Intensity Dependent Emittance-Exchangein a High Intensity Proton Synchrotron I. Sakai, S. Machida, T. Adachi, Y. Arakida, Y. Me, K. Kitakawa, Y. Mori, Y. Shimosaki, H. Someya, M. Yoshimoto KEK, 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 305-0801, Japan Abstract. The normalized acceptance of the KEK booster has large value in horizontal plane (80 n mm mrad in the horizontal plane and 1871 mm mrad in the vertical plane). To increase the beam intensity we have been trying to achieve painting injection in the horizontal plane. The intensity-dependent emittance-exchanges in the horizontal and vertical plane were measured by a method using a scraper and bump magnets and extracted beam profiles measured by multiwire profile monitor. machine. However, regarding high-intensity mode operation (>1.8xl012 ppp), the horizontal emittance of the extracted beams dose not exceed the half value of the designed acceptance and only the vertical emittance grows; nevertheless, the injected beams of the booster were extended to the full acceptance by off-center injection in the horizontal plane. This strange, but interesting, phenomenon has been carefully examined and studied from various angles. The beam envelopes were measured through an accelerating process, and it has been known that the shrinking of the horizontal emittance and the blow-up of the vertical emittance both occur in the bunching process just after injection, where the line-charge density increases in the RF bucket. In this paper we discuss the space-charge effects of flat beams in a high-intensity proton synchrotron based on the experimental results. INTRODUCTION The 500-MeV KEK booster has characteristics of rapid cycling (20Hz), being very compact and combined-function magnets. It supplies proton beams to both the 12-GeV main ring (MR) and the neutron and meson science laboratory (NML). The MR demands control of the extracted beam emittance of the booster for optimum injection, and the NML demands high-intensity beams that are as high as possible. The features of the KEK booster are a wide horizontal aperture and a rather narrow vertical aperture, because of its initial design of septum-type multi-turn injection. The normalized value of the designed acceptance of the KEK booster is SOrc mm mrad in the horizontal plane and ISrc mm mrad in the vertical plane. The injection system was converted to one using a charge-exchanging method, and the injection energy has been upgraded to 40MeV to increase the beam intensity. The incoherent spacecharge limit of the booster was calculated to be 3.2xl012 ppp assuming the full designed acceptance of the machine. Until now, a beam intensity of 2.2xl012 ppp was constantly obtained by normal H" injection without painting. At this beam intensity, the emittance of the extracted beam is 40n mm mrad in the horizontal plane and 24n mm mrad in the vertical plane. An increase of the vertical beam size would seem to restrict the beam intensity. But the horizontal emittance of the extracted beams is half the value of the full acceptance. To increase the beam intensity, painting injection in the horizontal plaine has been tried [1]. It had been expected that the beam intensity increases by 25%, if the horizontal emittance is extended to the full acceptance of the machine by painting injection. In the case of a low-intensity beam (<lx!012 ppp), the extracted beam emittance is well controlled by painting injection, and fills the full acceptance of the INJECTION SCHEME AND PAINTING DEVICE The injection scheme of the KEK Booster is shown in Fig.l. The injection system consist of four closedorbit bump magnets for charge-exchange injection and two orbit-shift bump magnets for phase-space painting. The position and angle of the injection point for charge-exchange injection are fixed by the closedorbit bump magnets, and the center of the closed orbit 45 (Wain bump magnets) Bunjp t 45" Bump 2 Butrip 3 Bump 4 FIGURE 1. Charge-Exchange Injection System for Phase Space Painting CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 303 the situation of the off-center painting injection. In the situationplane, of thetheoff-center injection.beam In horizontal width ofpainting the extracted horizontal plane, the width of the extracted beam the situation of the off-center injection. mode In profile shrinks compared withpainting low intensity profile shrinks compared with intensity mode horizontal plane, the width of the extracted beam operation. On the other hand, inlowvertical plane, the operation. On the otherblow-up hand, plane, the