ThePSI PSIHigh HighIntensity Intensity Cyclotron Cyclotron and and its The its Extrapolation Extrapolation to a 10 MW Driver to a 10 MW Driver P.A. Schmelzbach, Th. Stammbach, S. Adam, A. Mezger, and P. Sigg P.A. Schmelzbach, Th. Stammbach, S. Adam, A. Mezger, and P. Sigg Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland Abstract. The acceleration of a 2 mA, 590 MeV proton beam has been demonstrated at the PSI High Intensity Abstract. The a 2machine, mA, 590theMeV protonmode beam demonstrated at theupgrade PSI High Intensity Cyclotron. Theacceleration peculiaritiesof of the operation for has highbeen currents, and the ongoing program are discussed.The Thepeculiarities conceptualofdesign of a 10theMW driver mode basedfor onhigh the currents, extrapolation of ongoing the present performances is Cyclotron. the machine, operation and the upgrade program are presented.The conceptual design of a 10 MW driver based on the extrapolation of the present performances is discussed. presented. INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The ThePSI PSIaccelerator acceleratorfacility facilitywas wasbuilt builtinin1974 1974with with thethe goal of reaching a beam intensity of 100 goal of reaching a beam intensity of 100|iA µAatatan an energy ofof590 energy 590MeV. MeV.The Themain mainstage stageofofthe theaccelerator accelerator chain, chain,thethePSI PSIRingcyclotron Ringcyclotron isis aa separated separated sector sector cyclotron, cyclotron,specially speciallydesigned designedfor forhigh highbeam beamintensities intensities [1]. [1].The Theconcept conceptproved provedtoto bebe successful successful and and an an upgrade upgradewas wasundertaken undertakentotoachieve achievea abeam beamcurrent currentofof 1.51.5mA. mA.InIn 1985 1985 a a new new injector injector cyclotron cyclotron was was commissioned[2] [2]and andinin1991-95 1991-95the theRF RFsystems systemsofof commissioned Ringcyclotronwere wererebuilt rebuiltininorder ordertotoprovide providethe the thethe Ringcyclotron necessaryRFRFpower. power.InInthe thecourse courseofofthis thisupgrade upgradethe the necessary peakvoltage voltageininthe thefour four accelerating accelerating cavities cavities was was peak raisedfrom from450 450kV kVtoto730 730kV. kV.According Accordingtoto aa law law raised described by W. Joho in reference [3], the beam described by W. Joho in reference [3], the beam currentlimit limitsetsetbybylongitudinal longitudinalspace spacecharge chargeforces forcesinin current Ringcyclotronisisproportional proportionaltotothe thethird thirdpower powerofof thethe Ringcyclotron accelerationvoltage. voltage.The Thepredicted predictedbeam beamintensity intensity thetheacceleration wasreached reachedinin1995, 1995,thus thusvalidating validatingthis thislaw. law. With With was stronger bunching, better beam matching and other stronger bunching, better beam matching and other minorimprovements improvements the the beam beam loss loss was was further further minor reduced and the beam current for routine operation reduced and the beam current for routine operation couldbeberaised raisedtoto1.8mA. 1.8mA.InIna ashort shortbeam beamtest testininJuly July could 2000 a maximum beam current of 2 mA was 2000 a maximum beam current of 2 mA was accelerated and extracted from the Ringcyclotron. The accelerated and extracted from the Ringcyclotron. The layout acceleratorcomplex complexisisshown shownininfigure figure1.1. layout ofof thethe accelerator To achieve 1 MW of beam power on the PSI To achieve 1 MW of beam power on the PSI spallation source SINQ, 2.7 mA have to be extracted spallation source SINQ, 2.7 mA have to be extracted from the Ringcyclotron and transported to the last Pion from the Ringcyclotron and transported to the last Pion production target, after which about 60-70% of the production target, after which about 60-70% of the scattered beam is accepted for further transportation. scattered beam is accepted for further transportation. An upgrade of the accelerators to a current of 3 mA is Anunder upgrade accelerators to a current of 3with mA the is way.ofItthe bases on the experience made under way. It bases on the experience made with the special operation mode of the Injector 2 and on the special operation mode Injector development 2 and on theof facts established duringof thethe continuous facts established during the continuous development the Ringcyclotron RF system. The demand of for thestronger Ringcyclotron system.andTheapplications demand forin neutron RF sources stronger neutron sources calland applications in transmutation technologies for ever more powerful transmutation technologies call for ever more powerful drivers. The feasibility of cyclotrons to generate a drivers. The feasibility generate a beam power in the orderofof cyclotrons 10 MW hasto therefore to be beam power in the order of 10 MW has therefore to be discussed, layout of of aa cyclotron cyclotron discussed, also. also. A A tentative tentative layout facility with a beam current of 10 mA at 1 GeV has has facility with a beam