Macroscopic-Size Accelerator Structures for CO2 Laser-Driven Linear Acceleration in a Vacuum Y. Y. Lin, A. C. Chiang, and Y. C. Huang Department of electrical Engineering National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu 300, Taiwan Abstract. We report the simulation and fabrication of a single-stage and a multistage CO2 laserdriven particle accelerator with macroscopic dimensions suitable for conducting proof-ofprinciple laser-driven acceleration experiments in a vacuum. The single-stage copper accelerator structure, having a 300-|im electron transit aperture, is 10 cm long and provides 210 keV electron energy gain. The multistage structure consists of 16 ZnSe lenses with 1.5 cm separation between adjacent lenses. The energy gain over the 24-cm distance is 250 keV for a 200-|im electron transit aperture. This resonant structure is suitable for studying beam loading, mode excitation, and phase synchronization among accelerator stages. I. INTRODUCTION Laser-driven particle acceleration, if realized, has the advantage of producing high acceleration gradients and ultra-short electron bunches. Those unique features would benefit to the applications in radiation and high energy physics. For schemes adopting linear acceleration, numerous experimental evidences have been generated from plasma-based laser-driven accelerators. To date, there is still no evidence of particle acceleration in solid-structure-based laser-driven linear acceleration in a vacuum. One major difficulty is that the accelerator dimension is too small to operate at the laser wavelength [1]. To conduct a proof-of-principle experiment at the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF), Brookhaven National Laboratory, we discuss in this paper the design and fabrication of large-size single-stage and multistage CC>2 laserdriven linear accelerators. The major design consideration is to have a large energy again, a macroscopic size, a structure that is flexible enough for investigating accelerator physics. Although a high acceleration gradient is not considered at this moment, it can be further improved as soon as the experimental evidence for vacuum linear acceleration is obtained. II. SINGLE-STAGE ACCELERATOR STRUCTURE Figure 1 depicts the design for the single-stage accelerator structure [2]. The structure consists of a corner reflector for synthesizing the acceleration field and a 45° reflector for bringing in and removing the laser field. The edge of the corner reflector forms an angle 9 with respect to the x direction. Both the corner reflector and CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 300 the 45° reflector have an aperture for transmitting electrons. This simple design does not employ any laser mode for particle acceleration, but obtains the particle acceleration field by combining two properly phased TM plane waves from the corner reflector. These two plane waves can be split from an enlarged TEM0o laser beam with the laser coupling configuration shown in Fig. 1. The corner reflector divides a single wavefront coming from the 45° coupling mirror into two halves and recombines the two waves inside the accelerator structure. The relative phase of the two plane waves can be adjusted, for example, by varying the longitudinal position of each arm of the corner reflector. When the optical paths between the two plane waves are different by a half wavelength, the transverse fields of the two plane waves cancel and the longitudinal fields add to provide the acceleration field. FIGURE 1. The configuration of the single-stage accelerator structure. The particle acceleration field is derived from two properly phased plane waves from the corner reflector, and is removed by the 45° reflector. Assume that a n phase shift is pre-arranged for the two equal-amplitude plane waves. In the plane-wave approximation, the laser field in the z direction can be written as Ez =2EQcos(cot-kcos0'Z + </))'COs(ksm0'x)xsm0, (1) where EQ is the electrical field associated with each plane wave, ty is an arbitrary initial phase, and a> is the angular frequency and k is the wave number of the laser field. In the electron rest frame, the acceleration field seen by an on-axis electron is given by E = 2EQ cos[(co/ve - £ cos 0) • z + 0] x sin 0, (2) where ve = c II - — is the electron velocity. For a small crossing angle 0 « I and a large electron energy 7 »1, the acceleration field in (2) is reduced to 301 (3) 2 Y In general, the laser field propagates at a phase velocity faster than the electron. The electron slips in