High-Density the CERN CERNPS PS High-Densityand andHigh-Intensity High-Intensity Beams Beams at the High-Density and High-Intensity Beams at the CERN PS R. R. Cappi, M.M. Giovannozzi, A.-S.Muller, Muller, Cappi, Giovannozzi,M. M.Martini, Martini,E. E.Metral, Métral, G. Metral, Métral, A.-S. R. Cappi, M. Giovannozzi, M. Martini, E. Métral, G. Métral, A.-S. Muller, R.R.Steerenberg Steerenberg R. Steerenberg CERN PSPS Division, CERN Division,1211 1211Geneva Geneva23, 23, Switzerland Switzerland CERN PS Division, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland Abstract. TheThe production of of high-density and activityatatthe theCERN CERNProton Proton Abstract. production high-density andhigh-intensity high-intensitybeams beams has has been been a constant constant activity Abstract. The production of years. high-density and beams been situation, a constantincluding activity at thea aCERN Proton Synchrotron (PS) since many This paper statusreport report thehas present also discussion ofof Synchrotron (PS) since many years. This paper is ishigh-intensity a astatus ofofthe present including also discussion Synchrotron (PS)and since many years. This paper is a status report of the present situation, including also a discussion of ongoing studies future activities. ongoing studies and future activities. ongoing studies and future activities. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION HIGH-DENSITY BEAMS HIGH-DENSITY BEAMS HIGH-DENSITY BEAMS The Nominal LHC Beam Nominal LHC Beam TheThe Nominal LHC Beam The beam parameters of the nominal LHC beam 12 beam parameters nominal LHC beam are The [1]: Nt parameters 8×10 ppp ,the ε∗the 3 µm. Thisbeam The beam of 2of nominal LHC x,y ∗ 12 12 ppp 2PS2performance are [1]: N 8×10 , ε 3 µm. This beam density exceeds typical by more that a are [1]: Nt ~ t 8xl0 ppp , e*x?y x,y < 3 jim. This beam density exceeds typical PS performance by more that factor of two. The nominal figures can be achieved density exceeds typical PS performance by more that a a factor ofapplying two. nominal figures achieved only some special manipulations: i) inject factor of by two. TheThe nominal figures cancanbebeachieved two, instead ofsome one, PS-Booster (PSB) pulsesi) into the by applying some special manipulations: i)inject inject onlyonly by applying special manipulations: PS (i.e. doubling thePS-Booster final value for N whileinto keeping instead of one, (PSB) intothe the t pulses two, two, instead of one, PS-Booster (PSB) pulses ∗ PS (i.e. doubling the final value for N while keeping ε unchanged); ii) avoid any emittance dilution t x,y doubling the final value for Nt while keeping PS (i.e. ∗ The double-batch injection process is dilution shown in avoid emittance dilution x,y unchanged); e*x?y εeffect. unchanged); ii) ii) avoid anyanyemittance Fig. 1. effect. The double-batch injection process is shown effect. The double-batch injection process is shown inin Fig. Fig. 1. 1. Second batch injection 500 1 The relevant parameter is the particle flux, Nt f with f the repetition machine cycle length will be considered. the particle flux, Nt f with f the repetition Therate. relevant parameter isfixed the machine particle flux, Nlength f the repetition ForFor thesimplicity, so-called aultimate LHC beam the intensity increases to t f with cycle will be considered. 13 rate. For a fixed machine cycle length will be considered. 2Nt simplicity, ppp keeping the LHC same transverse For1.3×10 the so-called ultimate beam the emittances. intensity increases to 2 ForNthe1.3×10 so-called beam the intensity increases to 13 pppultimate keeping LHC the same transverse emittances. 1 t Nt ~ 1.3xl013ppp keeping the same transverse emittances. 