Beam Generation, Conditioning and Monitoring: Working Group VII Report X. J. Wang1 and Kami Kishek2 1 National Synchrotron Light Source Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton,NY11973, USA 2 Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics University of Maryland University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742, USA Abstract. The work presented at the working group VII: Beam Generation, Conditioning and Monitoring, is briefly summarized in this report. The challenges of the working group VII is to produce and preserve the high-brightness electron beam suitable for future second generation laser and other advanced accelerators. Topics presented in the working group covered wide range of subjects; facilities for high-intensity beam physics and X-ray generation, highbrightness femto-second beam generation, coherent transition radiation (CSR) and micro-bunch instability in the magnetic chicane bunch compressor, beam instrumentation for both transverse and longitudinal phase space characterization are the major topics discussed in the working group. INTRODUCTION The challenges of the working group VII of the 10th advanced accelerator concepts workshop (AAC) is to examine the latest development in high-brightness beam generation, conditioning and monitoring, and discuss the critical issues for future R&D. We will present a brief summary of the talks presented at the working group VII in this report. Due to large number of talks presented, it is almost impossible to cover all subject discussed, we apology for those colleagues whose work we could not comment on. The presentation and discussion in the working group VII covered quit wide range of topics; there are total 26 talks from 10 institutions presented in our working group sessions. Large number of talk presented in our group came from graduate students (about one third of the total talks). We also held joint session with three other working groups on special subjects. With computational accelerator physics group (group I), a joint session on simulation techniques for particle sources was held. A session on exotic beam generation, such as positron and proton generation from laser plasma interaction, muon cooling etc, was jointly sponsored with High Energy Density Physics & Exotic Acceleration Schemes group (group II). A dedicated session on the injectors for the second-generation plasma accelerator was held with Laser-Plasma CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 175 Acceleration group (group VI). Here is the brief list of the subjects presented in our working group: High intensity beam physics High-brightness electron beam generation. Magnetic bunch compressor and CSR. Surface roughness wake field. Femto-second bunch length and timing jitter measurement techniques. Electron beam and laser beam control (shaping). Beam instrumentation. Femto-seconds kilo-ampere bunch generation from photoinjector. HIGH-BRIGHTNESS ELECTRON SOURCES With the successful demonstration of the all basic laser plasma acceleration schemes, improvement of the efficiency and quality of laser accelerators now become more urgent [1]. It was generally recognize that, electron beam with 108 particles, normalize emittance less than 1 mm-mrad and bunch length less than 50 fs (FWHM) is required for the so call second-generation laser accelerators [2]. There are many proposals around to produce such electron beam. Inverse FreeElectron Laser (IFEL) is the only technique has experimentally demonstrated that, it can produce microbunched electron beam for another IFEL laser accelerator [3,4]. Since IFEL only produce a train of microbunched electron beam, it lacks the flexibility and transverse beam quality for other laser accelerators. It will be very instructive to look back the history when we explore the new technologies for producing femto-second, kilo-Ampere high-brightness electron beam for laser accelerator applications. The introduction of the photocathode RF gun twenty years ago [5] brought at least two orders of magnitude improvement in electron beam brightness. This improvement comes from two aspects. Higher field gradient on the cathode and terminal beam energy is one of them. Field gradient for a traditional thermionic gun is about 1 to 10 MV/m and beam energy less than 500 KeV. The Sband RF gun has a field gradient of 100 MV/m and beam energy about 5 MeV. The factor of ten improvements in field gradient and energy is critical in space-charge effect reduction. And it leads to the second factor in beam brightness improvement, that is, electron pulse length shortened from ns to ps, and peak current from 10 Ampere to 100 Ampere. We are now facing the similar challenges to produce femtoseconds electron beam for the second-generation laser