Development and Applications of the UAL-based SNS Ring Simulation Environment N.Malitsky, P.Cameron, A.V.Fedotov, J.Smith, J.Wei BNL, Upton, NY 11973, USA Abstract. The SNS Ring off-line parallel simulation environment based on the Unified Accelerator Libraries (UAL) has been implemented and used for extensive full-scale beam dynamics studies arising in high-intensity rings. The paper describes the structure of this environment and its application to various high-intensity topics and diagnostics modeling. these C++ and Perl components in the single development and research environment. The high-level applications are built on the top of the project-specific Shell (or Fagade) that consolidates and facilitates access to numerous lowlevel UAL interfaces and data containers. INTRODUCTION Designs and parameters of modern high-intensity machines, such as the SNS accumulator ring, impose new expectations on the beam dynamics studies. One of the major scientific and technical challenges is the extremely strict requirement on uncontrolled beam loss at 10'^ level. In order to describe and analyze such low-level losses, one should closely reproduce all actual effects of a realistic machine. For addressing this task, we have employed the open simulation environment of the Unified Accelerator Libraries (UAL[l-2]). When we started this project, UAL had been already applied to several accelerators. However, unlike other UAL applications, the SNS Ring required a new combination of collective physical effects and dynamic processes. Then the new SNS-specific package has been implemented. Its development included the integration of the UAL infrastructure with three accelerator libraries (ORBIT, ACCSIM, and MB), deployment of this infrastructure on the MPI-based parallel facility, and the implementation of the injection framework. In the paper we describe the structure of the SNS simulation package and its application to complex beam dynamics studies and diagnostics modeling. iiiiii lllllllllll m FIGURE 1. Unified Accelerator Libraries Environment. The same UAL infrastructure fits to the MPI-based parallel environment and has been recently deployed on the parallel cluster for efficient high-intensity beam dynamics modeling. Parallel versions of the time consuming algorithms (such as collective space charge effects) are implemented as ordinary C++ shared libraries and can be mixed together with other UAL sequential and/or parallel modules. UNIFIED ACCELERATOR LIBRARIES SNS RING SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT The Unified Accelerator Libraries (UAL) is an accelerator simulation environment aiming to develop the realistic beam dynamics models including an unlimited combination of physical effects and dynamic processes. The goal has been achieved by introducing the open infrastructure where diverse accelerator approaches and programs are implemented as collaborative C++ libraries connected together via Common Accelerator Objects (such as Element, Twiss, Particle, etc.). At this time, the UAL 1.x off-line simulation environment joins six objectoriented accelerator programs (see Fig.l). A universal homogeneous interface based on the Perl extension mechanism allows scientists to combine and manage all According to the UAL approach, the SNS simulation environment has been organized as an additional package integrating together SNS-specific modules and extensions. The overall architecture of the SNS environment is illustrated in Figure 2. A physicist interacts with the SNS::Shell interface that encompasses a set of high-level MAD-like or TEAPOT-like commands. Most of these commands are project-independent, and inherited from the common class ALE::Shell. The SNS Ring multi-turn injection scenario is considered as an CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 71 are excited at level slightly higher higher than thanexpected expected extension extension of ofthe thethepresent present UAL environment and errors expected errorsare areexcited excited at at aaa level level slightly slightly extensionof presentUAL UAL environment environment and and errors toto get get conservative estimate. The full full 1060-turn 1060-turn implemented directly in SNS::Shell class. implemented directly in the thethe SNS::Shell class. to 1060-turn get aaa conservative conservative estimate. estimate. The implemented directly in SNS::Shell class. injection performed for each each of of beam beam intensities intensities injection intensities injection isis then then performed performed for for each with beam losses at the end of accumulation recorded for recorded for for with