CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 SYNTHESIS OF FUNCTIONAL CERAMICS LAYERS USING NOVEL METHOD BASED ON IMPACT OF ULTRA-FINE PARTICLES. J. Akedo1 and M. Lebedev2 Advanced Technology Process Mechanism Group and 2Digital Manufacturing Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Tsukuba East, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8564 Japan Abstract. A novel method of shock wave ceramics synthesis is reported. 0.3 jam in diameter ultrafine ceramics particles were accelerated by gas flow up to velocity of 100 - 500 m/s. During interaction with substrate, these particles formed dense, uniform and hard ceramics layers. Experiments were fulfilled at room temperature. No additional procedure for synthesis was required. The results of syntheses of piezoceramics oxide materials (Lead Zirconate Titanate) are presented. The density of material over 95% of the bulk density and hardness of as synthesized ceramics over 400 Hv were achieved. The microstructure and elemental composition were investigated. Applications of functional ceramics fabricated by reported method are discussed, as well. INTRODUCTION by Ide et al. [1], or via acceleration by mixing with high-speed gas flow (Gas Deposition Method (GDM) [2], which was originally developed in ERATO UFP-Project of Japan [3]. For twodimensional pattern formation of the metal, Cold Spray Method (CSM) [4, 5], developed by Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in Russia and Sandia National Laboratory for coating by metal material, and Hypersonic Plasma Particle Deposition (HPPD), originally developed by Minnesota University group [6] for Si, SiC, ceramics coating are used. Fundamentally, these methods are based on shock loading consolidation with or without thermal or plasma energy assistance. EPID is appropriate only to conductive material, for example metals or carbon, due to necessity of charging up the particles. Thick film formation (over 1 |um) in EPID has not been reported. GDM is applicable to metal and ceramics material using ultrafine particles, which has small diameter under lOOnm and has highly activated surface. In CSM large size particles with diameter over 1 |im are accelerated by hot gas. This method is very similar to GDM and conventional thermal spray coating, but for ceramics material coating has The synthesis of ceramics by shock compression has a long history. The attractive point of such synthesis is the high speed of the process. In the "conventional" shock synthesis concept the primary powder is compressed at one time. But, unfortunately, unloading processes, which are followed after compression, drastically destroy the ceramic, i.e. some cracks were appeared. Other concept of synthesis is to excite a shock wave in a local area of primary powder material to be synthesized. In this case to compress row powder, individual particles of this powder are accelerated to a velocity of a few meters per second and impact onto the substrate. As a result of impaction area of shock compression does not exceeded a few diameters of particles and not destroyed other parts of material. Several deposition methods based on the principle of particle impaction have already been investigated. This family of methods include depositing ultrafine particles via electrical field acceleration (Electrostatic Particle-Impact Deposition (EPID), which was originally developed 1101 not been success. In HPPD active ultrafme particles are also used. These particles are produced under the high pressure after condensation from the gas phase in the nozzle. Deposition efficiency of EPID seems very low. On the other hand, GDM, CSM and HPPD have high potential in deposition rate. In introduced Aerosol Deposition Method (ADM), ultra fine (UFP) submicron particles were accelerated by a gas flow in the nozzle and ejected onto substrate. It is suggested that during interaction of UFP with substrate and UFP with each other a part of kinetic energy is transformed into thermal energy in a local area to promote bonding between particles. But real mechanism of deposition is not clarified yet. In this paper we report the result of deposition of PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate) ceramics by ADM. FIGURE 1. Schematic diagram of Aerosol Deposition Method. The PZT powder had the perovskite structure and a composition of Pb(Zr0.52, Ti0.48)O3 which was close to the morphotropic phase boundary. According to Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) observations, the particle size of the powder varied through the 0.08 - 0.5 |im range. Velocity of particle flow was measured by timeof-flight method [9], in which some part of particle flow was mechanically cut from the total flow and deposited onto moving substrate, the deflection of deposited pattern from the axis, geometrical dimensions and speed of substrate provide data of particle flow velocity. The values of PZT particle flow velocity were varied from 100 up to 500 m/s in these experiments. EXPERIMENT Our ADM apparatus had two vacuum chambers connecting each other through a gas pipe. The first was a deposition chamber for the formation of ceramics. Deposition chamber contained the nozzle, substrate holder with or without heating system and window for diagnostic. This chamber was vacuumed during the deposition by a rotary vacuum pump and by mechanical booster pump. The second chamber was an aerosol chamber for generation of UFP aerosol. It had the accelerating gas introducing system and vibration system for powder mixing with accelerating gas. Aerosol