accelerators, that is, we need an order of magnitude improvement in both field gradient and energy for the next generation electron sources for femto-second kilo-Ampere electron beam generation. Further more, transverse emittance and energy spread must also be small in order to preserve the femto-second electron beam. For example, for a 5 MeV electron beam with 10 mrad divergence and 1% energy spread, after 1 meter drift space, the bunch length increments due to the divergence and energy spread both are about 333 fs. Pulsed DC gun [6-7] and optical plasma injectors [8-11] offer the possibility of producing femto-second high-brightness electron beam directly with peak acceleration 176 field on the order of GV/m. Even with relative high field gradient, most pulse DC gun can only produce a electron beam with energy 10 MeV or less (with RF boost cavity, 10 MeV is the possibility), this makes it extremely difficult to preserve electron beam bunch length shorter than 100 fs. The controversies around the optical plasma injector continue exist due to the lack of experimental data on the beam characterization. Pitthan of SLAC and Fubiani of LBNL presented extensive analysis and simulation of the optical plasma injectors. Their analysis showed that, the large energy spread of electron beam produced by the optical plasma injector is the major cause of bunch lengthening and emittance growth. M.C. Thompson of UCLA presented simulation studies of possible high-brightness electron source using plasma density transition trapping [12]. Table I summarized possible beam parameter can be produced using this technique. Table I: UCLA plasma density transition trapping electron source. Peak Density 2xl013 2xl015 2xl017 3 3 cm" cm" cm"3 1.5 psec 150fsec 15 fsec at, Diver 10 nC InC lOOpC Qdrive 2.7psec 270 fsec 28 fsec at, Captured Q Captured 1.2nC 120 pC 12 pC 163 Amp 166 Amp 166 Amp 57 Sx, normalized,Captured mm-mrad Bn0rmalized,Captured 5 x 1010 5.9 mm-mrad 5 x 1012 0.6 mm-mrad 5 x 1014 IPeak,Captured XJ. Wang of BNL gave an overview of the status of the photoinjector R&D [13]. The challenge of photoinjector R&D is to continue improving the beam performance with the reliability and stability required for advanced accelerators and FEL applications. One of the key capability of the photoinjector is that, it can be not only optimized for transverse emittance, but also it can be optimized for longitudinal emittance. The worldwide R&D effort in high-brightness CW photoinjector emerged [14] after the triumph of energy recovery linac (ERL) at the JLAB [15]. The challenges for CW photoinjector are brightness of the electron beam and heat load for both cavity and laser system [14]. Court Bohn of N. Illinois Univ. updated the latest development of the flat beam experiment at the FERMILAB AO [16]. A transverse emittance ratio of approximately 50 was measured. One of the most promising techniques capable of generating the electron beam satisfy the above requirements is so call longitudinal emittance compensation technique and off crest acceleration in the energy boost linac followed the photocathode RF gun [17-18]. A 20 pC electron beam is produced by a 8 ps (FWHM) frequency quadrupled Nd:YAG laser from a photocathode RF gun injector operating at the longitudinal emittance compensation mode. The measured electron beam bunch length at the RF gun exit is about 800 fs(rms), it is further compressed using RF focusing in the 3 meter long linac down to 10 fs (rms) (fig.l). By adding a focusing solenoid magnet in the middle of the energy boost linac, the emittance can be kept to 177 0.5 mm-mrad. By 0.5 mm-mrad. By lunching lunching the the electron electron beam beam at at the the low low RF RF gun gun phase phase at at aa field field of of 100 100 MV/m, we we not MV/m, not only only compress compress the the electron electron beam beam in in the the RF RF gun, gun, but but also also chirp chirp the the electron beam in electron beam in such such way way we we can can further further compress compress the the beam beam in in downstream downstream drift drift space space and and linac. linac. The The 10 10 fs fs long long beam beam was was achieved achieved at at the the beam beam energy energy about about 40 40 MeV. MeV. P. Musumeci Musumeci presented P. presented sub-ps sub-ps electron electron beam beam experimental experimental results results atat the the UCLA UCLA Neptune lab using the Neptune lab using the similar similar technique. technique. 20pc,100Mv/m ,drift=3.05,12.0degree,8ps,R= 20pc,100Mv/m,drift=3.05,12.0degree,8ps,R= 0.75m ,Bf=0.70 sigm a-z 0.75mm m,Bf=0.70 sigma-z 1.40E+03 1.20E+03 1.00E+03 8.00E+02 6.00E+02 10. 