Wide Dynamic-Range Beam-Profile Instrumentation for Dynamic-Range Beam-Profile a Beam-Halo Beam-Halo Measurement: Description and Operation Operation*• ∗ J. Douglas O'Hara*, Douglas Gilpatrick*, Gilpatrick∗, D. Barr*, Barr∗, L. A. Day*, Day∗, D. M. Kerstiens*, Kerstiens∗, J. F. O’Hara , M. ∗ ∗ # ! Stettler , R. Valdiviez , M. Gruchalla , J. H. Kamperschroer Kamperschroer' & & J£ f ∗ * Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS H808, LANL, Los Alamos, Alamos, NM, 87545 87545 # Honeywell FM&T/NM, Albuquerque, NM, 87185 Honeywell FM&TINM, PO Box 5250, Albuquerque, 87185 ! General Atomics, Los Alamos, NM, 87544 Abstract. Within the halo experiment conducted at the Low Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA) (LEDA) at at Los Los Alamos Alamos National Laboratory, specific beam instruments that acquire horizontally and vertically projected particle-density distributions out to approximately 105:1 dynamic range are located throughout the 52-magnet halo lattice. We measure the core of the distributions distributions using traditional traditional wire scanners, and the tails of the distribution using water-cooled graphite the scraping devices. The wire scanner and halo scrapers are mounted on the same moving frame whose location is controlled with stepper motors. A sequence within the Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS) controlled (EPICS) software communicates with a National Instruments LabVIEW software Lab VIEW virtual instrument instrument to control the motion motion and and location location of of electrons from the wire scanner 0.033-mm carbon wire and protons impinging the scanner/scraper assembly. Secondary electrons on the scraper are both detected with a lossy-integrator electronic circuit. Algorithms implemented within EPICS and and in in System’s Interactive Data Language subroutines analyze and plot the acquired distributions. This paper Research System's describes this beam profile instrument and describes our experience with its operation. describes INTRODUCTION At LEDA a 100-mA, 6.7-MeV beam is injected into a 52-quadrupole magnet lattice (see Fig. 1). Within this 11-m FODO lattice, there are nine wire scanner/halo scraper (WS/HS) stations, five pairs of steering magnets and beam position monitors, five loss steering monitors, and three pulsed-beam current monitors [1]. monitors, instrument’s purpose is to measure the The WS/HS instrument's beam’s transverse projected distribution. These beam's measured distributions must have sufficient sufficient detail to understand beam halo resulting from upstream lattice mismatches [2,3]. The first first WS/HS station, located mismatches after the fourth quadrupole magnet, verifies the beam's beam’s after fourth characteristics after after the RFQ exit. A cluster transverse characteristics four WS/HS located after of four after magnets #20, #22, #24, and #26 provides phase space information after the debunched. After After magnets #45, #45, #47, #47, #49, #49, beam has debunched. final four WS/HS stations. These and #51 reside the final four WS/HS acquire projected beam distributions four under both matched and mismatched conditions. These conditions conditions are generated by adjusting adjusting the firstfirstfour quadrupole magnetic fields so that the RFQ four output beam is matched or mismatched in a known fashion to the rest of the lattice. lattice. Because the halo fashion periods to fully fully develop, this final takes many lattice periods final positioned to be most sensitive cluster of WS/HS are positioned to halo generation. FIGURE 1. The 11-m, 11-m, 52-magnet FODO lattice lattice includes nine WS/HS stations that measure the beam’s beam's transverse projected distributions. As the RFQ output beam is mismatched to the lattice, the WS/HS actually observe a variety of distortions to a properly matched Gaussian-like distribution [2,3]. These distortions appear [2,3]. appear as as distribution tails or backgrounds. It is the size, shape, and extent of these tails that predict specific specific types types of of halo. However, not every lattice WS/HS observes the halo generated in phase space space because the the resultant distribution tails may be hidden from the projection’s projection's view. Therefore, multiple WS/HS are used to observe the various distribution tails. " Work supported by the US Department of Energy • Work supported by the US Department of Energy CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 108 The target position, as defined by the WS/HS The target position, by the screen WS/HSvia operator, is relayed from as thedefined EPICS control operator, is relayed from the EPICS control screen via a database process variable to a National Instruments aLabVIEW database process variable to a National Instruments Virtual Instrument (VI). The VI also LabVIEW Virtual Instrument also calibrates the relative position (VI). of the The linearVIencoders calibrates the relative position of the linear encoders based on the measured position of the limit switches, based on the measured position of the limit switches, and provides some error feedback information. The and provides some error feedback information. The total error between the target wire position and the total