CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 MECHANISTIC MODEL OF HOT-SPOT: A UNIFYING FRAMEWORK K. Yano, Y. Horie, and D. Greening Applied Physics Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 Abstract. A one dimensional hot-spot model is proposed to consider wide range of ignition scenarios for solid high explosives. Model components commonly found in typical mechanistic hot-spot models are included in the model. They are a finite region of enhanced heating in the solid matrix, a space occupied by gases, heat flow between solid and gas phases, and chemical reaction in the gas phase, at the solid-gas interface, or both. The model also contains advanced features of spherical pore-collapse models. Test calculations based on cyclonite (RDX) data show that the model behavior is comparable to that of spherical models under conditions indicative of shock initiation. Critical conditions for ignition is summarized in a single chart in terms of total energy dissipation, the rate of energy dissipation, and the size of hot-spot. INTRODUCTION we consider a model that incorporates these features without introducing the mechanismspecific traits. In high explosive (HE) science, the existence of "hot-spot," or the region where energy dissipation is highly localized is generally accepted as essential to the ignition of explosives. Various mechanisms for hot-spot have been proposed, such as pre collapse, shear banding, friction, and fracture (1-5). Currently, there is no agreement as to the mechanism(s) by which the dissipation is localized (6). To model hot-spot initiation of HE, one typically choose a mechanism that describes mechanical energy dissipation. The mechanism tends to imply a specific geometry that may not be typical of the actual localization. In addition, any single-mechanism approach quickly becomes problematic in a complex system such as polymer-binder explosives (PBX). If one examines the various models, setting aside the mechanisms, a common modeling structures become clear. They are a region of enhanced heating, creation or existence of the region occupied by gas, heat flow between the regions, and chemical reaction in the gas, at the solid-gas interface, or both. In this study, MODEL DESCRIPTION Figure 1 shows the simplified one dimensional model that incorporates the components commonly found in pore collapse, shear band, friction models of hot-spot. The model consists of solid mass, gas cavity, and the interface. The solid phase is assumed to be incompressible. Thus the particle velocity is common, and it is determined by the force balance on the solid phase through the equation of motion. Temperature profile is calculated using analytic solution for a fixed length bar with heat source. The energy localization is represented parametrically by the size of the heating region, J, with a known heating rate, <j>8. In this way, the very significant issue of how to consider the localization as dependent on the state of the material is set aside for the moment. Instead, attention is focused on whether a model constructed on this framework produces results that are consistent with other 983 Pore Collapse Shear Band =3.3Xl016W/m3 Friction J_GPa (a) 1 5|Lim H-h- 0.25 [im 8.6 Jim external load (gas phase) infcjrface g is cavity • * solid mass (solid phase) 2 adiabatic 1>oundary W/m IQMPa (b) —— heating zone external load 90 Jim lOum o (gas pnase) (solid phase) FIGURE 1. A schematic of the one dimensional model FIGURE 2. structure that consists of the essential components com- Conditions for ignition simulations, (a) The heat is deposited over a finite thickness region at the monly found in typical mechanistic hot-spot models. rate (f>a. (b) The heat is deposited at the solid-gas inter- Three major regions are identified: gas cavity, solid-gas face at the rate (j>ati. interface, and solid mass with a region of localized heating. the same features found in the spherical hot-spot model by Kang, et al. (2), except that in Kang's model the heating rate and zone width is coupled with the geometry instead of free parameters as in this paper. Details of the model are found in mechanistic models by ranging over the parameter space. At the solid-gas interface, conditions are imposed for mass, momentum, and energy conservation. There is mass flux, m, into the gas phase, which is caused by the localized heating in the solid phase. The flux is determined