lattice dynamics, 339
melting, 374
nanocrystalline, 942, 950
/nickel powder, 1093
penetration experiment, 1310
plasma, 53
/polycarbonate composite, 709
proton beam impact, 271
/RDX mixture, 423
recovery, 615
shock breakout, 1351
spall strength, 603,1359
strain rate, 507
strength, 583
vaporization, 63
velocity transmission factor, 934
voids, 607
aluminum alloys
ballistic impact, 1298
grain size, 634
hardening, 627
oblique impact, 595
quasicrystals, 378
spall strength, 523
strain rate, 557
aluminum nitride, failure, 771
aluminum oxynitride, 767
American Physical Society, 11
ammonium nitrate
emulsion explosives, 930
/fuel oil, 165, 906
hot spots, 1081
ANFO explosive
cylinder test, 165
detonation, 906
approximate blast theory, 442
aquarium test, 837
cassette, 1283
electromagnetic, 1314
materials, 689, 701, 747
astrophysical phenomena, 1367
atomic force microscopy
explosives, 837
molecular crystals, 563
polymers, 1219
augmented plane wave method, 245
ab initio calculations
electronic structure, 3,454
equation of state, 87
molecular collisions, 407
structural stability, 245
uniaxial Hugoniostat method, 367
aluminum, 468
copper, 619
PETN explosive, 995
silicon, 1375
absorption spectroscopy, 763
explosives, 853
magnetic, 1169
ultra-fine particles, 1101
acetylene, 1406
acoustic impedance, 689
adhesion, 1101
adiabatic release experiment, 79
adiabatic shear bands, 567, 571
aerogels, 763
aerosol deposition method, 1101
aerospace materials, 131
/aluminum composite, 697
bar impact test, 787
flyer material, 1355
grain size, 751
Hugoniot elastic limit, 735
spall strength, 747
/titanium boride composite, 755, 795
ablation, 468
additives, 890, 962
/alumina composite, 697
coating, 995
combustion, 1011
dislocations, 339
failure, 275
foam, 725, 729
foil plate, 1339, 1355
grain size, 531
Hugoniot, 53, 1163, 1347
Hugoniot elastic limit, 26, 503, 603
laser-driven shock, 1333
phase transition, 1131
resistor gauge, 882, 886, 1137
cavitation, 495, 547
cement, 1414
alumina, 751,755, 787
aluminum nitride, 771
aluminum oxynitride, 767
boron carbide, 735, 775, 779
Hugoniot elastic limit, 735, 739
penetration experiment, 1287
PSZ, 735
PZT, 191,197, 201, 205, 209,1153
silicon carbide, 751
spall strength, 747
synthesis, 1097, 1101
titanium boride, 755
transparent, 767
tungsten carbide, 783
two-phase, 755
zirconium oxide, 751
Chapman-Jouguet state, 20,42, 177, 395,450,
chondrules, 1397
Cindy test, 1059
cinematography, 323
Clausius-Clapeyron equation, 63
clay, 431
clusters, void, 611
aluminum, 995
polymer, 1219
aluminum, 1011
explosives, 1059
PBX 9501, 833
solid propellant, 868
ceramics, 739
sand, 431
titanium carbide, 1127
composite materials
alumina/aluminum, 697
aluminum foam, 725, 729
armors, 689
ceramic/metal, 1119
explosives, 169,431, 685, 701, 705, 853,
fiber-reinforced, 275, 1208
austenitic transformations, 351
automobile materials, 131
awards, 3, 16
backward integration technique, 1177
ballistic impact chamber test, 942, 1003
baseline material, 1087, 1294
benzene, 1263
failure, 275
velocity history, 1192
GAP, 918
HTPB, 1047
KEL-F, 653, 942
modeling, 661
/PMMA interface, 829, 973
stiffness, 415
viscoelasticity, 427
Viton, 942
birefringence, 1251
equation of state, 1145
phase diagrams, 111
bistrinitroethylnitramine explosive, 962
blast, 950
boiling point, 63
Boltzmann superposition principle, 661
boron carbide
failure, 775
Hugoniot elastic limit, 735
penetration experiment, 1287
spallation, 779
borosilicate glass, 803
boundary value problem, 1089
bremsstrahlung, 1185
brittle materials
failure, 775, 811
fracture, 743
plastics, 739
short pulse propagation, 751
BTATZ explosive, 1059
bubbles, 914
cadmium sulphide, 3
capacitor bank, Shiva Star, 143
equation of state, 759
graphite/polymer, 693
interface scattering, 709
modeling, 679, 685
PBX 9501/binder, 427
titanium boride/alumina, 795
Composition A3 explosive, 853
Composition B3 explosive, 169, 431
aerogel, 763
aluminum foam, 725, 729
glycerin, 864
graphite, 759
HMX explosive, 399
iron, 26
Monte Carlo method, 185
PMMA, 665
powders, 1087, 1093, 1109
computer aided design, 697
computer codes
ALE, 161, 255, 303, 882, 1087
ALEGRA, 197, 201, 205, 291, 311
AUTODYN, 255, 283, 287, 431, 685, 705,
1283, 1306
BRIGS, 954, 958
CALE, 291
CAST, 519
CHEETAH, 161, 165, 177, 890, 1011
CORVUS, 303, 507
CRYSTAL95/98, 454
LASNEX, 1371
MESA, 299, 966
MMALE, 283
NEMD, 359
ODE, 295
PIMM, 439
PISCES, 460, 1310
RAGE, 143, 291
RRCK, 1173
SESAME, 53, 83,91, 143
SHAKE, 399, 403
SPECT3D, 291
S-TAMP, 173
TAPP, 1173
TEPLA, 535
VASP, 99
VOLNA, 875
WONDY,221, 1177
condensed matter, response to shock, 3, 11
conservation laws, 139, 435
constitutive modeling
ballistic impact, 1306
composite materials, 679, 685
dynamic fracture, 519
elastic-plastic properties, 979
equation of solid state, 642
expanding shell test, 327
grain boundaries, 553
high explosives, 539
KS-32 explosive, 705
mesoscale, 415
nonlinear viscoelasticity, 371
PBX 9501 explosive, 411
plastic deformation, 279, 319
polymers, 657
porosity, 717, 739
rock explosion, 1389
shock initiation, 415
viscoelasticity, 495
