Radiation Handling in the Slow Extraction RadiationofHandling the JHF in 50 the GeVSlow RingExtraction of the JHF 50 GeV Ring Takeichiro Yokoi and Masahito Tomizawa Takeichiro Yokoi and Masahito Tomizawa KEKAccelerator Accelerator Laboratory Laboratory KEK Abstract. the lis expected expected to tohit hitthe theESS(Electro ESS(ElectroStatic StaticSeptum). Septum). Abstract.InIn theslow slowextraction extractionofofthe theJHF JHF50GeV 50GeVring, ring, about about 1is The beam loss beam power powerof of7.5kW. 7.5kW.Considering Consideringthe thetolerable tolerable The beam lossininthe thescattering scatteringisisabout about1% 1%corresponding corresponding to to the the beam beam loss(0.5~lW/m), scattering beam beam isisindispensable. indispensable.ToToevaluate evaluatethethe beam loss(0.5∼1W/m),careful carefulstudy studyof ofthe the beam beam loss loss of the scattering radiation 14(00), was was carried carried out. out.InInaddition, addition,the thebeam beamloss loss radiationlevel levelaround aroundESS, ESS,simulation simulation study study with with MARS MARS14(00), distribution 14(00) and single single particle particle tracking. tracking.The Theresult resultshows showsthat that distributionininthe thering ringwas wasstudied studiedcombining combining MARS MARS14(00) thethe radiation In addition, addition,ititwas wasfound foundthat thatthe theactual actualbeam beam radiationlevel levelaround aroundESS ESSisissuppressed suppressedto to the the tolerable tolerable level. In loss is is much loss muchsmaller smallerthan thanthe theloss lossofof1% 1%which whichhit hit the the ESS ESS wire . INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION $ l! m w :;i :M .1. J:.aLi:;.l«; slowextraction extractionofofthe theJHF JHF50GeV 50GeV synchrotron, synchrotron, In In thetheslow whose beam power is 750kW(15 µ A, 50GeV), the beam beam whose beam power is 750kW(15juA, 50GeV), the hit rate on the ESS wire is expected to be suppressed hit rate on the ESS wire is expected to be suppressed down about1% 1%[2]. [2].Though Thoughthe theloss lossrate rateisissuppressed suppressed down to to about low, absolutebeam beampower powerisis7.5kW. 7.5kW.Considering Considering so so low, thetheabsolute tolerablebeam beamloss lossfrom fromthe thepoint pointofofview view machine machine thethe tolerable maintenance, ∼1W/m, the loss is quite large. Thus, demaintenance, ~lW/m, the loss is quite large. Thus, aa detailed study using computer simulation is indispensable. tailed study using computer simulation is indispensable. In following sections, the radiation level and loss rate in In following sections, the radiation level and loss rate in the ring are to be discussed. the ring are to be discussed. SLOW EXTRACTION CHANNEL OF SLOW EXTRACTION CHANNEL OF JHF MAIN RING JHF MAIN RING The instruments for the slow extraction system, such as The instruments for the slow extraction system, as ESS, septum magnets, are to be installed in a such straight ESS, septum magnets, are to be installed in a straight section of 116m long. The layout of the slow extraction section 116m Theand layout of theenvelope slow extraction line ofofthe ESS long. channel the beam is shown line of the ESS channel and the beam envelope shown in Fig. 1. In the slow extraction section, longis straight in sections Fig. 1. In slow extraction section, long straight arethe prepared for the beam collimation system sections are prepared the beam collimation system of the slow extractionfor scattering. of the slow extraction scattering. SCATTERING AT ESS SCATTERING AT ESS Beam loss at ESS is caused by direct hit of proton beam on the wire.is In such by a case, process and Beam lossESS at ESS caused directthe hitloss of proton beam are well In addition, onthe theamount ESS wire. In defined such a and case,understood. the loss process and diameter of thedefined ESS wire is 80µ m. In In such a thin thethe amount are well and understood. addition, target, most of the scattered particle go out with Moliere the diameter of the ESS wire is SOjUm. In such a thin scattering. target, most of the scattered particle go out with Moliere In such a case, a detailed computer simulation of beam scattering. loss process is aindispensable and possible withofabeam good In such a case, detailed computer simulation accuracy. loss process is indispensable and possible with a good To study the beam loss at the ESS wire, a simulaaccuracy. tion study with