RFQ Designed to Accept Beam from a Weak Focusing LEBT* RFQ Designed to Accept Beam from a Weak Focusing LEBT^ L. M. Young L. M. Young Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545 Abstract. Abstract. TheLEDA LEDARFQ RFQ isis aa 350-MHz 350-MHz continuous-wave continuous-wave (CW) (CW) radio-frequency quadrupole The quadrupole linac. linac. LEDA LEDA was was designed designed asasthe thefull full power power front-endprototype prototypefor forthe theaccelerator accelerator production production of of tritium tritium (APT) (APT) linac. This machine has front-end has accelerated accelerated aa100-mA 100-mACW CWproton protonbeam beam from75 75keV keVtoto6.7 6.7MeV. MeV. The The 8-m-long 8-m-long RFQ RFQ accepts a dc, 75–keV, from 75-keV, ~110-mA ~110-mA HH++ beam beam from from the theLEDA LEDAinjector, injector,bunches bunchesthe thebeam, beam, andaccelerates acceleratesitittotofull full energy energy with with -94% ~94% transmission. transmission. Output beam power is and is 670 670 kW. kW. This This RFQ RFQconsists consistsofoffour four2-meter-long 2-meter-long RFQsjoined joinedwith withresonant resonantcoupling couplingto to form form an an 8-meter-long RFQ. RFQ. RFQs • INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The RFQ RFQ [1-5] [1-5] receives receives aa continuous continuous stream of 75The keV protons protons from from the the IfH+ injector, injector, [6,7] [6,7] forms forms it into keV buncheswith with aahigh high capture capture efficiency efficiency (~ (~ 94%), and then bunches acceleratesthese thesebunches bunchesto to an an energy energy of of 6.7 MeV. Figure accelerates shows the the coupled coupled RFQ RFQ structure mounted in the tuning 11shows tuning laboratory. Figure Figure 22 shows shows the the RFQ RFQ structure laboratory. configuration configurationincluding including tapered tapered RF RF power power feeds, feeds, vacuumportplacement, placement,and andsection section nomenclature. nomenclature. Figure Figure 3 shows port photograph of of the the completed completed RFQ RFQ assembly in the aa photograph LEDA LEDAtunnel tunnel with with the the injector injector pulled pulled back. back. The The array of vacuum vacuum manifolds, manifolds, water-cooling water-cooling manifolds, manifolds, and RF waveguide waveguide almost almost completely completely hides hides the the accelerating accelerating structure. structure. • • It has has aa significantly significantly larger larger aperture apertureand andgap gapvoltage voltage in the the accelerating accelerating section section than than previously previouslydesigned designed RFQs at at this this frequency. frequency. Transverse Transverse focusing focusing atat the the RFQ RFQ exit exit isis reduced reduced toto match the the focusing focusing strength strength inin the thenext nextaccelerating accelerating match structure. structure. RF RF power power from from three three 1-MW 1-MW klystrons klystrons isiscoupled coupledtoto the RFQ RFQ through through six six waveguide waveguideirises. irises.The Thestructure structure combines the the RF RFpower. power. itself combines Design Design features features With Withoutput outputenergy energy of of 6.7 6.7 MeV MeV the the LEDA LEDA RFQ RFQ [1,8] isisthe thehighest highestenergy energyand andhighest highest power power RFQ RFQ in the world [3, [3, 5,5, 9-11]. 9-11]. The The beam beam power power is is 670 670 kW kW when operated with withthe thedesign-value design-value 100-mA 100-mA CW CW proton proton beam, beam, making ititthe the second-most second-most powerful powerful linear linear accelerator accelerator (after (after the LANSCE LANSCE 800-MeV 800-MeV linac). linac). Some Some of of its its unique design features featuresare areas asfollows: follows: •• Transverse is Transverse focusing focusing strength strength at the RFQ RFQ entrance is reduced reduced for for easier easier beam beam injection. injection. This This allows placement placement of of the the final final focusing focusing solenoid solenoid in the low energy energy beam beam transport transport (LEBT) (LEBT) at the optimum distance distancefrom fromthe theRFQ RFQ for for input input matching. matching. •• ItIt employs [12,13] between the the employs resonant resonant coupling coupling [12,13] four four 2-m-long 2-m-long segments, segments, providing providing high high RF field field stability stabilitythroughout throughoutthe the entire entire structure structure length. FIGURE 2: 2: RFQ RFQlayout, layout,showing showingRF RFfeeds, feeds,vacuum