Isochronous and Scaling FFAGs R. Baartman TRIUMF4004 WesbrookMall, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T2A3 Abstract. We explore the differences between isochronous FFAGs (i.e. cyclotrons) and non-isochronous FFAGs (i.e. where the beam is necessarily pulsed). The general formula for tunes is derived. This is used to understand the acceptances and also the suitability of such machines as high energy and/or high power accelerators. INTRODUCTION If an FFAG can be made isochronous, acceleration can occur without ramping the rf frequency. But this is of course simply a cyclotron, of which many examples exist worldwide: 2 of the largest are PSI (580 MeV p, up to 2mA beam current[l]), TRIUMF (500MeV H~, up to 0.2mA beam current). We would like to know how the beam dynamics change if an FFAG is isochronous. In particular, can we still achieve large acceptance? ISOCHRONISM Let us define 6 to be the angle of the reference particle momentum with respect to the lab frame. Orbit length L is given by speed and orbit period T: The local curvature p = p(s) can vary and for reversedfield bends even changes sign. (Along an orbit, ds = pdO > 0 so dO is also negative in reversed-field bends.) Of course on one orbit, we always have 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 scaled radius 1.0 FIGURE 1. Magnetic fi eld law for an isochronous macine. FOCUSING What is the magnetic field averaged over the orbit? - §Bds fBpdO Flat Field For the moment, let us imagine that there are no sectors, no azimuthal field variation, just radial variation with field index k = jS2/2. We know the transfer matrix in such a dipole, and can write directly: L/2 _ v? = -k But Bp is constant and in fact is ^jm^c/q. Therefore Bc Remember, /3 is related to the orbit length: /3 = L/(cT) 2nR/(cT)=R/R00.So B= 2 = r Bc * = -/3V < o vr = 7 vz = imaginary So why do such cyclotrons work at all? Lawrence's first cyclotrons, and those built before the early 50s, had no sector focusing. To obtain vertical focusing, k was made slightly negative. This resulted in phase slippage, Of course, this means the field index is k = f ^ ^ 0 = jS2/2 ^ constant. So isochronism implies non-scaling. CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 200 In this hard-edged hard-edged case, case, the the "flutter" “flutter” FF22 ≡ ≡ h(B h(B− In this the “flutter” In = ((B -− 22 2 22i/B 2 = R/ρ − 1. Aside: Notice that the particle traB) B) )/B i/B = R/p R/ρ -− 1. Aside: Notice that the the particle traB) jectory (blue curve) curve) does does not not coincide coincide with with aacontour contourof of jectory (blue jectory constant B (dashed curves). This has large implications constant BB (dashed curves). This has large implications for using using existing transport codes codesto todescribe describeFFAGs. FFAGs.The The existing transport transport for so sothe therfrfrfvoltage voltagewas wasmade madeas aslarge largeas possible to so the voltage was made as large as possible possible to achieve achieve the of the final final energy energy before before an an accumulated accumulated phase phase slip slip of of the final energy before an accumulated phase slip π7T/2. by π/2. /2.In Inaddition, addition,some somevertical verticalfocusing focusingwas was achieved achieved by by In addition, some vertical focusing was achieved accelerating In this acceleratingon onthe thefalling falling side side of of the the rf voltage. In In this this accelerating on the falling side of the rfrf voltage. voltage. way, such cyclotrons achieved maximum energies of 20 way, such such cyclotrons cyclotrons achieved achieved maximum maximum energies energies of of 20 way, to 30 MeV (protons). to 30 30 MeV MeV (protons). (protons). to To To reach reach higher higher energy energy with with simple simple magnet magnet poles, poles, To reach higher energy with simple magnet poles, ititit was necessary to release