Studies of the Coherent Half-Integer Resonance Sarah Cousineau*, Jeff Holmes1^ John Galambos1^ Robert Macek** Alexei Fedotov* and Jie Wei* * Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana ^Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee **Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico ^Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York Abstract. We present studies of space-charge-induced beam profile broadening at high intensities in the Proton Storage Ring (PSR) at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Previous work has associated the observed broadening in the vertical direction with the coherent half integer resonance [1]. Here, we study the effect of the space charge environment on this resonance; specifically, we investigate the strength of the resonance versus beam intensity, longitudinal bunching factor, transverse lattice tune, and two different beam injection scenarios. For each case, detailed particle-in-cell simulations are combined with experimental results to elucidate the behavior and sensitivity of the beam resonance response. INTRODUCTION The next generation of high intensity synchrotrons will require unprecedented minimization of beam loss in order to control radiation activation of the machine. Many of these accelerators will operate in an energy regime where space charge effects are a primary mechanism for halo development and beam loss. In striving towards successively higher beam intensities, an important task is to understand space charge from both theoretical and experimental standpoints. The Proton Storage Ring (PSR) at Los Alamos National Laboratory can operate with very high space charge effects and therefore provides an ideal setting for this type study. In this paper, we analyze experimentally observed beam broadening at high intensities in the PSR ring. Both particle core model and particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations are employed as tools to interpret the data. In the PIC simulations, we pay particular attention to lattice, injection, and RF settings, and in general find very good agreement between the simulated and experimentally measured beam profiles. The quantity of merit in space charge studies has traditionally been the incoherent space charge tune shift limit. Recently, experimental and computational work has shown that the coherent tune bears more consequence on resonance behavior of the beam [2,3]. A complete analysis of the half-integer coherent resonance response was performed by Sacherer in his doctoral thesis [4], and we quote his results extensively here. He used the particle core model to demonstrate that the onset of the half-integer resonance occurs at space charge tune shifts in excess of the incoherent tune limit. He later extended his analysis to rms second moments of the beam distribution, thus making it applicable to realistic space charge scenarios. We have performed extensive work to tie Sacherer's core model together with an independently developed rms core model which includes dispersion [5,6] and also with PIC calculations and experimental data. The emphasis here is weighted heavily towards the experimental side. BEAM BROADENING AT HIGH INTENSITY AT PSR The PSR ring is 90 meters in length an can accumulate up to about 5 x 1013 protons. Beam profile broadening is observed at the highest operating intensities (above 3 x 1013) and coincides with an escalation of beam losses. For the experiment presented here, 7juC of beam was accumulated over a period of 1.16ms, or about 3214 turns, injecting 1.36 x 1010 protons per turn. The lattice tunes were set to their nominal working values of (VK, Vy) = (3.19,2.19), and optimal injection settings with vertical painting were used. Horizontal and vertical profiles were measured on a wire scanner in the extraction channel after the full accumulation of beam. The intensity of the beam was varied by chopping the linac beam pulses before injection into the ring. The profiles in Figure 1 show the vertical beam profile at one-fourth of the full intensity, one-half of the full intensity, and at the full intensity. No significant difference is observable between the one-fourth and one half intensity profiles, whereas the full intensity case exhibits a large amount of beam broadening. In order to explore the area between the half and the full intensities, we invoke PIC model simulations of the full experiment. The simulations neglect magnetic errors, strip foil scattering, and chromatic effects, but include a complete set of transverse and longitudinal space charge CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 306 Experimental Vertical Beam Profiles Experimental Experimental Vertical Vertical Beam Beam Profiles Profiles Y Tune Y Tune 1/4 Intensity Intensity 1/21/4 Intensity Intensity Full1/2 Intensity Full Intensity -40 -40 -30 -30 -20 -20 -10 -10 0 10 0 10 Y [mm] Y [mm] 20 20 3030 30 4040 40 FIGURE 1.1.1.Vertical beam profiles