profile shrinks compared with in low mode extracted beam profiles in vertical theintensity vertical plane. extracted profiles the vertical plane. operation.beam On the otherblow-up hand, inin vertical plane, the at the injection point can be shifted by two orbit bump at the injection can be shifted two orbitand bump magnets which point are placed at the by upstream the magnets which are placed at the upstream and the at the injection point can two orbit downstream positions. At be theshifted each by position of bump orbit downstream positions. Atphase theateach position ofand orbit magnets which arethe placed upstream the shift bump magnets, ofthe betatron oscillation shift bump magnets, the phase ofeach betatron oscillation downstream positions. At the position of orbit leads and lags by π/2 from the injection point. Beams shift bump magnets, the phase of betatron oscillation leads and lags by n/2 from the Beams are injected gradually from the injection center ofpoint. phase space are injected gradually from the center of phase space leads and lags by π/2 from the injection point. Beams to the outside by a shift of the closed orbit, which is gradually from centerorbit, of phase space to are the injected outside by a shiftpattern of thethe which is controlled by the decay ofclosed the magnetic field of to the outside by a shift of the closed orbit, which controlled by themagnets. decay pattern of the magnetic field ofis these two bump controlled by the decay pattern of the magnetic field of these two bump magnets. extracted beam profiles blow-up in Beam the vertical plane. The Change of Extracted Emittance The Change of Extracted Beam Emittance with the Width of Off-Center Injection The Change of Extracted Beam Emittance with the Width of Off-Center Injection with the Width Off-Center Injection The extracted beamofemittance with the width of offThe extracted beam emittance with the width of offcenter injection in the horizontal plane asoff-the The extracted with theplane width ofas center injection beam in emittance the horizontal the parameter of the beam intensity is shown in Fig.3. center injection in the horizontal planein Fig.3. as theInIn parameter of the beam intensity is shown the low-intensity mode, the shown increments of the parameter of the beam intensity in Fig.3. the low-intensity mode, the is increments of In the horizontal emittance give good agreement with the the low-intensity the increments horizontal emittancemode, give good agreement of withthethe calculated values by the width of the off-center horizontal emittance the calculated values bygive the good widthagreement of the with off-center injection, thebyvertical emittance only little calculated and values the width of theis off-center injection, and the vertical emittance is only little injection,byand vertical expansion emittance ofisthe only little affected the the horizontal emittance. affected by the horizontal expansion of the emittance. affected by the horizontal expansion of the emittance. It can be considered that the emittnce is conserving It can be considered that the emittnce is conserving It can bethe considered thatprocess. the emittnce is conserving through accelerating through the accelerating process. through the accelerating process. On the other hand, in the high-intensity mode, On other hand, hand, inin the the high-intensitymode, mode, On the the the other although injected beams beams high-intensity of the the booster booster were were although the injected of although the injected beams of the booster were expanded by off-center injection, the horizontal expanded by off-center off-center injection, injection, the the horizontal horizontal expanded dose by emittance not increase increase with with the the extended extended offoffemittance dose not emittance dose not increase with the extended offcenter injection. The distributions of injected beams center The distributions distributions ofofinjected injectedbeams beams center injection. injection. The are no longer longer conserved theextraction. extraction. are no conserved atatthe these two bump magnets. INTESITY THE INTESITY DEPENDENCE DEPENDENCE OF OF THE EXTRACTED BEAM EMITTANCE INTESITY DEPENDENCE OF THE EXTRACTED BEAM EMITTANCE EXTRACTED BEAM EMITTANCE Observation Profiles Observation of of Extracted Extracted Beam Beam Profiles Observation of Extracted Beam Profiles under the Fixed Off-Center Injection under the Fixed Off-Center Injection under the Fixed Off-Center Injection 1.2 1 (98.6.7 #201-#205) (98.6.7 #201-#205) 5.7e11ppp 2.1e12ppp 5.7e11ppp 1 0.8 2.1e12ppp I * 0.8 0.6 10.8 I0.6 0.6 0.4 I0.4 0.4 0.2 0.22 |0. 