CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 SIMULTANEOUS VISAR AND TXD MEASUREMENTS ON SHOCKS IN BERYLLIUM CRYSTALS D. C. Swift, D. L. Paisley, G. A. Kyrala and A. Hauer Los Alamos National Laboratory* NM 87545, USA Shock waves were induced in single crystals of beryllium, by direct illumination using the TRIDENT laser at Los Alamos. The velocity history at the surface was measured using a line-imaging VISAR, and transient X-ray diffraction (TXD) records were obtained with a plasma backlighter and X-ray streak cameras. At lower pressures, the VISAR records exhibited an elastic precursor followed by a plastic wave and spall. At higher pressure, the velocity records showed a two-wave structure suggesting a phase change, then at the highest pressure a single broad wave suggesting a shock directly into the high pressure phase. The rocking curves of the crystals were typically about 2 degrees wide, so analysis of the TXD records is complicated by the relatively large amount of blurring. However, the Bragg record of the shocked 0002 peak clearly indicates a smaller lattice parameter at higher pressure. In the shots where polymorphism seemed to appear in the VISAR record, additional lines appeared in the Bragg record, and new lines also appeared within the field of view of the Laue camera. These results are consistent with a new quantum mechanical equation of state for beryllium, which suggests that the hexagonal to body-centered cubic transition occurs at ~40 GPa on the principal Hugoniot. INTRODUCTION Beryllium capsules axe among the designs being developed to contain the fuel for inertiallyconfined fusion (ICF). It is important to understand the properties of beryllium to underwrite capsule designs, such as specifications for the grain size so that the capsule implosion meets symmetry and uniformity requirements. The relevant properties of beryllium include its strength as a function of orientation, melt, and solid-solid phase transformations. Beryllium adopts the hexagonal (hex) structure at STP, but transforms to body-centered cubic (bcc) on heating.(i) Gas gun experiments have provided data at slower deformation rates.(2) We have performed a series of experiments using the Trident laser at Los Alamos to investigate the dynamic response of beryllium, and compared these with quantum mechanical equations of state incorporating polymorphism. "This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract # W-7405-ENG-36. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD Shock waves were induced in foils and single crystals of beryllium by direct illumination with a beam from the Trident laser.(3) The pulse duration was 1.0 to 3.6ns over a spot 4mm in diameter. The spatially averaged intensity history of the drive beam was measured using a photodiode. The shock conditions in the sample were measured using a line-imaging VISAR recording on a pair of optical streak cameras(4) and - for the single crystal samples - transient X-ray diffraction recorded on time-integrating film and on X-ray streak cameras. (Fig. 1.) The X-rays were generated by focusing a second Trident beam at full energy in the green (-200 to 250 J) tightly (~100jum spot) onto a manganese foil 6^m thick. The resulting hot plasma emitted predominantly helium-like line radiation, of wavelength 2.755 A. The wavelength was verified with a transmission spectrometer. The single crystal samples were 30 to 40jum thick, and cut with the drive and VISAR sur1192 vacuum chamber (view from above) X-ray streak cameras The line VISAR imaged 3 mm of the free surface across the center of the sample. X-ray backlighter beam FIGURE 1. Schematic of experimental set-up. faces parallel to the 0001 planes. The samples were cut from a single crystal boule made by zone refining. The boule dates from the 1960s, and only a little remains from the neck. As a result, there was a considerable distribution of orientations within each sample, thought to be in the form of low-angle grain boundaries, giving crystal rocking curves (distribution of scattered intensity about the nominal Bragg angle) about 2° wide. The TXD records were interpreted in terms of lattice compression by deconvolving them using the rocking curve for the appropriate crystal as the kernel. One objective of this program is to identify melt on the Hugoniot