Hardware for Beam Injection and Extraction Hardware for Beam Injection and Extraction Y. Shirakabe, Y. Ishi, Y. Mori, I. Sakai, A. Takagi, and M. Tomizawa Y. Shirakabe, Y. Ishi, Y. Mori, I. Sakai, A. Takagi, and M. Tomizawa KEK, Tsukuba, Japan KEK, Tsukuba, Japan Abstract. The injection and extraction beam-lines of the 50 GeV synchrotron in the JHF project are described. The 50 GeVAbstract. ring is equipped with one from theofpreceding 3 GeV ring andinthree extraction for experimental The injection andinjection extractionline beam-lines the 50 GeV synchrotron the JHF project lines are described. The 50 facilities and isforequipped beam aborts. Some of the features on the components, GeV ring with one injection linecharacteristic from the preceding 3 GeV ringinjection/extraction and three extractionhardware lines for experimental particularly are mentioned. features arefeatures intendedontothe fulfill two important demands the kicker facilitieson andtheforkickers, beam aborts. Some of These the characteristic injection/extraction hardware on components, design, namely, on a reduction of reflected waveforms a bipolar fast extraction by two the fast reversedemands of the kick direction. particularly the kickers, are mentioned. Theseand features are intended to fulfill important on the kicker design, namely, a reduction of reflected waveforms and a bipolar fast extraction by the fast reverse of the kick direction. In the following sections of this paper, thethe injection In the following sections of this paper, injection and and extraction systems of of thethe 50 50 GeV ring extraction systems GeV ringis isbriefly briefly outlined. Some of of thethe characteristic outlined. Some characteristicfeatures featuresononthe the injection/extraction hardware components, particularly injection/extraction hardware components, particularly on the are are thenthen mentioned. on kickers, the kickers, mentioned. S3"————: Insertion Insertion C 116.1m RF, Fast Extraction 1^ 50 GeV GeV Ring Ring Circumference Circumference: 1567.5m 0 A ion rt ert m Ins 16.1 , Abo ort 1 n b eV A tio G ec at 3 Inj ion ect Inj GeV at 3 injection extraction beam-linesof ofthethe5050 TheThe injection andand extraction beam-lines synchrotron illustrated FIGURE1.1.The The GeVGeV synchrotron are are illustrated in in FIGURE employs injection threeextraction extraction ringring employs oneone injection lineline andand three lines. In the of the Insertion injection lines. In the fastfast halfhalf of the Insertion A,A, thethe injection preceding 3 GeV synchrotron situated. line line fromfrom the the preceding 3 GeV synchrotron is issituated. second of the insertion providesthetheabort abort TheThe second halfhalf of the insertion AA provides line at 3 GeV. This line is supposed mainly for the use line at 3 GeV. This line is supposed mainly for the use in the commission stage order abortthethebeam beam in the commission stage in in order to toabort before acceleration. These lines designedinina a before acceleration. These twotwo lines areare designed symmetric manner to each other withrespect respecttotothe the symmetric manner to each other with center of the Insertion A. In this way, the septum center of the Insertion A. In this way, the septum magnet designs made commonbetween betweenthe the magnet designs cancan be be made common insertion line and the 3 GeV abort line. As for the insertion line and the 3 GeV abort line. As for the kicker magnets, however, designs similar, kicker magnets, however, thethe designs areare notnotsimilar, since the rise-time of the abort kickers is much longer since the rise-time of the abort kickers is much longer Abortafter (up to to 50 50 GeV) GeV) Abort after Acceleration Acceleration (up cB 0 Ar m, 12 6.4 40 INJECTION AND EXTRACTION INJECTION AND EXTRACTION BEAMLINES BEAMLINES Fast Fast Extraction Extraction 100 200m Ins e Slo 11 rtion w 6.1m B Ex tra cti Slo on wE xtr act ion A newly designed synchrotron usually needs to A newly designed usually needsinto fulfill novel demands that synchrotron have not been achieved fulfill novel demands that have not been achieved older generation machines, and those demands mayin oldernot generation machines, and demands may include, only a higher energy or those a higher intensity, not only a higher energy or aand higher intensity, but include, also new kinds of injection extraction but also new kinds of injection and extraction technologies. technologies. In the 50 GeV synchrotron in the JHF project, there In the 50 in the JHFtoproject, there