Summary Report of Working Group 6: LaserPlasma Acceleration A. Ting,1 R. F. Hubbard,1 and G. Shvets2 Plasma Physics Division, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375-5346 2 Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL 60616 Abstract. There has been considerable progress on laser-plasma acceleration. Presentations on laser-plasma acceleration concepts at the 2002 Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop are reviewed, and the status and future directions of research in this area are discussed. INTRODUCTION Laser-plasma acceleration has received considerable attention because of the extraordinarily high accelerating gradients that can be attained. Plasma is also the ultimate 'disposable' structure since it can be regenerated as often as needed. Many successes have come to light in recent years in this field. These include the experimental demonstration of accelerating gradients exceeding 100 GV/m, energy gains exceeding 100 MeV, optical guiding of high intensity laser pulses in plasma channels over many tens of Rayleigh ranges, the development of all-optical injectors, and an extensive modeling and simulation capability. The primary laser-plasma accelerator concepts are the standard (short pulse) and self-modulated (long pulse) laser wakefield accelerators (LWFA) and the plasma beatwave accelerator (PBWA). Sprangle (NRL) offered a roadmap in his plenary talk for achieving a table-top, multi-GeV high quality laser accelerator with existing laser technology. The approach is based on the standard LWFA with phased, mono-energetic optical injection to produce high electron beam quality and guided acceleration in a plasma channel to overcome diffraction. Further gains in energy beyond 1 GeV are possible by tapering the plasma channel density to extend the dephasing length and employing additional laser stages to overcome energy depletion of the drive laser pulse. Most of the major experimental groups have designed their future experiments around some variation of this basic approach. This is also reflected in much of modeling and simulation effort. First generation acceleration experiments have mostly been in the self-modulated (SM) LWFA regime. This regime is attractive experimentally because it does not require external injection of electrons, and the laser is self-guided due to relativistic effects. However, electron beam quality is generally poor, and the propagating laser pulse is highly unstable. The second generation experiments, which will employ external electron injection and long range optical guiding, are much more challenging. Modeling and simulation also plays a major role in analyzing current experiments and CP647, Advanced Accelerator Concepts: Tenth Workshop, edited by C. E. Clayton and P. Muggli © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0102-0/02/$19.00 165 new concepts. There continues to be a vigorous effort to develop new schemes for injection, acceleration, and optical guiding and new experimental diagnostics. PROGRESS AT MAJOR EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES The first part of the working group was devoted to reviews of some the major experimental facilities in the U.S., Europe, and Japan. More details are given in later sections on injection, guiding, acceleration, modeling, and future plans. Plasma Beatwave Accelerator Clayton (UCLA) described progress on the plasma beatwave accelerator (PBWA) that is being developed at UCLA's Neptune facility. The major goal is to demonstrate acceleration to 100 MeV with phase locking and small energy spread. The acceleration process involves the beating of CC>2 laser pulses at 10.3 and 10.6 jim wavelengths at 1 TW and 40-100 psec pulse duration. A low emittance 11 MeV electron beam is to be injected into the PBWA. Recent experiments employing a collinear Thomson scattering diagnostic have demonstrated the excitation of a strong plasma beatwave. Clayton also summarized work on phased injection using double beatwave and inverse free electron laser (IFEL) approaches, terahertz radiation sources, and electron trapping at density transitions. Laser Wakefield Accelerator Although the long term interest is primarily devoted to the standard LWFA, most experiments continue to operate in the self-modulated (SM) regime. Results from a major new SM-LWFA at LOA were reported by Fritzler. Energies up to 200 MeV were reported with the characteristic broad energy spectrum seen n other experiments. Electron beam emittance improved when the higher energy component of the spectrum was selected. This experiment used a short laser pulse that may have transitioned from the self-modulated to the standard LWFA regime. This experiment produced considerable excitement and was the subject of several simulation studies at other laboratories. Leemans (LBNL) demonstrated control of electron production in a SM-LWFA experiment by precise alignment and position of the laser focusing and by shaping the laser pulse envelope. This offers a new path for enhanced control of wake excitation. Kaganovich (LET/NRL) reported initial results from the upgraded T3 laser in which the pulse is split into two beam lines with separate compressors. One of the beam lines has been operated as a SM-LWFA, producing an electron spectrum that peaks at 3 MeV. Saleh (U. Michigan) reviewed work at that laboratory, emphasizing a proof of principle experiment for the LILAC all-optical injector. Y. Kitagawa (U. Osaka) reported SM-LWFA experiments with a 60 TW pulse operating at a plasma density of 1019 cm"3, including forward Raman scattering (FRS) measurements. Suk and Lee (KERI) reported on LWFA and photon acceleration simulations and experiments in Korea. 