flow from aerosol chamber was transported to deposition chamber by pressure difference between two chambers. The UFP ceramics powder was continuously ejected through the micro orifice nozzle and deposited onto the substrate. The orifice size of nozzle had rectangular shape. To get ceramics with uniform thickness, the nozzle was continuously scanning along the substrate. Schematic of ADM is presented in Fig. 1. Gas flow, which was controlled by mass flow controller, determined velocity of ejected particles. Table 1 shows the typical parameters of deposition condition for ADM. The details of apparatus were described elsewhere [7,8]. As a PZT powder, commercially available raw-material powder (PZT- LQ; Sakai Chemical Ind. Japan) with dry-milling process to improve the deposition rate was used. TABLE 1. Experimental parameters. Pressure in deposition chamber 0.4 ~2 Ton- Pressure in aerosol chamber 80 ~ 600 Torr Size of nozzle orifice Accelerating gas 5 x 0.3 mm2 10x0.4 mm2 He, N2 , air Consumption of accelerating gas l~101/min Maintained substrate temperature during deposition Scanning area (area of deposition) 300 K Scanning speed of the nozzle motion along substrate Distance between the nozzle and substrate 1102 40 x 40 mm2 0.1251 .25 mm/sec 1 mm- 20 mm ^2000 a) Q. ^ 1500 I? 1000 £ c 500 0 CO 300 £ V) 200 § 100 c 20 40 60 80 20/e (deg) FIGURE 3. XRD patterns of PZT: a) - primary powder; b) - as synthesized film (thickness 25 pm) at room temperature; (XRD: Cu K-alpha, 40 kV/120 mA) Figure 3 shows the results of XRD observations for primary PZT powder and PZT deposited by ADM without any additional external energy assistance. The deposited films have randomly oriented polycrystalline structures and have the spectra phases similar to raw-powder. A rhombohedral perovskite structure was retained before and after deposition. Pyrochlor and amorphous phase were not observed in the as-deposited PZT film. However, broadening of the spectra and slight shifting of the spectra angle in a higher degree were observed. The reason of the changing between the raw-powder and the deposited film spectra may be due to reducing of the films' crystallite size or their distortion during the deposition. Structural characterization of the PZT films was carried out using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (H-9000UHR, 300 kV). According to the TEM image (Fig. 4), the PZT films have a dense polycrystalline structure. Elemental composition of PZT films was measured by an energy-dispersive X-ray microanalyzer (EDX). The measurement confirmed that the PZT films after deposition had a stoichiometric composition with a Pb/(ZrKTi) ratio of about 1/1 and with Zr/Ti ratio of about 52/48 [10]. Elemental composition was the same as that of the primary powder and that of the bulk PZT material. FIGURE!. Optical image of PZT ceramics synthesized by ADM on Si and on Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrates. Substrate temperature during experiment was maintained at 300K. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of deposition of PZT on Si and Si coated by Pt layer substrates are shown in Fig. 2. Volume and weight of PZT film were measured using a three-dimensional stylus profiler and a precise weight balance with resolution of 0.1 j^m and 10 ng, respectively. The bulk density of the PZT film was estimated as 7.76 g/cm3, which is more than 95% of the theoretical density (8.10 g/cm3). Although, the interaction time of particles with substrate and/or particles with each other was a few nanoseconds, the ceramics formation is a continuous process. It took 15 min to fabricate a 500-|am-thick PZT with the area 5x5 mm2. Adhesion force of the PZT deposited films on stainless steel and Si substrates was measured by a tensile testing machine and was higher than 50MPa. Crystal structures of the deposited films have been observed by X-ray diffraction (XRD). 1103 Results of measurements of micro Vickers hardness (Hv) (DUH-W201, Shimazu Co) of deposited films are presented in Fig. 5. The hardness of the deposited film does not increase if velocity of particle i.e. shock wave pressure, was increased. This result indicates that synthesis of ceramics was complete. For piezoelectronics applications an additional heat treatment procedure to improve ferroelectric properties is required. PZT layers made by ADM after annealing have no cracks and did not peel from substrate. PZT films deposited by ADM have high potential for producing microactuators and other applications of piezoelectric ceramics [11,12]. CONCLUSION 1) Thick, dense ceramic layers with thickness up to 1 mm were obtained during interaction of a ceramics particle flow with the substrate; 2) No external energy is required for synthesis; 3) Layers have a poly crystalline structure with strong bonding between the crystallites; 4) Chemical compositions of ceramics did not change; 5) Layers demonstrated high hardness, and good adhesion with the substrates. FIGURE 4. TEM images of PZT ceramics synthesized by ADM. REFERENCES 1. T. Ide, Y. Mori, I. Konda, N. Ikawa and H. Yagi, J. Jpn. Soc. Free. Eng. 57, 143 (1991) [in Japanese]. 2. S. Kasyu, E.Fuchita, T. Manabe, and C. Hayashi, Jpn. J. Appl Phys. 23, L910 (1984) 3. C. Hayashi, S. Kashu, M. Oda and F. Naruse, Mater. Sci. Eng. A163, 157 (1993) 4. P. Alkhimov, V.F. Kosarev and A.N. Papyrin, Sov. Phys. Dokl 315, 1062-1065 (1990) 5. R.C.Dykhuizen and M.F. Smith, J. Therm Spray Technol. 7, 205 (1998) 6. Rao, N. et al, J. Aerosol Sci., 29, 707 (1998) 7. J. 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