Simulation Studies for Inspection of the Benchmark Test with PATRASH Y.Shimosaki, S.Igarashi, S.Machida , M.Shirakata , K.Takayama , RNoda*, K.Shigaki* *KEK, Japan JAERI, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan # Abstract. In order to delineate the halo-formation mechanisms in a typical FODO lattice, a 2-D simulation code PATRASH (PArticle TRAcking in a Synchrotron for Halo analysis) has been developed. The electric field originating from the space charge is calculated by the Hybrid Tree code method. Benchmark tests utilizing three simulation codes of ACCSIM, PATRASH and SIMPSONS were carried out. These results have been confirmed to be fairly in agreement with each other. The details of PATRASH simulation are discussed with some examples. other macro particles outside the beam core is divided into small square-cells. In the Tree method, the electric field generated by PIC-style and macro particles placed in each cell is calculated in a way of multipole expansion. The Tree method consists of two processes, one of that is called "upward pass" and the other "downward pass". In the upward pass, the coefficients of the multi-pole expansion around the center of each cell are obtained; then, those are transformed to the new coefficients around the center of the square-cell of upper level, which involves the lower class four cells. Same process is repeated until the total area is filled with 24 cells. In the downward pass, the electric filed exerted on a particular tracking particle is obtained by using the above plural coefficients according to some rule. INTRODUCTION One of the major issues in high-power hadron accelerators is activation of the environment surrounding an accelerator due to beam loss. Beam loss must be reduced to a sufficiently low level to allow hands-on-maintenance. In order to produce an acceptable design, a reliable simulation code is essential for estimating beam loss caused by space charge effects, nonlinear components of magnetic fields and machine imperfection. For the purpose to justify the simulation codes in our hands now, benchmark tests utilizing three simulation codes of ACCSIM, PATRASH and SIMPSONS were carried out by the 3GeV ring simulation group of the Joint Project. The machine parameters are based on the early version of the 3GeV Ring lattice for the Joint Project. The lattice is characterized by (1) three-fold symmetry, (2) high yt, (3) dispersion free in the straight sections, (4) beta function with low symmetry and (5) half integer tune split. The operating tune has been chosen in the region far from the major structure resonances, where the lattice functions are stable under perturbations and give a relatively small beam size. In this paper, the detail of PATRASH is described in the following subsections. The characteristics of each code are summarized in [1]. In the next section, the preliminary results for the inspection of the benchmark tests by using PATRASH are presented. BENCHMARK TEST OF CODES As benchmark tests, 2D calculations were performed over 1000 turns at the injection energy of 400MeV and A/yP = 0. Saturation of simulation results against the simulation parameters such as longitudinal step-size and number of macro particles had been checked by varying those parameters in the individual codes. Sextupole fields for chromaticity correction are included here. An initial distribution was prepared, which is generated by the anti-correlated painting method without space-charge forces and other non-linear magnetic fields. In the benchmark test, the temporal evolution of 90%, 95% and 99% Courant-Snyder invariants were compared as a function of peak current /peak in the bunched beam. Over the entire region of revolution, simulation results were in good agreement with each other within the 10% relative error as shown in Figs.l. We believe that ACCSIM, PATARSH and SIMPSONS The electric field originating from the space charge is calculated by the Hybrid Tree method briefly explained below. Charge of the macro-particles, which are tracked in simulations, located in the beam core region is assigned as PIC-style charge, where the beam core is defined as a square where the length of one side is twice the rms beam size. Then, the transverse area including the above PIC-style particles on the grids and CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 256 ~ |240 240_ ™ 200 U 1 ' 1 ' ~ _ . 1 ' <? 200 200 U I . I . 400 800 400 800 1200 1200 turn number (a) 10A, 10A, Horizontal 1 ' 1 S 240 240 ^ <? 200 200 U ^ 10 160 is- f\ ~ ttft^MM^ ^^Wm^yKw9tt^WiQ(.~ - * . 1 . 1 . ~ 240 240 ^ ^ <? 200 200 U 160 00 400 800 400 800 1200 1200 turn turn number number (c) (c) 30A, 30A, Horizontal Horizontal 240 ' ~ <S_/^r A& _ . 