166 Kando provided an overview of the programs at JAERI/APR. This facility has a 100 TW laser, a 150 MeV microtron for electron beam injection, and the capability to produce z-pinch plasma channel waveguides. A recent experiment at APR with a 2 TW, 50 fs laser and a gas jet density of VxlO17 cm"3 detected ~20 GV/m plasma waves. For these parameters, the experiment should operate in the short pulse or standard LWFA regime. Wakefield amplitudes and wavelengths were consistent with ID PIC simulations and linear theory. Other major laboratory overview talks were given in later sessions. These included talks by Downer (U. Texas) and Milchberg (U. Maryland) that emphasized guiding in plasma channels and Pogorelsky (BNL) that discussed guiding and x-ray sources. ELECTRON BEAM INJECTION In the SM-LWFA, electrons are self-trapped from the laser-produced plasma, so external electron beam injection is not required. However, the PBWA and standard LWFA require phased, external injection to produce a high quality beam. Much of the recent interest has centered on all-optical injection schemes since these offer the possibility of high beam quality and phased injection. These schemes generally require some mechanism to perturb the phase space of the plasma so that some electrons acquire sufficient axial velocity to be trapped and accelerated to high energies. Single Pulse Plasma-Based Injectors Perhaps the simplest all-optical injector is an SM-LWFA. Both NRL and LBNL are considering using such an injector for future LWFA experiments. One problem with this scheme is that the energy spectrum of the accelerated electrons is broad. Kaganovich (LET/NRL) described using a SM-LWFA with a magnetic energy selector to overcome this difficulty. The system passes electrons from the SM-LWFA source through a focusing solenoid that is followed by a low dispersion steering magnet. Energy selection is achieved by aperturing the electron beam. Compared with NRL's LIPA injector (Laser lonization and Ponderomotive Acceleration), this scheme requires substantially less laser power for multi-MeV injection. However, LIPA is expected to produce a much shorter bunch, more suitable for phased injection. Leemans (LBNL) reported plans for using a SM-LWFA injector in a future channel-guided LWFA experiment. Model calculations indicate a high charge in the bunch, a broad energy spectrum mostly in the 1-3 MeV range, and small angular spread. Electrons are injected directly into the channel. Kinoshita (U. Tokyo) reported on the generation of relativistic electrons using the usual SM-LWFA configuration, a 4 TW laser, and a gas jet. An alternative plasma-based injection scheme is plasma density transition trapping (PDTT). This scheme passes a drive electron beam through a sharp density transition to produce phased injection of a short, low emittance bunch. Thompson (UCLA) described a proposed PDTT experiment using the 14 MeV drive beam on the PWFA experiment. Simulations were carried out using the widely-used MAGIC code. 167 Suk (KERI), who originated the electron beam-driven version of the PDTT concept while at UCLA, has considered using a laser as the drive beam. He reported OSIRIS simulation results and described possible future experiments. Best results are obtained when the density transition is shorter than the plasma wavelength. Multiple Pulse All-Optical Injectors A second class of optical injectors utilizes one or more "injection" pulses in addition to the primary drive pulse. The first of these concepts to be proposed was the U. Michigan LILAC scheme. In the original LILAC concept, the drive pulse operated in the standard LWFA regime, and a transverse injection pulse perturbed the wake plasma, kicking some plasma electrons into a phase space region where they could be trapped and accelerated. Saleh (U. Michigan) described recent experiments in which the drive pulse was in the self-modulated regime. Parameters were chosen so that in the absence of the injection pulse, the SM-LWFA drive pulse produced little acceleration. The addition of the injection pulse produced a substantial increase in the quantity and characteristic energy of the accelerated electrons. In addition, the injection pulse produced a factor of two reduction in the transverse emittance. This is believed to be the first demonstration of a multiple pulse all-optical injector. However, phased