The Spallation Neutron Source Project – Physical and Neutron TechnicalSource Challenges The Spallation Project Physical and Technical Challenges1 1 Jie Wei22 Jie Wei for forthe theSpallation SpallationNeutron NeutronSource Source Collaboration, Collaboration,USA USA Abstract. power of of 1.4 MW Abstract.The TheSpallation SpallationNeutron NeutronSource Source(SNS) (SNS)isisdesigned designed to toreach reach an an average average proton beam power pulsedneutron neutronproduction. production.This Thispaper papersummarizes summarizesdesign design aspects aspects and and physical challenges challenges to the forforpulsed the project. project. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION TheSNS SNSproject, project,designed designedtotoreach reachananaverage average beam beam The power above 1.4 MW for pulsed neutron production, power above 1.4 MW for pulsed neutron production, isis presentlyininthe thefourth fourthyear yearofofa aseven-year seven-yearconstruction construction presently cycle at ORNL (Fig. !)[!]. The accelerator system opercycle at ORNL (Fig. 1) [1]. The accelerator system operates at a repetition rate of 60 Hz and an average current ates at a repetition rate of 60 Hz and an average current ofof − RF mA. consistsofofananHH~ RFvolume volumesource sourceofof48 48mA mA 1.61.6 mA. It It consists peak current at 6% duty, a low-energy beam transport peak current at 6% duty, a low-energy beam transport (LEBT)housing housinga afirst-stage first-stagebeam beamchopper chopperwith with±20 ±20 ns ns (LEBT) rise/fall time; a 402.5 MHz, 4-vane radio-frequencyrise/fall time; a 402.5 MHz, 4-vane radio-frequencyquadrupole(RFQ); (RFQ);a amedium-energy medium-energybeam beam transport transport quadrupole (MEET) housing a second-stage chopper (< ±10 ns ns (MEBT) housing a second-stage chopper (< ±10 rise/fall), an adjustable beam-halo scraper, diagnosrise/fall), an adjustable beam-halo scraper, diagnosticsdevices, devices,and andmatching matchingquadrupoles; quadrupoles;aa402.5 402.5MHz, MHz, tics 6-tank drift-tube-linac (DTL) with permanent-magnet 6-tank drift-tube-linac (DTL) with permanent-magnet quadrupoles; a 805 MHz, 4-module coupled-cavity-linac quadrupoles; a 805 MHz, 4-module coupled-cavity-linac (CCL); a 805 MHz, superconducting RF (SRF) linac of (CCL); a 805 MHz, superconducting RF (SRF) linac of medium- and high-/3 cavities accelerating the beam to medium- and high-β cavities accelerating the beam to the full energy; a high-energy beam transport (HEBT) the full energy; a high-energy beam transport (HEBT) for diagnostics, transverse and longitudinal collimation, formatching, diagnostics, transverse andand longitudinal energy correction painting; collimation, and an accumatching, energy correction and painting; and an accumulator ring compressing the 1 GeV, 1 ms pulse to 650 ns mulator ring compressing the 1 GeV, 1 ms pulse to 650 ns for delivery onto the target through a ring-target beam fortransport delivery(RTBT). onto the target through a ring-target beam transport (RTBT). Table 1 lists major parameters. The energy acceptance Table 1 listsis major The energy of the ring about parameters. ±50 MeV, mainly due toacceptance conditions offor thearing is about ±50 MeV, mainly due toThe conditions tolerable H~ and H° stripping loss. back-up forscenario a tolerable H− and toH0thestripping loss.surface The back-up corresponds case if the field of scenario to the if the(37.5 surface field Exof the SRFcorresponds cavity is lower thancase expected MV/m). thetraSRF cavity is lower than MV/m). Extunnel space (71 m) is expected reserved (37.5 to extend the linac tralength tunnelforspace (71 output m) is reserved to extend the evolulinac a higher energy. Table 2 shows length forbeam a higher output energy. Table 2 shows evolution of parameters during the cycle including extion of beam parameters the cycle including expected energy, horizontalduring (H), vertical (V), and longitupected energy, horizontal (H), vertical (V), and longitu- FIGURE 1.1. Layout Layout of of the the Spallation Spallation Neutron FIGURE Neutron Source. Source. TABLE1.1. Spallation Spallation Neutron Neutron Source Source primary TABLE primary parameters. parameters. Baseline Baseline Back-up Back-up 1000 1000 ±15 ±15 11 + 12 11 + 12 33 + 48 33 + 48 27.5 β = 0.61) [MV/m] 27.5 Peak field E ( p AEP (J3 = 0.61) [MV/m +2.5 ∆E p fi (βeld = Ep 0.61) ±2.5 Peak (J3 =[MV/m] 0.81) MV/m] 35 β = 0.81) [MV/m] 35 Peak field E ( p AEP (J3 = 0.81) [MV/m +2 5/-T.5 ∆E p (power β = 0.81) [MV/m] 1.4 Beam on target, Pmax [MW]+2.5/ − 7.5 Beam Pmax [MW] 1.4 Pulse power length on on target, target [ns] 695 Pulse length on target 695 Chopper beam-on duty[ns] factor [%] 68 Chopper beam-on 68 Linac macro pulseduty dutyfactor factor[%] [%] 6.0 Linac macro pulseH~ duty factor[mA] [%] 6.0 Ave. macropulse current 26 Ave. H− current 26 Linacmacropulse ave. beam current [mA][mA] 1.6 Linac beam current 1.6 Ring rfave. frequency [MHz][mA] 1.058 Ring frequency 1.058 Ringrfinjection time[MHz] [ms] 1.0 Ring