1 I '-' i 1 ' 1 ' ~ ^ DOQQ — c*88ii BUR^^^R g^M™* 00 400 400 800 800 turn turn number number (d) (d) 10A, 10A, Vertical Vertical 95% C-S [π mm mrad] 95% C-S [π mm mrad] = 280 280 1 1 . \ , 400 400 800 800 1200 1200 turn turn number number (b) (b) 20A, 20A, Horizontal Horizontal ) I — ' 00 2 ~ — ^ 160 1AH 1 !si««*****'_ Lw .9 280 ^280 ' ~ 1 I ~ 240 | 240_ . , IP , 111 A 0 280 2 S . o 280 ^280 95% C-S [π mm mrad] ' £l* ****** ** ^ 160 160 2 S 1 95% C-S [π mm mrad] 280 2 S 95% C-S [π mm mrad] 95% C-S [π mm mrad] helpful tools to estimate emittance growth, halo formation beam are helpful halo formation and and beam loss.loss. 1200 1200 280 S 240 240 200 c? 200 200 U 160 00 400 800 400 800 turn turn number number (e) (e) 20A, 20A, Vertical Vertical 1200 1200 S 160 160 X 00 I I 400 400 800 800 turn turn number number (f) (f) 30A, 30A, Vertical Vertical 1200 1200 FIGURE 1. FIGURE 1. Time Time evolution evolution of of the the (a)-(c) (a)-(c) horizontal horizontal and and (d)-(f) (d)-(f) vertical verticalCourant-Snyder Courant-Snyderinvariant(C-S) invariant(C-S)asasaa function of I . Black, blue and red represent ACCSIM, PATRASH and SIMPSONS, respectively. peak function of /peak. Black, blue and red represent ACCSIM, PATRASH and SIMPSONS, respectively. particles EMITTANCE GROWTH particles at at early early stage stage has has been been carefully carefully examined examined by by EMITTANCE GROWTH AT AT EARLY EARLY PATRASH from a beam–dynamics point of view asasaa STAGE JUST AFTER DEPOSIT OF THE PATRASH from a beam-dynamics point of view STAGE JUST AFTER DEPOSIT OF THE preliminary preliminary study study for for the the benchmark benchmarktest. test. INITIAL BEAM INITIAL BEAM The The beam beam distributions distributions atatthe the 4th 4th turn turnare areshown showninin Figs.2. It is clearly shown that the inner particles Figs.2. It is clearly shown that the inner particlesatatthe the initial turn move to the outside in the vertical phase initial turn move to the outside in the vertical phase space. In the horizontal phase space, the structure can be space. In the horizontal phase space, the structure can be also seen around the outer edge. These structures in the also seen around the outer edge. These structures in the phase space were not seen at the initial turn. On the phase space were not seen at the initial turn. On the other hands, the distribution in the real space other hands, the distribution in the real space maintained the asymmetry in the vertical direction from maintained the asymmetry in the vertical direction from initial turn. initial turn. For understanding what happened at the early stage, For understanding what happened at the early stage, The Poincaré plot analysis was carried out. Its results The Poincare plot analysis was carried out. Its results As shown shown in in Figs.l, Figs.1, the horizontal emittance As the horizontal emittance rapidly rapidly blows up to 240π µmrad at the early blows up to 24071 jimrad at the early stage stage (1-20turn) (l-20turn) without the dependence on the peak current in contrast without the dependence on the peak current in contrast to the vertical emittance. Because this rapid emittance to the vertical emittance. Because this rapid emittance blow up independent of the beam intensity indicates blow up independent of the beam intensity indicates that there is the possibility of the rapid halo generation that there is the possibility of the rapid halo generation independent of the beam intensity at the early stage, the independent of the beam intensity at the early stage, the inspection of the benchmark tests becomes important inspection of the benchmark tests becomes important for making it clear that this phenomenon comes from for making it clear that this phenomenon comes from the physics such as the resonance or the artificial error the physics such as the resonance or the artificial error in these simulations. Therefore, the behavior of the in these simulations. Therefore, the behavior of the 257 y [mm] y [mm] -40 -20 -40 -100 -100 -40 -100 00 50 50 xx [mm] [mm] -50(c) y 0vs. x 50 (c) y vs. x 100 100 phase and (c) in•-tthe real space. 4 1 1 1 4 22 %" ® * *!*» " 2 . 00 a s/; 0 -2 -2 . ^\S8: * " " -2 1 I* 1 -4 -4 -100 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100 -4 -100 -50 x [mm] 0 50 100 x [mm] (a) Horizontal (a) Horizontal 8 1 1 1 . 8 . » « s «• ® 4— — • f • s** i * 4 0 0 *.••*••* •*** * * -4 * *'•/. •%-, -4 ™ ~ -8 1 1 1 -40 -20 -20 00 20 40 -8-40 20 40 -40 -20 yy [mm] 0 20 40 [mm] y [mm] (b) Vertical Vertical (b) (b) Vertical FIGURE 3. Poincaré plot of the characteristic 4 FIGURE 3. Poincare plot plot of the characteristic 4 FIGURE particles of the3.18Poincaré test partices. of the characteristic 4 particles of the 18 test partices. particles of the 18 test partices. 