error between the target wire position and the actual wire position attained is within a total 4% range actual wire position attained is within a total 4% range of a typical 1-mm rms-width beam. of a typical 1-mm rms-width beam. WS/HS DESCRIPTION WS/HS DESCRIPTION Each station consists of a horizontal and vertical Eachassembly station consists horizontal anda vertical actuator (see Fig.of2)a that can move 33-|imactuator assembly (see Fig. 2) that can move a 33-µmcarbon monofilament and two graphite/copper scraper carbon monofilament two graphite/copper scraper sub-assemblies. The and carbon wire and scrapers are sub-assemblies. The carbon wire and scrapers are connected to the same movable frame. Attached to connected to the same movable frame. Attached to this movable frame is a linear encoder that provides this movable frame is a linear encoder that provides the wire and scraper edges' relative position to within the wire and scraper edges’ relative position to within aatypical rms error of 5 |im, and an additional linear typical rms error of 5 µm, and an additional linear potentiometer approximate potentiometer provides provides an an absolute absolute approximate position for LEDA's run permit systems. A stepper stepper position for LEDA’s run permit systems. A motor coupled to a ball lead screw is used to drive the motor coupled to a ball lead screw is used to drive the moveable frame. A motor brake along with moveable frame. A motor brake along with microswitches microswitcheslimit limitthe theframe's frame's movement. movement. Asthe thewire wireisismoved movedthrough throughthethebeam, beam,it itsenses senses As the projected beam core distribution. A small portion the projected beam core distribution. A small portion of the thebeam’s beam'senergy energyisisimparted impartedtotothethewire wirecausing causing of secondary electron emission to occur. The secondary secondary electron emission to occur. The secondary electrons leaving leavingthe thewire wireare arereplaced replacedbybynegative negative electrons chargeflowing flowingfrom fromthe theelectronics. electronics.This Thiscurrent current flow charge flow for both bothaxes axesisisconnected connectedthrough througha bias a biasbattery battery for to to anan electroniclossy lossyintegrator integratorcircuit circuitand andfollowed followedbyby electronic anan amplification stage. amplification stage. The integrator integratorcapacitance capacitanceand andamplifier amplifiergain gainareare The set toto allow allow a a very very wide wide range rangeofofvalues valuesof of set accumulatedcharge. charge. Data Dataare areacquired acquiredbybydigitizing digitizing accumulated the at at theaccumulated accumulatedcharge chargethrough throughthe thelossy lossyintegrator integrator two two different different times times within withinthe thebeam beampulse. pulse. This This charge charge difference, difference, acquired acquiredbybysubtracting subtractingthethetwo two values values ofof charge, charge,provides providesa alow lownoise noisemethod methodof of relative relative beam beam charge charge acquisition. acquisition. The Thewire wireandand scraper accumulated charge signals are digitized using scraper accumulated charge signals are digitized using 12and 14-bit digitizers, respectively. The analog 12- and 14-bit digitizers, respectively. The analog noise noisefloor floorhas hasbeen beenmeasured measuredtotobebe0.03 0.03pC, pC,a noise a noise level noise levelslightly slightlylower lowerthan thanthe thescraper scraperdigital digitalLSB LSB noise level within levelofof0.15 0.15pC pCusing usingthe thehighest highestgain gainsettings settings within the thedetection detectionelectronics. electronics. FIGURE contains aa FIGURE 2.2. The The WS/HS WS/HS assembly contains movable carbon wire wire movable frame frame on on which which a 0.033-mm carbon residesbetween betweentwo twowater-cooled water-cooled graphite scrapers. resides scrapers. Thecarbon carbon wire, wire, which which senses the beam's beam’s core, The core, isis cooledby bythermal thermal radiation. radiation. If If the beam macropulse cooled macropulse toolong, long,the thewire wiretemperature temperature continues above isistoo above 1800 1800 K resulting in the onset of thermionic K resulting in the onset of thermionic emission. emission. Thermionicemission emission causes causes an an inaccurate inaccurate appearance Thermionic appearance thedistribution distribution by by exaggerating exaggerating the the core's totothe core's current current density. To To eliminate eliminate these these effects effects for density. for the the halo halo experiment, the the maximum maximum pulse pulse length length and experiment, and repetition repetition rate isis limited limited to to approximately approximately 30 30 µs rate |is and and 11 Hz, Hz, respectively. respectively. The The front-end front-end electronic electroniccircuitry, circuitry,mounted mountedonona a daughter printed circuit board, is connected daughter printed circuit board, is connectedto toa a motherboard that has all of the necessary interface motherboard that has all of the necessary interface electronics to communicate with EPICS via a electronics to communicate with EPICS via a controller module