting boundaries at x = ±L (i.e. an asymmetric rectangular waveguide which is lined by dielectric on two sides) have been presented by Park and Hirshfield [10] as well as Jing [11], and a planar structure without sidewalls, though with somewhat different geometry, has been investigated experimentally by Hill et al. [12] at a frequency of 91 GHz. For the purposes of this discussion, we quote the results of [9] for the accelerating modes, with the understanding that some amount of higher harmonic content and/or nonaccelerating modes will be present in any physical and non-infinite structure. The fundamental accelerating mode must have a sinusoidal dependence on axial position; thus we solve for an axial electric field of the form E(y)cos(kz)cos(ct)t), there being no jc-dependence since the structure is translationally invariant in jc. (Of course, this defines a standing wave, with the forward-going traveling-wave component being the one of interest.) Within the vacuum gap ([y|<a), we further require for synchronism that the longitudinal phase velocity is equal to the speed of light, i.e. a)/kz = c. In that case, the dispersion relation can only be satisfied if ky = 0, which implies that the axial field is constant my: Ez = EQ cos(&zz)cos(o#) (1) where EQ is the field amplitude and (okz = c. The periodicity of the laser coupling slots, which enforces periodic rather than constant axial fields, thus provides the field synchronicity required for particle acceleration. The transverse field Ey must be linear in y to keep E divergenceless in the gap; we therefore have Ey = EQkzy sin(*zz)cos(Gif). (2) Within the dielectric (a<\y\< b), there must be variation in y in order to allow Ez to decrease to zero at the conducting boundary. Solution of the Maxwell equations gives - y)]cos(kzz)cos(a)t) (3) and > - ;y)]sin(&zz)cos(fttf)- (4) Continuity of Ez and Dy at the dielectric boundary gives the transcendental equation k7a ——— = cot[k 7 ^8-\(b- a)] (5) 8 for the allowed eigenvalues kz and determines the relative amplitude A of the fields in the dielectric, __ Since kz is fixed by the laser, the structure dimensions a and b can then be determined for a given dielectric material. Equation (5) shows that, for a given geometry, there is a series of eigenvalues kz which will increase roughly linearly with mode number; plots of the fields in the first three eigenmodes are shown in Figure 2. It is clear that field strengths within the dielectric increase proportionately for higher mode numbers, as implied by Eqns. (2) and (6). To avoid breakdown limitations as far as possible, one must obviously work in the fundamental mode to reduce the field strength on the boundaries. This corresponds physically to taking the lowest possible resonant value for the gap spacing. 334 10 10 15 (a) (a) (b) 10 5 00 z LLI E /E y 0 E /E 0 5 0 -5 -10 -10 -5 0 50 50 y (µm) 100 100 150 -10 0 50 y (µm) 100 150 150 FIGURE FIGURE 2.2. Examples Examples of of calculated calculated ideal ideal field field profiles profiles for for yy >> 00 within within aa structure, structure, showing showing (a) (a) longitudinal longitudinal and and (b) (b) transverse transverse components, components, with with aa == 115 115 µm, um, bb == 145 145 µm, um, εe == 3. 3. The The first first three three eigenmodes eigenmodesare areshown: shown: nn==11(solid), (solid),22(dashed), (dashed), and and33(dot-dashed). (dot-dashed). EXPERIMENTAL EXPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS PARAMETERS The The geometry geometry of of the the experiment experiment which which isis planned planned for for the the UCLA UCLA Neptune Neptune facility facility is is dictated dictated by by available available radiation radiation wavelengths. wavelengths. As As indicated indicated above, above, itit is is intended intended to to use use aa novel novel high-power high-power radiation radiation source source in in the the terahertz terahertz range range to to drive drive the the accelerator; accelerator; with with aa radiation radiation wavelength wavelength of of 340 340 µm, urn, the the slab slab structure structure will will resonate resonate in in the the fundamental fundamental accelerating mode mode when when aa ==115 115 µm, urn, bb ==145 145 µm, urn, for for εe == 3. 