CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT OF ISENTROPICALLY ACCELERATED FLYER PLATES Thomas Bergstresser and Steven Becker1 Sandia National Laboratories*, P O Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185-1168 j Bechtel Nevada, P O Box 98521, Las Vegas, NV 89193-8521 Abstract. Two frequently-used methods to accelerate flyer plates to extreme velocity (>10 km/s) are magnetic acceleration and impact of the flyer with a high velocity, layered impactor. In either case the temperature of the flyer is not definitely known, either because of diffusion of the magnetic field into the flyer or the quasi-isentropic nature of the impactor's acceleration. We have measured the temperature of flyers in both methods using radiation thermometry. Our pyrometer has four channels in the range 1.3 to 5.1 microns. It can resolve a 20 ns rise time, a necessary feature in these experiments where the available time can be as short as 200 ns. We have also seen the large temperature rise due to magnetic diffusion in plates that are too thin. An optical pyrometer is an instrument for measuring temperature by the intensity of light radiated by an incandescent body. The theory and practice of such an instrument has been presented in detail1. We have constructed an infrared pyrometer and have used it to estimate the temperature of hypervelocity flyer plates. The pyrometer is outlined in Fig. 1. Radiation is brought to the pyrometer by a single optical fiber. This radiation is divided in the pyrometer by dichroic beamsplitters into four spectral bands centered at these wavelengths: 1.3, 2.4, 3.5 and 5.1 microns, representing channels 1 through 4 respectively. The beamsplitters were chosen to make use of an infrared transmissive, chalcogenide (As2S3) glass optical fiber. The wavelength bands are almost overlapping in order to increase the pyrometer output. The split beams are focussed with coated zinc selenide lenses onto photovoltaic detectors composed of mercurycadmium telluride for channels 2 to 4 and indiumgallium arsenide for channel 1. The (Hg,Cd)Te detectors have thermoelectric coolers. Channels 2 to 4 can resolve a risetime of 20 ns, channel 1 is somewhat faster. This speed is required because of the short timescale of hypervelocity experiments. The pyrometer is calibrated while the fiber is viewing a cavity blackbody set at a sequence of temperatures. In this it is important to use the fiber that is to be used for the experiment because the fiber is somewhat lossy and also variable from batch to batch. Sometimes a lens has been used at the sample end of the fiber to focus the viewing onto a 1 mm diameter spot. When it is used this lens must also be a part of the calibration. The spectral responsivity of each individual channel is also measured, and this information is used to check the quality of the blackbody calibration as well as to extend it to higher temperatures than the blackbody can attain. The blackbody used currently has a maximum of 1273 K. The first use of the pyrometer on a flyer plate occurred at Sandia's hypervelocity launcher, a threestage gun. This work has been reported2 and will This work was supported by the U.S. DOE under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Sandia is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the U.S. DOE. 1169 porosity, unanticipated effects compression, magnetic field of the rapid IE with FIGURE 1. Schematic of the Pyrometer be summarized here. In this type of experiment a composite, layered projectile strikes the third-stage flyer plate, accelerating it to high velocity without causing it to break up. The acceleration proceeds by a sequence of small shocks so that the flyer remains nearly isentropic. In two experiments the flyer-plate velocity was 9.8 and 10.8 km/s. The temperature was 605 ± 35 and 750 ± 70 Kelvin, respectively. There was good agreement with later calculations. Evidence of some stray light was apparent, possibly from jetting at the edge of the flyer where it met the inside portion of the target fixture. This is reflected in the uncertainty of the temperature. Experiments have been done using Sandia's Zmachine as a source of intense electrical current with a short rise time, less than 200 ns. The current and resultant magnetic field produce a magnetic pressure which accelerates the conductor carrying the current, see Fig. 2 and refer to Ref. 3 for an extended discussion. The compression wave will ultimately shock up, but a counterbore with a thin floor provides the opportunity to observe the effects of rapid, shockless compression. The counterbore floor can be accelerated to high velocity, in the present case 12 km/s, and then used as an impactor onto a target plate. In this application the density of the impactor must be known. A high, unknown temperature with its associated density decrease would cause errors. An unacceptable temperature rise could be caused by cold working, near-surface aluminum FIGURE 2. Magnetic Acceleration ("B-field") penetration to the surface with its accompanying current density, etc. Calculations indicated that B-field penetration was sufficiently delayed and that the other effects were not consequential, but measurements had not been done. To remove the pyrometer from the intense electromagnetic noise nearby to the Z-machine, a long (41 m) optical fiber carried the signal to the pyrometer stationed in a screen room. The required length of fiber made impossible the use of the lossy chalcogenide fiber for which the pyrometer was designed. Accordingly, we used a low-OH silica fiber fabricated for use in the infrared. This fiber entirely blocked channels 3 and 4, leaving the shortest wavelength channel 1 and part of channel 2. The measured response of the pyrometer is shown in Fig. 3. Starting at -0.4 u,s is the noise caused by the operation of Z, picked up mainly by channel 2. At 0.589 jj-s there is a fiducial time-mark on channel 2. Centered at 0.95 |is is a spike due to fiber fluorescence, discussed in the next paragraph. Judging from visar measurements on similar experiments, first motion of the counterbore surface occurs at about 1 |is. There was no visar measurement on this particular counterbore. After the fluorescence spike there is a short time interval before the temperature rise due to B-field penetration at 1.288 jus. The optical fiber used in the experiment was sheathed in a plastic tube, providing