are a number ofGeV newsynchrotron technological tasks be solved are a number of new technological tasks to be solved regarding the injection/extraction hardware. Since the regarding the injection/extraction hardware. Since the ring is aimed to achieve an unprecedented beam power, ring is aimed to achieve an unprecedented beam power, the whole system must be designed to counter an the whole system must be designed to counter an unparalleled level of radiation damages in order to unparalleled level of radiation damages in order to guarantee reliable operations guarantee reliable operationsof ofthethemachine. machine.The The injection andand extraction components injection extraction componentsmust mustsimilarly similarly face face withwith these radiation safety problems. these radiation safety problems. than that of the injection kickers. If kickers can be than thattheof kicker the injection kickers. If kickers be slower, volume can be made can bigger, slower, inthea smaller kicker number volume ofcan be units madeandbigger, resulting kicker costly resulting in a smaller number of kicker units and costly power supplies. power supplies. The Insertion B is for the slow extraction line. This The Insertion B is for the slow extraction This contains one electrostatic septum, 8 septumline. magnets, contains one electrostatic septum, 8 septum magnets, and 4 bump magnets. The second half of the Insertion bump The second Cand is 4for themagnets. fast extraction linehalfforof the the Insertion neutrino C is for the fast extraction line for the oscillation experiment. A special demand toneutrino the fast oscillationdevices experiment. A special demandextraction to the fast extraction is to achieve a bipolar by extraction devices is to achieve a bipolar extraction by reversing the polarities of the extraction magnets. Its reversing the polarities of the extraction magnets. Its detail will be described later. detail will be described later. The injection and fast extraction scheme of the The injection and fast extraction scheme of the proton is shown shown inin proton bunches bunches in in the the 50 50 GeV GeV ring ring is FIGURE 2. The 3 GeV ring and the 50 GeV havethe the FIGURE 2. The 3 GeV ring and the 50 GeV have harmonic numbers of 2 and 9, respectively. The harmonic numbers of 2 and 9, respectively. The required — rise-times, rise-times, requiredtime time structures structures of of the the kickers kickers --- 40 Arc 6.4 C m, 12 0 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Arc A 406.4m, 120 FIGURE1.1. Injection Injection and and extraction extraction beam-lines FIGURE beam-lines of of the the 50 50 GeV synchrotron of the JHF project. The ring has a threeGeV synchrotron of the JHF project. The ring has a threefold symmetry, hence there are three straight insertion fold symmetry, hence there are three straight insertion sections to which the injection and extraction functions are sections to which the injection and extraction functions are scattered, as are shown in the figure. scattered, as are shown in the figure. CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 80 W 44 33 4 10 % 2 2 1 1 550 % 50%0% Injection Injection Injection at at 3GeV 3GeV at 3GeV : -time risiem mee:: c rrisisee-1-t1tni0s4seenccse 11110044n 3 50 Ring 50 GeV GeV Ring Ring 11 V 50 GeV GeV Ring " "' ' 9950 Buckets 9 Buckets Buckets 9 Buckets (1 59 (1 5.9687 8nnsse .67 nMs ecc M eHHcz Hz z)) ) (^\ sec z) se1ecnc zz)H ) 1n5n8s H2HM 7 55881212M.M 7( (1(1. .7 333GeV GeVRing Ring GeV Ring 2223Buckets GeV Ring Buckets Buckets 2 Buckets Fast Fast Extraction Extraction at Fast Extraction 1 at 50GeV 50GeV 100% at 50GeV % rise-time: rise-time: rise-time: 300nsec 300nsec 300nsec FIGURE scheme of the 50 FIGURE 2. 2. Injection Injection and and and fast fast extraction extraction scheme scheme of of the the 50 FIGURE 2. Injection and fast extraction scheme of the the 33 50 GeV ring. Two Two successive GeV ring. injected from Two successive successive bunches bunches are are injected injected from from the the 3 GeV Two50successive bunches injection are injected fromAfter the 3 Gev ringring. to the the GeV cycle. Gev ring to 50 GeV ring at one cycle. After Gev ring to the 50GeV GeVring ringatatone oneinjection injectioncycle. cycle. After After four injection injection cycles, cycles, numbered 11 to 4 in the figure, four numbered figure, the the 50 50 cycles, four injection cycles,numbered numbered 1toto4 4ininthe thefigure, figure,the the50 50 GeV ring is filled with eight bunches and starts acceleration. GeV