Carbon and Beryllium Targets at PSI Carbon and Beryllium Targets at PSI G. Heidenreich G. Heidenreich Paul Scherrer Institut Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen PSI, Switzerland Villigen PSI, Switzerland Abstract. The Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) operates a cyclotron facility for the production of a high intensity proton beam at an The energy 590 MeV. The majority of the beam is delivered thethe twoproduction target stations andintensity E, mounted in Abstract. Paulof Scherrer Institut (PSI) operates a cyclotron facilitytofor of a M high proton series,attoangenerate and beams particle to physics andtarget muon-spin-resonance beam energy intense of 590 pion MeV. Themuon majority of for theresearch beam is indelivered the two stations M and E,applications. mounted in Both targets consistintense of rotating wheels of polycrystalline graphite cooled physics by thermal About 40% of the proton series, to generate pion and muon beams for research in particle and radiation. muon-spin-resonance applications. beamtargets is lost consist at the target-E station; the of remainder of the beam is transported to the spallation or to Both of rotating wheels polycrystalline graphite cooled by thermal radiation.neutron About source 40% ofSINQ the proton a beam dump. Since the upgrade cyclotron, the beam targetisfacilities haveto had to handle neutron significantly beam is lost at the target-E station; to thethe remainder of the transported the spallation sourcehigher SINQbeam or to both target were completely rebuilt the (M target in 1985 and E in 1990) mA. An overview the acurrent; beam dump. Sincestations the upgrade to the cyclotron, facilities have hadtotohandle handle2 significantly higher ofbeam meson production willwere be presented, on 1985 designand andE operational of 2themA. targets at PSI. current; both targettargets stations completelyconcentrating rebuilt (M in in 1990) tolimits handle An used overview of the meson production targets will be presented, concentrating on design and operational limits of the targets used at PSI. INTRODUCTION The 11 MW MW proton proton beam beam from from the the 590 590 MeV The MeV cyclotron is is delivered delivered to to two two meson meson production production targets, cyclotron targets, "M" and and "E", "E", mounted mounted in in series, "M" series, which which generate generate intense pion pion and and muon muon beams beams for research in intense for research in particle particle physics and and for for muon muon spin-resonance spin-resonance applications physics applications (µSR). These These targets targets consist consist of (jiSR). of rotating rotating wheels wheels of of polycrystalline graphite, cooled by thermal polycrystalline graphite, cooled by thermal radiation. radiation. Some parameters parameters for for the the targets targets are are given given in in table table 1. Some 1. Target-M feeds two meson beam-lines, π-M1 high Target-M feeds two meson beam-lines, 7C-M1 aa high resolution pion pion beam beam and and 7C-M3, π-M3, which which is resolution is dedicated dedicated to to µSR applications. The target-E complex provides jiSR applications. The target-E complex provides five five high intensity intensity meson meson beam-lines; beam-lines; π-E1, π-E3 and high 7C-E1,7C-E3 and π-E5 7C-E5 for pions; µ-E1 and µ-E4 for muons. After target E, E, for pions; |i-El and |i-E4 for muons. After target the remaining proton beam (60% of typically 1.8 mA) the remaining proton beam (60% of typically 1.8 mA) is either either delivered delivered to to the the spallation spallation neutron neutron source is source SINQ or defocused and stopped in a high power beam SINQ or defocused and stopped in a high power beam dump. Before Before the the meson meson production production targets, targets, there there is dump. is an an electrostatic splitter, which allows between 100 electrostatic splitter, which allows between 100 nA nA and 20 20 |iA µA to to be be split split from from the the main main beam beam for use in in and for use the NA-Hall. This low intensity proton beam is used the NA-Hall. This low intensity proton beam is used by PIE PIF (proton (proton irradiation irradiation facility) facility) and by and Gantry Gantry (proton (proton therapy facility). A degrader is available therapy facility). A degrader is available to to reduce reduce the the energy of of the the proton proton beam beam to to aa few few hundred hundred MeV MeV and energy and an intensity intensity of of aa few nA. Two Two new new projects projects are an few nA. are planned in the NA Hall: planned in the NA - Hall: (i) The The project project PROSCAN. PROSCAN. This (i) This is is aa dedicated dedicated 250 MeV cyclotron for proton therapy, 250 MeV cyclotron for