Tracking Studies For JHF Lattice Alexandre Molodojentsev, Shinji Machida KEK, High Energy Accelerator Research Organization 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Japan 305-0801 Abstract. Dynamic aperture of the Rapid Cycling Synchrotron and the Main Ring of the JAERI-KEK project is simulated. The non-linear resonances, excited by the fringe fields of the magnets and the field nonlinearity of the sextupole magnets for the chromaticity correction, are studied. The operating point for both machines is optimized to provide maximum survived beam emittance. Finally, main misalignment errors, that introduce additional field nonlinearities, are included in the simulations. magnets for the chromaticity correction in combination with the fringe field effect of the dipole magnets ('sextupole'-like effect), respectively. INTRODUCTION Accurate tracking study for JHF [1] (JAERI-KEK Project) lattice should be performed to eliminate excitation of the resonances, which can limit the dynamic aperture. These resonances are determined by the intrinsic non-linearities of the magnetic field even without any magnetic field imperfections or alignment errors. In the case of RCS (Rapid Cycling Synchrotron) acceptance of the synchrotron and the aspect ratio of the magnets (inner diameter over magnet length) should be large to meet the multi-turn injection process. Then the fringe fields of the magnets can change the particle motion significantly. In the case of MR (Main Ring) another source of the magnetic field non-linearity should be taken into account, in particular, the field nonlinearity of the sextupole magnets used to correct the 'linear' chromaticity. Optimization of the working point position is performed to provide maximum available beam emittance survived in the collimator acceptance. The bending arc of MR consists of 8 identical modules with the betatron phase advance of 0.75 per module both in the horizontal and vertical phase planes. This phase advance in the horizontal phase plane is needed to provide the "zero-dispersion" condition outside of the arcs. The design working point of MR has the betatron tunes of 22.33 and 22.28 in the horizontal and vertical phase planes, respectively. The horizontal tune is determined by the slow extraction technique, based on the 3rd-order horizontal resonance. In the vicinity of the design working point the following structure resonance lines are located: 2QH-2QV=0 and 2QH=45. The natural linear chromaticity of MR is about -30 in the horizontal and vertical phase planes that should be corrected by the sextupole magnets placed in the arcs. For the design betatron phase advance per module of the arc all driving terms of the third-order resonances excited by the sextupole magnets and the average sextupole field components of the bending magnets are cancelled [2]. The beam emittance and the collimator acceptance are 54 and 817C-mm-mrad, respectively. ANALYSIS OF LATTICES The design working point on the betatron tune diagram for RCS is 6.72 and 6.35 in the horizontal and vertical planes, respectively. After the multi-turn injection the beam should have the full transverse emittances of 216 7C-mm-mrad in the both phase planes with the momentum spread of (Ap/p) = ±0.01. The natural 'linear' chromaticities before the correction are -8.253 and -8.359 in the horizontal and vertical planes, respectively. To correct the momentum tunespread two families of the sextupole are used. The collimator acceptance of RCS is 324 7C-mm-mrad. In the area near the design working point the following structure resonance lines are located: 4QH=27 and 2Qv-Qn=6. Even without any magnetic field imperfections these resonances can be excited by the fringe fields of the quadrupole magnets ('octupole'-like effect) and the non-linear field of the sextupole Simulations of the dynamic aperture limitation are performed by COSY INFINITY [3]. This code is based on the Differential Algebraic and the symplectic integration. To assess the long-term stability of particles in a periodic accelerator structure in a reasonable amount of time, the code uses an approximation of the one turn map, and then track particles with the map. For the accurate presentation of the system, the maps have to be computed to a sufficiently high order. Linear Detuning Effect The fringe fields of the magnets induce a variety of amplitude/momentum dependent effects beginning from changing of the betatron tunes. The linear CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 143 4Q 4QHH=27 =27 excited excited by the fringe field of the quadrupole magnets. magnets. amplitude amplitude dependent dependent