1500 2000 2500 FIGURE 1. PS intensity versus time. The double-batch FIGURE PS intensity versus time. time. The double-batch FIGUREis1.1. PS seen intensity versus injection clearly as a step increase. The double-batch injection increase. injectionisisclearly clearly seen seen as as aa step step increase. The two injections at 1.4 GeV kinetic energy are The two at 1.4 GeV GeV kinetic energy energy are Thevisible, two injections injections at 1.2 1.4 clearly spaced by s (thekinetic repetition rate are of clearly visible, spaced by 1.2 s (the repetition rateofof clearly The visible, by 1.2 s is (thepractically repetition 100%; rate PSB). totalspaced transmission PSB). transmission is practically practically 100%; PSB). The The total total transmission is 100%; neither losses nor emittance blow-up occur during the neither losses nor emittance blow-up occur during the neither losses flat-bottom. nor emittance blow-up occur during the long injection long longinjection injection flat-bottom. flat-bottom. The evolution of ε∗ x,y along the PS cycle, from PSB The of along the PS PS cycle, fromPSB PSB Theevolution evolution of e* ε∗x?y the from extraction to PS extraction and also in cycle, the transfer line x,y along extraction to PS extraction and also in the transfer line extraction to PS extraction and also in the transfer line between the PS and the Super Proton Synchrotron between PS Proton Synchrotron Synchrotron between the PSinand and the (SPS) arethe shown Fig.the 2. Super Proton (SPS) (SPS)are are3.5shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 2. Outside specifications 3.5 3.0 PS injection (second batch) specifications Outside 3.0 2.5 PS injection (second batch) 2.5 2.0 PS extraction 2.0 1.5 1.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 PS injection (first batch) Transfer line PS extraction PSB PSoutput injection (first batch) line 64) x (section 54) Transfer x (section y (section 75) y (section 85) x (section 54) x (section 64) y (section 75) y (section 85) PSB output 0.0 0.5 0.0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Time (ms) 0 1rate. For simplicity, a fixed The relevant parameter is 2 1000 Time (ms) * εµx,m) µm) y (µ x, y (µ Although the longitudinal emittance εl is also an Although the the longitudinal emittance 81εisl number Although longitudinal emittance isalso alsoanan issue, its value being dictated by the total of issue, its value being dictated by the total number ofof issue, its value being dictated by the total number bunches, their shape or length, collective effect bunches, theirtheirshape or orlength, effect bunches, shape length,collective collective effect considerations and also hardware limitations, this considerations andand also hardware limitations, considerations hardware limitations, this paper focus mainly onalso transverse beam dynamics. this paper focusfocus mainly on on transverse beam dynamics. paper mainly transverse beam dynamics. Extraction at 26 GeV/c * In the second set, only the total number of protons In the second set,set, only thethe total number ofofprotons In the second only total protons Nt needs to be maximised. The PS number normally delivers Nt needs to be maximised. The PS normally 1 delivers N needs to be maximised. The PS normally delivers such beams either for neutrino experiments t 1 1, as is the suchsuch beams for for neutrino experiments , as beams neutrino experiments , asisSasso isthe the case of either the either future CERN Neutrino to Gran casecase of the future CERN Neutrino to Gran Sasso of the Gran Sasso (CNGS) beamfuture [2], orCERN for theNeutrino neutron to Time-of-Flight (CNGS) beam [2],[2], or or forfor thethe neutron Time-of-Flight (CNGS) beam neutron Time-of-Flight (nTOF) Facility [3]. (nTOF) Facility [3].