CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 RADIATIVE SHOCK EXPERIMENT USING HIGH POWER LASER M. Koenig1, A. Benuzzi-Mounaix1, N. Grandjouan1, V. Malka1, S. Bouquet2, X. Fleury2, B. Marchet2, Ch. Stehle3, S. Leygnac3, C. Michaut3, J.P. Chieze4, D. Batani5, E. Henry5, T. Hall6 1 Laboratoire pour I 'Utilisation des Lasers Menses, UMR 7605, CNRS - CEA - Universite Paris VI - Ecole Polytechnique,, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, FRANCE 2 CEA DRIF, BP 12, 91680 Bruyeres-le-Chdtel, FRANCE 3 Departement d'Astrophysique Stellaire et Galactique, Observatoire de Paris, 92 Meudon Cedex, FRANCE 4 CEA, Saclay, DSM/DAPN1 A/Sap, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France 5 Dipartimento di Fisica (G. OcchialinV, Universita di Milano-Bicocca and 1NFM, Via Emanueli 15, 20126 Milano, Italy 6 University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, United Kingdom Abstract. High power lasers are nowadays tools that can be used to simulate some astrophysical phenomena. In this experiment, the physical parameters have been chosen in order to reproduce radiative shock conditions. The targets were made of a small cell (1 mm3) filled with Xenon at low pressure (< 1 atm). On the laser side, we had a three layers pusher optimized for reaching conditions where the launched shock in Xe is radiative. Rear side and transverse diagnostics allowed to determine shock and precursor velocities, electronic density along the shock propagation. Comparison with numerical simulations and models are presented. These experiments were performed with the LULI laser. hydrodynamic code simulations.We used a Xenon INTRODUCTION gas cell to observe this radiation phenomenon [2]. Radiative shocks are present in advanced star envelopes and contributes to their mass losses. They also exist in pulsed star atmospheres (Miras, RR Lyrae, ...). Laboratory measurement of the evolution and properties of such shocks will provide a better understanding of these stellar objects. Radiative shocks are present either in dense and hot plasmas where matter is at the local thermal equilibrium (LTE) or in dilute atmospheres where the plasma is at non-LTE. In both cases, a radiative precursor appears before the shock front. In this experiment, we intend to observe such a feature using the nanosecond laser pulse of the LULI laboratory. Target design is based on semianalytical model [1] predictions and full radiative RADIATION PHYSICS AND TARGET DESIGN In a radiative shock, radiation emitted by the hot compressed part of the fluid has a nonnegligible effect up or downstream in the flow. This happens only for sufficiently high Mach numbers. Compression ratios are then higher than with classical shocks. When radiative processes are dominant, they modify the structure of the waves. At the shock front, temperature and density discontinuities are smoothed and may disappear under radiation effects. Recent analytical work [1], adding the effects of radiation energy and pressure to conservation laws for mass, momentum and matter energy 1367 derived "generalized" Rankine-Hugoniot relations. In this model, matter is a perfect gas radiating like a black body at local thermal equilibrium (LTE). The radiative properties of the shocks appear when radiation and matter have identical pressures. To reach this condition the shock velocity should exceed a critical velocity defined by: produced with less than a hundred joules of pulsed laser light. An optimized three layers pusher drives the shock in Xenon gas initially at rest in a small quartz tube. A detailed comparison with FCI1 (CEA internal code) was performed to validate MULTI as an every day tool to understand and reduce experimental data. The pusher is composed of a polyethylene ablator (2 fim), a titanium X-ray screen (3 (im) and a polyethylene foam accelerator (25 Jim). The laser pulse, sent on the ablator side of the pusher, drives a shock in xenon which is at 1/5 of the atmospheric pressure. The foam-xenon interface that acts as a piston travels with a velocity of 70 km/s. When radiation is included, we observe a long precursor as shown in figure 1. (1) y is the usual ratio of specific heat for the perfect gas, jiis the atomic mass, k is the Boltzmann constant, a is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, c is the speed of light and n is the particle density. For instance, a shock propagating in hydrogen gas at 35 km/s would not have radiative properties if matter density is higher than 1014 cm"3. Experimental diagnostics should have access to the structure of shocks in order to demonstrate their radiative properties. This implies to that we choose to drive the shocks in a light and transparent medium (a gas) with an atomic mass ji as high as possible (Xenon). 