Development Development of of High HighPowered PoweredTarget TargetSystems Systemsfor forthe the Spallation Neutron Source and the Muon Spoliation Neutron Source and the Muon Collider/Neutrino Collider/NeutrinoFactory Factory T. Gabriel*, J. Haines*, B. Riemer* T. Gabriel*, J. Haines*, B. Riemer* P. Spampinato*, T. McManamy*, N. Mokhov# P. Spampinato , T. McManamy , N. Mokhov H* ___ H* ti * Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 * Spallation Neutron Source, Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510 # Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510 # Abstract. The purpose and requirements of the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) and the target area of the Muon Abstract. The purpose of of thethe Spallation Neutron (SNS) andtothedesign targetthese area facilities of the Muon Collider/Neutrino Factoryand are requirements presented. Parts technologies that Source are being utilized are Collider/Neutrino Factory aretopresented. Partsissues of thethat technologies are being utilized to design these facilities are discussed. Emphasis is given the technology present thethat greatest scientific challenges. discussed. Emphasis is given to the technology issues that present the greatest scientific challenges. shipped toto ORNL ORNL for for installation]; installation]; BNL, BNL, the thehighhighshipped energy beam beam transport transportsystem systemand andaccumulator accumulatorring; ring; energy ORNL, Target Target Systems Systems and and Conventional ConventionalFacilities; Facilities; ORNL, andANL, ANL,the theneutron neutronscattering scatteringinstruments. instruments. and SPALLATION NEUTRON NEUTRON SOURCE SOURCE SPALLATION In many areas areas of of physics, physics, chemistry, chemistry, biology, biology, In many materials, and nuclear nuclear engineering, engineering, itit isis extremely extremely materials, and valuable to have have aa very very intense intense source source of of neutrons neutrons so so valuable to that structure and and functionality functionality of of materials materials can can be be that the the structure studied. Discussions Discussions on on all all the the Spallation Spallation Neutron Neutron studied. Sources under consideration or development are given Sources under consideration or development are given in Refs. 1-3. One facility under construction at ORNL in Refs. 1−3. One facility under construction at ORNL for is the the Spallation Spallation Neutron Neutron Source Source for this this purpose purpose is (SNS). This This facility facility will will consist consist basically basically of of three three (SNS). parts: 1) 1) aa high-energy high-energy (~1 (-1 GeV) GeV) and and high-powered high-powered (60 Hertz, Hertz, <1.0 <1.0 µs/pulse, us/pulse, ((<~< 2 MW) proton accelerator (60 <33 kJ/pulse), 2) 2) aa target/moderator/reflector/ target/moderator/reflector/ [Target Systems Systems (TS)] (TS)] shielding/shutter/utility [Target assembly, which converts part part of of the the proton proton beam beam power to low-energy ((<~< 2eV) 2eV) neutrons neutrons through through them to to the the third third part, part, 3) 3) the the spallation and delivers them neutron scattering instruments. instruments. A A picture picture showing showing the the overall facility is given in in Fig. Fig. 1. 1. LBNL LBNL isis responsible responsible for the front currently being being shipped shipped to to front end, which is currently ORNL for installation; LANL/JLAB, LANL/JLAB, the the linac linac [parts [parts of the Drift Drift Tube Linac (DTL) (DTL) and and klystrons klystrons have havebeen been AcceleratorComponents Components Accelerator The SNS SNS isis composed composed ofof several several sequential sequential The accelerator systems with a resultant proton energyofof accelerator systems with a resultant proton energy -1.0 GeV delivered to the neutron production Hg ~1.0 GeV delivered to the neutron production Hg target. target. Beginningthe theprocess processisisaaCesium Cesiumenhanced enhancedH-H-ion ion Beginning source, the Front End (FE) system. The next source, the Front End (FE) system. The next accelerator unit unitisisthe theRFQ, RFQ,which whichaccelerates acceleratesthe theH-Haccelerator beam toto an an energy energyofof~2.5 -2.5 MeV. MeV.The Thelast lastsection sectionofof beam theFE FEsystem systemisisthe theMedium MediumEnergy EnergyBeam BeamTransport Transport the (MEBT).InInthe theMEBT, MEBT,the theproper properbunch bunchstructure structureofof (MEBT). thebeam beamisisdeveloped developedusing usingbuncher bunchercavities cavitiestotomatch