detuning detuning coefficients coefficients calculated calculated for for the the design design working working points points of of RCS RCS and and MR MR are are collected collectedininTable Table1.1. TABLE TABLE1.1.Linear Linearamplitude amplitudedetuning detuningcoefficients coefficients Fringe Sextupole Combined: Fringe Sextupole Combined: Field Chromaticity FF+SCC Field Chromaticity FF+SCC Correction Correction RCS RCS -1 aahh 13.909 1.408 14.113 1.408 14.113 13.909 [m']1] hh [m -1 1 aa ]] 12.824 25.625 33.981 [m" 12.824 25.625 33.981 vvw[m -1 1 [in 18.354 aahvhv[m ]] 18.354 -22.997 -6.748 -22.997 -6.748 MR MR -1 1 30.834 180.064 207.610 aa^ ]] 30.834 180.064 207.610 [m" hh [m -1 1 [m" 35.813 135.128 161.758 aa [m ]] 35.813 135.128 161.758 vvw -1 1 30.388 171.553 198.183 [in aahvhv[m ]] 30.388 171.553 198.183 QvV=6.35 =6.35 -Q QV=6.30 ~Q QvV=6.27 =6.27 -Q 8 / εBEAM 5 4QHH=27 2QV-QH=6 ε DA 6 ΗV 7 443322- 2QV-QH=6 0.58 0.60 0.60 0.62 0.62 0.64 0.64 0.66 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.58 Fractional horizontal horizontal tune Fractional FIGURE 1. 1. On-momentum On-momentum dynamic dynamic aperture of RCS for FIGURE different Q QHH and and Q QVv around around the design values. different For RCS RCSthe the detuning detuning effect effect isis determined determined by by the the For combined effect effect ofof the the non-linear non-linear fringe fringe field field of of the the combined ring magnets magnets and and the the sextupole sextupole magnets magnets for for the the ring chromaticitycorrection. correction.InInthe the case case of of MR MR mainly mainly the the chromaticity sextupole magnets magnets for for the the chromaticity chromaticity correction correction sextupole determinethis thiseffect. effect. determine In FIG.1 FIG.l the initial beam emittances in the In horizontal and and vertical phase planes are equal to each horizontal other. The The symplectic symplectic tracking was performed other. performed during 1000 turns. turns. If If the the operation working point is QHH=6.72, 1000 Qv=6.35 the dynamic aperture is limited by Q the V=6.35 £n,v/£BEAM~3. This value can be improved about 2 εH,V/εBEAM~3. This times if the operating working point is located in the times if the the area Q =6.64.. .6.70 and QVv= 6.27…6.30. 6.27.. .6.30. area QHH=6.64…6.70 and Q DYNAMICAPERTURE APERTURE DYNAMIC The onon- and and off-momentum off-momentum dynamic dynamic aperture aperture for for The both machines machines isis analyzed analyzed including including the the fringe fringe field field both effects ofofthe thering ring magnets magnets and and the the sextupole sextupole magnets magnets effects usedfor forthe the 'linear' 'linear' chromaticity chromaticity correction. correction. For For these these used simulations the the dynamic dynamic aperture aperture (or (or the the dynamic dynamic simulations acceptance) ofof the the machine machine isis determined determined as as the the acceptance) maximum initial beam emittance that remain maximum initial beam emittance that remain circulating inin the the chamber, chamber, which which has has the the horizontal horizontal circulating and vertical sizes much bigger (10 times) than the the and vertical sizes much bigger (10 times) than physical aperture aperture atat the the observation observation point. point. The The physical physical limitation limitation ofof the the chamber chamber size size at at the the physical observation point point isis determined determined by by the the corresponding corresponding observation Twissparameters parametersand andthe thecollimator collimator acceptance. acceptance. Main Main Twiss goalofofthis thisstudy studyisisoptimization optimization of ofthe the working working point point goal position to avoid, first of all, any limitations of the position to avoid, first of all, any limitations of the dynamic aperture caused by the nearest structure dynamic aperture caused by the nearest structure resonances. Moreover, Moreover, the the beam beam survival survival in in the the resonances. collimator acceptance for both machines will be collimator acceptance for both machines will be discussed including main misalignment errors. discussed including main misalignment errors. From the the practical point of view it is necessary to From consider survival survival of the beam inside of the collimator consider collimator aperture. Moreover, Moreover, the the misalignment misalignment errors aperture. errors of of the the ring magnets can lead to excitation of additional ring magnets can lead to excitation of additional resonances, which which are are not not structure structure