injection will probably require operating at lower plasma densities or shorter pulses so that acceleration is in the standard LWFA regime. The colliding (CP) pulse optical injector is being pursued at LBNL. The original colliding pulse scheme involved a large amplitude drive pulse and two directly counterpropagating lower intensity injection pulses. Leemans (LBNL) presented plans for upcoming colliding pulse experiments, including preliminary results from a simpler two pulse scheme with a larger amplitude injection pulse replacing the two counterpropagating pulses. To simplify the experimental configuration, this pulse was injected at a 30 degree angle with respect to the drive pulse. The two-pulse configuration produced a significant increase in the yield of accelerated electrons. Esarey (LBNL) described model calculations for both the two pulse and three pulse configurations. He also reported model calculations of electron trapping from density transitions. Cary (Tech-X) reported extensive simulations of both LILAC and CP optical injectors. The object-oriented VORPAL code was used for these studies. Particular emphasis was given to the regime where the size of the wakefield focusing region in phase is increased due to nonlinear effects. Tochitsky and Clayton (UCLA) reported on the double beatwave injection scheme. This involves using both 10.3 and 10.6 jim pulses from the UCLA Neptune laser that are further split into two beamlines, an "injector arm" and an "acceleration arm". Experiments to date have not produced significant acceleration. Later analysis identified the use of different focusing optics in the two beamlines as the likely source of the problem. Pitthan (SLAC) described injector emittance and bunch particle requirements for plasma-based injection schemes from the point of view of the eventual user. Plasmabased injectors offer the possibility of significantly higher brightness than can be 168 obtained from conventional injectors. There is significant potential payoff both for future linear colliders as well as advanced radiation sources such as FELs. RF injectors There have also been significant advances in applying conventional RF-based injectors to laser-plasma accelerators. The typical strategy employs a photocathode for timing and emittance control and a chicane or inverse free electron laser (IFEL) to shorten the pulse. This approach is producing high quality bunches with very short bunch lengths that may make it unnecessary to rely on all-optical injectors. JAERI has a 150 MeV microtron available as an injector for future experiments. Tochitsky (UCLA) reported on a THz IFEL prebuncher that they are using on the photocathode gun in their PWFA facility. Wang (BNL) described how 10 fs bunches with 50-200 MeV energy could be generated by chirping the energy in the bunch and compressing in a chicane. GUIDING AND ACCELERATION IN PLASMA CHANNELS Acceleration to high energy generally requires some form of optical guiding. Relativistic guiding is believed to play an important role in the SM-LWFA experiments. However, the guiding effect is not well-controlled in this regime, and relativistic guiding is expected to be ineffective for the short-pulse (standard) LWFA regime. Plasma channels, which are long plasma columns with an on-axis density minimum, have successfully guided laser pulses at many laboratories. The subject was reviewed in the plenary talk by Zigler (Hebrew U.). Recent channel guiding experiments The first technique developed for guiding intense pulses in channels utilized the axicon-focused ("Bessel") laser, in which the laser produces a shock that evolves to the desired plasma density profile. This technique is currently employed in experiments at U. Maryland, U. Texas, and LBNL. Milchberg (U. Md.) presented results from a recent experiment that showed that the efficiency of coupling from the laser to the plasma could be "resonantly" enhanced by a self-trapping mechanism. This coupling leads to shortened trapped pulses and parametric instability that modulates the channel. The use of end funnels on the channel improved the coupling. Downer (U. Texas) emphasized the importance of producing a fully-ionized, low-Z channel so that the guided laser pulse does not produce additional ionization that interferes with the guiding process. Geddes (LBNL) reported improvements in the nozzle design and plans for future channel-guided LWFA experiments with a SMLWFA injector. The other major approach to producing plasma channels involves the use of capillary discharges. Ablative wall discharges have been used at several laboratories, including Hebrew U., NRL, BNL, and Oxford. These discharges have a limited lifetime but are the easiest plasma channel generation device to field experimentally. 