isochronism, was necessary to release isochronism, ramp the the rf was necessary to release isochronism, ramp frequency, frequency, and and pulse pulse the the machine. machine. Unfortunately, Unfortunately, this this frequency, and pulse the machine. meant meantthat thatthe themaximum maximumintensity intensity was was 22 or or 33 orders orders of of meant that the maximum intensity magnitude magnitudelower lowerthan thanfor forthe the(cw) (cw)cyclotron. cyclotron. magnitude lower than for s= Ρ * Φ; s = p*0; RL Sin@ΦDD; eΘ = = ArcSin@HΡ ArcSin [ (p/ RL R)Sin@ΦDD; Sin [0] ] ; f11 = = pΡ /TTan@Φ Θ+++ fΞD; ΞD; fi a n [ 0 -- 0Θ ]; Θ ΞD; Ρ /TTan@Φ ff22 = =p a n [ 0-- Θ 0 ---£ΞD; ]; d == 22 R* ΘD; R *S Sin@Φ d i n [ 0- 0ΘD; ]; RR == -Ρ J1 + FN; k= * pΡ R; k = KΚ * / R; kxx = = Sqrt[l Ρ; Sqrt@1 + kD k + k] /pΡ; ; kyy = = Sqrt[k] Ρ; Sqrt@kD / pΡ; ; Cosh@k sD Sinh@k Cosh@kyyy s] sD Sinhfky Sinh@kyy sD sD i Cosh[k s] /kkyyy j N. N. Mzz := M := j jJ Sinh@k sD Cosh@k Sinh@kyyy s] sD Cosh@kyy sD sD Coshfky s] k kkyy Sinh[k 2 Azimuthally-Varying Azimuthally-Varying Field Field Azimuthally-Varying Strong Strong focusing focusing was was invented/developed invented/developed in in the the 50s. 50s. Strong focusing was invented/developed Thishad hadimplications implicationsfor for This This had implications for 1 0 y 11 dd ii 11 00yy i z z j z j zz j j z.. N. N.j 1 11 jj j - z.J j - 1z 11zz f11 { 00 11 kk - f {{ k f2 Cosh@kyyy s] sD Sinh@k sD sD Sinh[k Sinh@kyyy s] sD y Cosh[k /kkyyy y z NNz J z zz z Cosh@k sD Cosh@kyyy sD sD kkyy SSinh@k i n h f k yyySsD ] Cosh[k s] {{ cyclotrons: they they could could now now be be isochronous isochronous •••cyclotrons: cyclotrons: they could now be AND AND vertically focusing vertically focusing vertically focusing synchro-cyclotrons:tunes tunes need need be be no no longer longer near near •••synchro-cyclotrons: synchro-cyclotrons: tunes need 1,so sobeams beamswere weresmaller, smaller,space spacecharge chargelimits limits higher higher 1,1, so beams were smaller, space andsynchrotrons: for synchrosynchro•••and and synchrotrons:same same advantages advantages as as for for cyclotrons cyclotrons cyclotrons 2 Ν = FullSimplify[ FullSimplify@ v z = FullSimplify@ zz HArcCos@Series@ (ArcCos[Series[ HArcCos@Series@ HM 1DD MMzZz@@2, ( Mzz@@1, [ [ l , 1]] [@@2, [ 2 , 22DDL ] ] ) 2, HM 1DD+++M 2DDL 2, z@@1, 8Φ, 0, 3<DDL ^^2 22 {0, 0, }]]) / H2 ( 2 ΦLD 0ΦLD )]A 8Φ, 0, 3 3<DDL H2 2 Theapplication application was was by by far far simplest simplest for for synchrotrons. synchrotrons. The application was by far The synchrotrons. ForFF FFmachines, machines,the the extended extended nature nature of of the the field field was was For FF machines, the extended field For calculationalheadache. headache. That That is is why synchrotrons dedecalculational headache. That is why synchrotrons aaacalculational velopedrapidly rapidlyin inthe the50s 50s(when (whenlarge large computing computing power power veloped rapidly in the 50s (when large veloped wasunavailable), unavailable),while whilesynchro-cyclotrons synchro-cyclotrons of of the the FFAG FFAG was unavailable), while synchro-cyclotrons was typedid didnot. not.Nowadays, Nowadays,large largecomputing computingpower power is is freely freely type did not. Nowadays, large computing freely type available. available. available. ForAzimuthally-Varying Azimuthally-Varying Field Field (AVF) (AVF) or or the the special special For Azimuthally-Varying Field (AVF) For case of Alternating Gradient (FFAG), let us use Mathcase of of Alternating Alternating Gradient Gradient (FFAG), (FFAG), let us use Mathcase ematica to calculate the tunes. To make it transparent, ematica to to calculate calculate the the tunes. To To make it transparent, ematica letus usconsider considerall allidentical identicaldipoles dipoles and and drifts; drifts; no no reverse reverse let us consider all identical dipoles