proton therapy, feeding feeding two two treatment rooms rooms and and one one experimental treatment experimental area. area, (ii) The The construction construction of of an ultra cold (ii) an ultra cold neutron neutron source source (UCN), based on the spallation process. (UCN), based on the spallation process. With With the the help help of aa fast fast kicker kicker the the whole whole beam beam (2 mA) will will be be of (2 mA) directed onto the UCN spallation target for a few directed onto the UCN spallation target for a few seconds every every 10 This seconds 10 minutes. minutes. This should should produce produce aa UCN UCN 3 density of 4000/cm 3 (orders of magnitude higher than density of 4000/cm (orders of magnitude higher than any other UCN source in the world). any other UCN source in the world). FIGURE 1. Layout of the PSI accelerator facility. Two new FIGURE 1. Layout of the PSI accelerator facility. Two new projects are planned in the NA-Hall: the project PROSCAN, projects are planned in the NA-Hall: the project PROSCAN, a dedicated 250 MeV Cyclotron for cancer therapy and the a dedicated 250 MeV Cyclotron for cancer therapy and the Ultra Cold Neutron Source. Ultra Cold Neutron Source. CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 122 crane. There no need for local mechanical workon on crane. crane.There Thereisis isno noneed needfor forlocal localmechanical mechanicalwork work on the highly activated components. The rotating carbon the thehighly highlyactivated activatedcomponents. components.The Therotating rotatingcarbon carbon target, beam monitors, beam collimators andthe thebeam beam target, target,beam beammonitors, monitors,beam beamcollimators collimatorsand and the beam dump elements can be removed into aaa remotely remotely dump dump elements elements can can be be removed removed into into remotely controlled shielded flask and transported byaaacrane cranetoto to controlledshielded shieldedflask flaskand andtransported transportedby by crane controlled the hot cell for maintenance. thehot hotcell cellfor formaintenance. maintenance. the ii) The connections between beam pipes and and ii) The The connections connections between between beam beam pipes pipes and ii) vacuum chambers are made by means ofinflatable inflatableallallvacuumchambers chambersare aremade madeby bymeans meansofof inflatable allvacuum metal seals which do not require anyclamping. clamping. metalseals sealswhich whichdo donot notrequire requireany any clamping. metal TABLE 1.1.Some Some Parameters For The Targets TABLE TABLE1. SomeParameters ParametersFor ForThe TheTargets Targets M Meson Production Target Meson M EEE MesonProduction ProductionTarget Target M Mean Diameter (mm) 320 450 Mean 320 450 MeanDiameter Diameter(mm) (mm) 320 450 5.2 Target Length (mm) 60 Target 5.2 60 TargetLength Length(mm) (mm) 5.2 60 Target (mm) 20 TargetWidth Width(mm) (mm) 3 20 Target Width 20 666 Graphite Density (g/cm 1.8 1.8 GraphiteDensity Density(g/cm (g/cm3))3) 1.8 1.8 Graphite 1.8 1.8 Proton Beam Losses (%) 1.6 18 ProtonBeam BeamLosses Losses(%) (%) 1.6 18 Proton 1.6 18 2.4 Power Deposition (KW/mA) 30 PowerDeposition Deposition(KW/mA) (KW/mA) 2.4 30 Power 2.4 30 Irradiation Damage Rate (dpa/Ah) 0.11 0.1 IrradiationDamage DamageRate Rate(dpa/Ah) (dpa/Ah) 0.11 0.1 Irradiation 0.11 0.1 Operating Temperature (K) 1100 1700 OperatingTemperature Temperature(K) (K) 1100 1700 Operating 1100 1700 Rotational Speed (Turns/s) RotationalSpeed Speed(Turns/s) (Turns/s) Rotational 111 111 iii) All the power-, coolingandsignal signalconnections connections iii)All Allthe thepower-, power-,coolingcooling-and and signal connections iii) are brought through the local local shielding arebrought broughtthrough through the shieldingtotoaa working working are platform 2.5mmabove abovethe theproton protonbeam beamaxis, axis,where wherethe the platform2.5 axis, where the platform dose rate (with the the beam beam off) off) allow doserate rate(with off)isislow lowenough enough totoallow allow dose hands-on maintenance. hands-onmaintenance. maintenance. hands-on STATION M TARGETSTATION STATIONM M TARGET Target-M asasaaahorizontal horizontal insert. The Target-Misis designed designedas horizontal insert. insert. The The rotation made using long drive shaft rotationofofthe thetarget targetisismade madeusing usingaaalong longdrive driveshaft shaft equipped ball bearings, the balls and equippedwith withaapair pairofofball ballbearings, bearings,the theballs ballsand and rings lubrication and to ringsare aresilver silvercoated coatedtotoachieve achievelubrication lubrication and and to to prevent ininvacuum. vacuum. The drive-motor preventadhesive adhesivewear wearin vacuum.The Thedrive-motor drive-motorisisis mounted with the torque to the mountedoutside