match the therotation rotationfrequency frequencyofofthe theaccumulator accumulatorRing. Ring. the After the thefront front end, end,the theHH-beam beamenters entersthe thefirst firstofof After four distinct distinct accelerating accelerating structures structureswithin withinthe theLinac. Linac. four The The first first two two parts parts are areaaDTL DTLwhich whichaccelerates acceleratesthe the beam beamtoto~87 -87MeV MeVand andaaCoupled CoupledCavity CavityLinac Linac(CCL) (CCL) which which accelerates accelerates the thebeam beamtoto~187 -187MeV. MeV.The Thefinal final two two sections sections are are Superconducting Superconducting Radio Radio Frequency Frequency (SRF) (SRF) structures structureswith withaamechanical mechanical(relativistic) (relativistic)beta beta of of0.61 0.61(~325 (-325MeV) MeV)and and0.81 0.81(~1.06 (-1.06GeV). GeV). At At the the injection injection region region ofofthe theRing, Ring,the theHH-beam beam traverses traverses thin thincarbon carbonfoils foils that thatstrip stripthe thetwo twoelectrons electrons from from the theHH-beam beamand andallow allowthe theresultant resultantprotons protonstotobebe circulated circulated and and stored stored ininthe theRing. Ring.After After ~1000 -1000 turns turns are areaccumulated accumulatedininthe theRing, Ring,a aseries seriesofoffast fastrise-time rise-time dipole dipole elements elements (kickers) (kickers)are aretriggered triggeredtotoextract extractthe the 14 protons circulating in the Ring for < 2x1014 stored stored ~< 2xl0 protons circulating in the Ring for delivery deliverytotothe theHg Hgtarget. target. FIGURE FIGURE 1. 1. SNS SNS configuration. configuration. CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0 186 MUON COLLIDER/NEUTRINO MUON COLLIDER/NEUTRINO FACTORY: FACTORY: DEVELOPMENT OF THE TARGET DEVELOPMENT OF THE TARGET AREA, REMOTE HANDLING, AND AREA, REMOTE HANDLING, AND GRAPHITE TARGET FOR THE µ/ν ν GRAPHITE TARGET FOR THE ji/v Scope and Requirements of Target Scope and Requirements of Target Systems Systems The scope of TS is to provide low-energy neutrons scope of TS is to provide low-energy neutrons fromThe high-energy spallation reactions for short-pulsed from high-energy spallation reactions for short-pulsed neutron scattering instruments and to develop threeneutronbeam scattering develop threeproton dumps,instruments one for the and linactoand two for the proton beam dumps, one for the linac and two for the storage ring (injection and extraction). storage ring (injection and extraction). The first requirement for TS is to safely and The receive first requirement for in TSa is to safely and reliably a proton beam flowing mercury reliably receive a proton beam in a flowing mercury target with the characteristics defined in the target with the characteristics defined in the Introduction. As a second requirement, TS must be Introduction. As a second requirement, TS must be able to convert part of the proton beam power into able to convert part of the proton beam power into short, high-intensity pulses of low-energy neutrons short, high-intensity pulses of low-energy neutrons (both ambient and cold) which can be used by up to 24 (both ambient and cold) which can be used by up to 24 neutron beam lines, and which meet the requirements neutron beam lines, and which meet the requirements of the neutron scattering instruments. of the neutron scattering instruments. Building a TS for the SNS requires the Building a TS for the SNS requires the development of a target, in this case a flowingdevelopment of a target, in this case a flowingmercury mercury target, target, which which can can give give maximum maximum neutron neutron yield; a reflector/moderator assembly yield; a reflector/moderator assembly to to trap, trap, reflect, reflect, and andthermalize thermalize(ambient (ambient and and cryogenic cryogenic temperatures) temperatures) the theneutrons; neutrons;aavessel vesselsystem system toto contain contain the the reflector/ reflector/ moderator assembly and provide support moderator assembly and provide support and and alignment alignment for for the the start start ofof the the neutron neutron guides; guides; bulk bulk shielding shielding and and shutter shutter assemblies assemblies toto shield shield the the personnel from the neutrons and to allow the personnel from the neutrons and to allow the closing closing ofofthe thelow lowenergy energyneutron neutronpathways pathwaysso sosamples samples can can be be replaced in the neutron scattering instruments; utilities replaced in the neutron scattering instruments; utilities (light (lightand andheavy heavywater, water,vacuum vacuumand and He) He) toto help help with with the the cooling cooling and and functions functions of of the the various various systems; systems; remote remotehandling handlingtotoaccommodate accommodatethe thechange changeout out of of the the target, inner reflector assembly, neutron guides target, inner reflector assembly, neutron guides and and shutters, shutters,proton proton beam beam window, window, etc.; etc.; and and Instruments Instruments and Controls for the majority of the and Controls for the majority of the subsystems subsystems mentioned mentionedabove. above.Currently, Currently,the thedetailed detailed design design of of the the TS is almost complete and many procurements TS is almost complete and many procurements have have been beenplaced. placed. The development of a high-intensity source of Thethat development high-intensity source of muons can be usedofforacollider experiments or for muons that can be used for collider experiments or for the production of high-energy neutrinos opens the door the production of high-energy opens the door for a broad range of physicsneutrinos experiments. A large for a broad range of physics experiments. A large effort is underway in this country to develop such a effort is underway in this country to develop such a source. The concept is to use a high-intensity proton source. The concept is to use a high-intensity proton beam (~24 GeV, ~1MW, ~15 hz) incident on a Hg jet beam (-24 GeV, ~1MW, -15 hz) incident on a Hg jet or graphite target to produce pions which decay to give or graphite target to produce pions which decay to give the muons. These muons will be magnetically captured the muons. These muons will be magnetically captured and then accelerated in a collider ring or in a “race and then accelerated in a collider ring or in a "race track” system. The “race track” itself can be pointed at track" system. The "race track" itself can be pointed at a detector located many hundred kilometers away. This a detector located many hundred kilometers away. This part of the paper describes some of the target remote part of the paper describes some of the target remote handling at such such aa facility, facility, handling needs, needs, which which are are necessary necessary at and also on some of the R&D that is underway on the the and also on some of the R&D that is underway on graphite target. graphite target. Remote with the the Remote Handling Handling Associated Associated with Target Target Area Area Facility been developed developed for for Facility design design concepts concepts have have been graphite and mercury target systems based on the graphite and mercury target systems based on the requirements maintain these these different different requirements to to operate operate and and maintain targets. A picture of a possible layout of the target targets. A picture of a possible layout of the target Target TargetDevelopment DevelopmentR&D R&D Five Fiveareas areashave havebeen been defined defined as as needing needing R&D R&D to to develop a successful Target Systems[4]. These develop a successful Target Systems [4]. These are are (1) (1) steady-state steady-statepower powerhandling, handling, (2) (2)remote remote handling handling and and operation, operation, (3) (3) radiation radiation damage, damage, (4) (4) material material compatibility, compatibility,and and(5) (5)thermal thermalshock. shock. All All of of the the issues issues have havebeen beenaddressed addressedoror solved solved except except for for the the erosion erosion through throughcavitation cavitation induced induced pitting pitting brought brought on on by by the the thermal thermalshock shockofofthe thebeam. beam.After After testing testing atat the the WNR WNR inin2001, 2001,pitting pitting(both (both large large and and small) small) was was detected. detected. Additional Additionaltests testsare areplanned plannedinin2002 2002totoassess assess possible possible solutions solutionsbased basedon ongeometry, geometry,mitigation mitigation methods, methods, and and materials. materials. FIGURE. decay FIGURE. 2. 