GeV RCS RCS at at the the JKJ 33 GeV JKJ Fumiaki Noda and JKJ Accelerator group Fumiaki Noda and JKJ Accelerator group Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan Abstract. (JKJ) is is aa rapid rapid cycling cycling synchrotron synchrotron designed designed for forhigh highintensity intensity Abstract. 3GeV 3GeVRCS RCS atat the the JAERI-KEK JAERI-KEK joint joint project project (JKJ) proton rate of of 25 25 Hz. Hz. In In this this paper, paper, the the outline outline ofof3GeV 3GeV protonbeam. beam.The The designed designed output output power power is is IMW 1MW with with aa repetition repetition rate RCS, of construction construction are are reported. reported. RCS,key keyissues issuestotoachieve achievethe the goal, goal, R&D R&D status status and and time time schedule schedule of INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Japan Japan Atomic Atomic Energy Energy Research Research Institute Institute (JAERI) and and High High Energy Energy Accelerator Accelerator Research Research Organization (KEK) (KEK) are are proposed proposed the the joint joint project project for a high intensity intensity proton proton accelerator accelerator facility facility [1-2]. The accelerator complex complex consists consists of of aa 0.4GeV 0.4GeV linac, a accelerator 3GeVrapid-cycling rapid-cycling synchrotron synchrotron (RCS) (RCS) and a 50GeV 3GeV synchrotron (MR) (MR) atat this this facility. facility. The The major synchrotron requirement for for the the 3GeV 3GeV RCS RCS isis IMW 1MW output output beam requirement power. ItIt isis very very important important for for 3GeV 3GeV RCS RCS to control power. the beam beam loss loss and and man/machine man/machine protection protection strategy the fromaaradiation. radiation. from OUTLINE OF OF 3GEV 3GEV RCS OUTLINE The 3GeV 3GeV Rapid-Cycling Rapid-Cycling Synchrotron Synchrotron (RCS) (RCS) at at The theJKJ JKJwill willhave haveaathreefold threefold symmetric symmetric lattice. lattice. Figure Figure the shows the the overview overview of of 3GeV 3GeV RSC. RSC. Each Each super11 shows superperiod consists of two 3-DOFO modules with missing period consists of two 3-DOFO modules with missing bendsininarc arcand and3-DOFO 3-DOFOin in insertion. insertion. The The arc arc module module bends has aa missing missing bend bend cell cell for for chromaticity chromaticity correction correction has magnets and and longitudinal longitudinal primary primary collimator. collimator. The The magnets insertion straights are used for the injection insertion straights are used for the injection /collimation, the the extraction extraction and and the the RF RF acceleration. acceleration. /collimation, These insertion straights are dispersion free. See See These insertion straights are dispersion free. Reference [3] for more details of 3GeV RCS. Reference [3] for more details of 3GeV RCS. The main main parameters parameters are are shown shown in in table table 1. 1. The The The injection beam energy is 0.4GeV. The Hbeam is injection beam energy is 0.4GeV. The H- beam is injected by charge exchange multi-turn injection injected by charge exchange multi-turn injection method and accelerated to 3GeV. The output beam method and accelerated to 3GeV. The output beam power is 1 MW with a repetition rate of 25 Hz. The power is 1 MW with a repetition rate of 25 Hz. The output beam is led to the spallation neutron and muon output beam is led to the spallation neutron and muon facility and the 50GeV MR. facility and the 50GeV MR. FIGURE FIGURE 1.1. Schematic Schematicview viewofof3GeV 3GeVRCS RCS TABLE TABLE 1.1. Main Mainparameters parametersofof3GeV 3GeVRCS RCS Parameter Parameter Circumference Circumference Injection Injection Energy Energy Extraction Extraction Energy Energy Extracted Extracted beam beam power power Particle Particle Per Per Pulse Pulse Revolution Revolution Period Period at at Injection/ Injection/ Extraction Extraction Repetition Repetition Rate Rate Ramping Ramping Pattern Pattern Injection Injection period period Circulating Current Circulating Current at Injection/ Extraction at Injection/ Extraction Bunching Factor Bunching Factor at Injection at Injection Fundamental only Fundamental only with 2ndnd harmonics with 2 harmonics at Extraction at Extraction for 3GeV users for 50GeV 3GeV users for ring _____for 50GeV ring value value 348.333 348.333mm 0.4GeV 0.4GeV 3.0 3.0GeV GeV 1MW IMW 13 8.3 8.3xx10 1013 1.629 /1.196 µs 1.629/1.196 jis 25 Hz 25 Hz Sinusoid Sinusoid ~500 s ~500Ds 8.2 /11.1 A 8.2/11.1 A 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 KEY ISSUES OF 3GEV RCS KEY ISSUES OF 3GEV RCS In the design of 3GeV RCS, it is very important to In theadesign 3GeV it is verybeam important decrease beam of loss. For RCS, that purpose, densityto decrease a beam loss. For that purpose, beam density CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 53 Large acceptance acceptancefor for transverse transverse and and longitudinal longitudinal Large space space should injection in should be controlled by a painting injection transverse and in longitudinal. These are effective effective methods to defusing a space charge force. Simultaneously, Simultaneously, it is need to control a beam loss (localization) (localization) and decrease an un-controllable beam loss. An adequate aperture/collimator ratio is a matter of importance for localization of beam loss. It is necessary to keep the large acceptance for extraction line, because the beam power at extraction energy reaches to 1MW. 1MW. and apertures apertures are are shown shown in in The beam emittancce and enlarged Table 2. The beam emittance is intentionally enlarged 216π mm-mrad at the the injection injection by by phase phase space space to 216n collimator acceptance acceptance and and painting. On the other hand, collimator 324 and and 486ft 486π mm-mrad, mm-mrad, physical aperture are 324 accept a maximum maximum respectively. The ring must also accept ±1 percentage. beam momentum spread of ±1 Beam loss control 324π mmmmThe acceptance of extraction line is 324ft ring collimator collimator aperture. aperture. mrad. This value is equal to ring Space-charge force reduction Space-charge force Apertures TABLE 2. Emittance and Apertures The number of particles in the 3 GeV RCS is is 13 8.3x10 ppp for 1MW output beam power. It is 8.3xl013 necessary to do painting injection with charge exchange multi-turn injection for reduction of spacecharge force. The beam emittance is intentionally n mm-mrad at the injection enlarged to 216 π injection by phase space painting. Simultaneously, dual harmonic space acceleration system and longitudinal painting is important issue for reduction of space-charge force. It simple RF makes a bunching factor larger than one of simple system. We rely on that bunching factor is 0.4. system. Parameter Transverse Injection Injection beam Painting emittance Collimator aperture Physical aperture Extraction aperture Longitudinal (dp/p) Injection Injection Collimator value value π.mm-mrad 4 216 π.mm-mrad 324 324 π.mm-mrad 486 486 π.mm-mrad 324 π.mm-mrad 0.1% 0.1% 1% 1% The incoherent space charge tune shift will be about -0.15 by above treatments. Other key issues Reference [4-5] [4-5] for more details of the design See Reference of painting injection system in transverse and longitudinal phase space. A damage of foil foil cause directly beam loss. Therefore, Therefore, a long life life and reliable charge charge exchange exchange foil foil and an auto-changer mechanism are are developing developing now. now. A prototype auto-changer was constructed constructed already. already. Collimation system Transverse and longitudinal collimation systems are set in the 3GeV RCS. Collimator system consists of primary collimator to scatter halo beam and secondary collimator to collect the halo beam. The aim secondary of this collimator system is to localize the halo beam. IW/m uncontrolled beam around the It enable to keep 1W/m ring. Transverse primary collimator and secondary collimators set a dispersion free area. In addition, longitudinal primary collimator sets the missing bend area in arc module. This point has a large dispersion and small beta function for transverse. Longitudinal primary collimator is thinner than transverse one. So scattered halo beam at the longitudinal primary scattered collimator passes through the arc section without beam loss. The passed hallo beam is scatted by transverse primary collimator again and is collimated by transverse secondary collimators. The large aperture bending magnet and quadrupole quadrupole magnet were constructed constructed already already and and performed performed the the many studies. In these magnets, magnets, the the coil coil conductor conductor isis aluminum stranded conductor in order to to reduce reduce an eddy current loss. See Reference Reference [6] for more details. For another magnets, correction magnet and kicker kicker magnets were constructed. 