time [ms] 1.0 Ringinjection bunch intensity [1014] 1.6 14 ] Ring intensity [10spread 1.6 Ringbunch space-charge tune 0.15 Ring space-charge tune spread 0.15 975 975 +15 ±15 11 + 15 11++60 15 33 33 27.5 + 60 27.5 +2.5 ±2.5 27.5 27.5 +2.5 ±2.5 1.7 1.7 699 699 68 68 6.0 6.0 32 32 1.9 1.9 1.054 1.054 1.0 1.0 1.9 1.9 0.20 0.20 Kinetic energy, E [MeV] Kinetic energy, Ekk [MeV] Uncertainty, AE (95%) [MeV] Uncertainty, ∆Ekk (95%) [MeV] SRF cryo-module number SRF SRFcryo-module cavity numbernumber SRF number Peakcavity fi eld Ep (]8 = 0.61) [MV/m] dinal (L) acceptances and emittances, and controlled and dinal (L) acceptances and emittances, and controlled and uncontrolled beam losses. uncontrolledDESIGN beam losses. PHILOSOPHY The primaryDESIGN concern is PHILOSOPHY that radio-activation caused by The primary concern isbeam that loss radio-activation caused by excessive uncontrolled can limit the machine's excessive uncontrolled beam lossBased can limit the machine’s availability and maintainability. on operational exavailability and maintainability. on operational experiences, hands-on maintenanceBased demands that the averperiences, hands-on maintenance thebeam average uncontrolled beam loss does demands not exceedthat 1W power per tunnel-meter [2]. Uncontrolled losses arebeam usuage uncontrolled beam loss does not exceed 1W power per tunnel-meter [2]. Uncontrolled losses are usu- 1 SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05OOOR22725 for thebyU.S. Department of Energy. SNS is aDE-AC05partnership SNS is managed UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract of six national laboratories: Argonne,of Brookhaven, Jefferson, Lawrence 00OR22725 for the U.S. Department Energy. SNS is a partnership Berkeley, Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge. of six national laboratories: Argonne, Brookhaven, Jefferson, Lawrence 2 Brookhaven National Berkeley, Los Alamos, andLaboratory, Oak Ridge.and on a joint appointment with 2 the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the SNS Project. Brookhaven National Laboratory, and on a joint appointment with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory for the SNS Project. 1 CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 38 111 §sd CO H SH pg <D .S ^ O^ MeV m mA mm µm µm µm µm 10−5 π eVs 10−7 π eVs kW W/m µm µm Beam loss [W/m] 1.75609E-18 FE 58e <1 44 44 480 24 400 24 ^ro^iCS Tf CS DTL 1 1000 248.0 9×104 200 480 24 480 24 19×105 /π 2×107 /π 62d 1 44 44 1000 169.5 38 50 26 0.26 26 0.26 1000 94.7 38 80 50 0.23 39 0.23 18 23 N/A 0.2 0.41 0.41 ^ ( en 185.6 55.1 38 30 19 0.59 18 0.59 7.4 14 N/A 1 0.39 0.39 86.8 36.6 38 25 38 0.75 42 0.75 2.4 12 N/A 1 0.33 0.33 2.9 2.9 7.6 N/A 100 f 0.21 0.21 17 17 0.05a 70 0.2 0.2 Tf S 8 H O o r=- o o la ^ «o 57 ^_r *> !/3 Q II g '« 3 S ffi d > .d .d . £ o gI . 300 400 Length [m] 500 600 700 800 SNS SNS addresses addresses the the above above seven seven issues issues by by adopting adopting aa low-loss design philosophy [3]. Above all, low-loss design philosophy [3]. Above all, foreseen foreseen losses losses are are localized localized to to shielded shielded areas areas using using 1) 1) adjustable adjustable scrapers scrapers in in the the MEBT; MEET; 2) 2) transverse transverse and and momentum momentum collimators collimators in in the the HEBT HEBT prior prior ring ring injection; injection; 3) 3) twotwostage stage transverse transverse collimation collimation and and momentum momentum cleaning cleaning with with beam-in-gap beam-in-gap(BIG) (BIG) kicker kicker in in the the ring; ring; 4) 4) collimator collimator protection protection in in the the RTBT, RTBT, and and 5) 5) beam-gap beam-gap cleaning cleaning with LEBT LEBTand andMEBT MEBTchoppers choppersand and ring ring BIG BIG kicker kicker (Fig. (Fig. 2). 2). Emphasis Emphasis isis also also put put on on machine’s machine's flexibility flexibility and reliability. liability. The The SRF SRF linac linac allows allows operation operation with with one one failed failed cavity/klystron; the ring accepts ±5% variation in linac cavity/klystron; the ring accepts ±5% output output energy; energy; aa wide wide ring ring tuning tuning range range avoids avoids resoresonances; nances; aa robust robust injection injection allows allows independent independent horizonhorizontal, tal, vertical, vertical, and and longitudinal longitudinal painting; painting; adjustable adjustable collicollimation mation systems systems accommodate accommodate variable variable beam beam size; size; and and design designreserve reserveand andredundancy redundancy ensure ensure aa high high availability availability (e.g., (e.g.,spare spare cryo-module cryo-module for for aa quick quick replacement, replacement, power supplies supplies compatible compatible with with 1.3 1.3 GeV GeVenergy, energy,multi-foil multi-foil exexchange, change, spare spare kicker kicker power power supply supply (PFN), (PEN), and and aperture aperture clearance clearancefor for one-kicker one-kicker