3. A A vacuum vacuum gap gap of more accelerating than than 0.2 0.2 mm mm makes makes itit feasible feasible to to inject inject the the 11 11 MeV MeV beam beam from from the the Neptune Neptune photoinjector, photoinjector, with with normalized normalized transverse transverse emittance emittance in in the the range range of of 6–10 6-10 n mm mm mrad, mrad, intothe the structure structure successfully. successfully. into We expect expect to to obtain obtain multimegawatt multimegawatt laser laser radiation radiation at at 340 340 µm |um using using aa difference difference We frequency generation generation scheme: scheme: two two frequencies frequencies from from the the Neptune Neptune terawatt terawatt CO CO2 laser frequency 2 laser will be be mixed mixed atat high high power power in in aa gallium gallium arsenide arsenide crystal, crystal, with with conversion conversion efficiency efficiency will into the the difference difference frequency frequency near near 1% 1% [13]. [13]. The The two two input input frequencies, frequencies, as as well well as as the the into output radiation, radiation, are are non-collinear non-collinear in in order order to to maintain maintain synchronism synchronism over over aa relatively relatively output large (several (several centimeter) centimeter) interaction interaction length. length. Output Output power power levels levels in in excess excess of of 100 100 large MWare are projected; projected; experimental experimental work work isis currently currently in in progress. progress. MW FIELD SIMULATIONS SIMULATIONS FIELD Simulation of of the the slab slab structure structure was was carried carried out out using using the the finite-difference finite-difference code code Simulation [14]. For For simulation simulation purposes, purposes, magnetic magnetic boundary boundary conditions conditions on on x were were used used DFIDL [14]. GGDFIDL to obtain obtain aa nearly nearly constant constant field field in in the the wide wide dimension dimension without without requiring requiring aa to prohibitively large large computational computational volume. volume. prohibitively Initially, eigensolutions eigensolutions were were found found for for aa segment segment of of the the structure structure in in the absence of Initially, external couplers; couplers; contour contour plots plots of of the the fields fields for for the the accelerating accelerating mode mode are are shown shown in in external Figure 3. 3. Note Note the the flatness flatness of of the the wavefronts wavefronts of of the the accelerating accelerating component, component, showing showing Figure 335 that acceleration in this mode is independent of the transverse location of the beam. that acceleration in this mode is independent of the transverse location of the beam. The fields decrease smoothly to zero in the dielectric. The fields decrease smoothly to zero in the dielectric. 8.9.10 3 0.010 °8.91.0 5 0,0003 0.0001. 0 0,0001 0.0003 0.0001 0.0003 y 8.910 N 0,010 <M 8.910 0.0003 0.0001 0 FIGURE 3. Contour plots in the y-z plane from simulation, showing the fundamental accelerating FIGURE plotsininz.theLongitudinal y-z plane from showing the negative fundamental accelerating mode over3.oneContour half-period fieldsimulation, (top) extends in z from to positive field mode overtransverse one half-period in z. is Longitudinal (top) extends in zatfrom negativeboundary. to positive field maxima; field (bottom) zero along yfield = 0 and discontinuous the dielectric maxima; transverse field (bottom) is zero along y = 0 and discontinuous at the dielectric boundary. Using a copper boundary with finite conductivity, the structure ohmic Q is Using a tocopper boundary with conductivity, the structure Q is calculated be approximately 600,finite and the simulated fields give riseohmic to a shunt calculated to be approximately 600, and the simulated fields give rise to a shunt impedance for the structure of 15.3 MQ/m. This relatively low value is a consequence impedance the structure 15.3beMΩ/m. This in relatively low value is a consequence of the slab for geometry, whichofmay understood this context as a combination of a of the slab geometry, which may be understood in this context as a combination of a large number of cylindrically-symmetric structures in parallel. For this reason, slab large number of cylindrically-symmetric structures in parallel. For this reason, slab structures are well suited for laser-powered accelerators, in which accelerating fields structures areby well suited for laser-powered accelerators, in which are limited breakdown rather than available power. Fromaccelerating this result,fields the are limited by breakdown rather than available power. From thisMV/m result,when