ring is filled with eight acceleration. filled with eight bunches and starts acceleration. GeV ring is filled with eight bunches and starts acceleration. Since the harmonic number is nine, one bucket is Since the harmonic number of the ring Since thethe harmonic number ofof thethe ring one bucket Since harmonic number ringisisnine, nine,one onebucket bucketisis left empty, which allows aa longer rise-time for the fast left empty, which allows for the fast leftleft empty, which allows longer rise-time for the fast empty, which allows a longer rise-time for the fast extraction kicker. extraction kicker. extraction kicker. extraction kicker. the kicker will make reflection pulsesrepeatedly repeatedlyatat atthe the thekicker kickerwill willmake makereflection reflectionpulses pulses repeatedly the the kicker. When the kicker is used for beam injection, the kicker willthe make reflection pulses at the kicker. When the kicker used forrepeatedly beaminjection, injection, kicker. When kicker isisused for beam these reflected pulses cause seriously damaging kicker.reflected When the kickercause is usedseriously for beamdamaging injection, these reflected pulses cause seriously damaging these pulses perturbation on the circulating beams. Areduction reduction of these reflected pulses causebeams. seriously damaging perturbation onthe the circulating beams. reduction perturbation on circulating AA ofof reflected waveforms is an important design issue for perturbation on the circulating beams. A reduction of reflected waveforms waveforms isisananimportant importantdesign designissue issueforfor reflected reflected waveforms the injection kickers. the injection kickers. is an important design issue for the injection kickers. the injection kickers. In the 50 50 GeV GeV synchrotron synchrotron with with a ahigh highbeam beam In the beam In In the 50 GeV synchrotron with a high beam power, however, conventional reduction techniques power, however, conventional reduction techniques power, conventional may nothowever, be satisfactory. satisfactory. is because becausetechniques slight may may not be ItIt isreduction a a slight may not beofofasatisfactory. Itisisisalways because a slight mismatching aPFN PFNsystem system always mismatching unavoidable, mismatching unavoidable, mismatching of fraction afraction PFN system is always unavoidable, and evenaasmall small reflected pulses causedbyby and even ofofreflected pulses caused and small and even a small fraction of reflected pulses caused byof this mismatchingmay mayproduce of this level thismismatching produceananprohibited prohibited levelof this mismatching may produce an prohibited level of the beamloss. loss. the thebeam the beam loss. In order keepthe thereflected reflectedwaveforms waveformswithin In Inorder ordertotokeep waveforms withina a In order to keep reflected waveforms within a harmless level, newthe being harmless aanew type harmlesslevel, typeofofevading evadingmethod methodisisbeing being harmless level, a new type of evading method is being designed for the the 50 50 GeV GeV ring injectionkickers. designed for designed ringinjection injection kickers.ItsIts designed for the 50 GeV ring injection kickers. Its principle the principle isis shown shown inin FIGURE FIGURE 4.4. Here, pulse Here, thepulse pulse principle is shown in FIGURE 4. Here, the pulse reflection , ,isisadjusted ,rfwhere reflectiontime, time,tref ttref, ref adjustedtotobebe3 3x xtrfttrf, , wheretrftrf trfis reflection time, tref, is adjusted to be 3 x trf, where trf isis the RF period. the RF period. the RF the RF period. In the 50 GeV case, trftrfisis 600nsec In 600nsec(FIGURE (FIGURE2). 2). In 600nsec (FIGURE 2). In the the 50 50 GeV GeV case, case, ttrf rf is 600nsec (FIGURE 2). Kicker Kicker Field KickerField Field Kicker Field flat-top lengths, and fall-times flat-top lengths, and fall-times derived from flat-top lengths, and fall-times —---can can bebederived derived from flat-top lengths, and fall-times--canbe derivedfrom from the figure. Here, the bunch-to-bunch the figure. intervals are thethe figure. Here, thethebunch-to-bunch bunch-to-bunch intervals are figure.Here, Here,the bunch-to-bunchintervals intervalsare are assumed to be 50% of one RF period assumed to be 50% of one at the injection assumed to to bebe 50% ofof one RF period atatthe the assumed 50% oneRF RFperiod periodat theinjection injection energy, and 90% at the extraction energy, and 90% at energy. The riseenergy, and 90% atatthe the extraction energy. The riseenergy, and 90% theextraction extractionenergy. energy.The Theriserisetimes for the injection kickers, the abort kickers, times for the injection kickers, and times forfor thethe injection kickers, the abort kickers, and times injection kickers,the theabort abortkickers, kickers,and and for the fast extraction kickers are forfor thethe fastfast extraction kickers are SOOnsec, for the fast extraction 300nsec, 900nsec, extractionkickers kickersare are300nsec, 300nsec,900nsec, 900nsec, and 1100nsec, respectively. andand HOOnsec, respectively. 