current of 10 mA at 1 GeV been extrapolation of of the the beam beam been presented presented [4]. [4]. The The extrapolation performance 10 mA mA is is aa realistic realistic performance from from 2 mA up to 10 issue the present present report. report. issue and and will will be be also discussed in the The due to to space space The understanding understanding of the limitations due charge of high high charge effects effects is is the the key to the development of intensity will be be summarized summarized intensity cyclotrons. cyclotrons. Some aspects will here, in [5]. [5]. here, aa more more detailed detailed discussion is presented in 72 MeV Injector 2 Variable energy Injector 1 FIGURE 1. Layout of the PSI accelerators. The Injector 1 is FIGURE 1. Layout theenergy PSI accelerators. presently only used foroflow applications.The Injector 1 is presently only used for low energy applications. THE INJECTOR CYCLOTRON THE INJECTOR CYCLOTRON For the high intensity beam production the soFor Injector the high2 intensity productiondeliver the socalled is used. Itbeam can presently a called Injector 2 ismA.. used. can presently beam of up to 2.2 TheItpreinjector is an deliver 870 keVa beam of up to 2.2 mA.. The preinjector is an 870 keV Cockcroft-Walton generator equipped with a cusp ion Cockcroft-Walton generator equipped with a cusp ion CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 197 energy gain per turn can be provided in order to assure separated orbits. A code to perform full six dimensional simulations is being developed [9, 11] in order to optimise the injection process and to further improve the capture rate. source operated at DC currents of 8 to 12 mA. For a 10 MW facility 50 to 60 mA would be necessary. Sources delivering such currents are already available. The corresponding beam power and the importance of a high beam stability is an important issue for the choice of a future preinjector. The possible use of a RFQ as preaccelerator has to be considered, also. tom'3 " A major aspect in the 6-dimensional matching of the phase space of the beam to the injector cyclotron is a strong bunching. A double gap buncher is installed at a distance of 4.9 m from the injection point on the first turn. It is operated at a peak voltage of 7.2 kV. At first glance one would expect that this high buncher voltage introduces an undesirable energy spread at the time focus at the injection point. However, with a proper combination of the buncher voltage and the DC beam current, the space charge forces can be employed to reduce this energy spread [6]. team' The special features of a beam bunch of equal dimension in radial and longitudinal directions have already been noted by Chabert [7] in 1981. The PSI Injector 2 is, however, the first machine taking advantage of the properties of such a beam. In order to operate a cyclotron in this regime the beam has to be longitudinally matched. The ideal phase width at injection is about 20Q in our case. The centre region of the Injector 2 with phase-defining and cleaning collimators is descibed in ref. [8]. FIGURE 2. Beam size at the extraction from Injector 2. The width of the beam profile (4o) in function of the extracted beam current averaged over the last seven turns is shown. The width is proportional to the cubic root of the intensity THE RINGCYCLOTRON The beam bunches in the Ringcyclotron are not circular as in the case of the Injector 2, but very elongated. Hence, space charge forces and especially longitudinal effects [3, 9, 6 and references therein] have to be accounted for. Due to the strong coupling between longitudinal and radial motion the longitudinal components generate a tilt of the elongated bunch in the radial direction. This tilt can be compensated by using a flattop system and properly adjusting its phase against the accelerating cavities. Under space charge dominated conditions in a cyclotron, such a circular bunch has a stable configuration [7, 9, 6 and references therein], especially at high beam intensities. The bunch remains circular and of equal size during acceleration, and has therefore an extremely narrow phase width at extraction. In the case of Injector 2 it is about 2Q. Consequently, a flattop system is not needed. The originally installed two flattopping cavities are now used for additional acceleration. In the upgrade programme to reach 3 mA it is planned to replace at least one of them by a true accelerating system [10]. Based on simple models W. Joho [3] predicted that the maximum beam current should be proportional to the third power of the average energy gain per turn. The limit reached when each year one cavity was upgraded from 450kV to 730kV followed exactly the prediction as shown in figure 3. With the installation of new, 1 MV cavities now in development [10] the space charge limit of the Ringcyclotron will be increased to 4 mA. The Injector 2 cyclotron has well separated turns up to the extraction radius, where the separation amounts to 23 mm. This corresponds to about 7a of the beam width at 