ones. ones. In resonances, In the the case case of of RCS we we should should study study the the influence influence of of the the coupling RCS coupling resonance Q Qn+Qv=13, excited by by the the skew skew resonance excited H+QV=13, quadrupoles, and and the the 33rdrd order order resonances resonances 3Q 3QVV=19 quadrupoles, =19 and and 2QHH-Q -Qv=7, excited by the skew sextupoles. The axial 2Q V=7, excited by the skew sextupoles. The axial shift of of the the sextupole sextupole magnets magnets generates generates an an additional additional shift source for the skew quadrupole field component. source for the skew quadrupole field component. The following following misalignment misalignment errors errors are are assumed assumed for The for this simulation simulation that that correspond correspond to to the this the design design requirements: σOTILT = 0.5mrad and OSHIFT= 0.5mm. requirements: TILT = 0.5mrad and σSHIFT= 0.5mm. The Gaussian Gaussian distribution distribution of of the the misalignment misalignment errors The errors has been been generated generated with with the the maximum has maximum value value 2.5a. 2.5σ. In In the case case of of the the shifted shifted sextupole sextupole magnets magnets the the the contribution to to COD COD is is negligible. negligible. In In the the case contribution case of of the the design Q value (Q =6.35) the survival of the beam v v design QV value (QV=6.35) the survival of the beam is is limited first first of of all all by by the the structure structure resonance resonance 2Q limited 2QVV-QH=6 =6 and and the the 'linear' 'linear' coupling coupling resonance resonance Q Qn+Qv=13. Q H H+QV=13. If the Q is changed (Q =6.27), the beam survival v v If the QV is changed (QV=6.27), the beam survival can can be improved improved in in the the Q QHrange range of of 6.64…6.70 6.64.. .6.70 (FIG.2). (FIG.2). be H Further study study including including the the intrinsic intrinsic magnet Further magnet field field nonlinearities (systematic and random) is nonlinearities (systematic and random) is needed needed to to estimate the the reduction reduction of of the the dynamic dynamic aperture aperture by estimate by the the high-order resonances. resonances. high-order RCSDynamic Dynamic Aperture Aperture RCS For the simulation of the RCS dynamic aperture the thFor the simulation of the RCS dynamic aperture the order Taylor Taylor map map ofof the the magnetic magnetic field field has has been been 88th order used. In the case of RCS the nearest structure used. In the case of RCS the nearest structure resonanceexcited excited by by the the sextupole sextupole field field non-linearity non-linearity resonance of the sextupole magnets and the fringe field of of the the of the sextupole magnets and the fringe field dipole magnets is the third-order difference resonance dipole magnets is the third-order difference resonance 2Qv-Qn=6. Another limitation of the dynamic dynamic aperture aperture 2Q V-QH=6. Another limitation of the th th order resonance of RCS is determined by the 4 of RCS is determined by the 4 order resonance 144 Q =6.35 -Q QvV=6.35 =6.35 QVV=6.27 Q =6.35 V -Q QvV=6.27 =6.27 QV=6.27 1.6 1.6 1.6 COLLIMATOR COLLI MAJOR COLLIMATOR COLLIMATOR 1.4 1.41.4 1.4 1.2 BEAM BEAM BEAM BEAM 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.80.8 ε ε MAX /ε MAX HV/ ε BEAM ε HV BEAM MAX / εBEAM HV 1.2 1.21.2 0.8 0.6 0.60.6 0.6 0.40.4 0.4 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.68 0.70 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.58 0.60 0.58 0.60 0.76 0.58 0.600.62 0.62 0.64 0.66 0.66 0.68 0.68 0.70 0.70 0.72 0.72 0.74 0.74 0.76 0.76 horizontal tune Fractional Fractional horizontal tune Fractional horizontal tune caseof design modified operation tunes case the design and modified operation tunes the case ofof thethe design andand modified operation tunes the the case ofbeam the design and modified operation tunes the by MR survival without any errors is determined MR MR beam beam survival survival without without any any errors errors isis determined determined by by MR beam survival without 2Q any errors is determined byN the coupling resonance , where H-2Q V=nN super super the coupling resonance 2Q -2Q , where N the coupling resonance 2Q er, where N H-2Qv=nN V=nN super super H sup supe the coupling resonance 2QH-2QV=nNsuperof , where Nsuperr =3). isnumber number of the super-periodicity MR (N super is of the super-periodicity of MR (N r=3). is number the super-periodicity of MR (N =3). supe super is number of the super-periodicity of MR (Nsuper =3). Thisresonance resonance is excited by 'octupole'-like fringe This excited