21 10 - Ne \ EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP Experiments have been performed using three of the six available beams of the LULI's Nd-glass laser. The beams were converted at X = 0.53 jim, with a maximum total energy £2^ ~ 100 J focused on a same focal spot. The laser pulse was a square pulse with a rise time of 120 ps giving a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 720 ps. Each beam was focused with a 500 mm lens. We used phase zone plates (PZP) [4], in order to eliminate large scale spatial modulations of intensity and obtained a flat intensity profile in the focal spot [5]. Characteristics of our optical system (lens+PZP) were such that our focal spot had a 500 jum FWHM, with a ~ 250 jum diameter flat region at the center. Spatially averaged intensities between 4-6 1013 W/cm2 were obtained, depending on the laser energy. The diagnostics used in this experiment are given in Figure2. The self emission diagnostic consisted of a streak camera recording the emitted light from the rear surface of the target at shock breakout. We had two line VISAR [6] with different sensitivities to infer the shock velocity in the foam and in the Xenon. Finally we implemented a MachZehnder interferometer to determine the electronic density along the shock propagation. Two streak camera were used, one looking at the fringes (LONG), the other one for a transverse image at a given position in the gas (TRANS). r foam-xe interface shock front 20 10 19 precursor. 10 18 1017 0 mm 0.3 0.6 0.9 FIGURE 1. Effect of radiation in shocked Xenon given by simulations. Dash and plain lines corresponds to the non radiative and radiative case respectively. A more quantitative design of the whole experiment has been done with the radiation hydrocode MULTI [3]. A radiative shock wave is 1368 deceleration), then to the right (small acceleration) and finally back to the left. This feature is quite similar to the hydro code prediction of the piston velocity (figure 4.). These three stages correspond to the first shock breaking through at the foam-xenon interface, then a second shock is coming due to reflection on the pusher interface, finally the piston slows down .The mean measured velocity is approximately 67 km/s. Code computed velocities are in good agreement with these experimental values and suggest (see Fig. 1) that the shock in xenon is strong enough to have a precursor. According to the expected shock temperatures (10-15 eV), the shock front in xenon is subcritical (Ne ~ 1021 cm"3) when the precursor zone is much less than critical (Ne < 1020cm-3). •••-——' FIGURE 2. Experimental set-up 200jan FIGURE 4. Foam-Xenon interface velocity. Plain and dashed lines are ID simulations and experimental data respectively Indeed, according to equation (1), the radiative process becomes important when the shock velocity is high enough for a given initial pressure. With our experimental parameters, Dcrit ~ 25 km/s. In the experiment, the measured shock velocity is twice this value so we are confident to be in a regime where radiation effects in the shock are important. To the precursor, whose position is defined by a change in density (fringe shift), we can associate a much higher velocity than the shock velocity. A fit of the trajectory, represented by the plain curve in figure 5, gives an initial velocity -140 km/s. It is again very close to the hydro code prediction with a FIGURE 3. VISAR image for a Pa/5 filled gas cell. With the VISAR, we could determine the piston velocity which drives the shock in the xenon. As we can see in figure 3, the fringes shift to the left side (velocity jump associated with a small 1369 time decrease due to piston velocity slowing down and possible 2D effects. Those effects can be assessed by our transverse diagnostic. Here we are looking at one longitudinal position in the cell (~ 100-200 mm from the foam interface) with spatial information in the transverse direction. The fringe shift in figure 5 is directly related to the electronic density Ne per plasma length; in our case one fringe corresponds to ~ 4.5 1021 e/cmVjim. Assuming a 200 |im plasma created by the precursor, one can deduce the variation of Ne versus time (figure 6.). 1022 1021 1020 1019 1018 500JOB 1017 FIGURE 6, Electronic density vs time at a given position inside Xenon (200 um from the foam interface). Dashed and plain lines are experiment and simulations results respectively. CONCLUSIONS In this experiment, we observed a radiative precursor preceding a strong shock wave in the xenon gas cell. The results are in general agreement with numerical simulations or semi-analytical models. However the low number of shots cannot give us a detailed picture of the radiation effects in our experimental conditions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank F. Gex (OPM/GASGAL), L. Poles (CEA/VALDUC), B. Cathala (CEA/CESTA) for their fundamental contribution to the target fabrication. Also Ph. Moreau (LULI) has to be mentioned for his contribution to the success of the experiment. FIGURE 5. Interferometry in Xenon along the laser axis. Dashed line and solid lines correspond to shock front and precursor trajectories respectively We observe a reasonable agreement between hydrodynamic simulations and the experimental results. However at late time, one can expect 2D effects to become important. REFERENCES 1 2 3 4 5 6 1370 Bouquet, S., et al.Astroph. J. Supp. 127, 245 (2000). Bozier, J. C., et al.9 Phys. Rev. Lett. 57, 1304 (1986). Ramis, R., et al, Comp. Phys. Comm. 49, 475 (1988). 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