MARS14(00)[1] was carried out. The To study the beam loss at the ESS wire, a simulation study with MARS14(00)[1] was carried out. The FIGURE 1. Layout of beam extraction devices and beam FIGURE envelope 1. Layout of beam extraction devices and beam envelope setup of the simulation is shown in Fig. 2. In the sim- setup simulation shownbeam in Fig. In size the simulationofa the uniform 50GeVisproton with2.the of ulation a uniform 50GeV beam × 10mm(V) hits proton the ESS wirewith fromthe thesize up-of 80µ m(H) 80 stream. jum(H) x 10mm(V) hits the ESS wire from the upstream. Fig 3 shows the particle distribution at the exit of FigIt3indicates shows the at proton the exitgoof ESS. thatparticle most ofdistribution the scattered ESS. It indicates thatlosses, most and of the proton out with small energy thatscattered half of them keepgo circulating in the ring losses, for turns. what we have out with small energy and Then, that half of them keep to evaluate in arethe the ring radiation level Then, aroundwhat ESS we duehave to circulating for turns. theevaluate prompt scattering, and the loss in theESS ring due withto to are the radiation levelmap around multi-turn the prompttracking. scattering, and the loss map in the ring with multi-turn tracking. RADIATION AROUND ESS RADIATION AROUND ESS Using the setup shown in Fig. 2, radiation level around ESS was usingin MARS. the point view Using theestimated setup shown Fig. 2,From radiation levelof around of maintainability of the ring, life time of the elements ESS was estimated using MARS. From the point of view andmaintainability the residual dose are crucial problems. the of of the ring, life time of Among the elements element of the slow extraction channel, the quadrupole and the residual dose are crucial problems. Among the element of the slow extraction channel, the quadrupole CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 177 300 siide view 300 siide view 55 300 300 55 55 Beam 15mSV/hour in maximum. However, for the duct be15mSV/hour in maximum. maximum. However, for the the duct duct between ESS and QFP,whichHowever, is madefor of SUS, theberesid15mSV/hour in 15mSV/hour in maximum. However, for the duct be1 tween ESS and QFP,which is made of SUS, the residual dose 150mSv/hour !! Therefore, theresidmaintetween ESSreaches and QFP,which is made of SUS, the 1made of SUS, the residtween andwould QFP,which ual doseESS reaches ISOmSv/hour !! Therefore, themaintemaintenance ofreaches ESS requireis1special treatment. ual dose 150mSv/hour the 1!! Therefore, ual dose reaches 150mSv/hour !! Therefore, the maintenance of ESS ESS would require special treatment. However, in most of the ESS treatment. channel, the radiation nance of would require special nance of ESS would require special treatment. However, in most most of of the the ESS ESS channel, channel,the theradiation radiation However, in level is tolerable. However, in most of the ESS channel, the radiation level tolerable. level isis tolerable. level is tolerable. front view siide view 550 300 300 550 150 550 550 150 150550 Beam Beam front view front view 550wire ESS ESS wire 100kV/cm (~230gauss) ESS wire100kV/cm 1500 2300 1500 1500 Proton beam 2300 2300 Proton Proton beam* beam Proton ——» •beam • • BEAM LOSS ESTIMATION OF ESS BEAM LOSS LOSS ESTIMATION OFESS ESS BEAM ESTIMATION SCATTERING BEAM LOSS ESTIMATION OF OF ESS SCATTERING SCATTERING SCATTERING 100kV/cm (~230gauss) (~230gauss) 80µm Tungsten 80µm Tungsten 1200 wires(=1.5m) 80µm 1.25mm Total Tungsten 1.25mm Total TotalTungsten 1200 wires(=1.5m) wires(=1.5m) 1200 1.25mm Total 1200 wires(=1.5m) 1.25mm replaced by low density bulk 5 ••• I Q T From the initial distribution of scattered particle(Fig. 3), From the initial initial distribution ofscattered scattered particle(Fig. 3), From distribution of half the of scattered particle go outparticle(Fig. in the first3), turn. From thethe initial distribution of scattered particle(Fig. 3), half of the scattered particle go out in the first turn. half of the scattered particle go out in the first turn. Then, problemgois out the in lossthedistribution half of the the remaining scattered particle first turn. in Then, the the remaining remaining problem problem isisthe theloss lossdistribution distributioninin Then, the ring many problem turns. Inisorder to distribution study the issue, Then, the for remaining the loss in the ring ring for for many many turns. turns. In In order order toto