measured FIGURE Vertical beam profi les measuredonon ona awire a wire wirescanscanFIGURE Vertical beam profiles measured scanner after extraction ofof the accumulated ner after extraction of the accumulatedbeam, beam,shown shownforfor onener after extraction the accumulated beam, shown foroneonefourth, one-half, and full intensity beams. fourth, one-half, and full intensity beams. fourth, one-half, and full intensity beams. Incoherent Tune versus Longitudinal Position IncoherentTune Tuneversus versusLongitudinal LongitudinalPosition Position Incoherent Full Intensity Full Intensity Full Intensity Half Intensity Half Halfintensity Intensity -3-3 -3 -2 -2 -1 -1 00 1 0 1 Phi [rad] Phi [rad] Phi [rad] 2 2 3 3 FIGURE FIGURE Incoherent tune shifts plotted asasaaafunction function ofof FIGURE2.2. 2. Incoherent Incoherenttune tuneshifts shiftsplotted plottedas functionof longitudinal longitudinal coordinate the ring for full and half intensity longitudinalcoordinate coordinateinin inthe thering ringfor forfull fulland andhalf halfintensity intensity beams. beams. The dashed line corresponds the half-integer stopbeams.The Thedashed dashedline linecorresponds correspondstototothe thehalf-integer half-integerstopstopband. band. band. a aafact fact which makes for interesting experiments related toto factwhich whichmakes makesfor forinteresting interestingexperiments experimentsrelated relatedto the longitudinal bunching factor. the longitudinal bunching factor. the longitudinal bunching factor. 1.25 1.25 1.25 Normalized Amplitude Normalized Amplitude interactions; interactions;therefore, therefore,space spacecharge chargeprovides providesthe the only interactions; therefore, space charge provides theonly only nonlinearity. The details of the code are available in the nonlinearity. The details of the code are available in nonlinearity. The details of the code are available in the the ORBIT reference manual [7]. ORBIT reference manual [1].Although Althoughthe thebenchmarks benchmarks ORBIT reference manual [7]. Although the benchmarks are not shown here, good are not shown here, goodagreement agreementisis isreached reachedfor for each are not shown here, good agreement reached foreach each ofof the profiles shown in Figure 1, as well as for the other of the profiles shown in Figure 1, as well as for the other the profiles shown in Figure 1, as well as for the other experimental profiles experimental profilesdiscussed discussedbelow. below. experimental profiles discussed below. Two quantities that are of importance Two quantities that are of importance indiagnosing diagnosing Two quantities that are of importanceinin diagnosing space-charge-inducedeffects effectsonon ona aabeam beamare arethe thespacespacespace-charge-induced space-charge-induced effects beam are the spacecharge-depressed incoherent tunes, and the second mocharge-depressed incoherent tunes, and the second charge-depressed incoherent tunes, and the secondmomoment of the beam, both available to us through the ment of the beam, both available to us through the PIC ment of the beam, both available to us through the PIC PIC simulations. Figure 2 below below showsthe theformer, former,plotted plotted simulations. Figure 2 2below shows simulations. Figure shows the former, plottedasas as afunction functionofof of longitudinaldistance distanceinin inthe thering, ring,for forboth both a afunction longitudinal longitudinal distance the ring, for both the half intensity and full intensitycases. cases. ThePSR PSR longithe thehalf halfintensity intensityand andfull fullintensity intensity cases.The The PSRlongilongitudinal profile is sharplypeaked peakedininthe thecenter, center,leading leading to tudinal profile is sharply tudinal profile is sharply peaked in the center, leadingtoto large tune depressions in this area. For the halfsize size beam, large largetune tunedepressions depressionsininthis thisarea. area.For Forthe thehalf half sizebeam, beam, the maximally depressedtune tuneshifts shiftsslightly slightlyexceed exceedthe the the maximally depressed the maximally depressed tune shifts slightly exceed the incoherent half-integerthreshold, threshold,νyVy==2.0. 2.0.Recall Recallthat that incoherent half-integer incoherent half-integer threshold, νy = 2.0. Recall that no beam broadeningoccurs occurs at thisstage, stage, implyingthat that nono beam beambroadening broadening occursatatthis this stage,implying implying that the incoherent threshold can be crossed without immedithe theincoherent incoherentthreshold thresholdcan canbebecrossed crossedwithout withoutimmediimmediate consequence to the beam. At thefull fullintensity, intensity,where where ate consequence to the beam. At the ate consequence to the beam. At the full intensity, where the broadening is seen, the beam has crossed the incoherthe broadening isisseen, has the the broadening seen,the thebeam beamThe hascrossed crossed theincoherincoherent limit by an additional 0.1. limit forthe