protection from 1170 light but not x-rays or charged particles. On two subsequent runs at Z similar fibers were installed temperature from these results, but it is possible to find an upper bound. Take as an upper bound for the pyrometer output the average value plus the standard deviation. This is to be compared to the blackbody calibration result multiplied by the emissivity. To increase the emissivity, the counterbore surface had been prepared with a 32 finish rather than the usual diamond-turned, 20 nm rms finish. The emissivity of similar pieces was measured, yielding an emissivity of 0.255 for channel 1 and 0.22 for channel 2. This could be changed by the acceleration process, but we cannot estimate this effect. The resulting temperature upper bounds are 790 Kelvin for channel 1 and 695 K for channel 2. '20 DC 1 0.0 Time (/is) 2«4 25 2.6 2.7 2.8 Time (/^s) 1171 *. OO £ 00 :::•::•::: :::.::::;::: :::I:::K::;::: f CM but the tips were blocked off. The same spike was seen in these experiments, demonstrating that the light did not come from the counterbore surface. These tests also revealed that there was a long-lived, low-level fluorescence that continued after the spike, visible only in the shorter-wavelength channel 1. In yet another test the fiber was sheathed in a light-weight hydraulic tubing with a thin, flexible steel layer. this completely eliminated the fluorescence spike. That such insubstantial protection eliminated the problem suggests that the fluorescence was due to low-energy electrons rather than x-rays. Data from the short time interval between the fluorescence spike and field penetration is available for estimating the temperature of the counterbore. The average signal and standard deviation for channel 1 between 1.096 and 1.248 (is is 1.4 ± 1.6 mV, The corresponding information for channel 2 is -0.2 ± 1 . 4 mV. It is not possible to find a 50 O w _» to O FIGURE 3. Pyrometer output from the bare floor of an aluminum counterbore. Top: channel 1, Bottom: channel 2 il Radiance (W/m2 -1.0 i 1 ; : o 1 °2 4 25 26 Time 27 2J (MS]) FIGURE 4. Pyrometer output from the aluminized coating on a LiF anvil glued to a copper counterbore surface. Top: channel 1, Bottom: channel 2 Recently three experiments were completed at Z, one with an Al panel, two with Cu, one of which is discussed here. The purpose was to measure B-field penetration; pyrometry was an add-on. The B-field was measured4 by a Faraday-law loop, and to slow down the destruction of the loop by the advancing counterbore surface a 1 mm thick LiF anvil was glued to the counterbore. The glued side was aluminized, 1 jiim thick, so that visar measurements could be made. This thermally complex system is not ideal for pyrometry. The pyrometer output, converted to spectral radiance, is presented in Fig. 4. The output shows three features: a low radiance from 2.45 to 2.59 (is, an almost-linear rise to 2.67 |is, and thereafter a more rapid rise. These features are present for channel 2 although the figure hardly shows it, and these features are qualitatively present in all three experiments. The output of channel 1 after 2.67 jus can not be used. Although this detector can resolve better than a 20 ns rise time, it is subject to a maximum slue rate, and the output is at that rate from 2.67 JLLS until the detector has begun to saturate after 2.7 jis. Only channel 2 remains for estimating the temperature. 4000 unexplained. The pressure history at the Al-LiF interface is known; using visar records of the velocity. The Hugoniot or isentrope of glue or Al are incapable of explaining the temperature. Channels 1 and 2 together imply that the radiance is from a small hot spot or stray light from a hot object. In this case the "maximum" temperature does not apply and the minimum applies to the hot spot, not the aluminum surface. The dotted line is an estimate of the effect of the B-field on the temperature. It is T = 0.5 B2 / ( |Uo c), where T is the temperature, B is the B-field, jio is the permeability of free space and c is the heat capacity of aluminum. This can be given an heuristic justification as a approximation, but suffice it to say here that it is dimensionally correct. It is desirable to improve these results. More responsive detectors are available. Metal surfaces can be coated to increase the emissivity5. A more sophisticated use of the LiF anvil6 can eliminate the possibility of stray light as well as suppress ejecta in a shock experiment. Other techniques may be possible. REFERENCES 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 Time (/xs) FIGURE 5. Temperature corresponding to Fig. 4. Middle solid line is the estimated temperature, and minimum and maximum values are shown (but see text). Dotted line is an approximate temperature due to magnetic field penetration. The estimated temperature appears in Fig. 5, prepared assuming that the aluminum surface had an emissivity of 0.1. Minimum and "maximum" temperatures are produced using an emissivity of 1. and 0.03 respectively. An approximate temperature due to the B-field penetration is shown by the dotted line. The third of the mentioned three features is due to the B-field. The other two remain 1. D. P. DeWitt and G. D Nutter, eds., Theory and Practice of Radiation Thermometry, WileyInterscience, New York, 1988 2. W. D. Reinhart, L. C. Chhabildas, D. E. Carroll, T. Bergstresser, T. F. Thornhill and N. A. Winfree, "Equation of State Measurements of Materials using a Three-Stage Gun to Impact Velocities of 11 km/s," in Int. J. Impact Eng. Vol. 26, Hypervelocity Impact, Proc. 2000 Symp., Galveston, TX, 6-11 Nov. 2000, in press. 3. C. A. Hall, J. R. Asay, M. D. Knudson, W. A. Stygar, R. B. Spielman, T. D. Pointon, D. B. Reisman, A. Toor and R. C. Cauble, Rev. Sci. Instr. 72(9), 1 - 9 (2001). 4. Greg Sharp, Sandia National Laboratories, Private Communication. 5. M. Perez, "Residual Temperature Measurements of Shocked Copper and Iron Plates by Infrared Pyrometry," in Shock Compression of Condensed Matter 1991, edited by S. C. Schmidt, R. D. Dick, J. W. Forbes and D. G. Tasker, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1992,pp.73.-740. 6. D. Partouche-Sebban, D. B. Holtkamp, J. L. Pelissier, J. Taboury and A. Rouyer, "An investigation of shock induced temperature rise and melting of Bismuth using high-speed optical pyrometry", to be published. 1172
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