Simulation of Photon Acceleration Using Laser Wake Fields H. J. Lee*, C. Kirn*, G. H. Kirn*, J. U. Kirn* and H. Suk* * Center for Advanced Accelerator, Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute, Seongju-Dong 28-1, Changwon, 641-120, S. Korea Abstract. Numerical simulations of photon acceleration using laser wake fields are presented with one- and two-dimensional electromagnetic particle-in-cell codes. Up to 150% of frequency upshift was observed in the one-dimensional simulation, but around 10% in the two-dimensional simulation because of laser diffraction as well as transverse plasma motion. The saturation mechanisms of photon acceleration and the effects of slippage, dispersion, diffraction, and pump depletion are discussed for parameter optimization. INTRODUCTION When a laser pulse is located on a downward density gradient of a plasma wave, the frequency of the laser pulse is blue-shifted and the group velocity increases. This phenomenon is called photon acceleration [1]. The interaction length between the laser pulse and the density gradient can be extended significantly by using a wake field generated by a short laser pulse. A probe pulse with a frequency co0 is launched with a time delay following a high intensity drive pulse propagating through a plasma with density n0 and a plasma frequency (Op0. By the drive pulse, a wake field is generated with a plasma wavelength A 0 and density perturbation Sn. When the driven plasma motion is not highly relativistic, the density perturbation is linear and shows sinusoidal form as 8n(£) = 5/70sin(A; 0 £), (1) where £ = k0z — co0r, k0 = (cofi — (Qp0)l/2/c, and kp0 = 2n/hp0. From the dispersion relation of an electromagnetic wave propagating through plasmas, the upshifted frequency is calculated as [2] Aco _ K^drco^cosf/; n (2) where vg and i are the group velocity of the probe pulse and the propagation time, respectively. With this mechanism, it is possible to vary the laser wavelength continuously within the frequency upshift limit by changing the interaction length, vgr. Moreover, the mechanism is also applicable to plasma diagnostics [3]. Solodov et al. [4] reported simulation of photon acceleration in a plasma wake with a approximation for the electron motion and with laser pulse dynamics simulated in a spectral paraxial approximation. However, their result shows only a few percent (less CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 187 3.5 0.5 x(mm) FIGURE 1. Diagram of photon acceleration. The FWHM of the drive (probe) pulse is 50 (8.2) fs and the plasma density is n0 = 1018 cm~3, of which plasma wavelength kp0 is 33 jiim. The normalized vector potential of the drive pulse is a0 = eE/mca>0 = 1.0. The induced density perturbation is about 40%. than 4%) of frequency shift. In this study, we present simulation results of the photon acceleration by one-dimensional (Id) and two-dimensional (2d) electromagnetic particlein-cell codes, Id-XOOPIC [5] and OSIRIS [6], without any approximation for the field and the plasma motion. We investigate the saturation mechanisms of photon acceleration such as diffraction, dispersion, slippage by dephasing, and pump depletion. SIMULATION RESULTS Figure 1 shows a one-dimensional schematic diagram of photon acceleration. The drive pulse propagating to the right generates plasma wake fields of which wavelength is A 0, and the probe pulse is launched with a time delay so that it should be located at the place where the density gradient is negative, around 20 jum in Fig. 1. The time delay, id, is associated with the plasma wavelength of the wake field, as id ~ 1.75A 0/c. In order to generate plasma wake field, the drive pulse intensity should be very high, but the probe pulse intensity needs to be small enough that the electric field should be lower than the wave breaking limit, mcco 0/e. The used wavelength of the laser pulses is 1 jum. Figure 2 shows a i d simulation result in which about 40% of frequency upshift was observed after 2.0 cm of pulse propagation. The used parameters are described in Fig. 2. Moreover, 150% of frequency upshift was observed with an increased intensity of the drive pulse, a0 = 2.0. In Id simulation, however, the diffraction of the laser pulses is not considered and thus the interaction length is much longer than that of real situation. Figure 3 presents 2d simulation results of plasma density and electric field profiles at three different times, at t = 1.33,2.65, and 3.98 ps (corresponding to about 400, 800, and 188 (a) 0 (a)o x (mm) x(mm) 15 0 (b) 00 Ey Ey Ey Frequency Frequency 2ω 0 Length Length (cm) (cm) 2.0 2.0 (c) (c)00 xx(m(mm) m) 1515 15 18 18 cm 33, a 10, and 8.2 fs of the FIGURE 2. 2. One-dimensional One-dimensional simulation FIGURE results with with nnn000 1018 cm~ = 11.0, 8.2 fs fs of of the the FIGURE simulation results = 1010 cm , a000 0, and 8.2 FWHMof FWHM pulse shape (b)frequency vs.interaction interaction FWHM of the the probe probe pulse. pulse. Shown are (a) the the pulse shape at at the theinitial initialtime, time,(b) (b) frequencyvs. vs. interaction length,and and(c) (c)the the pulse pulse shape shape when the the interaction length, and (c) the pulse shape when cm. length, interaction length length isis 22 cm. 3 , a 2. Shown are the profiles FIGURE 3. Two-dimensional simulation results with n 0 1018 18 cm FIGURE 3. 3. Two-dimensional simulation simulation results results with with nn00 10 cm 33,, a a0 2. 2. Shown are the profiles FIGURE = fields 1018 cm~ Shown profiles of the plasma Two-dimensional densities (upper) and the probe pulse electric (lower)00 at= 1.33, 2.65,are andthe 3.98 ps, of the the plasma plasma densities densities (upper) (upper) and and the the probe probe pulse pulse electric electric fields (lower) at 1.33, 2.65, and 3.98 ps, of fields (lower) at 1.33, 2.65, and 3.98 ps, respectively. The displayed simulation domain of each box is 25 µ m by 80 µ m. respectively.The The displayed displayed simulation simulation domain domain of of each each box box is is 25 µ m by m. respectively. 