0 > 00 -0.2-30 -20 -0.2 1-o.z -30 -10 -20 -10 0 10 x (mm) 0 10 x (mm) 20 20 30 30 40 40 Outout Voltage (Normalized by peak value) Horizontal Beam Profiles Horizontal Horizontal Beam Beam Profiles Profiles 1.2 Outout Voltage (Normalized by peak value) Output Voltage (Normalized by peak value) Output Voltage (Normalized by peak value) 1.2 are no longer conserved at the extraction. 100 .... 100 Normalized ) ) Normalized ε εx,x, εzε(mm (mmmrad mrad 5|808080 6 z The projection of the extracted beam distribution is The projection of the extracted beam distribution is The projection of the extracted distribution measured by multi-wire profile beam monitors at theis measured by multi-wire profile monitors atat the measured bypoints multi-wire profile monitors the dispersion-free on the extracted beam line. dispersion-free points ononthe extracted beam line. dispersion-free points the extracted beam line. In low-intensity mode operation, lower than than In In12 low-intensity mode operation, lower low-intensity mode operation, lower than 12 ppp, 1.0x10 the profiles of the extracted beams are l.OxlO ppp, thetheprofiles ofofthe beams are 1.0x1012 ppp, profiles theextracted extracted beams are controllable by adjusting the injection devices [1]. A controllable bybyadjusting thetheinjection devices [1]. A controllable adjusting injection devices [1].by A uniform distribution of charged particles is realized uniform distribution ofofcharged particles isisrealized by uniform distribution charged particles realized by the precise orbit shift painting, which is performed by by thethe precise orbit shift precise orbit shiftpainting, painting,which whichisisperformed performed by two orbit shift bump magnets in the ring. The simple twotwo orbit shift bump orbit shift bumpmagnets magnetsininthe thering. ring.The The simple simple off-center injection, without two orbit shift bump bump off-center off-centerinjection, injection,without withouttwo two orbit orbit shift shift bump magnets, forms a hollow distribution by adjusting the magnets, forms a hollow magnets, forms a hollowdistribution distributionbybyadjusting adjustingthe the two steering magnets on the injection beam line. In the twotwo steering magnets ononthetheinjection steering magnets injectionbeam beamline. line.InInthe the case of the the center of the case hollowdistribution, distribution,the the center center of of the the case of of thethehollow hollow distribution, projection of charged-particle beams is 22% lower projection of charged-particle beams is 22% lower projection of charged-particle beams is 22% lower than the bybyprecise precise orbit sift than uniformdistribution distributionby precise orbit orbit sift sift than thetheuniform uniform distribution painting. The precise orbit replaceable painting. The precise orbitshift shiftpainting paintingis replaceable painting. The precise orbit shift painting isisreplaceable by simple off-center the convenience in simple off-centerinjection injectionfor forthe theconvenience convenience in in by by simple off-center injection for experiments. experiments. experiments. Horizontal profiles under the Horizontaland andvertical verticalbeam beamprofiles profiles under under the the Horizontal and vertical beam 15mm off-center injection in the horizontal plane as 15mm off-center injection in the horizontal plane as 15mm off-center injection in the horizontal plane as parameters of the beam intensity are shown in Fig.2. parameters of the beam intensity are shown in Fig.2. parameters of the beam intensity are shown in Fig.2. low-intensitymode, mode, the the extracted extracted beam beam In the extracted beam In Inthe thethelow-intensity low-intensity mode, profile in the horizontal plane indicate the hollow profile in the horizontal plane indicate the hollow profile in the horizontal plane indicate the hollow distribution in the real spacebybythe theoff-center off-centerinjection. injection. distribution in space distribution in the the real real space by the off-center injection. The vertical profile indicate the Gaussian distribution The distribution The vertical vertical profile profile indicate indicate the the Gaussian Gaussian distribution by the center injection withoutpainting. painting. by injection without by the theIncenter center injection without painting. 