[3]. (nTOF) Facility First batch injection ε different typesof ofproton protonbeams beamswill will bebe TwoTwo different types Two indifferent types ofnamely proton beams willand be considered in paper, high-density and considered thisthis paper, namely high-density considered in this paper, namely high-density and high-intensity ones. characterizedbyby high-intensity ones. TheThe firstfirst setsetis ischaracterized ∗ high-intensity ones. NThe first set is Ncharacterized by having a large , where number b is having a large ratioratio Nb / be*/x,εy∗, x,ywhere N thethenumber b is ∗ having a largeper ratiobunch Nb / ε and N is the number x,y, where b of protons ε the normalized of protons per bunch and e*x?y∗x,ythe normalized of protons(horizontal/vertical) per bunch and ε x,y emittance. the normalized transverse transverse (horizontal/vertical) rmsrms emittance. AsAsanan transverse (horizontal/vertical) rms emittance. As PS an example, the nominal LHC beam generated the example, the the nominal LHC beam generated byby the PSPS example, nominal LHC beam generated by the [1] falls in this category,thethehigh-density high-densitybeing being aa [1] [1] fallsfalls in this category, in this category, the high-density being a necessary condition for achieving the high-luminosity necessary condition for achieving the high-luminosity necessary required bycondition the LHC.for achieving the high-luminosity required by the LHC. required by the LHC. FIGURE 2. 500 1000 1000 1500 1500 Time (ms) Time (ms) Evolution of ε∗x,y along measured output, Evolution atofPSB ε∗x,y along xy 2000 2500 the PS cycle. The emittances are Evolution of e* , along in PScycle. after The the FIGURE 2.2. the FIGURE thethePS PS cycle. The 1st batch injection, before and after the 2nd batch injection, emittances are measured at PSB output, in the PS after emittances are measured at PSB output, in the PS afterthe the before extraction, and in theand transfer theinjection, SPS. 1stbatch batch injection, before after the 2nd 1st injection, before and afterline thetowards 2ndbatch batch injection, beforeextraction, extraction, and and in in the the transfer transfer line towards SPS. before towardsthe the SPS. Different instruments are usedline to measure ε∗ x,y . At ∗ PSB extraction, beam emittances are obtained Different instruments are used to measure ε Different instruments are used to measure e*x,yx?y. by .AtAt means of SEM-grids located in a dedicated PSB extraction, beam emittances are obtained PSB extraction, beam emittances are obtained byby measurement line. In the PS ring, two of wire means of of SEM-grids SEM-grids located in aa dedicated means located in pairs dedicated scanners (eachline. performing H/Vring, plane measurements) measurement In the PS two pairs measurement line. In the PS ring, two pairs ofof wire wire are located in performing different machine sections. Finally, scanners (each scanners (each performing H/V H/V plane plane measurements) measurements) SEM-wires transfer line between the PS and the are locatedininthedifferent are located in different machine machine sections. sections. Finally, Finally, SPS measure thetransfer extracted SEM-wires in the line beam betweenemittance. the PS andThe the SEM-wires in the transfer line between the PS and the SPS measure the extracted beam emittance. The SPS measure the extracted beam emittance. The CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 59 average emittance value isiswell the 33µm average emittance value wellbelow below the |imlimit limit average emittance value is well below the 3 µm limit ininboth planes, with an accuracy of ± 10 %. both planes, with an accuracy of ± 10 %. in both planes, with an accuracy of ± 10 %. AAnumber ofofmodifications ininthe PSB/PS chain, the chain, Anumber number ofmodifications modificationsof inbeam the PSB/PS PSB/PS chain, together with fine adjustments parameters, together with fine adjustments of beam parameters, together with fine adjustments of beam parameters, had to be applied toto achieve the nominal had had toto bebe applied applied to achieve achieve the the nominal nominal characteristics of the LHC beam [4]. In particular, to characteristics of the LHC beam [4]. In particular, characteristics of the LHC beam [4]. In particular, toto avoid emittance blow-up during