Status of Solenoid System to Suppress the Electron Cloud Effects at the KERB H. Fukuma, J. Flanagan, K. Hosoyama, T. leiri, T. Kawamoto, T. Kubo M. Suetake, S. Uno, S. S. Win and M. Yoshioka High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) Abstract. A large number of solenoids have been installed in the KEKB LER to remove the electron cloud. This paper describes recent solenoid winding work and the effect of it on electron cloud effects. INTRODUCTION TAB LEI. Parameters of solenoids. Length Diameter Turns Type A blow-up of the vertical beam size in single beam and multi-bunch operation has been observed in the KEKB LER [1]. Observations [1,2] have shown that the main characteristics of the blow-up are consistent with the model of the head-tail instability caused by the electron cloud which was proposed by F. Zimmermann and K. Ohm [3]. (mm) Bz (center) (mm) @5A (Gauss) To remove the electron cloud a large number of solenoid magnets were installed in the KEKB LER several times since September 2000 [2]. The number of the solenoids installed so far amount to about 8600. As the result the measurement by an interferometer in February 2002 showed no beam size blow-up up to 1300 mA in regular operation condition for the physics experiment. Bobbin 150 - 650 148 250(typ.) 45 Bobbinless Bobbinless Bobbinless 40 220 40 40 250 300 190, 200 200 200 48 43 37 TABLE2. Parameters of power supply for the solenoids. KEKB corrector TRISTAN corrector P.S. P.S. Current(A) 5 3 This paper describes solenoid winding work in September 2001 and January 2002 and consequence of it on the electron cloud effects. TABLE3. Installation history of the solenoids. Second and third columns show the number of the installed solenoids. Location Date Bobbinless Bobbin SOLENOID SYSTEMS 2000. 9. to 2001. 8. Parameters of solenoid system are shown in Tables 1 and 2. There are two kind of solenoids, one is a bobbin-type solenoid and the other a bobbinless-type solenoid. The length of the bobbin-type solenoid is from 150 to 650 mm depending on the length of available free space for winding. The bobbinless-type solenoid has the length of 40 mm and is located mainly on bellows and both sides of NEG pumps and ion pumps to cover regions where the bobbin-type solenoids can not be wound. The longitudinal magnetic field at the center of a solenoid is about 45 Gauss. A picture of the solenoids is shown in Fig. 1. 2204 2793 Arc section (Cu chamber, Bellows, NEG) Straight section (Cu chamber, Bellows) 2001.9. 3411 43 Arc section (NEG, IP, Bellows) Straight section (Cu chamber, Bellows) 2002. 1. 119 0 Arc section (Between quad and sextupole magnet) 5734 Total Units 2836 616 40 CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 357 As As expected expected by by the the measurement measurement of of the the beam beam size size the the luminosity luminosity was was improved improved after after the the installation installation of of the the solenoids. solenoids. Fig. Fig. 33 shows shows the the luminosity luminosity per per bunch bunch as as aa function function of ofthe the bunch bunch current current product product of ofHER HERand and LER. LER.An An envelope envelopecurve curveof ofthe the luminosity luminositytaken taken for for aa Luminosity/bunch (1030 cm-2 sec-1) 6 FIGURE FIGURE 1.1. Solenoids Solenoids in in an an ion ion pump pump (IP) (IP) section. section. Long Long solenoids solenoids are are the the bobbin-type bobbin-type solenoids solenoids and and short short solenoids solenoids arethe arethebobbinless-type bobbinless-typesolenoids. solenoids. Vertical beam size at IP (micron) J 0 2001 July 2001 Dec. 2002 Feb. 0O 200 200 400 400 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 O.6 0.7 O.7 0.8 O.8 According According to to aa model model of ofthe the single single bunch bunch instability instability due due to to the the electron electron cloud cloud the the threshold threshold bunch bunch intensity intensity of of the the blow-up blow-up IIb,b, thth isis proportional proportional to to aa bunch bunch separation separation LLbb for for the the regular regular and and the the strong strong head-tail head-tail instability instability and and isis