CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 CONVERSION OF FINITE ELEMENTS INTO MESHLESS PARTICLES FOR PENETRATION COMPUTATIONS INVOLVING CERAMIC TARGETS Gordon R. Johnson1'2, Robert A. Stryk1, Stephen R. Beissel2 and Timothy J. Holmquist2 l Mliant Techsystems, 600 2nd St. N.E., Hopkins, MN 55343 Network CS, 1200 Washington Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415 2 Abstract. This paper presents a new computational algorithm to automatically convert distorted finite elements into meshless particles during dynamic deformation. It also presents computed results for projectiles impacting ceramic targets. The new computational algorithm, together with an appropriate ceramic model, provides computed results that are in good agreement with test data. Included are problems involving dwell and penetration. This computational approach is especially well-suited for brittle materials such as ceramics, because the conversion from elements into particles generally occurs after the material has failed. The result is that the particles represent only failed material, which does not produce any tensile stresses. For some particle algorithms it is possible to introduce tensile instabilities, but this is not a concern if the particles represent only failed material. work [1], where the general approach was demonstrated with a simplified algorithm. For brittle ceramic materials the conversion occurs after failure such that there are no tensile stresses (and therefore no tensile instabilities) in the particle nodes. The finite element formulation is provided in Reference 2 and the Generalized Particle Algorithm (GPA) is presented in References 3 and 4. INTRODUCTION Lagrangian meshless methods (or particle methods) have been recently developed and applied to solid mechanics problems. An important characteristic of meshless methods is that they can be used to represent severe distortions in a Lagrangian framework. Although the accuracy and efficiency of meshless methods are not generally as good as finite element methods for dynamics problems with mild distortions, the meshless particle methods can be more accurate, more efficient and more robust for dynamics problems involving severe distortions. Therefore, a logical computational approach would be to use finite elements for the mildly distorted regions and meshless particles for the highly distorted regions. This paper presents an explicit Lagrangian algorithm to automatically convert distorted elements to meshless particles during the course of the computation. This is an extension of previous CONVERSION ALGORITHM Figure 1 shows a finite element grid with a surface defined by nodes a ... j. Three elements on the surface (A, B, C) are designated as candidates for conversion to particles. An element is converted to a particle when the element has at least one side on a surface or interface, and the equivalent plastic strain exceeds a user-specified value (in the range of 0.3 to 0.6). Criteria other than plastic strain could also be used. 1287 EXAMPLES The first example is shown in Fig. 2. It is an Armo iron cylinder that is impacted against a rigid surface at a velocity of 305 m/s. This is not a problem that requires conversion, but it demonstrates the algorithm for a problem that can be compared to a finite element computation. Interface (nodes a... y) before conversion Interface after conversion of elements to particles FIGURE 1. Conversion of Finite Elements Into Particles Plastic Strains If element A exceeds the plastic strain criterion the following steps are taken: - Element A is removed from the finite element grid. - Particle A is added as a GPA node. - All of the element variables (stress, strain, internal energy, damage, etc.) are transferred to the GPA node. - The mass, velocity and center of gravity of the GPA node are set to those of the replaced elemeni. - The GPA nodal diameters, (initial and current) Conversion FIGURE 2. Impact of an Armco Iron Cylinder onto a Rigid Surface at 305 m/s The upper position of Fig. 2 shows the remaining finite elements and the generated GPA nodes at 40 jus after impact. The lower left position shows the plastic strain contours for the finite element/GPA solution and the lower right provides the plastic strain distributions for a finite element solution without any conversion to particles. There is good general agreement between the strain distributions. The deformed lengths and diameters of the two results are essentially identical. The next example involves a tungsten rod impacting a steel target at 1500 m/s, as shown in Fig. 3. For this problem both the projectile and target materials are converted to elements. The interfaces between the particles of different materials are represented by springs and dashpots, determined from the characteristics of the materials and the artificial viscosity coefficients [4]. With this interface treatment the GPA algorithm includes only those neighbors which are of the same material. are determined from d - V A , where A is the cross-sectional area of the element. - The masses of nodes b, c and k are reduced by the removal of element A. - Line segment b-c is removed from the list of interface (master surface) segments, and line segments b-k and k-c are added to the list. The conversion of element B (with two sides on the surface) to GPA node B, and the conversion of element C (with three sides on the surface) to GPA node C, follows in a similar manner. When a finite element is converted into a GPA node (under the conditions described for GPA nodes A and B in Fig. 1) the newly generated GPA node must be attached to the adjacent master line segment. Unlike a sliding algorithm, the attached algorithm does not allow the GPA node to separate from the master line segment or to slide along the master line segment. The details of this algorithm are provided in Reference 5. 