the onset of ent limit by an additional 0.1. The limit for onset ent limit by an additional 0.1. The limit for the onsetofof beam broadening relative to the tune shift points strongly beam broadening relative totothe tune strongly beam broadening relative the tuneshift shiftpoints points strongly towards a coherent response tothethe resonance condition. towards a acoherent response toto resonance condition. towards coherent response the resonance condition. Furtherevidence evidenceofofthethecoherent coherentresonance resonanceisisprepreFurther Further evidence of thethe coherent resonance is presented in Figure 3, where secondorder ordermoments moments of sented in Figure 3, where the second sented in Figure 3, where the secondbeam orderenvelope, momentsof of the beam, normalized to the matched are the beam, normalized totothe matched beam envelope, are the beam, normalized the matched beam envelope, are plotted over oneturn turn of theaccelerator. accelerator.Here, Here,the therms rms plotted over plotted overone oneexecutes turnofofthe the accelerator. Here, thea sigrms beam envelope four oscillations per turn, beam envelope executes four oscillations per turn, a asigbeam envelope executes four oscillations per turn, signature trait ofthethehalf-integer half-integercoherent coherentresonance. resonance.The The nature trait ofof nature traitare the half-integer coherent resonance. The moments plotted for particles in the middle of the lonmoments are plotted for particles ininthe middle ofofthe lonmoments are plotted for particles the middle the longitudinal distribution, where the density is highest. An gitudinal distribution, where the isishighest. An gitudinal distribution, where thedensity density highest. analysis of the moments outside of this range showsAna analysis of the moments outside of this range shows analysis of the moments outside of this range showsa a sharp decrease in the moment amplitudes, and frequensharp decrease in the moment amplitudes, and frequensharp decreasetowards in the moment frequencies tending twice theamplitudes, bare tunes and as we move cies tending towards twice the bare tunes we move cies towards tunesasas wethe move awaytending from the center.twice This the is anbare indication that obaway from the center. This that the away theprofile center. Thisisisananindication indication that theobobservedfrom beam broadening results mainly from parserved beam broadening results mainly parserved beamprofile profile broadening mainlyfrom from particles located at the very center ofresults the longitudinal bunch, ticles ticleslocated locatedatatthe thevery verycenter centerofofthe thelongitudinal longitudinalbunch, bunch, 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.05 2.05 2.05 2 22 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.85 1.85 1.85 •z. One OneTurn TurnVertical VerticalBeam BeamMoments Moments One Turn Vertical Beam Moments 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.1 1.1 1.05 1.05 1.05 1 1 0.95 0.95 0.95 0.9 0.9 0.9 00 0 \J . 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 70 80 90 1010 2020 30 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Distance[m] [m] Distance Distance [m] FIGURE3.3. Normalized Normalizedsecond secondmoments momentsof ofthe the full intensity intensity FIGURE FIGURE 3. plotted Normalized second of thefull full intensity vertical beam, overone one turnmoments ofthe thering. ring. vertical beam, plotted over turn of vertical beam, plotted over one turn of the ring. EXPLORATIVEEXPERIMENTS EXPERIMENTS EXPLORATIVE EXPLORATIVE EXPERIMENTS Thissection sectionisisdedicated dedicatedtotothree threeexperiments experimentsperformed performed This This section isonset dedicated to three experiments to explore the of the resonance in detail. Inperformed the first first totoexplore the onset ofofthe resonance inindetail. In explore the onset the resonance detail. Inthe the first experiment, the longitudinal profile shape was altered experiment, the profile shape was experiment, thelongitudinal longitudinal wasaltered altered placingaanotch notch inthe thecenter centerprofile ofthe theshape longitudinal probyby placing in of longitudinal proby placing a notch in the center of the longitudinal profile, i.e., no beam was injected within 15 degrees of the file, i.e., nonobeam was injected within 1515degrees ofofthe file, i.e., beam was injected within degrees the centerofofthe thebunch bunchtrain; train;additional additional beam beam was was injected injected center center of the bunch train; additional beam was injected outsideofofthis thisrange range so that that the the final final intensity of of the the outside outside ofunaffected. this rangeso so that the finalintensity intensity ofthe the beam was Beam eventually diffused into beam unaffected. Beam eventually diffused into beamwas was unaffected. Beam eventually diffused intothe the notched region, but the overall peaking was greatly renotched region, but