phase by 180° after a coherence length given by (4) Y From (3) and (4), one sees immediately that a small crossing angle gives a longer coherence length and thus a larger accelerator size, but reduces the acceleration field. A longer acceleration wavelength also helps to have a longer accelerator size, as expected. One may maximize the electron energy gain, U = \EZ edz , to optimize the laser crossing angle 9. To maximize U, one takes —— = 0 and obtains the crossing oO angle for the maximum-energy condition 9 = — . The maximum electron energy gain 7 2 over the coherent length Ay / 2 with the optimized crossing angle 0 = l / y is therefore ^max=—— A E 0 = —— ^<N/2V> n n (5) where 7JQ is the vacuum wave impedance, A is the laser wavelength, and / is the laser intensity. For a given material, a laser wavelength, and a laser pulse width, the maximum damage intensity / to the structure is fixed. The maximum electron energy gain is predominantly dependent on the electron energy y and the laser wavelength X. A large y and a longer X help to reduce the phase slippage and permit the use of a larger structure size. We conducted a laser damage experiment on optically polished copper with the 200 ps CC>2 laser at the ATF and found a damage field around 0.25GV/m. With the ATF beam energy of y = 140, the optimized coherence length or the accelerator stage length is /c = 10.4 cm and the maximum energy gain is about 240 keV. For structure-based laser driven linear acceleration, one has to open electron transit holes comparable or larger than the driving wavelength in the accelerator structure [3]. The leakage field through the hole in the corner reflector reduces the acceleration field, whereas the leakage field through the hole in the 45° reflector removes the electron energy gained in the accelerator structure. To estimate the energy gain reduction, we employ synthesized plane waves to model the electric fields at the electron transit hole [4]. With A = W.6jum , 9 = \ly =7 mrad, and a 300 jim electron transit aperture, the acceleration field versus distance seen by an on-axis electron is shown in Fig. 2. The spiky oscillation near the holes at z = 0 and z = 10 cm results from Fresnel diffraction. 302 0.15 0:2 z:(m) FIGURE 2. Simulation of the acceleration field seen by the electron with the leakage fields through the electron transit hole. The corner reflector is located at z = 0 and the 45° reflector is located at z = 0.1 m. Figure 3 shows the electron energy gain, integrated over distance from Fig. 2. As can be seen from Fig. 3, the electron energy reduction is only about 10%, although the electron transit hole has a width about 30 times the driving wavelength. Therefore, with the design parameters, one may expect a maximum energy gain of 210 keV from such a simple, single-stage accelerator structure. This amount of energy gain should be able to be measured conclusively by using the energy spectrometer with a resolution of0.1%attheATF. FIGURE 3. Simulation of the energy gain with the effect of the leakage fields through the electron transit holes. The gain reduction is only about 10%, although the hole width is about 30 times the driving wavelength. III. MULTISTAGE ACCELERATOR STRUCTURE The single-stage design is suitable for investigating the electron energy gain in a laser-driven linear accelerator (linac) structure in a vacuum. However, to further understand beam loading, phase synchronization, and mode coupling, a resonant structure consisting of multiple accelerator stages is required. Figure 4 shows the design for such a structure. The multistage laser-driven linac is a 16-stage lens-array structure. M. O. Scully has proposed a similar structure with on-axis drift tubes for phase control [5]. In our structure, the phase control is achieved by varying the refractive index of each lens as a function of temperature. On each ZnSe laser lens, there is a 100-um radius electron transit hole. The TEM0i laser mode is supported by this resonant structure and is the desired particle acceleration field. The planar-convex lens has a focal length of/= 3.8 cm, a thickness of 1 mm, and a diameter of 1.52 cm. /=5z*/3 = 3.81cm 1.52cm , 24 cm = 1.5 cm x 16 , k—————————————————N FIGURE 4. The configuration of the multistage laser-driven linac. Laser-driven particle acceleration by using the TEMio laser field has been analyzed by EJ. Bochove et al. [6]. With a known transverse field for the TEM0i laser mode, the laser field along the z direction can be calculated from the charge-free and material-free Gauss law \/-E = 