outsidethe thevacuum vacuumwith with the thetorque torqueto to the the drive permanent-magnet clutch. driveshaft shafttransmitted transmittedby byaapermanent-magnet permanent-magnetclutch. clutch. Thepresent presenttarget-M target-Munit unithas hasoperated operatedfor formore morethan than The has operated for more than 50’000hours hourswithout withoutfailure failuresince sinceitititwas wasinstalled installedin in 50'000 since was installed in 50’000 1991.The Thegraphite graphiteofofthe thetarget targethas hasbeen been irradiated irradiated 1991. with total total integrated integrated beam beam current current of of 44 44Ah, Ah, which which with current of 44 Ah, which correspondstotoaaradiation radiation damage damagelevel level of ofabout about 444 corresponds damage level of about dpa. dpa. WORKINGPLATFORM PLATFORM WORKING BEAM BEAM DUMP DUMP TARGETEE E TARGET TARGET toto S SI NI N QQ FIGURE3.3. 3.Design Designofofthe channelbetween betweenTarget Target FIGURE FIGURE Design theproton protonchannel TargetEEE andthe thebeam beamdump. and and the beam dump. The target target consists cone ofof The The target consists ofof aa rotating rotating cone of polycrystallinegraphite, bythermal thermal radiation. radiation. polycrystalline polycrystalline graphite, cooled cooled by radiation. Thecone coneisis isattached attachedtotothe thewheel wheelhub hubby bysix sixspokes. spokes. The The cone by This design allows dimensional changes, such This This design design allows allows dimensional dimensional changes, changes, such such asas as thermal expansion during heating, to be taken but thermal expansion during heating, to be taken up, thermal expansion during heating, to be taken up, up,but but constrains the the irradiation-induced irradiation-induced anisotropic anisotropic constrains constrains the irradiation-induced anisotropic shrinkageof ofthe thepolycrystalline polycrystallinegraphite, graphite,which which causes shrinkage shrinkage of the polycrystalline graphite, whichcauses causes deformationof ofthe theshape shapeand and henceleads leads radial deformation deformation of the shape andhence hence leadstoto toaaaradial radial wobble. The The radial radial displacement displacement amplitude amplitude must be wobble. wobble. The radial displacement amplitude must must be be less then 2 mm during operation of the target. Figure less lessthen then22mm mmduring duringoperation operationofofthe thetarget. target.Figure Figure555 showsthe themeasured measuredradial radialdisplacement displacementrate rate [mm/Ah] shows shows the measured radial displacement rate[mm/Ah] [mm/Ah] for the targets made from the graphite grades R6300P for the targets made from the graphite grades for the targets made from the graphite gradesR6300P R6300P and R6400P [1]. Since 1997 the targets were made and R6400P [1]. Since 1997 the targets were and R6400P [1]. Since 1997 the targets were made made from R6400P, R6400P, which which isis is aaa more more isotropic isotropic form from from R6400P, which more isorropic form form ofof of graphite. This This has has resulted resulted inin significant graphite. graphite. This has resulted in aaa significant significant improvementof ofthe thelifetime, lifetime,which which presently reaches improvement improvement of the lifetime, whichpresently presentlyreaches reaches 10 Ah (one operational year). The target is driven by 10 10Ah Ah(one (oneoperational operationalyear). year).The Thetarget targetisisdriven drivenby byaaa long vertically mounted drive shaft, so that the electric long vertically mounted drive shaft, so that the electric long vertically mounted drive shaft, so that the electric motorisis ismounted mountedinin inaaalow lowradiation radiationfield field region. The motor motor mounted low radiation fieldregion. region.The The bearings contain steel balls; the rings and the balls bearings contain steel balls; the rings and the balls are bearings contain steel balls; the rings and the balls are are silver coated coated toto to act act as as lubricant. lubricant. The The lifetime lifetime the silver silver coated act as lubricant. The lifetime ofof ofthe the bearingsisis isabout about3000 3000hours hourspresently presently and causes up bearings bearings about 3000 hours presentlyand andcauses causesup up to three replacements of the target insert per to to three three replacements replacements ofof the the target target insert insert per per operational year. year. AA longer longer lifetime lifetime isis expected by operational operational year. A longer lifetime is expected expected by by FIGURE 2.2. Picture Picture of the target-M target-M unit. unit. The The arrow arrow FIGURE Picture ofof the the target-M unit. The arrow indicatesthe thedirection directionof theproton protonbeam. beam. indicates