peaking renotchedand region, butthe theoverall overall peakingwas wasgreatly greatly reduced, the bunching factor increased from the nomduced, and the bunching factor increased from the nomduced, andofthe bunching inal value about 0.3 tofactor about increased 0.45. Thefrom effectthe onnomthe inal 0.3 totoabout 0.45. The effect ononthe inalvalue valueofprofiles ofabout aboutis 0.3 about 0.45.4, The effect the transverse shown in Figure where the vertitransverse profiles isisshown ininFigure 4,4,where the vertitransverse profiles shown Figure where the vertical profiles after the full accumulation with and without cal after accumulation with and without calprofiles profiles afterthe thefull full the longitudinal notch areaccumulation plotted. Notewith thatand the without longithe longitudinal notch are plotted. Note that the longithe longitudinal notch are plotted. Note that tudinally notched beam is about 15% thinner. the FulllongiPIC tudinally beam isisabout 15% thinner. Full tudinallynotched notched about 15% thinner. FullPIC PIC simulations of the beam experiment show that the emittance simulations ofofthe experiment show that the emittance simulations the experiment show that the emittance growth for the highest intensity case is greatly reduced growth growthfor forthe thehighest highestintensity intensitycase caseisisgreatly greatlyreduced reduced 307 when the notch isis in withthe thefinal finalrms rmsemittance emittance when whenthe thenotch in place, place, with with the final rms emittance reaching about77Inmm mm··•mrad mrad with thenotch, notch,compared comparedtoto to reaching ππmm reachingabout mradwith withthe compared the 9.5 mm··•mrad mrad reached without thenotch. Thenotch notch the ππmm the9.5 9.5nmm mradreached reachedwithout withoutthe notch.The The notch was not observedto makeany anydifference differencein theprofiles profiles was wasnot not observed to make make any difference ininthe the profiles in lower intensitycases, wherethe thebeam beamisisisnot notnear nearthe the in inlower lowerintensity cases, where where the beam not near the resonance. resonance. resonance. 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.015 0.015 0.015 00 0 0.025 0.025 0.025 -0.005 -0.005 -0.005 -50 -40 -30 - 2-20 0 --10 1 0-10 00 0 10 1010 20 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 50 50 50 -50 -50 -40 -40 -30 -30-20 Y[mm] Y [mm] Y [mm] 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.015 0.015 0.015 FIGURE 5.5. Vertical Vertical experimental FIGURE after accumulaFIGURE5. Verticalexperimental experimentalprofiles profiles after accumulation ofofaa a55jUC beam 17mm painted to to µ5C and a beam tion µCbeam beampainted paintedto to17mm 17mm and a beam painted tionof 12mm. The solid painted beam andand thethe dashed 12mm. is is thethe large dashed 12mm.The Thesolid solidredred large painted beam dashed blue isisthe the small blue painted beam. blueis thesmall small painted beam. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.005 0.005 0.005 00 -40 -40 -40 17mm Injection 17mm Injection 17mm injection 12mm Injection 12mm Injection 2mm 0.005 0.005 0.005 No NoNotch Notch With WithNotch Notch 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.025 0.025 0.025 0.01 0.01 0.01 ComparisonofofExperimental ExperimentalVertical Vertical Profiles (Full Intensity) Comparison Comparison Experimental VerticalProfiles Profiles(Full (FullIntensity) Intensity) 0.035 0.035 0.035 Vertical Beam, Intensity Vertical Beam, Full Intensity Vertical Beam, FullFull Intensity 0.03 0.03 0.03 -30 -30 -30 -20 -20 -20 -10 -10 -10 10 000 10 10 YY[mm] Y[mm] [mm] 20 20 20 30 30 30 40 40 40 FIGURE 4. 4. Vertical Vertical experimental experimental beam profi les for for FIGURE µ CC FIGURE 4. Vertical experimentalbeam beamprofiles profiles foraaa77juC 7µ beam with and without a longitudinal notch. The red solid line beam with and without a longitudinal notch. The red solid line beam with and without a longitudinal notch. The red solid line thebeam beamwithout withoutthe the longitudinal notch (bunching factor «≈ is isisthe the beam without thelongitudinal longitudinalnotch notch(bunching (bunchingfactor factor≈ .3) and the blue dashed beam is the beam with the longitudinal .3) and the blue dashed beam is the beam with the longitudinal .3) and the blue dashed beam is the beam with the longitudinal notch (bunchingfactor factor « .45). notch notch (bunching (bunching factor≈≈.45). .45). In the the second second experiment, experiment, the horizontal tune was In In the second experiment, the the horizontal horizontal tune tunewas was kept atat the the fixed fixed value value of of νvxx == 3.19, 3.19, while while the the vertical vertical kept kept at the fixed value of νx = 3.19, while the vertical tune wasincrementally incrementally lowered from from the nominal nominal v = tune tune was was incrementallylowered lowered fromthe the nominalννyy y== 2.19 toto νvyy == 2.09 2.09 in in steps steps of of 0.02. 