study study the the issue, issue, the simulation the result fromthe MARS the ring forstudy manycombining turns. In order to study issue,and simulation study study combining combiningthe theresult resultfrom fromMARS MARSand and simulation simulation studytracking(SAD) combining thewas result from out. MARS and single particle carried single particle particletracking(SAD) tracking(SAD)was wascarried carriedout. out. single single particle wasmagnet, carried out. From ESS tracking(SAD) to the 1st septum all the scattered From ESS to to the 1st septum septummagnet, magnet,all allthe thescattered scattered From ESS the 1st From ESS tothrough the 1st the septum magnet, all the scattered particles pass same field configuration. Thus, particles pass through the same field configuration. Thus, particles pass through the same field configuration. Thus, particles pass through the same field configuration. Thus, at first, the beam loss up to the 1st septum was examined. at first, the beam loss up to the 1st at first, the loss up to 1stseptum septumwas wasexamined. examined. at first, the beam beam loss upmap to the the 1st septum was examined. Fig. shows the loss in the straight section. Fig. 444shows the loss map in the straight section. Fig. shows the loss map in the straight section. Fig. 4 shows the loss map in the straight section. replaced replaced by low density bulk replaced by low density bulk Proton beam Proton Proton beam beam Proton beam θ θ θ loss(W/7.5kW) loss(W/7.5kW) loss(W/7.5kW) FIGURE 2. Simulation model of ESS FIGURE 2. Simulation model of ESS FIGURE FIGURE 2. Simulation model of ESS i llsM *.:••• ,j i-sa I , , : ! •,,, •P ^ ^ (»'-•••••• $ *ml M : :- f :. -J . • • • • - • •f.- -- 's L|** loss(W/7.5kW) loss(W/7.5kW) loss(W/7.5kW) i:; : -- " •^"f""^ i'YVrli*, K S '- £•' '•? f- ' '•*& !•'"•,- ». :.- ':•- * • .,*'•" :-i FIGURE 3. Distribution Distribution ofofScattered exit of FIGURE Scattered particle at the FIGURE Distributionof Scatteredparticle particleat atthe of FIGURE 3.3.3. Distribution particle at the exit exit of of ESS (a)Momentum distribution,(b)phase ESS (a)Momentum distribution,(b)phase space distribution of ESS (a)Momentumdistribution,(b)phase distribution,(b)phasespace spacedistribution distributionof of ESS (a)Momentum space distribution of high energy region(>50GeV/c),(c)angle high energy region(>50GeV/c),(c)angle distribution high energy region(>50GeV/c),(c)angledistribution distribution high energy region(>50GeV/c),(c)angle distribution magnet installed atatthe the downstream magnet installedat thedownstream downstreamof ofESS(QFP) ESS(QFP)is isexexmagnet installed at downstream of ESS(QFP) isis exmagnet installed the of ESS(QFP) expected to suffer from the most serious radiation dampected to suffer from the most serious radiation dampected to suffer from the most serious radiation dampected to suffer from the most serious radiation damage. Thus, by modeling the quadrupole age. Thus, by modelingthe thequadrupole quadrupolemagnet, magnet,radiation radiation age. Thus, by modeling the quadrupole magnet, radiation age. Thus, by modeling magnet, radiation level there was estimated. level there was estimated. level there was estimated. levelFirst, therethewas estimated. absorption dose in the coil First,the theabsorption absorptiondose dosein thecoil coilinsulator insulatorwas wasestiestiFirst, insulator was estiFirst, the absorption dose ininthe the coil insulator was estimated. The result indicates that assuming 5000 hour mated. The result indicates that assuming 5000 houropopmated. The result indicates that assuming 5000 hour mated. The result indicates that dose assuming 5000 houropoperation per one year, absorption reaches ∼16MGy/y eration per one year, absorption dose reaches ∼16MGy/y erationper perone oneyear, year, absorption absorption dose dose reaches ~16MGy/y eration reaches ∼16MGy/y ininmaximum. Using polyimide film(Kapton) as the coil maximum.Using Usingpolyimide polyimidefilm(Kapton) film(Kapton) as as the the coil coil in maximum. ininsulator, maximum. Using polyimide film(Kapton) as the coil the life time is more than 25 isissufinsulator, thelife lifetime time morethan than 25year, year,which which sufinsulator, the isismore 25 year, which is sufinsulator, the life time is more than 25 year, which is sufficiently long. ficientlylong. long. ficiently Next, the residual dose rate was ficiently Next,long. theresidual residualdose doserate