by the interface temperature. Part of the mass flux may go through an instantaneous chemical reaction. Heating at the solid-gas interface can also be considered as a known heating rate, $5j;, depending on the modeling needs such as friction. In the gas phase, time evolution of the average density, temperature, and chemical species are described by a set of ordinary differential equations. The equations are obtained through integral form of conservation equations. Heat flow is considered between the gas phase and the interface. The equation of state is a modified form of the ideal gas equation of state (Abel equation of state). The gas-phase reaction is described by a single-step reaction with the Arrhenius kinetics model. Mathematically, the system consists of 7 ordinary differential equations with 10 algebraic equations. Runge-Kutta scheme was used for time integration. The model contains essentially (7). MODEL CALCULATIONS Three simulation results are presented. The first two are concerned with ignition simulations for different types of heat deposition as depicted in Figs. 2 (a) and (b). The third result presents a parametric study of critical ignition conditions. Figure 2 (a) shows simulation conditions where heat is deposited within a finite volume in the solid matrix. At time t — 0, a confining pressure of 1 GPa was applied to the solid matrix. At the same time, heat was added over the thickness of 0.25 /mi at a constant rate of 3.3xl0 16 W/m 3 . The heat deposition was terminated at 150 ns. These conditions are comparable to those in Kang et al. (2), and indicative of shock initiation. The rate of heat flux was deduced from the results by Kang et al. (2), Massoni et al. (3), and Bonnet and Butler (8). Our value is close to the average of the three. Lastly, the duration of heat deposition was selected so 984 (a) (b) (a) (b) FIGURE 3. Results of simulation where heat is added FIGURE 4. Results of simulation where heat is added over a finite region as shown in Fig. 2 (a). Time evolu- at the interface as shown in Fig. 2 (b). Time evolutions tions are shown for (a) displacement of the interface and are shown for (a) displacement of the interface and the the adiabatic solid boundary measured from their initial adiabatic solid boundary measured from their initial po- positions, and (b) temperatures of the gas phase and the sitions, and (b) temperatures of the gas phase and the interface. interface. that the system results in ignition after removal of the heat. Figures 3 (a) and (b) show time histories of the interface and solid outer boundary displacements, and temperatures of gas phase and the interface, respectively. Upon the application of external pressure, the pore starts to collapse at almost constant velocity during the period 0 < t < 170 ns. The deviation of interface displacement from that of outer solid boundary reflects the effect of mass flux at the interface. The interface temperature rises steadily until t = 150 ns, when the heat addition is turned off. When the temperature exceeds approximately 940 K, the rate of temperature increase slows down because the heat consumed for sublimation of the solid exceeds the heat evolved from surface chemical reaction. In the gas phase, the temperature increases steadily, mainly because of heat conduction from the interface. At about 170 ns, the conditions in the gas phase reach a critical state, and the accumulated reactant gas reacts in a near discontinuous manner. Because of high density and high temperature after the reaction, the pressure of the gas reaches well above the confining pressure (about 3 GPa) and expands the gas pore (Fig. 3(a)). Once the expansion occurs, both the gas temperature and pressure start to drop. Although there are some minor differences, the observed model behaviors and those presented by Kang et al. (2) are very similar in general. In the second simulation, the heat was de- posited to the interface, as shown in Fig. 2 (b). The heating rate was made comparable, in estimate, to that caused by sliding solid explosive over a rough surface at 10 m/s under the imposed normal stress of 10 MPa. The corresponding energy flux is 2 x 107 W/m 2 . The deposition of energy was maintained for the duration of 350 /^s. Figures 4 (a) and (b) show time evolutions of the interface and solid outer boundary displacements, and temperatures of gas phase and the interface, respectively. The