2. Layout Layout of the target area, decay channel, nuclear shielding, and remote handling channel, nuclear shielding, handling for for the the muon/neutrino muon/neutrino factory. area, remote area, decay decay channel, channel, nuclear shielding, and remote handling have handling devices devices is given in Fig. 2. Both systems have highly replaced highly activated activated components that must be replaced periodically and periodically using remote handling equipment and tools. tools. For For the the case case of aa graphite target, overhead access was hot cell cell was was was the the preferred approach and the hot located target, located above above the target area. For the mercury target, overhead access overhead access access combined with below-grade access 187 was necessary in order to maintain the mechanical components of the system, i.e., pumps, valves, and mercury storage. A more detailed writeup can be found in Refs. 5 and 6. REFERENCES Graphite Rod Test at the Lansce-WNR and ORNL Graphite rods were instrumented with fiber optic strain gages to measure the dynamic response from the LANSCE 800 MeV proton beam pulses. The energy deposition produced by the protons in the graphite is similar to that anticipated at a Mu/Nu facility. Structural analysis simulations of the response were performed with the finite element code, ABAQUS/ Explicit.[7] The predicted and measured strains at the mid length location compare favorably. Sublimation of the radiatively cooled graphite target is a limiting feature of the target's lifetime. Tests have been carried out in a vacuum environment to determine the useful lifetime at about 2000QC. The data, which is in reasonable agreement with theoretical data, indicates that the lifetime is short, but acceptable. This experiment is described in detail in Ref. 8. Tests are also underway to determine the lifetime in a 1 atm He environment, which should increase the lifetime. Neutronics and Shielding Substantial analysis based on the MARS code [9] simulations have been carried out [10] which includes pi/mu production and collection, energy deposition and residual dose levels, shielding and component lifetimes. The optimized system would provide 0.37 captured muons per proton at 36 meters from the tilted mercury jet impacted by 24-GeV protons. If a graphite target had been used, this number would be reduced by about a factor of two. Peak energy deposition and dynamic heat loads in the superconducting coils of a 20-T hybrid solenoid are kept below the tolerable limits via carefully designed shielding made of watercooled tungsten-carbide balls. With the current setup, the anticipated lifetime of main components exceeds 15 years. The inner shielding is very radioactive, with residual dose rate up to 1 kSv/hr. This will require remote control and robotics for the inner parts of the system. This dose drops by two orders of magnitude after several weeks. The residual dose outside the cryostat is significantly lower, of the order of 100 mSv/hr. 1. K. N. Clausen, "The European Spoliation Source (ESS) Project," ICANS-XV 15th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Proceedings-Volume 1, November 6-9, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. 2. Y. Oyama, S. Ikeda, and JAERI-KEK Joint Project Team, "Status of Spallation Neutron Source Program in High Intensity Proton Accelerator Project," ICANS-XV 15th Meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources, Proceedings—Volume 1, Nov. 6-9, 2000, Tsukuba, Japan. 3. T. E. Mason, T. A. Gabriel, R. K. Crawford, K. W. Herwig, F. Klose, and J. F. Ankner, "The Spallation Neutron Source: A powerful tool for materials research," 20th International Linac Conference, August 21-25, 2000, Monterey, California, published on the LANL e-print server. 4. T. A. Gabriel, "An Overview of the SNS," published in the proceedings of the "Golden Anniversary" of Nuclear Engineering at North Carolina State, Raleigh, NC, Dec. 2-4, 2000. 5. P. T. Spampinato, J. B. Chesser, D. L. Conner, T. A. Gabriel, F. X. Gallmeier, J. R. Haines, and T. J. McManamy, "Support Facility for a Graphite Target Neutrino Factory," ORNL/TM-2000/153 (August 2000). 6. P. T. Spampinato, J. B. Chesser, D. L. Conner, T. A. Gabriel, F. X. Gallmeier, J. R. Haines, and T. J. McManamy, "Support Facility for a Mercury-Jet Target Neutrino Factory," ORNL/TM -2001/124 (September 2001). 7. ABAQUS Finite Element Analysis Software, Hibbitt, Karlsson & Sorensen, Inc., Pawtucket, RL 8. J. R. Haines and C. C. Tsai, "Graphite Sublimation Tests for the Muon Collider/Neutrino Factory Target Development Program," ORNL/TM-2002/27. 9. N. V. Mokhov, "The MARS Code System User's Guide," Fermilab-FN-628 (1995); N.V. Mokhov, O.E. Krivosheev, "MARS Code Status," Fermilab-Conf00/181 (2000). 10. N. V. Mokhov, "Particle Production and Radiation Environment at a Neutrino Factory Target Station," Proc. 2001 Part. Accel. Conf., Chicago, p. 745 (2001); Fermilab-Conf-01/134 (2001). 188
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