CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 THE BURNING RATE OF ALUMINIUM PARTICLES IN CYLINDER TESTS. David J. Evans1, Alec M. Milne1 and lan Softley2 1 Fluid Gravity Engineering Ltd, 83 Market Street, St. Andrews, Fife, KY16 9NX, U.K. Defence Evaluation Research Agency, Porton Down, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 OJQ, U.K. 2 Abstract. Aluminium is a common fuel component in propellants and explosives. There is a wealth of literature on Aluminium combustion in gases at relatively low pressure but limited data on combustion at high pressure (as in explosive detonation products). In this work we have carried out and analysed cylinder tests with Aluminium loaded explosives with a view to assessing the applicability of low pressure burning rates in this regime. The analysis makes use of detailed numerical two phase flow modelling and a range of experiments used to validate other relevant aspects of the physics, such as drag laws. We conclude that the burning rate is significantly faster than that implied by extrapolating laws applicable at lower pressures. The experimental data for this work was provided from Standard Cylinder Tests. The experimental arrangement for our cylinder tests is shown in Fig. 1. The cylinder is 300mm long with inner diameter 25mm and outer diameter 30mm. The Debrix pellet is 25mm long and is centrally initiated by an RP80 detonator. The mixtures considered here are NitroMethane combined with Aluminium particles at varied loading densities and particle sizes. The standard diagnostic is to measure the radius of the cylinder at 200mm from the point of initiation. INTRODUCTION Aluminium particles burning in a low pressure environment, e.g. air, typically exhibit a dependence of the burn time on particle size of the form [1,2, 3], (i) where ^ is the burn time, d§ is the particle diameter and a is a constant. Typically the value of a is 4xl06sm~2. In the course of studying propellants and explosives it is of interest to study the burning of such particles in a high pressure environment such as occurs detonation. There is limited data available on this subject so a coupled modelling (FGE) and experimental (DERA) programme was instigated. We have also made use of cylinder test data published by Baudin et al. [4], Cylinder Debrix Initiator pellet FIGURE 1. Standard Cylinder Test These experiments have been modelled using a two-dimensional, axi-symmetric hydrocode 1011 experiments is probably less reliable than Baudin's VIS AR data in the early stages previously used in two-phase modelling of Aluminium Detonation [5]. The mixture is modelled using two-phase flow where the NM uses a "programmed burn" approach: the burn front moves at a constant, pre-determined, speed releasing energy as it moves through the explosive. In order to infer the effects of particle burning rate From cylinder tests it is important to ensure first that the model accurately represents cylinder tests with no particles and also with inert particles. Nylon cylinder Test. NM + 1mm Steel balls MODEL VERIFICATION First, consider cylinder tests with no particles present. Data from Baudin and Softley are available to compare with and Fig. 2 shows the results obtained. The plots show the cylinder radius at 200mm from the initiator. The programmed burn model for the NM uses parameters obtained from the CHEETAH code [6]. The model fits the Baudin data better in the early stages but later the match is better for the terminal speed of the Softley data. time (microsec) FIGURE 3. 1mm steel particles (not burning) in NitroMethane: comparison of experimental and numerical data BURNING PARTICLES Baudin's paper presents results using 5|im and lOOnm diameter particles at 20% and 40% loading densities by weight. The experimental data shown for the lOOnm AL at 40% loading indicates radial motion much slower than the 5[im case. This is difficult to understand in that all other work has indicated that the smaller particles should burn more quickly and yet this result moves more slowly than even the simulation of inert particles. Comparison with the 20% experimental data shows that this is a unique result and so calls into question the validity of this particular experiment and for t this reason this case is neglected here. Copper Cylinder Tests In order to assess the particle burning it is necessary for the the numerical model to incorporate a burn law. Usually the EDEN code uses a constant radial burn velocity law. Assuming the particles are spherical and burning occurs all over the surface simultaneously, the radius of the particle reduces at a constant rate. The rate of mass burnt per second is then proportional to the rate of change of the particle volume: FIGURE 2. Comparison of programmed burn model with experimental data To assess the dynamic effects of the particles an experiment was carried out using 1mm diameter steel particles, which do not burn, in the NitroMethane at a volume fraction of 62%. It can be