CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT OF TIN UNDER SHOCK COMPRESSION Pierre-Louis Hereil, Catherine Mabire Centre d'Etudes de Gramat - 46500 GRAMAT - FRANCE Abstract. The results of pyrometric measurements performed at the interface of a tin target with a LiF window material are presented for stresses ranging from 38 to 55 GPa. The purpose of the study is to analyze the part of the interface in the temperature measurement by a multi-channel pyrometric device. The results show that the glue used at target/window interface remains transparent under shock. The values of temperature measured at the tin/LiF interface are consistent with the behavior of tin under shock. INTRODUCTION used remains transparent under shock, the measured interface temperature is close to the temperature of the metallic target. The final difficulty is to evaluate the emissivity of the measurement surface. This paper presents the temperature measurements obtained at the interface between a tin target and a LiF window for stresses ranging from 38 to 55 GPa. The purpose of this study is to analyze the part of this interface composed of glue. The experimental determination of temperature of materials under shock has been the subject of numerous studies since the works of Kormer [1] in 1968. The measurement of temperature under shock has been obtained for transparent materials, rocks, metallic materials and explosives [2-13]. Temperature measurement, which is difficult to perform, is essential to understand the behavior of materials under shock and, notably, to identify phase changes of the matter. The most common technique used to measure the temperature under shock is to record the radiation evolution (or luminance) of the target with an optical pyrometer, and to determine its temperature through Planck's law. While the luminance measurement technique is well characterized, the calculation of the actual temperature of the material is not : the main difficulty concerns the emissivity evaluation of the measured surface. The experimental configura- tion used by numerous authors consists in depositing a metallic material on a transparent window to obtain the most ideal interface. Blanco [14] proposed an alternative which consists in gluing the window material on the metallic target to insulate the metallic target from the window material. If the glue EXPERIMENTS The configuration of the plate impact experiment is depicted in Figure 1 and the parameters of the three experiments performed on tin are presented in Table I. The experiments were performed in CEG with the single-stage powder gun ARES. The relative error of impact velocity measurement is 1%. For the three experiments performed, the impact tilt varies from 1 to 2 mrad. The impactor disks, buffer plate, target and window all present a 1/100 mm flatness on their two faces and the parallelism defect between two faces is lower than 2/100 mm. The face of the tin disk aimed by the pyrometer presents a polished surface with a rugosity of 0.01. The faces of window material are optically flat. 1235 projectile Ta Cu (j> 50 mm (j> 60 mm e=5.0 mm e=5.0 mm Sn (J> 43 mm e=1.5+1.5mm self shorting pins (impact velocity and tilt) PYROMETER FIGURE 1. Experimental configuration of plate impact tests for temperature measurement at tin/LiF interface The targets consisted of two tin disks because of a supplying problem. The window and the tin target were glued together with L358 glue (UV-hardened LOCTITE 358). The three experiments have different interface conditions. In the first experiment (#A25), the glue thickness of each interface was less than 10 jam and in the second one (#A31) this thickness was 50 jiim. In these two cases, the window is composed of two LiF disks glued together with L358. In the third experiment (#A30), the window is composed of a single LiF disk which is 15-mm thick and the target surface is coated with a 1-jim thick graphite film by cathodic sputtering. The glue thickness between the window and the target is less than 10 jim as in the first experiment. The goal of this experiment was to increase the emissivity of the measurement surface by using a highly emissive material (graphite). The optical pyrometer used in this study has been exhaustively described by Leal [15]. The pyrometer uses six measurement channels with different wavelengths : 500 nm, 650 nm, 850 nm, 1100 nm, 1270 nm and 1510 nm. Its response time is 5 ns and its operating conditions are limited to a low temperature of 1500 K. The relative error associated with the luminance measurement is 3 %. Figure 2 presents the luminance profiles obtained in the experiment A25 for the six wavelengths of the pyrometer. These signals exhibit an initial ramp when the shock reaches the Sn/LiF