169 Zigler (Hebrew U.) reported recent work on using segmented capillary discharges to extend the length of the capillary and produce an axial variation or taper in the density. Tapered density channels can partially overcome the LWFA energy gain limitations arising from dephasing. Pogorelsky (BNL) reported the first demonstration of channel guiding of a short pulse CC>2 laser. These experiments are geared towards x-ray source applications as well as accelerators. Laser guiding has also been demonstrated in gas-filled capillary discharges. These devices have a ceramic wall, so they have much longer lifetimes than the ablative wall discharges and can produce a fully-stripped, low-Z plasma. Kando (JAERI) described guiding experiments using a fast z-pinch discharge. Jaroszynski (U. Strathclyde) described plans to use a slow, gas filled discharge. Cros (U. Paris) described ongoing guiding experiments in capillary tubes. In this scheme, the guiding is due to the interaction between the laser and the capillary walls and is not due to a plasma channel. Guiding at intensities above 1017 W/cm2 over distances of up to 12 cm has been achieved. Preliminary experiments performed at Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in gas-filled capillaries operating in the SM-LWFA regime have produced forward Raman scattering but no accelerated electrons. Plasma channel diagnostics Much of the effort in recent experiments has been in improving diagnostics. Capillary discharges present an obvious challenge since the channel cannot normally be observed from the outside. Zigler (Hebrew U.) reported a new autocorrelation technique that deduces the average plasma density in the capillary from the time delay arising from the difference in the pulse group velocity from c. Jones (NRL) reported ablative wall discharge experiments in transparent, rectangular capillaries that permitted direct observation of the plasma inside the capillary. He also described a temporally-resolved Raman backscatter diagnostic that has been used on both discharge and laser-ablated capillaries. Diagnostic improvements have also been made in axicon-generated channel experiments. Downer (U. Texas) reported pump-probe experiments where the probe frequency is near that of the pump to avoid slippage or "walk-off" associated with the difference in the group velocities of the two pulses. Alexeev (U. Marland) reported a direct measurement of the apparent "superluminal" velocity of the ionization front in an axicon-focusing experiment. Kim (U. Maryland) described a new single shot supercontinuum spectral interferometry technique, which offers a direct measurement of the phase shift AO in a plasma or gas. Channel guiding and focusing models Hafizi (Icarus/NRL) described a generalized envelope equation model that includes relativistic focusing, ponderomotive channeling, and tapered plasma channel guiding. The model agrees well with simulation results from LEM and WAKE. Hubbard (NRL) described how short plasma channels may be used as lenses to control intense laser pulses and compared simulation results with an analytical model 170 based on the envelope model described above. He showed simulations of a standard LWFA using a series of plasma channel lenses as periodic focusing elements embedded in a uniform plasma. This is a potential solution to the difficulties associated with making long, low density plasma channels. Energy gain in channel-guided LWFA There has been a significant effort to predict the performance of future channelguided LWFA experiments using phased electron injection. Sprangle (NRL) and Penano (NRL) reported simulations of multi-GeV energy gain from a standard LWFA propagating in a tapered plasma channel. With optimal density tapering in the channel, the phase of the accelerating electrons can be held relatively constant for distances well beyond the classical dephasing length. Energy gains of 5GeV in a single stage appear possible, with "moderate" laser intensity (a ~ 0.5) and little pulse distortion. Much higher energies are possible if the LWFA can be staged with proper phasing at each stage. Penano (NRL) also reported simulations of forward Raman scattering and selfmodulation in longer pulse LWFAs. The phase slippage rate is much faster than in the standard LWFA regime, so channel density tapering is probably essential. This channel-guided SM-LWFA offers an interesting regime for near term experiments because the channels are easier to make than those required for a standard LWFA. Phased injection is generally believed to be a requirement for a high quality LWFA electron beam. However, two simulation studies reported remarkable high quality beams without phased injection. TurboWAVE simulations reported by Gordon (Icarus/NRL) showed that low emittance and energy spread could be obtained in a GeV channel-guided LWFA with 1 MeV external injection even though particles were injected over all phases. Those particles near the optimum injection phase were selected for acceleration, while others were left behind. Narang (UCLA) reported both TurboWAVE and OSIRIS simulations of channel-guided LWFAs. Of particular interest was a case with high intensity (a ~ 2) that exhibited self-trapping of plasma electrons and acceleration of a single bunch to several hundred MeV. This may be the first