CP620, Shock Compression of Condensed Matter - 2001 edited by M. D. Furnish, N. N. Thadhani, and Y. Horie © 2002 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0068-7/02/$ 19.00 EFFECT OF GMB ON FAILURE AND REACTION REGIME OF NM/PMMA-GMB MIXTURES Jose Gois, Jose Campos and Igor Plaksin Laboratory of Energetics and Detonics, Av. Universidade de Coimbra, 3150 Condeixa, Portugal Mechanical Department, University of Coimbra, Pinhal de Marrocos, 3030 Coimbra, Portugal Abstract. The effect of the addition of small amounts of glass microballoons (GMB) on heterogeneous explosives has been investigated with the aim of understanding mechanisms that lead to the strong reduction of its critical diameter. However, there is no clear identification of the changes on detonation wave propagation and its structural features. To obtain a better understanding of the contribution of GMB as a particular heterogeneity, the detonation failure and the re-initiation of NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures is studied. Corner turning configuration was performed in order to determine the influence of the GMB concentration and size on failure phenomena by observing the trajectories of the divergent shock waves around the corner. The shape of the printed traces on a copper witness plate, coupled with detonation velocity and front curvature measurements, was used to evaluate the evolution of the detonation reaction regime and its cellular structure. The obtained results of printed flow lines show significant changes of the original pattern of the propagation of the detonation wave. The structural colliding and divergent waves were successful identified and explained. diameter allowing the propagation of detonation front (4). In previous work Gois et al. (4) observed for 1 percent mass fraction of GMB in NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures, significant changes in the original pattern of NM/PMMA matrix. Close to the failure thickness, the critical pressure pulse of the initiation of the shock front to induce a CJ plane wave is just critical for an initiation detonation. Dremin (5) has explained the conical failure wave generated when the detonation front (DF) reaches the section, corresponding to an abrupt increasing of cylinder charge diameter. The purpose of the present work is to determine the effect of hot-spots induced by GMB collapse on failure phenomena and re-initiation of light heterogeneous explosives, in order to better understand the complex mechanism of propagation and detonation as described in literature. A copper witness plate and different strips of 64 optical fibres are used to measure respectively the grid of INTRODUCTION The influence of the addition of a small amount of inert particles to NM has long been known to drastically change failure thickness (1). Glass microballoons (GMB) were used with success to sensitize homogeneous NM/PMMA (96/4) matrix. Increased mass fraction and decreased particle size were found to increase the shock sensitivity of NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures (2). The shock pressure to initiate detonation is lowered as manifested by the decrease of critical diameter and failure thickness (2,3). The increase of the energy release rate due of hot spots induced by GMB collapse compensates the effect of the rarefaction, avoiding the breakdown of the reaction zone in the detonation front. As proved in previous work, a decrease of particle size and rise of concentration increases the density of the reinitiation sites and strongly reduces the critical 898 perturbations and the curvature and velocity of shock waves around the corner. Corner turning tests and Results Corner turning experiments of detonation front propagation of NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures were performed for different concentrations of GMB. The setup consists of an aluminium channel of 80 mm length with a square section of 12x12 mm. Copper plate of 5 mm thickness is used as witness plate. A strip consisting of 64 optical fibers is used in different positions to record the light induced by the detonation front around the corner. A fast electronic streak camera (THOMSON TSN 506N) is used to record the signals. Figure 1 shows the setup and configuration used to measure the curvature of shock wave propagation from the end of the channel. Two more configurations not shown were adopted to measure the radial propagation of shock front, the conical failure and the extension of the dark zone around the corner. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS Explosives mixtures and preparation The heterogeneous explosives mixtures used in this study are based in a homogeneous explosive mixture of NM/PMMA (96/4 wt). The amount of PMMA increases viscosity of the mixtures and avoids buoyancy GMB, without changing the original detonation characteristics of NM (2). GMB (QCel 520 FPS and QCel 300), supplied by Asko Inc., were selected to perform NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures. QCel 300 GMB was sieved to obtain large particle diameters. Both classes of GMB have a wall thickness of about lum. Table 1 shows the range and mean particle diameter of GMB's used. TABLE 1. Range and mean diameter of GMB used in NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures. [mm] [mm] QCel 520FPS 16-79 45±1 Effective density [kg.rn'3] 220 QCel 300* 21 - 146 92±2 151 GMB dio - d9o dso * Selected size distribution after sieving. The diameter distribution of GMB's was obtained by laser diffraction spectrometry. The effective density was measured using helium picnometry. The experiments were performed for a range temperature of 15°C to 20 °C. Tab. 2 shows the mass fraction of GMB's and the density of final mixture. FIGURE 