CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 BALLISTIC TESTING AND HIGH-STRAIN-RATE PROPERTIES OF HOT ISOSTATICALLY PRESSED T1-6A1-4V YaBei Gu, Vital! F. Nesterenko and Sastry S. Indrakanti Department of MAE, University of California, San Diego, CA 92093-0411 Hot isostatically pressed (HIPed) T1-6A1-4V powder based targets (including composites) have a good ballistic performance against long rod, conical and flat projectiles impact (velocity range ~ 0.4 - Ikm/s). Compared to baseline material (MIL-T-9047G), new features such as different shape of craters in long rod penetration tests were observed. The results of compression Hopkinson bar tests, cut from tested targets (final strain controlled tests and hat-shaped specimen tests) are presented with a goal to establish relations between ballistic performance and high strain rate properties of HIPed materials. INTRODUCTION dense and porous (7.6% porosity) Ti-6Al-4V was also investigated using a combination of standard testing machines and compression and torsional Kolskybars[7]. There is no data on the relation between ballistic performance and high strain rate properties of Ti6A1-4V made from powder. The main goal of this research is to investigate the ballistic performance of Ti-6Al-4V based homogeneous materials obtained by hot isostatic pressing against flat ended, conical and long rod penetration impact. Extensive experiment data were obtained about high-strain-rate properties and ballistic performance for Ti-6Al-4V alloy with various microstructures (e.g. equiaxed, acicular and Widmanstatten structures produced by conventional processing methods) [1-4]. The high-strain-rate properties of Ti-6Al-4V are most crucial in the design of components subjected to impact or shock loading. Follansbee and Gray [5] investigated the deformation behavior of Ti6A1-4V at temperatures 76 and 495 K, strain rates between 0.001 and 3000 s"1, and compressive strains up to 3.0. A deformation model based on the kinetics of dislocation/obstacle interaction and structure evolution was successfully applied. Lee and Lin [6] investigated plastic deformation and fracture behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy under high strain rate at various temperatures. The results show that the flow stress of TJ-6A1-4V is sensitive to both temperature and strain rate. It was found that adiabatic shear bands are the major fracture mode at large plastic deformations under high temperature and high strain rate. The ratedependent deformation and localization of fully COMPARISON OF BALLISTIC PERFORMANCE OF HIPed AND BASELINE MATERIAL Three types of ballistic experiments including flat-ended projectile, conical projectile and long rod projectile tests were conducted to evaluate the ballistic properties of HIPed TJ-6A1-4V material. Flat-ended and conical projectile penetration tests were performed at U.C. Berkeley [8]. Long rod penetration tests were conducted at the UDRI [9,10]. The details about the preparation of targets and testing can be found in papers [8-11]. Relatively large spread of data in plug velocities 1294 shear bands developed from the crater or within the grains. The bifurcation and interaction found frequently in the tested HIPed targets are an example of complex shear bands patterns. Twinning was also observed in tested HIPed target inside grains close to the crater. Many of the secondary shear bands is over 100 pm long and over 10 pm thick [11]. Dimple structures on surface of plugs collected after flat-ended penetration tests were evaluated under SEM. Dimples with similar shape and size distribution were found both in baseline and in HIPed material even though the overall shape of the plug appears significantly different [11]. Fig. 1 Different shape of craters after long rod projectile penetration tests. (On the left is baseline material and on the right is HIPed PREP nonmilled material). Arrows show localized shear. were found after flat-ended projectile penetration tests. For example, one test from PREP nonmilled HIPed Ti-6Al-4V shows only 80 m/s plug velocity while another two similar tests result in 176.8 m/s and 187.2 m/s velocities. This phenomenon also happens in PREP milled HIPed and in PREP ELInonmilled HIPed material. Practically in all cases plug velocities in baseline material were higher. The bottoms of craters in HIPed and baseline materials after long rod projectile penetration tests at 1 km/s are presented in Fig. 1 [9,10]. The crater shapes are quite different. In baseline material, the penetration depth is about 18 mm and additionally shear bands propagated forward to a distance of 6 ~ 8 mm. In the case of HIPed samples, the penetration depth is about 14-15 mm which is smaller than in baseline material. The bottom part of the craters is relatively flat for HIPed samples and has a few dents left by the projectile (diameter 4.75mm). Shear bands patterns were found to be quite different in the baseline and HIPed targets after ballistic tests with flat projectile. The shear bands in baseline material exhibit systematic pattern where a dominant shear band runs along the penetration direction and pattern of secondary shear bands develops at 45° to penetration path. The secondary shear bands have a length of 40 ~ 100 jam and width of 2 ~ 5 ^m. Shear bands pattern in HIPed material does not show "systematic" behavior. The dominant shear band also runs along the penetration direction, but the secondary shear bands propagated into the target with angles 30°- 90° and interact with other HIGH-STRAIN-RATE DATA High-strain-rate constitutive relations were obtained using split Hopkinson bar tests for standard baseline material taken from the 50-mm rod (MIL-T-9047G) and from the tested targets made from HIPed material with different velocities of plug. The sample is 4-mm by 4-mm cylinder and the top and bottom surfaces were polished before testing. Samples from baseline material were prepared with axis parallel and normal to the axis of 50-mm rod