CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 RECENT ADVANCES IN QUASMSENTROPIC COMPRESSION EXPERIMENTS (ICE) ON THE SANDIA Z ACCELERATOR C. A. Hall, J.R. Asay, M.D. Knudson, D.B. Hayes, R.L. Lemke, J.P. Davis, C. Deeney Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM87185-1181* Abstract. The Z Accelerator is a pulsed power machine capable of delivering currents to loads of -20 MA over times of 100-300 ns. This current produces smoothly increasing, time dependant magnetic pressures that can be applied to specimens allowing quasi-isentropes for these materials to be inferred. A new load design has been developed that allows this pressure to be uniformly applied to as many as 8 samples simultaneously. Diagnostics have recently been fielded that have resulted in an increased understanding of the magneto-hydrodynamic effects and our confidence in the utility of this experimental configuration for EOS measurements. Efforts are also underway on Z to provide a capability for shaping the pressure profile applied to the samples which should increase useful sample thicknesses to > 1mm by eliminating the formation of low-level shocks. In addition to direct measurements of quai-isentropic material response, the impulse from this loading technique has been demonstrated to launch macroscopic flyer plates to velocities of-21 km/s for high-pressure Hugoniot studies. Results of ICE measurements on 6061-T6 aluminum to -1 Mbar will be discussed. study aluminum to a stress state of -1 Mbar, constituitive properties2, optical effects in interferometer windows3, phase changes4'5, and energetic material response6. Strictly speaking, compressive isentropic material response implies that the compression is both adiabatic and reversible. Ramp loading of solids over the timescales of these experiments (typically 100-300 ns) is adiabatic but not perfectly reversible. Viscosity, strength effects, and phase transition kinetics, if present, are dissapative terms that produce entropy and are present to some degree in all solids. Therefore, ICE is actually quasi-isentropic, but ramp loading of solids has historically been referred to as isentropic and this convention will be used throughout the remainder of the paper. The ramp loading capability on Z can also be used to make high-pressure Hugoniot measurements with accuracies approaching that of conventional gas gun data. Macroscopic aluminum flyers of -12 mm width and -0.5 mm thickness have been launched to velocities of 21 km/s allowing INTRODUCTION A principal goal of the Sandia shock physics program is to establish a capability to make accurate equation of state (EOS) measurements using the Z pulsed power machine. Early efforts centered on use of high energy x-rays from Z-pinches to produce ablativly driven shocks. Difficulties with steady shock durations, fiber-coupled diagnostics, and the ability to achieve 1-D loading hindered our efforts. However, recognition by Asay that pressure acting on samples from the smoothly increasing magnetic fields generated as the machine discharged could produce high magnitude, shockless ramp waves led to the development of isentropic compresion experiments (ICE) on Z1. Recent advancements in this technology have enhanced the quality of EOS information that can be obtained through improvements to loading conditions, our understanding of MHD effects, and the ability to field accurate, complex targets as required. This capability has recently been used to 1163 kbar (26 mm wide panels) to a peak of-1.5 Mbar (15 mm wide panels). A major advance in the panel arrangement is the ability to create 1-D planar loading over a large portion of the panel face, thus allowing large, nonconductive samples to be studied. Static electromagnetic simulations using the code QUICKSILVER9 indicate that for the 26 mm wide panels, an 11 mm region with 1% horizontal loading uniformity exists in the center of the panel, and covers its entire height. When the panel is decreased to 15 mm in width, the 1% uniformity region is reduced to ~6 mm. These results have been experimentally validated using a spatially resolved line imaging interferometer10 to the light-limited resolution of the diagnostic. Results indicated that uniformity over this region was in agreement with the simulations. symmetric impact studies of aluminum to pressures approaching 5 Mbar. These flyers have also been used as a high-pressure, constant drive input for the Sandia National Laboratories effort to obtain the EOS of liquid deuterium. SQUARE PANEL GEOMETRY The Z Accelerator7 is a low inductance pulsed power generator capable of capacitively storing 11.6 MJ of electrical energy. The accelerator uses a combination of fast switches and transmission lines to deliver a 20-MA, 100 - 300 ns risetime current pulse to generate time-varying magnetic fields between the anode and cathode that continuously load planar specimens under study. Low inductance loads designed for the Z accelerator are fielded at the center of Z's radially converging magnetically-insulated transmission