beamlosses losses atat the the end end of of accumulation accumulation recorded a aspecific acceptance. Figures 3-4 and 5-6 show the tune specific acceptance. Figures 3-4 and 5-6 5-6 show show the the tune tune spreads corresponding resonance driven driven loss losscurves curves spreads and and corresponding corresponding resonance resonance curves for working points. forboth bothworking workingpoints. points. for "Iser FIGURE 2. Structure of the SNS ring simulation package. FIGURE 2. Structure of the SNS ring simulation FIGURE 2. Structure of the SNS ring simulation package. To facilitate the development and study of the SNS Ring package. applications, have implemented injection To facilitate we the development and study ofthe the SNS Ring To facilitate the development and study of the SNS Ring framework with three basis classes: SNS::Integrator, applications, we have implemented the injection applications, the Each injection SNS::PaintingScheme, and implemented SNS:diagnostics. basis framework we with have three basis classes: SNS::Integrator, framework with three basis classes: SNS::Integrator, class originates an open collection of alternative SNS::PaintingScheme, and SNS::Diagnostics. Each basis SNS::PaintingScheme, SNS::Diagnostics. basis approaches that can be selected in any combination with class originates anand open collection of Each alternative class originates open collection of alternative theapproaches instances ofthat twoan other collections. can be selected in any combination with approaches that of cantwo beother selected in any combination with the instances collections. the instances of two other collections. BEAM DYNAMICS APPLICATIONS BEAM DYNAMICS APPLICATIONS One of theDYNAMICS major advantages of the SNS package is its BEAM APPLICATIONS FIGURE points (6.23, (6.23, 6.20) 6.20) FIGURE3-4. 3-4. Tune Tune spreads spreads for working points FIGURE 3-4. Tune spreads for working points (6.23, 6.20) and and(6.4, (6.4,6.3), 6.3),respectively. respectively. and (6.4, 6.3), respectively. The working point (6.23, 6.20) is essentially free from The working point (6.23, 6.20) is essentially free from resonance losses from some low loss due to the The working pointapart (6.23, 6.20) is low essentially free resonance losses apart from some loss due to from the resonances above the working point and chromatic tune resonance from some due totune the resonanceslosses aboveapart the working point low and loss chromatic resonances above the working point and chromatic tune spread. Here, the first-turn losses due to injection and H" spread. Here, the first-turn losses due to injection and H- stripping are omitted from the loss curve. For high beam spread . Here, the first-turn losses due to injection and stripping are omitted from the loss curve. For high beamH intensities the tune effectively depressed byhigh the space stripping the lossdepressed curve. For beam intensitiesare theomitted tune are arefrom effectively th by the space th charge. The only resonances up to the 4 order, which intensities theonly tune resonances are effectively by thewhich space charge. The up todepressed the 4 th order, beam during accumulation, are4 the theorder, difference charge. The only resonances up to the which beam crosses crosses during accumulation, are difference resonances. As a result of the space charge coupling, the beam crossesAsduring are the difference resonances. a resultaccumulation, of the space charge coupling, the beam with approximately similar transverse beam resonances. As a result of the space charge coupling, the beam with approximately similar transverse beam emittances the difference resonance. beam withisis not approximately transverse beam emittances not susceptible susceptible to tosimilar the difference resonance. The this working resonance. point isis The intensity intensity limitation forto the this difference working point emittances is notlimitation susceptiblefor associated with beam response near the the tune tuneis associated with the the coherent coherentfor beamthis response near The intensity limitation working point ofof 6.0, limits beam beam intensity to slightly slightly above 6.0, which which limits to above associated with the coherent response near the tune 14 14 N=2*10 atat the energy of GeV [10]. However, this N=2*10 the energy of 1intensity this of 6.0, which limits beam to However, slightly above 14 is limitation due to the structure resonances and thus limitation is due to the resonances and thus isis N=2*10 at the energy of 1 GeV [10]. However, this very strict. very strict. limitation is due to the structure resonances