continuum mechanics, 3
classical, 20
models, 26
molecular dynamics, 363
steady flow, 395
convection, 926, 1093
cook-off experiment, 882, 1059, 1073
CTH, 275, 307, 464, 713, 1031, 1239, 1355
CW2, 450
OD, 1173, 1188
DYNA, 487, 511, 689, 709, 721, 743
EMMA, 311
EPIC, 535, 539
HULL, 527
hydrocode, 143, 161, 275, 279, 299, 319, 415,
450, 487, 511, 527, 591, 841, 914, 991,
KHT, 930
dynamic fracture, 475
elastoplasticity, 323
fluid-solid interactions, 251
foil plate, 1339
fracture, 519
hardening, 627
Hugoniot, 67, 169
Hugoniot elastic limit, 503
mechanical properties, 319
melting, 374
plastic deformation, 619
recovery, 615
shear strength, 575
spall, 487,491
strain rate, 327
strength, 583
Taylortest, 1318
corner turning experiment, 966
coupled damage and reaction model, 464
cryogenic systems, 1141
crystal structure
diaminodinitroethylene, 181
PZT, 1101
uranium, 245
cutting techniques, 287
cylinder test
aluminum, 1011
ANFO explosive, 165
detonation, 954, 958
fragmentation, 515, 527
modeling, 299
cylindrical configuration, 799, 902,1065
isentropic, 875
mesoscale, 918, 922
methanol, 177
microsamples, 918
modeling, 161,385,431
molecular dynamics, 333
momentum transfer, 934
Monte Carlo method, 157
particle momentum flux, 946
powder, 995
pressure wave, 902
propulsion model, 954, 958
proton radiography, 966
simulation, 415
steady state, 395,423,1223
theory, 42
transient, 1031
velocity, 890
wave front, 910
deuterium, liquid, 91, 1141
diaminodinitroethylene, 181
amorphous, 1131
compressibility, 759
Hugoniot elastic limit, 735
phase transition, 233
shock wave structure, 355
diamond anvil cell, 1015, 1363
dielectric polarization, 347
differential thermal analysis, 1097, 1113
digital speckle x-ray flash photography, 803,
diopside, melting point, 185
discrete element method, 259, 371,411, 553, 679
discrete meso-dynamic method, 1397
aluminum, 339
copper, 619
RDX explosive, 454
screw, 36
titanium, 623
dispersive waves, 845
displacement measurement, 803, 1105, 1208,
fluids, 91, 99
hydrocarbons, 1406
dolerite, 1385
drop weight apparatus, 1137
Dyneema UD-HB25 composite, 685
deflagration-to-detonation transition, 391, 875,
density functional method, 91, 99, 343, 385
Chapman-Jouguet, 20
convective, 926
deflagration, 878
delayed, 464
electromagnetic radiation, 894
emulsion explosives, 930
equation of state, 450
failure, 898
front curvature, 906, 926
heterogeneous, 423
initiation, 1023, 1069
encapsulants, 205, 669
/graphite composite, 693
Hugoniot, 135, 649
/Kevlar flyer, 685
syntactic foams, 721
temperature effects, 669
equation of state (EOS)
ANFO explosive, 165
bismuth, 1145
carbon, 759
Clausius-Clapeyron, 59
compaction, 431
composite materials, 685
copper, 319
detonation products, 450
explosives, 157
FOX-7 explosive, 181
iron, 83, 87, 127
Jones-Wilkins-Lee, 165, 1039
K(D,P)type, 115, 139
lead, 79
liquid helium-4, 1141
liquid metals, 71
liquid nitrogen, 91, 99
LX-17 explosive, 153
measurements, 1141, 1145
mechanical, 642
metals, 111
methanol, 177
microscale materials, 1347
molecular liquids, 91
multiphase, 87, 111, 591, 759
nickel, 59
PBX 9501 explosive, 149
plastic, 36
porous metals, 67
QEOS, 53
rock, 1401
silicon oxide, 763
sugar, 713
Tait, 115, 139
temperature-dependent, 169
thermochemical, 161
tin, 143
titanium, 225
titanium alloys, 75
tungsten carbide, 783
urea nitrate, 161
vanadium, 71
Vinet, 185
Earth's interior, 1401
EDC-32 explosive, 419
EDC-37 explosive
initiation, 415, 999, 1027
undetonated, 841
effective medium theory, 427, 539
dynamic properties, 1247
particle size, 531
elastic displacements, 36
elastic-plastic models, 26, 36
elastomers, 131
electrical conductivity
graphite, 233
helium, 107
lithium, 237
phase transition, 233, 237
plasma, 53
PMMA, 1267
PZT, 191, 197,201,209
RDX explosive, 894
electromagnetic armor, 1314
electromagnetic radiation, emisson, 894
electromechanical devices, 311
electron backscattering diffraction, 571
electron beams, pulsed, 1185
electronic structure
ab initio calculations, 3
HMX explosive, 385
molecular liquids, 91
RDX explosive, 454
electron temperature, 1243
ellipsometry, 1247,1251
embedded-atom method, 339, 351
emission, electromagnetic, 894
emission, optical
lead, 229
preshocked explosive, 1023
RDX explosive, 894
sapphire, 1231
sodium chloride, 1215
surface, 1247
syntactic foams, 721
emulsion explosives, 930
energy dispersive spectroscopy, 795
enstatite, 1401
enthalpy, explosives, 439
deviatoric response, 649
water, 103
wide-range, 127
equations of motion, 1177
estane, 653, 661, 821
Eulerian representation, 20,435
eutectics, steel, 479
expanding shell test, 232, 327
expansion-to-shock transition, 1375
explosions, rock, 1389
burning rate, 1011
charge, 42, 303, 507, 721
detonation, 323, 817, 938
fragmentation, 547
/inert particle mixture, 423
molecule, 42
propulsion, 954, 958
switch, 1173
explosive materials
ANFO, 165, 906
bistrinitroethylnitramine, 962
BTATZ, 1059
combustion, 1059
Composition A3, 853
Composition B3, 169,431
crystalline, 1003
diaminodinitroethylene, 181
EDC-37,415, 841, 999, 1027
emulsion, 930
glycerin, 864