lines. When first attempted on Z, ICE samples were limited to material disks pressed into stainless steel conductors1. This limited the ability to assemble multiple material layers either before or after the pressing process due to sample distortions. In addition, magnetic pressure was not constant across the samples due to the radial, converging geometry or varying vacuum gap between the current carrying conductors at the point where they were mounted. These limitations led to the development of the "square panel geometry" as shown in Figure 1 which is now the standard experimental configuration used for ICE on Z8. In this arrangement, four seperate panels are manufactured independently, with one side used to carry the current during the experiment (power flow surface), and the other containing one or more counterbores with prescribed conductor thicknesses for gathering experimental data. Both the powerflow surface and counterbore floors are diamond machined to tightly constrain both surface figure and parallelism. Because magnetic pressure scales with the square of current density, and current density at the sample location is simply the current divided by the current carrying perimeter, loading pressure can easily be affected through changes in panel width. Several panel widths have been successfully used to produce loading from a peak of ~500 FIGURE 1: The newly developed "square panel geometry "for conducting ICE on Z. Symmetry of loading between panels has also been characterized8. VISAR11 was used to record surface motion at the same points on both the upper and lower portions of counterbores on multiple panels. Results show that, in general, loading is the same to approximately 1.5-2% between panels. Efforts are underway to improve this with more careful panel placement relative to the cathode. MHD EFFECTS When obtaining material response information from observing ramp wave evolution, it is essential 1164 rately characterized along the Hugoniot to stresses greater than 1 Mbar14. The experiment, shot Z575, used 15 mm wide 6061-T6 aluminum panels with 10 mm diameter counterbores with 400 jiim, 498(im, and 851jim floor thicknesses, backed by nominally 1 mm thick, 6 mm diameter LiF interferometer windows. Epoxy was used to bond the windows to the aluminum with a typical thickness of - 2 jum. The interface surface of each window was coated with Ijim of aluminum prior to bonding to provide a specular reflector for the interferometer (VISAR). Velocity was recorded for each of the material thicknesses at the aluminum-LiF interface with resulting wave profiles shown in Figure 2. that the material be at a known initial state. This is an area of concern when the ramp waves are generated through pulsed magnetic loading because magnetic field can potentially diffuse through the sample under investigation causing joule heating and density variations. This effect could lead to systematic errors in the resulting inferred pressurevolume material response. An effort to characterize, and be able to accurately model, this field diffusion was undertaken. Data was taken at specific material depths in both copper and aluminum where diffusion was predicted to occur (using Lee-Moore conductivity models in an MHD code) during the ramp compression. Both time resolved rear surface velocity measurements using VISAR and time resolved field intensity measurements using Bdot probes12 were taken. The resulting records were overlayed to define a minimum material thickness where diffusion does not occur during compression for both copper and aluminum at given current densities and profiles useful for ICE. In addition, this and other data was modeled with ALEGRA, an MHD code under development at Sandia National Laboratories, to compare predicted diffusion rates to data13. In general, predictions were consistently overestimating diffusion rates by approximately 35%. It was determined that the existing conductivity models were inadequate over the range of conditions encountered on the power flow surface in a typical Z firing. Modifications to the model were made in the description of conductivity at the onset of melt. Comparisons between simulations and data after the modifications were made indicate good agreement. 0.75 0,8 0.85 0.9 Time, microseconds 0.95 FIGURE 2: Velocity profiles (shot Z575)from which the aluminum isentrope to -1 Mbar was inferred Z575 was analyzed using the method of characteristics15'8. For this approach, the Lagrangian sound speed (CL) was obtained as a function of particle velocity (up) at 0.01 km/s increments. Stress and specific volume were then inferred from the relations dp = p0(CL)dup and dv = l/v0(dUp/CL). The material must be assumed to be rate independent for these relationships to apply. To validate this assumption, arrival times for characteristics at 0.5 km/s increments were plotted versus initial material thickness for each of the three samples and found to be straight within experimental error. The stress-volume curve that resulted from this analysis is shown in