and thus is very strict. One of major comprehensive advantages of thestudies SNS package is its capability to the support of various capability to support comprehensive studies various One ofasthewell major ofcombination the SNS package is its effects, as advantages a complex ofof several effects, as support well a complexenvironment. combination ofvarious several effects in to the singleassimulation Below, we capability comprehensive studies of inwell single simulationcombination environment. we effects, as of as a dynamics complex ofBelow, several listeffects some the beam topics to which the SNS list some the beam dynamics topics to which the SNS package effects in was theofapplied: single simulation environment. Below, we list package some of was the applied: beam dynamics topics to which the SNS • Single-particle tasks, including such effects as package was applied: • kinematic Single-particle tasks, including effects as non-linearity, non-linearsuchtune-spread, kinematic non-linearity, non-linear tune-spread, dynamic aperture, resonancesuch driveneffects diffusion • Single-particle tasks,andincluding as dynamic aperture, and resonance diffusion maps [3]-[4]. kinematic non-linearity, non-linear driven tune-spread, mapsof[3]-[4]. • dynamic Effect space charge transverse painting [5]. aperture, andduring resonance driven diffusion •maps Effect of space charge during transverse painting [5]. [3]-[4]. • Optimization of painting bump functions [6]. Optimization of painting bump functions [6]. •• •Effect of space charge during painting [5]. Combined tune spread duetransverse to the space charge, • chromaticity Combined and tuneother spread due to the space charge, nonlinearities [6]-[7]. • Optimization of painting bump functions [6]. chromaticity and other nonlinearities [6]-[7]. Imperfection resonance crossing in the presence of •• •Combined tune spread due to the charge, Jt 1J Imperfection resonance crossing in space the presence of space charge with corresponding choice of working Hiittibfer si jirotoiis * chromaticity and with othercorresponding nonlinearities choice [6]-[7].of working space charge points and intensity limitation [7]-[8]. • Imperfection crossing in the presence of FIGURE 5. Loss curve for the working point (6.23, 6.20) points and resonance intensity limitation [7]-[8]. • •space Effect of Vi coherent resonance crossing inin the charge corresponding choice of working Effect of with ½ coherent resonance crossing the FIGURE 5. Loss curve for the working point (6.23, 6.20) presence high-order resonances. points andof intensity limitation [7]-[8]. For the working point (6.4,6.3), the loss curve presence of high-order resonances. Loss curvepoint the working point For the5. working (6.4,6.3), the(6.23, loss6.20) curve • Coherent resonance crossing of resonances. • •Effect of ½resonance coherentcrossing resonance crossing in the FIGURE demonstrates impact offoreach individual resonance crossed Coherent ofcoupling coupling resonances. demonstrates impact of each individual resonance crossed • •presence Collective instability due to the transverse impedance of high-order resonances. during accumulation. The strong loss at low intensity is Collective instability due to the transverse impedance For theaccumulation. working point (6.4,6.3), the loss curve during Theresonance strong lossat atwhich low intensity is [9].[9]. resonance crossing of coupling resonances. • Coherent due to the sum sextupole the working demonstrates impact of each individual resonance crossed due to the sum sextupole resonance at which the working An ability to study a complex combination of several • An Collective instability to the combination transverse impedance ability to study a due complex of several be slightly adjusted to avoid this strong resonance loss. during accumulation. strong atrd resonance low intensity be slightly adjusted toThe avoid this loss strong th effects usus to to have a realistic effects enables have a realisticexpectation expectationfor forbeam beam Other loss peaks are due to the 3rd and 4th order [9]. enables Other loss peaks are due to the 3 and 4 order due to the sum sextupole resonance at which the working losses andand intensity the losses intensity Here,we wedemonstrate demonstrate the resonances, which are crossed for higher beam intensity. An ability to study limitation. a limitation. complexHere, combination of several resonances, which are crossed for higher beam intensity. be slightly adjusted to avoid this strong resonance loss. resonance driven beam forforthethetwo points ofof The losses due to these resonance rdare very th strong, resonance