by the 'octupole'-like fringe This is excited excited by the thethe 'octupole'-like fringe This resonance resonance is is by 'octupole'-like fringe field effect of the quadrupole magnets. field effect of the quadrupole magnets. field effect of the quadrupole magnets. field effect of the quadrupole magnets. If errors are included the misalignment errors included in the If the misalignment errors are are included in the the If Ifthe thethemisalignment misalignment errors are included inin consideration, the linear' coupling resonance is excited consideration, thethe 'linear' coupling resonance excited consideration, 'linear' coupling resonance is excited consideration, the 'linear' coupling resonance isisexcited by of the skew quadrupole by the skew component of the thethe skew quadrupole theskew skewcomponent component of skew quadrupole bybythe the skew component of skew quadrupole magnets and the shifted sextupole magnets. magnets thethe shifted sextupole magnets. magnets and shifted sextupole magnets. magnets and the shifted sextupole magnets. 2. 2.Survival FIGURE Survival collimator RCS for FIGURE Survivalof beamin thecollimator collimatorofof RCS for FIGURE 2. ofofbeam beam ininthe the collimator ofRCS RCSfor for different working different operating fringe field, differentoperating operatingworking workingpoints pointsincluding including fringe fringe field, different points including fringefield, field, field non-linearities sextupole field sextupole field non-linearitiesand andmisalignment misalignmenterrors. errors. sextupole field non-linearities and misalignment errors. QV=22.28, dp/p=0 q,=22.28, dp/p=0 QV=22.28, dp/p=0 ...... , dp/p=+0.01 ,, dp/p=+0.01 dp/p=+0.01 ...... ,dp/p=0 dp/p=-0.01 Q...... =22.28, V ,, dp/p=-0.01 dp/p=-0.01 ...... QV=19.28, dp/p=0 ...... ,dp/p=0 dp/p=+0.01 q,=19.28, QV=19.28, dp/p=0 ...... , dp/p=-0.01 QV=19.28, dp/p=0 8 6 V εV / εΒΕΑΜ ε /ε ΒΕΑΜ εV / εΒΕΑΜ 6 6 4 4 4 2 2 2 0 COLLIMATOR COLLIMATOR 0 COLLIMATOR 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 4 6 εH /5εΒΕΑΜ 6 ε /ε 4 H ΒΕΑΜ 5 6 εH / εΒΕΑΜ 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 FIGURE 3. On- and off-momentum dynamic aperture in FIGURE Onand off-momentum dynamic aperture in FIGURE 3.of Onaperture in the units3. the and beamoff-momentum emittance for dynamic the design operating thepoint units emittance the units offorthe the beam emittance for the the design design operating operating andof thebeam modified point. for FIGURE 3. the Onand off-momentum dynamic aperture in point and for for modified point. point and the modified point. TheofMR aperture for (FIG.3) for theoperating design the units thedynamic beam emittance the design The MR dynamic aperture design The dynamic aperture (FIG.3) for theand design working point (QV=22.28) for the for on-the offpoint and MR for the modified point. (FIG.3) MAX 1.6 AsAswas wasstressed stressedabove abovethe theMR MRlattice latticeisisdesigned designedto to As was stressed above the the MRlattice latticeisisdesigned designedtoto suppress suppressallalldriving drivingterms termsofofthe thethird-order third-orderresonances resonances resonances suppress allofdriving termsworking of the third-order case ofthe thedesign design working point.From Fromresonances theother other in inthethecase point. the From the other in the case of the design working point. From other side,this thisworking workingpoint pointisislocated locatednear nearthe theDC DCthe 'linear' 'linear' side, 'linear' side, this working point is located near the DC 'linear' couplingresonance resonanceQtrQv=0. Forcomparison comparisonthe theMR MR H-Q V=0.For coupling QQ H-Q V=0. coupling resonance QisHcalculated -Q comparison theand MR V=0. Forfor dynamic apertureis calculated for the design design and the dynamic aperture the design and rd rd dynamic aperture is calculated for the design modified Q . The horizontal tune is fixed near the 3rd QVv.VThe horizontal tune is fixed modified Q fixed near the 3and modified QV. The horizontal tune isfringe fixed field near thethe 3rd orderhorizontal horizontal resonance line. The fringe fieldof of the resonance line. The order fringe field the ring magnetsand and thesextupole sextupole magnets forthe the'linear' 'linear' order horizontal resonance line.magnets The fringe field of the ring magnets the for the 'linear' chromaticity correction areincluded included infor thethe tracking ring magnets and the sextupole magnets 'linear' chromaticity correction are in the tracking tracking th during1000 1000turns turnsbybyusing using the orderTaylor map. chromaticity correction arethe included inTaylor the map. tracking during 99thth order during 1000 turns by using the 9th order Taylor map. 8 MAX Survival: Survival: εε HV / εBEAM BEAM MAX Survival: ε HV / εBEAM I MR Dynamic MRDynamic DynamicAperture Aperture MR Aperture 8 1.8 1.8 Q QVvV=22.28 =22.28 Q =22.28 QV=22.28 1000 turns 1000 turns 1000 turns 1000 turns 9th-order map 9th-ordermap map 9th-order 9th-order map 1.6 -FF+ChromCorr FF+ChromCorr FF+ChromCorr FF+ChromCorr -+++Skew-Q-Set#1 Skew-Q-Set#1 Skew-Q-Set#1 + Skew-Q-Set#1 -+...