vacuumports, ports,and and FIGURE segmentnomenclature. nomenclature. segment Resonant Coupling Coupling Resonant typical RFQ RFQ that that has has constant constant focusing focusingstrength strength In aa typical constant gap gap voltage, voltage, as asvane vanemodulation modulationincreases increasestoto and constant the beam, beam, the the aperture apertureshrinks shrinksand andbeam beamcan canbebe accelerate the on the the vane vane tips. tips. As As the the energy energy rises rises the the cell cell length length lost on and for for aa given given modulation, modulation, the the accelerating accelerating increases, and decreases inversely inversely with with cell cell length. length. Since Since the the gradient decreases maximum practical practical modulation modulation isisabout about2,2,the theRFQ RFQwould would maximum very long long ifif the the gap gap voltage voltage remained remained constant. constant. become very beam loss loss and and shorten shortenthe theRFQ, RFQ,we wemaintain maintainaa To reduce beam Figure adjustableslug slugtuners tunerscan canbe beseen seenininthis thispicture. picture. Figure1.1. Eight-meter-long Eight-meter-long RFQ RFQ in the tuning laboratory. The adjustable _________________________________________ **Work Worksupported supportedby bythe theUS USDOE, DOE, Defense Defense Programs. Programs. t† [email protected] [email protected] CP642, High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams: 20th ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshop on High Intensity and High Brightness Hadron Beams, edited by W. Chou, Y. Mori, D. Neuffer, and J.-F. Ostiguy © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0097-0/02/$ 19.00 105 large aperture, and increase the vane voltage to partially large aperture, aperture, and increase increase the vane partially counter the decrease in transverse focusing vane large and the voltageasto the partially counter the theincreases. decrease in in transverse transverse focusing as the counter decrease the vane vane modulation modulation increases. modulation increases. The increased gap voltage substantially increases the The increased increased gap voltage substantially increases the The increases the accelerating field, gap thusvoltage shortening the RFQ. However, accelerating field, thus RFQ. However, accelerating field, thus shortening the However, even with this increased gap voltage, eight meters of even with with this increased increased even this gap the voltage, meters of length is required to accelerate beameight to 6.7meters MeV. of A length isis required required to accelerate accelerate 6.7 A length to the beam 6.7 MeV. MeV. A conventional 8-m-long, 350-MHz RFQ to would not be conventional 8-m-long, would be conventional 350-MHz wouldthenot notfield be stable. Small 8-m-long, perturbations wouldRFQ distort stable. Small Small perturbations distort field stable. perturbations the field distribution intolerably [12,13]. would Therefore, four the 2-m-long distribution intolerably four 2-m-long distribution intolerably [12,13]. Therefore, 2-m-long RFQs (labeled A, B, C and D in Figure 2) are resonantly RFQs (labeled (labeled A, B, B, C 8-m-long and D in Figure are resonantly RFQs A, and resonantly coupled to form theC LEDA2) RFQ. This is coupled to form the 8-m-long RFQ. This is coupled to form the 8-m-long LEDA This by is implemented by separating the four 2-m RFQs implemented by separating 2-m RFQs by implemented by separating the four RFQs by coupling plates. An axial hole in the coupling plates coupling plates. An axial hole touch. in the The coupling plates coupling An coupling plates allows theplates. vane tips to nearly capacitance allows the vane tips to nearly touch. The capacitance allows the to one nearly capacitance between the vane vane tips tips of RFQ and the next provides between the the vane vane tips tips of of one RFQ and the between andsegments. the next next provides provides the RF coupling between the 2-m-long The gap theRF RFcoupling coupling between between the the 2-m-long segments. The gap the segments. between the vane tips at the coupling joint is 0.32The cm. gap To between the the vane vane tips tips at at the the coupling joint is 0.32 cm. To between 0.32the cm.gap To minimize the effect of this gap on the beam, minimize the the effect effect of of this gap on the beam, the gap minimize position corresponds to a zero crossing of the RF electric position corresponds corresponds to to a zero crossing of electric position of the the RF RF electric