1.9 mA. The beam loss at extraction is correspondingly low and the extraction rate is about 99.98%. The beam width depends on the beam intensity as shown in figure 2. The Ringcyclotron also has well separated turns at extraction. The separation due to the acceleration only amounts to 6 mm. It is doubled by a coherent betatron oscillation induced by off-centre injection on the first orbit in the cyclotron. The resulting separation of 12 mm corresponds to about 7a of the observed beam profile width at 1.8 mA. As for the Injector 2 the beam loss at extraction is low and the extraction rate is 99.98%. The predicted performance of the 1 GeV The extrapolation to the case of a 10 MW facility is straightforward. With an extraction energy of 120 MeV the injector cyclotron would be larger, but it could be operated in the same regime. The beam size is expected to increase with beam current, but using four instead of two accelerating cavities enough 198 TABLE 1. Comparizon of some parameters of the PSI cyclotrons with design values of a 10 MW driver. Cyclotron beam bases on the experience from the upgrade of the PSI Ringcyclotron as shown in figure 3. It is assumed that longitudinal space charge effects set Energy Beam Intensity Cavities dR/dn AR(4o) t LJmit [mA] Magnete Cavities Flat top Rav Number of turns Egain at extr. Number of turns dR/dn = (Ravy/ (y+l)vr2)(Efiain/E) 2 3 4 5 Etiei^gjf £kiix per Turn [MeV] 6 x 2 with betatron oscillation AR(4o) Turn separation Space charge lim Beam power 7 8 FIGURE 3. Maximum beam current extracted from the Ringcyclotron as a function of the average energy gain per turn as established during the upgrade of the cavity voltage. The solid line is the dependence due to the longitudinal space charge. Also shown is the extrapolation to a tentative facility with a 1 GeV, 10 mA cyclotron (dashed line). PSI Injector 2 72MeV 2.2mA 120 MeV 120 MeV 10mA 2 + 2 FT(see text) 4 (=2-2.5 MeV/t) 23 mm 13 mm at 1.9mA 28-35 mm 23mm PSI Ring 8 4(730kV) l(460kV) IGeV 4462mm 215 2.44MeV/turn 215 6 mm 12 8(1000kV) 2(650kV) 5677mm 140 6.3 MeV/turn 140 11 mm 12mm 7 mm at 1.8 mA 7o 2mA 1.18MW 7o 10mA 10 MW REFERENCES H.A.Willax, "Status Report on SIN", Proc. 7th Int Conf. on Cycl and their AppL, Zurich 1975, p.33. U.Schryber et al., "Status Report on the New Injector at SIN", Proc. 9th Int Conf. on Cycl. and their AppL, Caen 1981, p. 43. W.Joho, "High Intensity Problems in Cyclotrons", Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Cycl. and their AppL, Caen 1981, p.337. Th.Stammbach et al., "The 0.9 MW Proton Beam at PSI and Studies on a 10 MW Cyclotron", Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Accel.-Driven Transm. Tech., Kalmar 1996, p. 1013. Th.Stammbach et al., "The PSI 2 mA Beam and Future Applications", Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on Cycl. and their AppL, East Lansing 2001, p. 423. J.Stetson et al., "The commissioning of PSI Inj.2 for high intensity, high quality beams", Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Cycl. and their AppL, Vancouver 1992, p. 36. A.Chabert et al., Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Cycl. and their AppL, Zurich, 1975, p245 and IEEE Trans. NS 22-3, 1975, p. 1930. U.Schryber et al., "High Power Operation of the PSI Accelerators", Proc. 14th Int Conf. on Cycl. and their AppL, Cape Town 1995, p. 32. 9 S.Adam, "Step to enhance the knowledge on space charge effects", 16th Int. Conf. on Cycl. and their AppL, East Lansing 2001, p. 428. 10 P.K.Sigg et al., "Upgrade Concepts of the PSI Accelerator Systems for a Projected 3 mA Operation", Proc. 16th Int. Conf. on Cycl. and their AppL, East Lansing 2001, p. 300. 11 A. Adelmann et al., Contribution to this workshop. the intensity limit. With eight accelerating cavities operated at a peak RF voltage of 1MV [10], the proposed IGeV cyclotron has an averaged energy gain of 6.3 MeV/turn, compared to 2.4 MeV/turn in the PSI Ring with four accelerating cavities at 730 kV. Taking into account the different size and the different final energy a maximum beam current of 10 mA is possible, as shown by the dashed line in figure 3. A turn separation of 7a similar to the situation today in the Ringcyclotron is expected under the following assumptions: acceleration of the beam into the fringing field where vr drops to 1.5, increased beam emittance from the injector cyclotron as extrapolated from figure 2 and no limitation from other sources. A rebuncher in the injection transport line might be necessary if the energy spread of the beam from the injector cyclotron becomes too large. A choice of parameters of the PSI and of the 10 MW facility are summarised in table 1. CONCLUSION Available technologies and experience at PSI are a realistic basis for the design of a cyclotron as a 10 MW proton driver. While scaling laws are seen to apply in a wide range, further progress in the simulation of space charge dominated beams is needed to estimate the ultimate performances of this type of accelerators. 199
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