let bends. We have drifts d, dipoles with index k, radius bends. We have drifts d, dipoles with index &, radius p, bends. We have drifts d, dipoles with k, ρρ,, bend angle φ , and edge angles φ − θ : bend angle 0, and edge angles 0 — 0: bend angle φ , and edge angles φ − θ : 2 2 2 J-Κ + FF + Tan@ΞD O@ΦD (-K ++ (1 + a n [ ^ ] 22)LN 1+ ++O [ 0 ] 22 J-Κ F H1 H1 + 22 2T Tan@ΞD LN O@ΦD 2 Cos@k sD Sin@k sD i Sin[k /kkkxxx N. Cos@kxxx s] sD Sin@kxx s] sD iJ Cos[k j j Mrrr := := M := j M N. J -kx Sin@kx sD j Cos@k sD -k Sin[k s] Cos[k Cos@kxxx s] sD k k -kxx Sin@kxx sD 0 1 i 1 y ii 1 yy 1 0 0z 1 00z j i y.J 11 dd N.j z zz.. j 1 1 z jj j j .J 0 1 N.j 1 1 j z j z 1 11 zz 1 f2 f 0 1 k { k {{ 1 k f2 { k f1 Cos@k sD Sin@k yy Cos@kxxx s] sD Sin@kxx sD sDkkxx Nz J Cos[k zz z Nz J Cos@k --k k xxx SSin@k i n [ kxxx ssD ] C o s [ kxxx sD ssD ] -k Sin@k sD Cos@k {z { 2 −θ φφ−θ d/2 d/2 ρρ φφ θ θ R R R 2 r = FullSimplify@ Ν v r = Ν = FullSimplify[ FullSimplify@ r ArcCos@Series@ ArcCos[Series[ ArcCos@Series@ HM 1DD ++M M @@2, ( Mrr @@1, [ [ l , 1]] [ 2 , 22DDL ] ] ) 2, r@@1, HM 1DD + Mrrr [@@2, 2DDL 2, 8Φ, 0, 3}]] 3<DD 2 {0, 0, / H2 ( 2 ΦLD 0ΦLD ) ] A^^2 8Φ, 0, 3<DD H2 2 2 2 sin(φ) sin(θ) sin(0) sin(φ) sin(θ) = = R R ρρ R H1 +xΚL + 0O@ΦD ( l ++ ) + [0] 2 H1 ΚL + O@ΦD FIGURE 3. Mathemat Mathematica code to to generate FFAG FFAG tunes. FIGURE ica code FIGURE 3. 3. Mathematica code to generate generate FFAGtunes. tunes. resulting expressions (see (see Fig. 3) 3) are identical identical to those resulting resulting expressions expressions (see Fig. Fig. 3) are are identical toto those those originally derived by Symon et al. in the original original 1956 originally originally derived derived by by Symon Symon etet al. al. in in the the original 1956 1956 Phys. Rev. paper paper about FFAGs[2]. FFAGs[2]. Phys. Phys. Rev. Rev. paper about about FFAGs[2]. But beware! Since Since there is is now aa distinction distinction between But But beware! beware! Since there there is now now a distinctionbetween between local curvature ( ρ ) and global (R), the definition of of field local local curvature curvature (p) (ρ ) and and global global (/?), (R),the thedefinition definition offield field index is is ambiguous. ambiguous. The The local local index, index, used used in in the the dipole dipole index index is ambiguous. The local index, used in the dipole transfer matrix, is is transfer transfer matrix, matrix, is ρ dB k = p_d_B_ ρ dB, B dρ , k = Bdp' B dρ d/2=R sin((t>-9) sin(φ−θ) d/2=R d/2=R sin(φ−θ) FIGURE 2. 2. FFAG FFAG sector sector magnet magnet with with no no spiral. spiral. Notice Notice that FIGURE FIGURE 2.orbitFFAG sector magnet with no spiral. Notice that that the (blue) does not follow a line of constant field. the (blue) (blue) orbit orbit does does not not follow follow aa line line of of constant constant field. fi eld. the In addition, addition, imagine imagine that that the the edges edges are are inclined inclined by by an an In In addition, imagine thatinthe edges are inclined by the an ξ , not shown the figure. This is called extra angle extra angle angle ξ%,, not not shown in the figure. This is called the extra “spiral angle". angle”. shown in the figure. This is called the "spiral “spiral angle”. 201 while the Symon formula uses RdB BdR 1C — — __ ,R p ~ If — As we proved, it is in fact this latter quantity which must be equal to jS2/2 for isochronism. We therefore still have (isochronous) But v2 = -/3272 + F2 (I + 2tan2 £) (isochronous) Aside: We could have Mathematica print out the next higher order, but it would be in error because the trajectories are not circular arcs. FIGURE 4. TRIUMF cyclotron. This is the lower pole, shown during construction (1972). Example: TRIUMF cyclotron the n = 0 term gives by far the largest contribution to the sum. If the lattice is arranged to have a superperiodicity n = ±S where S ~ vr, yt can be moved away from vr: See for example [3] for some details of the magnetic field configuration. TABLE 1. Vertical tune at a few radii in the TRIUMF cyclotron. Energy R 100 MeV 250 MeV 505 MeV 175 in. 251 in. 311 in. 1 l+2tan 2 £ I F2 0° 47° 72° 0.0 3.3 20.0 0.30 0.20 0.07 r2 0.28 0.24 0.24 = 1 . 