failure). failure). Finally, Finally, the the facility facility isis designed designed with with the the potential potential to to reach reach aa beam beam energy energy up up to to 1.3 1.3 GeV GeV and and aa beam beam power power higher higher than than 22 MW, MW, capable capable of of supplying supplying aa second second neuneutron trontarget. target.The Thehigher higher energy energy can can be be reached reached by by upgradupgrading ing the thesuperconducting superconducting RF RF cavity cavity gradient gradient and and klystron klystron power power supplies, supplies, and and by by filling filling the the presently presently unoccupied unoccupied linac linactunnel tunnelspaces spaceswith with up up to to 99 additional additional cryo-modules. cryo-modules. The ring ring isis capable capable of of accommodating accommodating the the energy energy and and The power increase increase without without extensive extensive hardware hardware change change –power space isis reserved reserved for for two two additional additional extraction extraction kickers, space andfor forthe the replacement replacement of of 22 injection-chicane injection-chicane dipoles dipoles to to and 0 stripping satisfy HH° stripping conditions conditions [4]. [4]. satisfy 2.5 3.6 38 32 250 3.7 51 3.7 4.7 10 0.2b 2 0.27 0.27 2.5 3.8 38 7 r~«. O 200 FIGURE FIGURE 2.2. Expected Expected beam beam loss loss across across the the SNS SNS accelerator accelerator complex. complex.The Theuncontrolled uncontrolled beam beam loss loss isis at at 11W/m W/m level. level. . . Z O O O 0.065 0.12 47 O 100 Source: Source:Data Data from from N. N. Catalan-Lasheras, Catalan-Lasheras, et et al al 387 64.2 38 80 57 0.41 55 0.41 7.2 17 N/A 0.2 0.41 0.41 cnooinOcno^H RTBT 0 en oo 0 0 °i ON ^. oo RING HEBT SCL 5c <1 0.46 0.46 Ring HEBT SRF 2 SRF 1 CCL 00 0 VO < vo q 5.00E-08 5.71E-07 9.37E-06 1.5 0.5 Ek (out) Length Peak current Min. trans. aperture Min. H acceptance H emit. out, εun,rms Min. V acceptance V emit. out, εun,rms Min. L acceptance L emit. out, rms Loss (control) Loss (uncontroll) H emit. out, εN,rms V emit. out, εN,rms si DTL o '"id MEBT •» S |1 f l O <u during duringnormal normaloperation operation 2 CCL RFQ •8 High rad areas loss 3.26951E-18Uncontrolled 9.00E-08 1.91E-06 Uncontrolled loss 1.41E-05 2.5 a a LEBT s •2-2 3 0 fi'S I -I »I <a ag= at a a 1000 150.8 9×104 Unit 1 5 <u£ 13 RTBT TABLE 2. Beam parameter evolution across the SNS accelerators. The aperture and acceptance do not include scrapers and collimators. Notes are: a) corresponding to 27% chopped beam; b) corresponding to 5% chopped beam; c) beam loss on the transverse and momentum collimators; d) including total 4% of beam escaping foil and 0.2and f) corresponding to 20% beam loss averaged over RFQ length. Tolerated losses in Watt/m a<D <Da allyattributed attributedtoto1)1)mismatch mismatchupon uponchange changeof oflinac linacstrucstrucally ture,lattice, lattice,and and frequency; frequency; 2) 2) space-charge space-charge effects effects ininture, cluding envelope envelope and and parametric parametric resonances resonances and and nonnoncluding equipartition inin the the linac, linac, and and resonance resonance crossing crossing and and equipartition instabilityenhancement enhancementininring; ring;3) 3)limited limited physical physicaland and instability − and 0 stripmomentumacceptance; acceptance;4) 4) premature premature HH~ and HH° stripmomentum pingand andring ringinjection injectionfoil foilscattering; scattering;5) 5)magnetic magneticerrors, errors, ping fringefields, fields,and andmisalignments; misalignments;6) 6)instabilities instabilities(resistive (resistive fringe impedances due due toto e.g. e.g. extraction extraction kicker, kicker, and and electron electron impedances cloud);and and7)7)accidental accidentalloss lossdue duetotosystem systemmalfunction malfunction cloud); (ionsource sourceand andlinac, linac,ring ringextraction extractionkickers). kickers). (ion ACCELERATOR DESIGN DESIGN CHOICES CHOICES ACCELERATOR Superconducting vs. vs. Warm Warm Linac Linac Superconducting The SRF SRF linac linac operating operating at at 805 805 MHz MHz frequency frequency acacThe − beam celerates the the H H~ beam from from 186 186 MeV MeV to to top top energy energy celerates (Fig.3). 3).Comparing Comparingwith with the the original original normal-conducting normal-conducting (Fig. (warm) CCL CCL linac, linac, the the SRF SRF linac linac provides provides aa high high acac(warm) celerating gradient gradient (11 (11 -- 16 16 MV/m) MV/m) capable capable of of reachreachcelerating 39 movable fixed fixed movable movable fixed scraper collimators collimators scraper scraper collimators Front End LBNL W Injector injection injection septum septum injection septum & &bumps bumps & bumps FIGURE and linac linac stucture. stucture. FIGURE 3. 