Intense Beam Experiments at the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) R. A. Kishek, P. G. O'Shea, M. Reiser, B. Beaudoin, S. Bernal, Y. Cui, A. Diep, D. Feldman, M. Glanzer, T. F. Godlove, I. Haber, J. Harris, H. Li, J. Neumann, B. Quinn, M. Qurius, M. Snowel, A. Valfells, M. Virgo, M. Walter, R. Yun, Y.Zou Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, Univ. of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-3511, USA Abstract. A detailed understanding of the physics of space-charge dominated beams is vital for many modern accelerators. In that regard, low-energy, high-intensity electron beams provide an excellent model system. The University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) has been designed to study the physics of space-charge dominated beams with extreme intensity in a strong focusing lattice with dispersion. At 10-keV, 100 mA, the UMER beam has a generalized perveance of 0.0015. Though compact (11-m in circumference), UMER is a very complex device. An update on construction and early experimental results is presented. intensities in a circular lattice, namely, the University of Maryland Electron Ring (UMER) [3]. In addition, we have a number of side experiments, particularly, the Long Solenoid Experiment (LSE) [4], designed to study longitudinal beam physics in a straight geometry. These machines are designed to serve as a low-cost research tool for building higher intensity accelerators for a variety of applications, such as heavy-ion fusion drivers, the low energy end of high intensity electron linacs, ion booster synchrotrons, muon colliders, and spallation neutron sources. INTRODUCTION There has been an increased interest in space charge effects in recent years. In linear accelerators, the demand for ever lower beam emittance and increased current has meant that space-charge driven emittance growth and halo formation can be a consideration at energies as high as 100 MeV in some electron linacs proposed for fourth generation light sources [1]. Circular machines, on the other hand, have been limited to much lower intensities than linacs due to destructive resonances which can severely limit the achievable number of turns. With space charge, the resonances are no longer caused by the interaction between the single particle orbits and the harmonics of the field errors. Instead, a resonance can occur when the frequency of a collective beam mode coincides with one of the harmonics of the error frequency spectrum. The unknown territory in the extreme space-charge dominated regime is very challenging and should provide a wealth of new phenomena. The UMER facility will allow us to investigate emittance growth due to conversion of free energy, halo formation, and equipartitioning in a circular machine [5]. So far, these effects have only been studied in linear transport lines. In addition, UMER will permit experimental investigations of longitudinal-transverse coupling and beam profile changes resulting from dispersion; the behavior of bunch ends, resonance traversal; the longitudinal resistive wall instability; and other effects in the space-charge dominated regime that are currently inaccessible. At the University of Maryland, we have a tradition of using low-energy electron beams as model systems for studying space charge phenomena that are of general interest in intense beam systems [2]. Previously, all of our research had been done with straight-line systems. Our motivation to develop a ring system is twofold. There are many interesting phenomena in intense beam physics that evolve over longer distances than our 5-m linear solenoid channel. Furthermore, a ring with both strong focusing and dispersion would also allow us to study resonance issues in a realistic setting. We are also investigating the possibility of using UMER and related systems for laboratory studies related to galactic dynamics. Many of the dynamical processes involved in galactic formation and evolution appear to have analogs in the physics of high intensity beams [6]. Currently we are constructing one major facility for conducting experiments in beam physics at extreme CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 319 KEY UMER FEATURES Table 1 lists someUMER relevantFEATURES parameters of UMER. KEY The beam is drifting at 10 keV, and 36 FODO cells Table 1 lists some relevant parameters of UMER. around each turn provide transverse focusing, while 3 The beam is drifting at 10 keV, and 36 FODO cells induction longitudinal In a 3 aroundgaps each provides turn provide transverse focusing. focusing, while future stage, the induction gaps will also be used to a induction gaps provides longitudinal focusing. In accelerate the beam to 50 keV. At the present p of 0.2, future stage, the induction gaps will also be used to the beam is nonrelativistic. intensity accelerate the beam to 50 The keV.beam At the present can β of be 0.2, quantified in is a number of ways,The forbeam example usingcan thebe the beam nonrelativistic. intensity dimensionless % example (defined using in ref. quantified inintensity a numberparameter, of ways, for the [3] as the ratio of the space-charge forceχ to the external dimensionless intensity parameter, (defined in ref. focusing force thespace-charge beam radius). tune [3] as the ratio at of the force toThe the external focusing