300 ^300 300 T T ^— Vertical [π[π mm mrad] VerticalC-S C-S mm mrad] y' [mrad] y' [mrad] -50 -50 100 x [mm] FIGURE distributions (a), (b) (b) in in the the y vs. x FIGURE 2. 2. Beam Beam (c) distributions (a), phase and (c) in the real space. phase and (c) in real space. FIGURE 2. theBeam distributions (a), (b) in the *£» • STP •."; y' [mrad] y' [mrad] x' [mrad] x' [mrad] of the resonances are now under analyzing. 4 4 4 2 2 2 00 0 -2 -2 -2 J_ -4 -100 -50 0 0 5050 100 100 -4 -50 -100 [mm] -100 -50x x[mm] 0 50 100 x [mm] horizontal (a)(a) horizontal (a) horizontal 8 8 4 4 0 0 -4 -4 -8 -8 -40 -20 0 20 40 -40-40 -20-20 y 0[mm] 0 2020 4040 y [mm] y [mm] (b) vertical (b) (b) vertical vertical 40 40 20 40 20 0 20 0 -200 -20 x' [mrad] x' [mrad] are shown in Figs.3, where the positions of the are shown were in Figs.3, the turn positions the test-particles plottedwhere turn by at theoffoil test-particles were plotted turn by turn at the foil position until 20turn. The plots ofthe the positions red and green are shown in Figs.3, where the position until 20turn. The plots of the red and ofgreen particles in the horizontal direction clearly indicate the test-particles were plotted turn by turn at the foil particles in the horizontal direction clearly indicate the 2 islands. moves from ofthe to green the position The untilblack 20turn. The plots theoutside red and 2 islands. The black moves from the outside to the inside in horizontal and from the insideclearly to the outside particles in the horizontal direction indicatein the inside in horizontal and from the inside to the outside in vertical. The blue is in moves reversefrom of the the outside black. to The 2 islands. The black the vertical. The blue is in reverse of the black. The inside in inside to seem the outside behaviors ofhorizontal the blackand andfrom bluetheparticles to bein behaviors of the black and blue particles seem to be vertical. The blue is inresonances. reverse of For the black. The induced by some coupling finding a induced by some coupling resonances. For finding a behaviors of the resonance, black and blue particlesofseem to be trace of the coupling the histories the each trace of thebycoupling resonance, the histories the eacha induced some coupling resonances. Forofinfinding Courant-Snyder invariant areare plotted asasshown Fig.4. Courant-Snyder invariant plotted shown in trace of the coupling resonance, the histories of theFig.4. each TheThe Courant-Snyder invariants of the black and blue Courant-Snyder invariants of theasblack and blue Courant-Snyder invariant are plotted shown in Fig.4. particles clearly move straight lines. The particles clearly movealong alongsome some straight lines. The Courant-Snyder invariants ofthat the black and The blue canonical perturbation theory tells us a combination canonical perturbation theory tells us that a combination particles clearly move along some straight lines. The of ofthethehorizontal and action variables horizontal andthe thevertical vertical action variables canonical perturbation theory tells us that a combination become a constant if if a coupling resonance is induced. become constant a coupling resonance of the ahorizontal and the vertical actionis induced. variables WeWe suspects that thetheemittance blow upupatatthe early suspects that emittance blow early become a constant if a coupling resonance isthe induced. stage is induced by some coupling resonances. The stage is induced by some coupling resonances. The We suspects that the emittance blow up at the early specifications of of thethe coupling and specifications coupling resonances andthe thesource source stage is induced by someresonances coupling resonances. The of the resonances arethe now under analyzing. ofspecifications the resonances are now under analyzing. of coupling resonances and the source 1 ^ ^} » • ^_ ".; : *:• 200 200 200 100 100 u 100 o 0 00 I0 100 200 300 100 200 300 00Horizontal 100C-S [π 200 300 mm mrad] Horizontal C-S Horizontal C-S [π [n mm mmmrad] mrad] FIGURE 4. Temporal evolution of the FIGURE 4. 4. Temporal evolution ofof the FIGURE Temporal evolution the Courant-Snyder invariant. The color corresponds to Courant-Snyder invariant. The color corresponds to Courant-Snyder invariant. The color corresponds to Figs.3. Figs.3. Figs.3. 258 SUMMARY The results of PATRASH were fairly in agreement with ACCSIM and SIMPSONS. PATRASH can be said as one of the reliable codes in our hands. The rapid emittance blow up independent of the beam intensity in the horizontal direction may be induced by the coupling resonances. The preliminary study is presented in this paper and a whole analysis will be given in the coming paper. 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