25 jiim by 80 80 µ jiim. 1200 µ m, respectively). The spot sizes of the drive and the probe pulses are 24 and 12 1200 /im, µ m, respectively). respectively). The The spot spot sizes sizes of of the the drive drive and and the the probe pulses pulses are 24 12 1200 are The 24 and and µ m, of which Rayleigh lengths correspond to 1810 and 451 µprobe m, respectively. focal12 µ m, of of which which Rayleigh Rayleigh lengths lengths correspond correspond to to 1810 and 451 µ m, respectively. The focal /im, 1810 and 451 /im, respectively. The focal plane is located at 400 µ m ahead at t=0. As the probe pulse propagates, the wavelength plane isis located located at at 400 400 jum µ m ahead ahead at at t=0. As probe propagates, the wavelength plane t=Q.more As the thedispersive. probe pulse pulse propagates, wavelength becomes shorten, but the pulse becomes In addition, the the pulse shape is becomes shorten, but the pulse becomes more dispersive. In addition, the pulse shape is becomes but the pulse dispersive. In addition, deformedshorten, corresponding to the becomes wake fieldmore profile. The transverse size ofthe thepulse probeshape pulseis deformed corresponding to the wake field profile. The transverse size of the probe pulse deformed corresponding to the wake field The transverse size of the probe pulse becomes comparable to the transverse sizeprofile. of the wake field. becomes comparable to the theof transverse size of the the wake field. becomes comparable to transverse of wake field. The frequency spectrum the pulsesize electric field at the center line is shown in Fig. 4, The frequency frequency spectrum spectrum of of the the pulse pulse electric electric field The field at at the the center center line line is is shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 4, 4, 189 0.01 0.01 t=0 t=5000 ω0−1 t=7750 ω0−1 Spectrum 0.001 0.0001 1e-05 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 ω/ω0 2.5 3 3.5 4 FIGURE 65 ps (dashed), and FIGURE 4. 4. Fourier transformed spectrum spectrum of of the the probe pulse at at tt = 00 (solid), (solid), tt = 22.65 and pss(dotted). tt = 44.11 lip (dotted). where almost 10% 10% of frequency upshift is presented. It is much smaller than that of the 1d Id result (150%) (150%) because of shortened shortened interaction length due to laser pulse diffraction diffraction as well well as as the the transverse transverse plasma motion. The frequency frequency upshift is almost almost saturated saturated after after the pulse propagates 1200 1200 µ j m. DISCUSSION Diffraction, wave dispersion, drive pulse depletion, and dephasing between the probe pulse and the plasma wake field play important roles in the saturation of photon acceleration. As can be seen in Eq. (2), the frequency upshift, Aco, ∆ω , increases as the plasma frequency upshift, density, density perturbation ((5ft δ n 0), or the interaction length (v (vggτr)) increases. However, we cannot increase each of the parameters simultaneously because the saturation mechanisms are related to one another. ∆ ω increases as the plasma density increases, but the plasma wavelength decreases Aco and therefore the probe pulse becomes more dispersive when the pulse length of the probe pulse is comparable to aa half of the plasma wavelength. For this case, the front and the tail of the probe pulse have different wavelengths and different group velocities. Moreover, if the pulse length is longer than a half of the plasma wavelength, frequency downshift can happen at positions where density gradient is positive. It is recommended to make the plasma wavelength larger than four times the probe pulse length, and thus there is limitation on increasing the plasma density. δ8n n00/nn00 increases as we we increase the drive pulse intensity, a 0, but the density gradient becomes sharp sharp and the probe pulse becomes more dispersive with the same reason mentioned above. Moreover, if we decrease the laser spot size to increase a0, the 190 Rayleigh length decreases and the interaction length is limited by diffraction. The interaction length, vgr, is restricted to a few Rayleigh lengths by diffraction, and also restricted by the drive pulse depletion which gives its energy to plasma wake fields. The energy depletion is proportional to the interaction length, a\, and CO^O/COQ . Usually, the length scale of energy depletion is longer than that of diffraction for the considered plasma density and laser intensity. As the group velocity of the probe pulse increases by photon acceleration, the difference increases between the group velocity of the probe pulse and the phase velocity of the wake field. Finally, the probe pulse is to be located out of the acceleration phase. Dephasing can be controlled by changing the plasma density gradually as the pulse propagates. In conclusion, the frequency upshift is more effective for higher nQ and a0, but the plasma density and the laser intensity of the drive pulse should be chosen carefully so that the length of negative density gradient region should be longer than the probe pulse length. Further study is necessary for parameter optimization of the plasma density, the laser spot size, and interaction length. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the Creative Research Initiatives of the Korea Ministry of Science and Technology. REFERENCES 1. S. C. Wilks, J. M. Dawson, W. B. Mori, T. Katsouleas, and M. E. Jones, Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 2600 (1989). 2. E. Esarey, A. Ting, and P. Sprangle, Phys. Rev. A 42, 3526 (1990). 3. J. R. Margues, J. P. Geindre, F. Amiranoff, P. Audebert, J. C. Gauthier, A. Antonetti, and G. Grillon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76, 3566 (1996). 4. A. A. Solodov, P. Mora, and P. Chessa, Phys. Plasmas 6, 503 (1999). 5. H. J. Lee, P. J. Mardahl, G. Penn, and J. S. Wurtele, IEEE Trans. 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