Space Charge Effects at the KEK PS Main Ring Space Charge Effects at the KEK PS Main Ring S. Igarashi, K. Koseki, E. Nakamura, Y. Shimosaki, M. Shirakata, K. Takayama and S. Igarashi, K. Koseki, E. Nakamura,T.Y.Toyama Shimosaki, M. Shirakata, K. Takayama and T. Toyama KEK 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0801, Japan KEK 1-1 Oho, Tsukubajbaraki 305-0801, Japan Abstract. Space charge effects during the injection period of the 12 GeV main ring of the KEK proton synchrotron have been studied. Measurement of the transverse beam profiles using flying wires has revealed Abstract. Space charge effects during the injection period of the 12 GeV main ring of the KEK proton a characteristic temporal change of the beam profile within a few milliseconds after the injection. Horizontal synchrotron have been studied. Measurement of the transverse beam profiles using flying wires has revealed emittance growth was observed when the horizontal tune was close to the integer. The effect was more enhanced a characteristic temporal change of the beam profile within a few milliseconds after the injection. Horizontal for higher beam intensity. Resonance created by the space charge field was the cause of the emittance growth. emittance growth was observed when the horizontal tune was close to the integer. The effect was more enhanced A multiparticle tracking simulation program, ACCSIM, taking account of space charge effects has successfully for higher beam intensity. Resonance created by the space charge field was the cause of the emittance growth. reproduced the beam profiles. A multiparticle tracking simulation program, ACCSIM, taking account of space charge effects has successfully reproduced the beam profiles. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Horizontal Beam Profiles, \) υXx=7.05 =7.05 11 Beam Intensity 8.0×10 S.OxlO11 protons The The beam beam intensity intensity of of the the KEK KEK PS 12 12 GeV GeV main ring has has significantly significantly increased increased since since the the K2K K2K neutrino oscillation lation experiment experiment started. started. Efforts Efforts to to minimize minimize beam loss have have been been continuously continuously made. made. One One of of the the issues issues is is to to rereduce ducethe theloss loss during duringthe the injection injection period. period. Nine bunches of protons protons with with the the kinetic kinetic energy energy of of 500 500 MeV MeV are are injected injected with with the the interval interval of of 50 50 ms. ms. About About 10 10 % % of of protons protons are are lost lost during during the the injection injection period period of of 510 510 ms. ms. The The highest highest 12 operating protons operating intensity intensity of of the the main main ring ring is is 1.4×10 1.4x 1012 per per bunch bunch at at the the injection. injection. The The nominal nominal operational operational tune has has been been optimized optimized to to be be 7.15 7.15 and and 5.25 5.25 for the horizontal and and vertical vertical tune tune respectively. respectively. The The main main ring ring has has aa circumference of of 340 340 m m and and four-fold four-fold symmetry. symmetry. A A super super cumference period consists consists of of seven seven FODO FODO cells. cells. period The incoherent incoherent tune tune shift shift is is estimated estimated to to be 0.5 for for The the highest highest operating operating intensity intensity without without considering considering the the effect of of the the image image field field or or dispersion. dispersion. The The large value effect of the the space space charge charge tune tune shift shift is is partly partly due due to to aa small small of emittance of of the the injection injection beam. beam. Emittance Emittance dilution and emittance particle loss loss would would occur occur under under these these circumstances. circumstances. It particle empirically known known that that emittance emittance dilution dilution observed observed isis empirically after the the injection injection to to the the main main ring ring depends depends on the beam after intensity and and tune. tune. intensity PROFILE MEASUREMENTS MEASUREMENTS PROFILE Flying wire wire transverse transverse beam beam profile profile monitors monitors have have been Flying operated at at the the main main ring ring and and have have demonstrated demonstrated a wide operated dynamicrange rangeof of more morethan thantwo two orders orders of of magnitude magnitude and and dynamic position accuracy accuracyof of0.4 0.4mm mm[1]. [1].ItIttakes takesabout about44ms msfor for aaposition the wire wire to to scan scan aa typical typical size size of of the the injection beam. The the wirescanning scanning can can be