CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 FIRST RESULTS OF REACTION PROPAGATION RATES IN HMX AT HIGH PRESSURE Daniel L. Farber, Anthony P. Esposito, Joseph M. Zaug, John E. Reaugh, and Chantel M. Aracne University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 7000 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550 Abstract. We have measured the reaction propagation rate (RPR) in octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) powder in a diamond anvil cell over the pressure range 0.7-35 GPa. In order to have a cross-comparison of our experiments, we conducted RPR experiments on nitromethane (NM) up to 15 GPa. Our results on NM are indistinguishable from previous measurements of Rice and Foltz. In comparison to high-pressure NM, the burn rates in solid HMX are 5-10 times faster at pressures above 10 GPa. Numerical simulations of the burn rate of pressurized HMX were also performed for comparison to the results obtained. The simulated burn rates closely approximate the observed rates at pressures up to 3 GPa. However, further refinement to the computational model is required for the calculated burn rates to approach those observed at higher pressures. INTRODUCTION Rice and Foltz (1,2). Here we report the first results of the RPR measurements on octahydro1,3,5,7-tetranitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazocine (HMX) over the pressure range 0.7-35 GPa. In addition, we report calculated RPR values for HMX from 0.1 to 30 GPa. Presently there is a strong interest in firstprinciples modeling of chemical reactions in high explosive (HE) materials. However, the validation of these models requires experimental data at the appropriate pressure and temperature conditions of the reactions of interest. Because these reactions occur over time scales of microseconds, they have resisted experimental characterization of the fundamental processes governing combustion and detonation. The diamond anvil cell (DAC) is well suited for studying these reactions because it provides a high-pressure, variable-temperature sample environment, as well as a window for spectroscopic study of reactions within the DAC. The reaction propagation rate (RPR) of an HE material can be studied directly by confining the material within the DAC and initiating combustion with a focused laser pulse. Our experimental approach is a modification of the earlier work of EXPERIMENTAL The experimental setup is presented in Figure 1. The apparatus and procedure employed were similar to those used by Rice and Foltz (1,2). Samples were contained in a DAC consisting of two opposed 0.25 carat diamonds with culet diameters of 0.5-1.0 mm. Lateral confinement of the -50 //m thick samples was achieved using Inconel 718 or rhenium gaskets with 150-400 jum hole diameters. Ruby powder was deposited onto the surface of the back diamond for determination of the initial pressure using the ruby fluorescence pressure scale. 1015 >L Argon Ion Laser '488 nm /r FIGURE 2. Streak camera records of reacting HMX. The vertical dimension is time, where the edge-to-edge length is 3.2 //s, and the horizontal dimension is distance, where the edge-to-edge length is 353 //m. The parallel vertical lines are due to the undisturbed laser speckle pattern being streaked in time. Deflagration within the sample disturbs the speckle pattern from the point where the ignition pulse strikes the sample. The disturbance moves outward from this point, resulting in the pattern shown here. (A) HMX sample at 21 GPa. The corresponding RPR is 223 m/s. (B) HMX sample at 35 GPa recorded with the same streak duration as in Fig. 3 A. The corresponding RPR is 641 m/s. FIGURE 1. Schematic layout of RPR experimental apparatus as described in the text. The following abbreviations have been used: DAC: diamond anvil cell; NF: holographic notch filter; SF: spatial filter. Both sample illumination and excitation for ruby fluorescence were provided by an argon ion laser operating at 488 nm and ~3 W (Lexel model 95). The cw 488 nm beam was passed through a spatial filter and defocused into the DAC in order to fully illuminate the sample. Sample ignition was provided by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (New Wave MiniLase 11-20), frequency-doubled to 532 nm, with pulses of ~9 ns duration. During optical alignment, the 532 nm pulse energies were kept below 0.1 /J to prevent accidental ignition. The 532 nm beam was made collinear with the 488 nm beam using a holographic bandpass filter, and was focused to a ~5 //m spot size in the center of the sample region illuminated by the 488 nm beam. Transmitted light from the sample was magnified (~10x) and focused onto a 10-50 //m-wide slit, and was then magnified (9.5x) after the slit. For ruby fluorescence measurements, the emission was focused onto the entrance slit of a /1.8 spectrograph (Kaiser Optics), and detected by a liquid-nitrogen cooled CCD camera (Princeton Instruments). After pressure measurements, the laser speckle pattern from the DAC, due to illumination by the 488 nm beam, was directed to an EG&G L-CA-20 electronic streak camera (Polaroid film type 57, 3000 speed) operating at streak durations between 1.8 and 10 jus. Ignition pulse energies were determined by a Molectron EPM 2000 energy meter, and were in the range of 1-10 /J. A holographic notch filter placed before the streak camera slit was used to attenuate the 532 nm light to prevent over-exposure of the streak image. Typical streak images are shown in Figure 2. Samples consisted of ultrafine HMX containing less than 0.7% RDX, with a uniform grain size of -3 jum. In addition, RPR studies of nitromethane (NM) were conducted for comparison with the previous data of Rice and Foltz (1). Figure 3 presents a comparison of NM burn rates obtained by Rice and Foltz with those obtained in our laboratory. Our results are essentially indistinguishable from those previously obtained. I 40- CO a-g o c 1 S .9, +-* u 5 10 Pressure (GPa) 20 FIGURE 3. Pressure dependence of the RPR for NM. The data obtained in our laboratory are shown in large circles over the RPR data obtained by Rice and Foltz (1). 