driven beam twoworking workingfor points effects enables us to haveloss aloss realistic expectation beam The losses due to these resonance are very strong, Other loss peaks are due to the 3 and 4 order thethe SNS: (6.23, 6.3). SNS: (6.23,6.20) 6.20)and and(6.4, (6.4, 6.3). Theimperfection imperfection however, they are all imperfection resonances. With losses and intensity limitation. Here, weThe demonstrate the however, they areareallcrossed imperfection resonances. With resonances, which for higher beam intensity. resonance driven beam loss for the two working points of The losses due to these resonance are very strong, the SNS: (6.23, 6.20) and (6.4, 6.3). The imperfection 72 however, they are all imperfection resonances. With appropriate correction schemes, which are are available available in in the appropriate correction schemes, which appropriate correction schemes, which are available inthe the SNS, one can attempt to compensate such resonances. As SNS, one can attempt to compensate such resonances. SNS, one can attempt to compensate such resonances.As As a result, withwith successful compensation, thethereal real loss for compensation, a result, successful compensation,the realloss lossfor for this working point happens only thisthis at ata very working point happens only a veryhigh highintensity intensity due to coherent beam duedue to the the the to coherent beamresponse responsetotothe thestructure structure resonances, as shown in Fig. 6. 6. resonances, resonances, as shown in Fig. .. runs, each each with aa different different predefined predefined excitation excitation runs, runs, each with with a different predefined excitation frequency. Values of FFT signals determine the boundary frequency. Values of FFT signals determine the boundary frequency. Values of FFT signals determine the boundary ofofthe the tune footprint. Figure 7 shows preliminary FFT of tune footprint. Figure 7 shows preliminary FFT the tune footprint. Figure 7 shows preliminary FFT results for the tune spread due to chromaticity. results for the tune spread due to chromaticity. results for the tune spread due to chromaticity. FIGURE7. Model-based ‘measurement’ ‘measurement’ FIGURE 7.7. Model-based Model-based 'measurement'of ofthe thetune tunespread spread FIGURE of the tune spread dueto chromaticity. due totochromaticity. chromaticity. due • Number of protons " 1QM4 FIGURE 6. Loss curve working point (6.3, 6.4) FIGURE 6. Loss curve for for thethe working point FIGURE (6.3, 6.4) TUNE MEASUREMENT MODELING MODELING TUNE MEASUREMENT Minimization of beam loss and activation in the loss and activation in the Minimization of beam Spallation Neutron Source Ring is highly dependent on highly dependent on Spallation Neutron Source Ring on proper control of the tuneis footprint. The major proper footprint. The major proper control of the tune contributors to tune spread are space charge, chromaticity, contributors chromaticity, contributors to tune spread are space charge, and uncompensated fringe fields. In addition to the andchallenge fringe In addition to theof and uncompensated fringe fields. of accurate measurement in the presence challenge in will the presence challenge of spread, accuratelarge measurement large tune dynamic range be requiredofto large tune spread, large dynamic will be required to large tune permit measurement through range the accumulation cycle. permit accumulation cycle. permit measurement through the There are many possibilities for measuring coherent and There coherent and There are manytune possibilities for measuring incoherent and tune shift in the SNS Ring. These incoherent shift in the SNS Ring. These include [11]: incoherent tune and tune shift include [11]: include • Coherent (dipole) tune/tune shift from impulse excitation Coherent (dipole) tune/tune shift shift from from impulse impulse •excitation Incoherent tune from injection oscillations. Incoherent tune from Schottky. tune from injection oscillations. •• •Incoherent oscillations. • Incoherent tune from quadrupole mode oscillation. • Incoherent tune from Schottky. • • Incoherent tune from resonance crossing. • Incoherent tune from quadrupole mode oscillation. • oscillation. • Incoherent tune from Beam Transfer Function. • Incoherent tune from resonance crossing. • Incoherent tune from resonance crossing. To facilitate tune the design Beam of tune measurement systems, we Incoherent •• Incoherent tune from from Beam Transfer Transfer Function. Function. have beenthe employing the same simulation model used in To facilitate design of tune measurement systems, To facilitate the design of