field when the bunch passes the gap. The RF field field is in field when when the the bunch bunch passes passes the gap. The RF field RF field isis in in phase The “coupling mode” has aa phasein inall all four four segments. phase in all four segments. The “coupling "coupling mode” mode" has has a strong the 0.32-cm gap and has has one strongelectric electricfield field across strong electric field across the 0.32-cm gap and and has one one longitudinal node in each 2-m RFQ. The coupling mode’s longitudinal node node in in each 2-m RFQ. The coupling longitudinal coupling mode’s mode's longitudinal RF longitudinal component component of of electric electric field field transmits transmits longitudinal component transmits RF RF power, providing the field stability. power,providing providing the the field field stability. power, description of the input beam is required to accurately description the input input beam requiredtotoaccurately description ofof the beam isisSimulations required simulate beam losses in the RFQ. ofaccurately the beam simulatebeam beam losses theRFQ. RFQ. Simulations the[16,17] beam simulate losses the ofofthe beam transport through theinin LEBT [15]Simulations with PARMELA transportathrough through theLEBT LEBT [15]with withPARMELA [16,17] transport the [15] produce more realistic distribution ofPARMELA particles [16,17] for input produce realistic ofofparticles produce amore more realistic distribution particlesforforinput input into the aRFQ codes thandistribution the ideal input distributions. into intothe theRFQ RFQcodes codesthan thanthe theideal idealinput inputdistributions. distributions. RFQ Entrance RFQ RFQEntrance Entrance To implement the reduced focusing strength at the To the reduced To implement implement theand reduced focusingstrength strengthatat entrance of the RFQ havefocusing adequate focusing inthethe the entrance of the RFQ and have adequate focusing in the entrance of the RFQ and have adequate focusing in the interior of the RFQ, the transverse focusing parameter interior the the transverse focusing interior ofofsmoothly the RFQ, RFQ, the3.088 transverse focusing parameter increases from to 6.981 over parameter the first 32 increases 3.088 toto6.981 the increases smoothly from 3.088parameter 6.981over thefirst first3232 cm of thesmoothly RFQ. Thefrom focusing isover proportional to 2 the cm The focusing parameter is to cmof of theRFQ. RFQ. The focusing parameter isproportional proportional to V/r where V is the voltage between adjacent vane tips 0 V/r V/r0022rwhere where VVisisthe thevoltage voltagebetween betweenadjacent adjacentvane vanetips tips and 0 is the average aperture. The voltage is held constant and r is the average aperture. The voltage is held constant and r is the average aperture. The voltage is held constant 0 0 in this region and the aperture is reduced to increase the in and isisreduced totoincrease in this this region region andthe theaperture aperture reduced increase focusing parameter. On entry, the beam is notthethe yet focusing parameter. On entry, the beam isisnot focusing parameter. On entry, the beam notyetyet bunched, allowing the use of weak transverse focusing. bunched, bunched, allowing allowingthe theuse useofofweak weaktransverse transversefocusing. focusing. By the time the beam starts to bunch, the focusing is By By the the time time the the beam beam starts startstotobunch, bunch,the thefocusing focusingis is strong enough to confine the bunched beam. strong strongenough enoughtotoconfine confinethe thebunched bunchedbeam. beam. The low focusing strength at the RFQ entrance means The The low lowfocusing focusingstrength strengthatatthe theRFQ RFQentrance entrancemeans means that the the matched beam beam sizeisisrelatively relatively large,allowing allowing that that the matched matched beamsize size is relativelylarge, large, allowing some space, space, as shown ininfigure figure 4, betweenthe the second some some space, asasshown shown in figure4,4,between between thesecond second LEBT solenoid and the RFQ entrance. Without this LEBT LEBT solenoid solenoid and and the the RFQ RFQ entrance. entrance.Without Withoutthis this feature, the solenoid would be right at the RFQ entrance. feature, feature,the thesolenoid solenoidwould wouldbeberight rightatatthe theRFQ RFQentrance. entrance. DC1 DC1 VD1 VD1 DC2 VD2 DC2 VD2 AC toroid 3 AC toroid 3 Inside RFQ Inside RFQ end end wallwall is “match point” is “match point” Electron Trap Electron Trap –1 kV –1 kV Collimator Collimator (water cooled) (water cooled) FIGURE sketch the LEDALEBT. LEBT. FIGURE FIGURE4.4. 