within the same electronics crate. A controller module within the same electronics crate. A software state machine sequence was written within software state machine sequence was written within EPICS to control and operate WS/HS instrumentation. EPICS control and operate instrumentation. The statetomachine instructs theWS/HS VI to move the wire The state machine instructs the VI to the wire and scraper to a specific location, acquire move synchronous and scraper data to a specific location, distribution from either the acquire wire orsynchronous scraper, distribution dataroutine from to either the wire scraper, trigger the IDL normalize the oracquired trigger the IDL routine to normalize the acquired charge with a nearby toroidal current measurement, chargethewith a nearby toroidal current measurement, graph normalized data, and write the distribution to graph the normalized data, and write the distribution a file. The sequence also instructs IDL to calculate the to a file.through The sequence instructs IDL first fourthalso moments, fit to a calculate Gaussianthe first through moments, fit calculate a Gaussian distribution to thefourth wire scanner data, and the distribution to the data, disappears and calculate point at which the wire beamscanner distribution intothe point at whichnoise. the beam distribution disappears into the background Thehalo haloscrapers scrapers are are composed composed of of aa 1.5-mm The 1.5-mm thick thick graphite plate brazed to a water-cooled 1.5-mm thick graphite plate brazed to a water-cooled 1.5-mm thick copper plate. Since 6.7-MeV protons average range in copper plate. Since 6.7-MeV protons average range in carbon is approximate 0.3 mm, the beam is completely carbon is approximate 0.3 mm, the beam is completely stopped within the graphite plate. Cooling via stopped within the graphite plate. Cooling via conduction lowers the average temperature of the conduction lowers theand average scraper sub-assembly allowstemperature the scraper of to the be scraper sub-assembly and allows the scraper to be cooled more rapidly than the wire. The lower average cooled more rapidly than the wire. The average temperature and faster cooling allows thelower scraper to be temperature andfar faster allows the to be driven in as as cooling 2 rms widths fromscraper the beam driven in as far as 2 rms widths from the beam distribution peak without the peak temperature distribution peak1800 without the peak temperature increasing above K. increasing above 1800 K. The movement and positioning of each wire and The movement and positioning of control each wire and scraper pair is controlled by a motion system scraper pair is controlled by a motion control system that contains a stepper motor, stepper motor controller, that contains a stepper stepper motor a linear encoder, andmotor, an electronic driver controller, amplifier. aThe linear encoder, digital and anPID electronic driver the amplifier. controller’s loop controls speed The loop controls the speed and controller's accuracy at digital which PID the assembly is moved and and accuracy at which the assembly is moved and placed. the background noise. To plot the complete beam distribution for each complete beam distribution each axis, To the plot wirethe scanner and two scraper data setsfor must axis, the wire scanner and scraper data analysis sets must be joined. To accomplish thistwo joining, several placed. be joined. To accomplish this joining, several analysis 109 wire detection signal. Furthermore, it appears that the tasks are performed on the wire and scraper data tasks are scraper performed wire and scraper data including,, dataonarethe spatially differentiated and including,, scraper data are spatially differentiated and averaged, wire and scraper data are acquired with averaged, spatial wire and scraperanddata are acquiredscraper with sufficient overlap, differentiated sufficient spatial overlap, and differentiated scraper data are normalized to the wire beam core data. wire signal. Furthermore, it appears that the wiredetection collects positive ions with < -25 V bias potentials wire collects positive ions with < -25 V bias potentials well after the beam pulse. This ion collection well after the beam pulse. ofThis ion collection additionally limits the amount negative bias that is additionally limits the amount of negative biasemission that is applied to the wire for proper secondary applied to the wire for proper secondary emission operation. operation. data are normalized to the wire beam core data. The scraper data need only be normalized in the The scraper data need only be normalized in the relative charge axis since the distances between each relative charge axis since the distances between each wire and scraper edge are known to within 0.25-mm. wire and scraper edge are known to within 0.25-mm. InIn addition, the first four moments and the point at addition, the first four moments and the point at which the beam into the the noise noise which the beam distribution distribution disappears disappears into are also calculated for the combined distribution data. are also calculated for the combined distribution data. The scraper detection goal is to inhibit secondary The scraper detection goal is to inhibit