simulation that exhibited self-trapping in the standard LWFA regime and opens up an interesting regime for future experiments. NOVEL ACCELERATORS AND RADIATION SOURCES There continues to be an active effort to develop new acceleration techniques or introduce major refinements on existing approaches. Some of this work has applications to advanced radiation sources as well as acceleration. Shvets (IIT), Hur (UC-Berkeley), and Puhkov (U. Dusseldorf) have examined an RF-driven inverse Cherenkov accelerator concept that produces large amplitude plasma waves and substantial pulse compression. For a 300 GHz RF source, a plasma density of 1015 cm"3, and a 1 T transverse magnetic field, the predicted gradient is 1 GeV/m. Shvets, Hur, and Wurtele (UC-Berkeley) have also proposed a novel accelerator based on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a plasma. The 171 BIT dispersion relation predicts perfect matching with vacuum (ck = co), strong pulse compression, and a predominantly longitudinal electric field, which are good properties for particle acceleration. Filip (UCLA) analyzed and compared nonresonant heatwave excitation with the traditional PWFA heatwave approach. TurboWAVE simulations predict peak longitudinal electric fields of up to 100 MV/m. Guang (UCLA) reported on experiments using the Neptune laser to drive Cherenkov wakefields in magnetized plasma. This is expected to be a strong source of THz radiation. Pukhov (U. Dusseldorf) is using the 3-D simulation code VLPL to maodel wave breaking and bubble or cavity formation at very high intensities, electrons are trapped inside the bubble and accelerated to energies up to 500 MeV. The 33 fs, 12 J laser pulse is compressed down to a single optical cycle. Gordon (Icarus/NRL) modeled a two-stage SM-LWFA concept in the regime where the pulse is weakly-guided by relativistic self-focusing. He also proposed controlling Raman forward scattering (RFS) and limiting the injection phase of trapped electrons by seeding the laser with a second ultra-short pulse. Seeded RFS concepts were also discussed by Downer (U. Texas) and Steinhower (STI-Optronics), who considered both electron beams and lasers as possible sources for the seed pulse. Lindberg (UC-Berkeley) reported on scaling laws XOOPIC simulations of a colliding beam accelerator concept proposed by Shvets. The 2-D simulations included a plasma channel to guide the laser pulse. Hartemann (LLNL) described the new Pleiades facility, which includes a 150 Mev linac and the 500 ml, 50 fs FALCON laser. The primary goal is to produce a bright Compton x-ray source with femtosecond pulse length. Lee (KERI) described simulations and possible experiments on photon acceleration. Propagation in a downward density gradient produces a blue shift. A conceptual design for a ring recursive photon accelerator was also presented. MODELING OF CURRENT EXPERIMENTS AND LASERPLASMA INTERACTIONS Energy gain in SM-LWFA experiments Although SM-LWFA acceleration experiments have been successfully carried out at a number of laboratories, the details of the pulse propagation and electron acceleration processes are still not well understood. There are a number of complicated competing processes that occur, and much of the past theoretical and numerical work has relied on 2-D models that use either unrealistic slab geometries or that make other assumptions that may become invalid as the pulse propagates. Fully explicit 3-D simulations are just now becoming available. Both Mori (UCLA) and Gordon (Icarus/NRL) reported full 2-D and 3-D simulations of the recent 200 MeV acceleration experiment at LOA. Both models produce energy spectra that are in reasonable agreement with the experiment. Strong relativistic focusing is observed, with highly nonideal wakes. Gordon's results suggest 172 that self-phase modulation and self-focusing dominate RFS in this regime. Diagnostics indicate that axial wakefields dominate over the transverse fields that are the source of the direct laser acceleration (DLA) mechanism. Faure (LBNL) carried out WAKE simulations of SM-LWFA to determine the relative importance of laser (DLA) and plasma acceleration mechanisms. He concluded that DLA was important but not dominant in the LOA experiments. Plasma-driven electron acceleration may not necessarily be confined to a well-defined wake bucket, so that stochastic heating becomes an important contribution as well. Stochastic heating and acceleration processes were also discussed by Saleh (U. Michigan). lonization and Instability Processes lonization is often ignored in laser plasma accelerator modeling since the intense laser pulse produces very rapid ionization near the front of the laser pulse. However, the ionization details are important in some cases. An example is in modeling the blue shifting that has long been observed in the SMLWFA regime. The effect is believed to be due to tunneling ionization at the head of the beam. Dimitrov (Tech-X) has carried out detailed OOPIC simulations of 1'OASIS blue-shifting experiments at LBNL. The