8 fs 4.00E+02 2.00E+02 0.00E+00 0.00E+ 1.00E+ 2.00E+ 3.00E+ 4.00E+ 5.00E+ 6.00E+ 7.00E+ 8.00E+ O.OOE+ 1.00E+ 2.00E+ 3.00E+ 4.00E+ 5.00E+ 6.00E+ 7.00E+ 8.00E+ 00 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 20pc,100Mv/m,drift=3.05,12.0degree,8ps,R=0.75mm,Bf=0.70 20pc,100Mv/m,dritt=3.05,12.0degree,8ps,R=0.75mm,Bf=0.70 energy energy 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 FIGURE 1. Electron bunch length (top) and energy as the function of the distance. FIGURE 1. Electron bunch length (top) and energy as the function of the distance. HIGH-INTENSITY HIGH-INTENSITY BEAM BEAM PHYSICS PHYSICS Collective Collective effect effect of of the the high-intensity high-intensity beam beam plays plays fundamental fundamental role role in in many many accelerator applications, from electron and ion sources, nuclear fusion to high-energy accelerator applications, from electron and ion sources, nuclear fusion to high-energy colliders. colliders. P.G. P.G. O'Shea O'Shea gave gave an an overview overview of of the the Univ. Univ. of of Maryland Maryland electron electron ring ring (UMER) and its experimental program. Table 1 summarized the basic parameters (UMER) and its experimental program. Table 1 summarized the basic parameters of of UMER. UMER designed to serve as a research platform for intense beam physics. UMER. UMER designed to serve as a research platform for intense beam physics. 178 One of the most striking features of the UMER is the wide range of beam physics it covered, from emittance dominated to space-charge dominated beams. With large amount of beam diagnostic devices installed, UMER is capable of providing reliable experimental data to validate both theory and computer simulation. Table II; UMER parameters. Energy PY Current Generalized perveance Emittance, 4x rms, norm Pulse Length Bunch charge Circumference Lap time Tune Depression (k/k0) 10keV-50keV 0.2 100mA 1.5x10-3 lOmm-mr 50 -100ns 5nC 11.52m 197ns XU2 K. Bishofberger of UCLA gave a presentation of his thesis research at FERMILAB on the Tevatron electron lens, which is critical for reducing the space-charge effect of the proton and anti-proton beams, and increase the luminosity of the Tevatron. W. Brown of LLNL discussed a high-brightness electron beam facility now under commissioning at the LLNL for Thomson X-ray source. One of the hot topics discussed in our group is the CSR effect of electron beam during the magnetic bunch compression. Magnetic compressor now is the standard technique to produce short electron beam for many applications, from eV linear collider, X-ray FEL to injector for laser accelerators. There are two effects may play important role when considering the magnetic compressor, one is the non-linearity, from both the RF and beam transport line, and other is CSR. Recent experimental results of magnetic bunch compressors from CERN CLIC, DESY TTF, LEUTL OF ANL, and SDL OF BNL re-discovered of the importance of reduction in RF nonlinearity. Latest design of LCLS and TESAL FEL bunch compressors incorporated higher-harmonic RF cavity to minimize the beam break-up. CSR effect is known lead to emittance growth due to the residue dispersion for many years [19]. Latest theory and simulation predict electron beam microbunching due to the klystron like interaction of the CSR effect [20-23]. One of the proposed techniques to suppress the CSR effect is to artificially introduce energy spread using the undulator. H. Loos of the Brookhaven DUV-FEL facility (fig.2) and J.B. Rosenzweig of UCLA presented latest experimental results of beam break-up in both transverse and longitudinal phase space of electron beam during the bunch compression. UCLA experimental was performed at the relative low energy (11 MeV), transverse phase bifurcation was observed due to the space-charge effect. 179 50m 50 50 m m NISUS NISUS 10m 10m Ben Ben Coherent Coherent IR IR Undulator Undulator Bunch Bunch compressor compressor Ben Ben Linac Linac 75 75 Dum Dum Dum Time Time domain domain Dum Dum 1.6 cell cell gun gun 1.6 1.6 cell gun Iwith copper with with copper copper cathode cathode cathode 210 210 MeV MeV 55 30 30 mJ, mJ, 100 100 fs fs Ti:Sapphire Ti:Sapphire FIGURE facility the BNL. BNL. FIGURE2.2. The TheDUV-FEL DUV-FEL facility facility the Electron beam Electron was compressed at the about 70 70 MeV MeV at at the the BNL BNL DUV-FEL DUV-FEL Electron beam beam was was compressed compressed at at the the about facility, transverse facility, emittance growth and electron beam beam microbunching microbunching (fig.3) (fig.3) was was facility, transverse transverse emittance emittance growth growth and and electron observed. possibilities observed. There are two of observing microbunching at at the the DUV-FEL. DUV-FEL. observed. There There are are two two possibilities possibilities of of observing observing microbunching The The first one isis that, that, the longitudinal