be initiated initiated once once in in an an acceleration acceleration cywire cle of the main ring at an arbitrary timing using aa delayed delayed cle of the main ring at an arbitrary timing using trigger with respect to the injection kicker timing signals trigger with respect to the injection kicker timing signals or the acceleration cycle timing signals. A new stroboor the acceleration cycle timing signals. A new strobo- — — — — — 0.07 0.06 0.05 ™~~~ ——— ——- •-•- +2.2 ms ••-- +2.4 ms +2.6 ms ••-- +2.8 ms — -10 0 +0.2 ms +0.3 ms +0.4 ms +0.5 ms +0.6 ms +0.7 ms ms +0.8 ms ms +0.9 ms +1.0 ms +1.2 ms +1.4 ms +1.6 ms +1.8 ms ms +2.0 ms 10 (mm) Position (mm) profi les 0.2 ∼ ~ 2.8 ms after after the FIGURE 1. Horizontal beam profiles injection when the horizontal tune was 7.05 and the the injection injection 11 8.Ox 1011 . beam intensity was 8.0×10 scopic procedure has recently recently been established established to reconreconstruct the beam profile that quickly changes with a time scale of 11 ms or less. A series of profile data are acquired by changing the trigger setting with an increment increment of 0.2 0.2 ms. They are then rearranged to reconstruct the simultaneous profiles. 11 x 1011 When the injection beam intensity was set to 8.0 8.0×10 after the inprotons, the beam profile 0.2 ms to 2.8 ms after jection were reconstructed as in figure 1. The horizontal horizontal tune in this case was 7.05 which was not the the nominal nominal opoperational value. The vertical tune was 5.22. 5.22. A significant significant beam loss was observed within 1 ms after after the the injection injection under the condition. The reconstructed profile profile shows a notable change of the distribution. The profile profile at 0.2 ms after the injection consists of a narrow peak and a broad broad CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 300 Horizontal υi)Xx=7.11 HorizontalBeam Beam Profiles, Profiles, =7,11 11 Beam protons Beam Intensity Intensity 8.0×10 8.0x10° protons Horizontal Beam Profiles, 4 ms after the Injection Injection 11 Beam Intensity 4.3×10 4.3x10° protons υ 1^=7.10 0,06 υDXx=7.06 =7,06 X=7.10 0,09 — — — — — 0,08 0,07 0,06 0.03 — —— —.... .... — 0,02 — — +2.2 +2.2 ms ms "-»- +2.4 +2.4 ms ms -"• +2.6 +2.6 ms ms ,„.„., +2.8 +2.8 ms ms -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 +0.2 +0.2 ms ms +0.3 +0.3 ms ms +0.4 ms ms +0.4 +0.5 ms ms +0.5 +0.6 ms ms +0.6 +0.7 ms ms +0.7 +0.8 ms ms +0.8 +0.9 ms ms +0.9 +1.0 ms ms +1.0 +1.2 ms ms +1.2 +1,4 ms ms +1.4 +1.6 ms ms +1.6 +1.8ms +1.8 ms +2.0 ms ms +2.0 30 0,04 0,04 0,02 0,02 -40 0,06 20 40 -40 0,04 0,02 0,02 0,06 -20 0 20 Position(mm) 40 υX=7.24 -40 0,06 0,04 0,04 0,02 0,02 0 -40 40 -20 -20 0 20 40 0 20 40 0 20 40 Position(mm) υ =7.19 BxX=7.19 0,04 Position (mm) (mm) Position 0 20 Position(mm) 40 -20 Position(mm) DXY=7.28 =7,28 υ -40 -20 Position(mm) FIGURE3.3. Horizontal Horizontalbeam beamprofiles profi les44ms msafter after the theinjection injection FIGURE whenthe theinjection injection beam beamintensity intensity was was4.3×10 4.3 x 101111.. when HorizontalEmittance Emittance Horizontal BeamIntensity Intensityatatthe theInjection Injection Beam 11 protons 8,3x10° 8.3×10 protons 11 protons 4,3x10° 4.3×10 protons 11 protons 2,4x10° 2.4×10 protons Horizontal Emittance (π mmmrad) distribution.The Thenarrow narrow peak peak diminishes diminishes inin 22 ms ms and and distribution. only the broad distribution remains. only the broad distribution remains. The same same procedure procedure was was applied applied for for the the horizontal horizontal The tune of 7.11 and the vertical tune of 5.21 which was tune of 7.11 and the vertical tune of 5.21 which was near the the nominal nominal operational operational value. value. The The reconstructed reconstructed near profilesare areshown shownininfigure figure2.2.The Theprofile profileatat0.2 0.2ms msafter after profiles the injection still consists of a narrow peak and a broad the injection still consists of a narrow peak and a broad distribution.The Thenarrow narrowpeak peakdiminishes diminishes inin11ms, ms,and and distribution. only the broad distribution remains as in the case of the only the broad distribution remains as in the case of the tune of 7.05. The narrow peak of this case is, however, tune of 7.05. The narrow peak of this case is, however, lesssignificant significant than than that that ofof the the previous previous tune, tune, and and the the less beam loss is not either significant in this case. beam loss is not either significant in this case. Horizontalbeam beamprofiles profilesafter afterthe theinjection injectionwere weremeameaHorizontal sured for the injection beam intensity of 2.4, 4.3 and sured for11the injection beam intensity of 2.4, 4.3 and 8.3 xlO protons. The measurements were performed 11 8.3×10 protons. The measurements were performed foraarange rangeofofthe thehorizontal horizontaltune tunefrom from 7.05 7.05to to 7.3. 