STELLA-II: Staged Monoenergetic Laser Acceleration - Experiment Update W. D. Kimura*, M. Babzien1", I. Ben-Zvi1", L. C. Campbell*, D. B. Cline11, C. E. Dilley*, J. C. Gallardo1, S. C. Gottschalk*, K. P. Kusche*1, R. H. Pantell*, I. V. Pogorelsky1, D. C. Quimby*, J. Skaritka1, L. C. Steinhauer§, V. Yakimenko1, and F. Zhou11 *STI Optronics, Inc., 2755 Northup Way, Bellevue, WA 98004 ^Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973 ^University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095 ^Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305 ^University of Washington, Redmond Plasma Physics Laboratory, Redmond, WA 98052 Abstract. The goal of STELLA-II is to demonstrate staged monoenergetic laser acceleration of microbunches using an inverse free electron laser (IFEL) buncher and IFEL accelerator. A key feature of this experiment is the usage of a single high-intensity laser beam to simultaneously drive both the buncher and accelerator. A chicane between the buncher and accelerator causes microbunches to form at the entrance to the accelerator. All hardware has been installed at the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF) located at Brookhaven National Laboratory, including a new laser beam transport system to permit delivering higher laser power. Preliminary test results indicate that modulation and acceleration of the microbunches are occurring with the new system. Energy gains >13% have been observed. Current experiments are being conducted with the ATF CO2 laser operating at a pulse length of -180 ps. In late autumn 2002, the ATF CO2 laser will be upgraded to produce pulse lengths of <10 ps at approximately the same output pulse energy. This higher peak power will enable higher acceleration and more complete trapping of the laser-generated microbunches in the accelerator. This higher acceleration and trapping will also result in a clean separation of the accelerated microbunch electrons from the unaccelerated ones while at the same time maintaining a narrow energy spread. INTRODUCTION The development of practical linacs based upon laser acceleration mechanisms will require staging the process multiple times in order to obtain high net energy gain [1]. Moreover, it is critical during the staging process that the accelerated electrons remain grouped tightly together as a microbunch(es) with narrow energy and phase spread. The former attribute we refer to as being monoenergetic and the latter represents maintaining a short bunch length in longitudinal space. Thus, useful staging requires more than resynchronizing the microbunches with the accelerating wave in each stage; it must also be done in a manner that does not degrade the microbunch qualities. CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 269 CO2 LASER BEAM BEAM! CO 2 LASER ADJUSTABLE OPTICAL DELAY STAGE DIPOLE MAGNET FOCUSING LENSES Accelerator (IFEL2) Buncher (IFEL1) E-BEAM FOCUSING LENSES VACUUM PIPE mnmm E -BEAM E-BEAM UNDULATOR UNDULATOR UNDULATOR FOCUSING MAGNET MAGNET MAGNET LENSES ARRAY ARRAY SPECTROMETER VIDEO CAMERA MIRROR WITH CENTRAL HOLE HOLE MIRROR MIRROR WITH WITH CENTRAL CENTRAL HOLE HOLE EE-BEAM -BEAM D- == QUADRUPOLE QUADRUPOLE MAGNET MAGNET FIGURE 1. Schematic layout for the first STELLA experiment where staging staging was first demonstrated. demonstrated. The Staged Electron Laser Acceleration (STELLA) experiment demonstrated the basic staging process using two inverse free free electron lasers (IFEL) [2]. A schematic layout of this experiment is shown in Fig. 1. 1. The output from the ATF CO CO2 2 laser is split into two beams -– the first first beam is focused into the first undulator (IFEL1), which serves as a buncher, and the second beam is sent to a delay stage stage and and then then focused focused into into the second undulator (IFEL2), which acts as the accelerator. The purpose of the buncher is to modulate the e-beam energy. This leads to the formation of ~3-fs long microbunches at the accelerator located 2 m downstream of the buncher. By adjusting the phase delay we demonstrated the ability to resynchronize the microbunches with the laser light driving the accelerator. STELLA-II builds upon the success of these first experiments. The primary goal of STELLA-II is to demonstrate monoenergetic acceleration of the microbunches. To do this requires separating the microbunches in energy from the unaccelerated background electrons and trapping