structures of the the photocathode photocathode RF RF gun gun driving driving Thefirst first one one is that, the the longitudinal longitudinal structures structures of laser laserlead leadtotothe themodulation modulation of of the the electron electron beam; beam; and and this this modulation was amplified during the magnetic bunch during compression. The other reason reason would would be be the the so so called called during the the magnetic magnetic bunch bunch compression. compression. The The other micro-bunch micro-bunch instability due to the CSR effect. Experiment now is underway underway to to further further micro-bunchinstability instabilitydue due to to the the CSR CSR effect. effect. Experiment now is clarify those clarifythose thoseeffects. effects. clarify effects. 100 200 300 400 500 600 FIGURE3. Microbunchingobservation observation at at the the BNL BNL DUV-FEL. DUV-FEL. FIGURE FIGURE 3.3. Microbunching Microbunching observation at the BNL DUV-FEL. Zhou of of UCLA/BNL UCLA/BNL presented presented experimental experimental results results of F.F. Zhou Zhou F. of UCLA/BNL presented experimental results of the the surface surface roughness roughness wake field experiment carryout at the BNL ATF. Surface roughness wake field wake field experiment experiment carryout carryout at at the the BNL BNL ATF. ATF. Surface Surface roughness roughness wake wake field field could could playimportant important role role in in high-frequency high-frequency (>30 (>30 GHz) GHz) structure structure based based accelerators, play important play role in high-frequency (>30 GHz) structure accelerators, linear linear collider and and X-ray X-ray FEL FEL because because of of the the small small aperture aperture of of the the beam beam pipe collider X-ray because collider and FEL of the small aperture of pipe and and short short bunch length. The ATF experiment observed for the first time reduction of bunch length. the bunch length. The The ATF ATF experiment experiment observed observed for for the the first first time time reduction reduction of of the the synchronousmode modefor foraaarandom randomdistributed distributed surface surface roughness. roughness. synchronous mode random synchronous for distributed surface roughness. 180 BEAM CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION BEAM CONTROL AND INSTRUMENTATION Beam control and conditioning is another subject covered in our group. Cs. Toth of Beam control andtitled conditioning is another covered of in our Tóth of LBNL gave a talk "Skew and Chirp: subject shape-control highgroup. power,Cs.ultra-short LBNLforgave a talkelectron titled “Skew and Chirp: shape-control of high the power, ultra-short pulses optimal acceleration in plasmas" . He discussed major issues in pulses for and optimal electron acceleration in plasmas” . He discussed(CPA) the major issuesboth in amplitude phase control for chirped pulse amplification as well amplitude phase control for pulsethe amplification well group both passive andand active technique. By chirped controlling laser pulse(CPA) shape,as LBL passive and improvement active technique. controlling the laser pulse groupof demonstrated of theBylaser plasma accelerator. Prof. shape, UesakaLBL of Univ. demonstrated improvement of the laser plasma accelerator. Prof. Uesaka of Univ. of Tokyo showed that, Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI) group demonstrated emittance Tokyo showed that, Sumitomo Heavy Industries (SHI) group demonstrated emittance reduction of a factor of two by shaping the longitudinal laser distribution using spatial reduction of a factor of two liquid modulator (SLM) [22].by shaping the longitudinal laser distribution using spatial liquid modulator (SLM) [22].presented his design study how to control the electron R. Joel England of UCLA R. Joel England of UCLA his design study how to control the electron beam longitudinal distributionpresented for electron beam driven plasma accelerator. Use of beam longitudinal distribution for electron beam driven plasma accelerator. of sextupoles to reduce nonlinear effects, negative R56 compression to produceUse sub-ps sextupoles to reduce nonlinear effects, negative R56 compression to produce sub-ps ramped beams and improve the transformer ratio > 2. Hui Li of Univ. of Maryland, ramped beams and improve the transformer ratio > 2. Hui Li of Univ. of Maryland, discussed beam control on UMER, the programmable magnets made it possible to discussed beam control on UMER, the programmable magnets made it possible to control not only the beam trajectory and size, but also the skew and other unexpected control not only the beam trajectory and size, but also the skew and other unexpected errors. errors. Both transverse and longitudinal beam instrumentations