maximum compression is reached almost instantaneously and the solid plate remains virtually at rest for 0 < t < 150 /^s. During this time period, the interface and gasphase temperatures rise steadily. Also, the temperatures are nearly in equilibrium (Fig. 4(b)). As the interface temperature rises, it starts to deviate from the gas temperature at about 150 /^s as a result of exothermic reaction at the interface. At the same time, mass flux increases rapidly and effects a pressure rise in the gas phase. At about 270 /^s, the gas-phase pressure exceeds the imposed stress, and the pore starts to expand, as seen in Fig. 2(a). Finally, at about 395 /^s, the reactant accumulated in the gas phase reaches a critical temperature and undergoes an explosive reaction, causing an almost instantaneous jump in temperature and pressure. These jumps are followed by rapid drops because of pore expansion. Lastly, Fig. 5 shows the results of critical 985 The specific calculations, based on the RDX data, show ignition behaviors consistent with those published for a comparable mechanismspecific model (2,5). Secondly, an initial parametric study was presented. The results, in the form of an ignition chart, are compatible with observations on the size range and duration of heating required for an effective hot-spot ignition source, 0.1 to 10 /im and 10~5 to 10~3 s, respectively (6). The results also show that ignition thresholds depend not only on total energy deposition, but also on the rate of deposition and the size of the zone where the energy is localized. Ef!::||E EiEiEiE E: EizlEtEfcE zSEtE: Total energy input (J) E: '""i'"""f""'"'"'"" E: E: EE EE E:: EiizEE EElE ........ ^j . . . .i. . . . ,-r^ SEE EliIE;3± ztjzjz: s d=l::: X £•»« ... E: :::::!::: :"::::p:4:::: :::::::£ ^fefz: ESEt: :E EHE •Ep? •--{•-- ::!::E: :::" !EE;EE!1EE !!ZZ l!Zl!Z! ::::: 3 <1>. (W/m ) 3.3x1 016 3.3x10" 3.3x1 014 Heating zone, 5 (ym) FIGURE 5. Parametric study of critical ignition con- ditions in terms of the total energy input to the hot-spot as a function of the heat deposition rate (f>3 and the size REFERENCES of the heating zone S. 1. Davis, W.C, Los Alamos Science 2, 48-75 (1981). 2. Rang, J., Butler, P.B., Baer, M.R, Combustion and Flame 89, 117-139 (1992). 3. Dienes, J.K., "A unified theory of flow, hot spots, and fragmentation, with an application to explosive sensitivity," in High-Pressure Shock Compression of Solids II, edited by L. Davison, D.E. Grady, and M. Shahinpoor, Springer, New York, 1995, pp. 366-398. 4. Bennett, J.G, Haberman, K.S., Johnson, J.N., Assay, B.W., and Henson, B.F., J. Mech. Phys. Solids 46, 2303-2322 (1998). 5. Massoni, J., Saurel, R., Baudin, B., and Demol, G., Phys. Fluids 11, 710-736 (1999). 6. Field, J.E., Bourne, N.K., Palmer, S.J.P., and WaUey, S.M., Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A339, 269-283 (1992). 7. Yano, K, Horie, Y., and Greening, D.R., "A unifying framework for hot spots and the ignition of energetic materials," Los Alamos National Laboratory Report (in process). 8. Bonnet, D.L. and Butler, P.B., J. Propul. Power 12, 680-690 (1996). conditions for ignition in terms of total energy deposition as a function of hot-spot size 6 and rate of energy dissipation (/)s. The simulation condition is essentially the same as those shown in Fig. 2 (a), except that 8 and <j>8 are changed for the parametric study. For a given S and </> 5 , any energy above the profile leads to ignition and any energy below does not lead to ignition. The profiles are characterized by the existence of minima and convergence for large 8. In the left branch of the minimum point, less energy is required for larger 8. This is because heat loss at the interface resulting from conduction becomes smaller as the size of the hot-spot increases. On the other hand, in the right branch, more energy is required for larger 8 simply because of the volume increase. The curve approaches a linear profile for large values of 8 as the effect of thermal conduction becomes negligible. The convergence behavior for large 8 indicates that the ignition occurs as the interface temperature reaches the critical value (thermal ignition). CONCLUSIONS Two distinct conclusions are highlighted. Firstly, the model was tested well under conditions indicative of a shock-load/pore-collapse ignition regime and a frictional ignition regime. 986
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