CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 SOUND VELOCITY DOPPLER LASER INTERFEROMETRY MEASUREMENTS ON TIN E. Martinez - J-M. Servas Commissariat a I 'Energie Atomique Centre d'Etudes de BRUYERES-LE-CHATEL B.P. 12 - 91 680 - BRUYERESLE CHATEL - France Abstract. Measurement of the sound velocity behind shock waves can be used as a sensitive probe for detecting phase transition. In order to validate an experimental set-up and to verify the evolution of the sound velocity versus pressure, we performed an experimental program on tin. By use of Doppler Laser Interferometry (D.L.I.) measurements, we have measured the sound velocity in shocked tin at twelve points along its Hugoniot in the pressure range 2 to 33GPa. The shock generator is a 60mm diameter powder gun. INTRODUCTION PRINCIPLE The sound velocity is an important physical parameter which evolves with changes in structural properties. The velocity increases with pressure until shock heating causes phase transition. The break occurring in the sound velocity versus pressure is attributed to structural change. Thus, phase transitions along the Hugoniot can be observed through sound wave velocity measurements. To generate the shock, a flyer plate, accelerated in a powder gun to velocities up to 1600m/s, hits a tin target. After the plate impact, a shock propagates forward in the target and backward in the flyer. A rarefaction wave originating at the back surface of the projectile overtakes the shock wave. The sound velocity CL is defined as the velocity of the leading release wave (Fig. 1). In order to validate an experimental set-up and to verify the evolution of sound velocity versus pressure, we performed an experimental program on tin. By use of D.L.I, measurements, we have measured the sound velocity in shocked tin at twelve points along its Hugoniot in the pressure range 2 to 33GPa. flyer In this paper, we describe our experimental set-up using D.L.I, measurements and we give the experimental results on the tin sample. ,; target Figure 1 : Lagrangian diagram. The impactor and the target are of the same material 1200 For a symmetrical impact, the impactor and the target are of the same material, and the sound velocity CL is calculated taking into account: At - the flyer thickness e, - the shock velocity D, At2 - and the overtake distance H. At3 CL=D.(H+e)/(H-e) and CEL = CL.p/po ——*———h, i V*(m) Fig. 3 : Determination of the overtake distance H. where D, shock velocity, e, flyer thickness Po, initial density, p, density after impact. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP AND DIAGNOSTICS From this expression, we note that the determination of the sound velocity relies on the overtake distance measurement. Then, to determine the overtake distance H, we have adapted and applied a shock and rarefaction overtake method described by McQUEEN, FRITZ, MORRIS (1.) and AS AY, CHHABILDAS (2.). The time between the shock and the arrival of the release wave is proportional to the target thickness (Fig.2). Then, using a stepped-target, the determination of the overtake distance can be realised (Fig.3). Considering that tin presents a phase transition solid-solid under shock loading in the range 5 to lOGPa (3.) and the maximum velocity of the flyer is 1600m/s, we have developed two set-ups to fulfil our requirements : - a symmetrical set-up : both impactor and target are of the same material . It enables us to reach pressures up to 20GPa. (Fig. 4) - an unsymmetrical set-up : to reach pressures up to 33GPa, we used tantalum impactors.(Fig. 5, 6) The launcher diameter is 60mm and the target has three steps of different thicknesses. A window material, the Lithium fluoride (LiF) is attached to these steps. The measured experimental parameters are : - the particle velocity, - the impactor velocity, D - and the shock velocity. projectile target LiF The velocity histories at the interface between the sample and the transparent window are measured using D.L.I, technique. Shock pressure is established by measuring the projectile velocity with D.L.I., and piezoelectrics gauges. Shock velocity is determined using piezoelectric gauges Figure 2 : Lagrangian diagram 1201 velocity is deduced from projectile velocity measurement. LJ For unsymmetrical impact, the particle velocity is calculated from measurement of shock velocity in tin and HUGONIOT of impactors. the sound velocity is calculated as follows : 'LSn Figure 4 : Schematic representation of the symmetrical set-up. and ^ei H-D Sn .At 0 H-D S n At 0 where DSn, shock velocity in tin USn, particle velocity Ato, transit time on the base plate H, overtake distance in tin. projectile Ta Ta Sn Figure 5 : Schematic representation of unsymmetrical set-up. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Twelve experiments were performed in the range pressure 2 to 33GPa: seven, using symmetrical impact and five, using unsymmetrical set-up. Calculations were performed using RANKINEHUGONIOT relations. - For symmetrical impact, H is determined from overtake method, D is measured and the particle Figure 6 : Lagrangian diagram using unsymmetrical set-up 1202 Tables 1 and 2 summarizes the results obtained. Ul 1145 8,4 21,3 4222 1270 4,7 25,6 4372 1458 6,8 28,1 4269 1524 10,6 32,1 4411 1476 9,46 33,1 4207 Ta/Ta 225 SI 15,2 U2 3605 2,4 S2 434 15,2 5,0 3861 S3 574 13,4 6,6 3775 S4 620 17,0 6,9 3658 S5 972 15,8 11,3 3963 S6 1180 11,2 14,2 3939 S7 1490 11,1 19,8 4207 Ta/Ta U3 Ta/Ta U4 Ta/Ta U5 W/W Table 2 : Results obtained using unsymmetrical set-up. Table 1: Results obtained using symmetrical set-up. CONCLUSION The experimental results are presented in figure 7. The realized measurements validate the experimental method. We observed a break in the sound velocity versus pressure in the 5-10GPa pressure range. The accuracy of the sound velocity measurements is approximately 5%. This precision depends on the number of step and on the uncertainly in determining transit times (overtake distance H). In order to determine the phase transition, this experimental program requires some more experiments, especially in the pressure range (5-10 GPa). 5000 T 4750 4500 -F 4250 4000 i 3750 3500 3250 REFERENCES 1. Me Queen, R.G., Fritz, IN. and Morris, C.E. « The velocity of sound behind strong shock in 2024 Al» in Shock waves in condensed matter 1983 ^ symetrical H unsymetrical : 3000 0 10 20 30 2. Asay, J.R., and Chhabildas, L.C. Shock waves and high strain rate phenomena in metals. Meyer and Murr Eds, Plenum Publishers 1981 40 Pressure (GPa) Figure 7 : Diagram (Pchoc ,Cei) 3. Elias, P., Chapron, P., Laurent, B. «Detection of melting in release for a shockloaded tin sample using the reflectivity measurement method. ». Opt. Comm., Vol.66, Nber 2,3 (15 April 1988), pp. 100-106. 1203
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