were covered in our working Both transverse and longitudinal beam instrumentations were covered in our working group presentations. study on on the the scattering scatteringeffect effectofof group presentations.J.J.Power Powerpresented presented his his simulation simulation study the pepper port and slit for transverse emittance measurement. Maryland group the pepper port and slit for transverse emittance measurement. Maryland group presented both design and initial experimental results of the retarding field energy presented both design and initial experimental results of the retarding field energy analyzer eV resolution resolutionwas wasachieved achieved analyzerfor forspace spacecharge chargedominated dominated low low energy energy beam. beam. 11 eV forfora a55keV electron beam. keV electron beam. Femto-second is aa very very active active R&D R&Dsubject, subject, Femto-secondbunch bunch length length measurement measurement technique technique is Prof. out systematic systematic study studyon onthe theall allmajor major Prof.Uesaka's Uesaka’sgroup groupof of Tokyo Tokyo Univ. Univ. has has carried carried out optical summarized the the major major results resultsofofthe the opticaltechniques. techniques. T. T.Watanabe Watanabe of of Tokyo Tokyo Univ. Univ. summarized their theirexperiments experiments(table (tableIII). III). Table length measurement measurementtechniques. techniques. TableIII: III:Summary Summaryof offemto-second femto-second bunch length lllllllllllllllllIllllililiplll llllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll iiiilliiiiliiiiiiiiIllllllilllllllllllllIllllllillllillllllllllllllllllllllIllll lllllllllll Illlllllllllll! !!i!!!l!!!l|| lllllllllllllllllIlllllilllllllllllIlllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lllllllllllllllll lllii|||i|ili|iilll Illllllllillll IllllllliilllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllilllllll lllllllllllllllllllli||il§lii|illlll lllillilllllllll Illlllilllllllllll Illlllilllllllllll Illlllllllllll llllllplllllllIllllllllillilllllllIllllllilllllllllllll Illillillllllllll lllllilillilliilll Illlllllllllll Illlllllllllll Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllilliPllillll llllilllllllllllllll UsingRF RFkicker kickercavity cavity for for GeV GeV femto-second femto-second bunch bunch length Using length measurement measurementhas hasbeen been proposed for several years [23-25], An outstanding feature of the RF kicker technique proposed for several years [23-25], An outstanding feature of the RF kicker technique precisionself-calibrating self-calibrating capability capability and and possible possible slice isisitsitsprecision slice emittance emittance measurement, measurement, which is critical for future X-ray FEL. SLAC recently successfully which is critical for future X-ray FEL. SLAC recently successfully experimentally experimentally 181 demonstrated 100 fs resolution using a S-band RF kicker. Jack Haimson presented his design of a 17 GHz circular polarized RF kicker. The circularly polarized deflector has a major advantage over a linear kicker because the longitudinal charge and momentum distributions are displayed in orthogonally separated azimuthal and radial directions, respectively. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to first express out gratitude to the 10th AAC workshop organizers; it would be chaos without their dedicated support. The patience of the editors of this proceeding is greatly appreciated. It is the hard work of the participants and presenter of the working group VII made it possible for this summery. We would to thank following individual for their nice presentation at the working group VII; ANL: J. Power, BNL: X.Y. Chang, Henrik Loos, XJ. Wang; Haimson Associate: Jack Haimson; LBNL: Cs. Toth and Baut Marcelis; LLNL: W. Brown; MIT: Steve Korbly; N. Illinois Univ.: Court Bohn; SLAC: Rainer Pitthan; UCLA: F. Zhou, James Rosenzweig, M. Thompson, Joel England, P. Musumeci, K. Bishofberger ; Univ. of Maryland: Patrick G. O'Shea, Hui Li, Yun Zou, Yupeng Cui and Jonathan Neumann; Univ. of Tokyo: Mitsuru Uesaka and T. Watanabe. The cooperation from other working group leaders, particular Drs Thomas Antonsen of University of Maryland, Thomas Cowan of GA Technologies and Antonio Ting of NRL, is greatly appreciated. REFERENCES 1. P. Sprangle, "Laser Driven Plasma Accelerators Injection, Guiding and Staging", invited talk presented at the 10th Advanced Accelerator Concpts, June 22-26, 2002, Mandalay Beach, CA . 2. T.C. Chiou and T. Katsouleas, Phys. Rev. Lett., 81, 3411 (1998). 3. Y. Liu, X. J. Wang, D. B. Cline, M. Babzien, J. M. Fang, J. Gallardo, K. Kusche, I. Pogorelsky, J. Skaritka, and A. van Steenbergen, Phys. Rev. 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