4.AA Asketch sketchofof ofthe theLEDA TRANSMISSION TRANSMISSION THROUGH THERFQ RFQ TRANSMISSIONTHROUGH THROUGHTHE FIGURE33. 3. . A Aphotograph photographof of the the entrance end of FIGURE A photograph of the entrance entrance end end of of the the RFQ RFQ FIGURE the RFQ mountedin inthe thesupport/alignment support/alignment frame. frame. The accelerating mounted in the support/alignment frame. The The accelerating accelerating mounted structureisis isburied buriedwithin withinthe thearray array of water-cooling structure buried within the arrayof ofwater-cooling water-coolingmanifolds, manifolds, structure manifolds, vacuum manifolds, and RF waveguide. vacuum manifolds, and RF waveguide. vacuum manifolds, and RF waveguide. RFQELECTROMAGNETIC ELECTROMAGNETIC DESIGN DESIGN RFQ ELECTROMAGNETIC DESIGN RFQ TheRFQ RFQ was was designed designed with with the code PARMTEQM The RFQ was designed with the the code code PARMTEQM PARMTEQM The (Phase and Radial Motion in Transverse (Phase and Radial Motion in Transverse Electric (Phase and Radial Motion in Transverse Electric Electric Quadrupole; Multipoles) Multipoles) [14]. The code includes Quadrupole; [14]. The code includes the Quadrupole; Multipoles) [14]. The code includes the the effect of of higher-order higher-order multipoles multipoles in the RFQ fields, which effect in the RFQ fields, which effect of higher-order multipoles in the RFQ fields, which are important important in in accurately accurately predicting beam are predicting beam beam loss. loss. The The are important in accurately predicting loss. The earlier code version, PARMTEQ, used only the first two earlier code version, PARMTEQ, used only the first two earlier code version, PARMTEQ, used only the first two terms in in the the expansion expansion of of the RFQ fields. PARMTEQM terms the RFQ RFQ fields. fields. PARMTEQM PARMTEQM terms in the expansion of the uses the the first first eight eight terms. terms. In addition, uses In addition, addition, aaa realistic realistic uses the first eight terms. In realistic The The code PARMELA simulates theLEBT LEBTbeam beamwith with Thecode codePARMELA PARMELAsimulates simulatesthe 95% 95% space-charge space-chargeneutralization neutralization[18]. [18].These simulations 95% space-charge neutralization [18]. Thesesimulations simulations showed showedthat thatproper propermatching matchingwould wouldbebepossible showed that proper matching would possiblewith withanan electron electron trap trapatat atthe theRFQ electron trap the RFQentrance, entrance,and andsolenoid-to-RFQ solenoid-to-RFQ distance ring atat thethe distanceof of15 15cm. cm.The Theelectron electrontrap trapisisisa ametal a metal metal ring at the distance of 15 cm. The electron trap ring entrance −1−1kV entranceof ofthe theRFQ. RFQ.AA Aring ringvoltage voltageofof of-1 kVblocks entrance of the RFQ. ring voltage kV blockslowlowenergy energyplasma plasmaelectrons, electrons,but butdoes doesnot energy plasma electrons, but does notaffect affectthe the75-keV 75-keV protons. The electron trap performs two essential protons. The electron trap performs two essential protons. The electron trap functions. functions. One, One, ititit improves improves the the space space charge charge functions. One, improves the space charge neutralization in the LEBT. Two, it prevents electrons neutralization in the LEBT. Two, it prevents electrons neutralization in the LEBT. Two, it prevents electrons from from streaming streaming into intothe the RFQ RFQthrough throughthe thetorrid torridand and from streaming into the RFQ through the torrid and corrupting corruptingthe themeasurement measurementofof ofthe thebeam beamcurrent. current. corrupting the measurement the beam current. Using Using the the simulated simulatedbeam, beam,two twoRFQ RFQcodes codespredict predict Using the simulated beam, two RFQ codes predict 93% transmission with the RFQ operating at atdesign 93% transmission with the RFQ operating designfield field 93% transmission with the RFQ operating at design field levels. The codes are PARMTEQM and TOUTITIS [19] levels. The codes are PARMTEQM and TOUTITIS [19] levels. The codes are PARMTEQM and TOUTITIS [19] that use respectively 2D and 3D space charge effects. The that use respectively 2D and 3D space charge effects. The that use respectively 2D and 3D space charge effects. The measured transmission has been asashigh asas94% at at100 measured transmission has been high 94% 100 measured transmission has been as high as 94% at 100 mA when the RFQ fields are 10% above thethedesign field mA when the RFQ fields are 10% above design field mA when the RFQ fields are 10% above the design field strength. strength. strength. 