simulations include a new ionization model and produce blue shifts that agree well with the experiments. Hafizi (Icarus/NRL) presented results on modeling of the energy distribution of ionized electrons. In the tunneling limit, the spectrum is monotonic and peaked towards lower energies, while in the multi-photon regime, electrons are generated with nonzero energies. Forward Raman scattering plays a central role in many experiments. Schroeder (LBNL) has carried out detailed analytical and simulation modeling of the effects of frequency chirp and compared the results with experiments. These results show that a positive chirp enhances instability growth, but the effect of frequency chirp is generally weaker than the effect of the pulse shape. Penano (NRL) showed that density tapering can detune and thus suppress FRS while enhancing self-modulation. FUTURE EXPERIMENTS AND APPLICATIONS Most designs for future laser-driven accelerators require phased injection of electrons, the generation of an appropriate stable accelerating electric field, and optical guiding to overcome diffraction. Previous experiments have generally looked at these components individually or have operated in the unstable SM-LWFA regime. Future experiments are moving towards integrated systems that have injection, acceleration, and guiding simultaneously and can in principle produce high quality electrons beams with substantial energy gain. Most of the major facilities are upgrading primary lasers and infrastructure to carry out these complicated integrated experiments. The major facility in Japan is at JAERI/APR. They have ambitious plans for future integrated LWFA experiments that include a 150 MeV photocathode microtron or an all-optical plasma cathode as the injector, a 100 TW, 20 fs laser as the primary driver, 173 and a fast z-pinch capillary discharge for optical guiding. With channel guiding in a 10 cm long capillary, their point design has a predicted energy gain of 4.5 GeV. LBNL also has a large facility with plans for future integrated LWFA experiments. They are planning to use a SM-LWFA injector and a laser-generated gas jet plasma channel for guiding. With the 1'OASIS upgrade, the 40 TW, 80 fs laser and 12.5 cm long channel at 2.5xl017 cm"3 density may produce accelerated electrons with energies up to 1 GeV. Colliding pulse injectors will also be investigated. UCLA experiments are centered on the plasma heatwave accelerator using the 1 TW Neptune CC>2 laser and an 11 MeV electron injector. Future experiments will likely use the IFEL to provide phase locking and microbunching of the injected beam. Acceleration to 100 MeV with good beam quality remains the primary goal. U. Texas is currently upgrading their laser to 4 TW at 50 fs. A differentiallypumped H2 gas cell will be used for future channel-guiding and acceleration experiments. Possible future experiments on a Raman-seeded SM-LWFA and a channeled colliding beam accelerator (CBA) were also described. U. Michigan has a new laser (HERCULES) that can be separated into two pulses. It is in the process of being upgraded from 20 TW to 100 TW. NRL has completed a major upgrade to its T3 laser and plans a series of integrated experiments involving optical injection and primary acceleration stages both with and without optical guiding. The initial experiments will use an SM-LWFA injector with energy selection followed by a lower plasma density acceleration stage. Later experiments will use either seeded SM-LWFA or LIPA for phased injection and a capillary discharge for guiding. BNL has a 60 MeV electron beam, ablative wall discharges for plasma channels, and a CC>2 laser that will be upgraded to 2 TW at 2 ps pulse length. A variety of future experiments are being considered. Experiments on x-ray generation from the Thomson scattering of the laser and counter-propagating electron beam in a plasma channel will continue. A possible LWFA experiment with the upgraded laser and a 10 cm long channel could produce gradients in excess of 1 GeV/m and energies gains above 100 MeV. Later experiments could involve staged LWFA as a natural extension of the STELLA program. A major new facility is being constructed at U. Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. The primary goal is to use the LWFA as a short pulse driver for an x-ray source. The facility will have a 10 MeV injector, a femtosecond laser driver, a capillary discharge for guiding, and a SASE PEL for generating the x-rays. SUMMARY There continues to be substantial progress in laser-plasma accelerators and considerable future promise. Current experiments are mostly confined to the SMLWFA regime or to targeted studies on injection and optical guiding. Modeling and simulation studies support these experiments and address issues that will be encountered in future experiments. These experiments will involve the standard LWFA, the PBWA, and possible new acceleration concepts, and many will integrate injection, acceleration, and guiding. 174
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