rate was was estimated. estimated. AssumAssumNext, the estimated. Assuming the operation day run and coolNext, the residualwith dose30 rate was estimated. Assuming the operation with 30 day run and 111 day day cooling the operation with 30 day run and day cooling, for the side ofof ESS and QFP, the residual dose is ing the operation with 30 day run and 1 day cooling, for the side ESS and QFP, the residual dose ing, for the side of ESS and QFP, the residual dose isis ing, for the side of ESS and QFP, the residual dose is 178 4 4 1010 10 4 3 3 1010 10 3 2 10 10 22 10 1010 10 1 1 1-1 -1 1010-1 10 0 0 0 Q-mag. scraper Q-mag. (a) (a) w/ow/o scraper Q-mag. (a) w/o scraper 5 5 5 4 4 1010 10 4 3 3 1010 10 3 2 2 1010 10 2 1010 10 1 1 1-1 -1-1 10 10 10 10 0 00 10 10 10 15 15 15 scraper scraper scraper 5 55 10 1010 20 20 25 25 30 30 20 25 30 ielmielm ielm (b) (b) wt scraper scraper (b) wtwt scraper 15 15 15 20 25 30 20 20 25 25 30 30 ielm ielmielm FIGURE 4. loss distribution of scattering event FIGURE 4.4. Beam Beam loss distribution ofESS ESS scattering event FIGURE of ESS scattering event FIGURE Beamline; lossdistribution distribution of ESS scattering event in the slow extraction (a)without scraper, (b) with scraper in the slow extraction line; scraper, (b) with scraper in the slow (a)without scraper, (b) with scraper in the slow extraction line; (a)without scraper, (b) with scraper In the study, the case with scraper was also examined. In the scraper was also examined. In the the with was also examined. In thestudy, study, thecase case with scraper was also examined. The scraper aperture was set to match the extraction orThe was set to match the extraction orThe scraper aperture match the extraction or-orThe scraper aperture was set to match the extraction bit and injection orbit(acceptance:81 π mm·mrad.). It inbit and injection orbit(acceptance:81 π mm·mrad.). It inbit and injection orbit(acceptance:8l7rmm-mrad.). It inbit andthat injection orbit(acceptance:81 π mm·mrad.). It indicates without scrapers, the next quadrupole magdicates that scrapers, the next quadrupole magdicates that without next quadrupole magdicates that without scrapers, the next quadrupole magnet suffers beam loss of 150W. netof ofQFP suffersfrom fromsevere beam loss of about 150W. net suffers severe beam loss ofabout about 150W. netof ofQFP QFP suffers fromsevere severe beam loss of about 150W. However, once the scraper is installed, the beam losses of However, once the scraper is installed, the beam losses of However, installed, the beam losses of of However, once the scraper is installed, the beam losses the magnets except QFP are reduced to less than 10W. the magnets except QFP are reduced to less than 10W. the magnets to less than 10W. the magnets except QFP are reduced to less than 10W. The multi-turn tracking The next next step step isis toto carry carry out out the the The next the multi-turn multi-turn tracking tracking The next step is to carry out the multi-turn tracking and make the loss map in the whole ring. Fig.5 shows the and make make the loss map in the whole ring. and ring. Fig.5 Fig.5 shows showsthe the and make the loss map in the whole ring. Fig.5 shows the beam loss map up to 12 turns. In the study, the injection beam loss loss map map up up to to 12 turns. In beam 12 turns. In the the study, study, the the injection injection beam loss map up to 12 turns. In the study, the injection 1 If the duct material is replaced to Ti, the residual dose is reduced to 11 If the duct material is replaced to Ti, the residual dose is reduced to If the duct material is replaced to Ti, the residual dose is reduced to 1/3 1 If the duct material is replaced to Ti, the residual dose is reduced to 1/3 1/3 1/3 scraper scraper is is also also installed. installed. Without scrapers, scrapers, beam power of 15W 15W isis expected expected to to dissipated dissipated in in aa element element in in maximum. maximum. However, However, with with scrapers, scrapers, it drops to 2W. 2W. It is acceptance level level considering considering the length of the elements(3∼5m). elements(3~5m). 5 1010 5 1i-1 6 1010 00 (a) (a) w/o w/o scraper scraper 10 r-\ S10 33 • W/7.5kW 2 nilllllHinillUllHIIlilHIIIMIllllllluUlilJlll^^ 200 200 4 10 ;sio liiKpiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiii^ 400 400 (b) (b) wt wt scraper scraper 600 800 injection scraper loss(W/7.5kW) 10 2 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiNUiliiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiii 10 1-1 ^ 10 10 ilMSMMMiMllllim^ 200 400 1000 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Element & IT FIGURE 5. 