3. SNS SNS front-end front-end and and linac stucture. ing ing aa higher higher beam beam energy, energy, encounters encounters less less beam beam loss loss and and halo scraping due to its larger bore radius, is immune halo scraping due to its larger bore radius, is immune to to one cavity/klystron operates at at aa better better vacuum, vacuum, cavity/klystron failure, failure, operates and is expected and availabilavailabilexpected to to have have higher higher reliability reliability and of two types of SRF cavities allows ity. The selection SRF cavities allows for selection of two types of allows for for economic savings savings and and future future energy energy upgrades. upgrades. On On the the other hand, the the relatively large large phase phase slip slip requires requires dedetailed error-sensitivity analysis. analysis. The The choice choice of of cavity cavity gegeometric /3 β value value is is based based on on aa smooth smooth transition transition from from the the ometric β warm warm section section linac, linac, aa maximized maximized final final output output energy, energy, and and ββ secaa comfortable high-/3 secseccomfortable transition transition from from mediummedium- to to highhighalso choose tion with tolerance to to one one cavity cavity failure. failure. We We also choose We constant-gradient, continuous constant-gradient, continuous focusing focusing to to maximize maximize the the accelerating field accelerating field strength strength [5]. [5]. Considering the Considering the tight tight construction construction schedule, schedule, aa modermoderate peak peak surface ate surface field field of of 27.5 27.5 MV/m MV/m is is chosen chosen for for the the mediumβ cavity. Benefiting from electro-polishing, medium-/3 medium-β cavity. Benefiting from electro-polishing, aa higher peak peak field higher for the field of of 35 35 MV/m MV/m is is assumed assumed for for the highhighβ cavity. In order to reduce uncertainties in RF /3 β cavity. In order to reduce uncertainties in RF controls controls of an β of an ion ion (((/3 < 1) detuning, micromicroβ< < 1) beam beam under under Lorentz Lorentz detuning, detuning, microphonics, beam phonics, beam transients transients and and injecting injecting energy energy offset, offset, we we decide to to drive decide drive each each cavity cavity with with its its own own klystron klystron using using independent amplitude independent amplitude and and phase phase control. control. extraction extractionkickers kickers extraction kickers beam beam gap gap kicker kicker extraction extractionseptum septum extraction septum beam beam RF RF RF \ / instrumentation instrumentation instrumentation FIGURE FIGURE4. 4. SNS SNSaccumulator accumulatorring ringlayout. layout. FIGURE 4. SNS accumulator ring layout. magnetic magneticerrors errorsdue dueto toeddy eddycurrent, current,ramping, ramping,saturation, saturation, magnetic errors due to eddy current, ramping, saturation, and and power-supply trackingis isnon-trivial. non-trivial.The Thestudy studyconconand power-supply tracking tracking is non-trivial. The study concluded that the required RCS design is technically that the the required RCS RCS design design is is technically technicallymore more cluded that more demanding andless lesscost costeffective effective [4]. [4]. demanding and and less cost effective [4]. Permanent magnets were Permanent magnets magnets were wereconsidered consideredas asan anoption optionfor for Permanent considered as an option for the ring magnets. Electromagnetic the accumulator accumulator ring magnets. Electromagnetic magnets accumulator ring magnets. Electromagnetic magnets magnets were chosen instead, instead, given given the the uncertainty uncertainty in in the the linac linac were chosen chosen instead, given the uncertainty in the linac energy. energy. This This choice choice is is especially especially appropriate appropriateto toaccomaccomenergy. This choice is especially appropriate to accommodate modatelater-adopted later-adoptedSRF SRFlinac. linac. modate later-adopted SRF linac. Ring’s Ring's FODO-doublet FODO-doubletLattice Lattice Ring’s FODO-doublet Lattice The The four-fold four-fold symmetric symmetric ring ring lattice lattice contains contains four four four-fold symmetric ring lattice contains four dispersion-free straights, each each housing housing injection, injection, collicollidispersion-free straights, straights, each housing injection, collimation, mation, RF, RF, and and extraction, extraction, as as shown shown in in Fig. Fig. 4. 4.