the 1.2 s long avoid avoid emittance emittance blow-up blow-up during during the the 1.2 1.2 ss long long flat-bottom, three main approaches were used: flat-bottom, flat-bottom, three three main main approaches approaches were were used: used: i)i)increase of the PSB extraction energy from 1 1toto i)increase increaseofofthe thePSB PSB extraction extraction energy energy from from 1 to 1.4 GeV to reduce the space-charge incoherent 1.4GeV to reduce the space-charge incoherent tune 1.4 GeV to reduce the space-charge incoherenttune tune shift from -3.5 to -2.3; ii) transverse higher-order shift from -3.5 to -2.3; ii) transverse higher-order shift from -3.5 to -2.3; ii) transverse higher-order mode head-tail instabilities mode head-tail instabilities cured the PS by x-y mode head-tail instabilitiescured curedinininthe thePS PSby byx-y x-y coupling generated with skew quadrupoles [5]; iii) coupling generated with skew quadrupoles [5]; iii) fine coupling generated with skew quadrupoles [5]; iii)fine fine adjustment ofofboth tune and chromaticity allall adjustment tune and chromaticity along the adjustment ofboth both tune and chromaticity allalong alongthe the PS cycle. This includes the fast change of PSPScycle. sign cycle.This Thisincludes includes the the fast fast change change of ofsign signatat at transition crossing totoavoid head-tail instability. transition crossing head-tail instability. transition crossing toavoid avoid head-tail instability. FIGURE 3. Vertical TMC FIGURE TMC instability instability atatat transition transition for for FIGURE 3. 3. Vertical Vertical TMC instability transition for high-intensity, single-bunch beam asasobserved by high-intensity, single-bunch beam observed byaaapick-up pick-up high-intensity, single-bunch beam as observed by pick-up (upper trace Σ,Z,centre ∆x, lower (upper lower∆y, Ay,hor. hor.scale scaleisisis10 10ns/div). ns/div). (upper trace trace Σ, centre centre Ax, ∆x, lower ∆y, hor. scale 10 ns/div). HIGH-INTENSITY HIGH-INTENSITY BEAMS HIGH-INTENSITYBEAMS BEAMS The The PSPSroutinely routinely produces two flavours ThePS routinelyproduces producestwo two flavours flavours ofof of high-intensity beam, namely singleand multi-bunch. high-intensity high-intensitybeam, beam,namely namelysinglesingle-and andmulti-bunch. multi-bunch. FIGURE FIGURE Bunchcompression compressionby byRF RFphase phasejump. jump.The The FIGURE4.4. Bunch compression by RF phase jump. The beam beam distribution vs.time timeand lengthisisisshown shownon onthe the beamdistribution distributionvs. andbunch bunchlength length shown on the left. left.The Thesuperposition thebeam-profiles beam-profilesatat different times left. The superpositionofofthe atdifferent differenttimes times isisisshown shownonon onthe (hor.scale scaleisis20 20 ns/div). shown theright right(hor. 20ns/div). ns/div). Single-Bunch Beams Single-Bunch Beams Single-Bunch Beams AAAhigh-intensity, high-intensity,short, short,single-bunch single-bunchbeam beam isisis high-intensity, short, single-bunch beam delivered deliveredtototothe thenTOF nTOFfacility. facility.The Theexperiments experiments delivered the nTOF facility. The experiments require a a beam require a beam beamofofofthe thehighest highestpossible possibleintensity, intensity, require the highest possible intensity, together with rms bunch length shorter than 7ns, ns,toto to together with rms bunch length σo shorter than 77ns, together with rms bunch length shorter than b bσ b allow for high precision time-of-flight measurements. allow for high precision time-of-flight measurements. allow for high precision time-of-flight measurements. practice, typical typical beam beam parameters parameters are: are: InInIn practice, practice, typical beam parameters are: 121212 7×10 p/b and σ about 6 ns at extraction 7×10 p/b and σ about 6 ns at extraction NN b b ~7xl0 p/b and o about 6ns at extraction b bN b b (occurring at2020 GeV/c) [6]. (occurring