1100nsec, respectively. and 1100nsec, respectively. P. P. S. P. S. P.S. S. EEE LLL lcable [m] lcable cable [m] [m] REFLECTION TRAPPING REFLECTION TRAPPINGMETHOD METHOD REFLECTION TRAPPING METHOD REFLECTION TRAPPING METHOD FOR INJECTION KICKERS FOR INJECTION KICKERS FOR INJECTION INJECTION KICKERS KICKERS FOR FIGURE FIGURE 3.3. 3. AA A simplified simplified scheme scheme the kicker pulse FIGURE ofthe thekicker kickerpulse pulse FIGURE simplified schemeofof propagation. propagation.AA Akicker kickerpulse pulseisis generated the power supply thepower powersupply supply propagation. kicker pulse isgenerated generatedatatatthe supply (left-end) the transmission cable (left-end)and andpropagates propagatesthrough through toto (left-end) and cableto (left-end) and propagates through the the transmission transmissioncable the kicker load (right-end). The pulse is reflected at the the kicker load (right-end). The pulse is reflected at the the kicker load (right-end). The pulse is reflected the reflected at the kicker Some part kickerand andreturns returnstoto tothe thepower power supply. ofofthe the and powersupply. Some part partof the kicker and returns the supply. Some pulse energy is reflected again at the power supply and pulse energy is reflected again at the power supply and pulse energy energy is reflected again at the power supply and pulse causes the kicker. causesthe thereflected reflectedwaveform waveformatat causes the kicker. kicker. causes the reflected waveform at the In kicker magnet, a kicker magnet,aaa magnetic amagnetic magneticfield fieldis generated In In kicker magnet, magnetic field isisgenerated generated In aaa kicker magnet, field is generated with PFN (pulse forming network) pulses. with PFN (pulse forming network) pulses. ThePFN PFN with PFN PFN (pulse (pulse forming forming network) network) pulses. pulses. The The PFN with The PFN system is connected to the kicker through a long system is connected to the kicker through a long system isis connected connected to to the the kicker kicker through through a long system transmission cable (FIGURE 3). The input pulses transmission cable (FIGURE 3). The input pulses transmission cable cable (FIGURE (FIGURE 3). 3). The The input input pulses pulses to toto transmission to Kicker Field Kicker Field Kicker Field Kicker Field Load Load Load Load Transmission Transmission Cable TransmissionCable Cable Reflection Reflection Reflection 1st 1stReflection Reflection 1st Reflection 1st Reflection 2nd 2ndReflection Reflection 2nd Reflection 3rd 3rd 3 fd 3rd trf trf trf tt t treftref tref FIGURE A principle reflection trappingmethod methodininorder ordertotomake makethe thereflected reflectedwaveforms waveformsharmless. harmless.When Whenobserved observed FIGURE 4. 4.A principle of of thethe reflection trapping FIGURE principle ofthe thereflection reflection trapping method in order order to to make the reflected waveforms harmless. When FIGURE 4.4. AAthe principle of trapping method in make the reflected waveforms harmless. When observed observed at kicker, the proton bunches (redellipses) ellipses) appear periodically with the RF period(t(t rf).The Thereflected reflected waveforms appear at oneone kicker, proton bunches (red appear periodically with the RF period rf). waveforms appear at one one kicker, the proton bunches (red ellipses) appear periodically with the RF period period (trf). The reflected reflected waveforms appear with a different period , which the periodto topropagate propagate backand and forth through thetransmission transmission line.IfIfthe theratio ratiottrefref/appear /ttrfrfisis atwith the proton (red ellipses) appear periodically with the RF (t rf). The waveforms a kicker, different period of of tbunches reft,ref which is is the period back forth through the line. with different period of which the period tothe propagate back and forth forth through the transmission If the ratio tuned to be integer nttref, (in the above case, n= the reflected waveforms will alwaysthe trappedatatthe theline. bunch intervals. with aato different period ref , which isiscase, the period to propagate back and through transmission line. If intervals. the ratio tref tref // trf trf is is tuned be an an integer nof (in the above n= 3),3), reflected waveforms will always bebetrapped bunch tuned to be an integer n (in the above case, n = 3), the reflected waveforms will always be trapped at the bunch intervals. tuned to be an integer n (in the above case, n = 3), the reflected waveforms will always be trapped at the bunch intervals. 