tune measurement systems, we we the SNS Ring beam dynamics studies. The Beam Transfer have been been employing employing the the same same simulation simulation model used in have model used in Function (BTF)dynamics approachstudies. is itsThefirst application. the SNS SNS Ring Ring beam beam Beam Transfer the dynamics studies. The Beam Transfer Following the UAL generic scheme, the BTF Function (BTF) approach approach is is its application. Function (BTF) its first first application. measurement has been implemented as another tracking Following the the UAL UAL generic generic scheme, the BTF Following scheme, BTF scenario with two new diagnostics elements:the kicker and measurement has has been been implemented implemented as another tracking measurement as another tracking BPM. The kicker excites the propagated bunch during scenario withoftwo two new diagnostics elements: kicker scenario with diagnostics kicker and each turn thenew injection paintingelements: and delegates it toand the BPM. The kicker excites the propagated bunch during BPM. kickermodule. excites The the BPM propagated during nextThe tracking elementbunch calculates the eachcenter turn of of the the injection painting and delegates to each turn injection painting and delegates it into to the the bunch and writes the turn-by-turn datait the nextexternal tracking module. The BPM BPMallows element next tracking module. The element calculates the file. This application one calculates to measurethe the center of bunch and writes the turn-by-turn the BPM response to the kicker deflection at into a single center of bunch and writes the turn-by-turn data data into the external file. This This applicationThen allows one measure the predefined frequency. footprint external file. application allows the one to totune measure the BPM response is torepresented the kicker kickerby deflection at measurement adeflection set of several BPM response to the at asimulation a single single predefined frequency. frequency. Then Then the predefined the tune tune footprint footprint measurement is represented by a set of several measurement is represented by a set of several simulation simulation •• 73 These preliminary preliminary results results confirm These preliminary results confirm confirm the the measurement measurement These the measurement approach. The method is now being applied to measure approach. The The method method isis now now being being applied applied to to measure measure approach. full non-linear tune footprint with space charge. To full full non-linear non-linear tune tune footprint footprint with with space space charge. charge. To To facilitate future activities, the model will be enhanced facilitate future activities, the model will be enhanced facilitate future activities, the model will be enhanced with the new very efficient tracking engine and additional with the very tracking engine with the new newextensions. very efficient efficient tracking engineand andadditional additional diagnostics These calculations were done at diagnostics extensions. These calculations were done diagnostics extensions. These calculations were done baseband with a non-resonant pickup, when in fact theatat baseband aa non-resonant fact the baseband with non-resonant pickup, when ininand factthe the kicker andwith pickup will operate pickup, at about when 50MHz, kicker and pickup will operate at about 50MHz, and the kicker and pickup will operate at about 50MHz, and the pickup Q will approach 100. Kicks in the above modeling pickup Q in pickup Q will willaapproach approach 100. Kicks inthe theabove above modeling were about factor of100. 100 Kicks stronger than whatmodeling will be were about aa factor of stronger what will were about factor of 100 100 stronger than whatBTF willatbe be required with the resonant pickup. Thethan observed required with the pickup. required withshow the resonant resonant pickup. The observed observed BTFtoatat 50MHz will broadening of the The revolution line BTF due 50MHz will broadening of line due 50MHz will show showlarge broadening ofthe the revolution line dueastoto a comparatively relativistic sliprevolution factor η, as well aaasymmetric comparatively large slip η, well chromatic broadening of the betatron comparatively large relativistic relativistic slip factor factor r|, asas wellasas asymmetric sidebands. chromatic asymmetric chromatic broadening broadening of of the the betatron betatron sidebands. sidebands. REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES N.Malitsky and R.Talman, AIP 391 (1996). 1. N. 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