the accelerating field gradient can be estimated to be approximately 50-100 accelerating field gradient can be estimated to be approximately 50–100 MV/m when the radiation power is 100 MW. the To radiation power is 100 MW. simulate the time-dependent filling of the structure, the geometry was extended To simulate the time-dependent filling of the the conducting geometry was extended to create entry and exit waveguides above andstructure, below the walls, with to create entry and exit waveguides and below the conducting walls, with boundary conditions adjusted to give above the correct +z polarization for the fields. The boundary adjustedin toFigure give the correct shows +z polarization for thefields fields.in The geometry conditions is demonstrated 4, which the computed the geometry is demonstrated in Figureof4,course, whichthe shows computed fields in the structure during filling. In practice, drivethe radiation will illuminate an structure during filling. In the drive radiation Coupling will illuminate area many wavelengths in practice, diameter of in course, the correct polarization. slots an of area in diameter in the Coupling slots of widthmany 3 |umwavelengths (visible in Fig. 4 as small gapscorrect on toppolarization. of the conducting walls) were width µm in Fig. 4 asstructure, small gaps on location top of the conductingpositive walls) axial were located3 at the(visible upper edge of the at the of maximum located at the upper edge the structure, the location of maximum positive axial field. Symmetry about theofmidplane is not at enforced a priori, as both input and output field. Symmetry about the midplane is not enforced a priori, as both output couplers are included. Monitoring power flow from the exit side input of theand structure couplers included. ofMonitoring power flowin from the exit domain. side of the structure allows theare computation scattering parameters the frequency allows the computation of scattering parameters in the frequency domain. 336 Geometry for for simulation simulation of of time-dependent time-dependent fields, fields, showing showing aa slice slice through through the the structure structure FIGURE 4. Geometry one-half of an an axial axial period period thick. thick. The The picture picture includes includes metal metal boundaries boundaries (dark), (dark), dielectric dielectric boundaries boundaries (grey mesh), and fields fields (grey (grey arrows), arrows), with with dimensions dimensions in in meters. meters. The The z-axis z-axis isis vertical; vertical; thus thus the the entire entire structure consists of of aa vertical vertical stack stack of of such such slices. slices. The The open open area area inin the the foreground foreground isis the the input input waveguide, containing containing an an exciting exciting field field traveling traveling in in the the –y —ydirection. direction. Since Since the the conducting conducting wall wall between waveguide and and central central gap gap isis slightly slightly lower lower than than the the +z +z boundary, boundary, aa coupling coupling slot slot isis formed formed through through which which the the fields fields enter enter the the accelerator. accelerator. Field Field enhancement enhancement within within the the gap gap isis clearly clearly visible. visible. An An exit exit coupling coupling slot slot and and waveguide waveguide are are on on the the opposite opposite side side of of the the gap gap (facing (facing away away from from the theviewer viewerinin this this picture), picture), with with some some transmitted transmitted field field shown. shown. 1 E(t)/E max 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 00 100 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 time time(ps) (ps) 500 500 600 600 FIGURE FIGURE 5. 5. Plot Plot of of field field amplitude amplitude within within the the gap gap as as aa function function of oftime. time. The Thesolid solidline lineisisinterpolated interpolated from from the the calculated calculated field field values values (circles). (circles). Figure Figure 55 shows shows aa plot plot of of the the field field amplitude amplitude within within the the gap, gap, normalized normalized to to its its steady-state steady-state value, value, as as aa function function of of time. time. The The curve curve shape shape shows shows the the usual usual response response of of aa resonator resonator being being driven driven near near its its resonant resonant frequency. frequency. Given Givenaafill fill time timeof of400 400ps psfrom from the the graph, graph, the the structure structure Q Q == ωτ COT is is calculated calculated to to be be approximately approximately 2000, 2000, aa relatively relatively high high value value for for this this planar planar structure. structure. 