
Summary Report
Ken Takayama* and Charles Ankenbrandt1
*KEK, Tsukuba, Japan
^Fermilab, Batavia, USA
In Session D, 9 papers were presented. Their subjects
are in a wide range of accelerator physics and technology. Their outlines are briefly summarized here. These
papers may be classified under 5 topics.
Griffin has reviewed a historic "New Idea" on passive
compensation of longitudinal space charge effects by insertion of inductors initiated by Sessler and Vaccaro and
related works. In addition, he described milestone experiments that have been performed in the KEK 12GeV
PS and LANL PSR with great success. He addressed the
merits and demerits of this technique such as the inherent resonance leading to self-bunching instability at high
Ongoing plans for RF gymnastics in the Fermilab
accelerator complex and a new idea, demonstration of
which is expected in near future, have been covered
by three papers. Bhat presented experimental results
of beam handing with barrier buckets and pbar/proton
beams in the Fermilab Recycler Ring. Most important
features of longitudinal beam handling such as capture,
stacking, and debunching were introduced. These experimentally obtained results will provide guidance for
various succeeding applications. Ng presented results of
simulations of a method for doubling the beam intensity in the Main Injector with the aid of barrier buckets.
Koba discussed slip stacking that had been proposed in
order to increase the primary proton-beam intensity for
pbar production. A size of sufficient frequency separation to avoid undesired interference between two adjacent booster batches has been experimentally confirmed.
Stacking with low intensity beams has been successfully
demonstrated. She addressed the importance of beam
loading compensation in a practical case at high intensity.
Use of beam echo as a means of beam diagnostics
was discussed from both theoretical and experimental
perspectives. Stupakov, one of the pioneers developing
beam echo since early 90's, presented an instructive view
of the theory. Colestock reviewed typical results experimentally obtained in the Fermilab Antiproton Accumulator Ring, CERN SPS, Fermilab Tevatron, and DESYHERA. Both presentations have emphasized the importance of its application to measurement of small diffusion
A novel concept of super-bunch acceleration, which is
expected to be realized in Induction Synchrotrons, was
explained by Kishiro, and the R&D status at KEK for
required induction accelerating devices was introduced.
He asserts that a crucial point of super-bunch acceleration is acceleration by long step-voltages induced in the
induction gaps. A proof-of-principle experiment in the
KEK 12GeV PS is anticipated to justify reliance on this
type of device, because it will replace a conventional RF
An ambitious plan, where a post-linac accelerating
section called "Linac Afterburner" is installed in the
Fermilab 8GeV Booster tunnel, is presented by Popovic.
He claims that increasing the injection energy by 200
MeV by means of additional 805 MHz side-coupled
cavities could be helpful to mitigate transverse spacecharge effects. The plan in near future seems to be quite
practical with existing infrastructures and R&D work as
well as a reasonable cost estimate.
CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on
High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy
© 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00