indicates the direction ofofthe the proton beam. TARGETSTATION STATIONE TARGET STATION EE theyear year1990 1990aaanew newmechanical mechanicaldesign designof the In year InInthe the 1990 new mechanical design ofofthe the target station E and of the beam dump was installed. target station target station E E and and of of the the beam beam dump dump was was installed. installed. Themain mainfeatures featuresare: are: The The main features are: All the the beam beam line line elements elements and and their their local local i) beam i)i) All All the line elements and their local shieldings are mounted on support stands, which are shieldings shieldings are are mounted mounted on on support support stands, stands, which which are are precisely positioned on ground plates, allowing a selfprecisely positioned precisely positioned on on ground ground plates, plates, allowing allowing aa selfselfcentering installation installation of the elements elements without without any any centering centering installation ofof the the elements without any fastenings. All All elements elements can can thus thus bebe installed installed and and fastenings. fastenings. All elements can thus be installed and removedexclusively exclusively inthe the verticaldirection direction withthe the removed removed exclusively in in the vertical vertical direction with with the 123 for theberyllium berylliumand andcarbon carbontargets targetsasasaa afunction functionofof for for the the beryllium beryllium and and carbon carbon targets targets as as a function function of of I/D-e*, which is the proton current I(mA), dividedbyby I/D⋅ε*, which isisthe the proton current I(mA), divided I/D⋅ε*, which whichis theproton proton current currentI(mA), I(mA),divided dividedby by the targetdiameter diameterD(m) D(m)multiplied multipliedbybythe theeffective effective the D(m) the target target diameter diameter D(m) multiplied multiplied by by the theeffective effective *8* ** of the radiating surfaces. The current emissivity emissivity of the radiating surfaces. The current emissivity εεε of of the the radiating radiating surfaces. surfaces. The The current current design for for the the graphite graphitetargets targetshave haveaaaadiameter diameterof design the graphite targets have diameter of design for the graphite targets have diameter ofof D=0.45 m and an effective emissivity of e*=0.75, D=0.45 m and an effective emissivity of ε*=0.75, D=0.45 m and and an an effective effective emissivity emissivity of of ε*=0.75, ε*=0.75, which gives gives acceptable acceptable operational operationalparameters parametersfor for which gives acceptable operational parameters for which gives acceptable operational parameters for proton currents up to 3 mA (I/D-e*=8.9). In the case proton currents up to 3 mA (I/D⋅ε*=8.9). In the case of proton currents currents up up to to 33 mA mA (I/D⋅ε*=8.9). (I/D⋅ε*=8.9). In In the the case case of ofof beryllium target, a diameter ten times larger would aaaberyllium target, a diameter ten times larger would target, a diameter ten times larger would beryllium target, a diameter ten times larger would benecessary. necessary,(e.g. (e.g.for for3333mA mA4.5 4.5m diameter).In the be necessary. (e.g. for mA 4.5 m diameter). In the be necessary. (e.g. for mA 4.5 mmdiameter). diameter). InInthe the earlydays daysof ofoperation, operation,beryllium berylliumtargets targetswere wereused used early of operation, beryllium targets were used early days of operation, beryllium targets were used withbeam beamcurrents currentsup upto to150 150µA. |iA.The Thetargets targetswith withaaa a with with beam currents up to 150 µA. The targets with with beam currents up to 150 µA. The targets with diameter diameter of of0.19 0.19m mand andan aneffective effectiveemissivity emissivityof diameter of 0.19 m and an effective emissivity of diameter of 0.19 m and an effective emissivity ofof ε*=0.6 to e*=0.6failed failedat atoperating operatingcurrents currentsof 120µA |iAdue due ε*=0.6 failed at operating currents of 120 µA due to ε*=0.6 failed at operating currents ofof120 120 µA due toto cracks cracks of of the the target target cone cone (I/D⋅ε*=1.05); (I/D-e*=1.05);with withaaa a cracks of the target cone (I/D⋅ε*=1.05); with cracks of the target cone (I/D⋅ε*=1.05); with diameter up to diameterof of0.28 0.28m mthey theyoperated operatedsuccessfully successfullyatat diameter of 0.28 m they operated successfully up to diameter of 0.28 m they operated successfully atat upup toto 150 µA (I/D⋅ε*=0.89). 150µA jiA(I/D⋅ε*=0.89). (I/D-e*=0.89). 