◦Each Each mation, RF, and extraction, as shown in Fig. 4. Each ◦ horachromatic arc consists of 4 FODO cells with 90 achromatic arc arc consists consists of of 44 FODO FODO cells cells with with 90 90° horachromatic horizontal izontalphase phaseadvance. advance. izontal phase advance. After optimization, the the ring ring lattice lattice has has doublet doublet After optimization, optimization, the ring lattice has doublet straights [3]. The lattice combines the FODO straights [3]. [3]. The The lattice lattice combines combines the the FODO FODO strucstrucstraights structure’s ture's simplicity simplicity and andease easeof ofcorrection correctionwith withthe thedoublet doublet ture’s simplicity and ease of correction with the doublet structure’s structure's flexibility flexibility for for injection injection and and collimation. collimation. InInstructure’s flexibility for injection and collimation. Injection jection at at dispersion-free region allows independently at aaa dispersion-free dispersion-free region regionallows allowsindependently independently adjustable adjustable painting in the transverse (with orbit bumps adjustable painting painting in in the the transverse transverse(with (withorbit orbitbumps bumps in the ring) and longitudinal (with an energy-spreading in the ring) ring) and and longitudinal longitudinal (with (with an an energy-spreading energy-spreading phase-modulated phase-modulated RF RF cavity in the HEBT) directions RF cavity cavity in in the the HEBT) HEBT) directions directions for a robust operation. The 12.5 m-long for a robust operation. The uninterrupted The 12.5 12.5 m-long m-long uninterrupted uninterrupted straight straight section with flexible phase advance further straight section section with with aaa flexible flexible phase phase advance advance further further improves collimation efficiency. Comparing improves with the improves collimation collimation efficiency. efficiency. Comparing Comparing with with the the original original all-FODO lattice, matching between the arcs original all-FODO all-FODO lattice, lattice, matching matching between between the the arcs arcs and and the straights increases the arc acceptance by 50% and the the straights straights increases increases the the arc arc acceptance acceptanceby by50% 50% with the same magnet aperture (Fig. 5). with the same same magnet magnet aperture aperture (Fig. (Fig. 5). 5). Accumulator Accumulator Ring Ring vs. vs. RCS RCS During the During the first year of first year of construction, construction, aa study study was was performed comparing performed comparing the the present present structure structure of of fullfullenergy linac energy linac plus plus accumulator accumulator ring ring to to aa rapid-cyclingrapid-cyclingsynchrotron (RCS) design: a 60 Hz, 400 MeV linac linac feeds feeds synchrotron (RCS) design: a 60 Hz, 400 MeV two, vertically stacked RCSs accelerating the proton two, vertically stacked RCSs accelerating the proton beam to to 2 challenge to to the the beam 2 GeV GeV energy. energy. The The biggest biggest challenge RCS design is from the stringent (1 W/m) beam-loss criRCS design is from the stringent (1 W/m) beam-loss criterion: although by aa factor factor of of 5, 5, still still only only 0.4% 0.4% terion: although relaxed relaxed by uncontrolled loss is allowed for a 2 MW beam power uncontrolled loss is allowed for a 2 MW beam power assuming assuming 90% 90% collimation collimation efficiency. efficiency. On On the the other other hand, hand, among existing rings the lowest loss of about 0.3% is is among existing rings the lowest loss of about 0.3% achieved at at LANL’s LANL’s PSR, 800 MeV MeV accumulator, accumulator, as as achieved LANL's PSR, aa 800 opposed to to typical of aa few few to of percent in opposed typical losses losses of to tens tens of percent in RCSs (e.g. ISIS, FNAL and AGS Boosters). RCSs (e.g. ISIS, FNAL and AGS Boosters). As opposed opposed to the RCSs operating at at As to the the accumulator, accumulator, the RCSs operating 30 Hz require a high RF voltage (about 400 kV per per ring ring 30 Hz require a high RF voltage (about 400 kV at 1.4 1.4 -- 1.9 1.9 MHz) for fast acceleration, large magnet at 1.9 MHz) MHz) for for fast fast acceleration, acceleration, aaa large large magnet magnet aperture aperture to to accommodate accommodate the the space space charge charge at at aa lower lower enenergy, ergy, ceramic ceramic vacuum vacuum pipes pipes with with detailed detailed RF RF shielding, shielding, and high-performance power supplies. Minimization of and high-performance power supplies. Minimization of CHALLENGES CHALLENGES & LESSONS LEARNED CHALLENGES & &LESSONS LESSONSLEARNED LEARNED Front Front End & Warm Linac Front End End & &Warm WarmLinac Linac Tight focusing used for chopping and antichopTight optical optical optical focusing focusing used used for for chopping chopping and and antichopantichopping in a long MEBT is a source of beam-halo generping in a long MEBT is a source of beam-halo in a long MEET is a source of beam-halo genergeneration. Studies show that even without the antichopper, ation. ation. Studies Studies show show that that even even without without the the antichopper, antichopper, partially particles are still mostly contained by partially deflected deflected deflected particles particles are are still still mostly mostly contained contained by by 40 6.23 QQyy== 6.20 6.20 QQxx==6.23 6 βx βy 5 β 1/2 1/2 [m ] ηx 4 3 2 4 1 3 1 η [m] 2 0 0 20 40 S [m] 60 80 -1 80 Time: Sun Dec 1918:38:10 1999 Last file modify time: Fri Dec 1713:56:46 Time: Sun Dec 19 18:38:10 1999 Last file modify time: Fri Dec 17 13:56:46 1999 