2\«s R v2-s2 This is the approach used to make yt imaginary in e.g. the JHF main ring [5]. Whether this can be used to fix vr in a cyclotron where necessarily yt = y, is not clear, since it prescribes a peculiar variation of as with R. A peculiar feature of the TRIUMF cyclotron is that the peak field is only 0.5 T. The reason for this is that the accelerated particle is H~, and higher fields at the 500 MeV energy needed for efficient meson production would strip the loosely bound extra electron. This makes the flutter at large radii very small and forces reliance on spiral angle instead. The extreme spiral angle used was considered quite daring at the time the design was conceived. ACCEPTANCE The chief virtue that FFAG scaling machines have over non-scaling isochronous machines is the constancy of the tunes. This results in huge acceptance (> lOOOTrmmmrad[6]), especially in the bending plane. But because they cannot be isochronous, they must be pulsed. The chief virtue of isochronous FFAGs is that they can run cw and reach very high intensity. However, because vr = y, many resonances must be traversed to reach high energy. This reduces acceptance to zero: all beam would be lost if energy gain per turn were as low as it is in non-isochronous pulsed FFAGs. However, since the rf frequency is fixed, one can use high Q cavities and very high energy gain per turn. For example, a 9 GeV proton cyclotron with 30 sectors was studied[7] and found to have an acceptance of less than 1 Trmm-mrad normalized even with an energy gain of 25 MeV per turn. This was due to the intrinsic 30/3 resonance crossed at y = 10. Irregular FFAG cyclotrons By adjusting the flutter F and spiral angle £ as functions of/?, we can arrange to make vz constant. But what about vr? Can we change it by departing from the regular //-cell lattice? Perhaps, but no one has ever tried it. In synchrotron language, isochronism means y = yt. But we know that for a "regular" lattice, yt = vr. Hence, vr = y. For any lattice[4], CONCLUSIONS where an is the Fourier transform of j8£/2/p. For N identical cells where N ^> vr, this gives % = vr because FFAG synchrocyclotrons can be designed with very large acceptance and repetition rate and so can be used for ac- 202 celerating very large time-averaged current or very large phase space populations as is the case for example with uncooled secondary beams. If an FFAG is isochronous, then the rf can have constant frequency (and the beam can be cw), but the acceptance advantage over synchrotrons is lost because isochronism implies that the horizontal tune cannot be constant (is actually equal to 7). Isochronous FFAGs already exist, accelerating protons up to 7 = 1.6. It seems possible to extend such designs to energy of a few GeV. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS TRIUMF receives federal funding via a contributionagreement through the National Research Council of Canada. REFERENCES 1. Schmelzbach, P., Stammbach, T., Adam, S., Mezger, A.,, and Sigg, P., these proceedings (FFAG) (2002). 2. Symon, K., Kerst, D., Jones, L., Laslett, L., and Terwilliger, K., Phys. Rev., 103, 1837-1859 (1956). 3. Craddock, M., and Richardson, J., (PAC1969) IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc., 16, 415^20 (1969). 4. Courant, E., and Snyder, H., Annals of Physics, 3, 1^8 (1958). 5. Mori, Y., these proceedings (JHF) (2002). 6. Mori, Y., these proceedings (FFAG) (2002). 7. Baartman, R., Mackenzie, G., and Lee, R., (PAC 1983) IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sc., 30, 2010-2012 (1983). 203
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