1016 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION I a Table 1 presents the experimental RPR values obtained in the present study on HMX in the pressure range 0.7-35 GPa, and those calculated for pressures between 0.1 and 30 GPa (see below). The data presented in Table 1 have been plotted in Figure 4; also depicted in Fig. 4 is a best-fit curve to strand burner data on LX-04 (85 wt% HMX, 15 wt% Viton-A) obtained by Maienschein et al. (3). There is good agreement between the experimental and calculated values for pressures up to 3 GPa; however, at higher pressures the data sets diverge. Direct numerical simulations of a propagating planar flame front were made using ALE-3D, an arbitrary Lagrange-Eulerian computer simulation program under development at this laboratory. In these simulations, the program was exercised as though it were a one-dimensional Lagrange program with plane symmetry. The simulations include heat transfer by conduction, and a simplified global reaction scheme fitted to onedimensional time-to-explosion experiments (4). The first of the three reactions is endothermic, the second moderately exothermic, and the third 3.0 3.7 7.7 9.1 11 12 13 14 21 25 30 35 ,* CO a: ^ g 'to 10 & 1 '"^ * — --< i. ——s-\ i--i / s'' D) 2 a. o ^i_. ^-^" 01 "^\ r --X CO 4r ^A P 0.01 X 0. 01 0.1 1 10 Pressure (GPa) FIGURE 4. Pressure dependence of the reaction propagation rate for HMX and LX-04. Values obtained in this study on pure HMX are indicated by the points (diamonds: experimental; squares: calculated), while the thick curve is the best fit to strand burner data on LX-04 from Maienschein et al. (3). The thin curve fits to the data are present to guide the eye, and are described by the following equations: fit to experiment: RPR = (pressure)A1.81; to calculation: RPR = (pressure)A0.67. TABLE 1. Experimental and Calculated Reaction Propagation Rates for HMX._______________ Pressure (GPa) 0.1 0.7 1.0 1.7 2.8 j> . "2. 100 exothermic. Four equations of state are required: the solid unreacted material; the solid endothermic product; moderately exothermic gas, described as a relatively high molecular weight gas; and the final products of HMX decomposition. The latter two gas equations of state were described by interpolating tables constructed using CHEQ, a thermochemical equilibrium computer program (5). The numerical simulation is ignited by raising the temperature of one face of the one-dimensional slab to the approximate flame temperature. That face is also maintained as a constant pressure boundary, and the opposite face has no normal displacement. After an initial transient the flame propagates as a steady, constant velocity process through the initially cold but pressurized HMX reactant. This steady velocity is then recorded. Repeating the calculations with different initial pressures provides the simulation results of flame speed as a function of pressure. The spatial resolution (zone-size) needed to resolve the flame Rate (m/s) Experimental Calculated 0.5 4.3 ± 0.8 2.6 9.5 ±2.5 11.0 ±2.0 3.8 9.3 ± 0.9 53.0 ±5.3 152 + 5.5 186+19 7.0 228 ± 18 242 ± 23 222 ± 23 257 ± 26 9.0 641 ± 70 1017 front depends on pressure and flame speed. Higher flame speed requires finer mesh resolution to capture the spatial gradient. Lower pressure requires finer mesh resolution to capture the spatial gradient in the product gas. For these Lagrange simulations, the gas products, and so the finitedifference zones, expand much more at low pressure than at high pressure. In our simulations the zone-size was typically a few nanometers, and the flame thickness a few hundred nanometers. The Arrhenius chemical reaction rates used in these simulations are temperature-dependent, but not pressure-dependent. The observed pressure dependence in the simulations comes from the separation of hot gas products from the cold surface that is large for the low-density, low-pressure products, and is small for the high-density, highpressure products. A second-order effect is the change of thermal conductivity with density. Although there are many parameters used to describe the mechanical, chemical, and thermal properties of the four species used in these simulations, none are specifically fit to or determined by flame propagation. They are obtained independently. The factor of two or three difference between theory and experiment at low pressure is undoubtedly due to deficiencies in the thermal and chemical properties used, which were taken from near-atmospheric pressure experiments. Nevertheless, we consider the agreement with experiment to be surprisingly good. The substantial deviation from the measured flame propagation speed and our simulations at high pressure is apparently due to the inadequacies of our simplified and global chemical reactions that were determined by ODTX experiments at roughly 0.1 GPa. We anticipate further research in this area. The significance of the experimental results is that they may constrain the physics and chemistry behind our canonical model of initiation and growth of reaction in explosives from hot spots. We feel that time-resolved temperature, and, to a lesser degree, pressure measurements under the RPR experimental conditions are required to confidently guide future computational developments. In all such models, it is postulated that the hot spots, once formed, link up by the mechanism of laminar flame spreading. Knowing the ratio of the flame spread velocity at high pressure, on the order of 35 to 50 GPa, to the detonation velocity is the necessary coupling between the average separation of hot spots and the thickness of the reaction zone of a quasi-planar detonation front. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS *This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under contract number W-7405-Eng-48. We thank C. M. Tarver for his support of this work. REFERENCES 1. Rice, S.F., and Foltz, M. F., Combustion and Flame 87, 109-122 (1991). 2. Foltz, M. F., Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics 18, 210-216 (1993). 3. Maienschein, J. L., and Chandler, J. B., "Burn Rates of Pristine and Degraded Explosives at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures," Eleventh International Detonation Symposium, Snowmass, CO, 1998. 4. McGuire, R. R., and Tarver, C. M., "Chemical Decomposition Models for the Thermal Explosion of Confined HMX, TATB, RDX, and TNT Explosives," Seventh Symposium (International) on Detonation, Annapolis, MD, 1981. 5. Ree, F. H., J. Chem. Phys. 81, 1251-1263 (1984). 1018
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