to examine the texture effect. The results of the stress-strain curves are shown in Fig. 2. Ductility of PREP nonmilled HIPed material is comparable with the ductility of baseline material in perpendicular direction. PREP nonmilled HIPed material has a comparable strength as baseline material in the parallel direction, but lower than that of the baseline material in the perpendicular direction. The baseline material in the perpendicular direction has low ductility compared to the ductility in the parallel direction. Baseline material has a larger spread of data for ductility than HIPed samples. Phase analysis shows that there is more p -phase in HIPed material (45%) compared with the standard baseline material (39%). This may contribute to the observed lower ductility for HIPed material. The strain controlled specimen tests also validate that the ductility of PREP nonmilled HIPed material is comparable with the ductility in baseline material in perpendicular direction. 1295 1.8- s 1.6 1.412- 0.604 . 020 0.05 0.1 0.15 02 Engineering Strain 025 0.05 0.1 0.15 02 0.25 Engineering Strain Engineering Stnun Fig. 2 Constitutive relations in different tests for baseline material at parallel direction (a), baseline material at perpendicular direction (b) and HIPed PREP nonmilled material (c), (samples 6n, 7n and 8n; see Table 2 in [11]). higher flow stress and similar energy dissipation compare to HIPed material. The area of forced shear localization has the similar thickness in all three cases. It is also found that larger amount of material is involved into the shear flow in baseline material sheared at perpendicular direction to forging. Only material inside the shear band is heavily deformed at shear direction parallel to forging at the same level of strain (Fig. 5). They both have a failure strain 0.12-0.17. Failure strain is ~ 0.24 for baseline material in parallel direction. The spontaneous shear bands were initiated inside particular grains and represent the dominant failure mechanism for plastic deformation in HIPed material (Fig. 3). Hat-shaped specimen tests were used to evaluate shear deformation and failure of the material by forced shear localization in the postcritical region. The main advantage of this test is that the flow stress vs. displacement can be measured and subsequent microstructures can be investigated. The results presented in Fig. 4 show that PREP nonmilled HIPed material has a relatively lower flow stress compare to baseline material. Baseline material in perpendicular direction has a relatively 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Displacement (pm) Fig. 4 Shear stress vs. displacement for baseline material at parallel (squares) and perpendicular direction to forging (stars) and HIPed PREP nonmilled material (triangles). CONCLUSION HIPed material has a better ballistic performance in comparison with baseline material for three types of ballistic tests. Samples made from ELI powder did not demonstrated better performance in comparison with PREP powders. Fig. 3 Nuclei of Spontaneous shear band in HIPed PREP nonmilled material. 1296 Fig. 5 Forced shear bands developed in baseline material at parallel direction (a) and at perpendicular direction (b) at strain rate ~ 103. 3. Burkins, M., and Love, W., "Effect of Annealing Temperature on the Ballistic Limit Velocity of Ti6A1-4V ELI", in Proceedings of 16-th International Symposium on Ballistics, San Fransisco, CA, 23-27 September (1996). 4. Weerasooriya, T., Magness, L. and Burkins, M., "High Strain-Rate Behavior of Two Ti-6Al-4V Alloys with Different Microstructures" in Fundamental Issues and Applications of ShockWave and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena, Edited by Staudhammer, K. P., Murr, L. E. and Meyers, M. A, pp. 33-36 (2001). 5. Follansbee, P. S. and Gray, G. T., ffl, Metallurgical Transactions A. 20A, pp. 863-874, May (1989). 6. Woei-Shyan Lee and Chi-Feng Lin, Material Science and Engineering, A241, pp. 48-59, (1998). 7. da Silva, M. G. and Ramesh, K. T.,, Material Science and Engineering, A232, pp. 11-22 (1997). 8. Nesterenko, V. F., Indrakanti, S. S., Goldsmith, W and Gu, Y., International conference on Fundamental Issues and Applications of ShockWave and High-Strain-Rate Phenomena, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A., June (2000). 9. Nesterenko, V. F., Indrakanti, S. S., Brar, S. and Gu, Y., "Long Rod Penetration Test of Hot Isostatically Pressed Ti-based Targets", in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, pp. 419-422, (1999). 10. Nesterenko, V. F., Indrakanti, S. S., Brar, S. and Gu, Y., Key Engng., Mater. 177-180, 243-248 (2000). 11. Nesterenko, V. F., Indrakanti, S. S., Goldsmith, W and Gu, Y., in preparation. PREP nonmilled fflPed material and PREP milled HIPed materials with different microstructures demonstrate the similar ballistic performance. Probably the existence of texture in baseline material and isotropic structure of HIPed material are responsible for different crater shape in long rod penetration test. No correlation was found between shear bands pattern, dimple structure, Hopkinson bar test results in the samples taken from the targets with different plug velocities in flat projectile tests. Lower ductility of HIPed material can be responsible for different shear band pattern in baseline and in HIPed material and the difference in shape of the plugs in flat-ended projectile penetration tests. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The support provided by the ARO, MURI DAAH 04-96-1-0376 (Program manager Dr. David Stepp) is highly appreciated. REFERENCES 1. 2. Gooch, W.A., Burkins, M.S., and Frank, K., "Ballistic Performance of Titanium Against Laboratory Penetrators." In Proc. of 1-st Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, Melbourne, Australia, 21-23 February (1996). Meyer, L.W., Krueger, L., Gooch, W. and Burkins, M., J.Physique IV, C3, pp. 415-422 (1997). 1297
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