0. In the paraxial limit, the z-component electric field phasor is approximately ^ k ( dx ) dy , ( 6 ) where ET is the phasor of the transverse laser field. The focal length of the lens, /, is determined by examining the relationship q2 = ——-—— between the complex radii of curvature ql before and q2 after the C - ql + D lens, where the definition ofABCD is given in the matrix form 304 AB \ }= 1 0' (7) [C D\ ~ To satisfy the resonance condition, the real part and imaginary part of the complex radii of curvature have to satisfy Re{^1} = -Re{^2} =— and lm{q1} = lm{q2} = zR, where / is the length of each accelerator stage, ZR =7uwl/h is the optical Rayleigh range, and w0 is the laser waist radius. We again apply the synthesized-plane-wave method to numerically calculate the acceleration field and the electron energy gain in this multistage accelerator structure. In the computer simulation, the amplitude transmittance of the lens is given by t = exp[-./A:W, -^-)(n-\)-jkd«] 2K for H > -J, 2 (8) and ^exp(-7H)for|x|<| (9) where dQ= I mm is the thickness of the lens at x = 0, n is the refractive index of the lens, R = /(«-!)is the radius of curvature on the convex lens surface, and h is the electron transit hole radius. Because we would like to have a large electron transit hole for ease of transmitting electrons, we arbitrary choose 100 jLtrn as the transit hole radius. To reduce the energy loss due to the leakage field from the electron transit holes, we design a laser waist radius about three times the electron transit hole radius. As a result, we started with / = —- for our simulation, which gives / = —- from the resonance condition. In the simulation, we assume that the lens can provide an arbitrary phase shift to the laser field so that the laser phase in each stage is optimized for maximum acceleration. This can be done by varying the temperature T of the dielectric lens by using a thermal electric temperature controller. For ZnSe, the temperature dependence of the refractive index is dnl dT = 5.7x10~5 /° C. In a 1-mm thick ZnSe, the CO2 laser phase may vary 180° for a 93°C temperature change. We also conducted a laser damage experiment for optically polished ZnSe with the 200 ps CO2 laser at the ATF and measured a damage intensity of 2.25 GW/cm2. Figures 5-6 show the electric field calculations in the first two accelerator stages at the material damage field. The plots in the left column show the transverse electric fields versus the transverse coordinate x at the beginning, at the center, and at the end of the accelerator stage. The first plot in the right column shows the particle acceleration field seen by a 70 MeV electron. The second plot in the right column, integrated from the first one, is the electron energy gain in that particular accelerator stage. The third plot in the right column shows the angular spectrum of the laser field in our simulation. The transverse field shows the evolution of a laser mode, and the angular spectrum shows the field components of different phase velocities. 305 ** FIGURE 5. The left three plots illustrate the transverse laser fields at the beginning, at the center, and at the end of the first accelerator stage. The right three plots show the accelerating fields, the electron energy gain, and the angular spectrum of the laser field. jrf ;:E^^|i£j|il^i||:;i=(3:;:ip;:^|g(|2; ..... 4 1» ** % t*4# (j WO x;::rf: :£x::pJ^i|:-:^:2^?(:)l3:;:JR:;;sit^geJ2 I* & y *f J? rtf I ;cfei ^:<f E>EiiHtifr It at :Z=i2zQ& ift :siaige 1 |» f *s *is '1 a ^M XlP Sfig(&|ra§]ii FIGURE 6. The simulation results for the second accelerator stage with the same arrangement as in Fig. 5. It is seen that the electron transit hole widens the angular spectrum, distorts the laser fields, and decreases the electron energy gain. 306 By comparing Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, one sees the influence of the 100 jLtm-radius electron transit hole. Due to aperture diffraction, the angular spectrum of the laser field becomes wider, high-order laser modes are excited, and the acceleration field and the electron energy gain are gradually reduced. In the subsequent stages, the laser eigenmode is gradually established, and the energy gain per stage is stabilized around 15 keV per stage. Figure 7 is the accumulated electron energy gain over the 16 accelerator stages. The upper line is the energy gain versus distance without considering the electron velocity slippage, and the lower line is that with the velocity slippage for a 70 MeV electron. At a finite injection energy, the