CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 COMPUTATIONAL MODELING OF THE SHOCK COMPRESSION OF POWDERS David J. Benson*, lan Do1^ and Marc A. Meyers* ""University of California, San Diego, CA, U. S. A. ^Livermore Software Technology Corporation, Livermore, CA, U. S..A. Abstract. The modeling of both inert and reactive materials at the meso-scale with an Eulerian finite element program is discussed. Issues that have an effect on the calculated response, including mixture theory and interface tracking, are briefly presented with recent calculations modeling shock initiated chemical reactions (SICR). INTRODUCTION many years for ballistic impact and shaped charge calculations [1, 2, 3]. Eulerian and arbitrary LagrangianEulerian (ALE) formulations permit material to move relative to the mesh, and therfore permit arbitrarily large material flows. Individual elements, or zones, may contain several materials, and numerical interface reconstruction methods [4, 5, 6] calculate the location and orientation of the material interfaces within the elements. Phase changes, chemical reactions, and material failure are relatively easy to include in an Eulerian formulation by simply changing the composition within the elements. Williamson [7] pioneered the discrete modeling of particles in powders with the Eulerian hydrocode CTH [2], and the Eulerian formulatinon has proven effective for simulating a variety of powder processes, e.g., [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,17]. Research on the shock compression of powders is very challenging because it is currently impossible to experimentally monitor the response of individual particles. Experimentalists can only measure the bulk response of the powder and characterize the specimen before and after the experiment. The details of the transient response on the particle level are therefore largely inferred. Analytical models which generate closed-form solutions must necessarily introduce simplifying assumptions so that the powder is treated as a continuum or as a periodic structure. Computational modeling, which permits arbitrarily complicated models limited only by the available computer resources, has therefore become increasingly important as researchers try to bridge the gap between experimental investigations and our understanding of the response on the mesoscopic level. Hydrocodes have been the most productive computational tool for investigating the shock compression of powders. For periodic arrays with closest packing at modest pressures, the Lagrangian formulation is both accurate and effective. However, real powders have random packing and are usually at a density significantly below their theoretical packing density. Large scale jetting occurs with localized melting, and the Lagrangian mesh can no longer track the flow of the material. The Eulerian formulation has been popular for THE EULERIAN FINITE DIFFERENCE/ELEMENT METHOD Eulerian hydrocodes were originally developed by the finite difference community. In many instances, including the research presented here, the same algorithm can be described with either a finite difference or finite element formalism. A brief overview of the Eulerian finite element method is presented in this section to introduce the essential computational concepts. The detailed description [18] of the numerical meth1087 ods used in this paper, and the review of the methods currently in general use [19], provide additional information on multi-material Eulerian formulations. Operator splitting permits the sequential solution in two steps of the Eulerian conservation equations, dpe + V • (peu) = 0 (1) = V- (2) = a :8 simple, however, the algorithmic details are very complicated. Within an element, the material interface is approximated as a straight line or plane. The orientation of the interface is determined by a difference stencil or least squares algorithm, and the location of the interface is determined by volume conservation. Adjacent particles must have individual material numbers to prevent them from blending into each other. When the material interfaces of particles blend together, the particles have effectively bonded mechanically, which may adversely affect the accuracy of the calculation. The spatial resolution of the interface reconstruction scheme may limit the resolution of material jetting or exhibit break-up in the jet which is not physically real. The orientation of the material interfaces may enter into the physics of the calculation, e.g., contact mixture theories [20]. At the high pressure associated with shocks, the shear stress at a contact point is limited by the material flow stress, which is likely to be very low relative to the shock pressure. Therefore, the precise orientation of the material interface has little influence on the particle interactions, but it is important for the transport. (3) where p is the density, u is the velocity, x is the spatial coordinate, a is the Cauchy stress tensor, 8 is the strain rate tensor, b is the body force, and e is the internal energy. The Lagrangian step, performed first, advances the solution in time, while the Eulerian step accounts for the transport between the elements. An Eulerian formulation uses