+ Shift-S(H/V)-Set#1 +...+Shift-S(H/V)-Set#1 Shift-S(H/V)-Set#1 +...+ +...+ Shift-S(H/V)-Set#1 -+...+ Shift-S(H/V)-Set#2 +...+Shift-S(H/V)-Set#2 Shift-S(H/V)-Set#2 +...+ +...+ Shift-S(H/V)-Set#2 -•+...+ Shift-S(H/V)-Set#3 +...+Shift-S(H/V)-Set#3 Shift-S(H/V)-Set#3 +...+ +...+ Shift-S(H/V)-Set#3 £ 1.41.4 1.4 1.21.2 1.2 1.0 1.01.0 1.0 0.8 0.80.8 0.8 Q QHH-Q -QVV=0 =0 0.6 0.6 QH-QV=0 0.6 0.24 0.24 0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.28 0.30 0.30 0.32 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.36 0.36 0.38 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.42 0.420.44 0.44 0.6 0.26 Fractional 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.30 Horizontal 0.32 0.34Tune, 0.36υVHυH0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 Fractional Horizontal Tune, Fractional Horizontal Tune, H Fractional Horizontal Tune, υH FIGURE 4. 4. Survival FIGURE of beam in the collimator MR FIGURE 4. Survival Survival of of beam beam in in the the collimator collimatorofof ofMR MR around the design working point including fringe around the design working point including fringe field, FIGURE 4. Survival of beam in the collimator of MR around the design working point including fringe field, field, sextupole field non-linearities and errors. sextupole and misalignment errors. around field the non-linearities design working point including fringe field, sextupole field non-linearities andmisalignment misalignment errors. sextupole non-linearities and the misalignment errors. Survivalfield of Survival of the beam in collimator for Survival of the the beam beam in in the the collimator collimator for for Q =22.28 is shown in FIG.4 including the V Survival Qv=22.28 is shown in FIG.4 including the of the beam in the collimator QV=22.28 is shown in FIG.4 including the for misalignment errors with theinσ-value toto the misalignment with similar QV=22.28 errors is shown FIG.4similar including misalignment errors with the the a-value σ-value similar to the the the RCS design parameters. In the case of Q =19.28 the V RCS design parameters. In the case of Q =19.28 the v RCS design parameters. In the of QV=19.28 the misalignment with thecase σ-value similar to the beam survival for forerrors Q =22.34…22.38 has the same limit beam survival Q has same limit beam for QHHH=22.34...22.38 =22.34…22.38 has the the same limit the RCS design parameters. In the case of Q =19.28 MAX survival V (εMAX HV/εBEAM ~1.2). But in this case the width of the MAX (8 Hv/£BEAM ~1.2). in width of (ε ~1.2). But in this this case case the the width of the thelimit beam survival for QBut has the same HV/ε BEAM H=22.34…22.38 resonance 2QH-2Q -2Q V=6 becomes bigger than the width MAX resonance 2Q =6 becomes bigger than the width H V resonance -2Q =6 becomes bigger than the width H Q~1.2). V But in this case the width of the HV/εBEAM of(εthe resonance H-QV=0 in the case of QV=22.28. of the in of ofresonance the resonance resonance Q =0becomes in the thecase casebigger of Q QvV=22.28. =22.28. H-Q 2QHQn-Qv=0 -2Q =6 than the width VV of the resonance Q -Q =0 in the case of H V ACKNOWLEDGMENTS QV=22.28. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Y.Mori and The would like to Y.Mori and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors authors would like to thank thank and Y.Mori and S.Ohnuma for many useful discussions, M.Berz, S.Ohnuma for many useful discussions, and M.Berz, S.Ohnuma for many useful discussions, and M.Berz, K.Makino and B.Erdelyi theirtosupport COSY and The and authors wouldforlike thankofY.Mori K.Makino K.Makino and B.Erdelyi B.Erdelyi for for their their support support of of COSY COSY simulations. S.Ohnuma for many useful discussions, and M.Berz, simulations. simulations. K.Makino and B.Erdelyi for their support of COSY simulations. REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES 1. K.Shigaki, F.Noda, K.Yamamoto, S.Machida, working point (Qv=22.28) for the working point (Q for Additionally the onon- and andtheoffoffmomentum particles is depicted. onV=22.28) 1. K.Shigaki, F.Noda, K.Yamamoto, S.Machida, A.Molodojentsev, Y.Ishi, "The JHF Lattice", this 1. 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