81 Then tref becomes ISOOnsec. If the transmission cable length [m],1800nsec. tref equalsIftothe5 transmission x 2 x Icable [nsec]. Then tis ref Icable becomes cable Here, the pulse propagation 5[nsec/m], length5ismeans lcable [m], tref equals to 5 x 2time, x lcable [nsec]. Here,2 5means meansthat the pulse propagation 5[nsec/m], and the pulse passes time, the length Icable and 2 i.e. means that the passesFrom the this length lcable twice, backward andpulse forward. relation, twice,can i.e. be backward this relation, Icable derivedand as forward. tref / 10From = 180m. If the lcable can becable derived as istref / 10 to = this 180m. If the transmission length selected length, all transmission length selected to this all the reflectioncable pulses willis be trapped in length, the bunch the reflection pulsesthey willwill be become trappedharmless in the bunch intervals, therefore, to the intervals, therefore, circulating bunches. they will become harmless to the therefore, are now requested to achieve the reverse of the kick direction within a possible shortest time. of therefore, are now requested to achieve the reverse the kick direction within a possible shortest time. One of the possible candidates of the PFN scheme of the possible candidates of is theshown PFN scheme to One realize fast reversible kicker in Figure to5.realize the fastisreversible is shown in Figure This scheme based on kicker the Blumlein configuration, 5.which This scheme is based on theproved Blumlein configuration, is widely used, well scheme. In order to which is widely used, wellpolarity proved scheme. order to achieve the reversible at the In kicker, two achieve the reversible polarity at the kicker, two switches are installed at the both ends of the Blumlein switches are installed at the corresponds both ends of the Blumlein PFN lines. One switch to the normal PFN lines.kick, Oneand switch corresponds to to thethe normal direction another corresponds reverse direction another corresponds reverse in directionkick, kick.and Since this PFN scheme to is the composed direction kick. symmetric Since this PFN scheme is composed a completely manner, a precisely equal in kick awith completely symmetric manner, a precisely equal kick a reversed direction should be achieved. The with a of reversed direction shouldthebenormal achieved. The choice the switching between switch and choice of the switch switching theatnormal switch and the reverse canbetween be done anytime, therefore the canthe bebeam done should at anytime, therefore thereverse decisionswitch to abort be possible until the decision to abort the beam should be possible until even the very moment of the turn-on of the normal even the very moment of the turn-on of the normal switch. circulating bunches. The length, Icable = 180m, is comparable to the The between length, lcable = 180m,kicker is comparable distance the injection location into thethe 50 distance between the injection kicker location in the 50 GeV tunnel and the power supply building. GeV tunnel and theeffect power building. Eliminating the harmful by thesupply reflection pulses Eliminating the harmful effect by the reflection pulses will be realized with this reflection trapping method. will be realized with study this reflection trapping method. More detailed design is now underway. More detailed design study is now underway. switch. BIPOLAR FAST EXTRACTION BY BIPOLAR FAST EXTRACTION BY REVERSIBLE POLARITY KICKERS REVERSIBLE POLARITY KICKERS Another merit of employing the Blumlein system is Another merit of employing the Blumlein system is that the PFN charging voltage can be reduced by a that the PFN charging voltage can be reduced by a factor of 2. The fast extraction kicker requires 0.1 T of factor of 2. The fast extraction kicker requires 0.1 T of field strength at the gap height of 100mm, which field strength at the gap height of 100mm, which amounts the necessary kicker current of 8 kAT. If the amounts the necessary kicker current