the microbunches in the laser beam ponderomotive potential well. This separation implies the need to impart significant energy gain on the microbunches. Thus, key differences differences between the first STELLA experiment and and STELLA-II is utilizing higher laser power from an upgraded ATF CO CO2 laser and and using using 2 laser a tapered undulator for IFEL2. Another key feature of STELLA-II is using aa single single laser laser beam beam to to drive drive both both the the buncher and accelerator. This greatly reduces phase jitter between the two devices and allows minimizing the separation distance between the buncher and accelerator by using a chicane rather than a drift space. The laser beam transport system system was was also modified to withstand the much higher laser pulse energy from the upgraded laser. modified Figure 2 gives a schematic layout for the STELLA-II experiment. All the major hardware components have been delivered to the ATF. This includes different bunchers [an electromagnet (EM) and a fixed-gap permanent-magnet two different permanent-magnet (PM) device], a hybrid PM/EM chicane, and two undulators (untapered and tapered). These devices are described below and preliminary results are presented. 270 CONVEX CONVEX MIRROR MIRROR- CO2 LASER BEAM BUNCHER (IFEL1) DIPOLE MAGNET SPECTROMETER SPECTROMETER VIDEO VIDEO CAMERA CAMERA VACUUM PIPE E -BEAM E-BEAM FOCUSING FOCUSING LENSES LENSES WINDOW LENS ACCELERATOR (IFEL2) TAPERED UNDULATOR ARRAY ARRAY E-BEAM VACUUM VACUUM CHAMBER CHAMBER CHICANE PARABOLIC E BEAM PARABOLIC E.-BEAM MIRRORWITH WITH FOCUSING FOCUSING MIRROR CENTRAL HOLE HOLE LENSES CENTRAL LENSES FIGURE experiment. FIGURE 2. Schematic Schematic layout for the STELLA-II experiment. DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION OF HARDWARE AND SYSTEMS Laser Beam Transport System The The ATF ATF laser laser presently delivers approximately 5-J laser pulses with 180-ps pulse length. Once Once upgraded the laser will deliver about the same amount length. amount of of pulse pulse energy, energy, but the the pulse length will be <10 ps. To transport this amount but amount of of pulse pulse energy, energy, the the laser laser beam diameter diameter must must be large enough to keep the fluence beam fluence on on the the optics optics below below their their damage threshold, threshold, in in particular on any transmissive optics, which tend to have much damage much lower damage damage limits limits than metal mirrors. Consequently, metal mirrors are used lower used wherever possible; possible; however, a window is still needed on the e-beam vacuum pipe to wherever to permit transmission transmission of the laser beam. Thus, one requirement of permit of the the laser laser beam beam transport design design is is to to position this window where the laser beam has a large size. transport Another requirement requirement is is to focus the laser beam in the center of the accelerator Another accelerator (IFEL2) as tightly as possible to maximize the laser intensity. This (IFEL2) as tightly as This implies implies the the need need for a short Rayleigh range, which means the vacuum pipe upstream of IFEL2 for a short upstream of IFEL2 must must increase in in diameter diameter to accommodate the rapidly expanding laser increase laser beam. beam. A A triplet triplet located immediately immediately upstream of the buncher (see Fig. 2) limits the located the maximum maximum size size of of the laser laser beam; however, it is large enough to provide the short Rayleigh range the range desired desired for the experiment. Nonetheless, at this point in the for the laser laser beam beam transport transport the the beam beam isis still too too small small for the beamline window. Hence, there was still was aa need need to to further further expand expand the the laser beam beam size. size. laser To solve solve this this problem, we use a NaCl lens positioned just To just before before the the beamline beamline window and and aa 90° 90° off-axis off-axis parabolic mirror as depicted in Fig. 2. The combination of window the lens lens and and parabolic mirror provides both the short Rayleigh range the range and large large beam beam size at at the the window. window. Although this scheme has an internal focus, size focus, this focus focus occurs occurs within the the beamline beamline vacuum. vacuum. within 271 Cradle for Tilt FIGURE3. Photograph of