from the TXD signal. It is likely that the hex/bcc phase transition takes place before melt occurs, so an additional challenge is to follow Bragg reflections in the bcc phase. It is not known whether the bcc phase would always form in the same orientation with respect to the hex, and hence whether the position of a bcc reflections can be predicted in advance, allowing experiments to be performed with a limited TXD field of view. The Bragg angle for the unshocked beryllium was 46.7°. In each experiment, the sample was oriented so that the unshocked reflection would enter the 'Bragg' (south) camera, leaving space in the field of view for the reflection from shocked material. The position of the cLaue' (north) camera was constrained by the design of the target chamber, and it was not possible to position the target so that an unshocked Laue line would appear in the field of view. 1193 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS We performed experiments on four single crystals of beryllium. No attempt was made to recover shocked samples, to avoid compromising the dynamic diagnostics. In one shot (12196) the sample was not shocked, to verify that a TXD signal could be obtained. Shielding was added to protect the sample from the X-ray source; the sample was recovered and subsequently re-used with a shock wave. Time-integrated and time-resolved TXD records were obtained. The profile of the 0002 Bragg reflection matched the rocking curve measured for that sample extremely well, so in these experiments the width of the TXD lines was dominated by the rocking curve and not by the spectrum of the X-ray source. Subsequent shots (12198, 12199, 12202 and 12206) were performed with increasing intensity in the drive beam. (Fig. 2.) ctf""" E I, ^ "55 c c E S & 1 •a l.-CCt- IO •iO-IQQ 1^1 v7O 1e+16 1P1QQ 1^.1 v/v/ 8e+15 12202 12206 ~~ M ™ - - 6e+15 4e+15 •:' 2e+15 0 1 /'"*'''> •i ' \;'- ' / ^:3&&j;^_ .... .. : - _ • : -Do.i.1 R 2e-09 4e-09 6e-09 8e-09 Te-08 time (s) FIGURE 2. Drive intensity history for single crystal shots. The line VISAR records showed no spatial variation in the velocity history. The records in the higher energy shots were quite noisy because the plasma / hot electron shield was omitted to make TXD alignment more accurate. There was no evidence that the sample was preheated before the arrival of the shock wave. The records from the lower intensity shots showed a precursor at ~lkm/s followed by a second wave. It seems likely that this is an elastic precursor followed by a plastic wave. There was evidence of spall and ringing after the maximum velocity was reached. The records from the higher intensity shots showed evidence of a multiple wave structure with a stronger precursor. (Fig. 3.) CO =5 12196 12198 12199 12202 12206 1.5 CO O urface velocity (km/s ^^ CO I i^i yo •-•••••••--•"• •1O1QQ 0.5 191QQ I C. I *3*7 -——--—- 5 12202 12206 4 -2 3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 deviation from initial Bragg angle (degrees) 2 • • • Mv:i -:•/'•• : precursor ^'\^^''^*v-^^ v Ar 1 waves ^^ \ ' ' "* "-v ""'"-" ;" spall pullback 0 FIGURE 4. TXD records (south camera). o .1 -5 5 10 15 20 x~, 4 13 time (ns) i. FIGURE 3. Line VISAR records. .t; The magnitude of the elastic precursor was considerably larger than one would expect from models calibrated to /zs-scale experiments. This probably reflects rate-dependent or orientationdependent contributions to the strength. The Bragg TXD records showed a peak from the unshocked material, and also one or more peaks corresponding to compressed material. Because of the wide rocking curves, the noise was quite large on the time-resolved records, so we have concentrated so far on analyzing the timeintegrated results (static films and time-average of the streak records). These will be used to guide a Bayesian analysis of the time-resolved signals. The records could be reproduced quite accurately by fitting a set of discrete lines (each contributing a distribution given by the rocking curve) at different deviations to the unshocked Bragg peak. The weaker lines seem to be statistically significant. The principal compressed peak deviated more from the unshocked peak at higher intensities. (Fig. 4.) In the Bragg records, additional lines appeared at the highest intensities. In the same experiments, noisy lines appeared in the Laue records, one line remaining roughly constant and CO c 2 • ,. 