proportional proportional to to the the square square root root of of LLbb for for the the beam beam break-up break-up instability instability [4]. [4]. The The average average beam beam size size atat several several bunch bunch separations separations was was measured measured by bythe the interferometer interferometer as as aa function function of of the the beam beam current current as as shown shown inin Fig. Fig.4.4.In Inthe themeasurements measurementsthe thenumber number of of bunches bunches times times the the bunch bunch separation separation was was set set to to be be equal. equal. Comparing Comparing the the blow-up blow-up for for two two fill fill patterns, patterns, ifif the the blow-up blow-up starts starts atat same same beam beam current current the the scaling scaling of of IIb, holds. Fig. Fig.44shows showsthat thatthe thescaling scalingIb,Ib?thth∝^LLb b, thth∝^LLb b holds. b was was observed observed and and not not changed changed after after the the installation installation of of the the solenoids solenoids in in September September 2001. 2001. 1 tl 1 1 week week isis plotted plotted for for each each data data set set because because the the luminosity luminosity isis affected affected by by the the beam beam tuning. tuning. As As seen seen inin Fig. Fig. 33 the the luminosity luminosity was was enhanced enhanced after after the the installation installation of of the the solenoids solenoids in in September September 2001. 2001. The The luminosity luminosity may may be be slightly slightly improved improved above above 0.5 0.5 mA mA22 after after the the installation installation in in January January 2002 2002 though though the the improvement improvementmight mightbe becaused causedby bythe thebeam beamtuning. tuning. 1 train, rain,1153 1153bunches, bunches, 44rf rfbucket bucketspacing spacing 2 2 FIGURE FIGURE3.3. The Theluminosity luminosityper perbunch bunchatatseveral severalinstallation installation stages stagesof ofthe thesolenoids. solenoids. Fig. Fig. 22 shows shows the the vertical vertical beam beam size size in in aa long long train train for for physics physics experiment experiment at at several several installation installation stages stages of of the the solenoids. solenoids. The The threshold threshold current current of of the the blow-up blow-up 3 July 1-10 2001 3 22 LER )) LER.bunch bunchcurrent current••HER HERbunch bunchcurrent current(mA (mA. Beam Beam blow-up blow-up 4 Dec. 8-17 2001 4 0 "0O Power Power supplies supplies of of the the solenoids solenoids are are those those for for correctors correctors of of the the KEKB KEKB rings rings and and the the TRISTAN TRISTAN collider. collider. The The solenoids solenoids were were installed installed in in LER LER five five times. times. Before Before September September 2001 2001 about about 1280 1280 m m were were covered covered by by the the solenoids. solenoids. In In September September 2001 2001 the the bobbinless bobbinless solenoids solenoids were were mainly mainly installed installed in in NEG NEG and and ion ion pump pump sections sections and and in in January January 2002 2002 the the bobbinless bobbinless solenoids solenoids were were installed installed between between quadrupole quadrupoleand and sextupole sextupole magnets. magnets. The The length length covered covered by by the the solenoid solenoid field field larger larger than than 20 20 Gauss Gauss isis about about 870 870 m m in in the the installation installation in in September September 2001 2001 and and 28 28 m m in in the the installation installation in in January January 2002. 2002. Now Now the the solenoid solenoid field field covers covers about about 75% 75% of of the the circumference. circumference. Table Table 33 shows shows installation installation history historyof ofthe the solenoids. solenoids. 5 Feb. 8-14 2002 5 600 600 800 800 1000 1OOO1200 12OO1400 14OO1600 16OO LER LER beam beam current current(mA) (mA) FIGURE FIGURE2.2. Effect Effect of ofsolenoids solenoidson onthe thevertical verticalbeam beamsize sizefor for aalong longtrain trainmeasured measuredby bythe the interferometer interferometer [2]. [2]. increased increased in in each each installation installation of of the the solenoids solenoids and and finally finally the the blow-up blow-up disappeared disappeared in in the the measurement measurement in in February February 2002. 