3GeV RCS is rapid cycling cycling synchrotron, synchrotron, so itit is is necessary to high gradient RF cavity. In 3GeV 3GeV RCS, RCS, the beam loading loading is is very very heavy. heavy. A A leak leak from from RF RF bucket causes a beam loss at acceleration loss at acceleration and and extraction. See Reference Reference [7] for more details. For vacuum chamber of rapid cycling synchrotron, it is necessary to avoid any harmful harmful effect effect of the the eddy eddy current. On the other hand, vacuum chamber vacuum chamber should should be treated the RF shield. Now Now we have have developed developed long long and large aperture ceramic ceramic chamber chamber with with RF RF shield shield and TiN coating (inner surface) surface) for bending bending magnet. magnet. See Reference [8] [8] for more details 54 Monitor system is also very important for the beam diagnostic. A prototype beam position monitor was constructed and performed the many studies. SUMMARY AND SCHEDULE OF 3GEV RCS Beam loss limits the output beam power of accelerator. Therefore, we we should should reduce the beam loss and control the beam loss. In this paper, key of the the issues are described from the point of view of of 3GeV 3GeV RCS RCS is is in in final final beam loss control. The design of are stage. Now fine-tuning and feedback from R&D are of 3GeV 3GeV RCS, RCS, see see the the performed. For more details of for High-Intensity Proton Technical Design Report for Accelerator Facility Project (Reference (Reference [12]). [12]). BEAM LOSS ESTIMATION Beam loss at the injection It is important for H- injection to care the Lorentz stripping loss and excited H0 HO beam loss. The magnetic field of injection line is limited 0.55T. The Lorentz 10-6/m and total beam loss stripping loss rate is about 10-6/m is less than a few watts. Charge exchange efficiency efficiency is 99.8%. The beam power of excited H H°0 is about 0.4kW. For the magnet passed through an excited H H°0 beam, the magnetic field set 0.2T between n=5 ad 6. Here n is the excitation states level. Therefore, the uncontrollable beam loss cause by excited H H°0 is about 0 6W(n>6). H° (n (n<5) H°0 6). The rest of excited H 5) is led to H 6W(n beam dump, which designed 1kW IkW capacity. The construction of facility and production of October, 2002 2002 arraignment arraignment instruments will start in October, will start in April 2005. Moreover, the first beam of 3GeV RCS will be in October 2006. REFERENCES 1. Imazato, J., “JHF "JHF Physics”, Physics", in these proceedings. 1. "Accelerator Complex of of Joint Joint Project Project in in 2. Mori, Y., “Accelerator Japan", in these proceedings Japan”, Beam loss during a acceleration The beam tracking with apace-charge force using Accsim, PATRASH and Simpsons codes are performed. Preliminary estimations show the 3% (4kW at injection) of beam are over the collimation aperture (324 π.mm-mrad). The detail tracking are doing now. 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The collimation efficiency efficiency (≡beam (=beam loss at the collimator region/beam loss (4kW) is about 98%. The rest of beam loss (about 80W) SOW) is scattered around the ring. See Reference [11] [11] for more details of beam collimation system. al, “RF "RF system system for for the 3-GeV Proton 7. Yamamoto. M., et al, The JAERI/KEK JAERI/KEK Joint Joint Project“, Project", Synchrotron of The EPAC2002 Proceedings of EPAC2002 et al, al, “Vacuum "Vacuum system system design design for for the the 3GeV3GeV8. Kinsho, M., et joint project“, project", J. J. Vac. Vac. proton synchrotron of JAERI-KEK joint p829-832 Sci. Technol. A20(3), May/Jun 2002, p829-832 9. Shimozaki, Y. Y. et al., al., “HALO-FORMATION "HALO-FORMATION AND BEAM LOSS IN THE 3GEV RING OF THE JOINT PROJECT”, PROJECT", Proceedings of EPAC2002 EPAC2002 TABLE 3. 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Lower value is design value of building and components 55
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