a spatially fixed mesh, while an arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) adds the option of the mesh evolving with time, but in a manner that is independent of the material motion. The Eulerian and ALE formulations include algorithms that aren't in the Lagrangian formulation and which have a potential to affect the accuracy of a mesoscale analysis of powders: MIXTURE THEORIES The mixture theory in an element containing multiple materals partitions the strain rate during each time step among the materials, and calculates the mean stress in the element from the stresses in the individual materials. The mixture theory therefore has a large potential for affecting the accuracy of the solution since it governs the interactions of the material interfaces of adjacent particles. The mean stress, a is calculated as the volumeweighted average of the individual stresses in the materials, am, • The interface reconstruction defines the material boundaries. • The mixture theory for elements containing a mixture of materials governs the distribution of strain between the materials, and therefore the material response between adjacent powder particles. • Both the mixture theory [20] and the interface reconstruction may require information about the ordering of the material interfaces [21]. a= INTERFACE RECONSTRUCTION (4) where Vm is the volume fraction of material m in the element. This average, which can be justified by homogenization theory, is used by virtually all mixture theories. The two most popular mixture theories for hydrocodes are the mean strain rate ("springs in parallel") and the mean pressure ("springs in series") mix- Modern Eulerian hydrocodes use either volume of fluid (VOF) [22] or level set [23] methods to calculate the location of the material interfaces. For problems in high pressure physics, volume of fluid methods are currently more popular. Most codes use Young's method [4], or a method derived from it, e.g., [5, 6, 24]. On a conceptual level, the approach is very 1088 ture theories. In the former, the mean strain rate of the element is used to update the stress in every material. The latter mixture theory equilibrates the pressure between the materials by adjusting the partitioning of the volumetric strain rate. These two mixture theories bound the volumetric response of the mixture, with the mean strain rate giving the stiffer response. One serious flaw with the mean strain rate mixture theory is that empty space, usually referred to as the "void material", is compressed at the same rate as all the other materials in the element, and the void between two material interfaces is never completely closed. The mixture theory is therefore usually modified to preferentially compress out void before compressing the remaining materials. In a series of computational experiments [12], the shock compression of a powder was simulated with both mixture theories. To explore the interaction of the material models with the mixture theories, the simulations were run with and without a viscous term in the material model. Contrary to expectations, the simulations with the viscous term were more sensitive to the mixture theory than the inviscid simulations in terms of the temperature profiles and the collapse of the voids between the particles. Overall, the pressure equilibration mixture theory gives better results. Imposed Velocity FIGURE 1. The initial state of a metallic powder subjected to shock compression. THE MODEL BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM A typical model for a metallic powder [14], idealized as having spherical particles, contains approximately 50 to 250 particles, see Figure 1. The number of particles is chosen so that the particle size distribution is represented with a reasonable statistical accuracy and to eliminate boundary effects. The compression of the powder is modeled by imposing a velocity on one boundary while leaving the remainder fixed. These boundary conditions idealize the sample holder and piston as rigid bodies, but they are typically stiffer than the material being compressed. Boundary effects are observed in the calculations, namely a different packing geometry due to the rigid walls, and for strong shocks, there are some temperature anomalies at the piston face due to the shock viscosity. Although three-dimensional calculations would be best, two-dimensional calculations show excellent qualitative correlation with experiments. For example, FIGURE 2. Comparison of the predicted morphology of a steel powder with the experiment. The contours in the solution represent temperature, with the light regions being the hottest. in Figure 2, the calculation predicts the characteristic shapes of the deformed particles and regions of localized melting. Accurate microstructural models are required for accurately modeling the response of a powder. Many metallic powder particles are adequately approximated by circles in two dimensions. Other powders, however, have particles with irregular shapes, and it is difficult to generate realistic model microstructures. To circumvent this problem, digitized micrographs have been used to generate the computational model. 