12202, time-resolved —— 12202, rocking curve 12206, time-resolved 12206, rocking curve . ^ v.,^',7 ^\LA,,./ - 1 / /:• 0 c ,; .: V.;: S '"^ ; ;- • .... :. ;-• - 0 ; .. ..' : • : •• •••:* :• . .1 -4 - 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Laue angle (degrees, arbitrary offset) FIGURE 5. TXD records (north camera). Rocking curve for each crystal is shown for comparison. the other moving (Fig. 5). Beryllium has a phase transformation from the hexagonal to the bodycentered cubic (bcc) structure: it is possible that these additional lines are from the bcc. If so, it seems likely (albeit from only one comparison) that the bcc forms in the same orientation with respect to the hex, and thus that the position of a bcc line can be predicted hi advance. The angles were used to calculate lattice spacings, assuming the orientation of the planes (Figs 6 and 7). COMPARISON WITH THEORY A two phase equation of state was calculated using ab initio quantum mechanics.(5) The equation of state matched the hex/bcc boundary 1194 mation pressure deduced from the ab initio equation of state is consistent with the experiments. unshocked (0002) -—— CONCLUSIONS Shock waves were induced in samples of beryllium by irradiation with the Trident laser, and measured using line-imaging VISAR-and transient X-ray diffraction (TXD). No undesirable hydrodynamic effects of a laser drive, such as preheat, were observed, though some problems were encountered with plasma or hot electrons reducing the VISAR signal level. It was possible to intensity 12206 12203 12202 12201 shot 12200 12199 c'(A) 1.6 12198 analyze the TXD records, even though the rocking curve of the samples was relatively large at 2°, giving broad diffraction lines. At the lower drive intensities, the VISAR records exhibited an elastic precursor followed by a plastic wave, with evidence of spall and ringing behind. At the higher drive intensities, there was some sign of a two-wave structure tentatively identified with the hex/bcc phase transition. The TXD records showed the 0002 Bragg line moving with drive intensity. At the higher drive intensities, additional lines appeared in the Bragg and Laue records, again suggesting a phase transition. The location of the lines was reasonably reproducible between shots, indicating that the bcc structure formed at the same orientation to the hex in each experiment. FIGURE 6. Lattice parameters deduced from south camera records. i 0.9 0.8 0.7 25* 0.6 (0 0.5 .c 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 •4\££(j£. oono - • • - • "ii220o OOrtC — — — - • '<• . • : I : ' ":' . ' ! " ! • • ''I : : n 2.2 2.22 2.24 2.26 2.28 2.3 2.32 2.34 2.36 2.38 lattice parameter (A) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to acknowledge the contributions of Dan Thoma and Jason Cooley for preparing the crystal samples, Bob Springer for measuring the rockin curves, Roger Kopp for performing LASNEX calculations, and the staff of Trident for their help in performing the experiments. FIGURE 7. Lattice parameters deduced from north camera records. observed at low pressures quite well. The principal Hugoniot was predicted to cross the hex/bcc boundary at ~40 GPa. Radiation hydrodynamics simulations were performed using the measured drive profiles but with a simpler equation of state for beryllium. Velocity histories and density profiles were extracted from the simulations. The velocity histories were similar to the VISAR records but were not in good agreement. This could be the result of using an inaccurate equation of state, or because of uncertainties in the models used for transport properties. Assuming the extra Bragg and Laue lines indicate the occurrence of bcc material, the transfor- REFERENCES 1. Young, D.A., "Phase diagrams of the elements," University of California (1991). 2. S P Marsh (Ed), "LASL Shock Hugoniot Data", University of California (1980). 3. Paisley, D.L., Swift, D.C., Johnson, R.P., Kopp, R.A. and Kyrala, G.A., this conference. 4. Forsman, A.C. and Kyrala, G.A., Phys. Rev. E vol. 63, 056402 (2001). 5. Swift, D.C. and Ackland, G.J., First principles equations of state for simulations of shock waves, submitted to Phys. Rev. B (2001). 1195
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