atat20 GeV/c) [6]. (occurring GeV/c) [6]. The transverse beam emittancesdelivered deliveredby bythe the The transverse beam emittances The transverse beam emittances delivered by the PSB are quitelarge largefor forthese thesebeams. beams.Usually, Usually,atatat PSB are quite PSB are quite large for these beams. Usually, injection, the physicaltransverse transverseemittances emittancesare are injection, the 2σ physical injection, the 2a2σ physical transverse emittances are ε(2o) =23 23 µm andεye(2σ) ε(2o) =12 12 µm, slightlybeyond beyond x(2σ) y(2σ) εx8(2σ) = 23 µm and = 12 µm, slightly = |im and = |im, slightly beyond x y the limit defined the machine acceptance 60and and the limit defined by the machine acceptance ofofof60 the limit defined byby the machine acceptance 60 and 20 µm. This explains why beam losses cannot be 2020µm. |im.This Thisexplains explains why whybeam beam losses losses cannot cannot be be reduced below the level of 10-20 %. reduced reducedbelow belowthe thelevel levelofof10-20 10-20%. %. The longitudinal emittance cannot exceed2.5 2.5eVs, eVs, The Thelongitudinal longitudinalemittance emittancecannot cannotexceed exceed 2.5 eVs, otherwise it would not be possible to meet the otherwise otherwise itit would would not not bebe possible possible toto meet meet the the requirement on the final bunch length. Moreover, its requirement requirementononthe thefinal finalbunch bunchlength. length.Moreover, Moreover,itsits lower limit is dictated by the presence of a vertical lower lowerlimit limitisisdictated dictatedbybythe thepresence presenceofofaavertical vertical Transverse Mode Coupling (TMC) instability at Transverse Transverse Mode Mode Coupling Coupling (TMC) (TMC) instability instability atat transition energy [7,8] (see Fig. 3). To cure the transition transition energy energy [7,8] [7,8] (see (see Fig. Fig. 3). 3). To To cure cure the the instability, εl has to be increased from 1.5 eVs, as instability, εl81has toto bebe increased from 1.5 eVs, asas instability, has increased from 1.5 eVs, delivered by the PSB, to about 2.3 eVs (see Refs. 7, 8 delivered bybythe delivered thePSB, PSB,totoabout about2.3 2.3eVs eVs(see (seeRefs. Refs.7,7,88 for more details), by means of controlled longitudinal for more by means of controlled longitudinal forblow-up. moredetails), details), by means of controlled longitudinal A non-adiabatic RF gymnastics generates the blow-up. AAnon-adiabatic RF gymnastics generates the blow-up. non-adiabatic RF gymnastics generates the final short bunch: the RF phase is flipped by 180º Q and final short bunch: the RF phase is flipped by 180º and final short bunch: the RF phase is flipped by 180 and the bunch placed on the unstable phase. Then, the the bunch unstable phase. Then, the the bunch placed theoriginal unstable phase. Then, the phase is placed set backonon to the its value, after sufficient phase is set back to its original value, after sufficient phase is set back to its original value, after sufficient time has elapsed for the bunch to be lengthened. The time haselapsed elapsed foristhe the bunch tobebe lengthened. The time has for bunch lengthened. The compression ratio about 2.5 to (see Fig. 4). compressionratio ratioisisabout about2.5 2.5(see (seeFig. Fig.4). 4). compression Multi-Bunch Beams Multi-BunchBeams Beams AA Atypical typicalhigh-intensity multi-bunch beam isis the the typical high-intensitymulti-bunch multi-bunch beam beam is the onerequired requiredby experiments. Presently, the one one required byneutrino neutrinoexperiments. experiments. Presently, Presently, the the 13 13 PSisis iscapable delivering NNt tt ~ 3.3×10 3.3×10 ppp in PS PS capableofofdelivering 3.3xl013 ppp ppp in in 88 bunches,with (2σ) and similar to nTOF beam bunches, (2σ) x,y bunches, with εx,y eεx?y (2a)and and εε81 similarto tonTOF nTOFbeam beam l l similar values.For Forthe theCNGS CNGSbeam, beam, study under way [9] values. isis