1288 higher impact velocities penetrate in an expected manner. It can be seen that the computed results are in excellent agreement with the test data. ;:;! i, s* 'IS:.? f?WI 10 % 7J? mm I 1 Tungsten rod • mi L = 150 mm D = 2 mm 4mm V ————— Computations • - - - - - - • Test data Lundberg et al, 1998 7T Boron Carbide I: as SH |g 47.6 mm 4 $t Steel case |<— 19mm —=>) <——— o ———> 20 30 40 50 time (ms) FIGURE 4. Impact of a Tungsten Rod onto a Boron Carbide Target at Various Velocities FIGURE 3. Impact of a Tungsten Rod onto a Steel Target at 1500/n/s The lower portion of Fig. 3 shows the penetration process at 50 and 125 jus after impact. Here the tungsten is represented by darkened elements and particles, but the steel target is represented by light gray elements and particles. The black line in the target represents the outline of the elements such that all of the gray target material on the highly strained side of the line has been converted to particles. The final penetration is very close to comparable experimental data [6]. The final example is shown in Figs. 4 and 5. It involves a very long tungsten rod impacting a complex target composed of boron carbide ceramic surrounded by a steel case. The left side of Fig. 4 shows the configuration as provided by Lundberg et al [7]. The penetration in Fig. 4 is measured from the top surface of the boron carbide prior to impact. The right side of Fig. 4 shows computed results and selected test data (penetration versus time) for four impact velocities. The test data are provided by Lundberg et al [7]. For the lowest velocity (1427 rn/s) the tungsten rod does not penetrate the ceramic. When the velocity is increased slightly (1480 m/s), the tungsten rod dwells on the top surface of the ceramic until 25 jus after impact, and then it penetrates at a significant velocity. The two FIGURE 5. Computed Results for Impact of a Tungsten Rod onto a Boron Carbide Target 1289 Figure 5 shows the computed results. For the four geometry plots (not including the damage plot in the upper right), the tungsten rod is represented by the darkened elements and particles, while the steel and ceramic are represented by light gray elements and particles. The black lines define the outlines of the elements. In some instances the lines represent the outlines of the two materials (case and ceramic), and in other instances they represent an interface between the elements and the particles. The upper left of Fig. 5 shows the response for an impact velocity of Vs = 1427 m/s. Here the ceramic remains intact, while the defeated rod moves radially outward along the top surface of the ceramic until it is contained by the steel case. The distribution of damage is shown in the upper right and it can be seen that there is a thin region of undamaged ceramic directly under the impacting rod, and this enables the ceramic to remain intact and to defeat the rod. The lower left of Fig. 5 is for a slightly higher impact velocity of Vs = 1480 m/s. The response for this case is similar to the slightly lower impact velocity (Vs = 1427 m/s) for the first 25 jus, as shown in Fig. 4. The higher impact velocity causes the defeated rod to push the case wall outward more than the lower velocity, and this in turn reduces the confining pressure in the ceramic thus allowing it to be more damaged and to fail. After the ceramic directly under the rod is fully damaged the rod penetrates the ceramic. For the two higher velocities the dwell is limited and the rod penetrates in a normal manner. The boron carbide ceramic model used for these computations is similar to that presented by Johnson and Holmquist [8], although some changes have been made for damaged material. A final comment concerns an important advantage of converting distorted elements into particles rather than simply eroding (or removing) the distorted elements. When an element is eroded it introduces a void which allows surrounding material to expand into the void and to lose pressure as it expands. If the material strength or failure characteristics are pressure dependent (as they are for brittle materials) then the pressure drop can lead to lower strength and/or more damage. If an erosion algorithm (rather than a conversion algorithm) is used for the impact conditions (Vs = 1427 m/s) in the upper left of Figure 1, premature failure occurs. The highly distorted rod elements erode and the adjacent ceramic elements expand and fail, thus allowing the rod to penetrate the failed ceramic rather than being defeated by the intact ceramic. Replacing the distorted elements with particles does not introduce a void and/or pressure drop. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was funded by the U.S. Army TankAutomotive Research, Development and Engineering Center (TARDEC), the U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Army High Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC), and Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), under contracts DAAN02-98-C-4039, D AAD16-00-C-9260, and DAS WO 1 -01 -C-0015. The content does not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the government, and no official endorsement should be inferred. The authors would also like to thank D.W. Templeton (TARDEC), P.M. Cunniff (SBCCOM), J.E. Ward (SBCCOM), and C.E. Anderson (SwRI) for their contributions. REFERENCES 1. Johnson, G.R., Peterson, E.H., and Stryk, R.A., International Journal of Impact Engineering, 14, 373383 (1992). 2. Johnson, G.R., Stryk, R.A., Holmquist, T.J., and Beissel, S.R., Numerical Algorithms in a Lagrangian Hydrocode, Report WL-TR-1997-7039, Wright Laboratory, U.S. Air Force, July 1997. 3. Johnson, G.R., Beissel, S.R., and Stryk, R.A., Computational Mechanics, 25, 245-256 (2000). 4. Johnson, G.R., Beissel, S.R., and Stryk, R.A., International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, to appear (2001). 5. Johnson, G.R., Stryk, R.A., Beissel, S.R., and Holmquist, T.J., "An Algorithm to Automatically Convert Distorted Finite Elements into Meshless Particles During Dynamic Deformation," Submitted for publication. 6 Anderson, C.E. and Walker, J.D., International Journal of Impact Engineering, 11, 481-501 (1991). 7. Lundberg, P., Holmberg, L., and Janson, B., "An Experimental Study of Long Rod Penetration into Boron Carbide at Ordnance and Hypervelocities," Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium on Ballistics, Midrand, South Africa, 1998. 8. Johnson, G.R. and Holmquist, T.J., Journal of Applied Physics, 85, 8060-8073 (1999). 1290
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