seen that the agreement is good though there is some discrepancy in the early stages when the radius variation is small. The photographic measurement technique employed in these dV — dt 1012 dr — dt (2) An alternative law often used in these models is to assume that the rate of change of the surface area of the particle is a constant. In this case the rate of change of volume is: dt dt 80-20 Al Smicron Cylinder Wall Radii (3) By varying the particle burn time until a best fit is obtained with the 40%, 5|im Al data it is possible to get an estimate of the burn time. For this case a burn time of BOjus was found. The fit is good but there is a discernible difference in the second derivative with the simulation producing more motion at late time. One possible solution to this is to reduce the burn energy of the particles. This is reasonable since the given energy release is only valid if the Aluminium is completely burnt. It seems plausible that this will not be the case since an oxide layer will be present initially and complete combustion requires carefully controlled amounts of the fuel and oxidant. Therefore a second fit was attempted with the particle burn energy reduced from 1.33xl07J/kg to 1.0xl07J/kg. The resulting fit is shown in Fig. 4 and was achieved using a burn time of 24^us. This is a better fit to the data than the full burn model. FIGURE 5. Best fit of 5^um particle burn simulation with reduced burn energy The 20%, 5jUm particle case was simulated using the same burn energy and time parameters derived for the 40% Al runs, as would be expected if the dsquared law held. The resulting simulation shows that in the early time the cylinder wall motion is slower than with no particles for the first few /xs, disagreeing with the experimental data as can be seen in Fig. 5. Even with the burn energy returned to the full value of 1.33xl07J/kg the radial motion is still too slow as can be seen in Fig. 6. In this case it seems that a more complex relationship between burn time and particle size than the simple square law discussed earlier may apply. 60-40 Al Smicron Cylinder Wall R 80-20 Alex il Cylinder Wall Radii Optimised Burning A) Smicron Inert Al Smicron Baudin, Smicron particles Inert Alex II 0.07 Burning Alex II Baudin, Alex II particles 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 3e-OS Time(s) FIGURE 4. Best fit of 5/im particle burn simulation to Baudin data 3e-05 Time (s) FIGURE 6. Summary of results for 20% by weight of 5jUm Al particles Using the ^-squared law and extrapolating from the optimised case above (40%, 5mm) gives a burn 1013 time of 9.6ns for lOOnm particles. Using this in the simulations gives a good fit to the experimental data as can be seen in Fig 6. possibly dependence on other factors such as loading density. Improved modelling capabilities for the NitroMethane and the particle elements have been developed and these will be applied to this problem in the near future so that a better understanding of the burn laws may be developed. These models used the constant radial burn velocity law. To consider whether there is any dependence on the form of burn law the first run was repeated with the constant rate of area change law. The optimisation procedure for the 40%, Sum case was repeated using such a burn law and this yielded a burn time of 25jns, very close to the previous value. There appears to be little dependence on the nature of the law, only the speed. If the burn times were much longer this may not remain true. REFERENCES 1 Khasainov, B. A. and Veyssiere, B., Archivium Combustionis, 7, 333-352, 1987 2 Bouriannes, R., Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Poitiers, 1971 3 Marion, M., Chauveau, C. and Gokalp, L., "Studies on the Ignition and Burning of Levitated Aluminium Particles", Combust Scl and Tech., 1996,115, 369-390 4 Baudin, G. et al, "Combustion of Nanophase Aluminium in the Detonation Products of Nitromethane, 11th Detonation Symposium, Snowmass, 1998 5 Milne, A. M. and Evans, D. J., "Numerical Modelling of Two-Phase Reactive Flow and Aluminised Explosives", in Shock Wave Processes in Condensed Media, I. G. Cameron (Ed.), Hunting Brae, U.K., 1997 6 Fried, L. E., Cheetah 1.39 User Manual, 1996 CONCLUSIONS With a limited set of experimental data available it has been possible to begin testing the applicability of relationships between particle burn time and particle diameter in high pressure environments. In all cases it has been found that the burn time is significantly shorter than would be predicted by the d-squared law with the a value appropriate for combustion in low pressure environments. The burn times are reduced by a factor of 4 in general. However not all results are consistent with this reduction: one result in particular showed an even shorter burn time. It seems likely that the dsquared law is still applicable in high pressure environments but with different coefficients and 1014
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