heterogeneous, 42
HMX, 42,157,169, 385, 399,403,415, 817,
841, 845, 918, 922, 938, 979,1015,
HNS, 1007,1035
homogeneous, 42
isopropyl nitrate, 1051
KS-32, 705
LX-04,42, 849, 886
LX-14, 853
LX-17,42, 153, 902, 942, 1019
nitroguanidine, 962
nitromethane, 173, 347, 385,407, 817, 890,
898, 914, 946, 1015, 1023, 1223, 1255
NM/PMMA-GBM mixture, 817, 898
PAX-2, 853
PAX-3, 853
PBX, 679, 918, 922
PBX 9404,415, 991
PBX 9501, 149, 157,411,415,427,450, 539,
547, 661, 821, 825, 882, 886, 1043,
1059, 1065, 1077
PBX 9502, 157,460, 966
PBXN-5, 1031
PBXN-109, 950, 973, 1073
PBXW-115, 169
PBXW-128, 701, 860
PETN, 42,468, 878, 910, 926, 995,1007
plastic bonded, 701, 821, 829, 841, 853, 973,
predetonating, 894
radially-graded, 926
RDX, 423,454, 837, 878, 894, 910, 934, 938,
950, 983, 1007, 1047
TATB, 42, 157, 849, 875, 942, 1019, 1039
TNAZ, 853
TNETB, 938
TNT, 860, 1047, 1323
ZOX, 938
fabrics, 1273, 1279
Fabry-Perot interferometry, 910
Fermi statistics, 119
ferroelectric materials
PZT, 191, 197, 201, 205, 209, 1101, 1153
fiber-reinforced composites
delamination, 1208
failure, 275
finite-element methods, 197, 535, 539, 543, 608,
689, 709, 946,1087,1208,1287
fluctuation-dissipation theorem, 36
compressible, 20
interfaces, 295
modeling, 946
shock propagation, 26
fluid-solid coupling, 251
fluorescent x-ray source, 1185
high-speed, 1163, 1169
Kevlar/epoxy, 685
magnetically driven, 1141
miniature, 630, 1339
multiflyer experiments, 1145
aluminum, 725, 729
multiple shock, 419
penetration experiment, 1302
syntactic, 721
aluminum, 507, 583
bismuth, 1145
copper, 583
gauges, 886
plate, 1333, 1355
uranium, 499
Fokker-Planck equation, 271
FOX-7 explosive, 181
fractography, 697, 795
controlled, 527
cylinder test, 515
expanding cylinders, 799
liquid metals, 547
nitromethane, 407
uranium, 1302
frequency domain interferometry, 1227
inter-granular, 987
internal, 36
sliding, 507
fullerenes, 1131
manganin, 131, 135, 479, 511, 523, 649, 653,
709, 717, 747, 771, 787, 807, 902,
1019, 1039, 1043, 1055, 1157, 1385
particle streak, 946
piezoresistive, 153, 864
PVDF, 303, 673, 841, 868, 930, 1109, 1123,
strain, 878
transverse, 767
Gauss' mechanics, 173
generalized gradient approximation, 91, 99, 385
generalized Maxwell model, 427, 661, 679
generalized particle algorithm, 1287
geological materials
chondrules, 1397
dolerite, 1385
enstatite, 1401
granite, 1389
iron, 1401
meteorites, 1410
rocks, 1393
tectosilicates, 1381
additives, 890
borosilicate, 803
microballoons, 817, 898
/polycarbonate composite, 709
Pyrex, 743
silica-based, 807
glycerin, 864
glycidyl azide, 1219, 1333
Godunov technique, 255
foil plate, 1339
optical properties, 1227
graded elastic solids, 689
grain/particle size
aluminum, 531, 942, 950, 962
aluminum alloys, 627
austenite, 351
ceramics, 351,755, 1101
copper, 475, 491, 627
ejecta, 531
HNS explosive, 1035
iron, 333, 553, 627
modeling, 427
nickel, 627
PZT, 197
analysis, 1196
cavity collapse, 914
driver, 1204
modeling, 259, 679
propulsion, 954, 958
gas gun, 153, 191, 209, 267, 483, 491, 515, 523,
653, 673, 747, 755, 771, 779, 845, 914,
compact, 1204
three-stage, 75, 307, 1169
gas phase element modeling, 679
cantilever, 946
carbon foil, 886
carbon resistor, 882, 886, 1137
electromagnetic, 999, 1019
magnetic, 411, 1051
scale effect, 26
steel, 571
tin, 531
titanium aluminide, 634
granite, 1389
granular materials
ammonium nitrate, 1081
HMX explosive, 979
inter-granular friction, 987
internal deformation, 1105
sugar, 26
compressibility, 759
phase transition, 233
/polymer laminate, 693
group theory, 115, 139
equation of state, 20
parameter, 20, 99, 169,442
Gurney model, 954, 958
HMX explosive
chemical decomposition, 1069
detonation, 157, 918, 938
dispersive waves, 845
elasticity, 399
electronic structure, 385
fragment impact, 1047
hot spots, 42
Hugoniot, 169
mesoscale detonation, 922
phase transitions, 856
plastic bonded, 841
plastic deformation, 1003
/PMMA interface, 817
polymorphism, 403
reaction propagation rate, 1015
shock initiation, 415
wave profiles, 979
HNS explosive
shock duration, 1007
shock sensitivity, 1035
hohlraum, 291, 1410
holography, 531
Homalite bar, 811
Hopkinson bar
aluminum foam, 725, 729
binder, 661
brittle materials, 1323
composite materials, 701, 795, 1208
copper, 638
direct tension split, 693
explosives, 701, 860
gauge calibration, 1137
polymers, 665
simulation, 315, 539
titanium aluminide, 638
hot spots
ammonium nitrate, 1081
detonation, 910
grain distribution, 979
HMX explosive, 42
initiation, 991
modeling, 439,446, 983
thermodynamics, 599
unknown-to-detonation transition, 464
Hugoniostat method, 367
aluminum, 53, 1163, 1347
Composition-IB explosive, 169
copper, 67, 169
aluminum alloy, 627
copper, 627
iron, 627
nickel, 627
polymers, 657
PZT, 1101
rocks, 1389
targets, 1291
Hartree-Fock method, 454
hazard assessment, 464
hazardous materials, 1145
heat transfer
convective, 1093
explosives, 833
HELEN facility, 79,1359
driver gas, 1204
liquid, 1141
phase diagrams, 107
shock velocity, 59
Hellmann-Feynmann forces, 91, 99
highly compressed matter, 83, 91, 1163