of 8 kAT. If the normal PFNimpedance impedanceisis1010Ω,Q,The ThePFN PFNcharging charging normal PFN voltage becomes 80 kV, which is close to the possible voltage becomes 80 kV, which is close to the possible maximum operating voltage. If the Blumlein system maximum operating voltage. If the Blumlein system is is chosen,the thePFN PFNimpedance impedancecan canbebereduced reducedto to5 5Ω Q chosen, with the same time constant of the circuit system. The with the same time constant of the circuit system. The charging voltage then can be reduced to 40 kV. This charging voltage then can be reduced to 40 kV. This valuewill willallow allowa asufficient sufficientsafety safetymargin marginforfor high value thethe high voltageoperation. operation.AAdemerit demeritofofthis thissystem systemmight might voltage bebe that the thekicker kickermagnet magnetmust mustbebeboosted boostedto tothethehigh high that voltage while the PFLs are charged. High voltage voltage while the PFLs are charged. High voltage troublesmay mayoccur occurmore morefrequently frequentlywith witha longer a longer high troubles high voltage operation operation time, time, but but the thereduction reductionofofthethe voltage maximumvoltage voltagefrom from8080kV kVtoto4040kVkVwill willfarther farther maximum relaxthe thewhole wholehigh highvoltage voltagestress. stress. relax The fast extraction line is situated at the The fast extraction line is situated at the downstream of the insertion C. The seven kicker units, downstream of the insertion C. The seven kicker units, each one having 1.5m in length and 100mm*100mm each one having 1.5m in length and 100mm*100mm inin aperture to produce produce the the strong strong aperture size, size, are are designed designed to enough kick with 0.1 T of the kicker field to extract enough kick with 0.1 T of the kicker field to extract the the50 50GeV GeV beam. beam. Recently emerged to to the the fast fast Recently aa new new requirement requirement emerged extraction line, which can be called as the 'fast extraction line, which can be called as the ‘fast reverse' This requirement requirement comes comes reverse’ of of the the kick kick direction. direction. This mainly downstream beam beam line lineof of mainly from from the the fact fact that that the the downstream the leads to to the the neutrino neutrino the fast fast extraction, extraction, which which leads oscillation is designed designed to to employ employ oscillation experiment experiment line, line, is superconductive magnets. These magnets might get superconductive magnets. These magnets might get quenched at anytime, even just very short time — quenched at very short time --milliseconds — before the fast fast extraction extraction of of milliseconds or or shorter --the damaging the the the 50 50 GeV GeV beam. beam. In order to avoid damaging quenched ones, the the fast fast quenched magnets magnets and the downstream downstream ones, extraction of the the fast fast extraction line line should have the function of reverse. Then Then the the beam beam can be extracted reverse. extracted in in the the reverse reverse direction, where where another beam line, direction, line, an an abort abort line line atat50 50 GeV, isis provided. provided. The fast extraction GeV, extraction kicker kicker systems, systems, -20kV, -4kA T-20kV, -4kA -20kV, -4kA ~2QkV, ~4kA PFL PFL PFL PFL i——lUffi1'———1——————1———1———— ———HL R0 = 5Ω = 20Ω//4parallel VPFN/2 VPFN/2 =40kV =40kV R0 SW . f"T"~; \ \; Ro = 5Q = 20Q//4parallel Gating GatingSignal Signalfor for Normal NormalKick Kick L τTo 0 = L / 2R0 = L / 2Ro R0Ro = 5Ω = 20Ω//4parallel = 5Q = 20Q//4parallel Gating Signal forfor Gating Signal Reverse Kick Reverse Kick 3- SW . r"i""i R0 FIGURE 5. 5. A A symmetric symmetric Blumlein Blumlein PFN thethe bipolar FIGURE PFN configuration configuration ininorder ordertotoachieve achievethe thefast fastreverse reverseofofthethekicker kickerfield fieldforfor bipolar fast extraction kickers. At the both ends of the kicker (center, L), two PFLs are connected as in the same way thethe fast extraction kickers. At the both ends of the kicker (center, L), two PFLs are connected as in the same wayas as conventional Blumlein PFN. The difference is that, on the farther sides of the PFLs from the kicker, two switching units are conventional Blumlein PFN. The difference is that, on the farther sides of the PFLs from the kicker, two switching units are connected symmetrically. connected symmetrically. 82
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