electron energy gain is influenced by the leakage field through the electron transit hole, because the widened laser angular spectrum contains many high-phase-velocity field components that slip ahead the electron and decelerate electrons. With our design parameters, the total energy gain for this multistage accelerator is about 250 keV. Table 1 summarizes the design parameters and predicted performance for this multistage laser-driven linac. •••••••••" Energy gain without phase slippage —— Electron Energy gain over 16 stages (velocity slip included) O 2>200 0.25 z(m) FIGURE 7. The electron energy gain versus distance over the 16-stage accelerator structure with and without electron velocity slippage. For a 70 MeV electron injection energy, the total electron energy gain is about 250 keV. TABLE 1. The Design Parameters for the Multistage Accelerator Single-stage length 1.5 cm 24cm Total linac length Number of accelerator stages 16 Electron transit hole radius 100 |im Laser beam waist in each stage 280 |im 2.25 GW/cm2 Laser damage threshold (ZnSe) Laser wavelength 10.6 |im Laser Mode TEMoi Phase tuning by temperature 7i over 93 °C Total energy gain 250 keV 307 IV. CONCLUSION CONCLUSION IV. Although the acceleration gradient of of aa structure-based structure-based laser-driven laser-driven linear linear potentially provides provides stable stable and and continuous continuous accelerator is limited to laser damage, itit potentially distance compared compared to to other other types types of of acceleration to the electrons over a much longer distance designed aa 10-cm 10-cm long, long, CO CC^2 laser-driven, laser-driven, laser-driven particle accelerator. We have designed single-stage linear accelerator for demonstrating the feasibility of laser-driven laser-driven acceleration in a vacuum. We predict an an energy energy gain gain of of 210 210 keV keV with with aa 70 70 MeV MeV electron injection energy. The full width of of the the electron electron transit transit hole hole isis as as large large as as 300 300 |LLm. The corner reflector design is easy to fabricate, simple to implement, and flexible µm. is easy to fabricate, simple to implement, and flexible in phase control under a plane-wave laser coupling. coupling. As shown in Fig. Fig. 8, we have fabricated aa 24-cm 24-cm long long multistage multistage CO CO2 laser-driven 2 laser-driven linac for studying beam loading, multistage phase control, mode coupling, coupling, and and so so on on for vacuum linear acceleration. The accelerator structure structure consists consists of of aa ZnSe ZnSe lens lens array array for with 1.5 1.5 cm cm separation separation between between adjacent adjacent lenses. lenses. By By varying varying the the temperature temperature of of the the ZnSe lens, we are able to reverse the acceleration phase by 180° 180°over over aa temperature temperature range of 93°. The maximum energy gain gain of of this this accelerator accelerator isis estimated estimated to to be be 250 250 keV keV with an electron transit aperture of 200 µm. jLtm. To To increase increase the the energy energy gain, gain, we we are are planning to replace the ZnSe lenses with diamond lenses. lenses. We We have have conducted conducted aa laser laser using the the 200 200 ps ps CO CO2 laser at at the the damage experiment with CVD-grown diamond by using 2 laser ATF and found that the damage threshold intensity in diamond is is about about 66 GW/cm GW/cm22 or or 2.6 times that in ZnSe [7]. [7]. Since this multi-stage structure structure has has many many similar similar features features to to acceleration mode mode and and phase phase an RF accelerator, including the excitation of acceleration stages, the experimental experimental results results from from this this structure structure synchronization among accelerator stages, physics linked linked to to aa conventional conventional RF RF can be directly compared to the accelerator physics accelerator. FIGURE 8. The The picture picture of of the the multistage multistage CO CO22 laser-driven laser-driven linac. linac. 308 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors appreciate administrative and technical supports from the ATF staffs led by Ilan Ben-Zvi at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. REFERENCES [1] Y.C. Huang, D. Zheng, W.M. Tulloch, and R.L. Byer, "Proposed Structure for a Crossed-laser Beam, GeV per meter gradient, Vacuum Electron Linear Accelerator," Appl. Phys. Lett. 68 (6), 5 (1996)753. [2] Y.C. 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