2002. 358 Vertical beam size at IP (micr Low alpha lattice r o 1 1rain, 1153 -— -|^ • 1 1rain, 1537 ^JMF ^jjr 400 SUMMARY j ' 6C>0 800 1000 1^ER beam current (mA) 1200 Dec. To it rain, 1153 : ~"\» I t rain, 1318 The solenoids for suppressing the electron cloud were added in LER at September 2001 and January 2002 in the KEKB LER. After the addition of the solenoids the electron cloud effects were measured to see the effect of it. Results are summarized as \ jJ» i^H* »0 Vertical beam size at IP (micron) blurches, 4 bucket spacing b bunches, 4 bucket spacing bunches, 3-4 bucket spacing ; 14C 2001 1) The blow-up of the beam size was disappeared up to 1300 mA with the fill pattern of 4 rf bucket spacing after the installation of the solenoids in January 2002. I J ; I ~_j*---i 2) The luminosity was improved after the installation of the solenoids in September 2001 and seems to be slightly improved after that in January 2002. f ----$;---*-----® i =t 6OO 8OO i 1OOO LER beam current (mA) 3) Tune shift along the train was decreased at least 40% after the installation in September 2001. FIGURE 4. Vertical beam size in several rf bucket spacing measured by the interferometer. "3-4 bucket spacing means that the bunch spacing in the unit of rf bucket is 3,4,3,4,... 4) Growth rate of the coupled bunch instability decreased by 70 % after the installation in September 2001, while the mode spectrum was not changed much. Tune shift and coupled bunch instability The betatron tune of the bunch increases along the bunch train due to the electric force of the electron cloud [5]. Fig. 5 shows the tune shift before and after the installation of the solenoids in September 2001. The tune shift along the train decreased when the solenoids were added. 5) Threshold bunch current of the blow-up is proportional to the bunch separation. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the members of KEKB group for their help for installing the solenoids and measuring the beam parameters. They also thank K. Oide for his support to winding the solenoids. 0.005 IO.OO4 i O.OOS ........... ..^1.01 i mA/bunch f ---<=> ~~f --o-j-Q-- ; 0.002 _ O.OO1 : o o r.........|..........f O -0.001 O boOOO c) 2O 4O p^l Dec. 01 O.31mA/bunch 6O 8O Bucket 1OO O.OO3 O.OO2 0.001 O -O.OO1 REFERENCES 14O 1. K. Akai et al., "COMMISSIONING OF THE KEKB BFACTORY", PAC'99, New York, Particle Accelerator Vol. 1,288-292(1999). All solenoid on O.OO6 O.OOS 0.004 12O Apr. Cn O.26m A/bunch H'o b o o 5-6^--°-|---L........I-0000 ! ^ •^ j-^ ° ! i : !° '- ! ; °f ^ f0o°--?----...........L.......LO.31mA/bunch . . . i . . . . . . | . . . 2. H. Fukuma, "ELECTRON CLOUD EFFECTS AT KEKB", ECLOUD02, CERN, April 2002, to be appeared in CERN-2002-001. " : i . . . E 6O SO Bucket 3. K. Ohmi and F. Zimmermann, "Head-Tail Instability Caused by Electron Clouds in Positron Storage Rings", Phys.Rev.Lett.85: 3821- 3824(2000). FIGURE 5. The effect of the solenoids on the horizontal and vertical tune shift along the train. Bunch current was 0.31 A. 4. The electron cloud can cause the transverse coupled bunch instability. In fact the mode spectrum of the coupled bunch instability observed in LER was changed with and without solenoid field [6]. The growth rate of the coupled bunch instability decreased by 74% and 66% in horizontal and vertical planes respectively after the installation of the solenoids in September 2001. The mode spectrum was not changed much, which can be expected because the addition of the solenoids would not change the transverse distribution of the electron cloud. F. Zimmermann, "THE ELECTRON CLOUD INSTABILITY: SUMMARY OF MEASUREMENTS AND UNDERSTANDING", 666, PAC2001, Chicago, June 2001. 5. K. Ohmi et al., "STUDY OF COHERENT TUNE SHIFT CAUSED BY ELECTRON CLOUD", APAC01, Beijing, September 2001. 6. S. S. Win et al., "Effect of Electron Cloud on the Bunch Oscillations in KEKB LER ", ECLOUD02, CERN, April 2002, to be appeared in CERN-2002-001. 359
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