of 90° 90° off-axis off-axis parabolic FIGURE on remote-controlled cradle. FIGURE 3.3. Photograph Photograph of 90° off-axis parabolic mirror mirror on on remote-controlled remote-controlledcradle. cradle. Figure333is photograph of of the the parabolic parabolic copper copper mirror, Figure mirror, which has 4-mm dia. hole Figure isisaaaphotograph photograph of the parabolic copper mirror, which which has has aaa 4-mm 4-mmdia. dia.hole hole drilledthrough throughits itscenter center for for transmission transmission of of the the e-beam. e-beam. The The mirror drilled the mirror is mirror is supported supported on on aa vacuum-compatible, remotely remotely adjustable adjustable cradle cradle that vacuum-compatible, that both vertical and vacuum-compatible, adjustable cradle that provides provides both both vertical vertical and and horizontal tilt control. horizontal horizontal tilt tilt control. control. Bunchers Bunchers photographof ofthe the EM EM buncher buncher is is shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 4. AAphotograph 4. It It is is aa 3-pole 3-pole device device with withfield field clamps on its ends to control the magnet field distribution. It is also designed clamps on its ends to control the magnet field field distribution. It is also designed to to be be slightlyoff off resonance. resonance. These These attributes attributes enable enable it it to a slightly to modulate modulate the the e-beam e-beam by by only only only a small amount (~±0.4%) despite being driven by very high laser peak power. Due to small amount (~±0.4%) despite being driven by very high laser peak power. Due to theshort shortRayleigh Rayleighrange, range, the the laser laser intensity intensity inside inside the the buncher is the buncher is is also also small. small. the buncher Pole Field clamp coil FIGURE 4. Photograph of EM buncher. FIGURE FIGURE 4. 4. Photograph Photograph of of EM EM buncher. buncher. 272 FIGURE FIGURE5.5. 5.Photograph Photographof ofPM PMbuncher buncherlying FIGURE Photograph of PM buncher lyingon onits itsside sideto to show show the the gap. gap. The ThePM PMbuncher, buncher,shown showninin inFig. Fig.5,5, isisaa5-period to be on-resonance The PM buncher, shown Fig. 5-period device device designed designed to be on-resonance for foraaa45.6 45.6MeV MeVe-beam. e-beam. This Thispermits permitsititit to to operate operate at at lower lower laser for 45.6 MeV e-beam. This permits to operate at lower laser intensities intensities despite despite having havingaaalarge largegap. gap. Field Fieldclamps clampsare arelocated located inside the C-frame, C-frame, which having large gap. Field clamps are located inside the the C-frame, which is is the the same same basic basicdesign designasas asfor forthe theundulators undulatorsused usedin inIFEL2. IFEL2. basic design for the undulators used in IFEL2. Chicane Chicane The Thechicane chicane(see (seeFig. Fig. 6)6) 6) uses uses aa 3-pole the energy The chicane (see Fig. uses 3-pole PM PM configuration configuration to to convert convert the energy modulation to density modulation. It has been pretuned assuming ±0.4% modulation modulation to density modulation. It has been pretuned assuming ±0.4% modulation modulation to density modulation. It has been pretuned ±0.4% bythe thebuncher. buncher. Using Usingthe themain maincoil coilto tochange change the the magnetic magnetic field field about this nominal nominal by by the buncher. Using the main coil to change the magnetic field about this pointcontrols controlswhen whenthe themicrobunches microbunchesarrive arrive in in phase phase relative relative to to the the laser laser light light in the point point controls when the microbunches arrive in phase relative to the laser accelerator. Energizing Energizingthis thismain maincoil coilalso alsocauses causesdeflection deflection of of the the e-beam, e-beam, which which can accelerator. accelerator. Energizing this main coil also causes deflection of the e-beam, becompensated compensatedusing usingtrim trimcoils coilson onthe theends endsof ofthe the chicane. chicane. The The magnetic magnetic field field of the the be be compensated using trim coils on the ends of the chicane. chicaneisisisoriented orientedorthogonal orthogonalto tothe thebuncher buncherand andthe thetapered tapered undulator undulator to to minimize minimize echicane chicane oriented orthogonal to the buncher and the tapered undulator to beaminteraction interactionwith withthe thelaser laserbeam beaminside insidethe thechicane. chicane. beam beam interaction with the laser beam inside the chicane. mil FIGURE 6. 