Theory and Simulation of the Electron Cloud Instability K. Ohmi KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0801 Japan Abstract. We discuss two-stream instabilities of positron and proton beams caused by an electron cloud from the viewpoint of theory and simulation. The instabilities and their related phenomena are called the electron cloud effect. Build-up of an electron cloud and instabilities caused by it are discussed for various positron and proton rings. INTRODUCTION The instability caused by electron cloud has been discussed for a long time. The first work was done for CERN-ISR [1, 2], and the two-stream type of instability started to be discussed in the accelerator physics. After that the work was succeeded to ion trapping instability in electron storage rings [3, 4, 5], and then was succeeded to electron cloud instability in positron storage rings [6, 7, 8]. In the B factories of KEK (KEKB) and SLAC (PEP-II), solenoid magnets which wipes off an electron cloud played an important role to realize higher luminosity [9, 10, 11]. Meanwhile, an instability has been observed for bunched proton beam in a proton synchrotron ring at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL-PSR). They reported that the instability was caused by an electron cloud [12]. We discuss the electron cloud instabilities of positron and proton beams. Electrons are produced by synchrotron light for the most part in positron ring. The number of photon and the conversion efficiency to electron are well understood. On the other hand there are some candidates of electron source in proton ringii. e., ionization, proton loss, H~ injection etc. It is not clear which mechanism is important in proton rings. Anyway the initial yield is far less than that of positron ring, therefore Multipacting is essential to be built-up the electron cloud. We discuss the electron cloud build-up in Sec.2, and a single bunch instability driven by the electron cloud for positron and proton beam in Sec.3. The bunch structure is very different for positron and proton beams. Positron bunch has a typical size of ax x ay x az ~ 1 x 0.1 x 10mm3, while proton bunch has 1cmx 1cmx 100m in high intensity proton rings as are used for neutron sources. ELECTRON CLOUD BUILD-UP We discuss electron production mechanism at first. For positron beam, photo-emission at the chamber surface due to synchrotron radiation is dominant. The number of photon hitting the chamber wall is given by 5n a _ _ r (1) for a positron in a meter, where a and y are the fine structure constant 1/137 and the relativistic factor, respectively. The number of photo-electron produced by a positron at the chamber is given by nej = > (2) The direct photo-emission rate was estimated to be Yr = 0.1 for an electron incidence of a shallow angle at the copper chamber. This value was consistent with an in situ measurement of electron current using button electrode in KEKB [13]. We installed a test ante-chamber in KEKB-LER to study density and yield of the electron cloud. The value for the ante-chamber was obtained to be 1/5 for the cylindrical chamber, namely, Yj = 0.02. These rates are somewhat larger for aluminum chambers. For proton beam, it is not known clear electron sources. Many possibilities for primary electron production can be considered. Ionization of residual gas due to proton beam is a candidate. Proton beam ionizes residual gas with the result that electrons and positive ions are created. Ionization cross-section for CO and H2 is estimated as a(CO) = 1.3 x 10~22m~2 and a(H2) = 0.3 x 10~22m~2 using Bethe formula [14]. The molecular density dm is related to the partial pressure in nPa by the relation at 20°C, dm(m~3) = 2.4 x lOnPm(nPd). The electron production rate is 7.7 x W~9e~/(m -p) at 2timesW~7Pa. The production rate is 7 orders smaller than that of photoelectron in KEKB. The positive charged ions are repulsed by the proton beam, and hit the chamber wall. Electrons are created on the occasion of the ion absorption at the chamber surface [15, 16]. The number is known as 5 ~ 10. The yield is 5 x 10-V/(m - p) at 2 x 10-7Pa. Electrons are created by proton absorption at the beam chamber surface. M. Furman [17] use an electron production rate Yl = 4 x I0~6e~/(m • p) at the chamber surface. Proton loss of 4 x 10~6 has been observed in a CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 360 revolution at PSR (L=90m). They assume that a proton creates 100 electrons at its loss. H~ injection is a direct electron source. In JHF-RCS, since protons are injected during 500 turns, corresponding electron yield is estimated as Yl = 2 x W~5e~ /(m • p). Most of the electrons are trapped in the magnetic field of the injection magnets, therefore the effective yield is smaller than the value. Secondary electron production plays an important role for electron cloud build-up, especially quantity of primary electrons are much less than neutralization level and beam intensity is too high to accelerate the electrons over lOOeV. Secondary yield [18], which is the number of electrons created by an electron incidence with an energy, is approximated by a formula as follows, 1.44 U.44' (3) field, (5) where A+ and a / x are the beam line density in a bunch and transverse beam sizes, respectively, and re and c are the electron classical radius and the speed of light, respectively. The impedance corresponding to the wake field is expressed by cR? fi (6) _ v CO C0e RS/Q, which characterizes the coupling of beam and electron cloud, is given by C0e In recent studies, elastic reflection [19] of electrons is taken into account by Y2(E = 0) = 0.5 ~ 0.8. In this paper, we use the original formula, Eq.