Some Space-Charge Effects in Electron Cooling Devices V.V. Parkhomchuk and V.B. Reva The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia Abstract. The method of electron cooling uses an energy exchange between ions and electrons, both moving with the same average velocity in a special section of the ion ring [1]. The interaction between the ions and electrons leads to the various effects on the properties of the ion beam INTERACTION OF THE SPACECHARGE FLUCTUATION IN THE ION AND THE ELECTRON BEAMS (2) It is convenient to represent the action of the Coulomb force on a single particle as a sum of two parts. The first part is a short-range interaction. This action is similar to the friction force of a fast particle moving in a cold gas. The second, long-range part of the interaction manifests itself as the action of a collective electric field. This interaction is more complicated and may lead to both decreasing ion energy and increasing ion energy. One of the reasons for this is related to the finite time of interaction between the ion and electron beams in the cooling section. In the case of a closed system the collective oscillation is reversible in time and does not lead to growth of the total energy of the ions. In our case, where the system is open and the electron beam is continuously renewed, the situation demands a special analysis. <% where co0 = ^cdj + ct)f , T is the time of ion passage through the electron cooling section, Mcool is the transfer matrix from the state vector [sifs^] at the point before cooling section ( s = 0 ) to the state vector [si , S ' J at the point S = Lcool . The initial parameters of the electron beam are zero: se = dse /dt = 0 . The determinant value is Det(Mcooi) < 1 for small values of the interaction time <BbT, but the determinant Det(Mcooj) > 1 for large G)bT>27i. The parameter 00^ (Oi M)2 defines the difference of the Det value from 1. This model is applicable to high-frequency oscillations with a small wave vector. Such oscillations have small lifetime and fast mixing due to Landau damping. Thus this effect can be considered as an amplifier or a suppressor of a fluctuation. Its real role depends on the amount of energy contained in this short-wave fluctuation. A simple model illustrating the features of the finite time interaction is the the short-range longitudinal fluctuation model. Its dynamics can be described by the equations [2]: (1) The equations of transverse motion of ion and electron beams in the magnetic field of the cooling section cooler are [3-5] dt2 Here Sj and se are the longitudinal shift of the ion and the electron from an unperturbed location, co^ and (Oi are the frequencies of longitudinal space-charge oscillations of the given wave vectors, and (Obi and (Oie are the oscillation frequencies of one type of particle in the collective field of the other particle type. 2 3s ds + • 1 ds +''TT(*>''TTW- (3) The determinant of the ion transfer matrix corresponding to these equations is CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 329 STOCHASTIC HEATING OF THE ION BEAM DUE TO ELECTRON BEAM NOISE FLUCTUATIONS Here (z,-) = (*,-) is the centre-of-mass displacement of the ion and electron beams, The electron beam can affect the ion beam as a lens with fluctuating strength. If the total space charge of the electron beam is changing at high frequency, then the life-time of the ion beam decreases. The noise in the electron beam can be induced by both the noise in the power supply and the intrinsic processes of the electron beam. The storage of secondary electrons and fast losses can also add space-charge fluctuations. 2= ie ne and nf are the densities of the ion and electron beams in the laboratory frame, B is the magnetic field, eZi is the ion charge, and mi and me are ion and electron masses. We assume that the radii of the beams are equal, the disturbance of the beams is a long-wavelength transverse displacement, the radius of the vacuum chamber is large so that image forces are negligible, and the drift approximation is correct (A He « Am, A,ei, A,ie). The matrix of one revolution of the ion beam in the ring containing the cooling section is Mring=LRLMcool. In a simple model the electron beam noise is defined by the current fluctuation, with the fluctuation independent for each ion turn. In this case we can write the increment of ion betatron amplitude a as da dt The cooling time of ions with betatron amplitude equal a is [7]: (4) R is the Twiss matrix that is multiplied from the right and left sides by a matrix L of adrift section with a negative length of - Lcool / 2 . \ ( The result of analysis in the case of small L cool rtrt ' a<a a>a (7) where Je is the current of the electron beam, q is the electron charge, re, ij are the classical electron and ion radii, Lnc is the Coulomb logarithm, r| is the fraction of the storage ring occupied by the cooling device, p,y are beam kinetic parameters, aeff is the effective amplitude defining the magnitude of the cooling force, ae is the electron beam radius, p is the betatron function at the cooling device, and f 0 is the revolution frequency. By comparing eqs. (6) and (7), one can see that the cooling time increases as a^ if the ion moves inside the electron beam and as a^ if ion is outside the electron beam. Thus it is possible that, for some amplitudes of ion betatron oscillation, the cooling process does not compensate the heating process. The ion amplitudes increase and the ions are lost from the storage ring. Fig.4 shows the heating and cooling power of a cooling device with parameters similar to that of ref. [6]. (5) where A is the eigenvalue for matrix M ring . Here (3L is the beta-function, Lcool is the length of the cooling section. The result is unusual. There is an eigenvalue greater than unity, which means that there is an unstable motion of the centre-of-mass of the ion beam. The decrease of the beta-function J3± and the increase of the magnetic field in the cooling section leads to a decrease in the growth rate of this instability, but it does not suppress it completely. The effect is associated with the redistribution of energy between the various ion beam oscillation modes in the cooling section. 330 be less than 0.1%. The threshold amplitude for ion loss is then more than 10 cm. REFERENCES [ 1 ] G. I. Budker, AtEnerg. 22 (1967) 246-2582. [2] V. V. Parkhomchuk, Nucl .Instr. Meth. A441 (2000) 9-17 [3] P. R. Zenkevich, A.E.Bolshakov, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 441 (2000), p.36-39. [4] A.Burov, Nucl. .Instr. .Meth , A 441 (2000), p.2327. [5] V. V. Parkhomchuk and V. B. Reva, Journal Exp. Theor. Phys., v.91 (2000), N 5, pp.975-982. [ 6 ] E. I. Antokhin et al., "Conceptual project of an electron cooling system at an energy of electrons of 350 keV", Nucl. Instr. Meth., A 441 (2000), p.87-91. Ion betatron amplitude (cm) FIGURE 1. Cooling and heating power as a function of ion betatron amplitude. One can see that a fluctuation of electron current by about 2% leads to the situation where ions with amplitude less than 3 mm can be cooled. The other ions will be lost. For normal operation of a cooling device the level of electron current fluctuation should 331
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