1089 3. The microstructure is mapped to the computational mesh pixel by pixel. Based on a pixel's gray level, a material number is associated with it, and the pixel's volume is distributed to the appropriate overlapping elements. SHOCK INITIATED CHEMICAL REACTIONS The roles of the material properties, the geometry, and the configuration on the shock-induced reaction threshold (SICR) and the extent of reaction (EOR) in reactions of the type A + B ^ C are investigated in [25, 26,27]. The model reaction, Nb + 2Si ^ NbSi2, was chosen for the research because it has been studied extensively. Modeling the process turned out to be very challenging because of the binary reaction. The material models are independently evaluated for every element in the computational mesh. Using this strategy in our early calculations, when a multi-material element exhausted one of its reactants, the reaction was quenched in the element, thereby limiting the reaction zone to less than one element width. An operator splitting method was introduced to permit nonlocal reactions to occur [25, 27]. Further development of this approach is planned. The chemical kinetics are modeled with an Arrhenius rate equation. There are many methods for constructing the species evolution equations for chemical reactions. The method chosen here closely follows the approach taken by [28] in CHEMKIN, a software package for treating chemical kinetics, developed at Sandia National Laboratory. The general species balance equation for the k-th reaction can be written as B FIGURE 3. The three stages of image processing for importing an experimentally acquired microstructure: A) original micrograph, B) after enhancing the contrast, and C) after the gray scale levels are assigned to indicate the material number. (5) 1=1 The steps for building a model from an experimentally acquired microstructure, shown in Figure 3, are: 1=1 where [jc/] is the molar concentration (mole per unit volume) of the z-th species; and v'ik and v"k are, respectively, the forward and backward stoichiometric coefficients of the z'-th species and the k-th reaction. The corresponding molar production (or destruction) rate of the /-th species (concentration per unit time, summing over K reactions) is given as 1. Generate the digital image of the microstructure. CCD cameras directly provide a digitized image, while photographs must be scanned. 2. Use image processing techniques so that each material element (ME) has a unique gray level. When MEs of the same gray level are adjacent, one of them is assigned a new gray level to preserve their individual identities. K (6) k=l 1090 where r# is the reaction rate for the k-th reaction, which can be expressed as (7) As indicated, r^ is a function of the species concentrations and the instantaneous thermodynamic state of the reacting species. The forward and backward reaction rate coefficients, kfk and &^, respectively, contain the physical state information. The general forms of the Arrhenius rate coefficients are RT (8) and A^k are the forward and backward frequency factors, respectively, which represent the collision probabilities among the species. Efk and E^ are the forward and backward activation energies which represent the energy barriers that the system must overcome in order for the reaction to occur. R is the universal constant and T is the reacting temperature. The morphology evolution in Figure 4 shows that the reaction front essentially coincides with the shock front. Severe plastic flow and jetting of the solid particles can be seen. The silicon reacts almost completely within this duration, and the unreacted material is the excess niobium in the non-stoichiometric powder. Experiments [29, 30, 31, 32] have shown that shockinduced chemical reactions can occur over a time range from hundreds of nanoseconds to microseconds for various solid powder mixtures. Some results support the hypothesis that the reactions initiated during the shock compression are dominated by processes occurring during the stress pulse rise time or throughout the high pressure state before the expansion release, i.e. on the scale of the mechanical equilibration time. The present model produces results that approximate those observations. The pressure pulse first arrived at the right hand side boundary at about 0.34 /*s, and all the voids have collapsed by 0.36/^s. Comparing the left one-third of the domain at times of 0.24 and 0.36 ,ws, it is observed that reactions in this region went to completion before the shock had passed through the specimen. For example, notice the deformed particle shapes in the lower left hand corner FIGURE 4. Material evolution of a baseline model during a SICR simulation at 0.00, 0.24, and 0.36 ps. of the computational domain. The reaction consumes the reactant particles quickly. The unreacted niobium particle shapes deform further, but the niobium content stays the same, indicating that the local reaction rate is very high, and that possibly the entire reaction occurs during the pressure rise time. CONCLUSIONS The multi-material Eulerian finite element method has proven to be an effective tool for modeling the shock processing of powders, including processes with chemical reactions. 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