isforceexpressed at the beam radius).of The depression in terms % tune as depression is and expressed in wavenumber terms of kχ asas the plasma p ν k = = 1 − χ , and the plasma wavenumber kp as ν 0 k0 HIF drivers, for example, will likely kp = 2 χ . HIF drivers, for example, will likely k0 operate with 0.89 <% < 0.98. With a zero-current operate with per 0.89period <χ < of 0.98. phase advance <J0 =With 76°,a azero-current nominal phase advance per period of σ 0 = 76°, a nominal emittance of 8n = 10 |im and beam radius a = 1 cm, emittance of εnthis = 10 µm of andextreme beam radius a = 1The cm, UMER can attain region intensity. UMER can attain this region of extreme intensity. The intensity parameter, tune depression or beam current intensity parameter, tune depression or beam current can be varied in UMER over a wide range by changing can be varied in UMER over a wide range by changing to different apertures sizes in the beam collimator at to different apertures sizes in the beam collimator at the the exitexit of the gun,gun, by by changing thetheanode-cathode of the changing anode–cathode spacing, or by thethe beam energy. spacing, or changing by changing beam energy. TABLE 1. UMER design specifications. TABLE 1. UMER design specifications.Data Data ____________fromfrom[3]____________ [3] Energy 1010keV Energy keV p(=v/c) 0.2 0.2 β (= v/c) Current <=<= 100 Current 100mA mA Generalized perveance 0.0015 Generalized perveance 0.0015 Emittance, 4x rms, norm Emittance, 4x rms, norm 1010jim µm Pulse Length 40-100nsns Pulse Length 40-100 Circumference 11.52mm Circumference 11.52 197nsns LapLap timetime 197 Pulse repetition Pulse repetition raterate 6060HzHz Mean beam radius Mean beam radius <=<= 1 1cmcm FODO period 0.32 FODO period 0.32 mm 0-current phase advance, σ o 0-current phase advance, <J0 7676° ° 7.6 0-current Betatron tune, ν o 0-current Betatron tune, V0 7.6 Tune Depression >= 0.2 Tune Depression___________>=0.2_____ The electron bunch is injected into the ring at a The electron injected the the ringinjector at a repetition ratebunch of 60isHz or lessinto from repetition rate of 60 Hz or less from the injector system [7] with the help of a DC Panofsky quadrupole system with the helpThe of bunch a DC Panofsky quadrupole and [7] a pulsed dipole. can be extracted within and the a pulsed dipole. The bunch can be extracted first turn or after any number of turnswithin with a the system first turn after any of the turns with line a that or duplicates the number features of injector system thatthat duplicates the features the injector except the electron gun is of replaced by a line large except that the electron gun is replaced by a large diagnostic chamber with phosphor screen, emittance meter and energy analyzer [4, 8]. diagnostic chamber with phosphor screen, emittance meter and complete, energy analyzer [4, 8].magnetic lattice will When the ring consist of over 140 quadrupoles, dipoles and steering When complete, the ring magnetic lattice will magnets. focusing gradients and steering bending consist ofThe overtypical 140 quadrupoles, dipoles and fields are on the order of 5 Gauss/cm and 10 Gauss, magnets. The typical focusing gradients and bending respectively. The use of iron-based magnets fields are on the order of 5 Gauss/cm and 10 Gauss,is impractical such use low fields. Therefore,magnets the UMER respectively.for The of iron-based is magnets are based on an iron-free printed circuit (PC) impractical for such low fields. Therefore, the UMER design while fabricated to acircuit very (PC) high magnets[9]arewhich, based on an iron-free printed tolerance, lowers the costto ofa the design [9]considerably which, while fabricated veryproject. high Atolerance, new feature that we lowers have introduced is a considerably the cost of recently the project. quadrupole withthatelectronically adjustable skewness A new feature we have introduced recently is a quadrupole with allows electronically adjustable skewness (roll). The feature us to both correct for residual (roll). Thein feature us to bothalso correct residual skewness our allows system, and to for deliberately skewness skewness in our system, andlocation also toin deliberately introduce at various the ring for introduce skewness at various beam dynamics studies [10]. location in the ring for beam dynamics studies [10]. The design of the electron gun and simulations of The design ofare thedescribed electron gun and simulations its performance elsewhere [11-12]. ofA its performance are described elsewhere [11-12]. A grid near the cathode can be used to generate grid near the cathode can be used to generate perturbations as means of investigating instabilities. means investigatingthe instabilities. Inperturbations addition, weashave beenofinvestigating possibility In addition, we have been investigating the possibility of producing ultra-short (1 ns) current pulses on top of of producing ultra-short (1 ns) current pulses on top of the main pulse. We have achieved this by using a the main pulse. We have achieved this by using a nitrogen laser as a photocathode drive laser on the nitrogen laser as a photocathode drive laser on the dispenser 1). This This will will allow allowisistoto dispenser cathode cathode [13] [13] (Fig. (Fig. 1). create perturbations on the beam that are well located create perturbations on the beam that are