7.3.The The for vertical tune was maintained to be between 5.2 and 5.25. vertical tune was maintained to be between 5.2 and 5.25. Thetrigger triggerwas wasset settotoinitiate initiatethe thewire wirescanning scanningtototake take The beam profiles of about 4 ms after the injection when the beam profiles of about 4 ms after the injection when the rapid change of the profile was settled. The profiles for rapid change of the profile 11 was settled. The profiles for the intensity of 4.3x 10 protons are shown in figure 11 the intensity of 4.3×10 protons are shown in figure 3.3. wasobserved observedtotobe bewide widewhen whenthe thehorizontal horizontaltune tunewas was ItItwas 7.06, and became narrower as the tune was away from 7.06, and became narrower as the tune was away from theinteger. integer.ItItisisalso alsonoted notedthat thatthe theprofile profile of ofthe thetune tuneof of the 7.28 has tails unlike any other profile. 7.28 has tails unlike any other profile. threshold was was set set toto cut cut baseline baseline noises noises and and the the AA threshold full beam widths were measured from the profiles. Beam full beam widths were measured from the profiles. Beam emittanceswere wereestimated estimatedwith withthe thefull full widths widthsand andplotplotemittances ted in figure 4. The injected beam 95 % emittance was ted in figure 4. The injected beam 95 % emittance was measured at the beam transfer line to be 15.9±0.2, measured at the beam transfer line to be 15.9±0.2, 17.8±0.1 and 18.6±0.2 Trmmmrad for the intensity of π mmmrad for the intensity of 17.8±0.1 and 18.6±0.2 2.4, 4.3 and 8.3 xlO 11 protons respectively. Emittance 2.4, 4.3 and 8.3×1011 protons respectively. Emittance 0 Position(mm) υuXx=7.15 =7.15 -40 FIGURE2.2. Horizontal Horizontalbeam beamprofiles profi les0.2 0.2∼~2.8 2.8ms msafter afterthe the FIGURE injectionwhen whenthe thehorizontal horizontaltune tunewas was7.11 7.11and andthe theinjection injection injection 11 11 . . beamintensity intensitywas was8.0×10 8.Ox 10 beam -20 7 7,05 7,1 7,15 Horizontal Tune Horizontal Tune FIGURE 4.4. Horizontal Horizontal emittance emittance as as aa function function of of the the horhorFIGURE izontal tune. tune. About About 0.3 0.3 % % of of the the tail tail isis ignored ignored in in case case of of aa izontal Gaussiandistribution. distribution. Gaussian growth was was observed observed when when the the tune tune isis close close to to the the inteintegrowth ger for all the measured intensity settings. A tune range ger for all the measured intensity settings. A tune range that emittance emittance growth growth occurs, occurs, however, however, depends depends on on the the that intensity. The ranges are 0.1 and 0.15 for the intensity of intensity. The ranges are 0.1 and 0.15 for the intensity of 11 2.4 and 4.3 x 10 protons respectively. Emittance growth 11 2.4 and 4.3×10 protons respectively. Emittance growth was observed observed for for all all the the measured measured tune tune range range for for the the ininwas 11 tensity of 8.3 x 10 protons. The tune range of the emit11 tensity of 8.3×10 protons. The tune range of the emittance growth growth corresponds corresponds to to naive naive estimate estimate of of the the incoincotance herent tune shift. It is inferred that the emittance growth herent tune shift. It is inferred that the emittance growth is due to resonance created by the space charge. is due to resonance created by the space charge. 301 ACCSIM ACCSIM Simulations, Simulations, υi)Xx=7.04 Horizontal Horizontal Beam Beam Profiles Profiles ACCSIM ACCSIMsimulations simulations (7.04, 5.21), Beam (7.04,5.21), BeamIntensity Intensity8×10 SxlO1111protons protons +0.15 ms +0.30 ms +0.45 ms +0.60 ms pPxo X x (mm) Position (mm) FIGURE 5.5. ACCSIM ACCSIM simulation simulation of of the the x-p x-pxx phase phase space space FIGURE 1thehorizontal plotsofof20 20test testparticles particlesFigure whenthe horizontaltune tunewas was7.04 7.04and and plots when theinjection injectionbeam beamintensity intensitywas was8.0×10 8.0x 101111.. the FIGURE 6. 