highly confined gap experiments, 1059
historical discussions
APS, 11
U.S. and Soviet Union, 3
curve, 20
deuterium, 91
diamond, 355
epoxy resin, 135, 649
estane, 653
glass, 807
HMX explosive, 169
iron, 83, 87, 127,442
IRX-4 explosive, 1055
isentropic compression experiments, versus,
isopropyl nitrate, 1051
Kel-F-800, 653
melting, 374
molecular dynamics, 343
molybdenum, 67
nickel, 67
nickel alloys, 579
nitrogen, 91, 99
nitromethane, 173
oxygen, 91
PBXW-115 explosive, 169
piston simulation, 395
polychloroprene, 131
porous materials, 717
porous metals, 67, 79
potassium chloride, 213
principal, 79, 83, 91, 99, 1385
PZT, 191, 1153
rock, 1381, 1385
silicon nitride, 1113
tantalum alloys, 169
Teflon, 169
tin, 367
titanium, 225
titanium alloys, 75, 579
water, 103,1363
Hugoniot elastic limit, 26
alumina, 735, 739
aluminum, 503, 523, 603
aluminum nitride, 771
aluminum oxynitride, 767
boron carbide, 735, 739
ceramics, 735, 739, 751, 755
composite materials, 1119
copper, 503
diamond, 735
minerals, 735
PSZ, 735
quartz, 735
sapphire, 735
silicon carbide, 735
titanium aluminide, 634
tungsten carbide, 783
upper limit, 735
hydrocarbons, 1406
hydrodynamic shock, 115, 139
driver gas, 1204
plasma, 119
hypervelocity impact, 75, 307, 685,1113
ICE. See isentropic compression
phase transition, 241
retraction index, 1363
ballistic, 743, 942, 1003, 1279, 1294, 1298,
bar, 787, 811
cylinder, 205, 515, 531, 1097
electrostatic particle, 1101
fragment, 1047
graded targets, 689
high-speed, 1163, 1169, 1204, 1406
hypervelocity, 75, 307, 685, 1113
inverse, 705
jet, 914
meteorite, 1381, 1393, 1397, 1406
multi-dimensional, 255, 886
non-symmetric, 1149, 1200
oblique, 595
one-dimensional, 689
piston, 395, 864,1204
planar, 623, 630, 673,1119,1306
plate, 3,131,135, 229, 319,475,487, 511,
523, 638, 697, 755, 767, 807,1043,
projectile, 307, 886, 1047, 1204, 1273, 1283,
1287, 1294, 1314
reverse, 669, 1149, 1306
rod, 464, 587, 743, 787, 803, 1105
sleeved, 519
Steven, 42, 886
symmetric, 411,483, 511, 673, 791, 1149
Taylor, 279, 299,464, 519, 587, 1318
impedance matching method, 875
impulsive stimulated light scattering, 177
indium, liquid, 547
copper, 575
detonation, 875
experiments (ICE), 1163
iron, 575
liquid nitrogen, 1141
lithium, 237
LX-04 explosive, 849
nickel, 59
optimization, 1188
power generators, 1173
steel, 575
TATB explosive, 849
tin, 221
Z accelerator, 79,1141,1163
isobaric expansion method, 71
isopropyl nitrate explosive, 1051
inertially confined fusion, 1343
infrared images, 1239
infrared spectroscopy, 1247, 1263
chemical decomposition, 1069
crystalline explosives, 1003
detonation, 1023
double shock, 999
EDC-37 explosive, 1027
hot spots, 991,1081
isopropyl nitrate, 1051
laser, 468, 995
modeling, 415, 983, 987,1019
PBXN-109 explosive, 973
RDX explosive, 454
self-ignition, 1065
TATB explosive, 1039
instrumented experiments, 1109, 1123
interatomic potential, 177, 333
binder/PMMA, 829
fluid, 295
fluid-solid, 251
modeling, 283
oblique impact, 595
sliding, 507
tin/lithium fluoride, 1235
wave scattering, 709
frequency domain, 1227, 1333
microwave, 1065
moire, 825
two-dimensional, 1227,1351
intermolecular potential, 1406
internal friction, 36
compressibility, 11, 26
Earth's mantle, 1401
equation of state, 83, 87, 127
grain size, 333, 553, 627
hardening, 627
Hugoniot, 83, 87,442
phase diagrams, 87
phase transitions, 287, 591
shear strength, 575
spallation, 487, 591
IRX-4 explosive, stresses, 1055
isentropic compression, 20
Janus laser facility, 1371
jets, 291, 914
Jones-Wilkins-Lee EOS, 165, 1039
Kapton/PMMA interface, 713
Kel-F binder, 653, 942, 979, 999
Kolsky bar, 557
KS-32 explosive, 705
analysis of shock initiation, 1027
meshless methods, 1287
representation, 20,435
shock speed relation, 20
sound speed, 1163
laminates, 693,1208
laser Doppler velocimetry, 26, 323,1200
laser-driven flyer plates, 1007,1035
laser-driven initiation, 468, 995
laser-driven shock, 53, 79, 83,499, 615, 619,
630, 1219, 1227, 1333, 1339, 1343, 1347,
laser heating, 1227
laser-induced shock, 583, 1259, 1263, 1351
laser irradiation, 1181, 1192, 1343, 1367, 1375
laser polarimetry, 1247
laser triggered x-ray system, 1185
laser vibrometer, 1208
lattice compression
molecular crystals, 563
silicon, 1375
lattice disintegration phenomena, 735
lattice dynamics, 339
lattice parameters
beryllium, 1192
HMX explosive, 403
Laves crystals, 378
equation of state, 79
liquid, 547
melting, 229
phase diagrams, 111
Lennard-Jones systems, 367
Lie group analysis, 139
liner, cylindrical, 143, 149
liquid metals
equation of state, 71
fragmentation, 547
tin, 221
molecular, 91
polar, 347
lithium, phase transition, 237
lithium fluoride
birefringence, 1251
window, 1235
LX-04 explosive
isentropic compression, 849
pressure histories, 42
Steven test, 886
LX-14 explosive, 853
LX-17 explosive
additives, 942
detonation, 902
initiation, 1019
interface velocity, 42
re-shock states, 153
manganese sulphide, 479, 535
martensitic transformations, 351, 571
Maxwell medium model, 263,411
mean-field potential approach, 67
mechanical properties, 36