6. Photograph Photograph of of hybrid hybrid PM/EM PM/EM chicane. FIGURE chicane. FIGURE 6. Photograph of hybrid PM/EM chicane. 273 FIGURE7.7. Photograph Photograph of oftapered tapered undulator. undulator. FIGURE Tapered Undulator Undulator Tapered Figure7 7isisa aphotograph photographofofthe the tapered tapered undulator. undulator. ItIt is is the the same Figure same undulator undulator used used during the first STELLA experiment [3] except with one end of the during the first STELLA experiment [3] except with one end of the magnet magnet array array taperedtotosmaller smaller gap. gap. Presently Presently the the gap gap taper taper is is set set at tapered at 8%; 8%; itit isis capable capable ofof aa maximum taper of-19%. maximum taper of ≈19%. PRELIMINARY RESULTS PRELIMINARY RESULTS Initial tests indicate the PM buncher is undermodulating the e-beam by producing a Initial tests indicate the PM buncher is undermodulating the e-beam by producing a modulation of only roughly ±0.2% instead of the needed ±0.4%. This implies the modulation of only roughly ±0.2% isinstead needed ±0.4%. Thistoimplies the laser intensity within the buncher lower of thantheexpected. Recall due the short laser intensity within the buncher is lower than expected. Recall due to the short Rayleigh range, the laser beam diameter at the buncher is large (>1 cm). Rayleigh range, in thethelaser beamdistribution diameter can at lead the to buncher large (>1 Such cm). Nonuniformities intensity weaker ismodulation. Nonuniformities in the intensity distribution can lead to weaker modulation. Such nonuniformities might be caused by diffraction effects due to, say, the central hole in nonuniformities might be causedtests by diffraction to, say, the central holethein the parabolic mirror. Further and analysiseffects will bedueconducted to understand the parabolic Further tests and analysis will be conducted to understand the cause for the mirror. smaller modulation. causeThe for STELLA-II the smaller modulation. experiment can still be performed since the weaker modulation The results STELLA-II can still be performed thepreliminary weaker modulation only in less experiment tightly bunched electrons. Figure 8since shows raw data only in less tightly electrons. Figure 8ofshows preliminary data fromresults the electron energy bunched spectrometer as a function the chicane phaseraw delay. from the 8(a), electron as a function of the images chicanewhere phaseenergy delay. Figures (c), energy and (e) spectrometer are the spectrometer video camera Figures 8(a), and (e)Figure are the energy increases to (c), the right. 8(b),spectrometer (d), and (f) video are thecamera energyimages profileswhere through the increases the right. 8(b), arbitrarily (d), and (f) are the0°energy through the center oftothese images.Figure We have assigned phase profiles to Fig. 8(c), which showed maximum this particular set 0° of data. maximum center of the these images.acceleration We have for arbitrarily assigned phase Indeed, to Fig. a8(c), which acceleration of >13% acceleration was measured, to our knowledge is theIndeed, largest aamount of showed the maximum forwhich this particular set of data. maximum accelerationofobserved frommeasured, an IFEL thus our knowledge is the largest amount of acceleration >13% was which As the phase delayfrom is adjusted from Fig. 8(c), we see evidence that a group acceleration observed an IFEL±100° thus far. ofAselectrons shifting in energy. energy peaksweare broad, is the phaseis delay is adjusted ±100°The from Fig. 8(c), seequite evidence thatwhich a group nonoptimal bunching The of theenergy electrons due are to thequite undermodulation by is ofconsistent electrons with is shifting in energy. peaks broad, which consistent with nonoptimal bunching of the electrons due to the undermodulation by 274 Spectrometer Output (arb. units) EnergyShift Shift(%) (%) Energy 140 140 -6 -4 -4 -2 -2 00 22 44 66 88 10 1012 1214 1416 16 -6 120 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -3 - 3-2 - -12 0- 11 02 1 32 43 45 56 6 7 7 88 EnergyShift Shift(MeV) (MeV) Energy (a) Phase Phase delay delay ==-100° (a) -100° (b) (b) Spectrometer Output (arb. units) Energy EnergyShift Shift(%) (%) -6 -6 -4-4 -2-2 00 22 44 66 88 10 1012 1214 1416 16 100 80 60 40 20 20 0 -3 - 3-2 - -12 0- 11 02 1 32 43 45 56 6 7 7 88 Energy EnergyShift Shift(MeV) (MeV) (c) (c) Phase Phase delay delay == 0° 0° (d) (d) Energy EnergyShift Shift(%) (%) Spectrometer Output (arb. units) 100 ^100 -6 -6 -4-4 -2-2 00 22 44 66 88 10 1012 1214 1416 16 80 I80 60 I 60 O ® 40 40 I <fl (e) +100° (e) Phase Phase delay delay ==+100° 20 2 ° 00 -3 - 3-2 - -12 0- 11 02 1 32 43 45 56 6 7 7 88 Energy EnergyShift Shift(MeV) (MeV) (f) (f) FIGURE FIGURE 8. 