values. For the CNGS beam,aaastudy study isunder underway way[9] [9] 13 13 5×10 ppp. Improvements aimingatat atapproaching approachingNN aiming aiming approaching Nt tt ~5×10 5xl013ppp. ppp.Improvements Improvements areforeseen foreseeninin inthe thePS PS both both low and high energy are are foreseen the PS both atat at low lowand and high high energy energy (tests for doubling PSB repetition rate are also in (tests (tests for for doubling doubling PSB PSB repetition repetition rate rate are are also also in in progress [10]). progress [10]). progress [10]). ImprovementsAt AtLow Low Energy Improvements Improvements At LowEnergy Energy By injecting two PSB batches, similarly to what isis By Byinjecting injectingtwo twoPSB PSBbatches, batches,similarly similarlyto towhat whatis done for the LHC beam, it is possible to obtain done 888 done for for the the LHC LHC beam, beam, itit isis possible possible toto obtain obtain 12 12 12 p/b, bunches circulating in the PS with N = 6.2×10 b bunches circulating in the PS with N = 6.2×10 p/b, bunches circulating in the PS with Nb b = 6.2x10 p/b, totalbunch bunchlength lengthofof ofabout about 190 ns, (2σ) = 22 µm, total total bunch length about190 190ns, ns,εεexx(2σ) 22µm, |im, x(2o)==22 and ε (2σ) = 9 µm. The emittance values just fit the PS y and andεy8(2σ) |im.The Theemittance emittancevalues valuesjust justfitfitthe thePS PS y(2a)==99µm. acceptance with only few percent of losses. The acceptance acceptance with with only only few few percent percent ofof losses. losses. The The generation of flat bunches in the PSB [11] would allow generation generationofofflat flatbunches bunchesininthe thePSB PSB[11] [11]would wouldallow allow to decrease the space charge tune-shift to acceptable totodecrease decreasethe thespace spacecharge chargetune-shift tune-shift toto acceptable acceptable values, such as –0.15 and –0.27 in the horizontal and values, values,such suchasas–0.15 -0.15and and–0.27 -0.27ininthe thehorizontal horizontaland and vertical plane respectively. vertical verticalplane planerespectively. respectively. Improvements At High Energy Improvements ImprovementsAt AtHigh HighEnergy Energy Presently, the so-called Continuous Transfer Presently, Continuous Transfer Presently, the so-called Continuous Transfer (CT) [12] is the usedso-called to extract the multi-bunch (CT) [12] is used to extract the multi-bunch (CT) [12] is used to extract the multi-bunch high-intensity beam. This is a five-turn extraction high-intensity beam. Thisisisissplit five-turn extraction high-intensity This aa five-turn extraction mode, where beam. the beam by means of an mode, where the beam is split by means an mode, where the beam is split by means ofof are an electrostatic septum. Hence, losses (10-20 %) electrostatic septum. septum. Hence, Hence, losses losses (10-20 (10-20 %) %) are are electrostatic 60 intrinsic unavoidable. To To increase increase the the overall overall intrinsic and and unavoidable. intensity and minimize radiation damage, a new new intrinsic and To increase the aoverall intensity and unavoidable. minimize radiation damage, approach has been proposed [13-14]. intensity and minimize radiation damage, a new approach has been proposed [13-14]. the tests tests ofofthe theextraction extractionbased basedononadiabatic adiabatic toto the trapping in islands of transverse phase space, aiming to the tests of the extractionphase basedspace, on adiabatic trapping in islands of transverse aiming at at reducing losses and increasing machine reliability. trapping in islands of transverse phase space, aiming reducing losses and increasing machine reliability. at reducing losses and increasing machine reliability. approach has been proposed [13-14]. to create stable Using sextupoles and octupoles octupoles Using sextupoles and to create stable islands, varying the linear tune, to possible Usingand andlinear octupoles create stable