150 150 µA (I/D⋅ε*=0.89). using commercially available bearings bearings with silicon silicon using commercially using using commercially commercially available available bearings with with silicon nitride balls [2]; these will be tried out this year. nitride balls [2]; nitride nitrideballs balls[2]; [2];these thesewill willbe betried triedout outthis thisyear. year. 10000 FIGURE 4.4. Picture Picture of the Target-E unit. FIGURE 4. Picture of of the the Target-E Target-E unit. unit. The arrow The arrow FIGURE Picture of the Target-E unit. The arrow indicates the direction of the proton beam. indicatesthe thedirection directionof theproton protonbeam. beam. indicates ofofthe the proton beam. ^1 Z <£ 0.7 0.7 0.7 u.r 1 0.6 0.6 1 0.6 E, n0.5 c 0.5 0.5 * 0-5 < 0.4 0.4 0.4 3> 0.4 R6300P R6300P R6300P HJ"R63 °op R6400P ∆∆ ∆ R6400P R6400P • •R6400P ro £ ~ 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 Hiu 0.2 TO 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 I 0.1 0.1 0.1 & °'1 Q 0 00 \ 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 0.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.8 1.8 0.5 11 1.5 1.8 0.5 1 1.5 1.5 1.8 Mean Proton Current [mA] MeanProton ProtonCurrent Current[mA] [mA] Mean Proton Current Mean [mA] FIGURE Variation FIGURE6. Variationof ofthe thecritical criticaloperational operationalparameters parameters FIGURE 6.6. of critical operational parameters FIGURE 6. Variation Variation ofthe the critical operational parameters (the temperature, the safety factor and (the temperature, temperature, the the safety safety factor factor and andthe theevaporation evaporationrate) rate) (the the evaporation rate) (the temperature, the safety factor and the evaporation rate) for forthe theberyllium berylliumand andcarbon carbontargets targetsas asaaafunction functionof ofI/D⋅ε*, I/D⋅ε*, for the beryllium and carbon targets as function of I/D⋅ε*, for theisberyllium andcurrent carbonI(mA), targets divided as a function oftarget I/D-e*, which the proton by the which isis the the proton current current I(mA), I(mA), divided divided by by the the target which *target which is the proton proton current I(mA), divided by thetarget diameter diameterD(m) D(m)multiplied multipliedby by the theeffective effectiveemissivity emissivityεεε**of of diameter D(m) multiplied by the effective emissivity diameter D(m) multiplied by the effective emissivity 8ofof the radiating surfaces. theradiating radiatingsurfaces. surfaces. the the radiating surfaces. FIGURE 5.5. Measured irradiation induced radial FIGURE5. Measuredirradiation irradiationinduced inducedradial radial FIGURE FIGURE 5. Measured Measured irradiation inducedmade radial displacement rate [mm/Ah] for the targets displacement rate [mm/Ah] for the targets madefrom fromthe the displacement rate [mm/Ah] for the targets made from the displacement rate [mm/Ah] for the targets made from the graphite grades R6300P and R6400P [1]. graphitegrades gradesR6300P R6300Pand andR6400P R6400P[1]. [1]. graphite graphite grades R6300P and R6400P [1]. The important operational concerns are Theimportant importantoperational operationalconcerns concernsare aremechanical mechanical The mechanical The important operational concerns are mechanical reliability, mainly caused by thermal induced reliability,mainly mainlycaused causedby bythermal thermalinduced inducedstresses, stresses, reliability, stresses, reliability, mainly caused of by thermal which can cause cracking the target cone spread whichcan cancause causecracking cracking ofthe the targetinduced coneand andstresses, spread which of target cone and spread which can causefrom cracking of the target cone and spread of radioactivity evaporation ofofthe target material of radioactivity from evaporation the target material of radioactivity from evaporation of the target material of radioactivity from evaporation the target material because of the high temperatures. Figure 6 shows the because ofthe thehigh hightemperatures. temperatures.of Figure shows the because of Figure 666 shows the because of the high temperatures. Figure shows the variation of the critical operational parameters (the variation of the critical operational parameters (the variation of the critical operational parameters (the variation of the the critical operational parametersrate) (the temperature, safety factor and the evaporation temperature, thesafety safety factor andthe theevaporation evaporation rate) temperature, the factor and rate) temperature, the safety factor and the evaporation rate) REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES REFERENCES 1.1. SGL-CARBON, SGL-CARBON,D-53170 D-53170Bonn, Bonn,Germany Germany 1. SGL-CARBON, 1. SGL-CARBON,D-53170 D-53170Bonn, Bonn,Germany Germany 2.2. GMN, Paul Müller GmbH, D-90411 GMN,Paul PaulMüller Müller GmbH, GmbH, D-90411 D-90411Nürnberg, Nürnberg,Germany Germany 2. GMN, Nürnberg, Germany 2. GMN, Paul Miiller GmbH, D-90411 Niirnberg, Germany 124
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