FIGURE5.5. SNS SNS ring ring lattice lattice super-period super-period of of FODO/doublet FODO/doublet FIGURE structure. The lattice periodicity is 4. structure. The lattice periodicity is 4. the envelope envelope of of the the nominal nominal unchopped unchopped beam beam [6]. [6]. The the The MEET quadrupoles are thus made independently adMEBT quadrupoles are thus made independently adjustable so that alternative optics can be realized, avoidjustable so that alternative optics can be realized, avoidingtight tightfocusing focusing atatthe the antichopper antichopper or or MEBT MEET chopper. chopper. ing Permanent-magnet quadrupoles are used in Permanent-magnet quadrupoles are used in the the DTL DTL due to the tight geometry (402.5 MHz starting at 2.5 due to the tight geometry (402.5 MHz starting at 2.5 MeV), although electromagnetic quadrupoles could be MeV), although electromagnetic quadrupoles could be used at DTL tank 3 and beyond. During 1999, the aperused at DTL tank 3 and beyond. During 1999, the aperture of CCL was reduced from 4 to 3 cm for cost savings. ture of CCL was reduced from 4 to 3 cm for cost savings. Later when SRF linac is adopted, simulated beam loss ofLater when SRF linac is adopted, simulated beam loss often occurs near the end of CCL as the focusing strength ten occurs near the end of CCL as the focusing strength is reduced to match the SRF optics. is reduced to match the SRF performance optics. A key challenge in linac is to minimize A key challenge in linac performance minimize beam emittance growth and centroid jitterisintoboth transbeam emittance growth and centroid jitter in both transverse and longitudinal directions upon ring injection, reverse and longitudinal directions upon ring injection, reducing foil traversal, scattering and radio-activation. The ducing foil traversal, scattering and radio-activation. The warm DTL operating at 402.5 MHz is expected to be less warm DTLtooperating at 402.5 expected to be less sensitive vibrational noisesMHz than ismost existing linacs sensitive to vibrational noises than most existing linacs operating at 200 MHz. A tight RF control (<0.5% amoperating at 200 tightwarrants RF control (<0.5% amplitude and 0.5° MHz. phase A error) tolerable energy plitude andbefore 0.5◦ phase error) warrants energy variation the beam enters energytolerable correction and variation theinbeam enters[7]. energy correction and spreadingbefore cavities the HEBT spreading cavities in the HEBT [7]. Source: Datafroml.Hofmann Source: Data from I. Hofmann FIGURE 6. Analytical resonance chart showing Instability FIGURE 6. Analytical resonance chart showing Instability growth rate due to space-charge coupling resonance. The efgrowth rate due to space-charge coupling resonance. The effects become important only when the transverse and longitufects become important only when the transverse and longitudinal tunes are on resonance, and when the emittances differ dinal tunes are on resonance, and when the emittances differ signifi cantly. The dash lines indicate equipartition. significantly. The dash lines indicate equipartition. trum is possible because of the pulsed time structure of trum is possible because of the pulsed time structure of the beam and the fact that the beam frequency shifts with the beam and the fact that the beam frequency shifts with variable ring energy and repetition rate (e.g. for some variable ring energy and repetition rate (e.g. for some two-target operation scenarios). Fortunately, transverse two-target operation transverse and longitudinal (beamscenarios). break-up) Fortunately, instabilities are minor and longitudinal (beam break-up) instabilities are minor issues for an ion beam in the presence of a cavity-toissues frequency for an ionspread beam [9]. in the presence of aarecavity-tocavity HOM dampers implecavity frequency spread [9]. HOM dampers are[10]. implemented only for the purpose of power dissipation mented only for the purpose of power dissipation [10]. The SRF linac performance is limited by the availThe SRF linac performance the available klystrons power (550 kW). isUplimited to 40%byRF-power able klystrons power (550 kW). Up to 40% RF-power is reserved for compensation of cavity errors (Lorntz deis reserved for compensation ofloss, cavity errors (Lorntz detuning, microphonics, coupling frequency setting), tuning, microphonics, coupling loss, frequency setting), klystron loss, and missing-cavity tuning. To reduce such klystron loss, tuning. reducecryssuch overhead, eachand SRFmissing-cavity cavity is equipped withToa piezo overhead, each SRF cavity is equipped with a piezo crystal driven fast tuner to compensate for the Lorentz force. tal driven fast tuner to compensate for the Lorentz force. Superconducting RF Linac Superconducting RF Linac Ring and Transport Ring and Transport Using only two types of cavity /3 for over 800 MeV of Using onlycompromises two types of cavity β for over 800 of acceleration the equipartition law.MeV Spaceacceleration compromises the