interface and, after 0.4 jis, a singularity which corresponds to the reflection of compression and release waves from the different interfaces (Sn/Sn and LiF/LiF). The large increase in signals after 2.2 ^s corresponds to the emergence of the shock wave at the free surface of LiF. This shows that the propagation of the shock wave through the 10 ^im thick glue interface, at 2 mm in depth in the LiF window, does not modify the pyrometric signal. The L358 glue remains Table 1. Plate impact parameters for temperature measurement at Sn/LiF interface Shot number A25 LiF (2.0 mm) A31 LiF (2.0 mm) A30 Windowl Window2 LiF (15.0 mm) Target / window interface L358 (< 10 jim) Projectile velocity (m/s) 2258 ± 25 LiF (15.0 mm) L358 (50 jim) 2240 ± 20 LiF (15.0 mm) graphite (1 jim) +L358 (<10 jim) 2253 ± 25 1236 0.08 E 0.10 ,i #A30 (1 |jm Graphite +10 pm glue) tti 0.08 : 0.06 - #A25(10Mmglue) 20.04(0 | 0.04 _3 0.02- | 0.02 ! 0.00 S 0.00 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 Time (microsec.) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Time (microsec.) FIGURE 2 : Experimental profiles measured at tin/LiF interface for shot #A25. transparent under shock at this stress and temperature. Otherwise, a substantial drop in the luminance would have been observed when the shock reached the LiF/LiF interface. In Figure 3, the luminances measured during the three experiments for the 1100-nm wavelength are compared. It appears that a glue thickness of 50 um does not modify significantly the shape of the luminance profile whereas a 1-uin thick graphite layer highly influences the profile. The essential information provided by these results is that the glue remains transparent under shock for these stresses and temperatures. If the glue became opaque under shock, the influence of graphite on the luminance profile would not be observed since the graphite deposit is in direct contact with the tin sample. Moreover, it is noticeable that the rise times of the first shock are similar for 10-jim and 50-um thickness of glue. This implies that the measured radiation comes from the rear side of the tin sample FIGURE 3. Comparison beween the experimental profiles measured during the three experiments for the 1100 nm wavelength. and that the glue remains transparent under shock. Concerning the signal shape measured in the experiment with a graphite layer, this phenomenon can be linked either to a progressive loss of emissivity of graphite, or to a modification of the conduction phenomena resulting from the presence of graphite at the interface. The values reached in stress and temperature for the three experiments are listed in Table 2 [16]. The stresses in tin and, after release, in the LiF window are estimated from the known properties under shock of the material used and from the impact conditions. The as-calculated values of temperature are compared in Figure 4 with the phase diagram of tin. The points obtained under shock and symbolized by circles have been calculated from the phase change model of tin [17]. The first shock results in a mixed solid-liquid state and the release occurs along the melting curve. Thus the points calculated from Table 2. Values of stress, temperature and emissivity calculated at Sn/LiF interface Shot Impact Interface Grey body Grey body number stress (GPa) stress (GPa) temperature (K) emissivity 55.3 A25 38.8 2180 0.26 55.2 A30 38.7 2180 0.23 A31 54.7 38.3 2220 0.18 ! temperature calculated with emissivity bounded between 0.1 and 1.0 1237 Calculated * temperature (K) 2125 ±235 2120 ±230 2078 ±219 Calculated emissivity 0.33 ±0.15 0.28 ±0.18 0.29 ±0.14 4000 ACKNOWLEDGMENT gsooo 0) measured points at Tin/Glue/LiF interface This work was supported by the French Ministry of Defense (Delegation Generate pour rArmement). The autors are grateful to Pascal Bouinot and Yannick Sarrant for shock experiments. liquid 1 052000 REFERENCES 1000 20 40 60 Kormer S. B., Sov. Phys. Usp. 11, 2 (1968) 229-254 Urtiew P. A. and Grover R. G.., J. Appl. Phys. 48, 3 (1977)1122-1126 Lyzenga G. A. and Ahrens T. J., Geophys. Res. Lett. 1 (1980) 141-144 Kondo K. and Ahrens T. J., Phys. Chem. Minerals. 9 (1983) 173-181 5. 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These results confirm those obtained on bismuth [18], particularly the part of the glue interface under shock. The temperature measurements are consistent with the results obtained in a previous study on the phase change of tin under shock. If these initial results are confirmed in subsequent experiments, the experimental technique consisting of gluing a window on a metallic target would be an original and attractive alternative to the deposition technique due to its ease of use. 1238
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