8. Preliminary Preliminary experimental experimental results resultsfor forSTELLA-II. STELLA-II. (a), (a),(c), (c),and and(e) (e)are areraw rawvideo videooutput output from from the the spectrometer spectrometer camera camera with with energy energydispersion dispersion increasing increasingto tothe theright. right, (b), (b),(d), (d),and and(f) (f)are areline line profiles profiles through through the the center center of of (a), (a), (c), (c), and and (e), (e), respectively. respectively. 275 the buncher. Hence, this preliminary data seems to indicate that the chicane is functioning properly. Even with 13% energy gain, this preliminary data shows that the microbunch electrons have not gained enough energy to separate from the background electrons. As shown below, our model predicts at least 20% energy gain will be necessary for this separation to occur. This requires setting the accelerator undulator to 19% gap taper since the amount of energy gain is directly related to the amount of taper. A larger taper also requires higher laser intensity to drive it. All this points to the need for the upgraded CO2 laser, which should provide more than enough peak power to drive a 19% gap tapered undulator and the EM buncher rather than the PM buncher. MODEL PREDICTIONS FOR UPGRADED LASER Assuming a 19% gap tapered undulator and the upgraded CO2 laser with 1 TW/cm2 at the center of the undulator, Fig. 9 gives the model predictions for the STELLA-II experiment. The chicane phase has been adjusted for minimum energy spread of the microbunch and a high resolution spectrometer is assumed. Energy Shift (%) -8-4 12 10 > 8 f 6 !c 4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 1 2 CD £ 0 -2 -3 -2 - 1 0 1 -4 Output Phase (rad) -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Energy Shift (MeV) (a) (b) FIGURE 9. Model predictions for STELLA-II using upgraded ATF CO2 laser, (a) Energy-phase diagram, (b) Energy histogram. This shows in Fig. 9(a) the microbunch electrons trapped in a fairly small group (see upper left-hand corner of phase diagram). These electrons have a narrow energy spread as seen in Fig. 9(b) and are well separated from the background electrons. Note, the energy gain is 20%. CONCLUSIONS The STELLA-II experiment has begun obtaining its first data. An energy gain >13% has already been observed. Complete energy separation of the trapped 276 microbunches from the background electrons requires an energy gain of at least 20%. To achieve this requires utilizing the higher laser peak power that will be available from the upgraded ATF CO2 laser and a 19% gap-tapered undulator. This upgrade should be completed by the end of 2002 at which point the STELLA-II primary goal of demonstrating staged monoenergetic laser acceleration can be achieved. In the meantime, the experiment will be operated at lower laser power in order to further characterize and optimize the equipment. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge Dr. Xijie Wang and the staff at the ATF for thensupport of this experiment. This work was sponsored by the U. S. Department of Energy, Grants Nos. DE-FG03-98ER41061, DE-AC02-98CH10886, and DE-FG0392ER40695. REFERENCES 1. P. Sprangle, "Laser Driven Plasma Accelerators," in these Proceedings. 2. W. D. Kimura, A. van Steenbergen, M. Babzien, I. Ben-Zvi, L. P. Campbell, C. E. Dilley, D. B. Cline, J. C. Gallardo, S. C. Gottschalk, P. He, K. P. Kusche, Y. Liu, R. H. Pantell, I. V. Pogorelsky, D. C. Quimby, J. Skaritka, L.C. Steinhauer, and V. Yakimenko, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4041-4043 (2001). 3. W. D. Kimura, L. P. Campbell, C. E. Dilley, S. C. Gottschalk, D. C. Quimby, A. van Steenbergen, M. Babzian, I. Ben-Zvi, J. C. Gallardo, K. P. Kusche, I. V. Pogorelsky, J. Skaritka, V. Yakimenko, D. B. Cline, P. He, Y. Liu, L. C. Steinhauer, and R. H. Pantell, Phys. Rev. ST Accel. Beams, 4, 101301 (2001). 277
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