crack growth, 563, 833, 1059, 1393
deformation, 26, 36, 279, 315, 557, 619, 630,
725, 860, 1003, 1208, 1281, 1298
elasticity, 399.755, 543, 669
elastic-plastic properties, 26, 303, 323, 557,
627, 638, 979
failure, 275,464, 563, 771, 775, 795, 811,
817, 825, 1208, 1298, 1306
fracture, 475,479, 515, 519, 535, 543, 611,
630, 743, 853
fragmentation, 515, 527, 547, 799
hardness, 627, 657,1101,1291
Hugoniot elastic limit, 26, 503, 523, 603, 735,
plasticity, 279, 319, 333, 355,495, 519, 563,
Poisson's ratio, 579
shear banding, 567, 571, 587, 1294
shear strength, 36, 131, 135, 213, 575, 634,
shear stress, 339, 385,411, 807, 973
spall, 267,475,479,483,487,491, 503, 511,
523, 591, 603, 630, 697, 747, 779,
strain rate, 427,495, 503, 507, 515, 523, 557,
575, 583, 623, 642, 665, 679, 693, 725,
1294, 1318, 1323
strength, 543, 775, 787, 795, 821, 1389
stresses, 197, 209, 213, 217, 579, 673, 689,
717, 829, 1055, 1109, 1157, 1181,
stress-strain, 315, 661, 665, 693, 701, 729,
tensile strength, 511, 697, 755, 783, 821
viscoelasticity, 371,411,427,495, 591, 649,
yield strength, 603, 642, 767,1327
aluminum, 603
carbon, 759
diopside, 185
lead, 225, 229
magnesium, 603
metals, 111
molecular dynamics, 374
Mach-Zehnder interferometer, 1333,1367
magic angle spinning NMR spectroscopy, 1113
Hugoniot elastic limit, 603
phase diagrams, 111
spall strength, 603
velocity transmission factor, 934
magnetic flux compression, 1188
magneto-hydrodynamic effects, 1163, 1173
rock, 1401
silicon, 1109
zinc, 603
mesoscale, 26
compressed powder, 1093
constitutive modeling, 415
detonation, 918, 922
dispersive waves, 845
energy exchange, 263, 267
heterogeneous materials, 713
PZT, 197
simulation, 679, 979
metallography, 630,1306
metastable phases
meteor craters, 1381
silicon, 343
titanium, 225
meteorite impact, 1381, 1393, 1397, 1406
meteorite targets, 1410
methane, 1406
method of cells, 427, 535, 539
microchannels, 1059
microdetonics, 1031
micro-gap test, 918, 922
micromechanics, 427, 539, 739, 751, 987
aluminum alloys, 627
aluminum foam, 729
ceramics, 197, 209, 755
composite materials, 697, 795
copper, 475,491, 619, 627
defects, 333,454,483, 615
inclusions, 479, 535
iron, 553, 627
nickel, 627
PBX 9501 explosive, 539, 825, 833
porosity, 197, 209
RDX explosive, 454
stacking faults, 571, 619
steel, 267,479, 571,630
tantalum, 483
texture, 475
titanium, 623
titanium aluminide, 634
twinning, 571, 619, 623, 627
uranium, 499
vacancies, 599
voids, 483,495, 607, 611, 615, 833
microwave interferometry, 1065
Mie-Grtineisen equation, 20, 169, 251, 275,442,
mine clearing vehicles, 431
Earth's interior, 1401
Hugoniot elastic limit, 735
phase transitions, 1381
explosive, 817, 898
explosives/metal particles, 934
modeling, 127
molybdenum/silicon, 1109
nickel/titanium powder, 1123
nitromethane/additives, 890
RDX/aluminum, 423
reactive, 763
titanium/carbon powder, 1127
mixture theory, 1087
ALOX test, 205
brittle materials, 743
burn rate, 1015
ceramics, 751
chemical decomposition, 1069
cook-off, 1073
delamination, 1208
detonation, 177,431,446, 875, 890, 930, 966
discrete element method, 259, 371,411, 553,
elastoplasticity, 323
electromechanical devices, 311
equation of state, 169, 185, 759
excited states, 385
explosive propulsion, 954, 958
fabrics, 1279
failure, 275
flier plate launch, 307
foam, 1302
fracture, 535, 543
fragmentation, 527
fused deposition, 697
gas, 259
gas cavity collapse, 914
gas-particle flow, 946
high explosives, 427
Hopkinson bar loading, 315
hot spots, 983
impact sensitivity, 439
initiation, 987, 991, 1019, 1039, 1043
interfaces, 283, 709
moire interferometry, 825
molecular crystals, 333, 563
molecular dynamics
bond distortion, 385
deflagration-to-detonation transition, 391
detonation, 333, 395
dislocations, 339
dusty plasmas, 359
elasticity, 399
hydrocarbons, 1406
iron, 83
Laves crystals, 378
liquid nitrogen, 99
melting, 374
metastable phases, 343
molecular collisions, 407
molecular liquids, 91
phase transitions, 333, 351
plasticity, 333
polymorphism, 403
quasicrystals, 378
shock front, 363
shock polarization, 173, 347
shock wave structure, 355
uniaxial Hugoniostat method, 367
Hugoniot, 67
phase diagrams, 111
/silicon powder, 1109
Monte Carlo method
compressibility, 185
equation of state, 157
hydrogen plasma, 119
isentropic compression, 849
laser-driven shock, 1355, 1371
laser initiation, 468
laser spall, 1359
lattice defects, 454
liquid-solid transition, 221
magnetic flux compression, 1188
magnetohydrodynamic, 1173
mesoscale, 713
meteorite impact, 1397,1406
microstructure, 638
mineralogical, 1401
mixtures, 934
multi-dimensional impact, 255
oblique impact, 595
penetration experiment, 1273, 1287, 1310
phase transition, 241
powder compression, 1087, 1093
pressure history, 1177
projectile, 1273
PZT depoling, 197, 201, 205
radiation-driven jetting, 291
radiative shock, 1367
reaction history, 841
reaction rate, 460
refraction shock wave, 287
re-shock states, 153
rod-plate interaction, 1283
Saturn plane wave lens, 419
shape charge, 435
shear banding, 567
shock trajectories, 143
sliding friction, 507