equipartition law. Spacecharge coupling can cause transverse and longitudinal charge coupling canwhen causethe transverse emittance exchange emittanceand ratiolongitudinal meets resemittance exchange (Fig. when6)the[8]. emittance ratio depending meets resonance conditions In addition, onance conditions (Fig. 6) [8]. Inspace-charge addition, depending on the level of initial mismatch, parameton initial mismatch, ricthe halolevel mayofdevelop in the Efforts were parametmade to ric halo may develop in the linac. Efforts were made reserve an economically affordable large aperture, and to reserve economically affordable large and to reservean tunability in the MEET, CCL andaperture, SRF linac. reserve tunability in the MEBT, and on SRF Effects of higher-order modesCCL (HOM) thelinac. cavities isEffects anotherofissue. Overlapping of (HOM) beam and spechigher-order modes on HOM the cavities is another issue. Overlapping of beam and HOM spec- Solid-steel, as opposed to laminated-steel, was seSolid-steel, to laminated-steel, was selected for most as ringopposed and transport magnet cores for cost 4 for cost lected for most ring and transport magnet cores savings. Individually, good field quality (<10~ relative −4 savings. Individually, field quality (<10excessive relative error at full acceptance)good is achieved. However, error at full acceptance) is achieved. However, excessive (up to 0.25%) magnet-to-magnet variation is found in (up dipole to 0.25%) magnet-to-magnet is found in the transfer function and its variation current dependence, theshown dipoleintransfer anddipoles its current dependence, as Fig. 7 function [11]. These are shimmed to as shown in Fig. These shimmed achieve below 10~74 [11]. variation fordipoles 1 GeV are operation, andto achieveaccording below 10to−41.3 variation for 1 GeV operation, and sorted GeV measurement data to minisortedorbit according to strength. 1.3 GeV measurement data to minimize corrector mize orbit corrector strength. 41 i|i Hi • I I 11Ml •I-4iii| — I mtfpm •-i^ r?:^r*S? llii;|Hi:|sll; I I I I I I 1 llilill •Bl iiiiiiiii isisis .SHiHi::*HiHi::*Hi?3feissis III ;***; ;*;*; 11 10 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 30 310 10 20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 30 f20 [MHz] [MHz] 3 10 20 30 40 50 ff[MHz] f [MHz] ii|1111 iiiiiiiiii: *** Nil I I HiiHiiisH H H Imag Zy [kΩ/m] Imag Zy [kΩ/m] Imag Zy [kΩ/m] —! ijil 11111 IIIIII Source: DataData fromfrom P. Wanderer, A.A.Jain, etetalet Source: P. Wanderer, A. Jain, Source: Wanderer, Jain, alal Source: Data Data from from P. P. Wanderer, A. Jain, et al Real Zy [kΩ/m] Real RealZZy y[kΩ/m] [kΩ/m] lllilli sisisiisisi S*s* i*.s;s; HiiiSHiiSHi Real Zy [kΩ/m] Real Zy [kΩ/m] Real Zy [kΩ/m] lliipilpil llllfllllllllOllllll; 25£2 termination 25Ω termination 25Ωtermination termination 25Ω 12 12 12 CMD5005 10 CMD5005 10 CMD5005 C2050 10 C2050 8 C2050 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 30 3310 10 10 2020 20 3030 30 404040 505050 f [MHz] 3 10 20 30 40 50 [MHz] ff[MHz] f [MHz] 10 10 10 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 30 3 10 10 2020 3030 4040 20 30 f [MHz] ff[MHz] 3 10 20 30 40 [MHz] f [MHz] Imag Zy [kΩ/m] Imag ZyZ[kΩ/m] Imag [kΩ/m] y Open termination Open termination Open termination Open termination 12 1212 10 1010 8 8 8 6 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 0 30 3 31010 10 2020 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 f [MHz] 3 10 20 30 40 50 ff[MHz] [MHz] f [MHz] Integral Transfer Function at 1..0 <3**t 1« SDlf Dipoles 5050 50 FIGURE 7. of integral transfer function ofofof SNS FIGURE 7.Variation Variation of integral transfer function SNS Source: Data from D.D. Davino, H.H.H. Hahn Source: Data from Davino, Hahn FIGURE 7. Variation of integral transfer function SNS Source: Data from Davino, Hahn FIGURE 7. Variation ofand integral transfer function of SNS Source: Data from D.D.Davino, H. Hahn ring dipole magnets before after shimming. The measurering dipole magnets before and after shimming. The measurering dipole magnets before and after shimming. The measurering dipole magnets before and after shimming. The measureFIGURE 9. Comparison of bench-measured coupling FIGURE 9. Comparison of bench-measured coupling ment current corresponds 1 GeV beam energy. ment current corresponds to 1to GeV beam energy. FIGURE 9.9. Comparison Comparison ofof bench-measured bench-measured coupling coupling ment energy. FIGURE ment current current corresponds corresponds to to 11 GeV GeV beam beam energy. impedancefor foropen openand and2525 25ΩQ ΩPFN PFN termination, and high impedance impedance for open and PENtermination, termination,and andhigh high impedance for open and 25 Ω PFN termination, and high (1600)andandmedium medium(100) (100)permeability permeabilityferrite ferriteofofthe thering ring (1600) (1600) and medium (100) permeability ferrite of the ring (1600) and medium (100) permeability ferrite of the ring extraction-kicker assembly. extraction-kicker assembly. ——— neutralization factor within the beam radius extraction-kicker assembly. extraction-kicker assembly. 