(3). We calculate electron density by the simulation code PEI [7]. Space charge force of electron cloud is taken into account. The beam chamber is assumed to be cylindrical and electrons are produced uniformly along azimuthal angle in the simulation. Electrons are produced at se and are tracked in two dimensional x — y plane. The equation of motion of electrons is expressed by C Q~ (7) c ' Q which is called quality factor characterizes a correlation length of the wake field, and is °o in a simple linear theory. ke is the line density of electron cloud which contributes to the interaction with the beam. The electrons distribute uniformly whole of the chamber at the start of the interaction with the beam. The positron beam gathers electrons in the cloud during the interaction. The positron beam size (~lmm) is much smaller than cloud d2x(t) _ 2kp(se-vt)rec2 - — , ( 4 ) (chamber) size (~ 5cm). We consider the line density as ~ * he = K x 2npeaxay [20], where K is an enhancement factor due to pinching of electrons and contributions of where the force FG(x) is expressed by the Bassettielectrons near by the beam. Erskine formula normalized so that F , asx On the other hand, the proton beam size (~lcm) is (~5cm), and the bunch length is a)ef/c is much larger Figure 1 shows variation of electron cloud density for than 1 (~100). Electrons are gathered at the position of the low energy ring (LER) of KEKB and the 3GeV rapid the proton beam as soon as starting the interaction with cycle synchrotron (RCS) of JHF as a function of bunch the beam, therefore ke is considered to be the line density l passage . We note the bunch length at KEKB-LER is of electrons in the whole chamber [21]. crz =5mm in the standard deviation while that at RCS The single bunch instability is estimated from the is lp =90m in total length. The density increases and wake field. We use the coasting beam model to evalusaturates at a certain density. ate the instability, because of coeaz/c > 1. The threshold of the instability is expressed by [22] SINGLE BUNCH INSTABILITY CAUSED BY THE ELECTRON CLOUD Z0 Z0 (8) A single bunch instability is caused by a wake field induced by the electron cloud. We focus on the vertical instability in this paper. The wake field is represented by a resonator model. The resonator frequency (coe) corresponds to oscillation frequency of electrons in the beam For U > 1, the beam is unstable. We estimated the threshold value of electron cloud density for various positron and proton rings. The results are shown in Table 1 and 2. The wake field approximated by the resonator model permits us to study the instability with simple analytic methods. However the estimation of the threshold includes somewhat ambiguous factors: i.e., for example, 1 Space charge force has not been included in the calculation of 3GeV RCS yet 361 1 .£«+ \£. 150 1e+12 " / & 8e+11 - + Near beam + 1 T3 6e+11 ^g&sssssas^^ "S0 o 4e+11 - g Average ° $ J? 2e+11 _o ° 0 100 + 50 _ \HH. 20 40 Bunch 60 80 500 10 1500 1000 s(m) FIGURE 1. Electron cloud density as a function of bunch passage. The left and right pictures depict those of positron (KEKB) and proton (JHF-3GeV-RCS) beams, respectively. TABLE 1. Single bunch electron cloud instability in positron storage rings. The enhancement factor is chosen to be K = 3. The impedance is evaluated at pe = 1012w~3. variable E(GeV) L(m) 7V+(1010) KEKB I PEP-II I DAFNE I JLC-DR V, (^(jum) ov(jUm) az(mm) G)C(7Z/C Z/ZQ(m~1} P^(1Ql2™~3) TABLE 2. 3.5 3016 3.3 0.018 420 60 5 2.5 2877 0.54 3.1 2200 6 0.025 700 120 12 3.2 3363 1.2 0.51 97.7 4 0.012 2000 63 24 3.2 511 1.9 1.98 398 0.75 0.01 84 7.1 5 9.1 2184 4.4 Wake fi eld and stability for electron cloud instability. JHF variable L(m) 7 A^(xl0 13 ) (7r(cm) ^(m) aE/E(%) r\ Ys beam pipe radius R(cm) Z(coe)L JQ (MQ/m) Z((0e} /Q(MQ/m) ®etp/C Ur U H 3GeV 50GeV ext. mj. ext. mj. 348.3 1.4 4.15 1.9 110 0.6 -0.48 0.0058 12.5 0.29 0.61 133 0.07 0.15 348.3 4.2 4.15 1.2 82 0.7 -0.047 0.0005 12.5 0.24 0.83 182 0.23 0.78 1567.5 4.2 4.15 1.1 82 0.7 -0.058 0.0026 6.5 0.68 9.7 199 0.11 1.6 362 1567.5 54. 4.15 0.5 16 0.25 -0.0013 0.0001 6.5 0.019 0.96 276 0.02 1.2 PSR ISIS AGS 90 1.85 3 1.0 65 0.25 -0.187 0.0003 5 0.46 0.90 166 1.6 3.2 163 1.07 1.25 3.8 60 800 3.0 1.2 0.7 68 0.28 -0.146 0.0017 5 0.024 0.37 153 0.004 0.06 0.0003 8 0.0051 0.0085 27 0.09 0.14 how to choose K and Q. To remove the ambiguity, we have to do tracking simulations [11, 23, 24, 25]. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. H.G. Hereward, CERN 71-15 (1971). E. Keil and B. Zotter, CERN-ISR-TH/71-58 (1971). S. Sakanaka, M. Izawa, H. Kobayakawa and M. Kobayashi, Nucl. Instru. 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