spallation, 464,487, 511, 779
steady-state detonation, 423
Steven test, 886
surface geometry, 1239
syntactic foams, 721
Taylor test, 299
thermal explosion, 882, 1069
thin-wall tubes, 303
transient detonation, 1031
two-phase flow, 1011
vacancy diffusion, 599
VISAR records, 1177
viscoelasticity, 591
viscosity, 295
void coalescence, 611
void growth, 607
wave profiles, 979
nanocrystalline materials
aluminum, 942, 950
ceramics, 751
silicon nitride, 1113
steel, 571
nano-indentation, 837
nanoscale thermites, 1059
/aluminum powder, 1093
critical point, 59
hardening, 627
Hugoniot, 67
optical properties, 1227
/titanium powder, 1123
nickel alloys, phase transitions, 579
aluminum, 583
copper, 583
line-imaging, 791, 845, 1347
porous materials, 713
tantalum, 483
oxygen, liquid, 91
nitrobenzene, 1255
nitrocellulose, 1219, 1333
nitrogen, liquid, 91, 95, 99, 1141
nitroguanidine explosive, 962
detonation, 890, 946
electronic excitations, 385
emission spectroscopy, 1223
gas cavity collapse, 914
Hugoniot, 173
molecular collisions, 407
/PMMA-GMB mixture, 817, 898
polarization, 347
reaction propagation rate, 1015
reflected shock, 1023
vibrational spectra, 1255
noise generation, 1157
nonhomogeneous deformation, 26
nonlinear wave propagation, 20
non-Newtonian fluids, 295
Nova facility, 291, 615
nuclear test, 1389
nylon, 673
Fade approximation, 169
partially stabilized zirconia, 735
particulates, 705, 829, 973
PAX-2 explosive, 853
PAX-3 explosive, 853
PBX explosive
mesoscale detonation, 922
microsamples, 918
strain rate, 679
PBX 9404 explosive
hot spots, 991
initiation, 415
PBX 9501 explosive
binder, 661
detonation, 157
equation of state, 450
fragmentation, 547
impact response, 411
mechanical properties, 821
modeling, 427, 539
moire interferometry, 825
phase transition, 1077
porosity, 833
pressure waves, 882
reaction violence, 1059,1065
reactive flow modeling, 1043
Sandwich test, 149
shock initiation, 415
Steven test, 886
PBX 9502 explosive
corner turning experiment, 966
detonation, 157
initiation, 1019
plastic deformation, 1003
reaction rate, 460
PBXN-5 explosive, 1031
PBXN-109 explosive
blast, 950, 1073
cook-off, 1073
mesoscale structure, 973
plastic deformation, 1003
oil-gas platform removal, 287
OMEGA laser, 615
optical extinction, 1231
optical fibers, 75, 918, 922, 1139, 1141
optical films, laser irradiation, 259, 679
optical microscopy
aluminum foam, 725
ceramics, 755
FTIR, 1219
PBX 9501 explosive, 825, 833
titanium, 623
optical probes, 1243
optical properties
aluminum, 1333
cadmium sulphide, 3
gold, 1227
lead, 229
liquid nitrogen, 95
lithium fluoride, 1251
nickel, 1227
ruby, 3
sapphire, 1231
surface, 1239, 1247
optical radiometry, 1215
optical spectroscopy, 1141, 1219, 1223, 1255
modeling, 343
molecular dynamics, 333
PBX 9501 explosive, 1077
polymorphous, 399,403, 591, 759
potassium chloride, 213, 217
PZT, 191, 197, 201, 205, 209
silicon nitride, 1113
TATB explosive, 856
tin, 221
titanium, 225
uranium, 245
photo-chronograms, 922
photoelastic technique, 829, 975
digital speckle x-ray, 803,1105
high-speed, 743, 811, 829, 860, 894,914,973,
1035, 1081
streak, 165, 205, 721, 791, 898, 918, 922, 995
piezoelectric materials, 1149, 1153
piezopin, 1153
piston test, 395, 864, 1204
planetary atmosphere, 1406
brightness temperature, 83
dusty, 359
electron temperature, 1243
hydrogen, 119
strongly coupled, 53
failure, 739
sensitizers, 930, 973
platinum, foil plate, 1339
/aluminum, 419
/binder interface, 829
/ceramic interface, 713
compressibility, 665
cover plate, 575
disk geometry, 973
electrical conductivity, 1267
/HMX explosive interface, 817
/Kapton interface, 713
/metal interface, 511
rough surface, 995
stresses, 523
pneumatic gun, 623
polarimetry, 1247
compressibility, 665
/glass composite, 709
PBXN-110 explosive, 701
PBXW-115 explosive, 169
PBXW-128 explosive
Hopkinson bar, 860
plastic bonded, 701
PBZT, electromechanical effect, 311
peek /graphite composite, 693
Pegasus facility, 531
penetration experiments
electric current, 1314
entrance phase, 1310
fabrics, 1279
impact velocity, 1291
modeling, 1273,1287
rod-plate interaction, 1283
theory, 1302
percolation theory, 531, 611
perturbation theory, 103,454
PETN explosive
ablation, 995
detonation, 878, 910, 926
laser initiation, 468
reaction rate, 42
shock duration, 1007
petrography, 1381
phase diagrams
bismuth, 111
helium, 107
iron, 87
lead, 111,229
molybdenum, 111
tungsten, 111
uranium, 111
phase transitions, 63
alpha-omega, 225
bismuth, 1145
cadmium sulphide, 3
carbon, 1131
diamond, 233
fluid-solid coupling, 251
fullerenes, 1131
graphite, 233, 759
HMX explosive, 856
ice, 241
iron, 287
lead, 229
liquid-solid, 221
lithium, 237
martensitic, 351, 571
minerals, 1381
/steel composite, 709
stress relaxation, 673
polychloroprene, 131
polyethylene, 673
binder, 661, 918, 942
chemical reactions, 1219
compressibility, 665
constitutive modeling, 657
decomposition, 1196
epoxy resins, 649, 669
/graphite laminate, 693
molecular weight, 821
Raman spectra, 1259
shear-rate-dependent viscosity, 295
shear strength, 653
strain rate, 1323
stress relaxation, 673