106 POSSIBLE TRAPPING IN INRFQ RFQ POSSIBLE ION TRAPPING Figure time dependence dependence ofof RFQ RFQ Figure 55 shows the time transmission beam pulse pulse with with the theRFQ RFQ transmission in a 300-jis-long 300-µs-long beam fields value. At At about about 150 150µs jisinto into fields at at the the nominal nominal design value. the suddenly drops drops by byabout about10%. 10%. thepulse, pulse, the the transmission transmission suddenly As above the the design design value, value, As the the RFQ RFQ field field is increased above transmission for increasingly increasinglylonger longerperiods. periods. transmission remains remains high for Current (mA) 100 100 80 60 40 20 0 00 100 100 200 200 300 300 400 400 Time µ s) Time ((|is) FIGURE 5. 5. RFQ RFQ output beam FIGURE beam current current vs. vs.time timefor foraa300-ms300-mslong pulse pulse at at -97% ~97% of long of the the design designRF RFfield fieldlevel. level. With fields fields > 105% 105% of of design, With design, the the transmission transmissiondrop dropisisno no longer observed, even for long pulses and CW operation. longer observed, even for long pulses and CW operation. Along with with the the transmission transmission drop, Along drop, higher-than-expected higher-than-expected activation is is measured measured at activation at the the high-energy high-energy end end of ofthe theRFQ, RFQ, indicating significant significant beam beam loss indicating loss at at that that location. location.Operating Operating the RFQ RFQ with with fields fields about about 10% the 10% above above the the design design value value greatly reduces the magnitude of this beam greatly reduces the magnitude of this beam loss. loss. More More work isis needed needed to to determine determine unambiguously work unambiguouslythe the cause causeofof the time-dependent time-dependent transmission transmission anomaly. the anomaly. At At present, present, considerable evidence evidence points to the possibility that itit isis considerable points to the possibility that + caused by low-energy H ions trapped near the axis by caused by low-energy FT ions trapped near the axis bythe the RFQ fields fields [20]. [20]. The The extra RFQ extra positive positive charge charge from from the the trapped ions ions causes causes the the beam beam size trapped size to to increase, increase, reducing reducing the RFQ RFQ transmission, transmission, and the and also also increasing increasing the the beam beam size size theend end of of the the FLEET. HEBT. This atatthe This hypothesis hypothesis isis consistent consistentwith with the observation observation that that the the collimator the collimator ring ring in in front front ofof the the beam stop glows, presumably from being beam stop glows, presumably from being struck struck by by incident beam, beam, when when the the RFQ pressure exceeds 1-2 x10-7 7 incident + RFQ pressure exceeds 1-2 xlO" Torr. The The low-energy low-energy H Torr. FT ions ions can can be be produced produced by bybeam beam collisions with background gas (H ) near the RFQ collisions with background gas (H22) near the RFQaxis, axis,oror by beam beam collision collision with with the by the vane vane tip tip surfaces. surfaces. At At fields fields < the design value, the beam may be sufficiently the design value, the beam may be sufficiently+large largethat that its fringes fringes strike strike the the RFQ RFQ vane its vane tips, tips, creating creating HFTions ionsthat that get trapped trapped temporarily temporarily in get in the the beam beam channel. channel. As As the the trapped charge accumulates, the beam becomes larger trapped charge accumulates, the beam becomes larger still, until the transmission drops suddenly. still, until the transmission drops suddenly. 1 1 Younget etal.,aL, "High Power Operations of LEDA," Proc. 2 2 L.L.M.M.Young “High Power Operations of LEDA,” Proc. LINAC2000 (Monterey, 21-25 August 2000) 336-340. LINAC2000 (Monterey, 21-25 August 2000) pp.pp. 336-340. Younget etal.,aL, "Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator 3 3 L.L.M.M.Young “Low-Energy Demonstration Accelerator (LEDA)Radio-Frequency Radio-Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) Results," Proc. 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