0.02. The The result result was aa 2.19 was a 2.19 to νy = 2.09 in steps of 0.02. The resultwas dramatic increase increase in in the the rms rms beam beam width width from from 17mm dramatic dramatic increase in the rms beam width from17mm 17mm at the the highest tune tune value to to 22.5mm 22.5mm at at the the lowest lowest tune tune at at the highest highest tune value value to 22.5mm atlosses the lowest tune value. The corresponding experimental increased value. The corresponding experimental losses increased value. The corresponding experimental losses increased linearlywith withdecreasing decreasing tune tune value value up up until until the the last last data data linearly linearly with decreasing tune value up until most the last data point, where where losses jumped jumped substantially, likely point, losses substantially, most likely point, where losses jumped substantially, most likely causedby byaaviolation violationof ofthe thelimiting limiting ring ring aperture. aperture. caused caused by abeam violation of the limiting ring aperture. Finally, broadening was measured measured as aa funcfuncFinally, beam broadening was as Finally, beamscheme. broadening was measured as a vertifunction ofpainting painting beam was painted painted tion of scheme. AA55juC µ C beam was vertition of painting scheme. A 5 µ C beam was painted verticallytototwo twodifferent different sizes: sizes: one one beam beam was was painted painted with with aa cally cally two different sizes:offset, one beam wasother painted 17mmtomaximum maximum injection andthe the beamwith wasa 17mm injection offset, and other beam was 17mm maximum injection offset,injection and the other beam was painted with a 12mm maximum offset. Profiles painted with a 12mm maximum injection offset. Profiles painted with a 12mm maximum injection offset. Profiles recorded at half of the run intensity (2.5 /iC) show that recorded at half of the run intensity (2.5 µ C) show that recorded at painted half of beam the runisisintensity (2.5 C) show that the smaller smaller painted beam smaller atat theµend end of accuaccuthe smaller the of the smaller painted beam is smaller at the end of accumulation than the larger painted beam. However, with the mulation than the larger painted beam. However, with the mulation than thecurrent, larger painted beam. However, with the full55jUC of beam current, thesmall small andlarge largepainted painted verfull µ C of beam the and verfull 5 µ C of beam current, the small and large painted verticalbeam beamprofiles profiles atatthe the end end of of accumulation accumulation are are nearly nearly tical tical beam profiles at5). theThe endsmaller of accumulation are nearly identical (see Figure 5). The smaller painted beam, beam, subidentical (see Figure painted subidentical (see 5). Thespace smaller painted beam, subject toto aamuch muchFigure more intense intense space charge environment, ject more charge environment, ject tomore a much moreand intense charge environment, reacts more quickly and morespace severely to the the coherent reacts quickly more severely to coherent resonance than does the large painted beam. reacts more quickly and more severely to the coherent resonance than does the large painted beam. PIC simulations of the experiment show that the small resonance than does the large painted beam. PIC simulations of the experiment show that the small painted beam reacts to the resonance very early in the PIC simulations of the experiment show that the painted beam reacts to the resonance very early insmall the accumulation stage, and displays beam moment oscillapainted beam reacts to the resonance very early in the accumulation stage, and displays beam moment oscillations that are about 10% larger than those of the large accumulation stage, and displays beam moment oscillations that are about 10% larger than those of the large painted beam. After this this initial stage ofgrowth, growth, the small tions that are After about 10% larger than those ofthe thesmall large painted beam. initial stage of painted beam oscillates with moment amplitudes just painted beam. After this initial stage of growth, the small painted beam oscillates with moment amplitudes just slightly higher than those of the large painted beam, and painted beam oscillates with moment amplitudes just slightly higher than those of the large painted beam, and the emittance emittance of thethose smallof beam at the thepainted end of ofbeam, accumuslightly higherof than the large and the the small beam at end accumuthe emittance of the small beam at the end of accumu- 308 lation isisabout about 8% large beam. lation thethe lationis about8% 8%greater greaterthan thanthat thatofof large beam. This behavior isisconsistent consistent Sacherer's claims that This Thisbehavior behavioris consistentwith withSacherer’s Sacherer’s claims that the emittance response to to thethe half the half theemittance emittanceofofthe thebeam beamgrows