polymorphs, 399,403, 591, 759
constitutive modeling, 657
decomposition, 1196
Raman spectra, 1259
porous materials
alumina/aluminum composite, 697
decomposition, 1196
explosives, 833
heterogeneous, 713
Hugoniot elastic limit, 739
iron, 127
nickel, 59
PZT, 191,197, 205, 209
silica beads, 1397
potassium chloride, 213, 217
powder gun, 229,1200,1235
chemical reactions, 1123
compression, 1087, 1093
densification, 1097
laser ablation, 995
synthesis, 1113
power generators, 1173
probability distribution functions, 26, 713
Prony series kernel, 987
combustion, 868
damage, 464
gun, 1113, 1255
propulsion test, 954, 958
proton beams, 271
proton radiography, 966
pyrometry, 229, 763, 1169, 1231, 1235
pyrotechnic devices, 323
depoling, 197, 201, 205
disks, 1153
phase transformation, 191, 209
synthesis, 1101
quantum chemistry, 403
quartz, 735
quasicrystals, 378
quasi-static tests, 693
Raman spectra
benzene, 1263
FOX-7 explosive, 181
fullerene, 1131
nitrobenzene, 1255
nitromethane, 1255
polymers, 1259
Rankine-Hugoniot equation, 20, 91, 99, 169,
RDX explosive
blast, 950
crystal defects, 454
detonation, 423, 878, 910, 934, 938
electromagnetic properties, 894
fracture, 837
hot spots, 973
melt-cast, 1047
shock duration, 1007
burning, 942
under compression, 36
decomposition, 385, 1069
exothermic, 391
fragmentation, 407
heterogeneity, 446
history, 1027
low level threshold, 886
rate, 415
shock-induced, 1087, 1109, 1123
synthesis, 1097
temperature dependent, 460
undetonated explosive, 841
violence, 1059, 1065, 1073
zone structure, 926, 938
reactive burn model, 419, 841, 1019
reactive empirical bond order potential, 355, 391,
reactive flow model, 415, 886, 1039
real-time measurements, 26, 1185, 1255
recovery experiments
aluminum, 615
composite materials, 697
copper, 319, 615, 619, 638
fullerene, 1131
silica beads, 1397
silicon, 615
silicon nitride, 1113
steel, 515
titanium alloys, 587
uranium, 499
reflectivity measurement, 83
refraction index, 1333, 1363
resonance theory, 263
rezoning, 435
R-lines, 3
cracking, 1393
hardening, 1389
Hugoniot, 1385
ruby, 3
R-value problem, 279
shaped charge, modeling, 435
shape memory alloys, 579
Shiva Star capacitor bank, 143
shock, 3
aerogel, 763
aluminum, 26, 53, 374, 503, 507, 531, 615
aluminum nitride, 771
beryllium, 1192
boron carbide, 775
cadmium sulphide, 3
ceramics, 191,197, 201, 205, 209
composite materials, 685, 709, 713
copper, 319, 374, 503, 615, 638
deuterium, 91
dusty plasmas, 359
EDC-37 explosive, 999
epoxies, 669
epoxy resin, 135, 649
foams, 419, 721
front, 26, 36, 363
glass, 807
graphite, 233
helium, 107
HMX explosive, 385, 841
ice, 241
iron, 83, 287, 553
Laves crystals, 378
lead, 229
lithium, 237
LX 17 explosive, 153
multiple particles, 934
nickel, 59
nitrogen, 91, 95, 99
nitromethane, 173, 347, 385, 914
oxygen, 91
polars, 251
polymers, 295, 673
porous materials, 713
potassium chloride, 213, 217
powders, 995, 1087
quasicrystals, 378
radiative, 1367
RDX explosive, 894
rocks, 1381, 1385
ruby, 3
sapphire, 1231
sensitivity, 1007
silicon, 53, 615
sodium chloride, 115, 139
solid propellant, 868
sand, 431,717,1105
Sandwich test, 149
Hugoniot elastic limit, 735
multi-demensional effects, 791
optical extinction, 1231
Saturn plane wave lens, 419
scaling, 26
Z-pinch, 291
scanning electron microscopy
composite materials, 795
PBXN-109 explosive, 973
titanium, 623
second harmonic generation, 856, 1077
self-organization, 721, 918
self-sustained high-temperature synthesis, 1127
sensitizers, void size, 930
servohydraulic test, 705
steel, 303
tin, 531, 1235, 1239
titanium, 225, 623
titanium aluminide, 634
tube test, 950
tungsten carbide, 783
uranium, 499
weak, 42
shock-to-detonation transition, 464, 922, 1035,
shock wave paradigms, 26
flyers, 1347
laser irradiation, 1375
metastable phases, 343
/molybdenum powder, 1109
plasma, 53
recovery, 615
reflectivity, 1243
x-ray diffraction, 1181
silicon carbide
grain size, 751
Hugoniot elastic limit, 735
silicon nitride, 1113
silicon oxide, aerogel, 763
sliding friction, 507
small-angle scattering, 833
smooth compression waves, 20
smooth particle hydrodynamics method, 435
sodium chloride
equation of state, 115, 139
shock temperature, 1215
sound speed
aerogel, 763
enstatite, 1401
HMX explosive, 403
isopropyl nitrate, 1051
Lagrangian, 1163
methanol, 177
PBX 9501 explosive, 450
tin, 1200
aluminum, 503, 1359
aluminum alloys, 523
boron carbide, 779
ceramics, 747, 755
composite materials, 1119
copper, 475,487,491, 503
iron, 487
modeling, 464
pressure effects, 491
steel, 479, 630
tantalum, 483
titanium alloys, 511, 1327
uranium, 499
specific heat, 245
statistical mechanics
expanding cylinders, 799
non-equilibrium, 263
fracture, 519, 535, 543, 630
fragmentation, 527
grain size, 351
mechanical strength, 303
microstructure, 571
/polycarbonate composite, 709
powder, 1087
shear bands, 567, 571
shear strength, 575
spall, 267,479
strain rate, 515, 642
/titanium carbide composite, 1119
Steven test, 42, 886
streak photography
ALOX test, 205
detonation, 898, 918, 922, 991
lateral unloading, 791
syntactic foams, 721