337 WAKEFIELD SIMULATIONS Simulations of the wakefields produced by the passage of a line charge through slab-symmetric structures were carried out using the two-dimensional particle-in-cell code OOPIC [15]. Figure 6 is an illustrative example of the wakefields produced by a relatively long bunch; the longitudinal wakefields are quite weak, and the transverse wakefields vanish completely within the vacuum gap of the structure, as expected. FIGURE 6. Surface plots of longitudinal (left) and transverse (right) wakefields in a slab geometry with a = 0.58 mm, b = 1.44 mm, e = 3.9, Q = 200 pC, beam ar = 120 um, beam az = 4 ps. Beam travel is left to right. The transverse wake is completely cancelled within the vacuum gap. For the particular geometry under consideration here, the magnitudes of both transverse and longitudinal wakefields are small. Figure 7 shows the longitudinal wakefield behind the beam for two different beam lengths. When az = 1.2 mm, the wakefields are almost entirely washed out. For much shorter bunches (az =120 |um), one would still expect a retarding field of only 8 to 10 kV/m to be experienced by the injected beam, so that with a structure length of a few centimeters the energy change experienced would be impossible to observe. Note in both cases that the correct wavelength (340 |um) was produced by the simulation. Fig. 7 also shows the vanishing of the wakefield after about 8 periods, which could be due to destructive interference between wake radiation and transition radiation from the beam's entry into the structure. This topic has also been discussed by Park and Hirshfield [10]. Further simulations will be necessary to investigate wakefields in the case of beams propagating at some small transverse angle to the z-axis. Such a misalignment would break the symmetry which is responsible for the cancellation of the transverse wakes, so that it might become possible to observe some transverse effect on a test beam. Three-dimensional studies are also anticipated. 338 FIGURE 7. Lineouts of the longitudinal wakefield (in V/m) as a function of axial position (in cm) for the design geometry, for a long (az =1.2 mm) bunch (left) and a short (az =120 um) bunch (right). In both cases the leading edge of the driving beam is located at z = 0.87 cm, and ay = 25 um. SUMMARY AND FUTURE PLANS In this paper, we have described a slab-symmetric dielectric-loaded structure which serves as a resonant laser-driven accelerator with advantageous transverse stability. When such an accelerator is powered by a submillimeter-wave source at 340 |um, the structure dimensions become ample for acceleration of a slab electron beam with realistic transverse size. Such structures have an intrinsically low shunt impedance, but when driven with the high power levels available from optical and submillimeter radiation sources, appreciable accelerating fields may be obtained. For the dimensions described here, with available power levels of 100 MW or more, gradients of up to 100 Me V/m are expected. Experimental investigation of the slab-symmetric, dielectric-loaded structure is to begin in fall 2002 at the UCLA Neptune facility. Planned measurements include measurement of the wakefield radiation spectrum (which would enable checking the theoretical dependence on gap spacing) and possible transverse beam disruption when the pointing is deliberately misaligned; cold-testing of the structure by using the output coupling slots to verify the resonant frequency is also envisioned. Breakdown limitations are not clear at present and must also be tested experimentally as a function of incident power density, e.g. by varying the laser spot size. A successful demonstration of energy gain by a slab beam will depend on detailed knowledge of the structure physics, as verified by experiment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by US Dept. of Energy grant DE-FG03-92ER40693. We thank S. Tochitsky for helpful conversations. 339 REFERENCES 1. Huang, Y. C., and Byer, R. L., App. Phys, Lett, 69, 2175-2177 (1996). 2. Esarey, E., Sprangle, P., and Krall, J., Phys, Rev, E 52, 5443-5453 (1995). 3. Fontana, J. R., and Pantell, R. 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