growsinin response half integer thethe space charge environinteger integerresonance resonanceand andweakens weakens space charge environment. In an accumulation ment. In an accumulation scenario, this is an ongoing ment. In an accumulation scenario, this is an ongoing process, and Sacherer's process, analytic equaprocess,and andaa acomparison comparisonofofSacherer’s Sacherer’s analytic equations with with the the PIC simulations simulations shows that the PSR beam tions tions with the PIC simulations shows that the PSR beam is sitting sitting continuously at the very edge of the coherent is is sittingcontinuously continuously at the very edge of the coherent resonance threshold. threshold. resonance emittance ofof thethe beam is growresonance threshold.The The emittance beam is growing constantly constantly in excess of pure painting effects effects in oring ing constantly in excess of pure painting effects in order to to compensate for the resonance condition. Eventuder der tocompensate compensate for the resonance condition. Eventually the beam beam size exceeds exceeds the the limiting limiting ring aperture and ally the ring aperture andand ally the beamsize size exceedslimiting the limiting ring aperture losses escalate, ultimately the attainable beam losses escalate, ultimately limiting the attainable beam losses escalate, ultimately limiting the attainable beam intensity. intensity. intensity. CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS Strong evidence evidence supports supports the the conclusion conclusion that Strong that beam beam Strong evidence supports the conclusion that beam broadening at high intensities in the PSR accumulator broadening at high intensities in the PSR accumulator broadening at of highcoherent intensities in the PSR accumulator ring is aa result result half-integer resonance rering is of aa coherent half-integer resonance rering is a result of a coherent half-integer resonance response. PIC simulations, all well-benchmarked with exsponse. PIC simulations, all well-benchmarked with exsponse. PIC simulations, all well-benchmarked with experimental data, data, show show that that space-charge-depressed space-charge-depressed tunes perimental tunes perimental that space-charge-depressed tunes are in excess excessdata, of the theshow incoherent stopband limit limit before before the are in of incoherent stopband the are in excess of the incoherent stopband limit before onset of of broadening, broadening, and and that that the the beam beam envelope envelope executes onset executesthe onset of broadening, and that the beam envelope four oscillations oscillations per per turn, turn, both both strong strong indicators indicators of ofexecutes cofour aa cofour oscillations per turn, both strong indicators of the a coherent resonance. Experiments performed to explore herent resonance. Experiments performed to explore the herent resonance. Experiments performed to explore resonance show that at high intensity, factors such as lonresonance show that at high intensity, factors such as lon-the resonance showshape, that attransverse high intensity, factors such as longitudinal profile shape, transverse painting scheme, and gitudinal profile painting scheme, and gitudinal profile shape, transverse painting scheme, and variation of bare tune all affect the response of the beam variation of bare tune all affect the response of the beam to the resonance; at low intensities, before the onset of variation of bare tune all affect the response of the beam to the resonance; at low intensities, before the onset of resonance, no significant significant changes are observed observed from the of to the resonance; at lowchanges intensities, before the onset resonance, no are from the modification of these parameters. resonance, no significant changes are observed from the modification of these parameters. This work is supported by SNS through UT-Battelle, modification of these parameters. This work is supported by SNS through UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-OOOR22725 for the This work is supported by SNS throughfor UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 the U.S. U.S. DOE, and by contract Indiana University University through through aa DOE grant, LLC,and under DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. DOE, by Indiana DOE grant, DE-FG02-92ER40747. SNS is is aa through partnership of six DOE, and by Indiana University a DOE DE-FG02-92ER40747. SNS partnership of grant, six national laboratories: Argonne, Argonne, Brookhaven, Jefferson, DE-FG02-92ER40747. SNS Brookhaven, is a partnership of six national laboratories: Jefferson, national laboratories: Argonne, Brookhaven, Jefferson, Lawrence Berkeley, Los Alamos, and Oak Ridge. The Los Alamos National Laboratory is operated by the Univesity of California for the U.S. DOE under contract W7405-ENG-36. REFERENCES 1. J.A. Holmes, V. 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