6. ACCSIM ACCSIM simulation simulation of of the the Horizontal Horizontal beam beam FIGURE profiles 0.15 0.15 ∼ ~ 0.6 0.6 ms ms after after the the injection injection when when the the horizontal horizontal profiles 11 tunewas was7.04 7.04 and and the the injection injection beam beam intensity intensity was was 8.0×10 8.0x 1011 tune .. ACCSIMSIMULATIONS SIMULATIONS ACCSIM CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS multiparticletracking tracking simulation simulation program, program, ACCSIM ACCSIM AAmultiparticle [2],taking takingaccount accountof ofspace spacecharge chargeeffects effects has has been been perper[2], formed toto understand understand the the observed observed phenomena. phenomena. TransTransformed versespace spacecharge chargeforces forceshave havebeen beencalculated calculatedfor for10000 10000 verse macro particles particles with with aa hybrid hybrid fast-multipole fast-multipole technique technique macro andgrids gridsofof11mm mm×x 11mm mmevery every 0.76 0.76m m step. step. Thin Thin lens lens and kicks have been applied to simulate sextupole and ockicks have been applied to simulate sextupole and octupole magnets. A fringing field from an injection septupole magnets. A fringing field from an injection septummagnets magnetswas was suspected suspected as as one one source source of of closed closed orortum bit distortion and included in simulations for some cases. bit distortion and included in simulations for some cases. Parametersfor forthe theinjection injection beam beam emittance emittance were were based based Parameters onthe thetransfer transferline lineprofile profilemeasurements. measurements. on Figure55isis the the x-p x-pxx phase phase space space plot plot of of 20 20 test test parparFigure ticlesfor for400 400 turns turns when when the the horizontal horizontal tune tune isis 7.04. 7.04. ItIt ticles showspatterns patternsof ofresonance resonancethat thatwas wascreated createdby bythe thespace space shows charge force. Octupole type space charge field would crecharge force. Octupole type space charge field would create the resonance. The resonant tune is 7/4 for a super ate the resonance. The resonant tune is 7/4 for a super period,because becausethe themain mainring ringhas hasfour-fold four-fold symmetry. symmetry. period, Beam profiles at the tune of 7.28 has tails asin infigure figure Beam profiles at the tune of 7.28 has tails as 3. The tails may also be due to resonance by the space 3. The tails may also be due to resonance by the space chargefield. field. The The resonant resonant tune tune isis 7.25 7.25 inin this this case, case, asascharge sumingsome someimperfection imperfectionininthe thefour-fold four-fold symmetry. symmetry. suming Horizontalprofiles profiles from from the the ACCSIM ACCSIM simulation simulation up up Horizontal to 400 turns which corresponds to 0.6 ms is plotted to 400 turns which corresponds to 0.6 ms is plotted for the the horizontal horizontal tune tune of of 7.04 7.04 in in figure figure 6. 6. ItIt shows shows aa for good agreement with the measurement. Another tracking good agreement with the measurement. Another tracking simulation code, PATRASH [3], has also been applied simulation code, PATRASH [3], has also been applied and the results agreed with the ACCSIM results. and the results agreed with the ACCSIM results. Measurement of of the the transverse transverse beam beam profiles profiles using using flyflyMeasurement ing wires wires has has revealed revealed aa characteristic characteristic temporal temporal change change ing ofthe thebeam beamprofile profile within withinaafew fewmilliseconds milliseconds after after the the ininof jection.Horizontal Horizontalemittance emittance growth growth was was observed observed when when jection. the horizontal horizontal tune tune was was close close to to the the integer. integer. The The effect effect the was more enhanced for higher beam intensity. Resonance was more enhanced for higher beam intensity. Resonance created by by the the space space charge charge field field was was the the cause cause of of the the created emittance growth. A multiparticle tracking simulation emittance growth. A multiparticle tracking simulation program, ACCSIM, ACCSIM, taking taking account account of of space space charge charge efefprogram, fects has successfully reproduced the beam profiles. fects has successfully reproduced the beam profiles. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank thank F. F. Jones Jones for for valuable valuable advices advices and and installation installation We of ACCSIM in our computer. We also thank H. Sato and and of ACCSIM in our computer. We also thank H. Sato K. Sato for useful comments. K. Sato for useful comments. REFERENCES REFERENCES Igarashi, S., S., Arakawa, Arakawa, D., D., Koba, Koba, K., K., Sato, Sato, H., H., Toyama, Toyama, 1.1. Igarashi, T., and andYoshii, Yoshii,M., M.,Nuclear Nuclear Instruments Instruments and and Methods Methods in in T., Physics Research Research A, A,482/1-2, 482/1-2, 32–41 32-41 (2002). (2002). Physics 2. Jones, Jones, F., F., Accsim Accsim Reference Reference Guide Guide Version Version 3.5s, 3.5s, pp. pp. 1–61 1-61 2. 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