Figure 3 compared to published Hugoniot data and a prediction for the isentrope using a 1.0 Mbar ICE ON ALUMINUM Previous ICE studies on aluminum and copper were limited to stress states of ~300kbar8'2 In these materials, as with many, there is little difference in P-v response between the isentrope and Hugoniot. This is useful when validating the technique, but it was desired to extend ICE to a stress level where deviation between the two curves could easily be seen. Aluminum was chosen to be investigated because it is a standard panel material for ICE, it is reasonably well understood, and it has been accu1165 simple model with a linear Us-up relationship and y/v held constant, PULSE SHAPING As has been discussed, there is a minimum material thickness required to prevent magnetic field diffusion from influencing the data during compression. This requirement, in combination with the need to keep wave reflections from influencing the results when samples are bonded to the aluminum or copper counterbore floors, defines the minimum sample thickness for ICE. For accuracy in material response inferences using characteristic analysis, a large seperation (AX) in sample thickness is needed for accuracy in determineing CL. Therefore, it is desirable to have an ability to shocklessly load thicker samples. In many materials, Lagrangian sound speed (CL) varies more for a given increment of stress where compression is the greatest (i.e. before the material response stiffens in the P-v plane). When the pressure characteristics associated with their respective Lagrangian sound speeds are plotted in a material thickness vs. time plot (X-t plot), it can be seen that intersection of the early characteristics occurs before those arriving later in time for a linearly increasing input pressure profile. This is shown schematically in Figure 4. The result of the intersection of these characteristics is a low level shock that forms early in time and grows, as was typically seen when the "standard" pressure profile available on Z was used early in ICE development. Z575, aluminum ICE data 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 specific volume, cm3/gm FIGURE 3: the inferred aluminum isentrope to ~1 Mbarfrom shot Z575 compared to the Hu~ goniot and a predicted isentrope using y/v as a constant It appears there is good agreement between current data and the simple theory used to predict the isentropic response of 6061-T6 aluminum to this stress level. Error bars on the IMbar data are determined from accuracy in relative timing between velocity profiles, accuracy in mass velocity measurements from VISAR, and sample characterization. With all VISAR measurements made through LiF interferometer windows in these experiments, effects of ramp loading on the strain-dependant index of refraction window calibration must be considered. Recent theory reported by Hayes16 and supported by data in sapphire3 indicate that when a linear index of refraction vs. density relationship describes a window material, the calibration factor used to infer interface velocity information through the window is the same for ramp loading as for shock loading. Recent reanalysis of published shock data on LiF17 indicate that a linear relationship does represent the material to within experimental error. Therefore, it is assumed that the window correction used to obtain the velocity data in these experiments is adequate. Experiments are currently underway to validate this assumption. Pressure characteristics jUnshocked Region dt Formation of premature shock Material thickness FIGURE 4: A figurative X-tplot showing how pressure characteristics intersect early in time for a nonlinear material and linear ramp loading Figure 5 shows this effect when LiF was loaded to -IMbar using ICE on Z with 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 1166 mm thick LiF samples backed by LiF interferometer windows. Each sample/window assembly was mounted on a 400^im aluminum conductor. The interface velocity between the common conductor and a LiF window is labeled as "input", 2.5 Z737, aluminum 2- 1.50,8mm 1 - Ice on LiF 0.5- 0 0.5 0.75 0,85 0.9 0.7 0,9 Time, microseconds 1.1 FIGURE 6: Shot Z737, -500 kbar aluminum with pulse shaping applied. Shockless loading seen at a thickness of 1.5 mm 0.95 Time, microseconds FLYER PLATES FIGURE 5: Shot Z576, -1 Mdar 0.25, 0.5, and LO mm thick LiF backed by LiF windows showing formation and growth of shock, In addition to studies of material properties along the isentrope, the impulse from ramp loading can be used to impart momentum to plates for impact studies giving material response along the Hugoniot. Initial attempts at launching plates on Z18 of ~10 mm diameter and on order 0.5 mm thickness resulted in velocities of 10 km/s for copper, 12 km/s for titanium, and 13 km/s for aluminum. Plate motion was continuously monitored throught the launch cycle with VISAR. In addition, diagnostics were fielded to investigate plate integrity and state. For these launches, the 1.5 Mbar panel configuration was