12 12 ppp, the high-intensity modeoperation, operation,2.0x10 2.0x1012 In the high-intensity mode ppp, In the high-intensity mode operation, 2.0xl0 ppp, extracted beam profiles are not directly reflected by extracted reflected by extracted beam beam profiles are not directly reflected Vertical Beam Profiles Profiles Vertical Beam 1 1 0.8 5.7e11ppp 2.1e12ppp 000 -5 -5 -5 (99.6.13 #4 #7 #9) (99.6.13 #4 #7 #9) 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -20 -10 -10 0 00 10 20 z (mm) 20 10 20 30 30 30 I^ X ^^£>^ ojjpW&i«««,,«oi,,<«| A _ - — -., r - —— --* 2 00 0 55 1010 5 10 Off-Center (mm) Off-Center (mm) 15 15 15 20 20 20 FIGURE 3. 3. the width ofofof FIGURE 3. The Theextracted extractedbeam beamemittance emittancewith with the width FIGURE The extracted beam emittance with the width off-center injection as the parameter of the beam intensity. off-center injection as the parameter of the beam intensity. off-center injection as the parameter of the beam intensity. 5.7e11ppp 2.1e12ppp 0-0.2-20 ^ j#r Off-Center (mm) 0.8 0.6 0.2 εz (7.5x1011n ppp) —*- εz ez(7.5x10 (7.5x10 ppp) ppp) 12 εx (2.0x1012 ppp) ppp) —*~ εx EX (2.0x10 (2.0x10 "ppp 12 εz(2.0x1012 ppp) —*' εz(2.0x10 ez(2.0xl012ppp) ppp) 40 40 6 20 20 o 20 1 ,^: εx (7.5x10 11ppp) 13 Vertical Beam Profiles 1.2 60 60 w -60 εx (calculated) - — - εx ex(calculated) (calculated) 11 εx (7.5x1011 ppp) 40 40 40 FIGURE 2. Projection of The Extracted Beam z (mm) Profiles as z(mm) Parameter the Beam of Intensity (Normalized byProfiles peak value) FIGURE 2. The Extracted Beam FIGURE 2. ofProjection Projection of Profiles as Parameter Parameter of of the the Beam Beam Intensity Intensity (Normalized (Normalized by peak value) Intensity Intensity Dependence Dependenceofof ofthe theExtracted Extracted Intensity Dependence the Extracted Beam Emittance under the Fixed Beam Emittance Emittance under under the the Fixed FixedOffOffBeam OffCenter Injection Center Injection Center Injection The intensity dependence of the extracted beam The intensity dependence dependence of the the extracted extracted beam beam The intensity emittance in the case of 15mmofoff-center injection is emittance in in the the case case of of 15mm 15mm off-center off-center injection injectionisis emittance shown in Fig.4. shown in Fig.4. Fig.4. beam emittance is measured by multishown in The extracted The extracted beamatemittance emittance measured bymultimultiThe extracted beam isismeasured by wire profile monitors the dispersion-free points on wire profile monitors monitors at the theThe dispersion-free points on on wire profile at dispersion-free points the extracted beam line. off-center painting the extracted beam line. The off-center painting the extracted line. off-center injection is triedbeam only in the The horizontal plane. painting In the injection triedthe only in the the horizontal horizontal plane. the injection isis tried only in the vertical plane, injection point andplane. angle InIn are vertical plane, the injection point and angle are vertical plane, the injection point and angle are adjusted to the center of the phase space to obtain the adjusted toemittance the center center of the the phase spacetotoobtain obtainthe the adjusted the phase space minimumto in of the vertical plane. minimum emittance in the thevertical vertical plane. The horizontal emittance decreases with the beam minimum emittance in plane. The horizontal emittance decreases the beam beam intensity nevertheless the injected beam with iswith expanded to The horizontal emittance decreases the intensity nevertheless nevertheless the the injected injectedbeam beamisisexpanded expandedtoto intensity 304 Ex,Ez Ex,Ez(pi (pimm mmmrad, mrad,Normalized) Normalized) thefull fullacceptance acceptancebybythe the15mm 15mmoff-center off-centerinjection. injection. the 15mm Onthe theother otherhand, hand,vertical verticalemittance emittanceincreases increaseswith with On emittance increases with thebeam beamintensity. intensity.The Theresults resultscoincide coincidewith withthose thoseof of the coincide with those of Fig. 2 and Figf.3. Fig. 2 and Figf.3. o Ev, Eh (pi mm mrad:Normalized) Ev, Eh (pi mm mrad:Normalized) 100 100 100 Ex(15mm H. Off-Cent. Inj.) Ex(15mm H. Off-Cent. Inj.) Ez3(15mm H. Off-Cent. Inj.) Ez3(15mm H. Off-Cent. Inj.) 8080 o 1 E > 60 60 40 40 W 0 00 0 11 5 10 11 5510 10 11 12 1 10 12 1110 1012 12 1.5 10 1.5 10 1212 1.510 Beam Intensity (ppp) Beam Beam Intensity Intensity (ppp) (ppp) 8080 60 60 60 40 40 40 20 20 20 0 00 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 11 1.5 1.5 1.5 After Injection(ms) (ms) After After Injection Injection (ms) 2 22 FIGURE 5. NormalizedEx, Ex, EzThrough Through Accelerating FIGURE FIGURE5.5. Normalized Normalized Ex,Ez Ez ThroughAccelerating Accelerating Process Just After Injection as a Parameter of High & & Low Process Process Just Just After After Injection Injection as asaaParameter ParameterofofHigh High &Low Low Beam Intensity under the Horizontal Off Center Injection. Beam Beam Intensity Intensityunder underthe theHorizontal HorizontalOff OffCenter CenterInjection. Injection. 