5. Beam Beam loss loss distribution distribution of ESS scattering scattering event event FIGURE in the the JHF JHF 50GeV 50GeV ring; (a)without (a)without scraper,(b) with scraper in Fig. 66 shows shows the horizontal phase space distribuFig. tion at at ESS ESS for for the first 3turns. Sturns. It indicates that certain tion amount of of scattered scattered beam beam is is extracted extracted eventually; 0turn: Oturn: amount ~ 50%,2turn:∼ 50%,2turn:~ 2%,3turn:23%. 2%,3turn:23%. ∼ 10 i 2 10 1000 1000 Element 11 -1 10 10 " in 10 W/7.5kW loss(W/7.5kW) £• 10 extraction ESS wire is extracted eventually. It means the extraction efficiency extraction is is quite quite high. high. efficiency of the slow extraction said that that as long long as as the the From these results, it can be said scattering at the ESS wire is concerned, the loss in the scrapers. ring can be controlled by employing the scrapers. -2 r M r ..................I• 4 10 3 10 2 t !_.. . > :survive :survi ve rlossiintt-tlthe ring :P i 1 :loss i ,,, i,,J, 0 10 10 . ,> 1 1 ' 2 • (a) w/o Scrape Scraper (a) • , , J , , 4 6 j •"•••r"-""-V-, J , , , J , , 8 10 10 , J , 12 12 Turn Turn -r-----"|-------r----"-r---^D7ipei (b) wi wt sera Scraper -[--•'--•f---*--^---0--!---*--1 • ! * j A j • <» ! ; £ i A • 1 i 4 ) :sui vive I I I :survive -1 rlos in the ring 10 r 11 :loss -2 k , :loss :los s^^rpeifs, at scarpers , , j , , , j , , , j , , , j , 10 " - , 4 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 Turn Turn FIGURE 7. Beam loss summary of ESS scattering event(up event(up to 12 turn) (a)without (a) without scraper, (b)with scraper SUMMARY FIGURE 6. 6. Horizontal Horizontal phase phase space space distribution distribution of of the the scatscatFIGURE tered particle particle at at ESS ESS tered In the slow extraction of JHF 50GeV 50GeV main main ring, ring, about about 1% of beam hit the ESS ESS wire, wire, which which corresponds corresponds to to the the beam power of 7.5kW. For the beam loss, the the simulasimulation combining MARS 14(00) and single particle MARS14(00) particle tracktracking(SAD) was carried out. out. From From the the radiation radiation level level estiestimation, the radiation level around around ESS is tolerable level. level. Multi-turn tracking of scattered particle off the the ESS ESS wire wire shows that the scraper is effective effective to reduce the the unconuncontrolled beam loss in the ring, and that most of the the scatscattered beam was extracted eventually eventually without without losing losing in in the the ring. Thus, as long as the scattering at the ESS wire is the main source of the primary primary beam beam loss in in the the slow slow extracextraction, the extraction efficiency is quite high. efficiency REFERENCES REFERENCES Multi-turn tracking tracking shows shows that that such such tendency tendency lasts lasts for for Multi-turn turns. Fig. Fig. 77 summarizes summarizes the the beam beam loss loss of of the the scattered scattered turns. particles. From From the the figure, figure, the the following following features features can can be be particles. seen. (1) (1) After After 8turns, Sturns, actually actually no no beam beam loss loss occurs occurs in in the the seen. ring. (2) (2) In In every every 3turns, Sturns, 20∼ 20~ 30% 30% of of circulating circulating beam beam is is ring. in the the side side of of extracted extracted beam beam at at the the ESS ESS wire. wire. Thus, Thus, if in if the the tendency lasts lasts furthermore, furthermore, after after 60turns, 60turns, the the remaining remaining tendency scattered particle in the ring is expected to reduced to scattered particle in the ring is expected to reduced to 1/1000. Thus more than 90% of scattered beam off the 1/1000. Thus more than 90% of scattered beam off the 1. 1. 2. 2. 179 N.Mokhov, MARS13(98) MARS13(98) code code system system User's N.Mokhov, User’s guide guide "Design of small-beam loss ”Design of small-beam loss slow slow extraction extraction in in aa high high intensity intensity 50-GeV 50-GeV proton proton synchrotron", synchrotron”, Masahito Masahito Tomizawa Tomizawa et al. Proc. et al. Proc. of of EPAC'02, EPAC’02, p2267~2269 p2267∼2269
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