used with a partial machine charge. Recently, an aluminum flyer was succesfully launched to a terminal velocity of 21 km/s19 on Z using a similar configuration, but with an increased current density acting on the panels. Two 1.5 Mbar square load panels (15 mm wide) were seperated by two 8 mm wide spacers forming a rectangle instead of a square. In addition, the entire panel was machined to an initial thickness of 725 pm except for a 2.0 mm perimeter which gives the panel structural integrity. Because of the current density increase, the loading pressure increased to -2.5 Mbar. The standard, essentially linear current profile was used causing a high loading rate during launch. The result is an ~700 To extend shockless loading using ICE to higher stresses in many materials, or to investigate more compressible materials at lower stresses, the time-dependent loading rate for a given nonlinear material needed to be controlled. An effort was undertaken on Z to institute a method for shaping the input magnetic pressure pulse. This was accomplished by discharging one forth of the machine's stored energy 100-200 ns prior to the main pulse, and has been demonstrated on multiple firings, In addition to the prepulse, the risetime of the main discharge can be extended to ~240 ns. A combination of these two capabilites was used to investigate aluminum to -SOOkbar. The resulting velocity profiles for the 0.8 and 1.5 mm thick samples are shown in figure 6. As can be seen, there is no evidence of a shock in the thicker profile, but it appears that a large amplitude shock would form in the velocity range of 0.2 — 1.75 km/s range if the wave were propagated into a thicker sample. This is in stark contrast to shots where pulse shaping was not used and smaller shocks formed much earlier in time. 1167 kbar shock causing initial plate motion as shown in the velocity profile of Figure 7, This launch capability has been used to investigate the Hugoniot response of aluminum to, and release from, ~5 Mbar20. 2 D.B. Reisrnan, A. Toor, R.C. Cauble, C.A. Hall, J.R. Asay, M.D. Knudson, and M.D. Furnish, J. Appl Phys., 89, 3, pp 1625-1633, (2001), 3 C.A. Hall, D.B. Hayes etal., to be published. 4 J.P. Davis, D.B. Hayes, "Investigation of Liquid™ Solid Phase Transition Using Isentropic Compression Experiments (ICE)99, this proceedings. 5 J. R. Asay, C.A. Hall, etal, in Shock Compression of Condensed matter-1999, edited by M.D. Furnish, L.C. Chhabildas, and R.S. Hixon, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, NY, pp. 11514154. 6 D.B. Reisman, J.W. Forbes, etal., "Isentropic Compression of LX-04 on the Z Accelerator", this proceedings, 1 M.K. Matzen, Phys. Plasmas. 4 (5), 1519-1527 (1996). 8 C.A. Hall, J.R. Asay, etai, Rev. Sci Instrum., 72, 9, Sept 2001 9 D.B Seidel, MX. kiefer, R.S. Coats, T.D. Pointoin, J.P. Quintenz, and W.A. Johnson, Proceedings of CP90 Europhysics Conference on Computational Physics, edited by A. Tenner (World Scientific, Singapore), pp. 475-482 (1991) 10 W.M. Trott, M.D. Knudson, etal, in Shock Compression of Condensed matter-1999, edited by M.D, Furnish, L.C. Chhabildas, and R.S. Hixon, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, NY, pp. 993-998. 11 L.M. Barker and R.E. Hollenbach, J. Appl Phys. 43,4669(1972). 12 G. Sharp, Dissertation, Univ. New Mex., Oct. 2001 13 Lemke, this proceedings 14 A.C. Mitchell and W.J. Nellis, /. Appl Phys., 52, 5, pp. 3363-3374, (1981). 15 J,B. Aidun and Y.M. Gupta, J. Appl Phys. 69, 6998-7014(1991). 16 D.B. Hayes, /, Appl Phys., 89, 11, pp. 64846486, (2001) 17 J.L. Wise, and L.C. Chhabildas, in Shock Waves in Condensed Matter, Edited by Y.M. Gupta (plenum, New York, 1986), P. 441. 18 C.A. Hall, M.D. Knudson, etal., Intl. J. Impel Eng, 2001, 19 M.D. Knudson, to be published. 20 M.D. Knudson, to be published. 20 0 50 100 150 Time (ns) 200 250 FIGURE 7: Time resolved velocity profile of a 21 km/s aluminum flyer launched on Z. SUMMARY Ramp loading experiments to obtain material response measurements along the quasi-isentrope to -1 Mbar have been demonstrated in aluminum using pulsed magnetic loading on the Z accelerator. These results were obtained with improvements in experimental configuration over earlier attempts. These improvements provided uniform pressure loading over large diameter samples with attached interferometer windows. Results show deviation from the Hugoniot in agreement with theoretical predictions using a simple material model. The ability to shape the input loading profile to minimize low-level shock formation and an increased understanding of MHD effects will lead to the design of more accurate experiments in the future. Macroscopic aluminum flyer plates have also been launched on Z to velocities of 21 km/s with dimensions that are useful for accurate material response measurements. REFERENCES 1 J. R. Asay, in Shock Compression of Condensed matter-1999, edited by M.D. Furnish, L.C Chhabildas, and R.S, Hixon, AIP Conference Proceedings, Melville, NY, pp. 261-266. 1168
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