20 20 0 Ex(26.0e11ppp) —@-Ex(26.0e11ppp) Ex(26.0elippp) Ex(5.3e11-5.9e11ppp) (5.3e11-5.9e11ppp) —a—Ex Ex (5.3e! l-5.9el Ippp) Ez (17.1e11-19.6e11ppp) Ez —tto - Ez(17.1e11-19.6e11ppp) (17.1el l-19.6el Ippp) Ez (5.3e11-5.9e11ppp) Ez (5.3e11-5.9e11ppp) —A--Ez (5.3ell-5.9ellppp) 100 100 100 12 2 10 2210 10 1212 intensity mode mode operation operation from from the the absolute absolute value value of of intensity intensity mode beam operation from the absolute value of the extracted emittance in the low intensity the extracted beam emittance in the low intensity the extracted mode operation.beam emittance in the low intensity mode operation. mode operation. As shownFig.5, Fig.5, ininhigh-intensity high-intensity mode mode operation, operation, aa As As shown shown Fig.5, in high-intensity operation, decrease in the horizontal emittancemode and the increasea decrease in the horizontal emittance and the increase decrease in the horizontal emittance and the increase in the vertical emittance take place simultaneously in the vertical emittance take place simultaneously in the vertical emittance take place simultaneously during the period from 0.06ms (or faster) to 1.5ms during the from 0.06ms (or toto 1.5ms during the period period (or faster) faster) 1.5ms after injection hasfrom been0.06ms completed. The emittance after injection has been completed. The emittance after injection has been completed. The emittance changes saturate until 2.0ms and the values of the changes saturate until and the values ofof the changes saturate until 2.0ms 2.0ms the circulating beam emittance areand closetheto values the extracted circulating beam emittance are close to extracted circulating beam emittance close to the the emittance extracted beam emittance in Fig. 2.areThe vertical beam emittance in Fig. 2.2. The vertical emittance beam Thelimit vertical growthemittance reaches tointheFig. acceptance of theemittance vertical growth reaches to the acceptance limit of the vertical growth reaches to the acceptance limit of the vertical plane. The experimental results suggest the existence plane. The experimental results suggest the existence plane. The experimental results suggest the existence of an X-Y coupling resonance by space-charge effects. of of an an X-Y X-Ycoupling couplingresonance resonanceby byspace-charge space-chargeeffects. effects. FIGURE 4. Intensity Dependence of the Extracted Beam FIGURE 4. Intensity Dependence of Beam FIGURE Intensity of the the Extracted Extracted Emittance4. under the Dependence 15mm Off center Injection Beam in the Emittance under the 15mm Off center Injection in the Emittance under the 15mm Off center Injection in the Horizontal Plain. Horizontal Horizontal Plain. Plain. EMITTANCEEXCHANGE EXCHANGE THROUGH EMITTANCE EXCHANGE THROUGH THROUGH ACCERERATINGPROCESS PROCESS ACCERERATING ACCELERATING PROCESS To obtain information about shrinkage of the To information about shrinkage To obtain obtain information shrinkage of of the the extracted beam emittance inabout the accelerating process, extracted beam emittance in the accelerating process, extracted beam emittance in the accelerating process, the beam size was measured using a system the beam was using the beam size wasandmeasured measured using[3].aa system system composing asize scraper bump magnets composing a scraper and bump magnets [3]. composing a scraper andboth bump [3].and vertical The beam sizes in themagnets horizontal The sizes in the horizontal and The beam beam in both both horizontal and vertical vertical planes were sizes measured overthea period of 0.06ms to 2.0 planes were measured over aa period of 0.06ms to planes were measured over period of 0.06ms to 2.0 2.0 ms after injection, where the charge-exchange ms after where the charge-exchange msinjection after isinjection, injection, where the charge-exchange completely finished and after which the injection completely and which injection is completely finished and after after which the injected is coasting beamsfinished are gradually captured in athe RF injected coasting beams are gradually captured in injected are gradually in aa RF RF bucket.coasting In thisbeams bunching process, captured the momentum bucket. In bunching the bucket. In