islands, andsextupoles varying the tune, itit isis possible toto capture adiabatically into the theisislands islands islands, the and beam varying the linear tune, it possible capture the beam adiabatically into ofoftoaa fourth-order resonance. Once the the beam split,ofthe the capture the beam adiabatically intobeam the islands a fourth-order resonance. Once isis split, extraction to the canOnce take place place withfewer fewer losses. fourth-order resonance. the beam is split, the extraction SPS can take with losses. extraction to thethe SPSresults can take place withsimulations. fewer losses. Figure 5 reports results of numerical numerical simulations. Figure of Figure 5 reports the results of numerical simulations. Fractional Fractional tune tune 0.252 Injectors",M., CERN-PS-2001-011-DR, Injectors”, CERN-PS-2001-011-DR, 1. Benedikt, et al., “Performance 2001. of2001. the LHC PreInjectors”, CERN-PS-2001-011-DR, 2001. Elsener,K.,K.,et etal.,al.,“The "TheCERN CERN neutrino beam Gran 2.2. Elsener, neutrino beam to to Gran Sasso K., (NGS): conceptual technical design", 2. Elsener, et al., “The CERN neutrino beam to Gran Sasso (NGS): conceptual technical design”, CERN-98-02, 1998. 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Initial state: no islands a Initial state: no islands Capture process a 0.252 0.250 REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES Benedikt,M., M.,et etal.,al.,“Performance "Performanceof ofthetheLHC LHC Pre1.1. Benedikt, Pre- b 0.250 0.248 Capture processTransport within islands Transport c within islands b 0.248 0.246 Extraction 0.246 0.244 0 5000 0 c 10000 15000 Extraction Turn number 0.244 5000 10000 15000 20000 20000 Turn number FIGURE 5. 5. Results FIGURE Results of of numerical numerical simulations simulations ofofbeam beam FIGURE 5. Results of numerical simulations of beam splitting obtained by means of a fourth-order resonance. splitting obtained by means of a fourth-order resonance. splitting obtained by means of a fourth-order resonance. Preliminary analysis of by Preliminary analysis of phase phase space space topology topology by by Preliminary analysis of phase space topology means of multi-turn beam position measurements [15] means of multi-turn beam position measurements [15] means of multi-turn beam position measurementsstable [15] confirms the possibility confirms the possibility of of generating generating four four stable stable confirms of generating four islands (seethe Fig.possibility 6). islands islands (see (see Fig. Fig. 6). 6). 0 25 SO 75 Normalised Phase Plane - 4 - 2 0 2 -0.4 -0.2 FIGURE 6. Horizontal phase space reconstruction obtained FIGURE 6. Horizontal Horizontal phase reconstruction with multi-turn measurements kicked beam in the obtained PS. FIGURE 6. phaseofspace space reconstruction obtained with multi-turn measurements of kicked with multi-turn measurements of kickedbeam beamininthe thePS. PS. CONCLUSION CONCLUSION CONCLUSION CERN PS activities related with high-density CERN PScontinue, activities related with emphasis high-density beams willPS special on CERN activitieswith related with high-density beams will continue, with special emphasis on production the ultimate, of the emphasis single-bunch beams willof continue, withandspecial on production of the ultimate, and of the single-bunch pilot LHC beams. As far as the high-intensity beams production of the ultimate, and of the single-bunch pilot LHC beams. As far as the high-intensity beams (CNGS) arebeams. concerned, studies will be devoted mainly pilot LHC As far as the high-intensity beams (CNGS) are concerned, studies will be devoted mainly to the intensity increase studies of the multi-bunch beam and (CNGS) are concerned, will be devoted mainly to the intensity increase of the multi-bunch beam and to the intensity increase of the multi-bunch beam and CERN-PS-2002-018-AE, 2002. 61
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