wall expansion, 165
sublimation, 403
dispersive waves, 845
equation of state, 713
/HTPB composite, 705
simulation, 26
superheated solid states, 603
superseismic loading, 251
supersonic mode, 595
surface burn reaction model, 460
synergetic effect, 918
syntactic foams, 721
ceramics, 1097, 1101
self-sustained, 1127
silicon nitride, 1113
SYRINX project, 1173
elastoplasticity, 323
equation of state, 71
free surface velocities, 42
spall, 483
strain rate, 327
Taylor cylinder test, 279
tantalum alloys, 169
TATB explosive
additives, 942
detonation, 157, 875
hot spots, 42
initiation, 1019,1039
isentropic compression, 849
phase transitions, 856
Taylor impact test, 279, 299,464, 519, 587,1318
Taylor series expansion, 1291
tectosilicates, 1381
acceptor, 882
Hugoniot, 169
insulation, 886
control, 1141, 1145
Earth's core, 1401
electron, 1243
epoxies, 669
flyer plate, 1169
fullerene, 1131
gas cavity collapse, 914
lead, 229
liquid nitrogen, 95
nitromethane, 1223
PBX 9501 explosive, 1065
PBXN-109 explosive, 1073
polymers, 665, 821
probability distribution functions, 713
sodium chloride, 1215
surface, 1247
tin, 1235
void growth, 607
TEXT experiments, 882
thermal activation model, 657
thermal cameras, 1239
thermal conductivity, sapphire, 1231
thermal diffusion analysis, 1131
thermal expansion
diopside, 185
HMX explosive, 403
iron, 87
PBXN-109 explosive, 1073
silicon, 1375
thermal explosion, 882, 1069
thermo-chemical modeling, 987
thermocouples, 878, 882, 1066, 1077, 1145
thermodynamic properties
aerogel, 763
fluids, 20
helium, 107
hydrogen plasma, 119
iron, 127
metals, 111
nitromethane, 173
uranium, 245
water, 103
thermography, infrared, 557
thermogravimetry, 1113
thermo-mechanical properties, 427
thermoplasticolefm, 1323
thermoplastics, 665, 1267
thermosets, 811
thin films
aluminum, 468, 1333, 1351
gold, 1227
nickel, 1227
polymers, 1219, 1333
sapphire, 1231
tight-binding method, 343
time-resolved measurements, 3, 53, 237, 713,
1109, 1163, 1181, 1208, 1219, 1223,
1259, 1263, 1333, 1339, 1351
equation of state, 143
grain size, 531
Hugoniot, 367
phase transitions, 221
sound speed, 1200
surface geometry, 1239
temperature, 1235
equation of state, 225
/nickel powder, 1123
phase transition, 225
shear bands, 567
strain rate, 557
twinning, 623
titanium alloys
ballistic test, 1294
elastoplasticity, 323
equation of state, 75
fragmentation, 527
Hugoniot, 579
phase transitions, 579
plates, 307
shear bands, 567, 587
spallation, 511, 1327
strain rate, 327
titanium aluminide, 634
titanium aluminum nitride, 1097
titanium boride
/alumina, 755
/alumina composite, 795
titanium carbide
/steel composite, 1119
synthesis, 1127
titanium silicon carbide, 1097
TNAZ explosive, 853
TNETB explosive, 938
TNT explosive
Hopkinson bar, 860
melt-cast, 1047
plastic deformation, 1003
strain rate, 1323
tomographic methods, 1393
transmission electron microscopy
copper, 615, 619
PZT, 1101
steel, 571
titanium, 623
Trident laser, 1192, 1343
equation of state, 71
penetration experiment, 1287
phase diagrams, 111
tungsten carbide, 783
nitro compounds, 1255
nitromethane, 385
aluminum oxynitride, 767
back-surface response, 630
bar impact test, 787
beryllium, 1192
boron carbide, 779
composite materials, 709
detonation, 938
expansion rate, 515
fiber-optic probe, 79
flier plate velocity, 307
highly compressed iron, 83
isentropic compression, 849
laser-driven shock, 615, 1371
line-imaging, 26, 1192, 1343, 1367
liquid-solid transition, 221
melting, 229
meteorite targets, 1410
modeling, 1177
PBX 9501 explosive, 149
potassium chloride, 217
push-pull, 1339
PZT, 191, 201, 205, 209
spallation, 475,487,491,499, 755, 1119
temperature effects, 669
uranium alloy, 1306
Z accelerator, 1141
VISAR/ORVIS, Line, 26, 205,483
viscous fluid, 295
Viton binder, 942
von Neumann spike pressure, 161,423, 910, 938
ultrafast spatial interferometry, 1227
unknown-to-detonation transition (XDT), 464
fragmentation, 1302
phase diagrams, 111
spall, 499
structural stability, 245
uranium alloys, 1306
urea nitrate, 161
wall expansion, 165
Warm Dense Matter, 53
dense, 1363
equation of state, 103
optimized, 1188
steady, 20
transmitted, 669
wave profile
copper, 491
double shock, 999
HMX explosive, 979
iron, 591
laser-driven shock, 615
vanadium, equation of state, 71
vaporization, high-pressure, 63
vibrational spectra
HMX explosive, 385
titanium, 623
titanium carbide, 1127
transient, 1192, 1344
x-ray flash photography, 803, 1105
x-ray imaging, 547
x-ray irradiation, 1410
x-ray radiography, 291, 307, 507, 515, 1359
x-ray sources, 1185
LX-17 explosive, 902, 1019
PETN explosive, 910
potassium chloride, 217
PZT, 205, 209
RDX explosive, 910
titanium, 225
uranium, 499
xenon, 1367
x-ray diffraction
beryllium, 1192
FOX-7 explosive, 181
HMX explosive, 856
laser-driven shock, 615
PZT, 1101
silicon, 1181
silicon nitride, 1113
TATB explosive, 856
time-resolved, 1181, 1375
Z accelerator, 849,1141,1163,1177,1188,1410
Hugoniot elastic limit, 603
spall strength, 603
failure, 275
fragmentation, 527
zirconium oxide, 751
ZOX explosive, 938
Z-pinch experiment, 291, 1410