this this bunching process,increases the momentum momentum spread and the linecharge process, density in the RF spread and the linecharge density increases the spread and thebunching line- charge density increases in the RF bucket. The factor decreases fromin 1.0 toRF 0.4 bucket. The bunching factor decreases from 1.0 to 0.4 bucket. decreasestofrom 0.4 duringThe thisbunching period factor from 0.06ms 1.5 1.0 mstoafter during this during this period period from from 0.06ms 0.06ms to to 1.5 1.5 ms ms after after injection. injection. injection. The experimental results are shown in Fig.5. Here, The experimental results shown in Here, Thevalues experimental results are shown in Fig.5. Fig.5. Here, the of the beam sizeare at 95% beam intensity are the values of the beam size at 95% beam intensity are the values oftothe at normalized 95% beam intensity areIn converted thebeam value size of the emittance. converted to of normalized In the horizontal plane, theemittance. momentum converted to the the value value of the thebecause normalized emittance. In the horizontal plane, because the momentum dispersion of the plane, KEK booster is not the zero (1.4m) at the the horizontal because momentum dispersion of booster zero at scraper position, the momentum spread not constant dispersion of the the KEK KEK booster is is not not zerois(1.4m) (1.4m) at the the scraper position, the momentum spread is not constant throughout the accelerating process; we cannot scraper position, the momentum spread is not constant throughout the process; we cannot directly calculate the horizontal emittance the throughout the accelerating accelerating process; we from cannot directly calculate horizontal from whole beam size. the However, underemittance the assumption that directly calculate the horizontal emittance from the the whole beam However, under the momentum is constant the same that time whole beam size. size. spread However, under the theatassumption assumption that the momentum spread is constant at the same time after injection,spread irrespective of the beam intensity the momentum is constant at the same time after injection, (neglecting the irrespective beam loadingof RF beam acceleration and after injection, irrespective ofinthe the beam intensity intensity (neglecting the beam loading in RF acceleration and space charge effect on the RF bucket), the difference (neglecting the beam loading in RF acceleration and space the the difference in thecharge beam effect size ison considered to be the space charge effect on the RF RF bucket), bucket), thedifference differencein in the beam size is considered to be the difference the emittance due to the beam intensity. in the beam size is considered to be the difference in in the due the beam intensity. We can deduce of the injected beam the emittance emittance due to tothe theinitial beamvalue intensity. We the value of emittance (at 0.06ms after injection) in the beam highWe can can deduce deduce the initial initial value of the the injected injected beam emittance (at 0.06ms after injection) in emittance (at 0.06ms after injection) in the the highhigh- DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY DISCUSSION DISCUSSION AND ANDSUMMARY SUMMARY From the experimental results, the emittance From the emittance From the the experimental results, theinduced emittance exchange due experimental to the couplingresults, resonance by exchange due to the coupling resonance induced by exchange due to effects the coupling resonanceThe induced by space charge is observed. tricky space charge The tricky space charge ofeffects effects is observed. observed. Thethat tricky measurement beam is envelopes reveals the measurement of reveals that measurement of beam beam envelopes revealswhen that the the exchange occurs right envelopes after injection the exchange occurs right after when exchange occurs rightproceeds after injection injection when the the longitudinal bunching and correspondingly longitudinal bunching proceeds and longitudinal bunching proceeds and correspondingly correspondingly the line density increase. The simulation results well the line density increase. The simulation the line the density increase.results The simulation results well well support experimental [3] [4]. results support the experimental results [3] [4]. support the experimental results [3] [4]. 1. 1.1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 305 REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES et al, “Phase-space Painting I. 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