0.25 next-generation, high-poweraccelerator acceleratorfacility. facility. next-generation, next-generation,high-power high-poweraccelerator acceleratorfacility. facility. next-generation, high-power I am indebted tomy mycolleagues, colleagues,especially especiallythose thoseparparI Iam indebted to amindebted indebtedtotomy mycolleagues, colleagues,especially especiallythose those parI am ticipating SNS accelerator-physicsdiscussions. discussions. participating in in SNS accelerator-physics ticipating in inSNS SNSaccelerator-physics accelerator-physicsdiscussions. discussions. ticipating 0.20 _ beam current (a.u.) . . 0.15 REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES 0.10 0.05 0.00 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 240O 25OO 26OO 27OO Time (ns) Source: M. Pivi, M. Furman Source: DataData fromfrom M. Pivi, M. Furman Source: Data from Pivi, M. Furman Furman from M. Pivi, FIGURE Simulation of single-bunch electron multipactFIGURE 8. 8.Simulation of single-bunch electron multipacting with secondary-emission yield of 2. FIGURE 8. Simulation of single-bunch multipactFIGURE 8.a peak Simulation multipacting with a peak secondary-emission yield of electron 2. ing with with aa peak peak secondary-emission secondary-emission yield of 2. ing Main challenges include meeting target Main ringring challenges include meeting thethe target re-requirements on the peak current density, minimizing unMain ring challenges include meeting the targetunreMain ring quirements onchallenges the peak current density, minimizing controlled beam loss, and controlling collective effects quirements on the peak density, minimizing unquirements on the peak current uncontrolled beam loss, and controlling collective effects (space charge, instabilities, electron cloud (Fig.effects 8)) [4]. controlled beam loss, collective controlled beam loss, and controlling effects (space charge, instabilities, electron cloud (Fig. 8)) [4]. Efforts are made to minimize leading sources of beam(space charge, instabilities, cloud (Fig. 8)) [4]. (space charge, instabilities, electron 8)) [4]. Efforts are made to minimize leading sources of beamcoupling impedance (Fig. 9 [12]), andsources to enhance Landau Efforts are made of beamEfforts are made to minimize leading beamcoupling impedance (Fig. 9 [12]), and to enhance Landau damping [4]. coupling impedance coupling impedance (Fig. 9 [12]), and to enhance Landau Landau damping [4]. High-performance beam diagnostics is needed to acdamping [4]. damping [4]. High-performance beam diagnostics is needed to accommodate the large variation of beam and High-performance beam diagnostics is parameters, needed to acHigh-performance toand accommodate the large variation of beam parameters, for machine protection across the entire facility. Lasercommodate the large variation of beam parameters, and commodate large variation of beam and for machine the protection across the entire parameters, facility. Lasermonitors are under test for implementation forwire machine protection across thepossible entireimplementation facility. Laserfor machine protection across the entire facility. Laserwire monitors are under test for possible in monitors the SRF linac for a clean operation, and luminescence wire are under testoperation, for possible wire monitors test for possible implementation in the SRF monitors linacare forunder aare clean andimplementation luminescence profile under test to reduce space-charge in the SRF linac for a clean operation, and luminescence in the SRF linac for a clean operation, and luminescence profile monitors are under test to reduce space-charge and electron-cloud complications in the ring. profile monitors are are under test test to to reduce profile monitors under reduce space-charge and electron-cloud complications in the and electron-cloud electron-cloud complications complications in and in the the ring. ring. SUMMARY SUMMARY SUMMARY By adopting superconducting RF technology for the SUMMARY By linac adopting superconducting RF technology thedeand by fully optimizing the accumulatorfor ring By adopting adopting superconducting RFaccumulator technology for the By superconducting RF technology for thetolinac andthe bySpallation fully optimizing ring design, Neutronthe Source project, half way linacthe andSpallation by fully fully optimizing optimizing the accumulator ring delinac and by the accumulator ring sign, Neutron Source project, half way towards its completion, is meeting the challenge to debe a sign, the the Spallation Neutron Source project, half way wards its Spallation completion, is meeting theproject, challenge be toa sign, Neutron Source halfto way towards its its completion, completion, is is meeting meeting the wards the challenge challenge to to be be aa 42 Holtkamp, EPAC (2002) 1. 1.N.N. Holtkamp, EPAC (2002) N. Holtkamp, EPACet(2002) (2002) N. Holtkamp, EPAC N. 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