1. Corner turning test experimental setup. Figure 2 shows the change on the detonation front curvature of NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures caused by the abrupt transition of detonation front between the channel and the corner. For 1% of GMB, the conical failure of shock front induced by the rarefaction waves at the corner is identified. Near the vertex of conical failure, a semihemispherical re-initiation point appears and curvature is strongly reduced. From the erosion in the witness copper plate (vd. Fig. 3) the angle corresponding to conical failure, the quenching distance at the edge of the corner, the dark zone and the interaction of divergent shock waves and the reinitiation front from the vertex of conical failure can be seen. TABLE 2. Mass fraction of GMB's and density of NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures. dso [mm] 45±1 92±2 GMB mass fraction [%1 1 3 Density [kg.m-3] 1 3 1088±10 1090±5 104019 928±15 899 axis at the end of the channel (vd. Fig. 4). Previous work (4) has shown no light at 90° immediately at the corner. Results show that divergent shock wave velocity is reduced when GMB concentration increases. Shock front velocity decreases continually from the axis of initiation of divergent shock wave. FIGURE 2. Typical streak records of detonation front curvature for NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures (1% GMB, d5o=45um) obtained with the test arrangement of Fig. 1. FIGURE 4. Experimental divergent shock wave velocity obtained in three directions (0°, 30° and 60°) from the axis, at the end of the channel. Three strip of fibers, each one on them divided in three groups, and fixed at different angles from the axis of initiation channel have shown that the divergent shock wave is not circular. Fig. 5 shows the photochronogram obtained from the light transmitted from the three groups of fibers distributed in three rings around the axis, fixed at 50°, 0° and +50° from the axis of the channel around the corner. The result allows evaluates of the shape of DF as function of radial distance and time. The following are observed in the photochronograms: (I) the preferential DF is developed in the range angle of 45° to 60°, from the explosive mixture - confinement interface; (II) the detonation front in the range angle of 60° to 90° accelerates, reducing the delay of detonation front, at the middle of the mushroom shape, characteristics of divergent detonation front. The steady state interactions of transversal waves induced by rarefaction waves from the walls of the channel (vd. Fig. 6) are identified from the erosion profiles on the witness copper plate. The re- FIGURE 3. Picture of witness copper plate showing erosion around the corner induced by failure and re-initiation of NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures with 1% GMB (d5o=45^m). The comparison between the results obtained for NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures and its of reference NM/PMMA(96/4) matrix allows to verify the influence of GMB on the reduction of the angle of conical failure. The radial velocity of divergent shock wave was measured at three angles (0°, 30° and 60°) from the 900 reaction zone generating an inversion of two hemispherical detonation fronts created from the conical failure boundaries. The collisions of transverse waves and microdetonations, induced by hot spots, sustain a regular cellular structure proportional spaced to the reaction zone thickness. The grid of regular pattern changes with the interparticle distance of GMB. initiation of detonation starts at the periphery of conical failure from the collision of transverse waves. The detonation starts again at the conical failure and expands to the lateral pre-compressed zones giving rise to two hemispherical detonation fronts. The shock reflection at the collisions of the adjacent hemispherical detonation is initially regular, but as the angle of collision increases, a Mach stem appears. This Mach stem overtakes the original front and accelerates the detonation front. of FIGURE 6. Erosion profiles on witness copper plate, around the corner, induced by propagation of detonation front of NM/PMMA-GMB mixture with 3% GMB(d50=45um). REFERENCES 1. Engelke R (1979) Effect of a physical inhomogeneity on steady-state detonation velocity. In Phys. Fluids, vol. 22, (9), pp. 1623-1630. 2. Gois JC (1995) Influencia das micro esferas ocas de vidro na detona9&o da mistura nitrometano-polimetilmetacrilato, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal. 3. Gois JC, Campos J, Mendes, R (1995) On extinction detonation behavior of NM-PMMA-GMB mixtures. In Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Seattle, Washington, Part. 2, pp. 827-830. 4. Gois JC, Campos J, Plaksin I, Mendes R (1997) Failure and re-initiation detonation phenomena in NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures. In Proceedings of the Conference of the American Physical Society on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Amherst, Massachusetts, pp. 691-694. 5. Dremin A. Razanov SD, Trofimov VS (1963) On the detonation of nitromethane. In Combustion and Flame, vol. 7, pp.153-162. FIGURE 5. Signals of DF at the angles -50°, 0° and 50° from the axis of the channel in three equal spaced rings around the corner. CONCLUSIONS The optical records obtained using an optical technique, based in several strips of fibers, and the erosion profiles on a witness copper plate are coupled to determine the influence of GMB heterogeneities in NM/PMMA-GMB mixtures. The increasing of GMB concentration reduces the angle of conical failure and the extension of dark zone. The presence of GMB induces hot spots into the 901
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