well located inintime and space. The evolution of such a perturbation time and space. The evolution of such a perturbation will processes, e.g. e.g. will allow allow us us to to study study dissipative dissipative processes, resistive resistivewall wallphenomena. phenomena. FIGURE1.1.Combined Combined photoelectron photoelectron and FIGURE andthermionic thermioniccurrent current (uppertrace). trace). Note Note the the sharp sharp current (upper current spike spike corresponding correspondingtoto thephotoelectron photoelectron pulse. pulse. The The lower the lower trace trace isis the thegun gunvoltage voltage pulse. pulse. To allow detailed comparison between theory and To allow detailed comparison between theory and experiment, UMER will have a comprehensive set of experiment, UMER will have a comprehensive set of beam diagnostics. Each of the 13 diagnostic stations beam diagnostics. Eachhave of the 13 diagnostic stations around the ring will a phosphor screen and around the ring will have a phosphor screen and capacitive beam position monitor [14]. In addition, fast capacitive beam position monitor [14]. In addition, fast current monitors and resistive beam position monitors current monitors and resistive beam position monitors will also be installed. A sophisticated diagnostic endwill also be A sophisticated diagnostic The endchamber hasinstalled. been fabricated by FM Technologies. chamber beenemittance fabricatedmeters by FMofTechnologies. The chamberhas houses the slit-wire and chamber houses emittance meters of energy the slit-wire and pepper-pot types; a retarding-field analyzer pepper-pot types; a retarding-field energy analyzer 320 with eV resolution for energy and energy spread measurements; a movable phosphor screen with 1.5 meter travel for insertion into the complete transport line; and a Faraday cup for current measurement. around the entire perimeter of the ring during the first turn. This phased installation is scheduled to be completed by mid-2003. After closure, we intend to attempt multi-turn operation, targeting 100 turns at low current (10 mA) and 10 turns at high current (100 mA), while maintaining beam emittance to within a factor of 4. At the end of that phase, we wish to upgrade UMER to a fast cycling synchrotron that accelerates the beam to 50 keV over 50-100 turns to study resonance crossing. DEVELOPMENT OF ENERGY ANALYZER (EA) To measure the energy spread of the beam, we have successively evolved the design of a parallelplate electrostatic retarding voltage energy analyzer (EA) [4,8]. The first improvement consisted of adding a collimating cylinder attached to the retarding mesh. The cylinder collimates the particle trajectories such that they are normally incident on the mesh, hence reducing any errors from a transverse angle or spread in velocities. Simulations show the resolution of the device is about 8 eV (at 10 keV), and the measured values of the energy spread are just slightly greater than this value. This is a factor of 5 improvement over the previous design. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We wish to acknowledge Richard York and his colleagues at Michigan State University as well as FM Technologies, Inc. for their assistance with the design and construction of UMER components. This project is fully supported by the US Dept. of Energy grant numbers DEFG02-94ER40855 and DEFG0292ER54178. REFERENCES Note: in the following, PACOl means "Proceedings of the 2001 Particle Accelerator Conference, Chicago, IL, edited by P. Lucas and S. Weber, IEEE Cat. No. 01CH37268" (2001). 1. P.O. O'Shea and H.P. Freund, Science, 292, 1854 (2001) 2. Martin Reiser, Theory and Design of Charged Particle Beams, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994). 3. P.O. O'Shea, et. al., MM A 464, 646 (2001); also PACOl, p. 159; 4. Y. Cui et al., PACOl, p. 2976. 5. R.A. Kishek, P.O. O'Shea, M. Reiser, Physical Review Letters 85, 4514 (2000). FIGURE 2. Simlon simulation of the latest EA Design, showing the structure of the device and the equipotentials, as well as some representative particle trajectories. 6. R. A. Kishek at al., PACOl, p. 151. While the measured energy spread meets our specification of 20 eV, we are continuing to improve our diagnostic. By electrically separating the collimating cylinder from the retarding mesh [4], we gain additional control over the focusing of the trajectories, and simulations predict an extra factor of 10 in the resolution of the EA, i.e., down to 10"4! This 3rd-generation EA (Fig. 2) is currently being tested. 7. S. Bernal et al., PACOl, p. 2129. 8. A. Valfells et al., PACOl, p. 3582. 9. W.W. Zhang, H. Li, S. Bernal, T. Godlove, R.A. Kishek, P.O. O'Shea, M. Reiser, V. Yun, and M. Venturini, Physical Review ST-AB 3, 122401 (2000). 10. H. Li et al., PACOl, p. 1802. 11. D. Kehne, et al., NIM, A464, 605-609 (2001). 12.1. Haber et al., PACOl, p. 2952; also these proceedings. PLANS 13. D. Feldman et al., PACOl, p. 2132. At present (May 2002), we are engaged in a phased installation of the ring. The first two our of 18 ring sections are currently being installed, and we are therefore about to complete 40 deg. shortly. The installation is done gradually to permit us to take measurements using the end diagnostic chamber 14. J. Harris et al., PACOl, p. 1387. 321
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