secondary emission and detect only 6.7-MeV protons. With emission and detect only 6.7-MeV protons. With approximately +25 V bias applied to the scraper, the approximately +25 V bias applied to the scraper, the secondaryemission emissionisisalmost almostentirely entirelyinhibited inhibitedand and secondary thethe net current reduces to the nominal proton current. net current reduces to the nominal proton current. ACQUIRED ACQUIRED DISTRIBUTIONS DISTRIBUTIONS SUMMARY SUMMARY Fig. #26 with with some some Fig. 33 shows shows data data from from WS/HS WS/HS #26 slight the field field slight mismatch mismatch generated generated by by increasing increasing the above quadrupole abovenominal nominal by by 5% 5% in in the the first first matching matching quadrupole magnet. These profiles show show magnet. These typical typical WS/HS WS/HS profiles 55:1 and distributions with a dynamic range of ~ 10 distributions with a dynamic range of ~ 10 :1 and provide > 5X 5X to to 7X 7X times times provide distribution distribution information information to to > typical calculated rms rms typical rms rms widths widths of of the the beam. The calculated widths widths are are 1.10 1.10 and and 1.13 mm mm for the horizontal and vertical verticaldistributions, distributions, respectively. respectively. wire scanner scanner and and halo halo scraper scraper have havebeen been AA wire integrated into intoaabeam beamprofile profileinstrument instrumentcapable capableofof integrated 5 105:1 :1 dynamic dynamicrange. range.This ThisWS/HS WS/HScombination combinationwas was 10 used extensively to acquire wide dynamic rage data used extensively to acquire wide dynamic rage data in in order toto understand understand beam beam halo halo generation. generation. The The order scanner and scraper V-I curves show that the wire and scanner and scraper V-I curves show that the wire and scraper are are optimally optimally biased biasedatat–12 -12 VVand and+25 +25V,V, scraper respectively. respectively. Relative Charge 10 0 10 -1 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 10 -5 10 -6 -15 REFERENCES REFERENCES Horizontal Veritcal -10 -10 --5 5 5 00 5 Position (mm) 10 10 D.Gilpatrick, Gilpatrick,etetal., al.,"Experience "Experiencewith withthetheLow LowEnergy Energy 1.1. J.J.D. Demonstration Accelerator Accelerator(LEDA) (LEDA)Halo HaloExperiment Experiment Demonstration Beam Beam Instrumentation,” Instrumentation," Proceedings Proceedings ofof thethe 2001 2001 Particle Particle Accelerator Accelerator Conference, Conference, June June18-22, 18-22,2001, 2001, pp.2311-2313. pp.2311-2313. 2.2. T. T. Wangler, Wangler,etetal., al.,“Linac "LinacBased BasedProton ProtonDrivers,” Drivers,"this this workshop. workshop. 15 15 3.3. P.P. L.L.Colestock, Colestock,etetal., al.,“Measurement "Measurementofofa aBeam BeamHalo Halo Generation this GenerationininananIntense IntenseProton ProtonBeam,” Beam," thisworkshop. workshop. FIGURE 3. 3. WS/HS WS/HS distributions, distributions, such FIGURE such as as5 #26 #26 shownhere, here,have have aa typical typical dynamic dynamic range range of shown of >> 10 105:1. :1. 4.4. J.J.D. D.Gilpatrick, Gilpatrick,etetal., al.,”Biasing "BiasingWire WireScanners Scannersand andHalo Halo Scrapers Scrapers for forMeasuring Measuring6.7-MeV 6.7-MeVProton-Beam Proton-BeamHalo,” Halo," Proceedings Proceedings ofof the the 2002 2002 Beam Beam Instrumentation Instrumentation Workshop Workshop held heldatatBrookhaven BrookhavenNational NationalLaboratory, Laboratory,onon May May6-9, 6-9,2002. 2002. WIRE AND AND SCRAPER SCRAPER PHYSICS WIRE PHYSICS The WS WS wire wire is is biased biased negative negative to The to optimize optimize secondary emission (S.E.) yield, where the secondary emission (S.E.) yield, where the yield yield isis defined as as the the ratio ratio of of the the emitted emitted secondary secondary electron defined electron current and and the the proton proton beam beam current current intercepted current intercepted by by the the wire. All of the wires in the halo lattice WS wire. All of the wires in the halo lattice WS are are configured with a 33-µm, carbon monofilament. The configured with a 33-|im, carbon monofilament. The HEBT WS is configured with a 100-µm SiC wire. HEBT WS is configured with a 100-|im SiC wire. The choice of bias potential was determined by The choice of bias potential was determined by measuring the wire and scraper currents as a function measuring the wire and scraper currents as a function of bias potential. The resulting data showed that the ofwire biasis potential. The resulting dataVshowed the optimally biased at -6 to -12 and the that scraper wire is optimally biased at -6 to -12 V and the scraper is optimally biased at +20 to +30 V [4]. is optimally biased at +20 to +30 V [4]. As the wire bias is positively increased from 0 V to theV, wire is positively from 0 V is to > As +100 thebias wire secondary increased electron emission >inhibited +100 V, the wire secondary electron emission and the net wire current reduces to very nearis inhibited and the net wire current reduces very near zero. As expected, a large positive bias to reduces the zero. As expected, a large positive bias reduces the 110
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